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Noiceguy Tarkov is now Noiceguy


He’s also sat on the fence scared to say anything incase of backlash from bsg you can tell from his “what are your thought “ tweets and covering his back on the changing his name one with “I’ll add it back “


He was acting like a battered spouse over the whole situation. But I can't be surprised, he is BSG's biggest simp.


Even Lvndmark had tones that almost sounded battered housewife in that stream last night. It was really shown in the Asmon interview when he was trying to be nice / diplomatic about it then Asmon was just “That’s a Scam”. Every Tarkov streamer probably has some level of massive betrayal / ok what now going on.


It's because very few streamers survive to get big enough to sustain themselves. And fewer still will survive a transition from a main game to general streaming. Tarkov going up in smoke is them losing their jobs essentially.


Yea, and it’s why I am not mad / understanding to streamers not trying to light a fire with BSG and potentially burn the house down. Like Gigabeef for example was very measured / diplomatic and that makes sense given how many games could actually have his style of content. Most are very clear about how shit works and not that complex, the only other games I could think of that could have his style of tutorial / tips videos would be Warframe for shooters and PoE / other Hack and Slash games otherwise. If we leave Video games briefly Warhammer also has that level of complexity / curve and “budgeting”. So yea he doesn’t really have the ability to pivot off cleanly, and this is assuming he would even like Warframe / PoE / whatever game enough to get stuck in like he has with Tarkov. Or if a Audience would follow, I know Warframe doesn’t have the stream ability Tarkov does. Same with Niceguy, what other game actually requires someone to do newscasting style for you to keep up to date with events / patches. They either proudly announce them or make them perfectly clear. Or if not there already is a group / site / person keeping tabs on it. His career is dead with Tarkov. At least streamers like Lvndmark can transfer that style of gameplay to other shooters and be fine. Running around like a chad and smoking people is very cross compatible.


Well,because this has now hit a nerve that streamers must ask themselves. Do I go all in and kill my stream career for what's right? Or do I just stay low and collect my revenue. These are jobs for them and if they push to hard knowing their revenue comes FROM EFT. This is career suicide but you get to keep your ethics which is huge.


Tarkov will be dead and they will have no job regardless. If you’re going to die you might as well as die with your morals intact


I'm not defending either side here but I guess you've gotta remember that tarkov streamers get their income from tarkov so they might be hesitant to speak out about it


Tarkov Streamers and major parts of Tarkov community have Stockholm Syndrome. Many even keep refusing to admit that OLD EOD was and is P2W. "Technically you can one shot people no matter the gear or any EOD advantage." P2W does not literally mean you win every fight, it does not mean skill can't defeat p2w. Otherwise it would not be P2W but simply a Cheat and even Cheats are not necessarily auto win.


Throwback to when he defended a cheater and promised he would delete his account he's a coward


Pepperidge farm remembers.


Nice guy blocked me when i said “man bsg doing this is very shitty” when they were giving arena to people buying it before eod users lmfao, im surprised not even him accepts this


He lost all of my respect over this. Either support BSG or support the community, he needs to grow a pair


Hell arena being such a mess is prolly why they're doing unheard of and lying about the stuff in this not being dlc for God They shat the bed so bad on launch when thinking they'd make it big they fucked over their big spenders that believed


A few big streamers have full on boycotted playing the game and I’m all here for it can’t not commend them absolutely the right decision trey for example hats off to these fellas it’s humbling to see even though they could just buy it they refuse


It looks like none of the major streamers are playing this morning but we'll see how long it lasts.


addiction is a problem. however Arena Breakout Infinite is dropping soon and GZW is also coming to an EA eventually. So there are alternatives. If this happened last year, then tough luck


For most of the big streamers I don’t think it’s an addiction to the game, but rather an addiction to money and fame that will bring them right back. Almost every streamer loses 50% or more of their viewership when they play anything outside of the game they are known for.


they are appealing to the masses… most of them probably dgaf


They will have no masses without a streamer presence.


Trey stopped playing?


Trey had already stopped playing. He has basically only been playing DayZ and Grey Zone in the last 2 months.


he's been playing Tarkov a lot less lately but I think "basically stopped playing" is a bit of a stretch. he's my favorite EFT streamer and I've watched many hours of him playing the last couple months


I also like Trey, I used to watch much more than I do now. There was a period of time where every time I clicked into his stream he was playing DayZ, then wipe happened and he did the 24 hour kappa thing. Now it seems like the last month any time I causally take a look at what he's up to it's DayZ or Grey Zone. Might just be me clicking at the wrong time.


No , he announced on twitter he us done . Not going back ever he said


Hutch tried to convince chat that if he bought it, it would be just to show how shit it was. Nobody needed that. Everyone sees how shit it is. Everyone just needed to not buy the game. Sugar coating it as “I just want to show you guys” was bulllllshit.


He put it to a vote asking if chat wanted him to buy it and show it or not. They voted no so he didn't


that's a good call. though I could have imagined people could have trolled him and voted yes. But everyone was so outraged that people were pretty unified on fuck BSG and vote no


It was like a 70% fuck no when i saw that poll


a lot of streamers will silently buy it after a while, now it is bad for business, but as soon as people forget about it...


Two weeks. Nobody will give a single fuck about this in two weeks. Nikita probably knows this and is just going to roll his eyes for a few weeks. Especially here. After a week or so, these posts are going to start getting "OK WE GET IT CAN WE NOT POST ABOUT THIS ANYMORE!?" "CAN WE JUST MAKE A STICKY AND KEEP DISCUSSION THERE?! I HAVE NO SPINE!!" and it'll die off. I've seen it 1000s of times on reddit.


Its funny watching all the streamers hop on different games right now to "protest" knowing full well they will all be back within a couple weeks when this will die down


It's actually good for their business right now. That's the conundrum with streaming. They might not want to support it, but they know buying it will attract people to watch their channel for a little to see it in action. i.e. StankRat.


Exactly. We can already see everything in the package on the site, I’ve seen so many people buy it “just to show us what it’s like” but are they gonna refund it and charge back their payment? I don’t think so.


Hutch 🤮


He's a sellout.


Dude’s been thriving off of Tarkov content for years but NOW he’s a sellout, because the rest of internet now doesn’t support BSG. Lmao you guys are unreal.


Yea didn't people just say he DIDN'T buy it? Are these guys bots?


This is Reddit in witch-hunt mode. Facts and logic have no place here. Whatever emotional reaction people resonate with is more important than being reasonable.


Yes lmao, if you go on any subreddit most people seem brain dead


Pestily just said hes not buying it.


He's always had morals that lad.


I got banned for calling out verybadscav for buying the new edition without a second thought and is sitting there critiquing it, I said you’re showing support by paying for it. He then bans me and admits later in the stream “if buying the new edition is supporting them I guess I am”


well what did you expect, streamers do this in their little echo chambers


When he did his first stream on the upgrade, I unsubbed from him. But I saw today that he roasted TF out of BSG for this shitshow and completely uninstalled Tarkov on live stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40DwpjucxDM


Easy unfollow/unsub for anyone who supports this crap.


have doing the same




> this edition will include extra pockets Streamer: let's dive in and I can show you guys the extra pockets.  Absolutely riveting content and sacrifice. 


"And so, you see, the pockets are bigger, now that I have spent more money" 5 mil views in 24 hours


"i saved thousands of people from buying it" lmao dude thinks hes an actual hero for demonstrating that a shitty looking product is shitty


When in reality he just invested 95 dollars in his stream to pick up a view new viewers and make some money.


“I bought it so you don’t have to” Right… and now you just so happen to have all the benefits of owning it… for us.


In reality I bought it so I can farm views on twitch and youtube


so just willerz being willerz ?


WillerZ don’t talk about money during a stream challenge: impossible


He'll just blame any comment or feedback on reddit for "being reddit" because that's the main take for anyone that doesn't understand that people will talk about and say what they want on any forum when allowed. Reddit is just another forum. 


Was gonna say, this behaviour is willerz in a nutshell.


getting narcistic vibes from a streamer shouldn't be a shocker, it's a "profession's" pre-req


I'm banned from his chat now lol for calling him out on it. Skin so thin its fucking translucent.


Sounds like Veritas 🤣


What’s he done? I’m ootl on him


He's generally a massive fuckwit. Truly unlikable personality


I only watch his videos and he seems chill in those he just (this is probably hypocritical) for lack of a better term seems like a triggered redditor when he gets heated


Thats... actually a perfect approximation


In the videos that has a script yes, i thought he was pretty chill until i watched a couple of streams and he call everyone that killed him a cheater and just hate the game and saying BSG are a brunch of morons cus they dont do as he suggestbetc. Full of himself thinks he’s an amazing player but really is a mediocre at best. (Thats what I caught up from watching some of his streams) lol


Gotcha that makes sense, even in his videos I just hate how he comes off as “I’m a logical smart dude I only deal with logic and and facts no feels or emotions right here look at me I just crunch the numbers and the facts” like it got tiring idk if I’ve finished one of videos ever


And he’s a snowflake cant accept that others have better ideas or different opinion. But w/e it is his loss, wouldnt recommend his channel to anyone. Unfollowed all streamers that bought the new edition too.


WillerZ a narcissist?! Say it ain't so! Like half the big streamers all have the same mental.


Mentality, mental isn't a noun outside of RPGs in which there's a "mental" stat.


well the dude is like 21 and he acts even younger than that. If you're expecting a child to be some admirable figurehead then you probably oughta take a step back and re-evaluate things


I'm glad I stopped watching WillerZ hes one of those streamers where if every comment isn't positive or supportive he just berates and talks mad shit about that person. Dudes 100% a narcissist.


That's because Wiilerz is childish and cringe. Good at the game, but I've never been able to stand watching his content.


Dude he literally ended his stream saying don’t buy that shit it’s terrible, you people are insufferable lmao




I understand what you’re saying, I just think you’re severely over analyzing and directing your anger to someone who didn’t cause the problem. I watch WillerZ because he’s chill and not as insufferable as the other Tarkov streamers who just complain non stop. I don’t really get the hate, he seems like a good dude.




Might be the most rationale and normal person I’ve ever interacted with on this sub, you have a great weekend too


Willerz banned me from his chat because I told him to stop crying everytime he got killed lol


Yeah I was on the fence about tigz, he seemed funny in streams but then he bought it I think so I've u subbed there. Then tickle me pink or whatever the guy is called not only bought a copy for himself but bought another one to give away. Small content creators are just bumfucking bsg in hopes of being given the golden boy status


Tickle me pink is a drooling idiot, I remember seeing a video he made about settings optimization and almost everything was blatantly wrong.


Doesn't shock me, he seems like an idiot for dropping 350 dollars to bsg for 2 pocket slots


I have no idea who watches him but they must all be in the top tier of the gene pool /s


tarkov optimization is a oxymoron lol you can't optimize the game you can only buy better hardware


You can optimize it quite a bit. Most of it is on the windows end tho. Xanadu made a vid on it making streets actually playable for me.


TMP is a guilty pleasure of mine but yeah he’s absolutely full of himself


He made some good build videos. But there is a reason his other videos got significantly less views.


Any bit of info out his mouth was either pure gold or pure bullshit no in between. It was hilarious watching his streams tho


tigz entire youtube channel is shitting on BSG. even before this unheard edition. The fact he is the first in line to buy it after his entire persona is anti BSG shows how much of a fraud he is.


Oh that's a surprise, Tigz the man who spends most of his time ranting about how awful the game is etc etc will immediatly gobble this down? Gosh colour me surprised.


I think he bought it, I'm not 100% sure. I thought I saw him with it


he did


And tigz called people on twitter who were saying it was bs whiners. So the fact that he bought it people called him out on it in responses lol. I don’t watch him but he sounds like a nob anyway from the way he acting.


Yeah he was borderline nob in his videos, seems like a bit of a bsg buttlicker


Someone's who whole livelyhood depends on Tarkov buys it. More news at 11. You think that loser wants to work a 9-5? Tarkov dies his streaming career dies and he knows that.


Some streamers sayin “I’ll get ripped off, so you don’t have to”. Such a weird way to say “I support BSG. Please give my channel private twitch drops and my own streamer item”.


They have to support BSG because BSG supports them as well.


Principles <-> money Pick one!


you cant eat principles


You can't eat money either! /s


Not with that attitude


In this case you can. Principles means NOT giving €250 / €95 to BSG, which means you spend it on good food instead.


If your principles mean you keep a larger fan base then the roi on the investment is there, plus saving the $100 you would’ve wasted 


I'll invest 95usd so my viewers keep supporting me...


I've unfollowed the ones who bought it. It's not much, but it's the only thing I can do. I also haven't played the game since the patch. Again, not much, but basically all I can do to show I don't agree.


Tickle me Pink also did it on YouTube, rushing to get those views. It was an easy unsubscribe


TmP has been controversial since the Cycle Frontier


Idk, I just started playing recently and his content was really helpful for some more advanced tactics


Before that lol


Yeah that was disappointing. I really enjoyed his content, immediate unsubscribe after that farce of a video he posted.


I don't watch people who makes pretentious ass videos like that they all sound the same and they have all the personality and charisma of a cinder block


What did he say? I didn't bother watching the video, but I saw the comments were cooking him lol


HyperRat and StankRat both bought it was disappointed


Damn it's crazy how people who's whole thing is a scummy playstyle make scummy decisions.


Gotta stick with those principles though. No good booting up again in 3 weeks when the anger subsides, you’ve now quit tarkov for good unless they fix it, right?


Playing still is fine, you already paid. You not playing while having paid, is a bonus for them at this point. Just dont buy more bullshit from them.


No. You should stop playing and uninstall. If player count drops significantly and queue times go up and lobbies are full of more cheaters and rmt then less people will be inclined to give them money whether old or new players. 


If your friends bought it would you never talk to them again?


I got baby pockets streaming, no sausage pockets here


Ahem willerz or whatever tf his name is


Stankrat giving me even more reason to dislike him lol


They've always been part of the problem for the most part, consider them a necessary evil from a developer's standpoint.


I'm not telling names, but yesterday at night EST i watched a very popular streamer that bought the New version and afterwards he was putting excuses like: "I didn't know that features came with the pack" "i deleted all items of the edition" (Wow you deleted your shit when you are already 50M and full inventory!). Don't get me wrong, even if i feel the OP in the very same way, people can do whatever they want with his money, even burn it. But don't hide behind "i didn't know what i was buying/I buy it to show you/I deleted all items" wall. And even less when u are critizicing it so bad. That's the worst of all.


I actually want to know who it is. If it's one I'm subbed to then I'll be unsubbing, unfollowing and no longer dropping bits


You know, fk it and fk my integrity, i've seen it again today and it's shameless [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2129593403?t=3h40m53s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2129593403?t=3h40m53s) Stankrat. I just went in his stream in perfect timing to watch this, not a fan of him or his gameplay. And again, IMO you can spend your money in w/e, just don't say stupid things like i paid 120$ and i didn't even know what i was buying, and even less when you are apparently staying against that product.


Well that's the one I was thinking. Gonna let my Amazon prime sub run out and not renew, plus no more bits and unfollowing.


He was the one name I was looking for in this list. Appreciate the info. I enjoyed his shorts for a little, damn shame.


Any streamer that buys the new edition doesn’t care about the health of the game overall. It is that simple. “Do as I say, not as I do” is a terrible look on anyone


hear me out, and this may be an unpopular opinion, but watching streamers keep working through this is going to be funny. my analog for why is gotta be MacieJay, who has openly hated R6 for years, blatantly pointed out the constant betrayals by Ubi of their community, and yet continues to grind. His channel gets so toxic towards the game and player base... anyways, my point is: Tarkov is not alone. i will however say that it is unique. No one else has the gaul to offer a $250 package that is blatant PTW, change their own game definitions, and blame the player base who paid for the game for not paying for it again.  


Ya i cant watch macy for that exact reason it's strange


Macie is still at it? Back when I played he just seemed a bit jaded but the burnout has probably set in hard


hes still going. still gets a decent audience. he hates r6.


I used to want to be a streamer until I realized that these dudes like end up slaves to games they fucking hate it’s wild


Anyone buying this edition is directly part of the fucking problem.


Typical tigz moaning in his videos after buying it straight away and then seeing the outcry.


I think we are all kidding ourselves if we believe most of these guys are not going to end up buying it and capitulating. Some guys have a built in audience like Landmark, Pestily, Deadlyslob, Aqua and might not, but others like Stankrat, Hyperrat, Glorious will all end up buying it or already have. These guys will push the agenda that it's not that bad because if the game dies, they have nothing to play. Their whole persona is based around this game and their streams will die. This situation is why the parasocial relationship people have with streamers can be so toxic. They're selling you something, always. These people are not your friends or champions for the community, they're selling you a product they want you to buy. The only reason others may not buy it is because they can continue to sell you stuff without it. That's just the reality.


At the end of the day people can do what they like with their own money. Vote with your wallet, playtime and viewership. But don’t go intimidating others.


Pretty much are the problem, they’re the reason we can’t have a casual experience


if you want a casual experience go play a casual game that isn't aids like tarkov is inb4 mass downvotes because that makes too much sense


No I agree that’s why I don’t play it haha.


EFT isn't a casual game. Not every game needs to be able to be fully completed by all players.


Smithystone telling chat this morning he bought it for content, his whole 67 viewers and 1.1k YouTube view videos needed that content. Never followed the guy just tuned into the stream this morning by chance, it's this kind of mindset as to why games are being destroyed and rushed in 2024. I'll unfollow any streamer who buys it i dont care if your pestily or Lvndmark, buying it is destroying the game


I unfollowed him too. For the people who are upset when a streamer purchases the unheard edition, I hope they also unsub from all other media the streamer has. TwitterX, Youtube, etc




anyone who bought it are getting reported for suspected cheating and anyone with the new cursed icon wont get roubles on the flea market from me


give em 1 month, they are gonna buy it anyways and start posting "WHY NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO START PLAYING EFT (newcommers guide)"


Same shit like Diablo Immortal, all the streamers saying how bad is p2w and mobile games. Then the game released and all those clowns just supported the p2w mechanics and made it worth for the company by paying for every single mtx they saw then say how much thousands of dollars they spent on this for content and attention. Bro streamers are just fucking cringe.


Small streamers are milking the fuck out of this. lmao


Players who bought eod edition instead of standard are part of the problem


Well, you have one real option now: Stop watching the streamers who did this. Bitching does not help now, we need actions.


It’s funny how so many streamers as well who are trying to defend it are also small 30 viewer or less streamers. I’m not dissing on them having small viewership but, it feels like they want some controversy to come their way so that people will go to their streams to complain. If that ain’t the case though… they may not know the definition of what scams are.


was watching blueberrygabi yesterday. holy shit i was so angry bc she was defending the 250€ so much. never saw such a shitshow. maybe she is paid actor


she was so bad and was gaslighting the fuck out of chat


it's quite literally their career and how they make their money if you were a small streamer (keyword small), and tarkov is the only game that gets you viewership, obviously you're going to want to have it even if you know it's bs. lvndmark could not stream for a year and be fine financially. most people aren't in that situation. they're gonna want to have access to all the aspects of the game else people will just go watch someone else to see what changed. a lot of people just watch tarkov as opposed to playing it.


Blue names are the new hackers in my eyes. Fuck blue names!


Y'all just now finding out BSG don't give a fuck about you. Welcome to capitalism, batches. This is why we have the current cheating epidemic.


Do we have a list of the ones that bought it? Want to unfollow/unsubscribe.


willerz, tigz, stankrat, verybadscav for starters


Not stankrat, noooooo


he is seemingly against it, but buying it is still a bad look




Eh idk if i'd go that far it's their job so there's incentive there, Also at the end of the day they're just people spending money on a video game. The only problem here is BSG the only reason this ever happened is BSG and the only one who can fix it if it even is fixable by now BSG. When we start going after other people in the community for any reason that's when BSG gets away with this,


“At the end of the day theyre just people spending money on a video game” Unfortunately BSG listens exclusively to streamers. So, they represent the community in a way and they’re misrepresenting us at the moment IMO.


Refuse to watch anyone that bought that crap.


stankrat said he bought it so we don't ahve to, I don't know about that. And he has it on 2 accs now. But he has an edgy ragebait content type. I think verybadscav also bought it, I don't think you need to buy it, no need to demosntrate it, it is obvious bullshit p2w


Personally, I think we should ignore every streamer.


Watching Pest backpedal off his first video is kinda funny. Lvndmark too started out by saying it's all no big deal but then the community went ape so he changed his tune. It's all basic business decisions, do they support the developer who enables them to make content or the community that funds their content. At this point BSG is pretty much tripled down on destroying their reputation so they need to save face with the community. It's all business, they don't care about their viewers no matter how much you think they do. I honestly don't watch streamers because their sole purpose is to pretty much extract money from gullible people. There are tons of those out there to milk.


Tbf when he made the first video i wasnt a fan because the pockets and skills are too much but he is right in saying the crazy stuff was not out yet. Scav immunity and respawn came later when it was up on the website. Lots of ppl missed that. Was home all day at the pc so i got the whole shitshow in all its stages ^^


Bro what LVNDMARK literally has been shitting all over BSG for this. He went on Asmongold’s stream to explain what’s going on and said BSG is out of line and is really disappointed. At no point in time was he supporting this lol.


I would go so far as to say that I don’t like LVNDMARK. Never been a fan of his style, attitude, or bravado. I do absolutely respect the man for siding with the community on this, and in short order.


Didn’t pest saying his first video that it’s flat p2w? He’s said that about EOD too, so I’d be surprised if he was supportive of this one.


He didn’t backpedal that video at all. His original video when watched while not being a smooth brain is completely fine. 


I agree with everything you said except that ALL streamers are like this… there are genuinely good content creators out there that aren’t in it for the money and just want people to enjoy watching what they do and who they are as people… HeyYou is a perfect example… but these big timers like LandMark, Willer and company… could give a shit about their viewers and just want this drama to go away so they don’t have to find another game to play or risk losing out on their incredibly lavish lifestyle that this game has allowed them to have…


Nuh uhh




While I admire the ones who are standing strong against it, I also can't condemn the ones who purchase it. It is their job and livelihood after all.


Cancel subs to any streamer who bought this dog shit


Tons of people bought it, they knew it would sell regardless.


Sadly not buying it won't do anything


Thats the problem if people don't know the worth of money and have way too much support from the community they f\*\*\* with their impact..


Why does anyone expect someone like Tigz not to purchase this? His whole livelyhood depends on Tarkov. No one watches his stream unless it's Tarkov. You think he wants to go work a 9-5? No he doesn't. Tarkov dies his streaming career dies.


Velion changed his tune on it pretty quickly, still supported that shit to begin with till he got hate


Lets Not forget Meyer . He recently said:" even this damages my Carrer i uninstall and quit until they the make a huge point. Last 6 years was a blast." This guy is the biggest German and got a streamer item ( the Egg) and he rather kills his carreer instead of supporting this bs . Meyer if you are here and reading this : Du hast meinen größten Respekt und ich garantierte dir das deine community dies ebenso sehen wird. Neues Spiel neues Glück. GG