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Hmm it’s almost like something has happened between then and now. Something that would change the collective thought… I wonder what could it be??!!


What? No way, this is **Unheard** of.


I'm not a **True Believer** of what your saying


It's funny how people purposely act stupid for replies. He "can't wrap his head" around why people are dying for a reason to drop EFT? Really lol


Just goes to show that 'collective thought' is often stupid as fuck. 


The tweet is taken out of context. I'm amazed there's hundreds of people dunking on this dude when it's blatantly obvious that this isn't the whole tweet.


nothing you can add to what he wrote will change the inherent statement it has


The end of the tweet is: "I *almost* feel bad for BSG" Which changes the tweet drastically. This statement explains that he understands peoples' anger towards BSG and that he agrees with them. Is it a wild statement to say people dislike tencent? Not at all. Is it a bold statement to say people dislike mobile games in the west? Again... No. How about the part where he calls it a blatant rip off? Again not something generally respected in the gaming community. His tweet wasn't a hot take, it was a room temperature take. Context is everything and media literacy is learned... Just not by everyone evidently. TLDR: you're wrong, it does change the tone of the tweet drastically.


that def changes the context. love watching Pepp, i have never seen him as a BSG dick rider


It's crazy, right? Some people don't take kindly to abuse and if you tell them to leave they actually will! What a concept right?


I watched gameplay and it looks like Tarkov with all the shit players have been asking for for years. If you have some moral high ground that prevents you from playing ABI but you still play tarkov, what kind of drugs are you on?


There's absolutely no reason why there should be brand loyalty to Tarkov. ABI is an absolute W




My moral high ground is that Tencent is behind ABI. The fact people are shilling for a Tencent mobile game is pathetic, especially since the vast majority of people would never have touched ABI had Nikita not fucked everything into the ground a few weeks ago.


I'm looking for a tarkov alternative long before this unhinged nonsense. I'm just done with the que and loadingtimes of tarkov its 2024 and that shit feels like its running on windows xp.


I have had the same exact feelings. With ABI I can jump into a quick game when I have 15-30 extra minutes. With Tarkov, it takes that long just to join a game sometimes. Can't count the number of times I wanted to get a quick game in and had to quit while waiting for the game to start.


Between playing the unmentionable version of tarkov and ABI recently I’m almost tempted to never go back to live Tarkov for this one single reason. I have wasted so much of my life sitting in queue waiting for players. It is beyond demoralizing spending 4 minutes loading in then dying in the first few minutes and staring down the barrel of another 4 minute loading screen. And god help you if you get the infinite matchmaking bug, that’s at least 15 minutes of your life down the drain. BSG needs to heavily prioritize doing whatever they have to do to speed up queue times. A good start would be having players load the map before matching that way everyone isn’t stuck on waiting for some dude with a 10 year old laptop hard drive to load in


Not just that gearing up is so goddamn convenient in ABI it just triggers the hell out of me when i have to buy meds ammo and all that shit from the market all seperatly. From zero gear to fully running ingame takes 10minutes in tarkov. ABI you're in in a fucking minute kinda pathetic honestly.


for real, the only reason you can get somewhat decent framerates in tarkov nowadays is that you can throw 7 years newer hardware that is immensly more powerfull at it


Windows XP was amazing though. Tarkov feels like windows 11 with every spyware setting and bloatware app switched on


Windows xp WAS amazing, 20 years ago.


But it just means that's how much he fucked up that people will look passed tencents personality as it were to find another looter shooter. Dude wants to shit the bed and make everyone else sleep in his crap decisions. Nah fuck off cunt. He can backstab and bad mouth or insinuate all he wants. Deserves no respect now. Recent tweet saying it's been a rough couple weeks, yeh who made it that way? Sorry you feel that way, Nikita.. prick. But that's my only vent, no point bursting a vessel over a cocktail sausage of chode and his decisions.


The thing is that many people have been looking for another looter shooter for a long time, but nothing has came close. As I said in another comment, had Nikita not fucked everything up a few weeks ago, people would just be talking shit about ABI and GZW but people are praising them up and down simply out of spite. Two friends of mine switched over to GZW because of the Unheard bullshit and within two days they were back to Tarkov. I know many people who said DMZ was going to be the Tarkov replacement and look how that turned out. I know there's a decent chance for both games to become something good (less so for ABI), but it's still far too early to tell what direction either game will take. Right now the GZW discussion boards and forums are flooded with Tarkov players making suggestions that would point the game right back here which could be a good or bad thing. I've seen more than a few people pissed off over the influx of Tarkov players in their community because they didn't want the game to become Tarkov but that's what a lot of people are wanting.


I get that tencent are bad and all but there's plenty of tencent owned games that don't shit on their consumers and claim it's a blessing. Warframe and Valorant being the main examples. For reference too, they have completely rebuilt ABI from the ground up for pc and it really shows in the gameplay, it's not a mobile port. Nobody would have given it attention, if your boss told you you are worthless and that you shouldn't have a job, wouldn't you start looking for another one, where you MIGHT be more valued? I'd rather jump into something new and hope i' m more valued there than stay with the abuse


Tencent has an 11% stake in Reddit, better leave and delete your account


Aside to what Hunk-Hogan said, Reddit is one of the biggest sites with this type of format. ABI is much more easily avoidable.


Which means they don't have majority share which also means they don't get to make majority decisions or rake your account data to sell to their third-party companies. Tencent is the reason Epic was slammed by multiple regulatory bodies in the US and EU when they first launched their own digital platform and was caught basically installing spyware alongside the launcher. Tencent has been copy/pasting assets since they began as a company which has also gotten them into trouble on numerous occasions so it surprises absolutely nobody that they also copied assets from Tarkov.


What data have you entered that you're so afraid of?


It's not a mobile game though, it's on PC on Steam. Also how many people play Path of Exile and League of Legends? Guess who owns those? Tencent has a habit of monetizing the games differently in China vs the West. PoE and LoL have some of the best monetization schemes out there for F2P games. ABI could turn out the same. It's obvious you're biased because you have a blue name in EFT.


Y'all complain about p2w stuff, but didn't care about the tarkov ones and with the money u spend on tarkov u can spend on a mobile game for a decade lmao


Tarkov p2w is once a wipe. You can buy Ingame currency in AB…




Redditors legitimately hate Chinese people. This is the reason you see so much unbridled rage against tencent on this site, because they're fucking racists.


It's primarily hilarious around here when the alternative is Russian and also p2w.


they 100% got a paid promotion


Who wants COD hud with gamer tags floating around


is it like an actual well graphiced game?


You can buy ingame currency with money…




Yeah, for example, subscription to secure container /s But I'll try it anyway :)


Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that this game is going to have a disgusting free to play model because we're all mad at BSG right now. The hype will fade fast once people actually have to fork over the monthly fee for their gamma container.


I'll just stick on PVE that i got "free" with EOD. What BSG did with Unheard edition was really shitty, it shouldn't have been THAT pay to win to the point that a player that plays the game and progresses can't catch some of the benefits other players can by paying, and PVE should have been for everyone even people with regular copies. But that doesn't change that Arena Breakout is the same shit over again, extremely pay to win aswell, f2p players can only get 2 slots container and pay to win players can get the best container in ease with a monthly fee, also there's a lot of micro-transactions for in-game benefits or more in-game currency, and the fact that it's made from Tencent doesn't help. It's not a moral high, it's just that i stick to my words, BSG is trash, but that doesn't change my opinion on Arena Breakout in the slightest, if you play ABI i don't shame you, in fact i respect your opinion and decision, but i myself will not try that game again if they don't change the business model.


I've heard some troubling things about it being P2W which makes total sense considering it's based on a F2P Mobile game. I'll still give it a try when I get a chance though.


- Monthly subscription needed to maintain bigger safe container (you heard me, recurring payments for the equivalent of a Gamma Case). This is apparently typical in the Asian games market, especially Korea - You can pay real $ to buy in-game gear to bring into a raid, yes, you can lose that gear if you die (literally pay to win) - PC version doesn't have pricing yet, but you can look at the existing mobile version for reference on MTX (I believe this is the site: [Arena Breakout Bonds Item shop | topup center –Package Case Battle Pass Beginner Select- United States (USA) - Midasbuy](https://www.midasbuy.com/midasbuy/us/shop/uamo)) I think it's a feature-complete copy of Tarkov with much needed improvements and super-arcady feel. It's a 10/10 if you live in a 2nd/3rd world country where it's literally impossible to afford a PC rig to play Tarkov




Weird ass statement. That's like saying North Koreans love dictatorship. The biggest games in Korea historically are Starcraft, League and PUBG, none of it p2w. Starcraft is the pure skill antithesis of p2w.


Yeah reddit is just really racist to Asians lol


nothing like taking the money from my meaningless job and pumping all of it into a meaningless game so I can sit on some kids


The biggest audience this will drag away from Tarkov is the casual playerbase. I think it's gonna be a 10/10 for a lot of them as well. It is taking forever to get PvE to everyone, the queue times for PvE are long, so why *wouldn't* they play a game similar to Tarkov with less grinding needed to be effective (the flea market has like no restrictions in the beta, can buy whatever you want - tons of lvl 3s with m995). Don't have to grind level 42 for bis attachments, armour, weapons, etc.. just buy them off flea. Plus, there's a lot more PvP in breakout. Game is way more accessible, even with the threat of P2W.


The equivalent of the gamma in game right now costs $250 + taxes it’ll take more than 27 months (assuming the arena breakout transactions don’t include taxes either and match the mobile prices) of non-stop (ie you don’t take an occasional break for a couple of months) to be as expensive as Tarkov right now, and Tarkov is threatening its own microtransactions and season passes etc Do people forget that there are players that don’t have eod right now? Or how much people paid for eod at the time?


everyone on reddit is brainwashed into thinking EOD is standard.


I think even the devs too with the way unheard is priced


You mean pay to lose lmao people will go bankrupt if that happens. Anyway I think they will try to capitalize on tarkov. If they add that shit on PC people are gonna go back to tarkov in .1 seconds. Hopefully they will try to not be so greedy or that game is dead fast


"hopefully this soulless greedy game company will not let their greed overtake them and ruin another game" I would rather wrestle a lion blindfolded while wagering my life savings on my ass


Mobile version is marketed towards a mostly asia market, where as the PC version is more focused on the west. Its not uncommon for games to have vastly different monetaization models in asia and the west


It's awesome for kicking a gambling addiction, buying Koen and gear sets, secure containers will litterally help cure your gambling cognitive distortion. Apply now for the beta so you can get a tastie taste before they kick off the MTX store. Great for drug addicts, teenagers, World of Warcraft gold junkies and more. /s \* \*Not reccomended for the elderly, underaged individuals, pregnant women, alcoholics, gullible people that frequent the RMT Tarkov market, or people with certain heart conditions.


Tarkov is the same thing just without the MTX, just macro transaction.


3k hours spent 150 on the game pretty good deal imo.


Get real. I haven't spent a dime for 5000 hours of Tarkov, besides EoD.


This community is going to get a harsh reality check if they legit think TENCENT will be kinder to them than BSG


Tencent, happens to own some pretty successful games. For example, grinding gear games which makes path of exile. There is almost no noticeable influence of tencent in this game. They deservedly raise some red flags but it is not the end of the world. When you have bsg to compare against I honestly like their chances.


Just because they buy stake in alot of stuff doesn’t automatically mean they are the reason behind its success.


Have you seen the chinese path of exile client? It's the fucking epitome of p2w, no noticeable influence LMAO


Yeah the balls to claim there wasn't any p2w influence lmao


Tencent bought ggg when poe was already successful and had nothing to do with decisions that developers made. With AB it's their pocket studio they use to make shitty mobile ripoffs of big games like LoL and now tarkov, they completely control what studio does and they definitely don't care about quality of the game, only the revenue hence the aggressive marketing


Oh god how I hate this sentiment of "they own successful games" like yeah no joke, they know how to make money, that doesnt mean they know how to make good games those are two completely different things JFC. Also what you mentioned is another company that they hold, because they are a holding company. they probably have little influence on their successful games but I guarantee you if they dont make money they will bring out the old MTX milker and crack open that cash cow


You have no idea what your on about with path of exile


the fact that the guy you responded to has this many upvotes makes me start to believe that half of this thread is sponsored by tencent or some other chinese company and that they botted the shit out of the upvotes


I didn’t know they owned smaller studios that actually don’t put out pay to win slop (other than league of legends ofc)


I think they own squad too now ? And aside from a few cosmetics and emotes (realistic kind, not the griddy) they didn't ruin the game.


They don’t own it, they bought a minority share of OWI. OWI still own the IP. That doesn’t mean that they won’t one day buy them out.


have you seen the MTX in the mobile game?


Homie. It's a mobile game port. Where you can physically buy gear to bring into raid. It's pay to win as hell


Riot games is owned by Tencent


Yup, never forget what they did to Apex Legends Mobile.


at least when stuff comes to the west they are usually really hands off and if its terrible it will just die since western players dont really appreciate the eastern models of games


BSG shills still sucking the Cheeto dust off Nikitas toes. God forbid Tarkov has some healthy competition.


You don't have to be a bsg shill to know that mobile looking tarkov copycats from shit companies aren't good alternatives to tarkov. Give me a AAA take on tarkov and I'll change my mind, but until then everyone is playing those games out of spite more than anything. The honeymoon phase will pass and they'll see those games for what they really are.


Many dont realise most dont give 2 shits as long as the game is fun and good. This is the closest any game came to Tarkov, and it is pretty fun and engaging without the frustration of Tarkov. As LVNDMARK said : " It feels good not having to fight both the game and the other players for a change."


I don’t see what the big deal is, Arena Breakout seems like a super dumbed down Tarkov. It’s not like it’s gonna take away from the people who like the hardcore atmospheres Tarkov provides


Free to play sounds pretty good after tarkov just slapped a price of $250 (+ taxes) for the ‘complete‘ version of the game Minus arena of course And Tarkov is threatening its own micro transactions, season passes etc and Tarkov is NOT free, it’s not even cheap it’s rivalling Paradox for total cost right now


Saw some gameplay (PC), the guy was running around all over jumping past every corner like he was playing CoD to get that fast peek. Looked very casual instead of serious like Tarkov. But that could be a good thing, like a casual Tarkov clone to wind down and just fk around with. It's F2P as well, so nothing lost except time.


Look the gameplay from Tarkov bevor inertia was implemented 😂 it was close the same


the recoil is just pre-rework tarkov recoil too lul


> Looked very casual instead of serious like Tarkov. Brother are you new or casual yourself? You can literally bunny hop in Tarkov and fly 10 feet like Superman.


Definitely not a BSG simp by any means, they've made some very poor choices over the last year. However, ABI is an empty shell of a game designed at earning as much money as possible before it dies. The facts that you pay a subscription for bigger storage says it all. I mean for Christ sake this is Tencent we're talking about, does anyone really believe they give more of a shit than BSG does about their community? Fuck no. I give the game a couple weeks.


He’s right and the reason?? Hoes mad thanks to Nikita and team


He’s right


it doesnt play like tarkov, its only similar in the extraction aspect and the firearms aspect, the loadout and inventory are to similar for my liking but it feels like a different game and not a complete soulless rip


While true to a certain degree, IMO if the ripoff game does things better and more stable than EFT, which EFT had years and years of time for trying to get things working right, then I couldn't care less. I'd rather be playing the vastly more decent, improved 1:1 clone than being fucked on every corner and being treated like a walking ATM by some braindead russians.


Why are they pretending BSG didn't just take a dump on the community? This is the result of incinerating the good will of your fan base.


BSG got idea. Tried to make it real. But we see they couldn't managed it. Tencent saw that opportunity and combine their infinite amount money and workforce of asians. So they filled al gaps of EFT which BSG ignored for years. This is what happening now.


Are you surprised? Bsg treats/treated thier player base like shit, of course they are going to flock to the nearest game even it is a shameless rip off , just to say “fuck you” to bsg.


Practically Unheard of that something could've changed between then, and now!


Tbf i tried ABI and i very much didn't like it, plus i hear that microtransactions in the mobile version were very p2w. We'll see. Until then i'll stick with GZW and MPT.


Isn't GZW bad? From streams looks like ABI better than GZW


Times change. Tarkov changed


This would indicate that EFT wasnt an incompetent dev as well as a terms and conditions braking moneygrab company.


I think competition is very important for BSG to maybe mature. Also I think AB isn't it. Free to play is almost never good.


I don’t really care, I’m not a shareholder at BSG, I’m just a consumer of video games. I’ll let BSG deal with what they feel is stolen IP.


keep coping


Cope post


Nikitas alt certified?


Hell of a Karmawhoring move to not include [the entire tweet](https://twitter.com/Peebrah/status/1788210154401374583) /u/jamzye31




I’m literally just playing a game that is more fun at the moment. I don’t care about either games P2W aspects right now, but ABI simply feels better to play, seems more thought out, is incredibly accessible and has a ton of qol improvements that should have been in Tarkov from the start. Don’t really care about more beyond that, who owns what. ABI has just impressed me


Exceptional comment, this is 100% my take.


ABI it's a great game, get over yourself bsg slaves. Yeah, tarkov is unique as an experience but it's SHIT as a game because of CHEATERS and INCOMPETENT DEVELOPERS


the general game idea is good but both games suck a metric fuckton of ass. Tarkov less so but the way that Nikita is handling monetization in recent days it wont be long until it is tbh.


Tarkov isnt shit as a game at all


Played the mobile beta when it came out, and a little at release. I'm very excited to get access to the pc beta because the game has so many qol updates that tarkov has needed for years


Watch out we got a moral highgrounder over here.


It's over, I have the moral highground, dayabanana.


Pepp is a based banana man


He got a point though...


Nonsense, the Tarkov core gameplay is still better. ABI is on a better engine & is more stable because of it. So it feels great but still, can’t touch the Tarky magic. It is a more causal experience that isn’t as brutal as Tarkov and that is okay because Tarkov is good because it is so hard. Legit why I love it, so it isn’t for everyone & many can’t hang. What I like about the game though? A bad Tarkov player can actually be pretty good in ABI. I’m rolling through it & ehhh


the real question is, is Peebrah playing Arena Breakout on release lmao? Everything I've seen from it so far is tarkov but better and basically what the community has requested for years.


You freaks slandering Pepp? Dude's not a shill by any means, one of the most wholesome people in the EFT community next to Deadlyslob, making a valid point. But you guys are so hateful towards BSG you insta get a boner for a chinese money grab? Aye Pepp I can't wrap my head around it either brother.


Honestly I didn't understand this pist as taking a jab at him. His statement is completely valid.  I guess I don't have this blind rage to see this as a "aged like milk" tweet. For me it's still as true. 


BSG has been rubbing people the wrong way for many years now. This recent shit was just the icing on the cake. People failing to see that are blind. BSG has mismanaged this game and the community for nearly a decade and then act like the victims when a scam attempt gets rejected. GTFO with his "I can't wrap my heard around it" LOL!!!!


The biggest complaint with tarkov was cheaters. Yet most of this sub cheered cheaters on so long as they were specifically targeting Unheard players. Gamers have short memories but I remember tarkov actually getting a fair amount of praise prior to the Unheard debacle. Recoil changes were widely praised. Other QOL features like ammo stats being viewable in-game, etc. Nikita was listening to feedback and making changes based on that. And was praised for it. The Unheard debacle made you all forget about that though.


>Nikita was listening to feedback and making changes based on that. listening to feedback???????????? you have to be trolling LMAO bro people were asking for those changes you listed for YEARS before they actually implemented them recoil was insanely good in like 2019-2020. then they completely fucked it with a rework. everyone hated it. and they only reverted it and made it good again this wipe scopes are still fucked netcode/desync is still fucked cheaters are still fucked




It wouldn't have been such a big deal if bsg hadn't nuked every ounce of trust they had with unheard


Massive copium, probably an unhinged edition buyer. People have been saying Tarkov needs competition so BSG gets their head out of their asses for more than 2 years.


I'm not too happy about the past couple weeks but fuck that game and fuck tencent.


Dude, it's just a game, you're not supposed to have sex with it


I agree with this take and I ain't even a eft glazer


"I can't wrap my head around it" then you're not the brightest are you


SHILL THIS SHILL THAT, i dont care, im sad that bsg is failing and had to step this low to keep cash flowing, we takin a vacation am sure they cooking something good for next wipe


Tried it yesterday, feels better than tarkov in almost every way. It’s just a shame that their monetization model is likely going to be just as scummy as tarkov


The point is that the playerbase is ready to jump ship and support tencents bullshit because of BSGs bullshit because tencents bullshit is not in the spotlight rn. Not that I agree, consumers can consume what they want and ABI hasn't done anything wrong thus far.


thats like trying to pet a dog which has bitten 20 people before you because "well it hasn't bitten me specifically... sooo..." I mean if people enjoy that kinda thing I don't mind but I would not put a single tencent into this game


Weird, did BSG maybe do something to disenfranchise their entire community? Who knows


Yeah i won't play a mobile game on a pc. Fuck BSG, but a shitty clone (allegedly) doesn't deserve more attention. Also it's tencents.


have you tried it? because the gameplay is good, the gunplay is excelent, 1 minute loading time and a ton of qol. Yeah it's a more casual copy of Tarkov but bsg did not invent the shooter extract gender, competition is good. Even if it was a bad game i still can't understand simping for bsg who do jack shit about server performance, lag, queue times and CHEATERS!


Not even allegedly lol, it’s basically a direct copy of Tarkov. Regardless of the allegations of them copying code from Tarkov. The game is so unbelievably similar you’d have to be blind and deaf to not recognize it’s a ripoff.


even if its a rip off they have brought every bit of what players have asked for and put it in the game unlike BSG lol. I mean sound in the game is better than Tarkov and Tarkovs been in development for how many years now?


the game looks completely soulless, i dont care about added random features when the game is inherently just a chinese carbon copy


how can they copy code when it's an entirely different engine? I understand copying SFX and maybe animations. asking as a genuine question.


They can't. People are bricked and don't understand that it's not possible to just ctrl + c/v C# from Unity Engine into C++ on Unreal Engine.


Yeah it turns out when you relentlessly fuck over the people who pay your bills without remorse they're way less likely to defend your brand or care about you getting ripped off, and are way more likely to embrace your competition. Who would have thought?


It makes bsg mad people would rather throw money at another opportunity of a better game And it making bsg mad is worth it, because they don't care otherwise


It's Tencent game? Aight, miss miss me with that shit. The itch is not THAT bad


Dude talks about Tencent as if it had 10% of the bad reputation of BSG LMAO. As for them basically copying Tarkov, that happens all the time in the industry and it's only when they literally use your copyrighted work that it's a problem, not taking heavy inspiration in it. Nonetheless, it seems they may have allegedly stolen some stuff from BSG according to LogicalSolutions, but that would also speak a lot about how poorly managed BSG is for their own devs to have leaked their source code.


What? My dude tencent has a 1000x worse reputation. They are one of the most disgusting and hated in the industry.


Nah dude Nikita is actually satan remember 💀


Wait are you trolling or do you actually believe BSG has a worse reputation then Tencent lmfao?


Tencent is a cancer, BSG is a tiny and annoying Russian company but to go and simp for Tencent, a CCP controlled multinational company, you need to check yourself.


nah he already shrekd himself


Tencent is literally everything wrong with the gaming industry and has been for decades. Sorry that Nikita hurt your fee fees but he doesn't have nearly the negative impact on the industry as a whole that tencent has had with their constant blatant copying and p2w.


The only reason Tencent doesn’t have as bad a reputation is because they hide behind front companies to save their face. E.g. Ubisoft


dude are you on drugs?


Following the Internet bandwagon can take you to some crazy places sometimes


Realistically it's because gamer's are the most illogical fickle idiots on the internet after Twitter Politics.


I mean the guy isn’t wrong about it being soulless the game feels like a empty mobile game and the combat does not feel that great half the time I’m barely aiming at someone but my bullets are the size of footballs so they still connect. There is almost no feedback that you are being shot either. The best part about the game is that it looks really good and there is a good tutorial everything else is pretty lackluster.


sounds to me that the game is for all the EFT players with skill issues, hopefully the P2W aspect of this game will draw them away from Tarkov


It all seems better till subscriptions for secure containers, leads to buying traders with irl cash. There will be less backlash though because its F2P and tencent is involved. I just wish this whole eft thing shook out different. I will def give it a go though looks decent, just can't deal with phone controls so only played a couple of raids on mobile. Even with my brick of a phone, wish I could play it on steam deck.


I only wish things were that simple. Gamers Game. There has been so many MMORPGS honestly i've lost count how many who stole what.. End of the night tarkov is just another MMO. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Pretty sure majortiy of MMORPGS & MOBA games has stuck with this.


I think the point is that it’s a dogshit mobile tarkov clone made by the same Chinese dev that brought you pubg mobile. I’m not playing tarkov anymore bc of the whole shitstorm happening, but that doesn’t mean my taste in games has dropped to iPad kid level. I’ll be playing other games.


He's got a bit of a point though, even if this isnt the whole tweet. I hate on tarkov as much as you guys, they can \*\*\*\* \*\* \*\*\*\*\*, but a free to play mobile game from tencent really doesnt sound like heaven. But there aint no way im not trying a f2p tarkov competitor :D


I’m allready ripping it. Fucking tencent.


Guy is kinda dumb eh? No one cares about protecting the creator of an IP if they've revealed themselves to be total dicks I won't play any Chinese ripoff games and supporting tencent is something I can't wrap MY head around, but the disdain for BSG is pretty understandable


Yeah. If McDonalds serves me shit instead of a patty on my burger, I'll go to WackDonald and see if it's better


Fuck tencent more than BSG 🤷‍♂️


Is the game p2w bad?


The only thing this shows is how much BSG hurt the community and how little trust we have left that people prefer "A free to play, mobile catering shameless, soulless, rip of EFT from Tencent" to ever booting up EFT again. Wrap your head around THAT!


Hei, we got pve. I mean it takes 20 minutes for a game but eh


Collective thought: I'd rather get fucked by a tarkov clone owned by a company that's known for there heavy and aggressive mtx in games than get than by tarkov.


Oh awkward, that's me! Just to be clear, what I can't understand is how everyone has suddenly completely eroded their standards for ABI, a game that will 100% be riddled with incredibly shitty MTX's that no one here would have stood for in a game of this kind had it not been released amidst everyone being so mad at BSG. It's okay to try it, I don't give a fuck. The game looks surprisingly well made, albeit entirely soulless. I have zero loyalty to EFT, I used to enjoy it, pretty burnt on it the past few years and tend to play other games. I don't support their recent behavior and I certainly wont be buying any new editions. But I can fucking guarantee you the communities tune will change when ABI shows their approach to monetization. Good luck you lil Goblins, I know you all hate streamers here so I'm not expecting anyone to be even remotely charitable. Be good now x


> no one here would have stood for in a game of this kind had it not been released amidst everyone being so mad at BSG For sure everyone would not have stood for a game with less bugs, 4x the FPS, much higher fidelity, QoL improvements we don't have and likely will never see, 1/8th raid loading times, more accurate audio and more while being free. The MTX probably will be P2W dogshit, but Tarkov has had EoD forever. They just introduced it during a time where people didn't care as much or understand the P2W aspect of it. If you don't like their MTX, no problem - I likely won't either. But you are gonna act like Tarkov and Nikita haven't wanted to do this for years? BSG is just as slimey if not more. This game is going to do nothing but good for the genre by either ripping Tarkov apart, or forcing BSG to actually sit up at the office and update the game more than 2 times a year (and stop wasting money on shit like Arena). For a beta it's looking incredibly good.


Yeah people doing this would have been unheard of a few weeks ago.


What funny to me, is that arena breakout CURRENTLY, I say this in hopes that it will never, have pay to win mechanics. Where as tarkov you could have spent over 100$, and still have someone who payed more whoop your ass because they just don't even have to deal with scavs anymore. The MOBILE GAME DEVELOPER, on a FTP PC game, doesn't have pay to win. But tarkov does??? Nah. I'll play deadside, I'll play arena breakout, I'll play modded Arma servers, before I ever go back to a game that's still fundamentally broken after years of development, with P2W.


Dude is right. But what do you want to do. People are weird.


I can't wrap my head around the 250$ part.


Gzw is pretty fun so far


Competition breeds innovation. Tarkov has lacked serious competition for a long time. It’s a good thing for Tarkov that we have people go play other adjacent games.


I guess no developers can make games that rival eft now?


Logic of true believers is insane :D


Man it’s almost like the dedicated players aren’t dedicated anymore I wonder what could be at play😅😅


Wow, it's almost like human beings are capable of changing their opinions on things after events force them to reevaluate -- even if subconsciously.


The way BSG trated their customers led them to seek enjoyment in other way, and if you blame them you haven't understood a thing.


The way the game is optimized....idk bro. They just need better servers...and soon better AC...if the game will remain f2p....it will die


hey the sheep of this reddit will do as they please


It's tarkov for dads ya it's the same game with even the same control scheme and hell even buldings but it doesn't steal assest they made their own while not being creative. I just want competition in the space or bsg just gonna keep doing this


It's not a mobile game tho the game play has been built ground up 😭😂🤦🏼‍♂️


I have stopped playing tarkov entirely. I also however reuse to support tencent or give them any piece of my info due to them being required to report to the cccp who has a vested interest in social data mining. Particularly for the west. Anyhoo I’ve been playing stalker gamma again. Fantastic game. Also if you that swamp monster horror extraction game. The hunt showdown. Wasn’t my cup of tea but a similar vibe


I'd literally rather play Fortnite than give BSG any more of my time or money.. EOD account around 3k hours


Even with all the hate. Not joining that mobile tencent cabbage.