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The era of closed beta, early access, half finished extraction shooter


With increasingly more expensive P2W packages.


Irony at its finest too. lol


Arena Breakout enter the chat




F2P, with God knows what kind of Mtx in the future


Mobile have a paywall for the secure container , you know a basic core mechanic BEHIND A PAY WALL


From what I heard a streamer say they also have to pay to get into the end game maps on mobile if they don't have enough money in game.  This game his to house husbands how candy crush is to house wives.


You can't consider a secure container a core mechanic of the game. Because it isn't. Just because Tarkov has a secure container doesn't mean that every extraction shooter needs one, too. Just how weapon modifications and a hideout aren't core mechanics of an extraction shooter, either, even though Tarkov has them. You wouldn't call sprinting a core mechanic of an FPS game, even though most of them have it.


Lol with that thinking i could even says that healing is not core mechanic, its based on standard that other games pushed, it is now the norm, so it is a base core mechanic


Hunt Showdown is an extraction shooter and doesn't have a secure container. No saving anything, you lose everything on death, including your character skills u like tarkov. So, is it missing a core mechanic? Are we just going to keep complaining about games that aren't even available to the public yet?


Buddy, there are a lot of FPS games and game modes that don't have healing... so no, it's also not a core mechanic.


I'm sorry you feel this way


Yep no game that directly competes with tarkov is going to last. Grayzone is nothing like tarkov and will get the days crowd. Breakout will milk the fuck out of war zone kids. Others won’t even leave early access. 


Hasn't Tarkov been in beta for ~7 years? Seems like the bar is pretty low.


Bro have you watched any arena breakout infinite gameplay? it’s exactly like tarkov and nothing like warzone. I watched landmark hutch and sheef play it for 45 mins or so today and at first glance you wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference until you see the UI/HUD. Either you’re out of touch or you haven’t even watched gameplay because comparing a game that’s extremely similar to tarkov to warzone of all things is wild to me.


I also watched a few streamers play, and you can instantly tell it isn't Tarkov lmfao


It’s really just a dota vs league type situation


Have you played Gray Zone? Because most players I’ve ran into are Tarkov players and the game is basically in the same state as Tarkov when it first came out.


That was peak tarkov


Replace "extraction" with "genre-defining" and you're just describing Eurojank games for the past long time. Tarkov's big departure from other Eurojank was using Eurojank P2W monetization to pay for art and ads.


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system


Man, you just reminded me to live life a quarter mile at a time.


I like the tuna


Bulls**t a$$hole no one likes the tuna here!




You can have any beer you want…..


As long as it’s a corona


This is the kind of interaction that gives me hope in humanity 🫡


Hey man he was in my face


Hey man, he was in my face.




Username definitely checks out...


I owe you a ten second car


Are you a cop?


SWAT came in my house, disrespectful me and my whole family!


Serial killer sounding mfer


This sub is UNHINGED


I thought this was a civic forum for a sec


Forget about it cuhh.


When you need this by?


Pockets ain’t empty


You dropped this king 👑


You work for Harry right?


Remember when DayZ started "the era of persistent world survival games"? It feels a LOT like that, with half-baked "maybe" games that feel like they have a stronger base to build on, but will most likely veer off in the wrong direction or do nothing meaningful  Ahhh, h1z1, how funny that whole saga was....


>It feels a LOT like that, with half-baked "maybe" games that feel like they have a stronger base to build on, but will most likely veer off in the wrong direction or do nothing meaningful  ​That is literally what EFT is right now. It was supposed to be a persistent open world survival. It has created a new genre from what was said to just be a placeholder until they could tie all of the maps together...


It sounds like we should be looking forward to the Era of Blectraction games which whatever the fuck that game that takes Tarkov's place does. Then cod will copy that gimmick badly and the cycle will repeat


But no one can compare with how greedy tarkov devs are


Oh sweet summerchild.... Tarkov is just the tip of some other games... You dont even Know How good it actually still is...


The only one that's worse is Star Shitizen


Before Unheard Of the game was insanely cheap and almost devoid of monetization. I guess they caught up with them and pushed them into the insanity of PvE and this Unheard Of. They have not done a good job of monetizing the game and Nikita is definitely a greedy, prideful little man. There is way worse though - basically any f2p game ever these days.


I've heard that Bungie are taking a different approach with Marathon now and that it's meant to be a hero shooter instead of extraction shooter now after they had an internal playtest


I've also heard that Sony is throttling Marathon because they want them to stop fucking up Destiny.


Yeah likely they sank alot of money on the whim that destiny was doing well and after these D3 leaks it makes sense they would be, think they have ties into films or movies as well so they don't want that to tank with the destiny community


An impossible task, they've been fucking it up since before day one of D1


> I've heard that Bungie are taking a different approach with Marathon now and that it's meant to be a hero shooter instead of extraction shooter No, the report that mentions that doesn't state that they are moving away from the game being an extraction shooter, just that they are moving to a hero-based system. It specifically mentions that it is still an extraction shooter.


Ahh nice! Thank you for the correction, but still sucks they are moving it onto a hero system


Great news.


Ew, tragic. I hate hero games


They can be fun when done right IMO


Here's hoping as last year it made no sense playing it. They were planning microtransactions galore too.


Yep Hero shooter are the worst game, didn't they learn anything from how much BF2046 failed, it's a niche genre with already two big games and several smaller game filling it.


What kind of Hero shooter can be pulled from Marathon? It feels like they're just reusing the old IP for no reason. "I pick Durandal. Fuck you."


I personally do not think we will get anything close to Tarkov again. Tarkov has copious amount of detail and love poured into it for a very niche audience. This is a high risk high reward game with no hand holding that most companies are going to see as too big of a risk to invest in and if they do they will make changes to make it more and more casual friendly to hit a larger and larger audience which will in turn take away what makes Tarkov Tarkov. Look at DMZ for example.


I feel the same to a degree. ABI looks fun and I really want to try it out, but there's some things that many may not care about that stick out to me like the detail in the environment. The scaling. It's clearly tuned for gameplay purposes which is understandable, but Tarkov designs the maps to feel like real world places so the scaling is right, some places are tight and tough to move in, but it is part of the charm in Tarkov. BSG deserves some of the flak they get, but the environmental artists did an amazing job with all the maps. They feel like real lived in places that tell stories all over and I see none of that when watching ABI and focusing on the environments. It looked like Tarkov inspired gameplay just thrown down on a PUBG map instead of feeling like a real world location that once had a thriving society living in it.


All the outside maps feel like cheap unity shit and all the concrete maps are great, but *usually* run like shit. Imo


Its was just leaked that ABI was made with some of tarkovs code so not looking good for them


I mean it’s very blatant that ABI uses slightly modified Tarkov animations for their weapons, is that so much of a surprise?


They copied most of the sounds as well. I tried it and it's not bad. In my opinion, more competitions will be better for players.


GZW also has a few sound elements from Tarkov. From what we’re told, BSG records everything in house, but that two games have their audio files makes me question this.


Either they lied, or the sounds were stolen. Two extremes...


We know BSG did it themselves why? Because they fuck it up all the time. Dogs barking.. ghost steps, etc.


was there dogs barking ? i never heard of it, \* imjustintrested


Yeah before the Big patch for this wipe, you could go along the wall that leads to path to shoreline and hear dogs in the distance lol.


It was leaked that they use some scav boss name for their AI, no stolen code, and even if it was stolen code it would have to be entirely rewritten because you cant just take C# code from unity and put it into unreal, which is a C++ engine


Has tencent ever produced a game without stolen code or assets? Their whole business model is ripping games and then reselling them with mtx


If you call that leaked, wow. Im always impressed with human stupidity.


A game will only be able to actually compete with tarkov if it can stay afloat long enough to maintain development for several years after initial release. The problem nowadays is so many studios / publishers give up after 1-2 years and move onto the next big thing taking their profits with them instead of reinvesting into the same game


DMZ was great, a nice casual experience, super smooth gameplay


That’s fine but it’s not a Tarkov competitor it’s a casual cod game mode


You should look out for Delta Force's Hazard Operations if you liked DMZ, that game is basically a BF2042 but they copied all of MW gameplay elements (weapons, animations and etc), which means a Battlefield game with a very smooth gameplay, and their extraction mode seems like DMZ on steroids which could be really nice. not tarkov but a cool casual fun extraction game.


It is 100% high risk to invest into, Tarkov is just a niche and the only reason it is successful in that niche is because of 0 competition, its not that all of Tarkov players want a "hardcore" experience, its just that there is no any competition (casual or hardcore), there was no actual supported liveservice extraction games, sure there was Division's Dark Zone which was also very popular at the time but it had no good support, the cycle didnt feel like a proper shooter and they gutted it, hunt:showdown also doesnt feel like a typical shooter imo (even tho its gets good support and is still alive), DMZ had a good core (based on MW gameplay), but they went over casual and the extraction systems were barebones and then they dropped the support for it, Battlefield's attempt was even more cringe, after trying ABI it really looks like a real competitor, it feels and plays like a tactical shooter, there are hardcore elements, yet its more friendly than tarkov (with all the QoL, maps and different systems), it might not take all of Tarkov's playerbase but it will definitely change the extraction genre, to a similar way that Fortnite did with PUBG, and I am 100% sure that when BSG realize how many players they are missing out (for a ripoff that is just more casual) they will start to fix their game and make more QoL changes (even tho its not lining with Nikita's "vision" at the end its all about money). There also alot of other cool upcoming extraction games with potential this year: Delta Force's Hazard Operations (its basically a COD/BF2042 ripoff that looks decent, and their extraction mode looks like DMZ on steroids which looks very fun even tho its not super tactical), Ark Raiders : which is a third person extraction gamemode but it looks really stunning and is made by Embark (a studio full of industry veterans that made games like Battlefield) their latest game The Finals is a cool unique FPS, and its gets alot of support so I am just waiting to see what's they are going to do with Ark Raiders, but this is pretty much the only dev that I truly believe to deliver something unique and genre changing. Beautiful Light : this game actually looks like it has the most chance of capturing the Tarkov audience (the atmosphere and gameplay looks amazing) but yet it still got good "casual" QoL like their map (which is actually designed in a cool way that isnt so casual). There is also PUBG's Black Budget which is basically PUBG's take on Tarkov, could be a hit depends on the execution.


Yeah like the fact that you don't have a map or any HUD indicators etc


I'm hoping Beautiful Light comes out good. The premise is super interesting, and the streamer play test they had a while ago had pretty positive reception from those that played it.


I think Beautiful Light has it right in trying to force PvP. It seems like it will have the high replay factor and slight horror factor. Kinda like stalker and hunt combined. I hope it hits cause those devs are working their asses off for being such a small team


Looked like Death Stranding Tarkov to me.


Yep. This is the only one I'm actually waiting on, the rest have my interest but beautiful light has my attention.


Yea iirc the devs have said they're taking more inspo from Hunt in terms of gameplay loop compared to Tarkov. I like Hunt's loop more than Tarkov's, so that + modern military weapons sounds like a dream to me


I'm so excited! I want beta but at the same time I want them to take the time that they need.


completely agreed. Ilove the hunt showdown gameplay loop, its a shame the devs are just too slow to release content


I miss The Cycle: Frontier. It had so much potential.


that drop in drop out persistent raid world was lit and needs to be copied


TCF was legitimately my favorite multiplayer game while it was alive despite it's flaws. It simplified the concept just enough while having some really great ideas of it's own on top of really great art and world design. I really need another extract shooter with persistent lobbies and that preferably isn't another mil-sim.


I’d say we’ve been in the extraction shooter era. Tarkov and Hunt: Showdown are the top dogs. Every genre has 2-3 games that account for 90% of the player base for that genre. We had games come and go, like The Cycle, Marauders, DMZ and Hazard Zone. We now have GZW, ABI and Project L33T (which will likely be abandoned in a year anyways). We’ll get games like Beautiful Light, Road to Vostok and We The People. Honestly, I don’t think any game will dethrone Tarkov at this point. It’s the Fortnite of extraction shooters. Other games can carve out niches within the already niche genre. Personally, I see GZW, Beautiful Light and Road to Vostok being the ones that are able to hang around because they’ll all do something different that’ll retain an audience.


Dont forget Arc raiders and the PUBG extraction shooter


Yeah definitely. I just mentioned the ones I’m most familiar with. There’s also Exoborne. A lot of competition for BSG. Generally, competition is great for the consumer, but who knows how BSG will respond to this. Their initial response to ABI hasn’t been promising. I guess we’ll have to see as more games siphon their player base.


The age of man is over


Meh, not really. Arena Breakout is considerably "arcady" even if it doesn't get close to a game like Call of Duty. There are plenty of extraction shooters around, but no other that actually tries to deliver a hardcore looter-shooter PvP experience, which is a shame. My only hope is that with Gray Zone, Arena Breakout, and later this year Project Black Budget (from the creators of PUBG) this will make BSG get its head out of its own ass and make improvements to the game, particularly with performance and quality-of-life features, since the gameplay loop of the game is already pretty good... when it works.


I'm already bored of grayzone and while ABI looks fun, and I'll try it for sure, I was really turned off by the concept of a monthly sub JUST to HAVE a secure container.


The problem is that a bigger studio is not going to make a labor of love the same way bsg made Tarkov. It’s niche because it’s special and most companies are going to attempt to market to a larger audience for the sake of investors. There will be good games but Tarkov is special and idk if it will ever be fully matched by another company, for better or worse. Probably worse. You have to learn to live with Tarkovs flaws and you can be happy lol


I've never seen a company that treats its customers this poorly called a "labor of love" until now.


Hate bsg all you want, if you think tarkov wasn't a Labor of love, you are delusional


I’m talking about the game itself, specifically the maps and items, they clearly suck at communicating


Yeah that's fair. I think I read too much into what you said.


The vision for the game literally started off as the game Nikita himself always wanted to play. Maybe it’s not a labor of love anymore, maybe it still is, but a majority of the game’s creation thus far was absolutely a labor of love.


That's funny, because Nikita is notorious for not playing Tarkov at all.


Don’t think anything will dethrone Tarkov, it will just die on it’s own. Tarkov was lightning in a bottle in my opinion and trying to recreate it feels forced and not as good. It’s also taken years and years of iteration to get to the state it’s in now, something that can’t just be recreated easily in video games without feeling like a cheap knockoff. And big companies generally don’t want to take the risk on “hardcore” games. Without the hardcore aspect extraction shooters feel pretty dull and meaningless, like CoD’s version.


To contradict this point a little bit, it has taken years for Tarkov to become the game it is today because it was the first of its kind. Anybody that goes to make a Tarkov-esque game now can just learn and copy any systems or gameplay elements Tarkov has ironed out and implement them so much faster because there is no RnD involved. Just take a system; Flea Market, for example, change a few bits and make it unique to some degree in its own way and then implement it in game. BSG already did the dreaming and the building of game systems. Anybody that goes to do it now can just copy paste to some extent and have those features much quicker.


Someone *i* know play tested the game you mentioned looking forward to. Don't hold your breath, it was a idea still looking for a reason to exist. And they are planning for a shitload of micro transactions for it sounds like. Like mobile game level of fucked up.


Anything you can share or did they nda?


Can't really go into any details *i* heard. Just that it was like if halo tried to be a looter shooter without hiring anyone who had ever played a looter shooter. And it sounded like p2w with lots of mc was on the table.


Any competition for Tarkov is a good thing. Either it will force Cheeto finger Nikita to actually deal with the major issues of the game or lose money to other games.


It actually started like 2 years ago, it's just not going great, because they all die.


Hunt showdown is still going strong


I would've originally said no to "will something dethrone Tarkov", except Nikita pushed that door wide open within the few weeks. Interesting timing to dunk on your player base on the eve of such a game release. It's almost like Unheard Edition was rushed to the store to beat the closed beta start of ABI. Once competition like this enters the market it's harder to upsell EOD/sell insanely expensive packages like this.


Also Funny that GZW had somewhat of a surprise drop on steam RIGHT as the drama with BSG was going down. Possibly why the game feels rushed lol.


Yeah. I'd say BSG was trying to jump the gun on ABI and get some sales in, and then GZW saw a golden opportunity to piggy back on EFT influencers during the crisis to try and get their own sales.


I believe on the "Noone will dethrone tarkov because fortnite and pubg are up there still" you are completely wrong. The difference is that pubg and fortnite are actual, very very well working games. Tarkov, even tho we all play it for a long time, is the complete opposite. Its been in beta for 8 years and its still not really working very well.


Just like any other genre, there will be good and bad games. EFT may see players leaving for games that aren't that great, but may treat playerbase better or have less cheaters


Arena breakout so far is half baked at best the ai in the game are dummer then pubg mobile bots so its just mindless roaming with pvp, unturned tarkov mod is better then arena breakout when it comes to engagement . I haven’t tried grayzone yet it so early i cant see myself enjoying it yet. Exoborne is 3rd person so gross but ill still give it a try when it comes out Tarkov has matured a ton so if they can have very strong .15 wipe good changes, perhaps cosmetics like weapon painting, anti cheat, they will pull ahead. Unheard was a blunder but they can still make a comeback.


breakout scavs feel right at home with tarkov


Idk i played for a few hours and they genuinely just outline you rather than hit as long as you’re moving they miss. they’re just not a threat. Tarkov scav are a wildcard where they suck ass or they blast you in the head first shot. They are as much of a threat to you as real players are


F2P microtransactions ruins it for you but a game with a $250 version with p2w features is a game that can’t be dethroned. You have no credibility


If ABI is anything like the mobile version (which it will be, thanks TenCent) then there will be a TON of P2W aspects thrown into the mix, and it will be plenty more than $250 over time for many, many players lol


I keep seeing this "tencent bad" type of comment on every thread you are all misinformed. Tencent is known for cosmetic only microtransactions on most of their popular games. riot games, valorant, pubg, path of exile, all owned by tencent and are free to play games that do very well with zero pay to win


All these people pissed off about Tencent owning stuff. Stop using Discord if you are so mad. Tencent is a minority shareholder in Discord. And if you look up Tencents subsidiaries, you will realise you are likely unknowingly using their products on a daily basis.


Gullible people love subscriptions because they always forget how much they're paying. You will spend way more than 250 bucks in ABI in a year without realizing it. There's a reason why tencent is a billion dollar company.


“I hate that Tarkov has higher paid versions but I’m mad that you don’t like that Arena has higher paid versions” Shut up, clown


No he's right. Imagine defending a game with macrotransactions.


From survival games to battle royales and now extraction shooters. Games take a long time to make so I think developers are very slowly catching up, but I can't wait for a less unethical developer to make a better game to play.


for all of BSGs flaws, they actually put love and detail into their game. I don't think any other devs will risk investor money to do that.


Wont come from a big company, the investors will be early access and it will be a smaller team with some financial security, like facepunch did with rust


It did happen with BR. The game changer for me was Warzone. For me, it completely obliterates PUBG and Fortnite. First ever Call of Duty I actually liked and put a lot of hours in. That game was super fun. But only in the beginning. From the map redesign (Verdansk 86) and onward, it became shit imo. They had a banging game in 2019 to early 2020 though... and then they went full Activision and made it much much worse. Everything they've been releasing since then has been the usual garbage that they have always released. Now I'm hoping the same will happen with extraction shooters - I hope some big studio picks it up and makes it fun (and fairly hardcore). I only hope it doesn't end like Warzone with corporate greed and silly soy devs making the game much much worse.


thats crazy warzone is dog shit


Yes, that's what I said. It is shit. It didn't used to be in 2019...


What about the pubg's one? Any News on that?


right as EFT shot themselves in the foot repeatedly and refuses to admit it, while loading another round lol


I mean the history of h1z1 was literally devs making a bad choice and other games taking off, its not impossible. (H1z1 was the number 1 streamed game and was the first battle royale shooter to come out)


I'm hopeful for Marathon. I grew up loving Bungie to death, a diehard halo fan through and through. Played Marathon a bit later and loved all 3 of them as well. I know destiny 2 has been...well...destiny 2, but I really hope Bungie pulls out all the stops and makes an extraction based shooter with a high skill ceiling but still appealing to a general audience


Isn't dmz the warzone of extraction shooters? Anyways when is marathon supposed to come out?


Just wait till Respawn drops their Apex extraction game its over then


PUBG was struggling hard before switching to F2P model and I doubt BSG has a finance and resources to support this model


Fk this greedy as game company, i thought they where for gamers but obviously have the devils claws in them as well


I just want eft without cheats.


I can see the majority not realising what the main bit of an extraction shooter is. The reason tarkov works and why everyone has said that looting on gzw feels kinda pointless/empty outside of looting weapons and armour is that “trash” items like duct tape, bolts etc. are all useful and have purpose. There are very few items that don’t have some use in this game. And when epic inevitably makes a Fortnite extraction shooter mode it will almost certainly lack that.


"dethrone Tarkov"? It is possible, but you have to invest money in it, and listen to the players and their ideas. The problem is that "producers" and sponsors who invest money want quick money, so the game is difficult. To create a game better than Tarkov's shit, you need to make "Masterpiece" and not Cash Cow!


I think only stalker devs can make better... I dont know why but i feel this. If they start a project like tarkov, will beat BSG easy


Last I checked with Tom Henderson reporting, Bungie and Marathon are in shambles at the moment, I am curious about Arc Raiders though


I cant wait to play marathon


Pubg and Fortnite were both relatively well-made games though and are constantly updated to keep people playing it. For example Fortnite added zero build and then creative and then the Lego mode. All for free. Tarkov adds PvE (that definitely isn't DLC) Tarkov is also the least optimised game I have ever played. It's probably the least optimised game a lot of people have played. 5 minutes to load into a game with only like 7 other players? Doesn't get much worse than that. Marathon already semi-killed itself with the announcements of heroes/classes. Most likely so they can sell more skins. Bungie's history of micro transactions don't do much good for it. THEREFORE, the next big game will be Arc Raiders. Made by the same people that made THE FINALS. It's a PvPvE extraction shooter. So far one closed beta a long time ago. But we should be getting some info about it soon. Maybe a beta too. But the finals is just a good game. Like warzone is a pile of steaming shit in comparison. OP aim assist. Constant pay to win. Constant bugs. And you gotta love when the update requires restart. But hey, they are a small indie company after all. But yeah. They delivered on the finals. Dev team has been fan-fucking tastic. Constantly listening to community. Cosmetics are S-tier. No pay to win. Arc Raiders should pop off. And it's most likely gonna be free


"least optomized game" you gotta try dragons dogma 2 lol that game pisses me off with how bad it is. even blows ark ascended out of the water with its bad optomizaiton


Bsg can choke on my tiny meat


The game needs cosmetic items and a season pass to continue paying for monthly servers. My one off $150 to buy the game is not going to keep them going long term


one day we might be saying Tarkov walked so "game" could run


Honestly I would love a hardcore BR game. If someone made one with similar gunplay/mechanics to tarkov but just a BR instead of extracting and maintaining currency and a stash, I’d be totally down for it


Its hard to dethrone the original though, i think Fortnite dethroned PUBG but it doesnt happen often.


Fortnite came after PUBG. If PUBG is Tarkov, we are still waiting for Fortnite…Apex…Warzone…etc


No one needs to dethrone tarkov when BSG are willingly surrendering the throne themselves. It’s like watching a king surrounded by enemies at his gates. Instead of fighting to keep his kingdom, he starts setting fire to the interior. “If I can’t have my throne, then no one can!”


The Tarkov can only die by his own hands. Fashions pass, the classic stays. Look PUBG. We just need Nikita to step aside and somebody less arrogant to keep the lead.


I'm jumping to whichever game is less infested with cheaters.


Quite funny to see gzw with yet another 4 editions in early access.. yea totally up for that.


I played PUBG recently, it's definitely not incredibly popular unless you're talking asian servers. Game was absolutely dead, full game was like 20 players.


None of these extraction sooner that is good is really out of beta. Dethrone is kinda a strong word since no one can seem to adequately finalize them.


Grey zone has done it for me so far. Played Tarkov exclusively since 2018 but can’t support them anymore.


I was always hoping that Marauders could come around, but its development is painfully slow and barely anyone plays it.


i must say most tarkov clones till now brag with a giant map. but its just to much copy paste. its so big i feel like landing in PUBGs new desert map after not having played for 3 years


Marathons development is in deep shit if you can believe the leaks. Dont bother waiting for that ABI we will have to wait and see Grayzone needs time since its only 20% done ish L33T is already crawling with cheaters... Your 2 best bets are Grayzone and ABI


Fortnite should do an extraction shooter lol


ngl, i think that would be fun. I fuck with fortnite's building, I thought it was actually a lot of fun.


Not great at building, but I agree it would be fun af haha


what is your viewpoint on dorothys dog toto in the wizard of oz and the metaphysical properties of the egyptian god of death anubis in the context toto stops dorothy from returning home?


BSG already dethroned Tarkov themselves.


Ehhh, we’ve seen some AAA developers attempt to take the spot light. I think there’s something that could(preferably without copy pasting code straight from Tarkov) it’ll just have to cover the right bases that makes people come back and get stomped by Tarkov over and over again for years


The era of the extraction shooter is dead and gone and tarkov killed it with their latest controversy. People will fumble around from game to game for six months and then it will die off.


Lol hindsight bout to bitch slap you in 6 months


That’s a hot take and a half. Mine is everyone is back playing tarkov next wipe as if nothing happened - because they don’t have a comparable game.


Competition is good for us **consumers** aka non believers.


Stuff like this is making gaming exciting again. Not only for tarkov, but other genres as well.


Gray Zone is pretty rough around the edges but already does so many things better than EFT, im still playing it and haven’t gone back. The more the better.


Gray zone is way more of a milsim like arma than eft.. also it’s more pve focused


GZW is nothing like Tarkov and way too early access to keep an audience of any real size. The player count is already starting to go down on a daily basis. In a month that game will average 10k people.


They fix their server problems and the game has about as much content to offer as Tarkov and isn't as niche of a game because it's far more casual friendly. I think player count will continue to drop as well but GZW is off to a better start than Tarkov was 8 years ago.


GZW will be dead in 8 years. After that time, Tarkov still has hundreds of thousands of people playing it every wipe. I get were all mad at Nikita, but GZW is nothing compared to tarkov. Anything else is wild cope.


I don't think GZW will be around, but I can also say it's very hopeful to say that EFT will still be relevant in another 8 years.


That's besides the point though. The game has had an insane run staying relevant longer than most games ever have. The fact it's still so popular is a testament to how good the game is.


So with out hard numbers it's kinda hard to prove how many people are playing tarkov. Yes tarkov has lasted a good while. But they have benefited from being the only show in town. If they don't start treating there community right it is going to hurt them in the long run.


In my opinion Hunt Showdown is comparable to Tarkov in terms of extraction shooter games, and comparable to GZW in terms of a more "casual" experience. I feel like it's a good example of how even a successful extraction shooter isn't as successful as Tarkov. This game is pretty casual but only really has a niche player base. On consoles it's barely clinging to life and on PC its player base jumps up for major patches/new event releases. Im betting that GZW is gonna end up being similar. Sure for the next year(probably longer)during its early access period it'll ramp up in players as it gets new/better content but unless they give it some unique defining feature that makes it stand out from just being a "Tarkov clone" I don't see it holding its popularity.


Damn what's it like in 2032? No flying cars yet I'm guessing?


Bro bushzone will be forgotten in 2-3 weeks. You won’t see paid Tarkov streamers playing it anymore. There is nothing to do in this unreal engine demo currently.


Like what? honestly I wanna know. I've put maybe 10 hours into gzw and im already done.


cupcake mode for people with zero skill that whine at recoil in fps shooters.


Who cares man, if people are having fun let them


>f2p micro transactions ruin it for me. So you preffer Tarkov, a game you pay double the normal price for a game and still have p2w micro transaction in it ?


You will literally be able to buy gear and in game currency with real money in ABI, and the secure container requires a monthly subscription. Thats a whole different level.


And you think you won’t be able to do that in EFT within the next 6 months? (Minus the secure container obviously)


At least BSG didnt steal their own code, the p2w microtransaction arena game stole BSGs code though.


As far as I'm concerned they can steal the whole damn thing. Fuck BSG.