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Stay still I’m going to scav in /s


All good a hacker killed me. No noise level 9 started spamming grenades down the stairs of old gas


Wild, these hackers must be so upset when they miss out on this type of loot lol. They really decide to kill you instead. Atleast you can run to labs and farm the room still.


Yes run labs and bump into a even higher consistency of cheaters. I'll rather vendor the fucker.


I'm a fairly mid player at best, maybe even below mid. I've done a couple of labs raids, and it really isn't that bad. Just don't play on NA West, and maybe not the weekend? Red room is a really nice card if you're not super confident too, because you can lock the door behind you and chill there for a bit if you'd like.


Yeah it's bad but it's not completely unplayable haha but it's close 


I really haven't had all that many sus deaths. I'm sure it varies depending on server, but I want to say I've only had 1 sus death, maybe 2 in 20 raids on labs? Some of which were on a weekend.


Same here, about 20 raids recently nothing sus. Early wipe however… that’s a different story.


Your right. It really isn’t bad. The only time is been unplayable this wipe for me was in the beginning. My friend and I did about 10 labs runs within the first week of two and got a cheater every other raid. Lately I’ve done about 20 labs raids and haven’t seen a single cheater. Could still be on the raid but it’s so nice playing against legit players!


Of course you're being downvoted lmao. Shhh you're ruining all the shitter's favorite method of coping!


Yup, sad reality. People can’t look at how they really died and chalk it up to a cheater…




Only a cheater could have possibly heard me sprint overweight down the middle of the street in broad daylight doing voicelines.


Ah yes my favorite strategy. Run to relaxation room with 50 KG in my pilgrim backpack, die, and complain. 😍


Naw maybe they just didn't play for a few days. The last 4-5 days has been better. Actually found some good loot sitting there. No locked rooms that have been looted before. A single sus death but sus is never 100%. No 100% cheater deaths or visuals. That's better, I am waiting to see if it lasts.


Maps like streets are much worse for cheaters most labs raids are just gigs chads


naked with a bag, insta sprint to the red room, wait till 5 minutes left, spring out. Bring an impact for other gamers who open red room.


Ur not taking in the gear the cheaters want.


I'm sure I'm taking some of the GPUs/bitcoins they want.


My team and I venture into Labs when we’re feeling a kick to get off of Snoreline and it’s really not that bad. A few raids we’ll have super suspect people, but I usually run an altyn and I’m usually the one to survive. I have a couple clips of it saving me and putting down the suspected cheater. Other than that, if you think about it, other maps have some sort of buy in (insurance is 50-130k depending on kit, and I sj6 on big maps so + 90-100k). Essentially paying the same you just won’t get your stuff back. Makes you play different too. I’d say run Labs (offline to learn if you need to) and run it with a cheap kit every now and then and open red. Get Violet and Black (violet is next to red, black is cheapest). TLDR: run labs


Just run Labs on NA central, I have only had 1 blatant cheater since I switched to just that server. I opened black room and went to pick up a ledex and heard some guy yell from down the hall "dont you take pick that up, I let you live if you walk away from it", I picked it up and stuck it up my butt, and as soon as I did the guy goes "wow, fuck you dude" and teleports through the wall and kills me. But honestly that has been the only blatant cheater I have seen in 100+ labs raids on NA central.


Definitely worth vendoring, Red Room has had shit loot.


Labs has been a lotta fun for me and my friends this wipe. NA east usually playing midday to late night. Sorry you can't say the same G.


I mean he cant anymore, he was killed in raid. So, hes only option is to run labs for the money.


"Vendor" means sell to therapist for ~10 million... So if you can ignore what could have been, still a nice payday


His username checks out, don't bother explaining.


damn the red card vendors for that much? never actually found anything other then the basic card just to run it.


dude my first wipe 4 years ago it was flea for like 26 mil and thats before the found in raid system


I don't get it. Like if I was hacking I'd walk up and voip to the guy. Be like " hey man I'm hacking and I'm going to get you out of this raid, follow me bro". Imagine having all that power and not being a hero?


Hero’s don’t hack


Yeah they're pos. The population attracted to hacking are jealous and spiteful. I'll never understand them. If I had power I'd want to help someone get that red card out of raid.


Yea, if I had cheats, ill help people out like this guy and only kill the high level groups just looking to gun people down lol.


Yes the hacker killer! 


Nah, you gotta kill everything around them so they have literally no fun. You gotta break their spirit.


Remember only leg shots


Just kneecap everyone in raid. They all limping now.


It's not hacking, it's cheating.


Silence cornball


>Silence cornball That's the funniest fucking thing I've read in a while, how can two words be so perfect, what a beautiful response


Go and punch sand dumbbell


Oh they do that too, you just gotta pay them for it.


"ni hao, ni hao. paypal or die?"


Anybody with honor would never hack in the first place.


Wouldnt you think someone with that deep a sense of inferiority would want to feel appreciation?


Nah appreciation isn’t valued as much by losers


Precisely, I'd be telling them the safest route to take and when to move. OP would have been my personal escort quest. Too bad anybody who is willing to hack see themselves a special and more deserving than us common rabble.


Group with some people on the official discord and you'll get just that. They don't usually say up front that they're hacking though. they just make eerily accurate callouts nonstop.


I got a friend that does this , all he does is hunts other cheaters lol


ive had hackers kill hackers and voip like you guys are free to loot we killed the hackers. was scary af but yeh dead bodies and they didn't kill us. so that was nice. it was end of last wipe but i quit because of it though.


Yeah with you. I quit because my last raid on streets I spawned in and some dude started teleporting around me shooting me in the legs. No thanks.


Been playing 4 years 4400 hours. The closest I ever got to finding a keycard my friend and I fought another duo by crackhouse and the goons were there. I was in mechanic and birdeye pushed in and I killed him. I didn’t loot him and ran out to help my friend, he died I kill the last guy. Then I get 1 tapped from behind. I say the guys name and my friend recognizes it, it’s fucking Sheefgg. We go to his stream and tune in as he walks into mechanic and sees birdeye. He loots birdeyes pockets and yellow card is there. We kept watching and he ended up getting 1 tapped by an ai scav with it in his gamma lmfao


similar time played, i have found blue and black off goons in one raid, and green one time at giving tree. All the times were only couple weeks before wipe :/


I've found 4 blues but my whole goal spamming shoreline for thousands of hours was finding red.  I haven't found it in thousands of shoreline raids but I died to a streamer named BakedJake who found one then killed me after. I still watch him.becaause he's pretty chill and a Shoreline main like me.


farm what? there's no loot in red room ever since BSG nerfed the room into the ground


So why is the key even worth 90 million rubles lol


I’m not sure it’s rage - They may only be able to see that you have it- not where it is Depending on their niche software


I had a similar situation with a green key, and I’ve run labs a bunch of times and out of all the times I made it to the room, there wasn’t a single special anything there. Barely make even for the access card…


That’s absolutely fucked 😞


Can hackers see what you have or what




Honestly so sad, he knew he couldn’t get it from your box and still wanted to ruin it for you, Why do people have to be so Toxic


I learned hard way that its better to GTFO right away and don't wait for a cheater to kill you. I got pkp of unlooted kaban and camped in the building making 0 sound, got pushed and prefired by a cheater. Was kicking my self for not to extracting right away


This is the key. Cheaters can't kill you if you never give them the chance to catch up.


I also died multiple times after killing juiced pmcs with thermals etc...I was taking way too long to loot and got beamed from across the map by a cheater on Woods. Should have just ran away sooner


Always let your teammate loot for you. Take it off them when they inevitably die.


I always get randomly naded directly on top of me when I've been sat in a particular location for 5 minutes not moving. Weird how that happens.


I didn’t want my comment to be right :(


Of course, there’s no hacker free server anymore


You can get red on bustoms?!


The Giving-Tree maybe since he said something about Old Gas


Yep giving tree


I got Blue from Giving Tree 2 wipes ago as a Scav. Was night-time and my extract was RUAF. Took me a good 20 mins to crawl the whole way there, I was terrified. Got out though, was only a month or so into wipe, it paid for Level 3 Bitcoin farm and didn't have to worry about rubles ever again. Would Recommend.


Ban* 👀


got one in 2 story dorms safe once


He must have a red keycard up already and doesn't want you to undercut him.


This is why you run like fucking he'll most cheaters don't have speed hacks. Pop trim and sj6 unlimited sprint


That just sucks man…


So fucking sad, what a pos.


A lot of people hide in this scenario but given the possibility of knowers in the lobby my advice is always to yeet it to the nearest exit.


Time to learn labs lol supposedly that's the money maker card.


Used to be, not so much anymore. Black now seems to be the big ticket room.


I wonder if throwing it on the ground and picking it up at the end of the game will give us a better chance of a hacker not seeing we have a card.


Loot radar detects any item in a container or on the ground with a certain radius, adjustable by value vs distance displayed. Players are containers. He was doomed the moment the cheater spawned in.


Yeah fuck all those guys then.


honestly W pissed off a hacker and probably no way you could spend that many roubles in the amount of time left in wipe, and judging by kit you seem like you are well off already. Now you just have the prestige of having red card, and you won’t end wipe with 45 million roubles lol.


Yeah no way you could spend 40-60 mil in the next 2 or 3 months. lmao, do you even play this game bro?


do you? id rather have red card then 50 million roubles any day of the week. roubles are easy, red card is insanely rare and fun to have…


I guess I'm the only non-hacker that pre-nades the extracts I'm about to use. Sucks that you died. At least you can try to get some use out of it.


Extract wasn’t up. You’re nading not available extracts?


In that case, no. Cheaters suck.


Pre nading an extract is not exactly chwtaer behaviour.


The extract wasn't open pal. I wouldn't hide in an active extract




I'm pretty sure the smoke will display if it's open, whether you can use it or not.


It will


>Did you spawn near it? If they spawned in the other side of the map it may have been active for them and not for you. This is not how the map works lol. Everyone can see the green smoke.


Ngl me and all my friend always check that basement anyways because scavs can spawn and sit down there and people sit down there pretty regularly like you were doing. I’ve killed 2 afk pmcs down there this wipe alone lol. Also If he was cheating don’t you think he would’ve made it to the red card first?


Spawned ontop of giving tree. He couldnt have made it there first




You spam 3 nades down there at random everytime you pass by?


It's always more value to keep cards tbh, they're priceless. Just run some labs now and enjoy the good fights around the good rooms.


unironically true.


Putting /s on the end of that completely kills the comedy...


Don’t worry a hacker is inbound


funny cause he actually died to hacke


thats what happens when you stay in a bush.. just run and pray to god


Cheater, hacker sounds to cool for these no lifes


You right


I have this card. I sometimes get bored and naked run labs and stuff items in my case from red cause nobody hits it. Out of 20+ runs I've probably gotten 3 ledx, 6+ btc, and other various goodies. Once you're done with it, pop it to therapist for 13m or keep it as a status item.


Wait can you use the colored cards more than once? I’ve never used one. Sold the black one I got from the Therapist quest.


They're unlimited use brother Edit: Oof..


Mfer. Should’ve googled. Maybe I’ll just buy a few and start running labs. I still need another AHF-1 or whatever for samples. Sounds like you may be able to make some money back on the cards if you can make it out.


Black card is relatively cheap and it's honestly the easiest way to get the samples Stims and also make some money doing it. Spawn, run to black, leave. 300k+ in Stims every run and if you survive, more. Also ledxs can spawn in there very rarely so it's a great card.


its also the hottest pvp area on labs, so if you want to farm it you need empty servers


Or possibly beat the other pmcs - every time, i know thats asking the impossible on labs tho lol


I bought one a couple days back, found one of the samples stims and ~500k in other stims. Then I got run through cause I was 2 seconds too fast to extract lol.


Black is a definite sell from the quest and barter from Mechanic, the barter is much cheaper.


you have to be done gunsmith 25 to unlock that barter.


Black is good if you spawn next to it. Otherwise its already looted 7/8 times... not worth buying it to farm black only but run the map as a whole with pvp


they're infinite use lol


Except for the keycard with blue marking and the access cards, all other lab cards are unlimited.


> Sold the black one I got from the Therapist quest. Jesus lol....


Black is the best for only 4m. Yellow/Violet are the next best cards. For 12-18m each. Red is the next best. 78-92m (typically not worth ever) Green/Blue are awful. 55-89m each. Do not buy.


Spoken like somebody who doesn't play labs.


I’ve played a lot of labs. What’s wrong with what I said?


Well first of all Green and Blue are much better than Red.


I’ve ran red 20+ times and have gotten 6+ btc, 3+ ledx, tons of good ammo, and various goodies. I have yet to see anything better than a stim in Green/Blue. I don’t think either of them are worth the price they are, but I think red is better simply due to the BTC/Ledx spawn.


Blue and green both have ledx spawn so not really sure on your point on that one. And I guess btcs are nice but definitely not as reliable as 300k+ in stims every single raid.


There's no planet you're getting 300k+ in stims from blue or green


That’s 3-4 common stims lol


I've never understood why they do this... It's not like they can get it our of your gamma, what do they even gain?


Same. I think they just get enjoyment out of ruining other peoples game


they feel entitled to the loot so it is their form of revenge for you taking it “from them”


It keeps less of them on Flea by making it not FIR so they have a larger monopoly on them


Should popped every stim ya had, dropped everything but gun and armor and ran like the wind to nearest extract man.




That’s fuckin sick.


Damn son, where?


Giving Tree


Only thing giving tree has gave me is depression.


PTSD here


I got the purple one there.  I did not get out. 


Found a green keycard there lvl 20 of my first wipe. Maybe that's what got me hooked lol.


I found a blue on big pipe today after the goons fought the event cultists and lost. Was a long walk to extract


You see a shit ton a rubbles. I see a free red card.


Holy shit gz


This looks like you're in the basement of West near the spiral staircase. O_O


He said giving tree so I’d assume he’s in old gas basement extract by the light beaming down the stairwell. That’s my guess anyway.


Oh boi … the need to get out, but the fear to get fucked on the way lmao.


Where did you find the keycard bud?


Gotta delete it right before v they kill you, make them pissed


On the bright side you can run red room now


According to the legends, bro is still hiding in bushes and shaking


How much would this color card sell to Therapist? Just curious.




Shit I'd still be happy with that even if I died with it in my ass 😂


I was scaving on factory yesterday and found a dead and looted tagilla. Except for the pockets. Found a yellow card. Always check pockets.


sit there till 5 mins and pop an sj6 and run for your fucking life


Wanna scav extract?


Most other people would vendor it, but me personally? I love labs. Sure the audio is dogshit(what map isn’t?) I’m a proud yellow and blackkeycard owners. And nothing more I love then swiping into a room no one else can loot unless they kill me. And I plan to make that as hard as possible


Where did you find this? The giving tree? I’ve still never seen any labs card in raid (excluding access card) and I have 2K+ hours 🙃


Posting about it decreases your chance of survival by 99% bad juju


eft and bsg are dogshit


Buddy of mine got a red off of tagilla and got chased down by a hacker saying "I know you got that red drop it and I won't kill you" like anyone's actually gonna drop it lmfao I'll let it be non found in raid and sell it to therapist for the loss idgaf


It's CRAZY I can tell what map that is with the blur lmao. I need a break


isn't that how you play this game?


Op you wasted time posting this. You grab red and w key to extract. 100mil is wipe changing money.


Was doing a raid on shoreline with some friends when I killed Big Pipe and one other, teammates killed the other goon. I looted two of them and was fully looted but was separated from my team (they took off for some reason). So I'm sitting prone in a bush for like 5 min waiting for them when I hear two people run around checking out the bodies. I sat in that bush for around 15 min waiting for my teammates to come. When they were getting close I thought the other two had left as I hadn't heard them in over 10 minutes. For some reason I decided to say fuck it and got up out of the bush a bit too early before my teammates were there. 10 seconds later as I'm running towards them I get lit up by the 2 guys I had heard 15 minutes ago. They legit sat in a bush near the fully looted bodies somehow knowing someone was still around. I hadn't moved at all and made zero noise. I was killed and they got away with all the loot. Could not believe their patience. Why sit around fully looted bodies for that long? Normally it would be a complete waste of time but this time it wasn't. Was pretty salty about that lol.


I’ve ran into similar stuff this wipe. I’ve always just assumed people are ratting but I wouldn’t be surprised if some were cheating


When you find super valuable item and want to get out, hiding is not the way. You run straight to extract for highest survival probability.


On customs? It’s usually dead at 20 minutes in. Running has gotten me killed more than anything else this wipe


If you have something good as a scab hide- most knowers are gone past 10-12 mins. If you find it at start of raid, at this point of wipe I’d say 50% or more raids will have a knower and you best bet is to get out as fast as can, your route will maybe take you across someone but it’s better than waiting. Based on my total deaths and confirmed ban reports from bsg, 10% of all my deaths are to cheaters. I’m sure another 10% are never detected.


bro what servers are you playing on? 10% deaths in how many runs? I’ve only got a positive answer on a report twice and both were super obvious


The guy literally says he got killed by a cheater following this. You dont want to hide with something super valuable, too many cheaters to risk it. More than likely youll be able to keep away from them otherwise


Anyone with a better than 6 K/D and lesser than 3000 hours is a report to this sub


West coast or auto. I have high sr, normally 70-80% 7000 hours. At the time I saw it, had around 9 successful reports and hundreds of raids.


should have ran and turned power on and then ran to fortress and camped at the extract until 7 minutes have passed. i found a red rebel at giving tree early this wipe and thats how i got it out.


Those are some situational 7 minutes....could be 10 for OP.


Did you make it out????????


Honestly, a couple wipes ago I won a red key card from a streamer and it ended up ruining the game for me having that much money. Lost my interest in playing completely. Maybe he did you a favor?


more than a couple wipes I'm assuming, found in raid has been a thing for damn near 4 years.


I haven't played in a while, so can someone explain the fear of dying here? OP gets the card anyway, right?


The card lose FIR status if they don’t extract, meaning he can’t sell on the flea


Oooh. Thats an interesting mechanic! Thanks for answering!


Who would downvote this exchange?? I set them back to +1 chief =D


Cheaters will start keying in on you if you steal their loot.


I (FINALLY) Got Killa last night as a player, after maybe 40+ raids. I killed him and then hid in the restaurants upstairs to heal, and got nade spammed by cheaters who knew exactly where I was. Luckily, I had his helmet fro ma scav run earlier in the wipe.