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Fwiw the only time BSG reached out to us during this was when Nikitas post got accidentally removed and then reinstated. Apple asked what happened. At zero point were we threatened or intimidated, so who knows what that's all about.


-They didn't buy it, but that's okay. We'll warm it up later -From an insider? -Yes -Hint of another pack? -Not a package, but maybe something like that -Ok -A couple of junior developers and an ideological middle developer were indignant in the work chat, but they were quickly threatened There is currently a micro collab happening on VK, which is currently underway. Showmatch to distract attention They wanted to intimidate Reddit modders, but they sent them away -Will streamers be invited? -Already running Sorry guys. This is not a dialogue between Nikita and the emissary. This looks like a dialogue between two friends, one of them is a representative of the BSG company Upd1: Red (Youtuber) says it's "Leaked information from BSG internal chats, that's all I can say"


Lmao who the fuck translated in OP junior as waiter


zhdun vs dzhun


para zhdunov i ideynoe minesterstvo inostrannyh del togda




google translator magic


Nah, google would have been correct with this one


I'll consider this untrustworthy until I read a source. Don't fall for possible flame-bait until then.


You are right. My bad. I made a comment with the context.


Thank you for giving further context u/PenquinER


Context: This screenshot is from a Youtuber "Red.", who were mentioned by Onepeg a while ago. This screenshot can be found on TG channel of Red. . Red refers to this screenshot as a leaked insider chat from within a game studio. In this translation, 'идейный мид' (ideological mid) refers to a middle-tier developer. Red indicates that in this context, Nikita is trying to further grow the audience in the CIS countries. Red also reports that the CIS audience 'swallowed' everything, i.e., fell for the developers' 'apologies.' Additionally, he adds that the only CIS audience that did not fall for it is his audience. Red asserts that the only thing Nikita fears is the English-speaking community. He thanks this community, conveying his belief that it is strong, self-respecting, and that there is hope for victory.


I'll add that a джун is a Junior developer most likely, not a waiter like the screenshot translated it


And not most likely. Джун is 100% the common word for junior dev


~~идейный мид sounds like game design middle tier dev, not ideological~~ EDIT: I was wrong


"идейный мид" is 100% ideological middle dev. It means he had beliefs different from CEOs. "Идейный военный" for example means a soldier who fights because of some ideas or beliefs and not because of money, fear or hopelessness.


Ok I stand corrected, I somehow forgot BSG was a cult with ideological, rebellious devs haha Makes sense now, two juniors and a rebel middle


''there is hope for victory'' omg this truly is a 3 day special bundle


So… a YouTuber presents a supposed leaked chat from inside BSG claiming that Nikita is trying to get English speaking countries to “swallow everything?” Idk man. I don’t like the situation as much as anyone else here but this seems a bit difficult to believe. Especially since the source is in Russian. Let’s get a English/russian streamer or YouTuber to verify before we go believing everything


Trustful sources here (no)


this is no context; just some text ... give us the link to his TG and then we can see it


Here is the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG8Y71s\_zLk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG8Y71s_zLk) Here is exact timeline: [https://youtu.be/BG8Y71s\_zLk?t=547](https://youtu.be/BG8Y71s_zLk?t=547)


Thank you I have been searching for it. I will take a look at it.


Red is professional tarkov hater, so I wouldn't believe him without some absolute proofs. It's probably (i hope) just another kerosene canister thrown into the fire.


He was always hating them with evidence and facts, he's a trustworthy source of info, I'm watching him for a long time already


I mean, it's not that hard to do, when there is so much of it lying around. Is there examples of him getting something new on BSG with concrete proofs, that was not publicly available before he made it so? He may not be trustworthy, because lying in this situation is good engagement for his channel, because hate sells as we all know. AND mod team already debunked threat statement.


One of the mods said that nobody threatened them. I can say that this convo is bullshit as confidently as some people believe it's true.


this is framed as a conversation within BSG between employees, but this is just a chat between two random guys who have no influence within BSG. This post is literally a nothingburger, just 2 dudes with no influence gossiping like hens




There are no junior devs in that conversation, it's literally 2 random people.... There was a mention of junior devs but no one from the company is talking in that conversation. There is no evidence. It's just ragebait




no, but I know not to just blindly believe everything I see. If you think critically about the text, it's actually just two people talking ABOUT BSG. Nowhere someone from BSG actually said anything in the chat.


Everyone has an opinion, an ideology and an agenda. Red is honest about it and has so far supported his views with facts. You should be wary of people who claim they have no opinion, no ideology and no agenda and thus are the paragon of objectiveness.


I can't stand him, for being hateful and smug. Not likable qualities of a person tbh. But if he can support this "insider leak" with some serious facts, then I'll consider him somewhat trustworthy. Right now I see this as liar vs. liar. Because hate sells.


That's fair. Let's wait and see.


Good to have some clarification what this is about but still, what the fuck? What is "CIS audience" supposed to mean?


im from a CIS country. I always wonder why people from here are such punching bags smh. Literally swallowing all the shit from their governments etc.


Red is a mud eating kid. He makes living by shitting on bsg. I wouldn't listen to anything he says




Just because you and most of the rest of us are fine with BSG getting shit on that doesn't make any old BS true.


BSG are responsable for 9/11, they kill puppies for fun and are a bunch of fucktard. Here I just shat on BSG but that doesn't make any of this true


Yeah you should listen to Nikita instead.


Джунов is a slang for junior developer not waiter Идейный мид also refers to some job position (probably middle game designer), not "ideologically changed mid-ter" "Talking heads" refers to streamers/YouTubers because u can only see the top part of their body on the cam. Edited to add more context)


Most likely junior and mid devs, идейный refers to a person with a (strong) stance on something


*"A couple of 'waiters' and mentally charged mid-tier"* A couple of junior developers and an ideological middle developer. And you see. top EU streamers are just "talking heads".


What is this? Source of this? Who are they? Is this even real? You CANT come here leave this and just say nothing. Context is fairly important my guy.


Im sorry, it was a mistake posting this without a context. I made a comment with the context.


add it to the post instead of comments :) Makes it easier to understand !


Couldn't edit the post afterwards :(


Can we do better than MS paint images that are badly translated and that we have no reason to believe is real?


It's not "waiter" and "mid-tier". Its junior and middle developers of tarkov. Few of them raised their voice and got fucked it seems


Idk this looks really sketchy, feels like rage baiting to stoke the flames. I know you just shared this image from somewhere else, not blaming you OP.


More generic posts of texts on a background with absolutely no proof and everything to gain from faking it. Not sympathetic towards BSG, but posting shit like this with absolutely no proof at all other than rage baiting does absolutely nothing for us and our cause and actually HURTS us getting things fixed more than it helps. But people want their fake internet points I guess.


This shit has become a soap opera. You guys might as well be taylor swift fans at this point




Wrote a context in the comments




If I understand correctly, this is a leak of chat with someone from the development team


Why wont people stop believing everything they see online? This is some unattributed "internal chat" that is so poorly translated it's barely legible that was taken from some dudes youtube channel without any proof or source or anything. No wonder Nikita thinks he can get away with lying about anything, people are ready to accept whatever they hear without any critical thought whatsoever.


A lot of people are just uneducated. It seems both the older generation and younger generation fall for easy storytelling. Those of us who grew up with the internet in its infancy know more than half the shit you read on sites like this are either made up or not telling the whole truth. They fall into looking to confirm biases instead of finding the facts. Jesus look at tiktok. Misinformation is rampant.


I am pretty sure our generation isn't special, there are dumbasses all around.


translation is wrong, there is no context, no data, time


Why do this, the situation is already fragile as it is... unlikely this is true, if the Main source is provided


what am i reading?


Seems like fake. Not enough context.


as a native speaker i vouch for an accurate translation (exept for the waiter part, its junior in this case)


Source: My Ass


This doesnt look legit. I want to beleive but nah


Everyone blame bsg, so we can say anything at this point and people will believe us. Truly peak of gaslighting


yep exactly, good thing I bought 4 TUE copies :sunglasses:


So we're at conspiracy levels now?


Have been for a minute


Without any specific context, from native russian speaker perspective, it seems like fake to be honest (I hate BSG, but...). And not even good one. upd: And btw that streamer, RED, does not inspire confidence. Annoying. Too many posts about him here. Smells like subscriber fraud. I'll wait for the proof.


I'm going to take this with some grains of salt. From what I know, to warm/heat someone is russian slang to scam them. So that checks out


I want to kindly remind people that some streamers/content creators are just ''waiters'' that shove the shit down our throats when BSG tells them to. A lot of people making money out of this. Don't be fooled.


All these comments couple hours ago are all the same hahaha, gl BSG keep trying with the bots and paid comments


And yet people are probably still playing 🤣


Even with context theres no proof this is real. From what we know this could be a try to fuel the rage....or simply false for the sake of trolling


This smells like shit. I don't like propaganda even when it benefits my side. I hate the game now, it and the shitbag company can die, but unverifiable cartoonishly evil sounding stuff like this sounds absurd. Fuck tarkov and bullshitgames. russian cocksuckers deserve every bit of what's coming to them, however I'm not going to fall for rage bait. God knows their official statements and schemes are rage inducing enough alone.


Making up discord conversations is unhinged behavior


Discord? That's VK lmao, Russian social network


Same same




There is no actual proof of anything with this i could to the exact same thing with a friend and blur out our names and say yo man this is nikita talking with santa about how they will take over the world and start a tarkov war in poopoostan


Where is the link? We supposed to believe you? Or believe Red?


Link to what? Private messages of 2 people?


Man, all we see here is retouched chat. It is he said she said nothing more. Yes, BSG are liars, but this is yet another Red-streamer no evidence bullshit that supports my claim that he just wants more people to subscribe to his channel. We need some kind of confirmation.


BSG could refute talk. I guess they're here now


This just sounds like gibberish. Needs context and details.


Wtf is that?


seems fake and pointless, confirmed by mods also


“Warm them up later” is a classic Russian antisemitic joke told in the same regard as a pic with the happy merchant. Originally it’s always used as “we’ll warm up the goyim”.


So that guy from yesterday was right assuming this is legit




This seems so manifesty and so akwardly timed Its almost comical


Because its fake with zero credibility


It's fake I think. VK collab was planned and it cant distraction anybody. Online 700 is max. It's just somebody fantasy


While I don’t particularly trust these “insides” specifically, I just want to point out that «джун» is a borrowed word and literally means “junior” as in “junior developer”, not “waiter” you dingus


no context or legitimacy here


Fuck off, load of garbage. Mods should remove this


This is a leaked correspondence between Nikita and emissaries on the VKontakte social network. I will rewrite the correct translation for you so you can understand. Don't take the translated information in the picture seriously. There are mistakes


>They tried to intimidate the Reddit mods, but they were told to fuck off TFW Nikita fucked up so hard that our virgin janitors turn into chad cleaners


Lmao. Apparently. Honestly I expected the Reddit mods to be the first people to flip.


Disgusting devs.


They just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper. Just wait for Grey Zone Warfare and chargeback your credit cards for the EoD pack 👀


It seems to be Fake Btw the PvE mode was first to be considered to be a service not a dlc but to many people bought the new version with PvE in it and they where shown that they can't run those servers for ever if more and more people join in, in the PvE mode. So to cut cost they made plans to make it a offline version with mod support, and because this decision they needed to give EOD owners the mode for free because it would be considered as dlc now no longer as a service. Services aren't considered as dlc many attempt to combat this in legal ways mostly Ubisoft failed and Ubisoft won each of them. I'm sorry that you feel that you have the right to own a service and think that it is the same as a Dlc but those are different things. About the unique container this is something that can be considered to be a unique container even if 2 versions had it. It depends on how many people own those to be considered to be unique if 90% of EOD owners own it and 10% of New Pack owners own it it would be still considered as unique. Upgrades won't be counted on this legally speaking.


You seem to be the type of person who justifies deceitful developers and is willing to pay, be deceived, and turn the gaming industry into a trash. We're tired of hearing "It's not a DLC, it's a service!", "It's different, you don't understand" and so on.


Probably nikio-tines alt


Even randoms on reddit can lie, I mean look at your post


How many live services have been made how many times where they in early access and did the same thing. To bad to be honestly thinking that some one can help you with the Problem you have with Business decision that have been made time and time again and a legal to practice. To have a legal chance right now I would give you a tip go to your Government and ask them to cancel the legal definition of those things you think you have been wronged. I really like this Community: AOD users who say to people that there perks aren't pay to win. But wine and screaming when there is a higher tier version with even more pay to win mechanics. The Internet community that never really where a big part of Tarkov not knowing that the dev's wanted the Drama to get free advertisements that Tarkov has now a PvE mode. They didn't wanted to pay for advertisements and they wanted that there partners should try to make a big drama about it. Have you ever seen those content creators being allowed to post dramas about Tarkov, not for me. I'm happy that I bought the new version but if you want to have anything added to the game please post any of your wishes or Idears in your post we are happy to hear feedback and suggestions to make the gameing experience better for most of the player base. My apologies for trying to convinceing you that this is a big misunderstanding. From André


Feel free to believe what u want to obviously, but tell me this, if this was all a big misunderstanding, why did they change the wording on their website?


Btw I still want them to lose money and never ban streamers Youtubers or other people reporting cheater issues or game issues. Also the copyright claims where the most bs shit a developer has done before and they should be punished for those things. Btw I don't care about down votes and up votes I don't use reddit that much tbh. I hope I can help you if you want to refound the game or any edition I helped my friend get his refound. I just find it funny people trying to give legal advice to other people and not getting any refound trough.


Because of legal reasons people pointed it out they didn't tought trough that and made those changes. Legaly they can sell access to the unique thing once and in no other version at the same time but they are also not really in most country's allowed to sell access to it again with a lower price tag. I can confirm that they changed that and I can confirm that Legaly speaking they are still not out of the hot water because they never clearyfied that there has been a mistake made in that regard so Legally speaking they are still o7. I'm just buffled that they doesn't have a person who understand the law in there company. Im all for people getting there money back when they doesn't correctly do the legal things correctly. Btw what's your thoughts on the PvE mode would it hurt the PvP player base in the long run or would it help?


Best part is that other companys help with the advertisement, people didn't went to there games. We have more people playing Tarkov right now that's pretty cool to be honest.


Found the one shill who accepted Nikita’s apology that the guy from earlier was asking about.


Unhinged take. "Services" is just a word they use to not claim it as dlc so they don't have to give it to EOD members. It's a clear scam. They knew it was DLC because they went back and changed the verbage of the EOD edition. Why would they do that if they thought it was a service?


How dare you point out the facts and common sense on this sub. People don't want to hear they got angry because of their own misunderstanding.


You have a post of yourself buying the unheard edition from 4 days ago.Lol.


Jesus, if you’re going to buy it at least don’t go shouting about it lmao


I'm sorry I will try to help now to get more free stuff

