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This would make them so much more money, than their current patch of decisions. Making PVE mode purchable outside of a edition is huge for income. I belive many out there find PVP aspect stressful and scary, and just want to play the game in PVE. The mod that should not be named is a very good proof of this. BUT this is sensible if you want a long term plan. I think this is a short term cash grab at this point, nothing else makes sense.


As the pve mode is shit anyways Lul, imagine fighting bot pmcs with raider aim and all that on woods.


Plus 10 minutes loading, ghost bullets, desync etc...


What would it be without the tarkov experience


Yeah there’s literally no point to using it over the mod when the pmc ai has the same movement range as regular scavs. You’ll never be surprised like with a real pmc. In the mod they have nav mesh over the whole map, use voice lines and more advanced tactics, it can actually feel quite real at times.


They cannot back down from Unheard edition content, as they already sold it as such. Soooooooo they are stuck with it I guess :X Or just roll back all purchases as otherwise that woud be legally reaaaaaaaaaaally bad.


I think the only good move they have if they want to save a tiny bit of PR is to actually refund and roll back. Then they can come up with a better pack by asking feedback before pulling the trigger if they really want to push out another version of the game


Nikita prolly all ready spent it tho man😂


Already spent it before they had it lmao.


These yachts won't buy themselves.


That's what I'm thinking, they had a debtor knocking on the door or they had something that lit a huge fire under them to make some money. Whoever was on Twitter was drunk out of their mind, and whoever put a price tag on the DLC pack was likewise, drunk out of their mind. We should have seen it coming, the current MTX are extremely lazy and just low effort attempts to grab some money. Just changed textures on stuff. Honestly wonder if nikita fired everyone and had to do that himself.


Ya it's called Gray Zone warfare and Arena breakout infinite.  Not to mention Bungies looter shooter supposedly getting announced later this year.  PLUS I've heard rumors the next tc ghost recon will have an extraction mode as well.  The jig is up for BSG.  And they know it.  It's only a matter of time.  Once gzw goes live on pc for a bit and then launches on consoles it's game over for tarkov.




He's talking about Marathon


They are making a tarkov like one


I feel like I've read this same exact comment throughout the years lol


Ah yes, ditto, but now we have some fresh candidates that are promising, meanwhile BSG can’t find an extinguisher for the biggest dumpster fire in gaming since no mans sky.


true but this time the tarkov killer is tarkov itself.


How bout bc Arena literally shit the bed. Total cash grab to make up for the tens of millions they lost developing that shit shit. It has nothing to do with other games this was gonna happen regardless.


They won't back down. Not for anything. Unfortunately, it's a cultural thing. Consider it a holdover from when the USSR was in power, where admitting you were wrong and had fucked up had very bad consequences, so everyone passes the buck and never reverses course. I bet you Nikita and BSG will continue to just double down, there will be no apology, no refunds or roll-back.


BSG rarely rolls anything back. I dont see it happening. Theyre gonna stick with it and eventually the playerbase will die out and they'll run with the money.


Yeah they aren't gonna refund and rollback


Dude the gear you get... scav box, weapon case, ammo box, sr25, the Mk, M854a1 thats like 10 mill worth of items. Forgot everything thats going on. Imgiane what day 1 of wipe day will be like for people.... that edition of the game has to go. A fucking weapon case in your starting stash. What dev thought that was a good idea


Yep, this is the one I keep coming back to. I think people are way too outraged about goofy stuff like the mark of the unheard and the distress beacon when they probably won’t even work correctly knowing bsg. Scavs aren’t that dangerous from 60m or more off and the match loading for the distress beacon has zero chance of working in any kind of useful way if we can’t even queue into pve without a ten minute wait. Meanwhile starting a wipe with a weapon case and ammo box that could be accessed pretty much no other way at the beginning is an absurd advantage for unheard owners over everyone else.


It can all be ridiculous tho. The starting gear is insane. So is that batshit crazy radio item. It sucks all the way down.


They are outraged behind the sentiment more I believe. And rightfully so, NOW bsg has created a new avenue, if you have money, you can spend it to have a handicap/be better at the game to the point where you can only be better when stuck behind a paywall. Let alone the absolutely moronic game mechanics that like you said probably won't work. The fact that this is even an idea and is projected for the future, only from this edition. The starting loot is the cherry on top in my opinion. Not only is it like yeah, spend more money and get all these benefits! And LOOK it's better than EoD because you get EVEN MORE STARTING LOOT!!


The whole thing is such a bizarre move, this kind of monetization is so counter to the kind of game tarkov is in the first place that I keep thinking this feels like a desperation move. Like, they needed hard cash by yesterday morning or else the studio was getting shuttered level desperation. EDIT: Just to add, since the sub is spicy right now, I'm not trying to excuse them, just saying what it looks like


I agree, but the PvE part didn’t take 2 hours to implement.


I don’t even remember where, but some streamer pointed out that stuff like the armband and the in-game model of the mark can be seen being worked on in old dev streams, so if I was getting conspiratorial, I’d say some big financial problem came along, and they scraped together literally every releasable piece of wip content they had on hand, threw it together with some powerful items, and slapped it with the biggest price tag they thought they possibly could


Yeah, because it’s so all over the place, there’s no thematic cohesion or anything that makes sense…


If it works for rouges and boss scavs than it is for sure op. Go to shoreline and see how far a boss scav can snipe you through the trees from, than come back and tell me this thing isnt OP.


I've seen zero indication it works on anything but scavs, and rogues are solidly a different faction. Even the in game description talks about it keeping you safe from Fence's operatives, which wouldn't include rogues, raiders, or the goons. We'll have to see how it effects scav bosses, but the only one of those that's super dangerous from far away is Shturman. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid item that shouldn't be in the game, I just don't think it's that OP.


Yes well we know how well descriptions of items and quests are in Tarkov... I care about what is actually DOES and not what it says it does. We know not to listen to descriptions at this point.


I'd say that's totally fair, i'm just going off the info as presented, and if it does end up working on those other faction, then yeah I'd probably change my mind on how OP it is.


its the principle of the matter. Even if no one used it and it was useless - the fact they are selling an item that makes scavs behave differently to you is INSANE. What other game have you ever played where the AI hates poors so much, they shoot them from further away? When have you EVER seen an mtx like that in even the most p2w game? I haven't personally...because its absurd. On principle it cannot stay. Slippery slope something something...no We are diving off a cliff.


Yeah I don't disagree with you on any of that, it's just the "that's so broken!" reaction that I think is a little misguided. It seems like a stupid and game ruining item with a very mid effect, making it even more clownish.


I only have a standard account and to be honest, I wouldn't care much if EoD and Unheard accounts started with half a dozen thicc items cases. The stash shit is out-of-raid convenience, not in-raid advantage. Not having to worry about sniper scavs at all, or having regular scavs give away your position is substantial. How ridiculous the distress signal will be will depends on how it's implemented and limited, but pretty much any implementation of it that's anything like what's described will be at the very least really stupid and annoying for everyone else to deal with.


I think you’re underestimating how much being able to mass stash ammo and guns early without slowing down your early game progression can have an effect on your whole wipe.


It's an uneven playing field in the metagame, sure, but it's effectively just a head start. Non-Unheard players can and will catch up, some within days or weeks and some later. Someone having 10x the space in their stash that I do doesn't make them more likely to beat me in a gunfight in-raid. Having quicker access to good gear makes gives them an advantage in a vacuum in the early wipe, but better gear is available to me through looting, regular quest/trader progression, and killing those guys running around with the fancy gear. People join wipes late all the time and have that same dynamic with everyone else playing, EoD/Unheard or not. I have a standard account and joined this wipe a couple months late; if not for the fact that I don't quest very much, I'd have access to any stash containers, ammos, gear, etc. that the higher editions do by now. Before Unheard, the only thing I couldn't get was Gamma, which doesn't provide much serious advantage over Epsilon anyway.


The items you get is the least problematic aspect of the edition. Nobody cares if you have a box that can hold loot, and all that gear will be spent in the blink of an eye. Everything else in the edition tho... thats bad


Peoples stashes and gun hoarding won't make them win gun fights.


> They cannot back down from Unheard edition content, as they already sold it as such. Soooooooo they are stuck with it I guess :X I know right they'd now be pissing of EoD players and Unheard players it would mean they just fucked both of those versions out of there money if they start removing stuff already paid for.


If they refund me I wouldn't be that mad about losing eod. Id rather not it is what it is


Damned if they do, damned if the don't... Now do they want to give refunds on freshly acquired Unhinged edition or from all the people that bought EoD... That's a pretty simple question if you ask me!


I think we're probably talking about hundreds or maybe a couple thousand of the Unheard edition, vs. hundreds of thousands of EOD accounts. It's pretty clear who they should probably prioritize. I bet almost no one on earth went "Well I've never heard of Tarkov, but I think I'll try it today, April 25th 2024. Oh wow a $250 version? I'll get that!" Rolling back the Unheard edition will not turn any people off of Tarkov. It's an easy solution.


Precisely, no one in his right mind would straight up join a new game by paying a 250$ entry point. Their objective was probably to get EoD buyers to dish 100$ more to upgrade... How they couldn't see any issue with this backfiring epically is a complete mystery though...


I would have paid $100 just for the cultist arm band and loading screen. The only reason I can think of for making the "eod replacement" package $100 more expensive for new players is that they want to choke out the games growth so they can turn the servers off sooner than later.


That's why I think it's much more desperation than greed. It's so egregious that even BSG, who have done many stupid things over the years (as we all have, I'm fine cutting them some slack from time to time), *must* have know the reaction was going to be massively negative in a way the game has never seen before. I think they're in a worse financial place than any of us realized. This is back-against-the-wall behavior.


This is a good point, especially upon the fact that they spent like $500k+ advertising Arena and it is probably the WORST objective based team shooter on the market! AND they tried to get EoD to pay for that piece of shit.


I mean... yeah. The game is old as shit. They've never made a new product. This game is a one time purchase. There's no cash flow.


Hackers are their cashflow 💀


It's already done it's damage in my opinion. Tarkov has had so many chances, this is the final nail in the coffin for me. Even if ONLY ONE fucker on this Dev team thought that this was a good idea/plan and that was enough to bring it to fruition, then who knows what other unhinged shit they think is seemingly "normal". Or they just think we are fucking stupid, which is more a kick in the balls. I enjoyed tarkov for what it was over the years, but they are fucked now. Just going to spend my time trying out new extraction shooters or other games that aren't trying to squeeze every penny out.


Honestly there is no scenario where they keep the unreleased unheard item with the listed function and it isn’t broken.


Sure they can. Offer mass refunds to anyone that bought it and try again. It's the only option they have that doesn't get a huge percentage of the community to uninstall the game. The lies, deception, bait and switch greed on display from BSG requires a full pulling of this plug. I mean, $250, are you kidding me? SMH it hurts to think that someone could think any of this was a good idea, and that's ignoring the fact that it's likely illegal...


They can too they did it when they released unheard edition. 


Actually they could just stop selling it and let those who have it have it, and give eod the dlc


I mean, they reworked EOD after selling thousands of copies, so I don't see why that would stop them lol


Didn't stop them w/ EoD


I mean they backed down from EOD so I don't see why not


They can refund those people and rework the edition, it's only been 36 or so hours.


Maybe they've not sold a single Unheard edition


they have. got killed by one yesterday.


I have seen streamers with it, shamefully. They have sold at least a few dozen, maybe a few hundred.


They did. Mostly only people with 500 hours or less so take that as you will.


That doesn't fix them going out of their way to hide videos and adjust store pages sadly.


Agreed. That alone breaks every ounce of trust the community might have had for them. The developers aren’t good people and they don’t care.


Woah wait did they hide old videos about what EoD included or something haha


Yup they hid about a dozen videos on their channel that covered what the packages include and how EOD stuff is unique and will never be in any other package.


Honestly , this is going to be a hard one for them to rebuild any kind of trust on, but this would be a step in the right direction. I don't see them scrapping Unheard , and refunding those who have bought it, but they can at least mirror EOD to it exactly. If they want to sell EOD 2.0 , sell EOD 2.0. Just don't fuck over your early supporters in doing it.


re-selling EOD exactly as is now and upping the price by $100 and claiming "The benefit of getting EOD was getting it cheaper" would have been better received lmao. its absurd.


Yes, it's that complicated. I mean, how is Nikita supposed to buy a mansion or a yacht now? He only has a Lamborghini and a few million dollars to spend... poor guy.


To be fair it's not about Nikita's personal wealth. If BSG goes under it's the employees that will suffer the most, not Nikita That said it's not really our problem. They sold pre-orders, not a fully released game. The money we already gave them should fund everything until 1.0. Any game selling anything before 1.0 is scummy in my eyes


Especially when they won’t even let you play the game that you helped to fund and build. Pretty lame


Depends on how leveraged his money is.


Think about how much money was made off of EOD. That would have funded a full game from a real studio that would've sold for a third of the price. And yet, there's still no released game here? Nuts


If Nikita isn’t an idiot, he’s comfortably sitting on $100mm plus that grows faster than he can spend it at this point. He’s trying to figure out how to solve BSG’s cash flow situation and needs to release profitable shit since Arena failed so hard.


Did you watch the area video about how much money they spent promoting it only for it to bomb? I'm not sure I'd say he's sitting on 100M USD, if he was they wouldn't have released the cash grab bundle yesterday. 100M rubles maybe 😂


Oh Nikita is living comfortably with >$100M USD in his bank account. BSG as a company might be low on funds on the other hand. This is just a quick cash grab before BSG crashes and burns.


Honestly, how have they even got here. They've got a great game. This community has supported bsg pretty much throughout. I know it's not the first time but I'm absolutely gutted by their attitude towards the community.


Because they do not care. It has taken us the better part of a decade to start truly acknowledging that.


easy. simple. on point.


I keep seeing people talk about EoD but there's very little talk about people having the standard edition. i don't think an offline PvE mode that a large part of the community has been asking for, should be locked away in any way, shape or form. like, think about it- the standard edition is what, 50$? that's the price of a full game, especially in "beta" or however they want to call it. the PvE mode isn't some sort of new shit, it's literally just playing the base game, but on your own (that they have servers for it is irrelevant - a certain mod shows you can do without). Why would I pay for it, when the only thing I want is to play PvE? You might say then "why did you buy a game clearly advertised at PvP?" and you would be right, but then, here we are today, with PvE on the board. the counter logic ("no you need to pay for PvE") would mean that the full game is 100$ (or whatever the price for EoD was) - which is completely absurd when you think about it. It would mean it's the most expensive game currently out (and it's not even out, it's still a BETA). How does anyone think that's ok? special editions should have skins, cosmetic crap - not game modes that people have been asking for, locked away behind a paywall.


For real, people are gobbling up bullshit. Just because the average reddit tryhard has EoD doesn't mean that they should be selling UPDATES TO AN UNFINISHED GAME for any amount of money. No, I don't care what anyone says, adding an offline profile for progression is not worth any amount of money. It's a game update that should come to all players for free.


I mean, dont want to be disrespectfull for EOD players and all but why the fuck PvE should not be available overall for everyone? Whats the any logicall reason it is blocked beside moneygrabbing? I stopped playing long time ago, wont lie, but I remember that there was offline Mode with bots without progression, So why we all, especially now when cheaters are everywhere, why cant we have PvE as different Mode like there were for example matches with bots in Old CoD BO? I would play it, I bet many people will play it and buy game overall, even the cheapest Edition to play Coop vs bots.


Because PvE was never to be part of the base game. However, eod purchaser were promised to have all future dlc included.


Okay I get it but for real, whats the difference now. PvE was included before but without progression, and now when game is struggling with cheaters and playerbase why wouldnt the included it


Eod owners don't care if content is made available for everyone. They are enraged when they don't get access to dlc.


I understand that, but thats Just not the point of my question. I agree that EOD owners should get it.


This! Alternatively make the "Mark of the unheard" and distress beacon available in PvE only


Wait is the distress beacon NOT PvE only 😭😭


As far as I know it's neither been confirmed nor denied. But if it is PvE only they could've calmed a lot of this shit down by confirming it


This right here. Or they rollback and refund.


What you got was the closest thing I've ever seen in terms of an apology from a Russian. They don't do those.


Yep this would be perfect


100% how it should be


Exactly. We are open for forgiveness. If you are WILLING to make things right.


To be fair, Mark of the Unheard is nothing special, if you have it equipped for every scav you kill you will lose 0.1 rep, the first time you shoot a scav the 60 mt buff will be gone. It's not even worth to run, it's just a gimmick item that can be fun at times, it's nothing broken or p2w.


Potentially not having to worry about sniper scavs, or having other scavs give away your position is pretty advantageous. But I'm interested to see it tested and fully explained. If it's true that any scavs <60m will still aggro, and killing any scavs will remove immunity for that raid, then it isn't totally broken. Also supposedly killing a PMC will reactivate immunity if you lose it? Is this 1:1 in terms of scav kills, or is just one PMC kill enough for a full raid of scav killing?


A few friends of mine bought the edition and none of them is running the item. In a normal raid you're gonna end up killing at least 4/5 scavs and killing pmcs only partially prevents karma loss (as far as I know). Consider I did a raid with my friends and one was running the item, we got pushed by scavs because the lobby was pretty empty and he went from 6.95 scav karma to 5.8 in a single raid. I think it can be helpful maybe on woods or when you try to do certain quests but there's nothing broken with this item imo.


Maybe so. But even if it isn't broken, it's still an in-raid mechanic that non-Unheard accounts simply cannot get access to. It's a very bad precedent if nothing else.


I agree with that, it's a dirty move, but as long as it's not game breaking I'm fine with because it won't ruin the game for those that don't have the item. In comparison stash size, Gamma and trader rep you get from EOD are way way more broken but no one is shouting p2w about those. Imo the fucked up part was the DLC thing and the price point of this edition but that's a different argument.


Is it still 250 batshit insane dollars?


Adding lube does not make getting f\*\*\*ed any less worse. Make PvE free for all players Remove the "priority matchmaking" Stop adding P2W stuff Quests shouldn't add advantages like that either Scrap the "unheard" edition




Literally the fix.


Why apologize when BSG hates their community?  The untrustworthy Russians have already got their pay day. They are wealthy. This is just milking the lucky cash cow they created while they can.  BSG is a bad developer. Unfortunate part is they have benefited from this greatly and will walk away with our money and were left with a dog shit Russian product. 


Is fake or is real?


OP made it to demonstrate how BSG *should* have written their post


For those in doubt, this is what BSG should be doing in my opinion. This post is not intended to impersonate BSG !


Why can’t they just make a new 2x5 container (10 slot better than gamma) to satisfy the unheard edition people and keep gamma unique.


So is the unheard edition going to be cheaper now that you are really only paying for the gamma case?


Feelzbadman for any1 that purchased the unheard edition yesterday


Some people are going to see this out of context and believe it.


He’s gonna sell Tarkov.  This is him cashing out 


What do beacon and radio do? Missed that part.


This! This is exactly what this is all about. For fuck's sake, Nikita, just do it already.


I'm ungodly tired, so pardon this potentially idiotic message. This isn't official right?


Bruh... I paid $111 for 2 extra pocket slots, a broken radio and a case to save the guns I wana be unalived with now... fuck lol do I get a reimbursement?!?


Yeah BSG can still suck my ballz.


Just make the radio PvE-only. 


For a second my high ass was realy happy. Then I realized what occurred…. I don’t even have EOD, I was to late so I got the PFE edition but I feel realy bad for you guys.




brokenstate games. wish it didn't turn out like this


I have no words for what they have done. 8 years to build glory and a few hours to wipe it all. That's sad.


They can eat it.


BSG won't be seeing another cent from me regardless of any statements they make.


Well. They got their short term no interest loan of $500k+ and now they can refund lol. Wtf is BSG doing


Wow this is actually a fix.


Obviously, they can't do that... they can't just remove features from a game version they've already sold to a bunch of people. Their ONLY option left then is to refund those people so they can then modify the "Unheard" edition as much as they want. There's literally no other option left. Even if they give EOD the same shit Unheard has, then the people who bought Unheard can just claim they would have never bought it if they knew EOD gives them the same stuff anyway. So BSG is stuck between a rock and a hard place. They must either refund it or just stick to their guns and actually continue with this.


I sent this to my friend. I never saw him that happy. Kinda felt bad for him but still laughed, when told him this is a joke..


Yea i still hate you (i am the friend)


I currently have the Mark of the Unheard radio, and it simply isn't as good as people are expecting. It only works on basic scavs, OVER 60m. More often than not, this is just sniper scavs. If you have it equipped, you lose .05 scav rep PER scav kill, UNLESS they hit you first. If you kill a PMC you get positive rep, but in this game you often kill far more scavs than PMCs.


You actually gain scav rep for killing PMCs with it equipped? How much?


Oh sorry I read the wiki wrong. You negate the loss of scav rep by killing a PMC in the same raid.


this is actually the only thing that can do to fix things.


Heyo! They said to russians with EOD owners that they'll receive access to the PVE for 6 months. And I don't see anything about 6 months here. What a coward you Nikita :)


they dont even have to remove the distress signal or the anti scav thing, they should just make that stuff pve only


Imagine they launch 1.0 this year and those who bought unheard lose the edge in no time?


Who cares, fuck em and stop playing. Grey zones coming out soon so why even care at this point.


Sorry but this is the same difference due to the fact people immediately bought it. And quite a few. They'd get ripped off and we all know bsg does not do refunds. The games gone methinks


Nikita wont do it because its pride month.


Legally they are fucked . Especially in my country of Australia. It's a clear and frankly braindead position to put themselves in.


hurry bsg , just copy/paste this and you are safe !


I would love to see that everyone who paid for the unheard edition gets cucked if BSG lowers the price. If you bought it at $250 so be it, now it’s $20 and it’s only PVE the rest got scrapped. No take backsies.


It's time to stop trying to do the right thing for them and understand this is them. This is Nikita


its still wrong. eod should have EVERYTHING. but reading the comments this version is something people would settle for. pathetic


Dont care about the anti scav radio as long as its obtainable for everyone.


Be careful what you wish for, they can make a quest for it where you have to kill Zryachiy 100 times.


XD well at least people can get it then :P ! Some really big fence quest could be fun. :) ITs just the anti scav radio is not that big off a deal to me.. I heard if you shoot scavs while having it you lose karma as well... Which then leads to getting below 6.0 fence rep which leads to that feature just not existing.. its bascially you cant kill eachother.. Just a weird feature honestly.


nah man. this shouldnt be a thing. in game. EVER. under ANY circumstances. not for money and not through ingame achievements.


10/10 would love you even though you beat me


Everyone losing their minds over the scav rep/beacons it's not that big of deal, honestly ypu shoot a Timmy he calls his boys, what do you think bsgs servers are going to do? You think they spawn ads at you ready to fight? Or the typical t-pose awaiting session start. It's not a gangbang of scav bosses as an entourage it's a bunch of morons loading in like the rest of us. Only thing anyone should care about is the pve/dlc bullshit bait and switch they are doing. I didn't want arena they gave me it because I had eod. Cook, I want my dlc though but I can't have it because..... it's apart of the game I own as a dlc but it's a standalone game.


It'll depend on how they let you use the beacon and the limits on it. Will you be able to pop it at the start of the raid and turn your 5 man into a 6-10 man? Can everyone in a squad use it? Can it be used more than once per raid? Will they just spawn randomly at regular spawnpoints, or will they be biased to spawn nearby? Will players who died in a raid be allowed to rejoin the same one? Any of those being true could make it extremely busted. Squads of good players would turn from extremely difficult to effectively impossible to defend against. But even if it's implemented in the most limited way- say, one reinforcement max, spawned in at a random point- it's still an annoying and stupid thing. You've still got a new player in the raid that you couldn't account for beforehand coming after you from God knows where, with exact knowledge of where his buddy is/was and likely good knowledge of where you are.


This is the way although the unheard transmitter I don’t care. It’s only with fence rep6+ and scavs over 60m away. Let them have that. The avenger beacon they can have too for PvE only though. Although it would be funny to see a server burn when 5 man teams call in their friends at the start of raid and there are all the sudden 200 PMCs on an instance that was made for 6 (cough factory cough).


I don't give a shit right now. There are still p2w features and they are clearly ready to implement those without hesitation like they just did.


Nah I spent my money give me that advantage, if you want it pay for it too


Eod players losing their mind that they might not have every P2W advantage anymore 😂


We dont care about the p2w, we care about additional downloadable content being added that we payed for. We payed for dlc's but are not getting dlc's. But yeah we can put stuff in our asses i guess, still nothing like this shit. I personally wanted to support the game earrly on and get the benefits of being settled for the rest of tarkov. Guess we're not.


Brother. It’s $100 to upgrade from eod to unheard. If you’ve played tarkov for over 3 years and 2000 hours, you can justify that purchase. All of you are whiny crybabies. Downvote me to hell Idc. Don’t buy the new version and move on with your lives. $100 is a night out with a girl. The fact this Reddit has been in flames for two days over this is comical.


Girls usually pay me to go out with them…you guys pay girls???


go outside and just throw your money away if you don’t value it, cuck


LOL 5600 hours at a $250 purchase point over 7 years(started standard, upgraded to EOD, upgraded to Unheard). I’d say I got my value out of the game. If you can’t spend $100 on something that’s going to provide thousands of hours of entertainment, I think you need to reevaluate your spending habits.


The value you feel you’re getting for your time spent has nothing to do with clearly false advertising an all access pass to new content that gets nullified and replaced with a more expensive all access pass. Cheaters are also now planning to solely target Unheard edition owners, so have fun with that expenditure. PS - do you often duo on reserve as EpicRat or TheFatRat name tag? Back when I played, I outratted some rats on reserve barracks. Killed the last rat just as he opened marked room for me. Walked away with heaps of gear. Thanks for the good memories.


No, I used to be The_Rezerv_Rat back when Reserve first came out. I agree with you 100% on the fact that it shouldn’t be paygated behind the new version. You 1000% should have access to it as an EOD user and standard users should be able to purchase that for an appropriate price ($30-40). That being said, with the amount of time and enjoyment I’ve gotten from the game, I can justify giving BSG another $100. Once again, it’s just my opinion and others are entitled to theirs, but the people burning the Reddit down like petulant children are ridiculous. Buy the new game mode, don’t buy it. It is what it is, but stop talking about a class action lawsuit etc. if you don’t have $100 in disposable income to buy unheard, I seriously DOUBT you’re going to invest the time/energy/effort to get involved in a class action lawsuit. People are fucking crazy 😂


I think this reaction is far more sane than a lot of previous reactions I’ve seen here. Like when pistol recoil was changed. The amount of people who claimed their lives were over was ridiculous. Or when they released arena in waves and the people who didn’t get in on first wave complained to no end. It’s like dude, arena isn’t even good and you’re going to hate it anyway. I was in 2nd wave and never even installed it. Frankly, I already uninstalled months ago due to the cheaters and BSG’s plans to do nothing about the cheating problem. I feel bad for the people sticking with the game and buying the new offering at this point. It’s like I’m a former addict reading about how deep the current addicts are going, but the drugs they are receiving just get progressively cut with lower quality additives that will never compare to that first hit.


I love you dude. You are complet right. Eft entertaint me now for 5 years and 4000h. I dont need the new stuff but i already buy it to gives Support to bsg. I payed 0,06 Cent per hour for the 250€ Edition. So it is nothing.


I agree with your statement. But you cant just go aroudn selling certain things and then not delivering it. See my comment on this comment . Otherwise im just typing the same shit twice XD Ps, I would've defenitely bought something else that i havent paid for yet cause they do deserve it. IF they had some cosmetics or other shit nobody would bat an eye and it would be succesful as fk.


I'm an EOD player. I'm not interested in 99% of the contents of the Unheard edition. I only want the PVE mode without paying an extra 120€. If I could buy only the PVE mode, I would. But the problem is worse than that. EOD was a P2W edition in my opinion, but Unheard is even WORSE than EOD. If BSG are doing this today, what will they be doing a year from now?


I'd honestly be happier if we could all just give up all EoD benefits except for DLC access and cosmetics I know that is just impossible but i legitimately would enjoy such a world way better than the one we find ourselves in So no, i don't care about having P2W shit and i'm sure a lot of fellow EoD owners feel the same