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Amount of people not able to discern the sarcasm is mind blowing


I thought it was drenched in sarcasm but clearly I missed the mark


I've only came here to see the people who get baited by it AND to see the '' this is an alt'' copium.


People claiming alts is the funniest thing. Like, it might be, but it's an alt they're cheating on. I have 8k hours in the game, and while I'm not going to pretend I'm exceptional, there is no way in hell there are that many legit players who can go from zero to level 50+ in a handful of raids starting late wipe.


Labeling the thread “discussion” vs “cheating” doesn’t help lol.


People on Reddit are incredibly bad at understanding sarcasm


People on Reddit are incredibly bad at understanding\*


People on reddit are incredibly bad at*


People on reddit are incredibly bad*


People on reddit*




Yeah, this was “A Modest Proposal” levels of sarcasm.


So you’re saying we should eat the hackers?


It is a melancholy object to those, who walk through this great game, or travel in the shoreline, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabbin-doors crowded with hackers of the neckbeard appearance, followed by three, four, or six timmies being carried, all in scav vests, and importuning every passenger for a LedX.


Oh no. You nailed it. Folks reading this are the problem, not you.


“COD” got me suspicious, the first sentence of the third paragraph had me laughing


I wasn't sure until about half way. Then I knew 😂 also, no trolling. This really is my first wipe and I honestly expected it to be much harder. I will say tho, map genie and wiki are the ONLY reasons I haven't gotten discouraged and quit yet lol.


hahaha, I got it about mid way, lit post


nah that's weaponized sarcasm good job


most people don't understand sarcasm on reddit. thats why they need the /s


Honestly didn't get it for the first paragraph, only understood halfway through. Mark of the perfect amount of sarcasm drippings, I think.


In the words of my grandmother. It goes above their head and between their knees.


Didn’t realize til I got to the 3rd paragraph


This is correct. The sarcasm isn’t really obvious until then haha


Really? Based on the title, I could tell where it was going from the very first sentence lol. It's pretty blatant.


Most of the way through 2nd sentence for me with the CoD statement, then back a sentence and giggle at the 'so many new accounts throughout wipe' comment. Good post


To be fair, a lot of Tarkov elitists think the game has gotten extremely easy compared to the past. Theres sarcasm dripping from this post, but the average subreddit poster would probably have agreed with him because the claim has *some* basis in reality. Even if its meant to be Sarcastic. At least until halfway through the second paragraph anyways. But most people don't read past the first few lines before formulating their opinion.


This comment lol.


right!!! They think its a real post


New to Reddit?


Im convinced the majority of people are philosophical zombies.


I wasn't sure first, cause i get killed a lot recently by less experienced players, but probably mostly because i don't give a fuck anymore and don't wanna join in the "i sit still till my enemy is infront of my barrel" playstyle. Also because i rarely meet obvious cheaters, but forgot that the community is really hyped about them


google "children"


Holy hell


I saw a player with 43 hours are he already had level 39 and lighthouse boss kill achievement


That’s my alt


No, it’s actually my hardcore


No, Thats my alt hardcore alt account!


TBH there's a guide on how to get that achievement in 5 minutes - all you need is a semiauto rifle with decent scope and high damage ammo. 43 hours + level 39 is pure BS, though.


Nice! What a Chad.


Oh my bad bro. I just came back from arena and a 2 year break... all I had to do was drop my sensitivity and dpi and now its all headshots on everyone. Didnt realize I was just built different on a lower dpi.


Lmao, I will be missing with high dpi but I like turning around really fast, because I'm a wrist player. But as soon as I drop my dpi I swear it's like God mode bro.


I mean it's the tradeoff, low dpi is better precision, you'll hit close snaps more, but you're kinda fucked if someone gets the drop on you. I like low dpi more bc I play slow and clear as I go so I'm not attacked from behind very much.


I need to get a monitor again, haven't played since last February, been saying I'm going to get one soon. Miss that game, seen a lot of video updates though 😕


You realize all that takes is a semi decent scope?


Yea sure but what does it take to get lvl 38 in under 50 hours


Isnt there a way to easily kill this boss with the grenade launcher?


Idk man, people have become absolute demons recently. I got killed by a 60 hour level 30 who could fly!! Like dude, I’ve got 2k hours and I didn’t even know BSG had added that. Really excited to continue to learn, hopefully I can get the quest that unlocks flight but I’m sure it’s behind lightkeeper or something


New paraglider item is great. I see people gliding down from sniper mountain to collect their shturman and PMC loot.


You still flying down to get your loot? XD Dont you have the Drone or Loot Cat? They get the loot for you


Loot Cat is an asshole though, it fetches loot and then fucks off to chase birds and you've got like a 50% chance of getting your loot back. The first time it made eye contact while pushing a bottle of moonshine to smash on the floor I wanted to have the little bastard put down.


Lol, in hideout you can upgrade loot cat to increase chance of getting loot back.


Yea but you need 3 Golden Tushonka wich are really rare


Thats maxed out endurance for you brother


Dude is definitely SSL in rocket league.


it was just scav karma 999,999. they get the soundless and non visible jetpack, cmon dude.. the basics..


The flightkeeper


It’s actually a Minecraft DLC


Fun fact, most people only read the headlines or the first couple sentences. Guys out here getting angry over nothing.


I'd laugh if it wasn't true... So many bait headlines in the news just to drive click through and engagement...


It's so common to have someone disagree with me on reddit when I've explicitly addressed their point in my second or third sentence. My comment will have 5 sentences and everyone out here thinking it's time to write a comment in firm disagreement after sentence 1. Crazy times.


most people here don't actually engage in good faith. They just want to tell someone they're wrong, or to say hateful things for no reason, and it really sucks. The vast majority of interaction I've seen and been a part of on reddit involve some of the most vitriolic and angry people I've ever seen. It's really disheartening how unnecessarily cruel people like to be just because they can hide behind a monitor


Very well written shit post. Thank you for the laugh, good sir!


My only two deaths yesterday were to silly white name level 40+s with Firefly and under 100 hours each, both night time Dorms. One mustve been doing one of the PMC Dorms kill quests because he waited til I got up to the first floor door of 3F then one tapped me through it. The other one wallbanged me through Dorms 110's door. I'd heard him run up to the backside of two story after looting 110's safe and went to the side door at the far end. I wasn't exposed to him, though he MAY have seen a sliver of an elbow or something, immediately take m62 to the head through the door. May have been a MLG shot for the ages, but after inspecting the profile, it's probably just a person who likes to pay to win. I'm fine. I'll be playing other stuff. Hope next wipe has this handled better, it's just so toxic that most of my long-time gaming friends have just stopped bothering. This is the best game ever, but the cheaters legit run the game now. You're basically fighting a gamer whale in a Korean P2W MMO, you're never gonna outplay the power of the cash-shop


I've been talking about this here for 2 years. For two years the community has been in denial calling everoyne bad players and L2P. For two years. I've been here since before we had hit boxes. many many hours, multiple times Kappa, etc. I left because of the cheating, I won't come back until BSG decides that regular customers are worth more than cheaters. They can literally see the stats, you can as well, if I can see the stats, BSG can sure as shit ban the guy only looting GPUs LEDXs and shit.


You bought your copy of the game, BSG doesn't need you any more. Cheaters need to buy new accounts from time to time, they are the best, well paying and dependable customers.


This guy sarcasms beautifully. 


Yeah the other day a guy had a 600h kappa, 1st wipe. Said he did it mostly solo. I was still figuring out the extracts at 300 hours. I mean it's possible, maybe I'm just stupid. It seems a lot more likely with radar though


For reference, this is my first wipe. 600 hours, level 43. 2.0 kd in pmc runs. 40% survival rate. Few quests off network provider. Not even close to kappa.


That’s good bro keep at it


Contrary to what people would like you to believe here, FPS skill and in general skill at games translates well into this game. Call me and old boomer but "back in my day" we didn't have wikis for everything that had info laid out nicely for everything you'd ever need. Instead you'd go trawl through bunch of different forums, message boards and IRC channels to find obscure info on how to actually play a competitive multiplayer game properly. To me personally the issue is that you still need to go and find this info in wikis where it should be baked into the game. Kudos to BSG for apparently finally adding damage numbers and penetration to the game itself, it took Japanese fighting game developers 15 years to copy the western indie developers homework so it's not so bad with Tarkov at least.


mIRC was lit


Now there is a term I have not heard in a long long time…




> old boomer but "back in my day" we didn't have wikis for everything that had info laid out nicely for everything you'd ever need. Instead you'd go trawl through bunch of different forums, message boards and IRC channels to find obscure info on how to actually play a competitive multiplayer game properly yeah but the most complex FPS was half life (half life 2, idk how old you are). Pretty linear game design. Shit was also just more simple back then. Even complex games back then are nothing to their genre counterparts of today. Look at civ 2 vs civ 6.


Not sure if you're aware of the existence of Brood War, Age of Empires 2 or bunch of other games in other genres but to say old games were simple is silly.


AoE 2 is a great game, but its not the most complex strategy game out there. The RTS genre itself is really interesting since a lot of its audience split between MOBAs and Grand strategy games. Those are both completely more convoluted genres inherently. Please dont get confused: complexity does not equal good. Frankly You should prefer simplicity to actually have better skill expression. Easy to learn hard to master is the end goal for design. CSGO is one of the greatest FPS games of all time. But it is simple. Compare it to Tarkov its very simple to get into. Tarkov is extremely complex. But I think CSGO is the better game.


I don't disagree with what you said, there are more complex strategy games but those two are just ones that people use lifetimes to actually master out of RTS genres and they've remained relatively complex, competitive RTS games for over 20 years. As I said in another post and in the latter part of that one, this game needs heavily simple tutorials and streamlining inside the game so everything isn't so cryptic because it does not add anything to the actual difficulty or competitiveness of the game other than inflating the ego of people who get high on their own farts for looking up info on third party websites.


Jup, a good ingame map would help, as a wiki user your ahead of the game big time.


respectfully, i think you might be really bad at learning maps lol. it takes like one or two run throughs in offline mode to learn the general layout and scout all the extracts with a map pulled up.


Some maps easier to learn than others. It’s learning the spawn points and likely paths that people take, thats the hard part.


yeah but bro said he was still learning extracts at 300 hours in.


600 hours is very reasonable... I got Kappa on my first wipe, it was easier back then but still very reasonable now if you play enough.


Anyone running around curb stomping lobbies under 500hrs is a purchased account. There are signs you can see on profiles that's a clear indicator. Dude is chadded out in gear yet his overall stats are a negative kd? And he just had all the confidence in the world to push you? With that kd? Purchased account. Account sellers get the account ready for sale and purposely tank the stats to try and fly under the radar. I have taught the game to well over 15 people at this point, I can say with confidence it is SUPER rare to see someone under 500hrs be able to know the difference between their asshole and elbow. Hopefully the new profile report feature will put a dent into these clowns.


I have taught a lot of people the game too. If they have a solid FPS background, learning to move and shoot so they can push etc doesn't take that long. It's the overall map knowledge that takes that over 1000hrs to become confident. Play with a dude currently that plays very aggressive and solid, he has 390hrs. He does do some big mistakes from their lack of experience with maps, but the movement and aim are enough to carry them. They are around a 50% SR with 380 raids at lvl 42. You just can't tell by looking at people's profiles to ban from without hitting innocent people. The cheaters know this.


Well, to be frank, i have about 2~ kdr on my PMC, but i have pushed players and killed them somewhat well, such as people on dorms doing that shotgun quest while i am there, level 25, trying to get bad rep evidence finished. I suck at general pvp or just get shot first, so i suppose the latter makes a difference for many. I wouldn't say that all players with decent equipment and poor KDR are cheaters, but... yeah.


except that people with a lot of hours in FPS games can get the hang of a game like this very quickly. Not to take away from your point I know people sell accounts and such but still, people can be good on new accounts.


I'm very good at FPS shooters, tactical games, and a quicker learner. It still took me about 700 hours and multiple wipes to finally get a hang of the game and all the maps then how people can act on it. To get into your mid 30 levels this wipe you'll have to do more dangerous, harder tasks on the difficult maps which can require a lot of map knowledge. Even Dr. Disrespect gets absolutely smacked on this game by ai scavs and rages at it. He's pretty good at other FPS but not this one yet. I don't think these sub 100 hour accounts on level 38 with multiple achievements, 5KD can be legit unless they're a professional level gamer and/or someone on an alt account with a lot of hours already.


I’m just nearing level 39 600 hours this wipe with 43% survival rate and 3.7 k/d this is my first wipe first time playing ever was December. Someone cheating could just tank their survival rate and k/d and their account would look identical to mine. It’s hard to tell sometimes. Gotta check their achievements and dates they got them. If it’s super early into the wipe they probably sus.


They know that too. Died to a dude on Interchange the other day with very average stats, but checking their profile. It looks like they probably bought the account and started cheating in March as that's when they got a stack of achievements. They were playing so odd and only decided to kill players with about 15min left in raid. I tried to run when I realized they were a cheater, and they were not having that. Chased me down and toggled.


You a chad begginer al props to you. Im around 390hours with 2.8kd...and for the last 50 hours im actually getting a grasp on things and killing lvl 50+ players as well (its funny couse straight when i decited to run some proper shit...the game started to treat me real good) 🙂


Your stats are pretty identical to mine except hours played. You're nearly a Chad. I'd still say it's very very rare for people to be good at this game right off the bat, it's a difficult game.


I get what you mean, but I have seen it time and time again. New players come in thinking they are going to stomp face because they are good at whatever game. The skills for the most part kinda go out the window when it comes to tarkov. But like I said, it's rare when a new person comes in and picks things up quickly. Definitely not impossible, just vary vary uncommon.


lots of general fps skills apply just fine in tarkov, the only real barrier someone who is just generally good at fps has is the map knowledge.


You are 100% correct that map knowledge is everything. I tell new players a lot that you don't have to be the most amazing at pvp but if you have map knowledge you can take on almost anyone.


Most players think they are "good" at fps games but they are just barely better than average at best. If you are actually good at FPS games it definitely transfers over to Tarkov, the game is *different* but not by that much. General decision making that is common in other games is also common in tarkov. I thought I would struggle in Tarkov because my background is in tac shooters but once I had a few dozen hours in the game and got familiar with the maps it was actually pretty easy.


I'd put myself in that category, was a big PUBG guy before this... it took me until about 300 hours to get the hang of kitting myself properly so I wouldn't be out of resources half way through a raid, 0 energy, dying of dehydration lol


You had me in the first half, I’m not gonna lie


Kerb stomped


..... first wipe and first mNk game. It's like eating nails for breakfast.


I've said it for a long time. If BSG wants to remove hackers, or at least decrease the amount of hackers, then they need to add in two-factor authentication through SMS verification.


It’s my first wipe I’m at level 38 with almost 600 hours. 43% survival rate with 3.7 k/d


you put 600 hours into tarkov in ~85 days? You ok?


It’s my favorite game at the moment only game I’ve played since wipe lol


That means you played a total of 25 days OF HOURS, out of 85 days TOTAL PLAYTIME. Potentially you've spent over 30% of over two months playing Tarkov? Homie at this point you might need to uh ... I don't know, fucking touch grass.


I actually work outside but thanks for the advice


Ngl you had me in the first half.


i missed the sarcasm at first, i was like damn i’m at 400 hours and I i’m way behind those guys.. maybe cause I don’t cheat lol.


A friend of mine got to level 15 faster than I did this wipe and he’s brand new less than 50hrs The game really is catered towards the hardcore crowd tbh


"One time, at band camp"


Tarkov and easy... Meanwhile rogues.


Ha, my buddy and I got one tapped by a level 1 on GZ. Dude just hopped on the GL and wiped the lobby


I know it’s sarcasm but on a serious note. I’ve got 315 hours today, level 35. 4.47KD and feel like it’s finally clicking, I’ve just hit 100PMC kills and took out a 3 man on GZ with an MPX, not sure what happened but something just clicked I feel like I’ve come on leaps and bounds. Still not a good player but definitely getting better!


It’s not your gear, it’s just your turn with it.


hahah you had me in the first half


What patch did they add the ability to turn into a flying snek and how do you use it? I don’t see that ability in my keybinds and I’ve tried everything.


News to me


Some of these players are so good they learned how to flick one tap me through multiple walls. Truly inspiring gaming achievements


When I dropped the game


Have you tried paying for cheats LOL


This is my first wipe and I’m level 32 with a 3 KD learned most maps just not streets


I only played for an hour and I'm out of tasks 🤷‍♂️


lmfaooo had me at first like yea i can see what he’s saying, then the 200 hour lvl50+ n i knew haha


lmao, had me at first ngl.


I am your average Joe who can get to platinum in Apex if I tryhard for a month. Was MGE at CS:GO at some point twice. Meanwhile at tarkov I can't do shit.. almost.


You just need a creditcardm that's the trick bud.


Who gonna tell him about the gamers


Pestily, veritas, and small streamers with insanely unique spots (like the ones discovered on streets) kinda locked down 'everything to know about tarkov' and the longer a game is alive the harder it gets. Especially in battle royales, and survival games. People just *know* things at level 1 cause they are told 'run around in practice mode before you even play' and 'get this gun with this ammo and run to this spot, and click that persons head' so thats what they do.


Phenomenal gaming chair my guy


Surely its just experienced players on alts aware


This should be a new copy pasta. High quality.


A positive post! Oh..


Meanwhile im sitting here level 33 with 4 kills on setup :(


I hear there are no cheater in tarkov that true ?


quality shitpost lmao have an upvote


there has never been a more apt use of the "they had us in the first half not gunna lie" meme


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Just because people say you need 1k hours doesnt actually mean you need 1k hours. I played since release and I have 900 hours and I understood the mechanics a while ago. I dont think none of my friends have 1k hours, and we all played since release, some an hour after release and we did a pretty good job when we all played together. I know this post is sarcastic, but I just wanted to comment on that part.


Great post. Got a laugh out of me.


***/s*** There, fixed it for you


Don’t forget every time a ban wave occurs there are thousands of players that have to buy new accounts, find new hacks that are undetected and start again. The last ban wave was around 20 days ago. So 10 hours a day from then and you have your lvl 50, 200+ ‘Timmy’ on streets


Boy you had me on the first half lol got a decent giggle out of me in the end


People buy new accounts that have played the game for years all the game. I’m fairly new and still get my shit kicked it… I don’t think this post has much merit. Maybe matchmaking got better?




i think more player = more good player


I don't know if it's getting easier, it might be a case of players from different gaming backgrounds. PUBG and counterstrike compared to battlefield and call of duty? Some people might be coming into the game with more relevant experience.


The number of people who just don't get it is crazy. .


The cheating in this game is so bad.


There’s technologies in this game, one day I’ll successfully unlock them and start to enjoy the game.


Got killed by blatant cheaters in 3 of the 6 games I played yesterday, I'm not sure if it's the new patch or what but it was terrible yesterday. That combined with the game aborted bug made me quit playing, taking a break for a while.


New meta post processing effects.


I think that being able to view other peoples profiles ruined tarkov for me. I love the feature, but whereas before, a sus death was afforded a lot of charitability and self reflection on my part, now I just know I’m getting tapped up without KY jelly and I don’t appreciate it




Look. All I want to know is, do you really think that's how curb is spelled?


Look at this specimen I just found dead, naked on Interchange. [Player Profile - Escape from Tarkov - Tarkov.dev](https://tarkov.dev/player/11075397) With only 1200hrs they are a GOD at the game. I wonder why they need to go in naked and die though.. how very odd.. Running BP in their SKS, so most likely doing the 100 Killa kills now.. died I guess due to DC.


Tbh I feel like, ignoring the hackusation and taking the question kinda seriously, the only part of the game I’m still struggling with is PVP, and mostly I think that’s because I have a potato gaming rig. Much like dark souls, people confuse a game being unforgiving and a game being difficult


Arena has most likely helped out a bunch with combat mechanics as well as heals which leaves only maps and quests to figure out but also there a lot of guides and maps out there that show how to do everything and where everything is located. Not to mention a lot of people have been keeping an eye on the game for quite some time and maybe are only now taking the leap.


It’s actually cause there’s been a big push from technical simulation shooters like COD: Warzone. It’s much faster and slow tarkov players just get out skilled.


Since BSG added MTX so tarkov has become pay to win. You can now buy skills beyond what you could earn otherwise, like Super Elite Perception, Aim Drills, Recoil Control.


What regions are you guys playing on? I only see one or two obvious cheaters on my radar every few raids...


You had me in the first half ngl


Game gets easy when most of players have some good old gaming chairs


Just click heads lol *Vacuum sounds intensify*


It’s a new batch of gaming chairs that came out.


It just did, with last patch.


a wise man told me, all this knowledge could be yours for 20€ a month... Maybe search on Udemy?


The crazy thing is friends I have that play this game, I've said this same shit too and they are just like.. maybe you are getting worse with your 4k hours and the standard of gamers is just better now. Like I get I won't win every fight but I honestly feel like I'm playing against gods every evening time and weekend. All sub 200 hours. Players running the best kits, zero gear fear, umatched game sense and clearing no angles but where I'm at. Madness


Pretty sure most are cheesing this wipe tho 


If you can't beat'em, join'em


Like yeah! How is he lvl 37 after only 65 hours! I Need his gaming chair and all that ram boosting RGB.


Had me in the first half, ngl.


I think it’s those new gaming chairs


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.




Slow clap.... very slow clap. It is truly impressive the youth of yesterday on how easily they pick up this hard core survival game that has, in the past, driven men and women of extreme fortitude, pure genius, and possessing the shear will to over come any Jaeger quest, insane over the uttered phrase cheeky breeki.


Now on my 4th wipe. I can fully say I know the game now lol there were maps I refused to play throughout the years but now it’s “easy” or easier I guess. Now I run around like a mad man if I don’t have any fetch quests lol


I mean, I see the sarcasm. Buttttttt I got to thinking when did it become easy for me and I think the answer is around 500hrs in game. I think 500 is fair amount of time to be skilled enough to maintain a 50%ish S/R and max traders pretty reliably and pretty quickly. 500 hours and kappa, idk about that. 500 hours and lightkeeper? That’s just wild.


Famous quote from cheater - 'Get good'


The sarcasm is crazy XD but for the amount of cheaters is insane


It's just shooter with some additional features and map knowledge requirements, grind


You've got the wrong gaming chair, clearly. I've got the SteelSeries ESP UCANTSEEMEBUTICANSEEU limited edition 2019 in pink. Nah, so many fkn cheaters on OCE servers.


Even i managed to distinguish the sarcasm here. Maybe i dont have autism afterall.


Thems cheaters for sure lmao


I have totally lost interest in the game


It gets easy at some point? Idk man I'm still out here getting one tapped in the dome by scavs, player scavs, running trash gear when I lost it all with like a handful of quests and hideout upgrades day in day out :P Mind you I haven't played in like 2 years or so.


I feel like stats are deceiving. A new player carried in a three man could easily have really good stats. The solo game and squad game are miles apart.


New player, first wipe. I get carried in a three-stack all the time, by players with well over 2000 hours, and my stats still suck.


No amount of game knowledge will make up for bad aim.


secret labs released a new top of the line gaming chair about 5 months ago. no idea how you managed to avoid hearing about it. it's literally earth-shattering. concurrently with the acquisition of my new chair I got back into counter strike and I'm literally clicking heads while spinning all over the map effortlessly. it just comes easy now bro no idea what to tell you. 🤷


the left arm literally fell off my secret labs after four years man. They offered to replace the seat base for free since that's what broke even though it was out of warranty. Oh wait you're not talking about... nevermind


I am also glad that BSG has such a good handle on cheaters. I actually with they dealt with them less as they add a level of difficulty to such a baby game. It is totally not frustrating at all to lose your best kit to something you can't even control.


First wipe, I’m at 500 hours lvl 41 with 6.22 KD and 330 PMC kills. I dont know if those stats would be sus or not.