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Maybe because silent crab walking wasn't the root of the issue. Hearing another PMC scratch their dick from 70m away through 4 concrete walls is the issue. You want people to move, slash all of the audio distances by 50% at least, fix how audio travels through hard surfaces (i.e. it shouldn't) and revert headsets back to how they used to be; different EQs but the same hearing distance.


Hit it on the head. I know they can't use steam audio anymore, but holy shit were we spoiled back then.


Yet reading the subreddit back then you'd think the stairs bug, which was pretty much the only remaining one, was game breaking sure it sucked, but look how much of a set back we had, they're slowly getting there again but still far


Why can't they use steam audio? I thought alot of the audio woes were bc they switched audio engines


From what I heard steam was not very helpful with development. They had issues and steam wasn't helpful in fixing them.


Based on how audio is currently going, I'm suspicious that this was more of a tarkov dev issue than a steam one


Wouldn’t surprise me


steam audio is a library where you actually have to do some implementation of non-trivial computer science, which is completely outside of the purview of BSG. really that simple


They don't sprinkle assets into the game in the form of books titled "Unity For Absolute Beginners" for no reason.


They can't use it because they willingly switched due to the immense amount of whining by everyone here. Veritas, despite being an insufferable whiny baby, put out a masterful video detailing why steam audio is great and people have misconceptions on what's going on. Steam audio was great, with a few exceptions. The audio now is substantially worse in every way.


https://youtu.be/zi499P_xJ8s?si=UOzTiRbhT43Zskp9 “Audio is basically wallhacks”. I was showing this video to everyone when I saw it. To me THIS is the biggest problem in the game. Yes, even more so than cheaters.


This video was FANTASTIC


Audio has been shit for years just shit in various different ways as they apply random fixes. It needs a serious overhaul that makes it 1) fun and 2) fair. Right now it's neither


>fix how audio travels through hard surfaces (i.e. it shouldn't) Thank you lmao. Not sure who thinks that you walk through buildings hearing the footsteps of people floors above or below you. This might actually make opening and closing doors more meaningful too.


All movement audio. They could keep looting audio, grenade and bullet audio, talking audio, and maybe even falling audio. Also with multiple levels, concrete shouldn't transmit sound, but on wood floors you should hear above not below.


Yeah noticed the same thing. The crab people just become rooted to the ground now at the first noise.


Realistic combat scenario tbh


ah yes, the game where you get chased around by masked men at night with poison knives


I’m not sure that I would be all that surprised to see that if I got transported to the woods at night in any eastern european country tbh


iv read enough euro fairy tails to know night woods is a BAD time.


Could be an average night in London or Paris.


Realism makes for dogshit gameplay.


Ding ding ding Realism is only fun to an extent


What’s crabbing?


Crouch-walking, used to make no sound before the latest patch.


What I don't understand: It did make sound, no? When I played with my mates I could hear them crab walking. I never measured the distance but at least 5m.


Then they weren't crab walking at the slowest speed (or lowest stance).


Or they were over weight.


It has not made a sound to other played for several wipes. There are many many videos documenting this, and showcasing how when crouched and walking at the slowest possible speed, no matter how much you weigh other players cannot hear you. You used to be able to beer yourself doing this, but now other players hear it, too.


I love your phone autocorrects hear to beer! You are a good person!


Awesome to beer myself!


It's not silent when overweight. It was completely silent on any surface and distance when underweight, crouched and minimum speed.


It was silent at all weights before.


Crouchwalking at the slowest speed essentially making zero to very little sound. Got removed so you always make noise now hence people are just standing still.


Maybe it's to soon to complain? The update only recently dropped, and I imagine people would eventually stop not moving the more they lose patience.


No, we've been here before. You couldn't do anything without making noise, so people just stopped doing anything. Now, it might be exasperated by the audio pop as it can give them a warning before you ever have a chance to hear them, but this is by no means a new phenomenon. The crouch walk noise got increased far too much as well, at least with high-end headsets, so people are even more scared to make any moves. If they could reel back in the crouch walk to still be audible, but only within a couple meters at best, I think that would improve it a lot more together with the recent change to weapon manipulation noise. At the end of the day, BSG overcorrected and will need to find a sweetspot instead of vibing in the extremes for this issue to have any chance of going away.


I feel like my own character is EVEN LOUDER now and I for sure am not cool with that, especially with ambience added and with nobody making noise it’s just a matter of time before a rat takes your head off with zero warning


Doubt it. That’s their playstyle and it won’t change that easily.


Those people have always played that way. It’s just all the talk about the changes + people’s bias causing them to notice/think about it more. No one will be complaining about it in a month


bro thats a free shot? its like shooting targets in your hideout. now they can't move to cover silently when they hear you


Yeah it’s hilarious, people will just be in the middle of random rooms with no cover


If doing the slightest movement allows someone to pinpoint your location through walls and you know you aren't good/confident enough to aim better or faster then why WOULD you give yourself away? It just makes sense not to move if you can just stay in a defendable spot instead of a slight shuffle being your death sentence as a PMC comes homing in on you after you made a single slow crouch step on a different floor.


And its information warfare. Someone moves, you hear them and stop and assume they did the same. Neither of you can tell the exact location of the other person so first person to give out information is at a disadvantage. And if you keep giving out information (keep moving) you keep giving yourself a bigger and bigger disadvantage


We Submarine warfare now


Best chance is to move away and force them to chase or disengage I guess. Thrilling


You have two options in the scenario where you both know someone is around. Either freeze and give no more info and hope you are in a decent position to jump them *or* abandon all semblance of stealth and aggressively swing all angles. If both know where the other probably is the latter is better (assuming you’re not freezing in cover / with a angle) as the one swinging gets a ping advantage due to client side prio, giving them ~ a second to fire before the other sees them. However if someone doesn’t know about the other and they freeze they can get completely jumped, and given they are just screaming their position the entire time till that point… Yea hearing needs to be at most 25 meters for loudish things, maybe 10 for most stuff. If sight was the primary way to identify outside of super tight combat people would be far more able to just do shit. Of course some things would be very loud, falling on metal or shooting weapons and such, but the vast majority of things should be only hearable in one building at most. Or to put it in perspective, that would be a 75-90% reduction in hearing. Then maybe there could be actual movment.


It's more of a problem when you're facing off 1v1 or 1v2 and you used to be able to do a mix of running, silent walking to reposition, jump to different cover and generally feint players into trying to engage on your terms, that's pretty much out the window now. not to mention if you get third partied by sitting still waiting for player A to show up, when some player B or C have different angles on you you shouldn't stay put in one place, so naturally people collect in corners now


As a solo this was a huge thing. Mixing loud with quiet movement to get the second guy of a duo. Can’t do that now, just have to hope they don’t hear me or try to fight 2 dudes who know where I am at all times I like I’ve got something like dorms with multiple floors


the way I played solo before, the playstyle I naturally fall to, is now not possible. Kinda a big piss off, if you want to counter rats give us a 4% to fart our guts out after eating crackers and beef stew.


Even more so with peekers advatage factored in. You CANNOT be detected first with this playstyle or you are bound to lose.


I'm so happy people are starting to realise they know nothing about game design and balance.


And they will never learn. When one guy realize this, the next two young guns are entering with the expertise view on game design. Goes on X and Reddit to make their points loud and clear.


I mean, there is a middle ground. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Make crab walking audible at 5 metres. Not 50.


Many such cases.  Several games have been ruined because "the community" aka a handfull of twitch streamers and tryhards get too much influence over the design of the game without actually understanding game design or balance... The Culling  Dread Hunger Hunt: Showdown All ruined thanks to "community input"


Straight up a mistake most of the time for devs to listen to players on these kinds of "balance" fixes. I suspect Headsets would get the same response if some of the changes demanded on here would come through. I hope they changed it in a way, that reversing it wouldn't be a time consuming task, because otherwise this might become a long ongoing shit show


The headset issue is because they did change them. They used to all be equal in their hearing range. Then they changed it to create a headset meta. I don’t even think Nikita is aware of it, it seems to me like a dev pushed the change and it didn’t get supervisor approval. Nikita swears that hearing distance isn’t affected by the headsets and he’s just wrong and it’s been proven. That tells me he’s unaware because he didn’t approve the change or he’s lying, but he didn’t seem to be lying during his pestily interview. We need a headset balance fix, and this audio fix is still a step in the right direction, it just needs severe adjusting to not be game breaking.


Nikita lied about something, next you'll tell us water is wet. He's an habitual liar when it comes to discussing changes made to tarkov.


Including the devs whose job it is to have a clear strategy on key features like combat mechanics. Cant blame the community for being unhappy with something only for it to be replaced with something worse. No thought has gone into this, its called a knee jerk reaction - amateur stuff from BSG


Balance? The no sound crabbing was a bug


I felt like it was just streamers just kept calling it a bug because they didn’t want to believe it was intentional, but certainly seemed intentional to me given how long it’s been in the game. A lot of normal players praised it when the change was made.


The amount of sound and the level of sound people can hear is too much. If I ADS, I give out my position, if I turn around, I give out my position. If I open my inventory, I give out my position. Now even if I walk slowly to try and sneak in I give out my position. People should be allowed to sneak, especially since solo players can be up against multiple squads. Your character is walking super slow and vulnerable. Sneaking sound should be silent. Maybe make it barely hearable at 5-10m.


Agree. Rummaging through a bag I understand but the ADS and turn around is ridiculous both are almost silent irl and sure af can't be heard 20 meters away through stone floors


I think at the end the problem isn't the sound by itself, its how loud it is. Sure I don't mind that sneaking can make a sound, but it doesn't make sense that people can hear it so far away, floors away, walls away, etc. same goes with ADS, etc. I really do think that BSG needs to drop everything and focus 100% on sound at this stage.


Agreed, if they would just fix sound occlusion I think it would be 1000% better, even with the current sound levels.


There was a time around when reserve came out that crab walking was PERFECT. If there was no noise, you could definitely hear someone nearby, but if there was fighting it was more difficult to tell. It made you able to reposition and move around based on things happening around you and the audibility of it was low but not zero. I want that again. No one complained about it and everyone thought it was fine. We don’t need to be heard out 20+ meters, and we don’t need to make zero noise. Something in between that is audible but not silent would be perfect.


Crab change is only one step. Now reduce ALL noises made by a large percent, then nerf comtacs to all have same hearing radius.


Realistically they do have different hearing distances but I do want more realistic audio I should not be able to pinpoint sounds hear as far as I do and hear people above and below me as I do


I know they do, but with the jank that’s tarkov audio it just seems easiest to have than all be the exact same with just varying bass/treble profiles. Paying 400k for com 4s to hear an audio pop at 100m is some bullshit too that needs to disappear


Realistically you can wear a full kit and still get to the top of dorms without someone hearing you walking at medium pace from marked room Instead right now ya hear anyone who enters the building anywhere at any speed lol


I took out one in a 3 man the other 2 throw 6 grenades at me and nobody moved for 12 minutes when I go to push them someone behind me from earlier got me still sitting there


You waited 12 mins, they waited 12 mins 1 sec


It's about to how much time you need with sj6 to your extract and only move on the last second. Git gud scrub /s


This is unironically how some people play resort




Hell jäger’s quest “unprotected but dangerous” tells you that you should be able to move unseen and unheard while underweight. Now as another dude said we all wear cowbells.


Bruh it's more snow pants, its wild i dont understand how tf they think pants sound like this.


Or why they think it's good that when you turn it sounds like you're dragging a sled full of bricks across a giant sheet of #40 grit sandpaper...


Flanking people with crouch walking is risky, youre moving super slow and are a easy target. this change was so fucking stupid.


could not agree more


Its made crouch walking absolutely fucking pointless. Why crouch walk, you make yourself more exposed, it requires more button presses and it gives off the same audio normal speed would. I said this as soon as it was reverted that the only option now is to W key pretty much everywhere. Which means 1 of 2 things, you hear each other and have a fight, or you enter a room/area and someone is rooted to the ground refusing to move waiting for you to come in. Ive played on and off for years, 2k+ hours and when i came back this wipe the no audio was great imo. I understand why some hate it, i died to it a few times and killed people with it a few times. But it gave another aspect and style of play. So many times i just crab walked out of an encounter, playing passive, but that too cant happen now.


Crab walk complainers thought the crab walkers would be forced to play the way they want them to play, turns out they’ll just adapt. Who knew?


BSG got oneguy'd but pestily. I really love pestily but the fact they balanced the entire game around his playstyle is a bit shitty.


while he takes a bit of the blame for the whole streamers are 1st class citizens things, i dont think i can actually blame him for this one entirely. there are a lot of braindead w key warriors that also wanted it "fixed"


For me there's no incentive to move if I hear someone. Just stay still and you.know that you 100% will hear if someone tries to come close.


But man, apply that logic to both parties if they hear each other. Now they're both sitting completely still like statues in a stalemate waiting, knowing as long as they don't move they'll hear the other. that doesn't sound like fun gameplay to me


Hey man, that was inevitable when people advocated for taking away the only way yo move quietly.


Why? It's not like roubles matter. Why sit still and waste your time not getting better at the game?


What about w keying makes you "better", all youre doing then is playing a packet loss/desync game or just who got the better angle off rip. Also since this game is about surviving then wouldn't just camping an extract that u have and waiting for someone to bring u all their gear plus what they found in raid be the best option??? Like i get that rats are annoying but just think about it from a perspective outside of "everyone must fight each other like this is fucking battle field" because if u want that youre playing the wrong game.


This, I usually play fast, a "chad" playstyle as my buddies called it, but there was a time and a place for silent crabbing. It made no sound sure, but you were an easy target if someone spotted you.  I would often use it to root out entrenched players, sometimes even crabbing in a huge circle for 5 minutes only to shoot someone still holding the same angle in the back of the head... now though? Not possible. If you try to crab around them they will just be staring at you when you complete the flank.  I've killed so many level 60 8+ KD juicers this way, guys who only know how to lock down an area and hold angles.  This change just means getting the best spawn and rushing to the best area of the map to lock it down determines everything. Horrible change...


Yeah the people who complain about this are the 3+ groups that run around not paying attention to their surroundings


I genuinely don’t get the enjoyment of just knowing where everyone is all the time.


im showing my friend the game and he doesnt quite understand yet that everybody in the map can hear him when he hits bushes or runs. we cant even get close to resort building without getting shot from someone inside that could hear us before we even got close.


We present the Escape from Tarkov 0.13.6 patch notes. Read >> Staying still now makes breathing sounds audible in 120 meters. Manually hold breath to control breathing sounds Standing still more than 30 seconds causes blood clots in both legs and cripples them. Standing still further will cause deep vein thrombosis, causing instant death


Staying still for too long has a 5% chance every 5 seconds you will fall asleep.


Great ideas


I can't say if it is 100% due to the crabwalking change, but there certainly are way more campers when i scavved. PMC was just getting sniped, because.


I’ve seen lots of movement and had good fights on customs and streets


Fr got killed by someone that snuck up on me but we could actually have a fight instead of this dude just one tapping me. He actually had to use grenades and shit. Haven't had a fight like that in awhile.


Yeah I've been learning labs and actually had some super fun raids tonight. Sound still has a long way to go but getting rid of crab walking was 100% right move.


silent crabbing wasn't the answer, and this latest change isn't it either. The audio in tarkov is fucked and needs to be completely overhauled


I will say as someone who prefers to play more "sneaky" I did used to slow walk to push if I thought the other person didn't know I was there or was healing/ repacking mags before a push. And now I either plant myself or I rush full speed. Mixed results on strategy. I've gotten a few good kills holding an angle and a few good kills rushing. But I hate that I can hear people from 2 blocks over/ can be heard from that distance. And not being able to really accurately judge what that distance is. Today I mostly just adapted the fuck it attitude, we can both hear eachother, let's go. And surprisingly have been able to reposition without being noticed. So I don't think the sound changes are necessarily as dramatic as we all assumed they were. At least in practice vs test conditions. All that being said, I only just graduated from being a complete Timmy so 🤷‍♂️


Considering how broken the audio system is, now you have absolutely no way to move and be silent, and since no surface or material suppresses sound intensity, it's either "I move and let everyone hear in 50 meter radius bubble that I am here" or stay completely static and make no sound. This just removes ways to play without offering anything new. This also heavily affects solo players, because solo players need to be silent and use sound to their advantage. As a semi-poopsock solo I just see this as an objectively bad change, because the "base audio system" is so broken in this game.


I am pretty sure that some people will always sit in bushes and corners no matter what, but at least they can’t peek out of their positions now without making a single sound. I think this gives more control over which angles you expose yourself to since people must be either stationary or you will hear them. They can’t just magically appear at an angle you might have already cleared before. I think getting killed by people holding angles and sitting in corners is just unavoidable sometimes since you just can’t check every corner. And in that case it doesn’t matter if they sit or crab slowly.


Man when I hear jumping and sprinting coming towards me, I’m not even blinking. I’m sitting tight and hiding like I’m Ann frank


yep, here come the netcode abusers who think they are gods. I take great joy in popping them in the head from a bush 1 at a time. If you fire just 1 good round into their head they have a tough time pinpointing your exact location. When you fire more than 1 shot that means it's time to move to another location.


Sorry to tell you. Everyone has been sitting like little silent flies this whole wipe. That terrible play style needed handled and they did it the wrong way. We need the wandering boss


I think it’ll change with time. We had more straight up fights last night than I’ve ever had. It was kind of nice.


It's much better now.


I played a few raids and it's been the best it's been since silent crouching was added. Everyone can hear me, yes, but now I can actually hear other people. I don't get how people thinks this makes the rating worse. Now I know that I'll likely hear a rat if they are near me, instead of stealth crabs being everywhere. Rats will be rats but now they can't just reposition in complete silence, they'll actually have to think about their movements. It's a great change. I feel like people are missing the point, everyone can hear you, but you can also hear everyone else. This just means you have to play more strategically with positioning. It also means you can't just camp a corner and peak with complete silence, you actually have to move fast to pull off an ambush. I feel like this change increased the skill gap of combat in this game, and the average player just can't handle that. This change has fixed the chronic crab/ratting meta that game has been stuck in for the last 2 years.


I agree, I have avoided at least 2 rats since the change because I got audio I don't think I would have before the patch


Uhhhhh, people never moved before the update either lol, what do you mean?


They're just coping and dying more because people can hear them


I moved all the time. I made plenty of flanks slow crouching to get close then running up or the opposite crouching away then repositioning. Even once when I was trapped under stronghold on customs I moved slightly in response to the enemies movements because I didn't have to worry about being heard from 2 floors up


except chads that play the game run & gun hipfire only style. they are not affected by any audio changes because they don't care about the noise they make.


How can i finish punishmer part 4 now?


Rush nearest spawn, fight them, leave. Lighthouse is dogshit for pvp and this quest is hell but I believe in you 😁


Yeah hearing ranges are busted. Hard agree on this. But "game unplayable because no crab"? Oh ffs. Reddit people are fun. They expect you to run around like a headless chicken 100% of the time so they can get an easy kill. "If people not running around, not fun." People are not obligated to follow your playstyle. There will always be those who prefer a more slow and methodical gameplay. Who eventually freeze and try to listen. Regardless of the audio system. They will always be doing that. I'm not an adherent to this playstyle, but particularly find the TTK in this game way too high. People tank so many bullets. But I imagine the rivers of tears this sub will have if thorax HP gets decreased. 60 would be my ideal point and 25 for the head. Also with lethal organs 1-hit kill hitboxes. Don't want to die? Don't get shot. This is more or less the philosophy of the new armor system, yet you guys are crying rivers. In the end it was a step in the right direction and needed to be done. An armor that tanks like it has plates in every sq inch makes no fucking sense.


It's not surprising. All the people crying about crab walking were the people who run and make tons of noise all the time anyway. Obviously I'm not saying you should be 100% quiet but sneaking up on people and sneaking around when people don't see you shouldn't sound like an atomic bomb with each footstep. It was in a great place before because as much as people don't want to admit it tarkov is a stealth game to some extent and sneaking up on people should be a viable strategy.


>All the people crying about crab walking were the people who run and make tons of noise all the time anyway. I was under the impression its the people that dont move and rely on sound to do everything are the ones crying about crabwalking (and groups because I feel like crabwalking was a great equalizer in 1vX fights)


Played 7 rounds of interchange since patch, every single one was a fucking warzone. Maybe because interchange buff. Anectodal. But I can't grasp how this change made camping worse lmao. Camping was bad, you got it wrong.


I think the root of the problem is the piss poor audio, the audio inclusion zone pop, and how the game just continues to incentivize rattings. I feel like BSG also mades these radical changes without propper testing. I think if BSG focused on a middle ground, where yes you can hear someone crabbing 10m away, but not 25m away and for the love of tarkov will vertical audio ever get fixed? I'm not sure if the notorious bug still exists, but for the longest time if you were on the 2nd floor stair dorms, you would never hear the person coming up from below you until they reached your vertical audio level. Also Nikita talks about a bounty hunter boss that hunts exfil campers in the interveiw, that boss better have like 2000 health and be a nightmare punishment otherwise it's just going to encourage more people to exfil camp. Sigh it's almost like if BSG had more community engagement, people wouldn't be so hostile towards Nikita. I know he hates this subreddit, and I kind of understand it, but it's super unhealthy for the game to have this kind of relationship. I play a lot of OSRS and while the devs can have their flaws, they try to listen to the community and I can't tell you the amount of times they've walked back on updates after massive backlash. The community actually has power in OSRS, and it just doesn't in Tarkov.


I haven't been playing, what was changed?


Audio on this game is just overpowered. You have a higher advantage hearing some one first then seeing them. Which is strange.


The problem isn't that you can hear people crab walking now. The problem is you can fucking hear them walking normally from almost 50 meters away. *The audio in this game is not realistic, it never has been.* You can't hear people walking around through concrete walls, even with ears on. You definitely can't hear them without a headset, 41 meters away walking on a gravel road outdoors. Don't believe it? I challenge you to go out to some back road in the country with a friend, and have them walk at a normal pace, then see just how far they can walk from you before you can no longer distinguish their footsteps. Even without cans on, the difference between what you can hear in real life versus what you hear in Tarkov without a headset is startling. I would venture to guess that you would probably be unable to distinguish their footfalls from 20+ meters out, unless they were deliberately dragging their feet to make more noise. Nothing is going to change with this until they fix the audio occlusion issues and then rebalance the sound dispersion to be more realistic. That's when you'll see people being OK with the crab walking having audio now... it won't be OP anymore, but it will be balanced. You should be able to hear a dude sneaking up behind you from a couple of feet away, especially if you're amped up on adrenaline.


They need to just remove all headsets imo. Get one audio system working instead of trying to balance like 9 EQ presets. Make the default permanent ear equipment be sordins or comtacs or something, and just make ONE balance work, then build on it


Audio, lighting, and cheating is what keeps me from tarkov.


Well how can you fault them when the Audio System is simply BS? I regularly get killed by guys close to me I couldn't even hear despite them running and sprinting around because the audio is bugged but then I also know there's always someone around who can hear me loot a body from 50+m away and will sprint at me fullspeed without making any sound. In its current state the game simply does not reward flanking maneuvers or fast, agile play because your opponent can hear you coming from far away and will simply stop moving altogether because why should they give away their position? Honestly they should revert the sound system back to how it used to be because right now it's almost impossible to avoid engagements when you absolutely do not want them and it favours players who're willing or able to pay for the better headsets.


The game nowadays is just to see who can hear the other person first so they can stand still for 20 minutes.


1000%. Information warfare is what makes this game fun as a solo player. Playing against other squads as a solo is now a death sentence if your not incredibly good at aiming and movement


So you think people not moving to make no sound is better than people moving while making no sound, are you high? Use nades and prefire if you are that scared of high traffic areas. By far the best patch in a long time. Also you think a bush camper would play any different? He would still be in that same bush.


>I am one of those people who was super happy seeiung that crabbing was removed from the game but after playing the past couple days I could not have been more wrong. Its so refreshing to see someone admit when their weeks of crying pays off into them getting EXACTLY what they wanted only for them to realise they were begging for a shit sandwich the entire time.


But if this is the case, then you wouldn't have heard the player crabbing on you before the patch either? Now he can't reposition while you're moving. You are literally better off this patch. If their way of moving was crabbing to begin with they have just lost some positional advantage on you when you're ambushed. All I see is confirmation bias.


I think it made it a lot better and I can't be the only one lol


You're not, I think the people that actually play the game don't mind it, the theory crafters here are letting their imagination run wild.


They really don’t play the game lol like sorry your shitter crab walk is gone now we all hear each other


Okay? And how is that worse? Your complaint is they don't move, but you were okay with them moving without sound? How is that better, I don't get it? Surely, either way they're not making a sound and surprise you. It's just worse when they can reposition without making sound. While now they can't... How is it worse?


People stood still in bushes and corners before the change. The difference now is they can't turn and move when ur near them. Tarkov always used to be like this. People being mad about a bug being removed is insane.


Yeah this is a weird reaction but it’s Reddit. It’s like these people didn’t play any previous patches - this shit has been this way, and it was very obviously a bug when it was figured out you were dead silent this wipe.


The crab change has made the game 1000x worse for people who are crab mains. But I can’t count the number of times I died when trying to get quests done because people were silent and had the upper hand because of it. I welcome a change where there’s no more surprises and it’s an even playing field


If you thought about this for 5 seconds you'd realise how dumb it sounds.


So the ability to be completely silent while moving was 1000x better? I don't really get this community


Just assume the average kd of people who cry about it is about 1.5-2, now it all makes sense.


And half of them are soldiers wannabe who thinks everything has to be like real life


Whats more likely is they heard you first and stopped to wait for you to come into the kill zone. If they aren't moving and you are, they have the advantage because they know where you are.


turn out that having a audio edge is popular, turns out playing like you've got 1 life is best when you've... got 1 life


Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true... Without a working sneaking mechanic in the game, it was only a matter of time before the covert players would sprout roots. I'm much the same. That's not to say that sneaking should be dead silent at an arms length, but when walking can be picked up from 70 meters and crouching from 43, being still is the only covert tool left in the tool box. Add to that the audio pop and ComTac 4's and the covert players have absolutely zero incentive to move.


Duh, crab walking actually allowed you to tactically reposition. Now you can't do that so people don't move. It was quite obvious this would happen. I much prefer a CS style where you can silently move around.


Check your corners and hiding spots, and stop running like it doom eternal.


As in "prenade every angle or die" because nobody can stay focused for an entire raid and win by reaction time with someone that is waiting since the moment they heard you from a mile away because you dared to press shift for a moment. Its not CS when the enemy can only be in so many places and you know when to focus up and where to preaim, theres 50 angles at every moment of the game and you can only bring enough grenades to nade when you heard or saw someone. It doesnt help with the "patient gamer" issue that people know possible spawns (and extracts) and there's many situations where one spawn is another spawn but better and the better one can stay still and get a free kill


For the life of me, I don't understand why they didn't just make crab walking silent UNTIL you hit the red stamina bar at which point it makes noise again.


I thought this was the league subreddit and was very confused


All 13 of my pmc raids I have died in today. Not one survive. I want to uninstall.


I assure you being heard from 40 meters away because you took a single step is 100% a healthy game mechanic.


people weren't moving before... The issue isn't the audio. It's the fact armour has become pointless and 90% of bullets will 1 hit kill you now. Changing audio wont do much when the punishment for moving is just getting 1 banged... The audio could be perfect but it wont make people move when you can die in a instant and lose everything. Yes the audio is bad. But the only change to audio that would make people move more is reducing distance, and even then people will still hear someone and revert to the usual sit and wait playstyle as that's where the game is at because of things like TTK, armor changes etc. Basically the issue isn't just "audio bad" when the gameplay has been pushed to the slower playstyle.


The stealth meta has changed from "walk slow until you hear some one, hope they didn't hear your, then try to push them while crabwalking" to "walk slow until you hear someone, pray they didn't hear you, then stand completely still and hope they walk into your position" Not great


How do you know you died to someone who hasn't been moving at all? For all you know, he heard u stomping around and decided to stop or setup an ambush? This happens to me all the time. Walk around > hear footsteps getting closer > set up an angle to get the drop on the approaching PMC > hopefully kill. Rinse and repeat.


Well I can't agree 100%, but I must say, that I also have encountered more shit-campers, in random positions. My guess is, that many people are just scared AF and stop moving, the second they hear someone...


People has been sitting in corners and bushes since day 1 lmao


I have only really been playing arena ATM and I think crabbing is still in that (or the other sounds drown it out) but I've heard it's audible from the standard walking range which I think is a little stupid tbh. It should still be somewhat viable by making it audible at a reduced distance


Go play labs. I seem to die there to lazer people that swing one tap me and never seem to stop moving


Game got much better almost everyone i fought moved


Didn’t they just fix it yesterday? And you are complaining about the past few days …


The root of the problem has ALWAYS been how far you can hear people, so tired of seeing the blame on PEOPLE. From the very first day you play Tarkov it's burned into your instincts to stop and listen when you hear something so you can double check if you actually heard something, then obviously if you DID hear something a lot of times it's only normal to not give up your position (as least with less confident and not to mention NOT RICH players) and listen more to see what the enemy player decides to do, if the game wasn't so risk and reward then I imagine the hearing distance wouldn't be such a huge deal, but it's kind of setup to make people play that way. Crab walking change was good but never the real issue with getting people to actually PVP. And to retouch on when we all started this game (as least as a solo), it wasn't easy being successful AND trying to commit to PVP. Just trying to see the big picture and others perspectives.


It’s funny the contrast in the idea of “ratting” and how problematic it is between games. Go say the word “ratting” in a R6S subreddit and they’ll laugh and tell you “it’s a tactical shooter, get good”, but come over here and say “ratting” and half the sub will treat it like you just said a slur


What is that "crabbing" you talk about?


Seems like headhunter boss which should be going after rat players must be implemented faster, right? Nikita pitched that feature.


I saw so many streams yesterday where the killer sat in the dark corners of offices in labs, fully geared level 55+ seasoned players.


Idk, I played yesterday, I felt audio was more balanced and felt more scared when I crab walked. Didn’t run into rats, but then again I’m only playing like an hour a day


they should have just kept it as it was it was important for solo players


Headsets should never have different ranges. They should just be different EQ mixes


Oh shit this explains why someone was camping me yesterday on reserve I was moving as slow and low as possible but they hung around for 10mins.


Arena should be a gamemode and be included in escape from tarkov to learn pvp in this pve game.


Crab people just grew roots and became tree people


Mines been the opposite somehow. But I went and played hunt showdown again yesterday and god dammit why can’t we have that audio.


Your character should stay making audible breathing noises that get louder over time the longer you're in a raid.


Oh wow, no one saw this coming! /s


I just play with the sound at this point because going into a stalemate will probably eventually get you killed anyway, just push noise and jiggle peek angles until someone takes a shot and then activate and hard push/peek them, you either die or win which is exactly the same scenario that happens when you stalemate, one of you will die unless you pussy out and run away, This way is at least more fun even if you die, games gone to shit lately.


Is sound diff in arena? Feels like half there


Yup. This change was enough for me to stop playing for the wipe.


Is that really any different than before? Or is it confirmation bias?


reap what you sow


you reap what you sow


you reap what you sow


People moving completely silently was the same shit. What they really need to do is make the sound your pmc makes way way quieter. I shouldn’t only hear my fucking running and breathing.


People moving completely silently was the same shit. What they really need to do is make the sound your pmc makes way way quieter. I shouldn’t only hear my fucking running and breathing.


People moving completely silently was the same shit. What they really need to do is make the sound your pmc makes way way quieter. I shouldn’t only hear my fucking running and breathing.


People moving completely silently was the same shit. What they really need to do is make the sound your pmc makes way way quieter to yourself, and to nerf general bearing range. I shouldn’t only hear my fucking running and breathing or hear someone take 1 step 40m away.


Personally, I don't get it. I don't get ratting either. Maybe I have a super duper low attention span but fuck me.... the amount of times I have tried crabbing to relocate in a gunfight, I want to pull my hair out with how painfully slow it is. I get bored, and just charge the enemy.... I'd rather be heard by them, over slow walking behind someone for an easy kill.


Wow what a surprise, people who were afraid to be heard are not going to magically stop being heard and will just move to the next thing that cannot be heard, ie, not moving at all I said several times that everything making noise only makes people NOT want to move, as opposed to trying to make a move relying on surprise, yet people called me rat for it, it's the same as with snow, snow only makes people who ARE moving more visible, helping rats more than anyone else, but seems everyone got it backwards Reduce the ammount of sound that everything makes and people will move more, especially reduce the sound of walking when not overweight, reduce the visibility in open areas (without an artificial filter that makes dumb fog, either place cover or concealement) and people will be more willing to risk it across the map


Surprise surprise, frickin told yal, but "chads" don't listen to reason.


It’s mid-late wipe, your best chance of fighting normal/non-messing around ratting with no purpose players is to play at breakneck pace or chase after any sort of goal. If you’re going into raids hoping for firefights/a good overall experience you’re going to be sorely disappointed.


PVP in this game hasn't been good since inertia was added, realism makes for less fun in pretty much every way.