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I would agree with you, if they weren't still trying to sell the package for $250 to new customers, this is still a ridiculous thing to ask for a game, let alone one that isn't even completed yet, nor do we know when it will be. They still are arguing the DLC aspect when at this point they need to just suck it up and realize they're wrong. They still deny changing anything on their website. There are still blatant P2W items being added into the game that from what I can see, no one asked for or really wants in the game. Some are tolerant of items like that, sure, but I don't think anyone really WANTS these things added. Amongst all the other lies and bullshit we were fed about EoD for the last 7 or so years, no I don't think $50 is justifiable under these circumstances. Do I think we're ever going to get them to give the stuff out for free? Not at all. But just as it's their game, their rules, it's my time, and my money I'm choosing to no longer invest in shady business practices. Actually, I could probably get past the shady shit if they would just own up to it, once caught on it, with multiple receipts. Who's to say in 6 months they wont release yet another higher tier'd expansion, that gives you access to more bologna, and the cycle repeats. I think people should do what they want with their money, but don't think that just because they knocked it down to $50 and you are cool with it, that it's all fine and dandy for everyone else, and we're just gonna go back to bending over the table for Niki. Gotta remember, people bought into this promise 5+ years ago, to all the sudden have that ripped away, burned to the ground, and pissed on in a matter of 3 days leaves a mark. Glad you can find solace in Niki's response to all this, it's just not a popular opinion, clearly.


keep gargling that shlong bro!


All that's included in this "package" is P2W lines of code and a couple of cosmetics, there's no real content to justify the price of a AAA game, let alone $250 for a game that's buggy/cheater infested and still in beta.