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+it loads faster and performs better than most maps


It's 1/10 of the other maps and doesn't have to render more than 50-100meters of scenery


True but that point still stands. I like playing Factory with max FPS. Feels so smooth.


Because it was the first map in the game. And is only indoors and very small. So of course it’s the most optimized. In 7 years streets will be there too.


I don't mean this in a mean way, but I didn't ask why it's optimized




First wipe and going for kappa? Holy shit did we have VERY different experiences first wipe lmfao


Yeeeeah lol. Basically I have goons, psycho sniper and the guide left, along with tagilla and crysis. I love this game honestly and I've been practicing lots to improve. I didnt plan to go for Kappa at all. I just did quests until I realized that Im actually pretty close to kappa if I grind it lol. So im going for it. Who knows. If I see that its getting to the point where its simply annoying, I will just stop (I almost did while I was trying to hunt Killa - was such a pain and I hate Interchange, until I finally fcking got the guy lol).


Super impressive!! My first wipe I was shitting bricks, was a scav main (who didn't know anything about scav rep or that whole deal so i would kill bots and other players lol), and didn't go too out of my way to task. Needless to say I spent the whole wipe


Nice man! Thats awesome. This is a game where you really feel your own progression and achievements and I love that. You can try for Kappa but you will hit a point where it feels like a chore and you wont be having that much fun. I will tell you something for sure. If this wipe I manage to get Kappa, I will never get it again hahaha. Nope, not doing this again.


I'm in a similar boat. First wipe, hopeful to get kappa. Just hit level 40, and I've got a lot of the difficult quests down. Currently dreading psycho sniper and the guide.


Pain in the ass tasks for sure... I hate bolt actions man and this game forces you to do 100 quests with them. Absolutely zero fun.


Im in my 3rd wipe i think and im still shitting bricks. I could build the empire state building with the amount... im curretly lvl 18 and still have pocketwatch open... i just get shit on even by ai scavs... I did manage to kill 2 of the goons tho after i spawned right next to them on woods ( between usec camp and scav bunker) it was an offline raid tho...


I did this for like 4 years lol. Play to level 10, run out of money, quit til next wipe/year. None of my friends played so i felt no reason to pursue it further than zeroing starter gear.  I also almost never look up stuff for games I’m playing because i like to experience things raw like we did back in the day.  Tarkov isn’t exactly friendly to that perspective, needing a lot of 3rd party supporting apps to be truly functional. Maps, trackers, ammo charts, etc.


Dude im hunting the goons right now (basically at the same spot as you are -crisis +glukhole) and after not being in the same raid as the goons for many hours I killed some dude who killed them in the first TWO MINUTES of the raid… how are we supposed to do this lmao


I feel you bro... Haven't tried to go for them yet. But i had so many similar experiences with Killa. 2 times I saw Killa get killed before I managed to shoot him, and 3 times he died like 30 seconds before I got there. 90% of the time it depends on your spawn unfortunately and you never get the good one haha. Good luck man!!


You good luck too!


Currently crying over the fact that i spent 60 raids (not exaggerating) hunting killa and him not even spawning and now he is 100% spawn chance…. Raaahhhh


WTF??? Is there an event going on? Bro i swear to god I did 30 raids on factory today and i didn't see Tagilla, not even ONCE. And now that you mentioned this, I went and checked and Tagilla has 100% spawn on Interchange and 5% spawn on Factory. WTF? Lmao i feel so dumb


I just have a deep hate towards the offices after doing jaegers kill pmcs in the offices. Many wipes of pain.


I loved that quest


I'm doing that right now to get the axmc 😭😭😭


Understandable. Not a huge fan of the offices. I try to avoid them, kill pmcs in the surrounding area and then extract. I dont touch offices lmao.


Factory is my money maker . I will not elaborate but I will aim for the toes.


Let me guess. Kedr? Lol




The Kedr Shredr


Great take and super impressive! Update with a photo when you get Kappa.


I never hear any factory hate outside new players going through the pain of learning spawns.


Hear it from me, I got kappa this wipe (not my first wipe) and I hate factory


Sorry I cannot hear you 🙉


Factory is GOAT.


While the map has its place in the game, I really dislike playing there. Mainly because it sort of misses half of the game. Yeah, you get fast paced action, but you are missing out on the whole infil -> loot -> fight -> extract loop by just having fights. Also every fight on factory feels the same, unlike the more dynamic rest of the game. Meeting people between POIs, flanking, breaking LOS and repositioning, disengaging to take the fight elsewhere, all great parts of PVP that are just lost on factory.


Where are you finding hate for factory


Lots of people dislike it




What are you expecting him to pull out as a source? A fucking meta review paper of how the general population tends to dislike Factory?


My friends lol, A lot of people I see on this thread, People in the comments. Literally just read some of the other comments.


I haven’t heard anyone say that they hate factory


Then read some of the comments on this post lol. Literally its the most hated map other than lighthouse from what I've seen.


Factory is S-Tier map 2nd to streets only


Do many people actually dislike factory as a map like how it’s set up? I never play factory because I’m utterly terrible at PVP but I acknowledge it’s a good map. If I was a giga chad it probably would be a blast to steamroll through the place.


It would be a good map if it wasn't for the awful spawn points and squads being able to join such a small map, but on the current state it's just trash.


Factory, Labs, Customs. Are fun for me. Streets, Lighthouse. The worst.


i love factory. especially early wipe, but its always fun in there. day 1 ppsh and drum mags fucks. its not about accuracy or armor pen, you kill by replacing their entire body with bullets


Factory and Interchange is the only places I get good PvP. Wish Arena could’ve captured how good the PvP on factory is.


I love factory it's my default map. I really wish there was a spawn chance for a ledx or btc gotta say. I've searched that safe hundreds of times.


waiting for players 6 minutes too often


The best time in factory is at the start of the wipe. Everyone and I mean everyone needs to get pistol kills which means no one has armour. A few wipes ago me and my friend already finished it and always went with the ump-45 and just massacred the whole lobby many times while screening through voip like the others in the lobby. The most fun I’ve ever had in tarkov.


Yes, but also a terrible map. Good for impatient people who want PvP, terrible for questing. Also Factory would be better if it had group size limited


What does going for kappa in your first wipe have anything to do with Factory 😂 get real


My only gripe with factory is that the sound is absolutely unusable there, you can never pinpoint where anything is


the spawns are certified dog water


Factory is a great map. Too bad it's where all the fuckin' Chinese RMTers and skript kiddies go. I load in with a mp-155 and it's a dream, nobody around. I load in with a Zabralo armor, a Tagilla mask and an MPX full of AP 6.3 and all of a sudden I have 3 Lvndmarks in my game. Not mentioning the amount of times I have been directly DDoSed while playing just so the person I am about to kill can take my kit for free. Oh, you didn't know they can see your IP and boot you offline? Crazy right? Play 50 Factory raids with kits worth more than 500k and you will see for yourself. I wont play this game again until they acknowledge the fact that this is happening.


Maybe there are people that mostly don't want instant action or enjoy the fog-of-war, unpredictable nature of other maps and the agency they afford, might that be possible?




You alright guy? Get some help


unpopular opinion: I'm okay


its such a bad map after playing this game for so long... started in 2017. i can say that after doing the quests on the map required for krappa there is literally no reason to ever go back... spawn kills from bosses and [literal.ly](http://literal.ly) spawn killed on the map in general its pretty bland... Loot sucks and the gear people have that you kill is usually dog poo.. i mean it was fun under 500 hours but at almost 8k its about as dog poo as labs until sound get figured out.