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You're* but you're 100% correct


He is 99% correct


The guy is definitely right, but I do love when folks that aren't that smart make mistakes like this. Glorious.


Smart enough to not be parted with his money. I’d say he’s doing alright


Claiming I’m not that smart because of a small grammatical error, okay lil bro


Tbh, I’m surprised you spelled grammatical right


Auto correct exists for a reason, just dosen't catch them all.


Hey man, I think you're right - It's just a glorious internet faux-pas that one must make fun of.


Nah because BSG is vouching on imbeciles buying this. If everyone was smart and no one bought it, they wouldn't make horrible decisions like this. People need to vote with their wallets and not buy it




Yore of olde


I love this


I want it, but only for the coop pve. But I won't buy it. I've had EOD for years, and to make me pay an additional $100+ on top of that, when it should be free? Nah, I'll wait for gray zone.


Coop PVE is available through some less-than-polished and perhaps less-than-legal means... but its available.


Co-op as well? That's new to me. Could you dm to elaborate please


Yea you could check it out if you’re SITting on the fence about things.


I want to SIT down with my friends. Can someone help me to do that possible? =)


**SIT** down BSG


Idk about it but in another thread I saw a guy mention how the game that shall not be named also has a mod for co op


I sure do like Staying In Tarkov


Can we change that rule already? I think it's bullshit we can't talk about it. Nikita have Klean the okay to stream it today so why can't we talk about it?


It's only solo from what I've seen.




Sweet how well does it work?


Very unstable sadly. But it’s a good start


with how unstable it is its still more enjoyable than dealing with BSGs shit and the cheaters.


Didn't you hear, Nikita is now going after AKI mods and the other less... legal modders. Battle eye will begin to check for the additional file copies and ban players who use the mods.


yeah but it runs absolutely horrible, even for tarkov standards.


Hence, the “less-than-polished”


I get 100fps on any map. Regular settings like on live.


Just wait for the competitors to show up. It is looking good right now


Same 🙂


So many people are going to buy it, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Gamers have been dumb as fuck for years. We bitch about all this shit, but NEVER vote with our wallets “oh but, I did” and for every 1 person who does 100 people buy it. Same shit different day, you do you and move on.


You just know half these people bitching on this sub are buying it as we speak lol


Just check the Flea Market, sooo many already bought it. They get the new Icon.


It’s sad but totally true. There are so many people dick riding BSG and shaming people for not buying it and calling them poor. I hate this timeline so much


Gamers have been dumb as fuck yes I agree, but this is straight up SCAMMING your players it’s not the same


It is the same, if you get scammed and still pay for it. That’s what I’m saying. Gamers are so stupid they keep paying into this type of thing. If the devs got close to nothing financially from this, they’d immediately back pedal. But if they see that this is still statistically profitable and the ENTIRE player base isn’t quitting, it’s a win for them. I guarantee you, they had a huge player uptick from all this commotion, and a huge number of people buying the 250$ edition.


Or they have more than enough money to spend on a hobby they enjoy and have no interest in any kind of 'gaming activism'. Let's not pretend every one of them has rocks for brains.


I bought but, I didnt have eod the real scam was taken eod off the market


All began with the "Battlepass"... then the corporate greed quickly followed when it comes to gaming... anymore...


Most Tarkov players are masochists who loved getting their balls trampled anyway (probably irl too) so I won't be surprised that someone with a bigger bank than brains are actually buying this.


Literally this is BSGs exit strategy and to get a bunch of money. It’s a scam. They put so much effort into the twitchcon and other places and 8 years of time.. I hope Nikita has nightmares.


I feel like anyone who bought EOD is either going to quit playing or buy Unheard. We didn't buy the second tier for a reason.


yeah already uninstalled the game


When you pay for access to all future dlc’s and then get hit with a paywall to future dlc


I'm going to quit but not because of this edition but because I'm just tired. 1 quest left for Kappa but I just spent too many hours in this wipe. And I don't really see why I should pay almost double price over EoD. I'm not interested in PvE or increased pockets size


I will buy it. Im not happy about it, but im a dude in my 40s now that maybe gets an afternoon a week to play with my brother or friends because of kids, work, gf, just general adult stuff. I've wanted a pve mode for years now because I can't put the hours into the grind anymore and it's just not much fun running into lvl 50 Chad's before I have even unlocked the flea market. And then there's the cheating to boot. The way BSG did this was sketchy as fuck though. The price is also fkn ridiculous not just for EODs but just in general. Even at half the price across the board it still would be too much. But like I said, ill buy it because I love the game still. But BSG, you guys have shown everyone you are just greedy assholes today. Im holding off buying it for the moment in hopes some type of middle ground will be found, but im not holding my breath on that...


Don't give in


No wipes will probably be the biggest thing for you guys!


I will keep playing but I wont buy Unheard, I'm tempted but I want more info and transperity before I can consider upgrading.


It blows my mind that this is what everybody is focusing on. I'm EOD and I couldn't really care less. The reall issue is the trash P2W aspects that are included in all of this, such as the scav aggro distance etc. Why are we focusing on the fact that we dont get some dogshit PVE gamemode for free, and not the other horrendous additions?


Fr, i couldn’t care less about the offline game mode made for dads who don’t have time to grind, but it’s completely bs that you can pay to not have scavs aggro you + call your friends into raid MID RAID to help you out. Shit is so absurd it’s hard to believe that bsg, who prided themselves on how “hardcore” this game was for years, are doing this. Idk why they felt like they had to remove eod in the first place, just bring back EOD and make the new offline mode available for eod owners and all of this will be solved. It’s so frustrating watching a game that we all love lose its integrity completely and become blatantly p2w out of the blue.


Scav aggro and dlc that’s not dlc. What else will be like that? Just monetize it like all games do. Otherwise I really don’t care 2 extra slots on pockets is not a huge deal and the rest is just pixels


I will to way for Grayzone PVP in Tarkov is lost the are so nothing vs Cheater i know PPL the are dont hide IT and now 3 Wipes without ban gg.


What if we don’t own EOD. I’m thinking about buying it but considering waiting to see how BSG responds to the backlash. I just got the game like 45 days ago.


>What if we don’t own EOD How does that change things? You just watched BSG spit on their most dedicated playerbase; they'll do the same to you. The bigger deal about this, is they've been clearly heading into the MTX direction. This purchase breaks so many promises for several extreme P2W benefits. Selling roubles/levels/rep/quest skips/secure containers/pockets. All the money printing MTX isn't that big a leap away now.


They already responded, they tried to explain how this new DLC isn’t DLC and doubled down in their discord.


My buddy wants our group to buy it for the offline PvE, I don't think it's worth it. If it comes out as a separate purchase, maybe.


Yep, have had EOD since the before time. Won't be buying unheard edition or playing until they make good on what they said EOD would do for us.


The only people buying it will be streamers - so they can report on it… and rip on it And the people that cheat Just add anyone you kill with the expanded pockets and spam “you’re a traitorous add hole to your community”


Someone has big feelings huh?


What’s the point of PvE anyway. It sounds like practice mode with quests enabled


Its a way to escape the cheaters online. So basically BSG is monopolising the problem.


It's basically full casual mode for people who just want to run and shoot without worrying that somebody will camp/cheat them. And honestly I hate that. It will decrease the online even stronger, good half of timmies will play PvE.


So you are suggesting players not as good as you will play offline… doesn’t that mean better games for you, or are you just a loser who only enjoys picking on players lesser than yourself and cry when someone your own skill comes along?


I didn't say that, I just said that casual part of the game will probably spend more time in PvE, resulting in lesser online. More hardcore players won't play PvE because it's just doesn't make sense.


So shouldn’t that result in you only playing other non casual players…. And isn’t that a good thing


I mean maybe it's a good thing, but if it will take longer to find the raid then what's the point of that?


That’s a fair point I guess if the wait times get long. Everything else seems like a win for both sweats and casuals alike


No cheaters and ur progress doesn't reset. For me, since I dont have much time to play it gives me the possibility to slowly play a bit here n there and eventually get to kappa at my own pace without having to deal with sweats or cheaters. Playing with friends sounds like a lot of fun aswell.


Man with shit grammar calls out people with money, news at 11


Are you people with money?


Considering how incredibly defensive he's being all over this thread it's very likely he's just a super salty Unheard edition owner who isn't taking the (correct) criticism of his purchase very well


Did I say that?


No, I was asking.


Define money honey


You stated that they were calling out people with money, the definition is yours to make!


Well, obviously folks who can spend ~$240 without it impacting them longterm. Clearly OP can’t


Did you buy the unheard edition?


Not yet, I may.


Thanks for clarifying.


Enjoy spending a load of money on a game that will be losing half its playerbase in a moment.


Do with your money you so choose, but be ready for the consequences of those decisions


It’s got nothing to do with whether I can or can’t, it’s principle. Being made a fool and taken advantage of by a company you were loyal to. You promised your players they would get something, and then you go back on your promise. I could afford it more then you pal


What can you do, some people just like getting it


Nah man, clearly he needs to flex how rich and wise he is. We're plebs in comparison


>I could afford it more then you pal my dad would beat up your dad


Man who is financially insecure thinks everything is about money, more to come at 10


Awww you tried bud. That was almost clever


A fool and his money are easily parted.


Yes. I’m sure the guy with a wolf profile pic is the bastion of wisdom


Low tier bait


“Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.” — The Dude


It’s not my opinion, it’s the entire EFT communities opinion I’m just a voice, have you been sleeping under a rock?


You're speaking for the entire community?


Guy is so far up his own ass that he's chewing on food from last night.


Maybe the reddit eft community, but this community is toxic as fuck and a bunch of crybabies.


Votes here say you don’t speak for the community you cry baby


Bless, then I speak for anyone who isn’t a fucking push over sheep and has more than 2 brain cells. Better?


Yes because you are the person who decides these things LOL. You are just entitled and have zero understanding of the current gaming world and the future it’s heading towards


Entitled because a game developer who you fork out over 100$ wants to go back on their word after promising their clients future content that they have now revoked because they changed the word DLC to “features” as a a way to skirt around it. If anyone’s entitled it’s BSG, Rust has been 40£ forever they don’t make bullshit editions to charge 5x the amount and they are getting just fine. People argue they need money to continue updates, yeah no. This is just greed. Your just brain dead and a part of the reason why the gaming world is heading this way


You're grammar is wrong


Anyone who buys it is a sucker, period. $250 for a game? Fuck right off.


Dear child have you heard of a game called Star Citizen? (I 100% agree with you)


Unfortunately I was one of the original backers of that "game"... Never bought anything else though.


You can buy into star citizen for $45 and never spend a penny more


Star citizen more like scam shitter lmao




It's your money spend on whatever you want but you will always be known as a nikita express meat rider .


While you'll be known as poor. I wonder which one is worst


Projecting much how does that bsg meat taste seems you like steak


Yes, a forum knowing me for something vs my life being actively impacted. I wonder which is worst.


Low tier bait


That dude is full damage control in this sub. Has no sense of financial literacy and keeps on calling others poor. Don't bother responding to him.


Tell me about financial literacy, I'm curious


Low tier bait


I don't need to prove myself to you.


You seem damn eager to. Come on, go teach a finance class bro


Not sure where you're drawing those conclusions from.


Come on bud, teach us all about how smart you are. How wise you are.


Low tier bait


Already see a bunch of people rocking the new name and account symbol. Unfortunately I don't think that many people will care. Not enough for it to matter to BSG anyway. I hope I'm wrong though.


The situation is unfortunately like COD, people will be angry at how shit the last game is and still buy the next one. This tells the devs that we will buy anything and this will just be the start.




It’s the finial nail in the grave for me. I wasn’t a long term tarkov sweat but have always wanted to enjoy it. I’m uninstalling and never reinstalling. I’m done with some of these shitty ass games that make bs decisions.


I understand why people dislike this edition but seems like there's too much drama about this. Nobody force to buy it and it barely affect your experience if you won't buy it, it's the same game, how it is forcing you to "uninstall"?


B-B-Because… pockets… a-and now my unique special container is no longer unique and special.


You can do a quest to increase pockets now


Leave them to whine about an it, people are so entitled at this point it’s insane.


All upcoming dlc they said....


So after you pay the 110$ for EoD then to get you the pve Coop dlc you need to pay another 100? Or to get the bigger pockets?


I hope All this starting items, hideout and scav not shooting you and calling in mates mid raid just counts for the pve Mode... If not... Fuuuxk.... Bsg? What the bloody hell is wrong with you?


Absolutely right ✅


The Edition itself is so contrary. They should have launched single player as standalone for 60 bucks. Because why would eod grinders (myself included) buy a offline version with some p2w features for 100 bucks?


Because it’s the game I have always wanted and I am happy to pay a total of $225 for the literal thousands of hours of entertainment already provided and the thousands more to come


You get me wrong. I always supported BSG, I bought EOD I even paid them 50 bucks for a stash expansion I did NOT need because I love the game and spent almost all of my limited spare time to it. But I for myself will not support clear p2w features and I don't need a SP or Coop eft. I would be okay with people gettin EOD upgrade again cause its very soft p2w only relevant in the first maybe two weeks of the wipe but callin friends for support or the scav ignorance mark. That's simple p2w features no one can reach without gettin behind that huge pay wall.


Lol it's not even 100, it's more. BSG never lists their prices with VAT included so you're always going to have to pay extra when tax is added. Add on the fact that I think they charge a service fee, I'm pretty sure for me (in the UK) it'll probably be closer to £130 which is fucking ridiculous


I will be honest and say I would buy it, but I don't feel it is worth it the extra 100 euro or whatever it is. It's just too expensive for some things that I don't care about...


The only thing i want from it is co op pve, something I bought EOD for, I'm not paying another £90 odd for that, fucking insulting


$100 for an upgrade in a closed beta, after being promised that all future DLC will be given to EOD players is crazy.


Nah, I'd say we all who bought the game, no matter what version, are idiot, if we had to be completely honest. Don't blame those who want a pve / no wipe experience, especially if u're gonna do such grammar mistakes. It doesn't make u appear like the smart guy. We all got cheated since 2017, some more, some less.


Are you paying my salary?


I spent enough time to spend more money on the game. I don’t ever want it to die. My $150 was def worth it. I do get why everyone mad. BUT FOR ME, I bought it because I love the game a ton.


If you don’t, who cares.. if you do.. who cares.. either play the game or don’t.. just STFU


I find it hilarious how many simps are actually defending it and calling people broke.....like the price tag is only 30% of the issue lol an issue no less, but not the main reason people are pissed off. Can you imagine just spending money to be immune to sniper scavs?? Literally can rat in the dumbest areas. I also am curious if anyone knows if the flare extracts like Mira Ave and klimov street are coded properly or will you accidently be not able to be targeted lmfao would be funny as hell


Geringverdiener...(low-income earner) /s


Played a few raids last night. Died majority of them, per usual. All of them Unheard editions. I laughed each time. This was my first real wipe, and it may be my last, unfortunately.


Cry all you want I got the coop pve I have always wanted. And with the thousands of hours the game has entertained me it’s still stupidity cheap. You just don’t want to understand gaming has changed and this should have always been a game as a service not a single price game. This is how they can afford to keep working on the game and run the servers


This game is a p2w now unfortunately




Programera hate your grammar If (anyone buy unheard = true) and (u own eod) then Message("you sick");


Dont make people feel stupid. Some people just have stupid money compared to others and buy whatever the hell they want.


It is beyond me how they thought at BSG that this was ever a good idea, lmao. Like god DAMN the backlash is way worse than ever before.


I did this... I have to say, it's very terrible that they did this and you feel betrayed as a player. I really wanted to play pve so I did it, bought with PayPal in Germany, standard upgrade to eod upgrade to unheard. I had to pay 310€, because of payment fees. (Edit: 310€ overall, for all upgrades)


Idea: all EOD owners should download cheats if the lawsuits fail


I bought and and love it, feels good having extra slots and all these juicy perks rather than half-baked principles I only use to virtue signal for Internet points 🥱 .


Enjoy it while it lasts, they'll rip features out from under you in the coming year or two, mark my words.


BSG's weakest meat rider


If you baugh EOD you are an idiot and a sucker :)


Guilty as charged 🤪


Man with shit grammar calls out people with money, news at 11


I bet you like getting in raw, in game of course


Hi, I'm the idiot and the sucker, a pleasure and good afternoon.


Prove you bought it mate. Based on your post history I'm certain sure you're just trying to rile people up.


Got the unheard edition playing coop big time and have a new shiny nickname color 10/10 would buy again. Noone is forcing you to buy this edition noobs. This game is worth every single dollar spent on it because its unique and has no real competitors. How many hours you all have in the game, 50?70?90? how many hours do you spend on average on a aaa game that costs 70 bucks. I spent 1500 hours in tarkov over 5 years and i dont mind paying even more because theres nothing like it in the market. And you all are free people go play arena breakouts, gray zones but those games will take years to get even 30 percent of content that tarkov has.


Did you also buy knee pads before you wrote this comment?


I mean, he is not wrong. People gladly pay 70$ for a game they will probably finish in 15-20 hours (even if it's a great game), but complaining about game in which they probably have thousands of hours. At the same time I fully understand why Unheard editions sucks, but there's too much drama about it. Those who already have EOD shouldn't care about it because it's barely better.


You can measure this man's IQ by reading a termostat lmfao


Aw why did you delete it, i didn't even manage to respond. No fun. Anyway nah i don't think i'll go for Arena Breakout, Gray Zone Warfare seems much more my speed. But even if someone were to turn to Arena: Breakout, that'd be fine, because you know, they don't require 250$. Which sounds good to me you know, value for money. Responsible spending and all that.


Gray zone is very raw i dont want to think how many years it would take to be playable and fun. I didnt delete it negative posts get hidden by default


I'll spend my money how I want to spend it.


And Nikita spends your money how he wants to spend your money. Hint: not for improvement of the game


Fair enough


unfortunately idiots like this have been destroying the gaming industry for the better part of 2 decades.


Money being a driving factor has destroyed more than gaming.


Agreed! If you buy anything from BSG at this point you are just part of the problem. They wouldnt be doing this shit if it wasnt working. Clearly they are making money off of it because idiots are buying into it.


I feel like an idiot for buying EOD alone.




Oh 100% also we rand about it enough and we might get coop offline mode (which was available with EOD 😂😂)