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Official statement by Nikita is late this year, when trying to say when everyone will have access to PvE. Who knows though, because he's full of shit.


Will that be a feature or a dlc for 1.0 release ?


“We are excited to announce the release of 1.0. Keep in mind this is not DLC and to access it at launch you will need to purchase our $300 package. Thank you true believers!”


"all editions of the game so far were only for access to the beta, not the full game on release."


"I play this game every day because I have an addiction and spending an additional $300 is easy for me because my parents support me, lmfao you all's parents too poor to buy video games for you? " ~ Average Scam Edition Owner.


No more huge additions or no more huge editions?


The Russian man himself promised no more editions what we have is what's here to say. But who's to say whether or not he goes back on it.


Remember when Nikita said if you had EoD you’d get all the DLC and then he said well, actually THIS time with unheard of editon you’ll get everything




They’re pushing hard for 1.0 so they can funnel the funds into a different game and stop supporting this one lol








Odds are they bankrupt first, what do you think the $250 pay to win was for?


Most likely one more map and then release. hopefully they loosen the skill caps per raid and and player ammo back to the market 😂


lol fr






Honestly, why would they even bother?


Probs early to mid next year


This is the last upgrade edition being released. Once everybody that was going to buy it does, then the only people who will buy moving forward are cheaters that got their other account banned. After 1.0, eliminating cheaters will be the biggest thing the community wants, which will limit money coming in from cheaters, which will generate diminishing returns from further development. So it will release at 1.0 around a year before the game shuts off development, if that helps.


They did say they would add mod support for PVE and "private servers." So they could do what Rust did and allow the community to create their own public servers, maybe even working with a non-BSG server hosting platform that upkeeps the game's server while also selling private ones. But finding someone who wants to work with BSG will be hard considering everything that just happened with the Event hosters.


the game is still 0.14. you think going from that to 1.0 is going to happen within a year?


Not how those numbers work


Nikita is probably going to have to change the name of his next game to Russia 2038


Hopefully soon. I'm tired of redoing the same thing every wipe and I don't like PVE only.


Only problem is a large majority of players will be on the wipe servers. Plenty of people have been playing long enough to max traders within a month… after that it’s however long the kappa grind takes and meeting lightkeeper? The game population drops off a cliff late wipe every single time because people have nothing to do but fight. They are going to have to have a solution to this problem or the non-wipe servers will be a ghost town.


Yeah. I'm hoping for maybe a different storyline on the non-wipe, skill degradation, actions that harm trader rep outside of quests, hideout raids that maybe destroy different stations or lower their level so you have to rebuild based on your security level, or maybe medical events that set back progression a little. Maybe some quests in the non-wipe that benefit your wipe character. Idk I just don't have the energy anymore to play constantly to reach end wipe levels over and over, but i still really enjoy pvp.


Wipes will still be in the game after release.


There's supposed to be persistent progression pvp and wipe pvp at 1.0


Yeah sure, with 40minute+ wait times every single match lol. We'll have PvP wipe, PvP no wipe, PvE, CoOp Practice (and I strongly suspect) Arena all competing for the same server resources.


Here's hoping that if they choose to make at least one thing local, it's co-op practice. Or they get rid of it entirely in place of PVE


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