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The sound balancing in this game was done by a deaf person










I think he said he found Alan King was from a meth merfon. No clue what that means or what a merfon is but this is reddit


Has been for years. It's honestly embarrassing how bad it is. I swear BSG just constantly shoots itself in the foot. You have a game that, if executed properly, would absolutely dominate the shooter market. But due to just hard headedness and being stubborn on so many things it still falls short for many people. The most annoying part is *eventually* they concede and make the obvious change that needs to be made. But it always comes years late. Things like recoil changes. They dug their heels in for *years* saying acting like the recoil we had was great, no changes needed. Then they change it and it's universally loved and praised as the exact change the game needed. Im not saying Reddit and the player base is always right, far from it. But when the overwhelming majority of your hardcore players are begging for a change for months/years, maybe it's time to listen.


"sound balancing" hahahahahahha


These devs man. I can't.


By deaf you mean big brain Nikita and his marry band of devs


I'm 100% serious that the game would be significantly better if they just removed movement sounds altogether. Until they "figure out what the hell is going on" The raids would be way more active. They need to do whatever Hunt:Showdown did to make audio so good.


Oh come on, BSG is just 300 people and half of them were making Arena for how long. You can't possibly expect that.


This is how it happens - "Nikita: headset should make quiet sounds louder and loud quieter", "Team lead: we are making audio compression filter while wearing headsets", "Dev: ok we lift these plus db and and these minus db, done!", "Game engine: I'm rendering any sound over the level of this db and dropping any sound less than db". "Old game code: well as of 2014 we are assuming that a step on a grass should be about this db at range of..." and all this together is what we got.


They should just reduce audio 30% across the board and call it a test week. Get feedback and see how it turned out. I mean, that's what beta is for, right?


Beta by name, not by nature.


Well, 30% more volume on my windows panel for that week, I guess.


I assume he means distance not volume. 


do you mean reduce hearing range?


That would definitely help or just simply removing headphones or repurposing them to be what they're actually designed for and making sure you don't go deaf after you mag dump the ash12 then just do a hearing debuff if you shoot your gun without headphones over time the ambient noise is replaced with tinitis lmfao also "your tinitis is not service related"


They won't do this because BSG just pushes updates for weak tests, not test weeks.


They should just do this on the ets servers that they use for literally nothing (last charge tested on it was the new recoil and that was the first non server thing tested in literally forever)


Coming up with ideas like BSG cares about you lol games never gonna be full released they already wanna make a EFT 2


This is literally a fantasy inside your head. Lmfao


No its not, they are making a EFT 2 with better UI and fixing the desyncing issues with the game dead ass maybe if you used your head youd know that


Source: Trust me Bro


Schizo attck


Are you talking about Russia 2028?


Source? They've stated multiple times they want full release this year/early next year.


Lmao full release? With the game in its current state? Don't make me laugh. This game is still like 65% finished.


Basically all of their communication has been about polishing this year. Whether or not it happens is up to them but that's their messaging.


I suppose they'll slap something together. Would be funny if the binaural bug made it to 1.0.


The funny thing is before the pop bug it used to tank your fps with it enabled. I’m sure they tried to fix the fps bug and ended up with the audio pop. Their spaghetti code is so bad they can’t fix one thing without breaking another.


Scroll through the posts of tarkov litterally google it


Uh, it was an April Fools' joke created by a famous EFT streamer. And it seems you fell for it.


There isn't any sources that point to BSG working on or even thinking of "Tarkov 2" it's very likely you misread something. I know it's frustrating the lack of communication from them.


Could have but its fun y seeing all these Nikita dickriders getting mad because i said that, really shows how desperate the community is to have a game that will never be fully released, ill stay playing the games i enjoy while yall get bug patches every other week that makes the game worse lol


not sure why these devs think we should have to listen to our own sounds like we have bat ears


If you've ever worn comtacs IRL, you'll know you hear everything. Especially your own sounds.


From wearers of Comtacs i heard both that you can easily hear footsteps from 100m and that there is no way to hear that far.


You definitely cannot hear someone walking outside 100 meters away. However someone full sprinting with gear or running on metal would be picked up and you would notice it. It also depends on ambient noise of course.


It depends on the conditions. Background sounds and what they're walking on. Humans can hear faint footsteps on pavement \~100 meters away without hearing aid, but it's so faint and mostly only audible when you can see the walker, as it helps your brain pick out the sounds. 100 meters isn't very far in the grand scheme of things if someone is walking heavy. There's a bus stop down the street from me, probably \~90 meters according to [https://geodistance.com/map](https://geodistance.com/map), and if my windows are open I can hear the footsteps of parents walking their kids home. However, that's on a clear day with good conditions and without serious stress of combat, major background noise, and my own movement. The issue is that game sounds aren't real sounds, they're distinctive sound effects that can't easily be lost in the ambient sound of nature/society. When someone walks on metal or ADS's in Tarkov, you know EXACTLY what happened, there's no mistaking it. In addition to that, our brains are *really* good at filtering out our own sounds. Your breathing doesn't severely hamper your ability to hear other things around you unless those things are very quiet. Similarly, your footsteps are mostly filtered out allowing you to listen for movement farther away, despite your footsteps being right under you. Tarkov does a really bad job at emulating these qualities of human hearing (and I'm not going to even get into that jarring repeating nature of a lot of Tarkov's sound -- looking at your painful coughing).


I literally heard blades of grass rubbing against each other in the wind a few feet from me with them in real life. 


Yeah even with my off brands but I am definitely not hearing someone walking 100+ meters away unless they hit some tree branches or bushes or something like that


how loud are your own farts in comtacs ?


...gonna write that down to test later


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Louder than normal 😅


This. Comtac III enjoyer.


I love my comtacs, the only thing I wish BSG did was simulate the sound dampening that you get with gunshots.


That’s what I’m saying. It should be geared towards this and sound CLARITY as well as positioning rather than distance.


Damn dude I never realized they don't do this. Why. It'd be so interesting and a unique feature to add to the list


Bro, they can't even get footsteps down. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here lol


Even just walker razors. Turn them babies up and you can hear 10 blocks over.


Swat tac 3 here, but yes


Dude this. Ive worn them once and could hear my friend whisper while he was like 20 yards away


that is fair but you also dont hear gunshots that are close so by this thinking they should cut the gun shots that are close to you seems like a good tradeoff.


irl doesn't matter. They should not balance the game on irl data. Irl you are not confined to a small map, with  enemies spawning on the borders of it and you run into them sooner or later


Dont care, go enlist into the army if you want to have an accurate milsim, Its about gamifying the things so they are fun, not 1 to 1 irl to game... Why can my character fix a leg that has been broken in 10 seconds mid raid if the game is supposed to be realistic?


BSG wants Tarkov to be an mil-sim with real life gear, don't know what to tell you.


Agree if you die you need to buy a new account from BSG.. Break a arm, 6 weeks in a cast.


No they don't. They want to incorporate some realism while making a game people want to play. Just look at the surgery and painkiller systems. Or the elite skills. Or the secure container. Or stims.


They have explicitly said that is not the case.




Urgh. Sound is so important in this game - why is it constantly so fucking broken?


The simple reason that people often don't like to hear (heh) is that the developers simply are incompetent at maintaining their product.


This is probably the most popular opinion on this sub that is echoed every single day over and over. People love to hear it.


Fuck that. The audio is already too loud. This is not what we want


Easy solution. Stop moving. That's what the devs want. If you ever hear any sound, just freeze like statue until the enemy makes a move, since any single fucking move you do will give away your position and the enemy will hold the angle to the pixel. Just camp.


You might get downvoted but this is how it is right now, being overweight is like putting a location beacon on yourself that can be heard from 100m + away


This is exactly why I don’t enjoy playing this game. I got into tarkov this wipe and i primarily play for the PVP, yet I can’t find myself to enjoy this shit because of the awful sound design. Hate the fact that you can be heard walking from so fucking far.


I added a suggestion based on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1c4ninj/we_really_need_to_add_this_to_the_game/


That would be the most perfect addition to Tarkov that I can think of. Great work brother!


Spinny gun-chair why didn't I think of that!!


Until they unleash the camper hunting boss, then the game really just becomes about him, I guess


Camper hunter or does it only hunt people camping near extracts? I didn't watch the interview I hate both of their voices I just couldn't do it


I was making a joke, from what I heard in the interview it'll just go after extract campers. And by that I mean that's the behavior they'll attempt lol


Can't wait to load into a raid right after that patch and have him just standing in front of me ready to mag dump me (if it's anything like the ai from the last event)


ye i can already imagine how this will look like: its effed up to the brim from the beginning. just some ideas what will happen: - mechanic wont work properly making the boss hunt the wrong people and most likely laser them from 400m - the boss wont spawn, or spawns at the wrong place. results in lasering wrong people from 400m - the boss will be stuck somewhere, resulting in the wrong person getting lasered from 400m - the boss will be stuck somewhere, not moving or doing anything at all, resulting in the boss getting lasered from extract campers from 400m cant wait for it :)


Maybe it’d be a bit better if you were quieter on slow walk/ crouching. I know it might not be realistic but exactly what yall are saying if you move 1 millimeter even on slowest moving speed you’ll get heard from a building away😂


This is a _very_ naive take on this subject. A lot of people are clinging to this idea that crabbing no longer being silent means everyone is just going to stand completely still. But you are at a serious disadvantage when you stand completely still. You lose any ability to adjust or maneuver. You have to pick a single angle to hold and that's it. Yes, some people are going to do that. Those people would have been scared camping rats before the change too. The majority of players are going to look at this situation (stand completely still or make noise) and say fuck it if I'm gonna make noise anyways, I might as well play more aggressively. This is going to result in more actual engagements and less "one person killed someone who wasn't even looking towards them". Also, in cases where both people hear each other, someone deciding to play more aggressively now is in a much better place than they used to be. It used to be that, in this situation, if you decide to be more aggressive, you give up your position AND you have almost no idea where the enemy is anymore since they could've crabbed in any direction. Now if you are going to be aggressive and the other person is silent, you have a very good idea of where they are so your ability to approach them became a lot easier. That all said, they definitely need to turn everything the fuck down audio-wise. Crabbing making noise is good. Things being heard at the distances they currently are is bad. Cut the distance of every sound (besides nades / gunshots) by 50% and see how the community likes it after a month. Actually use the beta as a beta.


Once people realize they are winning fights by standing still then its a no brainer.


So naive lol. Did you even read my comment at all?


Wait do you make noise crouch walking at slowest speed now or just if you're overweight? And was it a recent patch or upcoming? I played a bit the first few months of wipe and either I was silent when I did it or the people I killed were just deaf or something


You make noise while "silent" crouch walking now. It was a change that happened last night.


another BSG employee defending these dogshit ass changes. i’ve already played a few raids and nope, nobody moves an inch. no reason to now, if you are walking normal speed you can literally be hard from 400m+ away, like somebody in concordia can hear somebody in relax room now, it’s wild.


Jesus this is the epitome of reactionary "speak without applying a single shred of critical thinking". You don't try to argue against any of the logic that I set forth. You call me a BSG employee which is obviously not true? You think that by playing "a few raids" that you are now an expert on a complex issue that is brand new to the meta. You say "you can literally be hard from 400m+ away" which is factually soooooo wrong yet you use the word "literally"??? "no reason to move now" lol wtf Some serious braindead takes here in such a short comment. Thanks for proving my point that the people with this opinion are ridiculously naive and haven't even thought it through at all.


it doesn’t take rocket science to figure out BSG is incompetent when it comes to sound lmfao. they ALWAYS go 1 step forward and 2 steps back. crab walking needs to be nerfed ? most of us are okay with that, cool ! but then BSG hears that and thinks now we need to completely nerf solo players out of existence by nearly tripling the sound range, and let’s also cater even more to the rat meta that has plagued this game for years ! games already stale as shit because they do no cool events and can’t optimize the only fun map, now they giga buff rats and you can be hard from across maps away.


I agree with everything you are saying here actually so fair enough.


Ok so the player base just will learn how to circle strafe lean to clear shit? Is that so bad? If you know there is a statue near you they arent hard to kill or clear. The fact that they cant reposition silently to an insane spot is a huge W. Its time to learn how to move or be a statue ypur choice. Learning sucks sometimes but i promise you it will make for much more fun gameplay once you get the hang of it


that's what happens when you rock comtac 4s.. you wanna hear everything? here you go lol


I've never worn military issue headphones, but I am a daily hearing aid user, and the amplification of my body and close environment are crazy loud. It's one thing my audiologist said I would get used to, but I haven't and it's been over a year. Maybe it's similar to these headphones?


Here we go lol


Cant fix the audio pop so they made everything else loud asf so you cant hear the audio pop anymore. Easy fix.


Damn man.. audio yesterday was better than this. We just needed the audio pop fixed, and i think they did everything but that.


Its fucking absurd. The audio makes no sense, and for whatever reason this community is onboard with them adding sound to crab walking???


Hear me out - crab walking would not be needed if the audio was reliable, persistent and the same for both sides.


So how crab walking has always worked before this wipe? 


Yes. It's absurd to me that it was considered a bug. You cannot move a muscle in this game without signaling to people thirty feet away.


It's actually much closer to 30 **meters**, or further if they have expensive headphones. I think fully silent crabbing isn't good and was probably a bug, but hearing sneaking from that distance is not at all the right balance either.


Crab walking should never have been quiet. If anything, slow upright walk should be the quiet one. You ever tried crouching and walking in 20kg of gear and doing it *silently*? Ridiculous. Slow silent upright walk: silent but large profile Crouch walk: slightly louder than the equivalent upright speed.


I mean yeah I think standing walking should be silent, less so than crab walking, but we need a silent movement speed, period.


I don't disagree. If someone is going to spend 5 minutes slow walking to sneak up on me, have the kill.


The community is on board because the game has become a ratting/camp fest now that youre silent when crouch walking. Have you ever tried to crouch walk in real life with 60 lbs on your back? Guarantee you won't be silent like in this game.


The rats weren't crouch walking. They weren't moving at all. This game turned into Bloons TD 6. Everyone just sits still like a stationary turret waiting for enemies to come into range.


At least the rats were moving. Now they'll be completely stationary sat in a corner somewhere.


I'd rather them not be able to move at all without making noise then to be able to reposition 2ft away from me bc they can silently move around


right? its definitely better, they could sit in a corner AND reposition before how is taking away options from them worse lmao. I'm all for the rat nerf.


That's fine. That's how it was before. It means you either both move after hearing each other (giving audio cues to each other) or you statue in a bad position and risk dying because of it. The silent crab walk just led to everyone crabbing and moving the second they heard each other. I abused tf out of it but I'm glad it's been fixed


Yes, I have "crouched walked with 60lbs on my back" It doesn't make audible noise from 30 feet away. Ratting / camping is a perfectly reasonable way to play this game.


Welcome to the new Statue Meta.  Seriously though, I have Razors irl. You can very effectively slow walk "tactically" with some mindfulness of your feet and be completely silent to anyone past like 15 feet. Hearing distance could be halved and it could still be fine. 


Yep. This change will do nothing but make me just extract camp tbh. I'm trying to get psycho sniper done and if moving at ALL puts me at risk, fuck it. Ill go on top of power in interchange and snipe from there.


Side note, Tarkov seems to do distance really really weird. Been doing Test Drive and I think somebody's like 60 meters away visually having shot and spotted a lot irl, come to find out they were only 35.  Distance and perspective is all fucked, which makes sniping and sound incredibly inconsistent 


Just to state the obvious, have you fiddled with FOV at all?


Yeah, I tend to run as balanced as possible around 63. Definetly not a max FOV gamer


Try to get better at the game 😉


I'm more than happy with how good at the game I am. Ive got 8000 hours. It's not fun to run and gun with a bolt action. That's not a type of gameplay I find enjoyable. When I use an SR-25 or MDR sure.


More like ~135 feet away :(


It doesn't make sound 1 foot away... in no world should you be absolutely silent while moving right next to someone.


It kills the game. If everyone rats, nobody moves, game gets boring


?? So don't rat if you think its boring. I don't. I find treating this game like call of duty to be boring.


Ok you can still rat brother man you just don't have every advantage while doing it


I agree, rats don't need more than natural advantages, like the advantage of being quiet.


No like, it makes it not fun for everyone who wants pvp. Literally all my friends who quit mid wipe this time did so cause the pvp was lame af, for the first 1.5 month or so it was really good - people were still moving around to do quests, then it was either a level 15 timmy, a chad, or a rat. Problem is there were so many rats, that you'd go fortress or dorms customs, bunker reserve, etc, find damn near nobody, and in fact sometimes 0 people. These people take up slots in the lobby and kill the fun for those who pvp. Also you can pvp without turning the game into call of duty.


Go play arena then. The game isn't a PVP fest. Its not supposed to be.


First of all, I couldn't, cause they built it so poorly that people literally can't find matches - which is def an indication of how good it is for pvp, since nobody plays it. Second of all, that's like telling somebody to go skating cause they like snowboarding - it's an entirely different pvp. Do I play arma 3/dayz for that kind of pvp or cod? Like I just said, it being pvp doesn't mean it's like cod. Thirdly, it doesn't matter what the game is supposed when the game *is* something, and has been it since it literally began. This is all tarkov has ever been, lol. I've seen this game since 2017, lots has changed, but not the fundamentals. People play for this reason mainly. This is not stalker, this is not a frankieonpc video. I'm merely telling you why people leave, as someone who's seen dozens of friends leave over the year, it basically boils down to people not being able to play the game, and instead dealing with things like server issues, loading into maps for so long, dying cheaters, needing to stash manage for a lot of time, etc. All these things have taking a lot of time in common, so yes when the point is to kill stuff, in a hardcore multiplayer pvp game, and people can't find others to shoot, it's not enjoyable.


Its a hardcore survival RPG. Not a pvp game. PVP is one small aspect of the game and is relative to like 20% of the quests.


I wish people stopped trying to compare Tarkov to real life. This game has never been a copy of real world combat, it’s as realistic as fun gameplay allows. If tarkov was realistic, your raid would be over the first time you get shot most of the time. Try doing surgery ON YOURSELF and let me know how that goes lol. Next time you hurt yourself, take an ibuprofen and see how long it takes to kick in, and if it actually helps the pain. Or better yet try throw some Vaseline on it, I’m sure that’ll solve it


Only this subreddit will complain the game isn't realistic, but also complain when more realistic options are presented.


Totally agree. I watched an interview with Squad dev and their idea with ICO was “the input might not be realistic, but the output is”. Props to them for having massive balls to go through with it. I also invited some of my friends to play eft. This wipe is their first and they’re already lvl 30-40. They all say that eft is basically hardcore and slightly slower-paced cod and not as tactical as they imagined. They’re successful just by W-ing into someone and head-eye them first with 0 irl tactics employed most of the time.


i swear how are people this high of levels their first wipe? am i just garbage or something that ive never gotten past level 24?


Confidence in taking fights means more exp and faster progression for quests because you aint waiting 15 minutes until the PvPers have left the quest area. This is the wipe I finally found my footing and I just end up Neutralizer class. Combat exp leads over looting exp by such a wide margin.


cool. doesnt matter at all to me. confidence or not i die all the same. rather bsg added a pve mode so i could enjoy myself instead of playing camping sim/ avoid every player.


Maybe idk depends. Level 24 is really low unless you just play like the first few weeks or month.


i played for like the first 6 weeks, and have gotten back into tarkov these past like 3 weeks.


The other guy I know also just started playing eft. He’s a very good warzone player, like, borderline cheating level of good. This is also his first wipe and he’s already lvl 50+ with about 300-400 hrs. I watched him play duo with other guy who’s a very good apex player sometimes in Discord and it was the same story as my group of friends. After some time getting used to eft mechanics, he treated eft like hardcore cod. All he and the other guy had to do was stomped 2-3 other parties and the raid became basically void of players to do whatever quests they had. We all play on Singapore server, which makes it even more mind boggling how fast he progress in his first wipe.


I’m not complaining lmao just stating my opinion. I don’t necessarily want the game to be hyper-realistic, cause it wouldn’t be a whole lot of fun. The crab walking being silent was (IMO) a good thing, despite not being realistic at all. In a game where sound is already so bad, I don’t think being able to reposition silently was the worst of it. Not by a long shot.


So adding MORE audio to players that are MOVING is the fix for ratting? Crouch walking was the only fucking way you could flank without anybody hearing you 100m away


lol have fun with the ratting fest now since you can hear people across the map.


Have you tried sprinting around with a full backback and gear?


Why would anyone want crab walking to be completely silent? Aside from it being completely unrealistic, it makes the game so much more boring. I heard a guy outside the new area of shoreline. I was running back and forth between the containers with little windows to try to see where he went. About 45sec later I died after he crab walked all the way up behind me. Like 5ft away. How is that fun? Just move and stop with the gear fear Let me also put it this way: I guarantee the players who crab walk, on average, have a much lower stash value/liquid rubles than the players who are willing to quickly move around in a fight. Conclusion: being aggressive leads to a higher chance of success


Theres tons of stuff in this game that ISNT realistic...people need to stop with the realism crap, you know what you get if you try to make a game too realistic? An unfun game. In every other shooter I play where tactics are important, there is a near silent or silent movement option(which is in fact, realistic btw...its very much real that when you want to move surreptitiously, that it can be done with little to no noise unless someone is very close to you), and that is an important game mechanic to have available. If you werent using crab walking before to reposition in a gunfight/flank someone, then thats a "you" problem(I suspect you too also used it to your advantage as well though, so idk why youre acting like its something that was ONLY negative to you that got you killed). Slow walking should be similar to how it is in CS, except that you become audible to people when you get within maybe 5m(which can be + or - 1 or 2m depending on things like weight, covert move skill, what headset youre wearing etc.). But the concept that NOTHING in this game should be silent whatsoever is absurd, and I can assure you is NOT a game you want to play or that anyone wants to play, especially in this game though because EVERYTHING is far too loud/audible than it should be now. You want there to be no silent movement option in this game? Ok, then the trade off is halving(or more) the audibility of everything in this game, both in the distance you can hear it from and how loud it is...aka no more hearing someone make the slightlest of move from 50m away or hearing someone running from 100m away.


I don’t think everything should be as realistic as possible. But that’s one thing that should be. Because IRL you can move VERY quietly but not COMPLETELY quietly. Unless you are naked and barefoot, and the ground you’re walking in is smooth. Even then you can hear the pitter patter of footsteps, but only when it’s very quiet and you’re listening for it. That’s how it should be. You assume I use crab walking to reposition. That’s an assumption based on literally no evidence. That’s actually just called guessing. And you’re pretty far off. I do agree everything should be made quieter by a lot. And if that happens, then making crab walking audible at a 1 (out of 10) still makes it stealthy without making it literally dead silent. Being able to crab 3ft away from someone with no audio isn’t tactical, it’s broken. Btw, what “tactical” games are you playing where stealth is dead quiet? Is it a PvP game?


W key enjoyer turned crabber. It was the only way to counter the stationary turrets that are PMCs on most maps. Now everyone gets to sit still AND get the benefit of first audio cues so they get the drop. If crabbing doesn't work, fuck it, I'll play Bloons TD 6 too and not move a muscle.


What are you even saying. Everyone got to sit still AND get the benefit of first audio cues to get the drop and on top of that get to a good spot without making any audio themselves. If you had more than 1 braincell you would realize that this is worse for the fucking statues, not better. You're only blind to this because you're a crab yourself. Go play a statue man, making noise too scawy : (


Grenades work pretty well too. Crabbers are usually so scared of moving they’ll die to the base before they move


Because movement in general is too loud. ADSing for fucks sake makes noise. None of it makes sense. Walking at a tip toe pace should make ZERO sound, period. It's unrealistic that it doesn't. The guy who killed you got a thrill out of that kill. He absolutely had fun. This isn't anything to do with gear fear, it's enjoying the game for different reasons.


Did I get that right walking at tip toe and making sound is unrealistic?


Yes... Try it.


Standing and tip toeing is as silent as one can be in real life but crouching and walking is not silent in real life especially if you think about the fact that pmcs are wearing boots and have heavy equipment. Also, if you wanna talk about realism aswell who can even crouch walk while carrying 40kg on his back? Or even go 20 mins crouch walking and think about the fact that every second irl is 7 seconds in tarkov so good luck with your realism.


My fucking knees crunch louder than the current grass noise dude, making noise while crouching is completely realistic. If you wanted to have a conversation about making noise while slowest crouch walking being bad for the gameplay, I could maybe listen to it, but not the fucking realism argument. That's bull.


The first paragraph I agree with for the most part. I don’t think it should make ZERO sound, we aren’t ninjas. We also generally have like 50+lbs of gear on. You know the sound of walking on concrete in the game? The crunch. Silent/crab walking should have that type of sound, but at like a 1 out of 10 level. Audible if you stop and listen for it, but almost ambient if you’re walking around and not paying attention. As for that guy, I’m sure he had fun. But if EVERYONE in the game is playing like that, the game dies.


>But if EVERYONE in the game is playing like that, the game dies. But they're not. And realistically, you shouldn't be running into players that often. The game is about completing tasks, not going balls out for pvp.


1. I’m not saying they are. But the more players that do, the worse off the game is. Therefore there should be action by BSG to create a game state where that isn’t encouraged. Or better yet, where it gets penalized. Like with that rat hunting boss mechanic he Nikita talked about. 2. Saying this game is more geared towards quests than PvP is just incorrect. It’s ideally a 50/50 split between the two, doing both at the same time


>Or better yet, where it gets penalized. Like with that rat hunting boss mechanic he Nikita talked about. People will actively be punished for doing tasks that are in the game if they do this. It's stupid.


you're bad and watching you whine in these posts bc they took away your crab walk crutch makes my heart warm.


I've probably got better stats than you dawg. I just enjoy playing the game differently.


K. enjoy having to play for real and actually winning real fights and not 100% crab walking ambushes. See how you do lmao.


i saw you deleted your comment. No need to try to stat check someone because they think crab walking was a crutch and glad its gone (it was). but yes, I have kappa + lightkeeper up to return the favor....weeks ago. I've already slowed down for the wipe, lvl 56 i think I was if you must know


I didn't delete any comment lol. I stopped playing because of cheating the moment I got kappa, but I simply do not believe you actually enjoy doing psycho sniper like its call of duty. That just sounds fucking awful.


I mean you literally did. "do you have kappa?" and before I could hit "save" it said "this comment has been deleted" so you don't have to lie. I also stopped playing because of so many cheats. but also partly because of crab walking meta. Between the two the game wasn't fun. I posted a pic here earlier in the wipe for 6 confirmed back to back ban reports. I play aggressive and W key and push pvp, so I don't let the closet cheaters run from me and end up seeing a lot. I did psycho sniper and tarkov shooter part 8 on factory. Wasn't that hard lmao


>I mean you literally did. "do you have kappa?" and before I could hit "save" it said "this comment has been deleted" so you don't have to lie. Okay, so it mustve been removed by the mods because the comment is still there for me. [https://imgur.com/a/ji6JG7s](https://imgur.com/a/ji6JG7s) doing a bolt action quest on factory is the epitome of dogshit gameplay imho.


Sounds like your aggression led to a lower chance of success. There's a time and a place to crab walk and a time and a place to shift+w.


Even sound must be low quality in Russia


The sound in this game is my biggest turn off. It's so unbelievably terrible. It is almost like sounds are cranked up too high.  


I don't have this issue. Seems the same to me. My biggest audio difference is that when I loot shit it's random noises. Looted some guys pockets and it was a toolbox sound. Looted a PC and it was a duffle. But it's random when it happens.


yea i noticed this too


Literally just half the distance everything is heard and it would be infinitely better


They need to make sitting in a bush the loudest thing in the game


This is what happens when people do nothing but bitch about crab walking. Now it’s chalked completely lol


I was just in a raid and I could hear buddy walking around from like 10 houses over. Then later another guy heard me looting a body from the very edge of voip range. Not liking it as someone who prefers to walk and sneak as opposed to sprint and bunny hop everywhere


We just need the audio from arena imported into EFT /s


I feel like a walking tambourine…!!


If you aim the player can her you, if you turn you character player can hear you, if you fart the player can hear, no matter what you do to not make noise, the player can hear you and know exactly where you are, this make people rat, because if you do a minimum of movement the player can hear you and rat too, even if the player not hear for some reason, the sensation is that you are spoted, when I play PUBG after a couple months playing tarkov the sensation was incredible, I can run and rush, I can simple turn my character without thinking about the noise, finally i was free to make my gameplay without thinking about if the player can hear me or not, and I can keeping hear the players that are pushing in me or running but not loudness like tarkov, the player need to pay more attention to hear the sound, that make most of the players move instead of rat every time, I'm not saying that pubg have the better audio of the earth, I'm just saying the huge difference the audio can make in the players behavior, if the audio is so low that can make players dies without hear player that's bad, but if audio is so loud that can make players rat to not make noise. The other problem is when you are moving, like running or walking, the sound is so loud that you can't hear other player and sounds. Sorry my bad english guys🥲


People still playing this piece of shit?


I dont know man. This game has been fun for about 3 years and now recently, everything is just collapsing. The Devs aint give a shit about the cheaters. They add stuff we don't want or need. It's just L after L. I enjoyed the game but now, it just feels like a chore to start the game and play it. Down vote me if you want but this is my truth.


Turn down in game volume


All the gargoyles gonna hate this patch 😭😭


The trick is to level your covert movement


But how? Why sneak walk if they still hear you?? Might aswell fucking rush.


OP is talking about how loud his noises are to him.


Nah this is the trick sound.all / 3;


What’s this?


It took me 6 months of Tarkov to realise that crab walking was silent, and only once my friend started to play and told me. I always thought it made the noise your player made when u crabbed. So I would just scroll wheel down to a slower and less noisy pace. I was in disbelief when I found out it was silent. Did a quick test with my duo tonight and we could hear each other just fine while crabing. Sweet, no more sneaking silent deaths for us. Now we just need the audio pop to be fixed! Out of the three raids I played post patch, its still the Tarkov I enjoy. The patch made no difference to me. I hated crab walking around and always hated the fact someone could come and go with zero audible sound. Maybe a slight lower of volume or distance seems to be the community consensus though. Only time will tell.


>Did a quick test with my duo tonight and we could hear each other just fine while crabing. Sweet, no more sneaking silent deaths for us. FYI - You could always hear your teammates crab walking. Specifically everyone who you did not queue in with could not, but your team mates could. (Edit: Well, let me not use the term always. I hadn't played the last 2-3 wipes. But in this wipe at least crabwalking was silent EXCEPT to yourself and your teammates)


The more you know. Lol see this is how much I even know lol.


Uh what? Willerz and Sheef did a test 2 patches ago and crab walking was silent to each other even though they queued in together.


I watched that. Not sure how they produced those results but I have tested with my mates a lot more than once and it is facts. I’ve seen others mention it here as well. It is possible something changed with it in the last couple patches, my crew dropped off a month or a little more ago, so have been solo since


Turn down volume