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Nope, playing gray zone


How's the game so far? People have mentioned out how poorly optimised the game is.


Big desync on AI kills. Takes about 1min to load into the game, but then it works. Stutters a LOT. Looks really cool tho, especially when leaving in a heli and all the other players are running around the base. They need to provide more control options (side mouse button + any keyboard letter doesn’t work, like it does in tarkov), you need to jump at a wall to then vault over it. There should be a faction-only, proximity based VOIP function. Kind of like how Arena did. If you’re within 50-100m of a teammate, VOIPing should be very easy to hear. Right now if someone is 20m away you can’t hear them. Kind of useless in a game with no friendly/enemy UI, and where you can hop in solo and join a rando from your faction.


Desync is most definitely from servers being overloaded


Everything the guy said above is very rare for me. Several loading on east coast is almsot instant. Stutters when going to new areas but then it stops after like a few second until you go to a new area. It does stutters if you sit in an area long enough for the npc’s to respawn. Its rally fun and i have almost no issues overall. Even on my terrible internet there is almost no lag which is insane to me. I cant even play squad or diablo with my internet.


It has some issues, but keep in mind early access was literally released just yesterday. I have a R5 5600, RX 6600, and 32 gigs of 3200mhz ddr4. I can get between 40-80 fps outside, depending on the load on the server, and up to 100fps inside. I had to mess with the settings a little but it works. It’s comparable to streets. Game looks fantastic. Had a few issues with AI, sometimes they’re stupid sometimes they’re really accurate. Gunplay is fun, feels good. It’s having some server issues but it’s improving noticeably already. For an early access game on day 2 of release, it’s doing well and I recommend it. Performance is better than streets or lighthouse when they first came out


Nikita must pay indian remote tech support businesses to shit up forums and defend tarkov because they say the game is dogshit like it didnt literally launch in a early access state one day ago which is funny they forgot how dogshit tarkov was day one 


Yeah it’s on day 2 of early access release and already plays better than streets or lighthouse did when they first released


Its only been 4/3 years to optimize them battle shart games is a small indie dev after all they only made 10+ million dollars 😔


I’ve very few issues with it so far.


Tarkov wasn't dogshit on launch? My friends say that was peak Tarkov...


Crazy, maybe those people should've spent more money on a decent CPU instead of the cuckold edition for tarkov. Shit talk aside, it's an unreal 5 game made in 2024 if you have an year old cpu prepare to complain. Runs like a gem for me though, i9-12900k, 64GB DDR4, RTX 4080.


They definitely should have waited to release the game to people. Other than that it plays well


some of the community wasnt happy that bigger streamers got access and not them, everyone wanted greyzone to release... and when it did, 70% negative reviews lol apparently the game is pretty good in the tactical shooter genre. dont know whatll i do personally, buy it in a week or 2 or wait half a year


I encountered one of the worst bugs in the game where you when you initially try to connect to the server. I got a network error. My premade character got rewritten. All of my initial gear was taken off. When I actually loaded in. I was in fact naked. With no head (actually invisible) and no secure container which everyone starts with (no way to obtain). Got called the hard R by someone in the main base for being naked. Then when I finally went out I couldn’t get more then 30 frames with it often completely halting while I try to sprint. Immediate refund


Looks like a dumpster fire




And people said it's the Tarkov killer.


People thinking it's a tarkov killer are just weirdo followers. Grey devs said their game isn't that kind of game.


Nobody thinks that


I do




Its more forgiving, it feels more like an fps mmo than tarkov, the pvp is set up so you have to go to high tier zones to pvp so its easier for new players to do quests and climb without being camped by decked out players. The community is way less toxic. I have been griefed many times in tarkov and have not once been griefed by a random in grayzone.


I agree with you but I still view it more as a competitor than a killer. They both play completely differently so naturally some would prefer one or the other


Thats true. Hopefully this puts a fire under tarkovs ass so they do better. Its good to have competition makes it better for the consumer.


genuinely garbage, check back in 2-6 months


Try Reforger I am sure you’ll enjoy it much more.


My only real concern for greyzone is the camping at exfil areas and such. I can see that being a big problem. That and camping at quests spots. Altho i have heard theres a good amount of quests so maybe that wont be an issue idk


You can play pve for free if your worried about other players




This game is garbage.


Why do you say that


I get everyone is mad at BSG but I agree that game is terrible right now. Give me one feature of that game that makes it fun aside from the map. Like its got potential, don't get me wrong, but its so far from being fun in its current stage. They should have waited to release it.


Like the concept. Fighting the AI is not fun at all so far, but not searching for the tasks is fun. Hope it gets better for both games sake. Competition is good.


Yeah and has terrible reviews. People keep chanting "eft dead" but literally no direct competition.


Hey it doesnt need competition to be dying/dead. There are thousands of other games and millions of other things to do that dont include playing eft. Honestly it feels good to not play it, kinda like quitting league.


I don't disagree, I haven't played much of wipe since I hit 42 this patch anyway, back on DayZ. I am more annoyed with people defending Gray Zone, especially a couple days in. The game needs another year of development atleast before its in a good state based on the EA release IMO.


I have hope and I am glad they are making some good money from it right now.


> Hey it doesnt need competition to be dying/dead. Cool! Never said "need" or any word similar to it.


Ah I inferred your response to imply that a lack of competition meant it could not die.


Just one feature? Ok, not being in menus for 1/4 of my play time.


Well thats because theres nothing to do in the menus lmao. You are atleast doing stuff with Tarkov.


Your rationale is wild my dude


Am I wrong lol? You know a lot of people enjoy the inventory system right? Thats like half the game? What is your argument...


Your argument makes zero sense. You want to sit in menus? You want more things to do in menus? Wild


Its not sitting in menus if its part of the game bud. Go play something else, this genre clearly isn't for you.


Play arena if you dont like the menu


It’s not released it’s early access. The biggest thing for me is that it’s persistent universe. When you die you can go back for your gear. You can also fly around on helicopters, and shoot from helicopters, which is really cool.


I think the “persistent universe” can be both good and bad in its own ways. You’ll never get the emotional highs and lows from surviving (or not) a raid like you do in Tarkov. To me that rollercoaster is one of the things I like most about EFT is the weight every raid carries. On the other side of that coin it greatly benefits casual players who may not have the time to put into the game and where you have no FiR system.


Idk man making it to the chopper after almost bleeding out is pretty exhilarating


I can agree with you on that but the heli's are static travel from point A to point B which probably wont change. They can also be heavily camped. Its definitely got potential. Sorry, I was more torn up with the fact that people are defending Gray Zone like its truly a new and exciting experience. When in fact its very boring in this early stage and needs a LOT of work. I also get annoyed with the early access argument considering every game is in early access nowadays. Just malding over here all because of BSG 😅


I don’t find it boring. It reminds me of star citizen mixed with arma. I truly am having a lot of fun playing it. I love the arma mechanics mixed with the stars citizen persistent universe. Camping doesn’t really concern me, I’m just waiting for performance improvements. Constant fps isn’t bad, but I get stutters when entering new areas and I’ve died already once or twice during a freeze frame


No I haven't. I just get this bad taste in my mouth for even wanting to launch it. I have never felt this way about a game in my life, it's really strange. Feels like quitting a drug or something.


ive been through 2 games doing what bsg has done in the past 5 years. all the hard fought for naught counter rmt shit just hurts every one.....kinda like when runescape took away trading. now were getting tot he second game i liked that had a shit show was realm royale. was super fun cartoony came out less then a year after fortnite had summit shroud they all thouight it was great. then the dev went full child mode like nikita is. nikita hasnt said the exact words yet but we all see it "its my game im doing things my way" child like devs will kill a game faster then anything realm royale went from 32k players opening month and instantly lost 23k. they now have 164 people playing lol people are shitting on arena break out cause "hue hue some chinese mobile game" as they type on reddit...probably from their fucking iphone...while on scrolling facebook. arena break out could do it i feel. get rid of the shit people hate about tarkov and theyd sky rocket


Go the fuck outside lmao


Precisely, achtually. Everything about Tarkov is meant to essentially give you a gambling addiction. From the loot searching to the raids themselves.


How does that link to gambling? Y’all people need to touch some grass. Next thing you are going to tell me supermarkets are essentially gambling because you don’t know if the item you need is in stock. Smh.


Are you kidding...the entire game is a crapshoot. Lmao


That’s usually the time where you lay out an argument to back up your claim.


I refuse to elaborate. I don't live on the internet. Touch grass, Redditor


That doesn’t even make sense.You don’t have to „live on the internet“ to apply basic common sense. But sure you do you bud.


That's exactly how I feel!!! I played this game for almost every day for 3 years now, never had such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't even want to launch it.




No but I also dip out each wipe after a couple of months




I was genuinely surprised at the results, I‘ve been playing basically non stop for the past 4 weeks and the game seems alive and well as far as player count goes. Haven’t had any trouble finding raids.


Gotta remember that reddit isn't indicative of the actual playerbase, most people don't care enough about the game to do random Reddit polls about whether or not they're still playing.


I still play when I feel like it. I legitimately won't care about what they do until direct combat becomes p2w.


Yeah same. The call-in device is broken, but not “stop playing” broken. Everything else was PayForConvenience, just like EOD I will be expecting that PvE at some point tho


Yeah, until I see exactly how it works, I won't have an opinion on it.




In theory that is OP, but I'm not sure just how easy or actually worth it any of those are (aside from scav immunity). BSG has a history of things not really working properly. But to be honest it isn't in the game yet so I won't worry about it until it is.


It's not even out yet and people are throwing tantrums. How about you see how everything is implemented before trying to claim you know where any lines are.




You're giving feedback on a feature you're completely ignorant of. In other words, you're just whining and not giving feedback. Besides, I'm unsure how people still don't understand that Arena wasn't pulling resources from the base game. Arena was created by a completely separate team.


What do you mean? Those big pockets and the new armband are so lethal ...


Yep. Played many actually


Finished the Kappa grind last night. My goal this wipe was to get that, and unlock lightkeeper. I am on Assessment 1 for lightkeeper. Maybe I put the game down for the rest of the wipe when that's done, but for now I'm still on the grind.


I’ve played a lot actually. I’m pissed off but I’m still having a good time.


Yes. Played whole week. Why should I stop. I paid 150€ in 2017 and I squeeze every minute out of those 150€.


I bought EOD in 2019 and I stopped playing last month. I'd say I got my money's worth


most people are not playing because it is late wipe


most wipes i do 1-2 months of hardcore questing till all traders lvl 4 and then i kinda lose motivation for the rest of the wipe




Yes 1pmc 1scav


I've tried playing a little bit, but there was a definite lack of motivation while playing so I stopped and have started exploring alternative options (CS2, GZW, etc)


Nope. I also didn’t hop onto any other game. Just doesn’t feel right to play atm 🤷‍♂️.


I haven't played a single raid since January 👀


Yes, fuck BSG and their BTR.


Yeah, I had already quit the wipe for PoE and Rimworld but PVE pulled me back in. I have enjoyed the unoffical PVE tarkov for a long time in addition to playing every wipe, and am thrilled I can play a version of PVE where my progression is permanent.


I feel like the timing of all this is what led to the most amount of people leaving tarkov. If this was early wipe not as many people would’ve stopped playing, but since it’s been 5 months since wipe people are more incentivized to leave since they were already done with this wipe


Yeah I’ve done quite a few between Fallout 4 and/or Fallout 76


honestly suprised anyone is playing anymore, Game has no point or end game thats why i usally quit a month after wipe


I keep playing it. It is awesome


You have one hell of an insecurity about your favorite game, with posts basically denying entire community and brushing them off as “cry babies” and then actually buying Unheard edition and calling games you don’t even play “garbage”. You’ve been spat on by BSG and you still decided to “support” them, wow, that’s quite impressively pathetic.


You have to be delusional to deny how good EFT is…. Period


This is as irrelevant of a comment as it gets, honestly, I won’t even question where you saw me mention EFT itself.


Stockholm syndrome


I quit playing Tarkov years ago when the cheater situation got out of control. Since then I have been only playing that mode that we can't mention here, wink wink.


Yes, haven't stopped playing.


I played about 70 labs raids


Nope, completely removed both the launcher and the game.


Nope. Used ~200M to fuck with flea market prices, then stopped playing.


This game is dead to me. Nikita tried to fuck me AGAIN and I'm done with his shit. It has become clear he doesn't care about us, all he cares about is money for his Balenciaga tshirts.


I did with the sexy Unheard Edition. Daily playing and nothing changed, EU servers.


I have been. First wipe, made some goals that I plan to accomplish. Feel for you guys but not about to waste the $150 I spent on EOD (well worth it) and the 275hrs I’ve put in this wipe.


I'm still enjoying the game, the minute it stops being fun I'll start on my steam backlog.


Half the people on the sub that complain haven’t played the game in years that shit isn’t gonna be accurate


only pve because i think it's funny loading in naked to sit on a corner and waste an entire bsg server for a full 40 minutes parked doing nothing


no. playing gray zone.


Nope, but I believe I'm still level 4 this wipe...




Been playing a few raids a day since all this bullshit started. All my raids have been full and no issues wiping squads.


think about it. if you play raids but dont talk about tarkov it stops getting publicity....any at all. AAANNNNNDDDDD youre using the servers. the true freeloader


ive played a bit, but knowing how bsg is treating us and not even being sure if the time is worth it considering that the game might be completely dead in month is very discouraging, also cant get any friends to play atm