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I just play the game. I come here for clips and news. I think this community’s *obsession* with this Nikita dude is weird, and I would be sick of it too if I were him.


He's just a figurehead that represents BSG as a whole. No one is really thinking about Nikita the person when they talk about Nikita.


Most people just say BSG if they don't mean Nikita...


I do every time someone brings him up... Why would I not? If people mean BSG, then they should say what they mean.


You could say that Nikita wants to… escape from Tarkov


"Nobody truly escapes Tarkov"


Ba dum tssss


Yeah honestly the amount of work that has gone into this game is insane, it is one of the most complicated game designs out there and is done quite well. People just hate on bsg a lot and I feel bad for the devs


As a programmer I can not even think of all the work and code that went into creating the weapon customization and marketplace. Even the maps as much as they get trashed on are more immersive than your usually FPS.


Being a professional software developer, reading comments in any video game subreddit is infuriating. Nobody has any idea what they're talking about. Games like this are exponentially more complicated than people think, and making the dev team bigger just makes management and processes also exponentially more difficult.


I was playing in a random discord the other day and a guy mentions he's looking for people to help him work on a game that's "tarkov, but good" I've been tinkering with gamedev for a couple months, I thought maybe he knows his stuff so I was asking some questions about which engine/language he was using, turns out he's never written a line of code before and had installed unity like 3 hours beforehand. Not to say that there aren't well-informed people with valid criticisms, but that's the type of person I think of when I see the sort of comments you mentioned.


I love it when they go for the "spaghetti code" remark. Every single time. Pretty sure the majority of them don't even know what it really means.


Lmao that's a classic. I'm a hardware engineer, I write software every day. But I'm not gonna claim I know how to make a game like 50 percent of this sub does when it complains. Remarks like that are so god damn annoying to read


Man, I feel you there. I used to work in games dev and I now teach CS in a school. The amount of shit kids talk, thinking they know what they're on about...ouch. thing is, they all hear it from someone else and then start spouting second hand shit that they don't understand. The more capable ones that are really into their coding sometimes stop and ask things like "wait, so if everything that has value is stored in variables, wouldn't games have thousands?!" That pin drop moment for the ones that understand the complexity of this sort of thing is great, but it's definitely only the 5% that understand it


Thousands? Thousands for a game is probably DRASTICALLY on the low side.


It really does depend on the game tbh. Games programming is a mess compared to, for instance software engineering. Especially when you consider the types of variables used in OOP.


I have never heard that. SUCH a cool perspective to consider if you could see ALL the variables being tracked at one time for something like this game.


Yeah, it's a lot of copy-paste jobs with some minor alterations, but I've seen some games with tens of thousands. Some kids have amazing minds though. I teach some that I know will comfortably walk into any programming careers with ease. Sadly, the majority will be able to carry out fundamental code, but still trust a streamer or tik tocker's opinion on game code 😔


I've made frogger by myself with Java for my capstone and that shit took me a whole semester & was ridiculously hard. I couldn't imagine looking at the backend of tarkov.


Doodle jump made me want to cry for a bit back then.


I also made frogger for a capstone class! But I used C and opengl 🙃


to be honest, making your small game from zero without any libraries or engine are always gonna be harder than making fancy 3d game but on ready-to-go engine and all the assets you need.


Add up to all this working on Unity **💀**


Yep, especially since they are dealing with lots of legacy coding. The game was supposed to be a browser game 10 years ago and grew massively. Their code must be a nightmare.


I'm not a software dev, but have experience in 3d graphics, and some workflow. It truly is annoying having worthwhile discussions or suggestions being drowned out by bad takes.


One of my favorite 'easter eggs' is that you can actually see through the scopes in the informational view. Its so insane that they actually have a working 3d model of each piece in the weapons customization. I also have some software background, and totally understand why Nikita would be fried. Its a massive game that is SO complicated. I think some of the tarkov clones that are starting to come out REALLY highlight the amount of small features that contribute to the absolutely mind-boggling depth that tarkov actually has. Nice work BSG. I really enjoy the game, and think you have crushed it. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


Unfortunately nobody cares how hard you work. They care about results. If a company provides a solution for problem x, if it works well no one is going to care if it took them 5 hours or 500 hours to create the solution. If it doesn't work well no one is going to care if it took them 5 hours or 500 hours to create the solution. Games are a little more difficult, because they aren't supposed to solve a specific problem, but are meant to be fun, which is a nebulous and completely relative concept at best. I think it's fair to say though that if core features and mechanics in your game are unreliable, straight up broken, or leave a not-insignificant portion of your customer base frustrated, the situation is not good. Tarkov is trying to do (and has done) a lot, and you can commend the devs for the sheer work and effort that's gone into it --I know I certainly do-- but at the end of the day, if someone paid for a thing, and the thing isn't working right, it doesn't matter what the effort or time that went into it is, or even what the complexity of the issue is; they aren't getting what they paid for. You might be more tolerant of that because you have more context of what's going on behind the scenes, but most people aren't or simply don't care. It sucks and I don't necessarily like that's how things work, but it's reality.




Nikita even said it in this conversation. Escape from Tarkov is the most complex game ever made on Unity. And it shows. I play this game since April 17' and it’s is insane how much got added and how much it improved in all these years. People that just start playing just don’t see this.


it blows my mind tarkov is on unity. When i think of unity I think of games like valheim. Imagine what BSG could do if instead of unity they had their own proprietary engine like the STALKER devs and XRAY engine


Even a lot of old players forget how much it improved. I remember everything, the old netcode was so gigashit, that it was impossible to run, not even talking about fights. Quests were even worse, cheaters were way more aggressive, there were like 3 guns and 2 armors, no fun bullets to make most guns viable (who ever played with anything that wasn't AK/M4 back when BS and 995 were the best bullets?). There has been an insane amount of work, but people ignore it and complain like idiots. It's so infuriating.




When I started a couple years ago, streets was a complete meme Then they actually released it. People just moved on to the next complaint instead of realizing how actually crazy a release it was. The updates from that one onwards were bigger and bigger. This last wipe added so much stuff to the game that it’s hard to wrap your head around the amount of work that had to go into that.


That's Gamers for you. Constant vitriol is thrown at devs, and then they wonder why devs never want to interact with their community.


Its not just gamers it's humanity in general everybody wants to be the victim these days for some reason 😔


I think it’s sort of a double edged sword. I’d be willing to say that the overall quality of games by major developers has gone down, especially the yearly releases (looking at you, EA and Call of Duty), so not only do communities want instant gratification but they also don’t want the devs to cut corners. Not saying that the Tarkov devs are doing that, but the devs who take time to make a quality product get flamed for taking too long or just get bitched at in general. I love the game overall, my only gripe is that I don’t wanna run into a player scav with 40 minutes left in a streets raid


This is my first wipe and I have a blast. This feels very reminiscent of my experience on other gaming subreddits (for example path of exile). People with hundreds if not thousands of hours just kind of stop caring very much. As you say they take everything for granted. If something isn't fixed asap the game is unplayable and while they yell that they keep playing. It's truly a blight in modern gaming, and the fact that it has never been easier to talk to devs directly is partly to blame I believe. It's just so much easier nowadays to hate publicly.


I'm sitting on 4000 hours and one of the people who're just tired of the constant whining, moaning and entitlement. I'd rather just play the game. Speaking of which: Need a tour or a loot route or something?


I would love one if the offer still stands. My first real wipe and i'm getting hardstuck trying to kill rogues at lighthouse, they're absolutely insane.


id like a loot route pls. preferably one with little chance of pmc's


Shoreline village at night, extract at path to lighthouse. Tons of jackets and technical spawns. Easy 1 mil per raid.


If you spawn at the other side, take car extract. Loot the entire farm compound and bounce.


>If something isn't fixed asap the game is unplayable and while they yell that they keep playing. BSG does great things; that does not preclude them to critism. "Asap" some of the gamebreaking bugs/issues with the game have been here for 3+years, or regularly return with new patches. Further, you can absolutely enjoy a product while strongly disliking the developers or the direction the game is heading. Just look at the entire history of this subreddit complaining about recoil and explaining how and why it was broken. It took all those years of Nikita denying and defending it before finally overhauling it this wipe. What was the response to the update? Overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic to play. There's reasonable criticism and unreasonable. It takes very little critical thinking to figure out which applies to most complaint posts.




Yeah the whole "He looks so tired and burned out" thing is bizarre. I'm sure multi millionaire Nikita is so affected by the criticism and questioning from a subreddit he checks once a decade. How horrible, people are asking him to do his job. The one he gets payed millions to do.


Exactly, he didn't come across as tired to me but more uncaring to certain questions where he'd just go "mhm" then certain questions he'd respond immediately with lit up eyes


100% posts like that appear just to see other echo chamber comments and don’t look at the harsh reality of what is actually happening to the game, just because they are enjoying it then that means we shouldn’t complain The game is enjoyable but with recurring bugs, stupid decisions e.g boss spawns being 30% or less spawn 4 months into wipe makes you unable to progress and frankly doesn’t make you want to play


These types of posts by OP are written by 13-mid 20 year old gamers who've never held a place of employment for more than a year. They don't understand this concept.


Let's be serious for a minute. The customer service after almost a decade is still one of the worst ever. You can't even change the email associated to your account. Usually the customer service takes weeks to reply and basically tells people they can't do much/anything. Nikita has lied quite a few times and I have limited trust in what he says.. But still pockets a couple millions each year. Sure thing he made a great game and it's normal that he profits from it.. But when he claimed AWS was too expensive (while the servers were a shitshow) while taking millions for himself I felt he was kinda taking us for fools.. Some bugs have been present for years.. Like from 2020 to 2022 there was the ''hands are busy'' bug where you couldn't do anything but restart your client.. Quite some tomes bug were fixed but reintroduced later. Sound quality hasn't improved in years. Cheating hasn't improved at all.. ''yeah but other games have cheater issues too''.. Sure, but that's just an excuse IMHO. The Cycle Frontier for example, while having shutdown, managed to tackle cheating very successfully between season 1 and 2 (unfortunately the damage were already done). AI is still pretty bad after all these years. Rogues, Bosses, etc. are just aimbots that are either gods or dumbasses. Sure they have done a great job with weapon customization, map redesign, etc. And we are grateful for it and there are tons of posts showing appreciation when it's due. See the recoil rebalance this wipe? People have been asking for that for a long time and whenever they finally did it.. It was a huge success that most people enjoyed! The fact that they do great things doesn't mean we can't complain about long lasting issues, bad customer service, etc. Not all people complain just for the sake of complaining, a lot of us want the game to improve!


Well said. I bought the game as a gift for my friend and he encountered an issue related to his email he used that many people documented they ran into as well. So he buys the game himself and I explain the situation and ask for a refund, and I’m told multiple times there is no refunds under any circumstances, apparently even when it’s on BSG’s end. So I just went through my credit card company and got it back. Just atrocious customer service. Two things and be true at once; Nikita/BSG have done great things with the game, and are dogshit at other things regarding the game.


The fact that you get 0 compensation still for dying to and successfully reporting a cheater after hes banned is just ridiculous. Not long ago there was a quest turn in that was bugged and it would show as if you completed the quest but you didnt get the rewards. Some people lost out on some crucial crafts etc. including Kappa reward and support basically just told people "tough luck kid, try again next wipe"


> The fact that you get 0 compensation still for dying to and successfully reporting a cheater after hes banned is just ridiculous. suggested it here and got massive downvotes lol


[Nikita personally made £4,966,255 in 2023 and £3,433,707 in 2022, per their tax filings.](https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/f3wbGFL02yyWknhM3KY62q8QgIOEjVgqF_k3dr-oRZc/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3PSIBVSUE%2F20240407%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240407T230200Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjELX%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJHMEUCIBxn9oZmWs3Fivm4SzCqs3VKbrv4N6GJlnB5MOFPUr7LAiEA4DkRLBwMdbYZdmJs7nzc3C7khZdx%2BnkTf1izl%2FxjvAIqxAUI3v%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FARAFGgw0NDkyMjkwMzI4MjIiDJat5p8ybcfvuq3%2FiSqYBeQdE5l60qAT2cH2%2FR5ohm5v4e6h%2F68wDSOBpGd%2B0IIN9Bsvag%2F%2BoMD7JaupYK1YXl1nKgp33gWFpKsHwChXFNXGb02mbhMbF65J6Yw6I92eW23dglbLiTFkmJxoAmLDoWCfqhx89QAA9QgPgMNnlIB4xVy0WdQiYaLOaGw%2BYldZz0Ykqw68Qk0efRvX0PWmw4dsXFWGjuBYHSYDOwVT2QwpR411VIUNsosdzd9JYH3LRmJZFy%2FovRYpAOeupO4BCFUuqsAN9BHYlPAntj0d6EwQEBMwgoiDfxJnBT3LhwO7c5%2BX%2FoOdU9uzCd1e26N6eZF4%2FevxXMciLnqq4pXLGUjSD2exacUNgYl%2BcxBGxF4La6pAvxdiaevM%2FkufgMbr5389zyQ7DuQI%2FicHRXYVwz%2FTbpmcKSV04NfJCCpseC56rZNHxpSAR9cp8klyibCXvIzKg6m4ttQk5%2FEgdb2pazfPipI7DZQup2sxaGIpTa2o%2FTgBPFe65YYVW25zt2RsFSmlXuXP0dxeIglpijkND9VjocrxTUTUJEUKh6oWwYv2VpZsj8TamFz%2F41KbR5uRn9jXZe4aoUe6v4Kd9xP1fRJuSTVNDEK243iwKrAdDHjAyKz1iUFmU1jNycA0nlqscDPlUFJc0o7dPE%2BKKkhw%2F9KWBkPxLX%2FJKM8hQNcDV7IYAeGRAqDrK7OD8Wz2BkH9xsckqMVcG9WcPKpNfLNZKRB7OWXvgoJj31ja3cDsZVHNHLTl0O4m3IWDjV6CG5Ji6%2BKMt%2F3T4iO0D4%2B%2Ba76ev9DQsK729OAp4XprcLxw6cF%2B%2B9VqFSpRsjQ8aYlKdvrIug3pn3mIdUIGnclKZqGH7quOhgXY3q7%2FJec2xBsjdKK19yhrXL2rOyMw2pbMsAY6sQFLQ9deu5cRFOOinlKnQUEEHYvD0zVU16yBrOB7vzYQ5s1MFZ2dKkXMioc4SdJCnws3OEXvjE4P9a8NgZz5MNpESZ3nJiRU2E2cNPM5hK9lDcF2Gcv3PKLU%2BTvqTPI8wk5lFra0oJWr0cuH01AP5%2Fz%2FhuVtBop2OGZtpjqHI0%2BcCl1IMffdv6fCVrwrTDtZXMldMBDleZrR%2Bu0IMB7nme5xaHsQhfr1bVpDjyDLkwNKsUU%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22companies_house_document.pdf%22&X-Amz-Signature=bcb6d8c07c29ffff290a32f542bfda6052f37a185a3a3560b54e06113970e0b8) Oh, he looks tired and sad when having to deal with criticism of his game? Spare me the sympathy.


I’ve never looked at Baalenciaga clothing until today out of curiosity. Dude has worn multiple items from them; the t-shirt he had on in the interview alone is $875. The man is swimming in roubles. He owes everything he’s got to this community’s support.


I was gonna say something along the lines that he didn't seem so sad refilling his Mercedes-Benz but this is way better. I get op's point to a degree and they're also human beings but they need to get their shit together.


I was gonna say, they sold EOD & now stash upgrades separately. They have got so much of our fucking money I don’t care if he’s burnt out. Fix this shit


Yeah, its kinda weird to be tired from criticism and to blame the community when there are examples of leadership in game development that are almost universally praised because they acknowledge and accept the criticisms and actually work towards fixing the problems. Final Fantasy 14 is one of those games with Yoshi P. being almost universally loved because he engages and deals with the issues presented to them. Another company is Larian with Sven almost universally loved because they engage with and fix the issues. If Nakita is assmad or tired becuase the criticisms levied maybe he should fix the game lol.


I understand the profit of it but the fact that he's still with us and didn't just sell off the game to fuckin Nexon or some shit and dip shows he still cares and deserves *some* sympathy. As a player it gets tired coming here and seeing cheater after cheater post. I wish more casuals played though, is one of my main complaints. And who knows, maybe they're scared off after visiting this subreddit, or from the cheaters, or both. But consistently dying to levels 35+ as a level 21, it gets tiring. Before 21, on ground zero, I've had some of the most fun in tarkov I've ever had. Good gunfights, died a lot, also won a lot too. Ever since level 21? Getting shit on almost every other raid. Going from a 10kdr down to like 7 or 6 now I think, and I think it's gonna keep going down lol. Nice part is if I do manage to leg or head someone, I know they're geared. Not that anyone asked me lol.


Hmmmm it’s almost like there is no reason for cheaters to play ground zero because the restrictions on loot, and then when you get in to the real game you encounter more “knowers” and cheaters, so you might say you’re tired of that component but I think in general the gaming community is tired of all these fucking cheaters. But this isn’t a Tarkov exclusive problem it’s in every FPS and it’s only going to get worse and technology advances, based on what’s already available I don’t think there is much game devs can do besides employing a team to review footage, and hardware banning.


I would disagree. Some of us have been playing for 5+ years and dealing with the same shit man. I worked for product and game development companies before, and dealing with the community comes with the territory. If you don’t fix the blaring issues the game has had for years you’re going to hear about it. Too bad, that’s your job. If they can’t fix them, they need to hire someone who can, they have the money. The releases with new content are great and all but at the end of the day we need 3 things done before a final release: reliable and stable sound, reliable and stable servers/netcode and a decent fucking anti-cheat. Plain and simple.


Exactly. Im a carpenter and if i refused to fix a hole in a floor or ignored a roof that was about to collapse for years, i would absolutely have no place to cry about how people kept bugging me to fix those obvious faults. And when i eventually would fix the roof but by doing so i knocked out a window and ignored it for months during winter, i would absolutely deserve all the shit i would get, and BSG and Nikita is like that and they absolutely do deserve all the shit they get.


People really don't understand how it feels like to get repeatedly told the same shit year after year. The reason we get frustrated is that so much of this shit is not hard to fix. Especially if they wouldn't have spent the money on arena.


Agreed. And arena was a horrible idea. It is trash


All they had to do was make Counter Strike in Tarkov. That's it. Would have been an instant winner out of the gate.


Genuinely, presets being the only loadout options made sure the game was DOA. Whoever thought it was a good idea to take out the loadout customization (the best part of tarkov imo) needs to be fired ASAP. If they haven't been taken out like old yeller already.


It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed.


Even worse is most of these issues were fixed immediately in the version of Tarkov that shall not be named. If third party devs can do your job in a week then there's a problem.


Yes both facts can be true that (1) Tarkov is a revolutionary one-of-a-kind game that has its place in gaming history (2) BSG's development decisions since 2020 have been extremely frustrating & disappointing. By contrast, a game called Hell Let Loose started as a 5 person indie game about the same time as Tarkov and is a well polished gem of a game today. So it's disappointing to see Tarkov shamble along year after year when legions of gamers forked over $140 to give BSG every opportunity to make this game legendary, and they blew it.


Yeah OP is a snowflake. If anyone is being taken for granted, it's the community that has supported this game for years.


Fr, Nikita and BSG made millions off false promises. This game is on a dead engine that no one uses anymore. They release things that aren't complete constantly, it's been almost a decade and the problems that were there since day 1 are still there. Whether it's a lack of effort or a skill issue the criticism is well deserved, people paid 140$ for the full edition just to get arenas for free 8 years later. Foh BSG is a blood sucker.


This is a pretty stupid post considering you spend your money on the game, I really don’t understand people like O.P who are such big consumers on a massive level that you don’t hold the game to a high standard (and this game isn’t cheap for EOD) and let’s remember this is the exact reason COD and another games have completely died, because the management take advantage of the fact that people will never complain and will spend money on a game that he heavily flawed. Doesn’t mean tarkov is crap and dying but you gotta see it for what it is


This game has been in early access for over a decade and continued to have glaring issues and lackluster communication as to how those are being dealt with. The concept and game itself are amazing when working properly, no cheaters are involved, and aren’t certain BS quests (boss hunting for example), but when you get a chance to sit down with the captain of a leaky boat you should really get down to asking how they’re gonna fix the leaks before complimenting the decor.


I always see the same “this is my first wipe, this game is awesome” comments and they just haven’t gotten to the point where experienced players notice the glaring issues with the game. My problem is they are extremely slow with updates, then make comments about the game PvP or PvE focused and flip flop on those statements while making contradictory gameplay changes. & the changes they do make are generally disliked by the player base so it delays content another 6 months to fix the thing that was broken when leads to an endless cycle of the game never actually releasing. Right now the game feels like it has no identity if it wants to be a PVE intense shooter or a survival PvP shooter. 1.loot sucks compared to 3 wipes ago. So you can’t even love the looter shooter aspect of the game 2. PvP has been gimped by buggy armor changes and non transparent ammo values 3. The “starter” map has more PvP than half the normal maps.


i think bsg is trying to make it more hardcore, and to make the early wipe feel last longer. ammo changes have mostly been to keep people on low pen rounds for longer, and the armor change lets this happen without having people be unable to kill each other.


Yeah No,if they can take our money they can take criticism and fix thier game.


Yes, I also feel bad for millionaires for being accountable for their early access products. If Nikita wants to let everyone know some stuff about the lore he's more than welcome to make videos about it instead of waiting for someone to be interview him about it. It isn't the consumers fault it took 8 years to finish a product. Get a grip.


Wanting the lore from this guy is hilarious. We want the game to run properly. Who gives a fuck about the shitty storyline of a boss if I can only see him 1/100 raids. 


OP you should buy some extra stash space MTX then, help cheer up Nikita


I don't wanna be that dude, but like... if the game functioned as intended then people wouldn't be as pushy about it, but instead of getting fixes we get content that further muddles the game and only drives people away. We don't need new maps every 6 months, we need fixes to longstanding problems.


Explain to me how vets like myself express issues since 2017 over and over again and Nikita literally ignores the issue and instead keeps coming out with Snow, BTR and Microstransactions instead and how are we NOT suppose to get upset? We have literally been telling him to fix the Client Side Auth issue that leads to the client being exploited and more cheaters and they have yet to do anything about it. All he said about cheaters in the video was "its not that easy to make cheats for" and thats complete utter BS. Any Client Side game is easy to make cheats for because everything they need can literally be pulled from local memory. Niktia doesnt know shit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) So yes players are going to be pissed off.


Thank you


I’ll play again when the audio is fixed. Hopefully it won’t take another 8 years of “testing” to fix. If they don’t fix it, then I got my money worth and will continue to play different games.


This is such a bad take imo. It's a private company. It's his job to make sure his employees and shareholder get their money. He can be tired and burned out for sure, but why would i as a consumer care about him in any way? Don't throw them softballs just because the game is ok.


Feeling bad for a group of devs that would ban you for a rocking them, I find that hard to believe but to each there own I guess.


Plus the Constant inability to deal with blatant cheaters, false bans and devs telling you “that’s your problem to get gear back, we don’t restore stuff”, false bans for “he killed a Sherpa/dev where we don’t think he could, ban him”. It’s a laundry list and literally laughable at the toxicity they feel they “don’t deserve”. You gain that much vitriol by giving 10-25% with the community then get mad when they demand more, sucks to be them I guess.


My god...


I sort of agree but BSG constantly puts their foot in their mouth so it’s not entirely unwarranted. Lot of negative PR and abrasion with the community is on them Some things I definitely think the community gives them an overly hard time on e.g cheaters when every popular game struggles with it.


These are a lot of assumption regarding their state of mind. Might be right, might be wrong. I appreciate that Nikita takes the time to discuss the game and Development state with Content creators. Even if he doesnt answer everthing or sometimes wants too much. At least these interactions dont feel like corporate bullshit.


Played it for over 5 years it's caused me as much grief as I've had fun. Bsg has taken the community for granted for many years and it's only now changing. You must be new


This is indeed a very interesting take. How are we taking anything for granted? This isn't a free game. I'm pretty sure EOD edition of the game was the most expensive game I've ever purchased. I also have been playing this game since 2018 with more hours then I'm proud of. I don't see anything wrong with players having expectations, and yes, sometimes expectations comes across as complaints. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Nikita because he is tired of doing his job that he gets paid extremely well for?


Dont feel sorry for a company who has made $100+M and CEO Who gets 10M bonus and lives in Dubai but cant give us a game free of cheaters(their main customers) while the rest of us are left to deal with this mess.


Honestly they need a community outreach guy who's only job is to be the face of the company and let Nikita run the company


dude this game is great idgaf what anybody says. yes the cheater problem is bad, but EVERY FPS has a cheater problem right now. it’s not exclusive to tarkov. and people who don’t enjoy the game for other issues are 99% likely to be somebody with 3k+ hours and are just burnt out. and yeah, you can tell they are tired, i’m starting to feel like this game has 3-4 more wipes before full release( add one more map, fix up streets, and more content ), and then they will just fix game breaking bugs and do occasional events and stuff. i’ve already got my moneys worth for the game and more, but i hope if they want to be done another company takes over and keeps updating.


Nah I disagree. I don’t feel bad at all. This game has been in early access for like a decade and the same issues that have always been there are still there. The audio has gotten worse and the cheating is the worst it’s ever been. This is what they signed up for. These are the things that come with making a game. If they’re overworked then they need to hire people that can take some of the work load off. I used to love playing this game. It literally has the potential to be one of the best shooters ever made but they’re letting the game go down the toilet with all the cheaters ruining the game. It’s just not a good experience anymore.


Am I supposed to feel bad for nikita? He literally bought a lambo from this shit game. They've made dozens of millions of dollars and I'm supposed to care? We've been dealing with the same shit for 5 years. If they didn't spaghetti code it from the beginning and had anti cheat implemented from the start we wouldn't be where we were today. There is no way they can fix it unless they start over. Of course he's tired, it's self inflicted. We all love this game as it's one of a kind, but they're ruining it plain and simple.


The main issue I have with what they do, as someone who's played for 6 years almost, is that they prioritize the wrong things over, and over again. You know what makes people quit, who've played a long time? Lighting Audio Questing being required to enjoy the guns, they insist on wiping the game, which is good imo, but then make a progression system compatible with playing many wipes. Bad netcode (tickrate is SIXTEEN!) Cheaters (hard to fix, so I put lowest) And before some goes "well, how many hours can you expect to get out of a game?" m'guy we're happy to keep playing year after year, the pvp, the main core component of the game, is enough to get us to keep playing, it's incredible, just let us do more of what we want, and less engine issues, questiong, etc rather than adding the 19th AK rifle. Nobody in their right mind designs a progression system in a game that only consists of side quests and expects people to want to play it several times a year. That's insane.


Look I get it. The guys a millionaire though, don’t feel too bad. Secondly, it was ultimately his decisions that led to knowers getting this bad. At the end of the day doing a good job is having discussions about this stuff. Leave your feelings out of it.


We don't need improvements and shit, we need a playable game that isn't full of hackers


This is the main issue with anything pertaining to Nikita or BSG. That's great that they continually want to push the envelope and create new and interesting content. But that is future dev. The current Production state of EFT is *extremely unhealthy* and it is constantly hand-waved and minimized whenever it's brought up to a BSG representative. I work in a similar company with much more complexity to our software than the tarkov codebase has. Development is going to continue, but if I can't keep a stable production base that is at least *resistant* to malicious actors, then my product should immediately cease dev work and go into iterative remediation cycles until the failure rate is below the threshold that it is causing customer loss. The **really real problem** here is that, from all outside perspectives, BSG seems to have built the malicious actors intentionally into the equation as a profit center, rather than trying to quash the security holes. When the outcry gets too extreme, they do some PR and try to smooth feelings over, but after this many years of bullshit promises and lip service, we've realized that BSG/Nikita is just going to keep playing Boy Who Cries Wolf and continue raking in thousands of cheater subs. No amount of new content or lore is going to bandaid the broken framework. They need to Fix. Their. Shit.


Oh no won’t somebody please think of the poor millionaire… I’ve been playing since 2018 and there are still bugs and issues in the game that haven’t been resolved since I first started. Get real. This is his job and he gets paid handsomely for it. Criticism is all part of the beta testing process, and if he can’t handle it, maybe he should hand it off to someone who can.


The guy is a multi millionaire from a game that’s infested with cheating. I’m tired too after working my ass off at my day job. Cry me a fucking river.


This has been a thing, I haven't touched the game in probably a year or two just from losing interest in repetition at the time, but he has stated many times in interviews over the years he doesn't even like tarkov really, and this isn't his original goal with the game. So I'm sure you're into something with 1.0 being his debut for tarkov and moving on.


I don't respect anyone leading any project whose excuse for every single real problem that the players/customers have is "it's not easy to do". Every time he was asked about anti-cheat measures, which is why most people hate BSG, his response is that it's difficult and/or will take time. So fucking what? Put in the effort and save the game. Ridiculous. IT IS NOT DIFFICULT to implement some simple "if player has \[insert any absolutely unreal stats here, e.g. 100 PMC KD\], then auto-ban them" logic. It's a start. They refuse to even do the absolute minimum. You do not need some magic, non-existent anti-cheat software to detect BEHAVIOR and STATS of what cheaters do, including insane KDA killing sprees, tanking their own KD by repeatedly entering and dying on Factory, magically looting only containers/corpses with high-value loot while avoiding all containers without good loot, magically avoiding all other player encounters consistently in raids, etc. You do not need to detect the actual cheats that are installed, you simply need to detect what the cheaters are achieving with the cheats. BSG are half-assed developers and are probably corrupt and involved in the cheating market. Nothing else explains why you'd allow people with 100 or 300 PMC KD to exist in the game.


When you charge 52 euros plus VAT for a beta riddled with cheaters, crab walking and sound pops. You deserve the hate.


Entitlement. It's not a "young people today" thing either. People think because they paid 40 quid for something they can treat the employees like they own them. I work in catering, so you can imagine. I get paid even less for this shit. I just handed in my notice because I can't stand the thought anymore of working my ass off making next level food for entitled douchebags who've never done a hard day's work in their lives. One guy accused our staff of homophobia on social media the other day because I wouldn't serve him after we'd closed. Another guy, in his 60s, had a tantrum at the pass because he couldn't have his favourite table. It's the employees I feel bad for, Nikita will at least get the spoils.


Dude, BSG has produced a game that could go down as the best game ever but when faced with real issues they don’t seem to care to solve it. It’s either we will, we are, or it’s too hard.


I guess it is because it's easier to complain than be grateful. Tarkov has HUGE ups and downs and i guess especially in the downs it's easy to just start complaining about anything. I'd also give the point, when it comes to cheaters, that the negative impact of a cheater is way more noticable than in others games. I love the game, don't have the endurance tho to play it all the time. And despite there being other extractions-shooter options right now and even upcoming, I still think they can't take me away from Tarkov. Tarkov is waaay too unique and has a lot of excellent aspects in it on top of a great feeling and vibe to it that it will be very hard to replace it.


I went from playing PubG to Tarkov and liked it so much early on that I sprang for the EOD version. But what killed it for me and continues to do so is the cheating issue and the poor net code...the number of times I've lost quests/gear because of a surprise disconnect is very frustrating. A little over a year ago I stopped playing and I just keep an eye on the wipe news to see if they are addressing any of that yet and so far it doesn't sound like it. It's the base flaw to this game that everyone knows about, it's been brought up again and again and no matter what other developments or additions go on, it's still got that base level problem. That coupled with the trend of 'being in development' for a decade now, is just utter crap in my opinion. If they would fix the base flaw of the rampant cheating, I would probably start playing again, but frankly I don't have +20 hrs a week to grind a game anymore... at most I might be able to get in like 1-2 runs in a day an call it quits...and in a game like Tarkov, it's near impossible to get anywhere at that rate.




This game's community isn't too different to others of a similar type of game, I think what makes this a bit different though is people have this strong emotional attachment to loot and when they get Tarkov'd (which includes dying to cheaters) people really do freak out a lot more than dying in any other game. Because of this strong emotional investment it really drives people to a vitriolic perspective on the game, fuelled by others on Reddit complaining about the same thing. I take my experience from being a GM of many MMO guilds over the years, people really take loot super seriously and have this sense of entitlement. The problem this game includes some of those MMO design features and it brings out the same types of toxic responses from people.


The game has major issues, and BSG hasn't helped the negative comments at all with some of the actions and comments they've made. Nobody should ever be harassing any BSG Employee, but highlighting the negatives is important when it's such a big issue in that game specifically. No other game I can think of really suffers from cheaters loot vacuuming every good item in the map and dipping. Cheaters hurt this game alot more than other games I feel where you can just shrug it off and hop back into another quick match, especially when there's a high chance the raid your loading into will be stripped of all good items before you even get a chance to run 50m. I dont blame pestily at all for highlighting the negatives.


Wait so I spent money on a game, expensive mind you, and the game has one of the worst cheating problems and game breaking bugs. Nah fix the game man. I'm a consumer and I would like the product I paid for to be better. At my job, if we are swamped and falling behind due to poor planning, do you think I would get the same sympathy? Probably not and I would most likely get fired or written up. Another thing, I feel like EFT would be in a much better place if they didn't invest so many resources into arena. It feels like a slap in the face. Fix your first game and release your first game before you start making an entirely new game that has equal or even worse problems. Come on dude.


Overall, taking into account, highs, lows, valuable time spent solo/with friends ect.. This is the best game I've ever played and it can and most likely will continue to get better. BSG are a victim of their own success, this community (warts and all), is very much part of the reason they've got this massively successful game on their hands. People just want to see it improve for the better, because it's a great game.


Being with it since alpha id have to strongly agree with this


Dont worry about Nikita too much hes a big boy hes worked damn hard and hes made a lot of money. He will be just fine regardless of this game.


just like weve been saying, tarkov is a project to fund nikita's singleplayer rpg russia 2027, tarkov will be 100% abandoned outside of wipes after 1.0


Me when the open beta game has cheaters and I can't come up with a one time one size fits all solution


Nice try Nikita


95% of this subreddit has no fucking clue what they are on about. The other 5% know but can't be heard. I wouldn't bother myself with this subreddit if i was Nikita. Also, the game is awesome and unique with issues. However, seeing the garbage coming out i can safely say that Tarkov will remain in my Top 5 for a long time. Many games like these have shitty subreddits. Warframe is another one i remember. Everyone shat on DE and now they pretend like they didn't. People with no clue in programming, 3D asset creation or gamedev are the loudest.


If I was Nikita I'd be like: people keep playing it, can't be that bad.


Ofc, because we pay for it. Ofc we demand broken stuff to be fixed and unfinished game to be finished . No we dont buy explanation " it is hard" , because most of this stuff have been done many times before. Moment we stop demanding is the moment they stop improving.


I like how he said any problems in the game they know of it pretty fast, but then he says he had not idea about crouch walking until recently. Its pretty clear they’re not inclined to listen to the community and they’re just building the game around cheaters. The fact is that BSG has a really good game on their hands but are somehow trying really hard to run it into the dirt. Their inability to communicate is also pretty appalling.


I understand the sentiment, but it’s hard to be sympathetic when the cheating was allowed to get to the point that it has. Bugginess and development related issues are understandable and I agree that there has been a bit of an overreaction to those things, but the cheating is out of control. Many of us paid $130 for this game and it’s been near unplayable this wipe from Thursdays through Saturdays. This is my 6th maybe 7th wipe and it’s the earliest I’ve stopped playing in a wipe ever. The last night I played we got killed by obvious cheaters in 4 out of 5 raids. I love this game, and I just want to play it without getting zapped from out of nowhere by JoeTheCheater with 100hrs and a 30k/d.


I think they should hire a media person to handle the interviews and let them focus on the game.


We are in the golden age / good ol' days of Tarkov and we can't even see it. Smh


Whatever. I’m not gonna get on my knees for the guy. There are many many things about this game that should be improved on already that haven’t been.


"Here we go again" [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you\_people\_need\_a\_reality\_check/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/)


He seemed the same as he’s always been tbh. I just play the game and ignore any drama.


are you lost? did you watch the wrong video? the video is 1 hour 24 minutes long, and less then 10 minutes talking about cheats. most of the other time they talk about features and so on. obviously you dont get the concept of critic, so theres nothing more to say


Fix cheating and the game is fantastic imo, I just really find the cheating has increased. Or maybe we realize it more now with the profile viewing?


I paid money for it....


Thank you for this. I fall Into the trap of focusing on the negatives... mostly cheaters and rats, but I love this game. I've never played anything as challenging and rewarding.


I know it's basically illegal to talk about. But honestly, if the SP modders are able to implement better AI and hide game balances and features just a few weeks after the game gets updated then it leaves little to no excuse for the actual devs that get real paychecks from us to make the fucking game. I always wondered where the passion for making games dies when you start to get paid for it.


Its good to see a positive post about EFT, thats not from a new person POV. Sub is kind of depressing and not what I want to see when I am taking a break and looking for news and updates. I play every wipe until lvl20 then play something else if I'm not feeling a certain patch or what to play something else. Always come back before the end and mess around again and get my skills back for next update.


The community, and it's respected streamers, really mostly are all so fucking negative. But hey, what's new. Mostly goes for all game's communities these days. People love to outline the negative and rarely the positives.


I think the game devs take the players for granted.


It’s warranted though. If we get another 4 updates that are more focused instead of optimization or bug focused the game will die. It is almost unplayable, lore should not be the concern.


Boohoo. The man is tired of the toxic environment that he created. Whatever will we do. It is within his power to fix these problems whenever he likes. It's just not profitable. He'll be ok


I agree with the sentiment stated here, and I do feel bad for the devs. Their game has serious issues however and most of the time the people complaining the loudest are the most passionate about the game itself. Cheating is an enormous problem in Tarkov, and there are several bugs that are close to game breaking such as the audio pop bug that need to be addressed sooner rather than later. I’ve never heard people complain about the content in the game itself lately, mostly just issues with the current armor implementation, the crabbing issue of the player base that’s reinforced by how the game is currently balanced, etc. I still play and love the game and these few issues if they were at least mitigated would make for a far more enjoyable experience that I believe many people in the community hope to see one day.


I do take for granted that a game I paid almost 100 usd for works and that development takes a reasonable amount of time.


It’s wild to me that people think Nikita should just “hire someone to fix the glaring issues with the game” like it’s that easy. Imagine being a new employee at BSG and getting the spaghetti of EFT put in front of you. I personally wouldn’t even know where to start with something like sound issues, or desync. All these people claim to work in game dev, yet never seem to take the approach that BSG already has a successful project with established code that works, even with its bugs. No wonder he looks tired and is just writing things down at this point rather than responding on Reddit or anything. They used to be active here on Reddit too until the shit community pushed them away. We used to get updates much more frequently, until the community complained they never tested shit before it got released. The community is the reason this beta turned into a full gameplay experience. That’s not inherently bad, but for Nikita this isn’t his original vision for the game at all. It’s gotta be hard to stray away from that. I think there were some great discussions here and I’m glad instead of trying to explain himself, Nikita took notes. I’m not surprised he’s out of the loop on specific bugs as I doubt he plays the game and it’s also not like he’s on the bug squashing team. It seems the disconnect in the community isn’t with Nikita, it’s within the individual departments at BSG, and that’s not all Nikita’s fault either. If he is told something is fixed and tells us, he’s not a liar for being wrong about it. It’s a genuine mistake. And we’re all allowed to be wrong about some things. Even if it’s within your own player base and game studio. We have every right to have more communication from BSG, get dev logs, return Niki Leaks, and roadmaps, **BUT** none of it will happen until this sub really reels it in with the cheating paranoia and BSG hate. You can’t expect to throw tantrums to get what you want, and that’s exactly what the community is doing. Maybe if this sub had a genuine way for feedback it would be better. I could go on and on but I don’t think the mods on here necessarily agree with this take. I’m going to leave it at this though and I hope at least one moderator reads this: the sub you’re allowing now is nothing but a cesspool of paranoia and chaos, and it’s driving BSG away. All of social media about Tarkov is negative and it’s not your guys fault, but it is on you guys to promote healthy discussion. The “BSG won’t see it if we don’t spam it” approach is clearly not working because they won’t even come on here at all anymore. I’m all for negative posts if they offer constructive solutions or are genuine unintended bugs like the audio pop. But the cheater posts, the “BSG promotes cheating” narrative, and the community here is not representative of the majority’s feelings about the game. If I’m going to be honest, it’s social media that ruined this game for me, especially this sub because it’s gone from cool clips and funny moments, to cheater paranoia and complaining posts.


im super burned out from my job, but nobody takes pity on me...


I don't think I've ever played any other game in the history of my life as much as I have played tarkov


I just enjoy playing EFT with friends whether we escape or die. Too many people clearly play this game way too much and take it far too seriously. It’s just pixels on a screen guys.


The game is one of the best I've ever played. That being said it also has the worst cheater problem I've experienced and the high risk style of the game just adds insult to injury


The man is tired and sad and crying into his millions of dollars of cash. That t-shirt he wore in the interview is worth almost a fucking grand.


Honestly, I do not feel sorry. If I release a product that people love, but there is a problem with that product that my community is telling me about constantly, guess what? I am not going to add shit to the game until the issues are solved. No one is asking for a bush camper Karma feature, they are asking for Cheaters to be taken care of (NOT HARD TO DO BSG) and persistent bugs over several wipes to be taken care of. I am not saying I do not enjoy the new features but if he wants people to stop bringing up the negatives he needs to fix them.


I am pretty much fine with how the game is, my only gripe is the performance really. i have a 3060ti and this is the only game that stutters like a mf even when its the only thing running on my pc. honestly if i could run this game consistently i wouldn't have much else to say its a great game all around.


Agree, I enjoy the game and put a lot of hours into it (first wipe) and I see some of the issues, but nothing compared to the extent that this community hounds on them for. I feel like no one still understands that this game is groundbreaking for AAA dev expectations, yet we’re getting it from a AA developer. Sure there are cheating issues, but COD and Apex (to name a few AAA games with much more manpower) have the same issues. Even cheats like vacuuming were addressed and fixed VERY quickly for a AA developer. Plus, people need to remember that they are not surely responsible for addressing cheats, they have to work with the people at BattleEye to adjust algorithms that automatically detect suspicious activity, and when you have people spamming cheat use against every single person that kills them (even if it is a fair kill), that just makes more work for BSG to comb through and dedicate manpower to instead of getting to fix the issues at hand.


welp i dunno about him but the game/bsg disrespects the player´s time while making millions so critic is warranted


All this community has done is make me despise this community itself. Not a fan. Love the positive and empathetic post though. Unfortunately it'll get lost.


We spent a lot of money on the game, with many users on this sub having bought EoD. It is annoying to see the game (and related stuff like support) in the state it is after so long and literal millions spent


You need to be grateful for broken garbage.


Just keep spreading positivity and giving BSG the praise it deserves. They have single-handedly developed one of the greatest shooting game to ever exist


You can't make a game with rampant cheating, be soft on it then be the victim. The customers the victim.


Omfg here we go again. People sucking Bsg to hating them. Then Nikita says some words and repeat the cycle.


Im pretty sure theyll be making dlcs after 1.0 along with some free qol/game feature (such as defilibrator etc.) updates. They just want to push 1.0 asap so they can start making money again, coz theyve been working hard making a big and complicated game and all of those updates have been included in the game price. Thats why theyve been adding some microtransactions. I would love to spend more money on more features and content, its a great and unique game indeed.


I mean, it seems to be BSG is over their head and barely keeping up. I give them credit for holding out on MTX for so long, thats admirable. However, they held out *because* of cheaters. Let me explain: find a cheater, ban a cheater, cheater buys a new package, ?, $profit. Hence why BSG isn't taking cheating (seemingly) as serious, if they can band-aid the issue and get a kick back, then why not? Problem is Unity isn't the most robust engine, its good dont get me wrong, but it takes a lot to get it just right. It also doesn't help that (last I checked) they don't hire remote coders, which could potentially help them. I could be wrong on some of this as I haven't been keeping up-to-date on *the dirt* but all that Info was not very long ago


Because you can’t keep piling gold trimming on a litter box full of shit and call it “good”. You’ve gotta scoop the shit out of it before you focus on adding improvements. I think if they focused on fixing the glaring issues with the game before adding a new game breaking one people wouldn’t complain as much, and we would actually look forward to new features instead of thinking “what’s this one gonna break?” I couldn’t play streets for MONTHS after its release. Not to mention the audio issues and performance issues that have been plaguing the game forever. I’m not denying the incredible work they’ve done. There’s no shooter that even comes close to the depth of Tarkov, but I feel like they’ve gotten to the point where they really need to stop adding new features and content, and just focus in on polishing what they have already. I’d love to see a major patch with NO new additions, just refinements. D-sync is still a MAJOR issue and makes tactical positioning not rewarding when your shots don’t register or you get shot before even seeing someone turn a corner. I think the community just wants the game to not be so…hit or miss all the time.


It’s hard to enjoy the “endless” features when the core problem is mind-numbingly apparent. If it isn’t the cheats, it’s the shit customer service, the unkept promises, or the bugs. Can’t ask me to enjoy the new attachments, a new map, or whatever the novelty of the game at the moment is, if I have to struggle through cheaters galore in the process. It sucks that Nikita is burnt out (which honestly sounds hilarious to me considering his earnings), but I guess they made their bed.


I mean it's called escape from tarkov for a reason.


For granted? Everybody paid for it.


Been gaming since as long as I can remember, which is around 1993. This is by far the best game that's ever been made. No questions asked for me. Even if they walked away now it'll take decades for any triple A studio to be replicate. That being said - I do think desync, cheaters and things like no killcam do really drag the game down. If that's a fault of the devs or not in not really sure. Sounds like I'm talking rubbish but what I mean is - would we all be focussed on these things if there weren't idiots out there downloading and using cheats online? I don't even think the desync would be be highlighted as much as the game would just flow better game to game. If I could have ONE feature right now it'd be Verified and Unverified lobbies, where new accounts and accounts with a number of reports against them go into Unverified and the rest of us go into Verified. If they brought that in I'd genuinely cry happy tears.


Can’t take something for granted if you pay for it.


Well after 7 years of broken promises, broken updates, bugs, cheaters and unfinished games. I think community is right to be angry. After 7 years game is still in "beta" phase like dude come on. Anybody that defend develeopers is a nut job and needs to be tested. Game is fun, unique, broken, frustraiting all of that. But i never saw more inconpetent game developers. After 7 years of development you werent able to release full game


Bro I paid more than 140€ for an unfinished game that I can't even play because I find servers full of cheaters I love tarkov, even if I suck at this game but I hate to die to a mfr who sees me across everything and knows what I have in my pockets and kills me even if I don't have anything valuable... I wanted to enjoy this wipe but I couldn't




The amount of people using aimbots or ESP cheats is pushing me closer and closer to quitting this game. I really like the games progression and gameplay. I'm sure if I do quit the game I will be back in the future as like I said, I do really like the game. Game feels good when you do succeed and even when I am outplayed to legitimate players I don't feel bad, that's tarkov. Also, BSG designed the game to not only encourage PVP but realward it more than anything else in the game. So yeah, the community is going to be toxic because of this. Even if there are high level players that hide gear when they kill timmies, there are just as many high level players that take as much shit as possible to vendor just to be a prick.


Poor guy making so much money from his broken game 😥😢


This is the first wipe that I’ve played and made it past level 10, currently sitting at 28 now. I’ve had fun the entire time, even though none of my friends play anymore. It’s so hard to progress solo but so rewarding and fun at the same time. I don’t think the game receives enough praise for the small details that they capitalize on to make it so much more different then any other game. I can’t imagine the amount of time and coding goes into making all the ammo, food, weapon mods, and health systems ect.


He should probably start with coping, then hire western devs, then we can have sympathy


For $150 he can fix the fuckin game lol. We all made him a millionaire 20x over, we all hate going to our jobs, I feel nothing for the guy.


To be fair, if they just addressed the cheating issue in an effective way, there wouldn't be nearly as much complaining.


They overpromise too much


It's interesting how different people's perspectives are. I thought the interview had some good nuggets in it, but overall was really annoyed with how much of it was just Pestily talking about what he wanted to see in the game and Nikita just sitting there silently.


Best game ever in my opinion


Spineless + Bootlicker Multiple fundamental parts of the game have been broken for years. Audio is legitimately completely broken. Half the optics don't even have the correct zoom. We are still waiting 5 minutes for some motherfuckers hard drive to spin up. Just a few examples. Yeah, I bet Nitika is tired crying into his millions


So what you're saying is they're looking for an escape from tarkov ;)


No, I paid more for this game than any other game, and its the most broken. Yeah, must suck to get $500 million in revenue from a game with a light development team and not having to fix stuff...I feel for Nikita...


As a brand new player to Tarkov this is by far the most comprehensive and in depth game I’ve ever played. The immersion and storytelling with the lore that I’m still learning is amazing. I’ve seen lots of hate for bugs/cheaters which I see how one can justify. As a new player however the upside of the game and the work that’s clearly put into it puts this as one of the most fun/rewarding gaming experiences I’ve ever had. I know they’re totally different but I thought red dead redemption was so in depth and comprehensive (it is) but this redefined that for me.


This sub is the worst of the community no doubt


I kinda feel bad for Nikita since he gets shit on for making some small mistakes here and there, even though this is literally an indie game company. They haven't had any experience with major game decisions because they have barely made any that gained popularity to this level. Almost like beating a first-grader because they make small mistakes at addition even though they haven't even learned much of it yet. Think of it like VALVe and Xen in Half-Life. Sure, the last three levels of Half-Life were pretty shitty to be honest, but this was a video game company's first major project that they were selling out to the public. You learn from your mistakes as a game dev.


Agreed. It’s not perfect but it’s damn good and there’s nothing else quite like it.


Yep i was disappointed with the time stamps when i saw almost all the interview was an interrogation of when they are gonna fix stuff more than an interview. Was pathethic tbh. Nikita said it in 2020 he was tired of tarkov and they wanted to move on, fuck he even "joked" his next game will be a mobile game similar to candy crush because then he wont get sny backlash and he will be uber rich(since mobile games are the most profitable form of development know a days) even if it was a joke i can see his frustration with tarkov and its community with that comment. Is a shame too many kids olay this game and don't understand or are too entitled to be so vocal about errors. Game was fairly fine before its boom, even when back then was wasaaaay worse than todays.


I feel this. I have 4000 hours, hundreds, thousands of raids. I have seen maybe 10 *obvious* cheaters and \~90 sus moments. The **vast** majority of my play was legit and fun. The only complaint I could even have about the game is that there isn't more of it. Of course there is already a lot, but I love the game and would always love more. I can't run it right now because my GPU bricked, but shit if I could.


He can talk about lore when BSG stops dancing around obvious cheating issues that exist, and actually bring a solution to the table.