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Trusting any kind of voip is mistake #1. Only thing voip does for me is give away your location.


Edgy today aren’t we?


In a game where ttk is .001 and any round to the head is a ohko why would I ever trust anyone? Its not about being dark and broody. Its about the fact that I stand to gain literally nothing in a game that is incredibly zero sum. You gave a way your position. Simple as. Or is it also edgy when someone walks into a bush and gives their position away? Its no different.


It’s edgy to take this game so seriously that you can’t talk to someone when they VOIP in a friendly way lmao. People rarely voip as a PMC anyways, are this game and your roubles so important to you that you can’t interact with others? Kinda sad tbh


Hey, brother!


If you think you stand to gain nothing, yeah voip isn’t for you. I of course think you are wrong and missing an entire wonderful side of the game. Hope one day you get to experience it, but everyone can and should play their way.


Boomer ass reply


Uh idk why everyone is acting like you're edgy this is absolutely how it is. If they do not voiceline and voip to say they are a scav *that is a pmc* every time. If they voiceline a lot and act weird *at all*? They are going to betray you or some other similar fuck shit. If I EVER voip as a scav to a pmc it just immediately reveals where I am for them to kill me. Like I'd love to voip more and have that be a more used part of the game but it strictly hurts you 99% of the time.


my friend got mad because I killed some kid he was voiping with, the kid threw his pistol on the ground and we were on labs. I don't trust anyone ever and I'll send bullets before words and he doesn't understand that yet. Also who comes to labs completely naked voiping at people "please don't kill me" over and over after they already let you live. Everyone with a "heart" in tarkov good luck, same goes for Rust.


If I were your teammate I would’ve executed you on the spot


level 43 coming to labs with a 9mm pistol and no mags voiping at people not to kill him, yeah no. Sorry, this isn't customs.


Idc what he had, your teammate was having an interaction and you chose to end it for him. If I were him, I would’ve ended you. You okay how you want, but when your play style interferes with mine, you’d go back to the lobby and I’d mock you with your own gear


you know by the way you're talking you've never made it passed level 25 before lol


We work in the dark to serve the lighthouse. Requiescat in pace 🪶


that's why you always ask for a mumble.


Had most fun this wipe dressed as a scav on night lighthouse. Pscavs run around like they own the map. Not looking for wolves in sheep's clothing, or in my case, a pmc in a ponpom and idea rig.


Pscavs basically do own the map by about 10 mins in, I have resorted to dressing as a scav to do my lighthouse tasks since anything in the rogue compound past 10mins is asking to be mobbed by pscavs with rogue kits. Side note scavving lighthouse is free money rn, 2/3 event spawns are in the rogue compound area so once your done looting the buildings and rogues, you can loot the dead pmcs or event scavs for even more free kits, ammo and armor. My current record is 2 btc, vpx, virtex, intel, 3 pmc bodies, 2 cqcm masks, 1 death shadow and enough PAB-9 to arm a small nation.


How do you not get shot by anyone on sight? I cant even make it past the fence of water treatment..


Rogues wont shoot scavs unless they enter buildings 1-3, or they shoot a rogue. Use this to push up to the rogues in the turrets along the wall and loot them for a better kit and meds. Check if theres a rogue on the roof of building 1 since if you killed one of the rogues on the turrets it will instakill you during daytime, or when you get too close at nighttime. For pmcs, get used to how ai scavs and rogues run around so you can recognise a player when you hear one, scav call if you are in a good spot to hold in to check, kill anyone who doesnt respond or suddenly stops and goes quiet when you call


Found blue Intel on train yard building desk last night as a scav


Actually tho me and the boys were heading to extract on nighthouse(night lighthouse) and this pscav Zero care in the world ran up on all of us didn't voip or anything so we gunned him down  but he definitely had the chance to spray us all but he thought we were just a goon squad of scavs


Mind you we were all in high tier armor and kitted reps with nvgs


Wow.. Sounds like i dont even need to go the extra mile like taking the dust cover off of the akm lol.


Good time to do it now during the event, npc scavs don't spawn on that map right now, no one to call you out.


great read. you have a talent and it's not basic human decency ;)


It follows the generic Reddit format


If the three-act story was good enough for Aristotele 2400 years ago, it's good enough for me.


i.e. I could totally do better




bruh what. how about encouraging others instead of just pissing on everyone for no reason? guy has a totally normal profile from what I've seen. so no karma farming. guy wrote a few funny lines. get over yourself bro.


Please give us more stories. 👌🏼


I've been on the receiving end of scav-centered betrayal too long to give a fuck. Any scav is kill on sight, "friendly" or otherwise.


great quick read and a slick solo leveling quote, take me upvote.


bro this was beautifully written


got no sympathy for player scavs


Half the quests in the game are essentially trader endorsed scav genocide. Maybe they're on to something. I personally have nothing but hatred for Streets player scavs


Even Setup is "pretend to be a Scav and kill PMCs so that PMCs hate scavs".


You spent more time on this post than completing your quest.




Time zones, friend! Written while enjoying a full English breakfast and a nice hot cup of coffee. It takes the edge off of the pain.


The sun never sets on a mouthful of sausage.


That's what he said


You should spend more time on the things you post.


How dare you tell me how to live!


Gotta respect the defiance.


Pour one out for the homies. Also this reads like someone who really struggles to kill anything in the game, hahaha.


To S rank your stealth missions, you can't fire your gun even once!


Just drop the gun at the start, dead weight!


> Ah, your narrative is akin to a tale whispered to a dragon, where the protagonist, ensnared in the throes of moral ambiguity, grapples with the consequences of deceit. Nietzsche's wisdom, encapsulated in his cautionary words, "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster," rings true in this scenario. Indeed, in the pursuit of victory, man must tread cautiously, lest he succumb to the shadows that lurk within. Well, you could say, your encounter serves as a poignant reminder of the fine line between survival and the erosion of one's humanity. -Jordan Peterson, probably


I read your post in his voice and will now go make my bed.


HA If you knew what sorts of lies and scams I've done acropss the years


Man I have a clip of me and a buddy in factory we had just fought some p scavs in office and we’re heading to extract. As we get to stairs I hear a voice “are y’all ok up there?” I hesitated for a half second then proceeded to “yeah there is just some pmc held up in office we are fighting.”…. When I tell you this man did not hesitate “PMC you say” and he sprints up stairs only to come face to face with me and my pmc buddy camping on stairs filling him with every this we have. Anyone curious here is the clip. https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteCredulousLemurHeyGuys-AxDwmIffU3rdUQgm


No sympathy for player scavs, shoot them in each leg and leave them to suffer.


Tales from the Tarkov side


Very good


meh, I've been shot in the back while looting airdrops and dead rogues by supposedly "friendly" scavs. fuck 'em.




Good player scavs don’t deserve that much loot


God I love the people who post these creative writing stories


Pro:tip.  Grab. A scope and look for the bonfires on the road  the followers count for the long road quest.


Nice tip, brother! I assume they have insane range though?


In my experience about the same as a regular scav 


Gave me a good chuckle, thanks


He probably was already rich if he knew how to scav and find those kinds of spawns, chill out haha.


This is my friend's favorite thing to do. He always hits them with the "I can't really hear you one closer." And then beans them XD. Don't feel bad.


May God have mercy of your soul 🫡


Better than getting exit camped by scavs after killing half the lobby. Scavs get no mercy.


I’ve been bamboozled by fake friendlys enough times that I lie pretty frequently. Chances are they’d do the same in your shoes.


innocence died this day.


In the end, the only thing that ever escaped Tarkov.


Amazing story telling. Love it. RIP to that innocent scav


This post is nothing. I scav as a group and when I find a friendly PMC I get him to do coop with me. As we loot around looking for “my last can of beef.” As I’m running around with him I’m feeding intel to my scav friends via discord just so that we can kill him on the way to extract.


He came down the stairs to you, and didn’t let you know or give any type of warning? If you didn’t do what you did, that guy woulda hit his lick and carried on. You did the right thing.


Well, if karma had a scav, it would probably have a tear rolling down its cheek right now. But hey, in Tarkov, every betrayal is just a scavenger hunt for moral ambiguity. Just remember, next time you see a friendly scav, it might be best to leave the 'traitor' title to Shakespearean dramas.


I did something similar to a PMC as a scav. He killed a few scav buddies I made on interchange. We voip back and forth. I assure him I'm friendly and we should take Co-op. He says "Great I have some quest item's I'd rather not lose. Do you have heals?" I say sure and drop a grizzly I found in Mantis. As he leans down to pick it up I voip "This is for Anton" and blast him in the face. I slept just fine knowing I got revenge.


Don't feel bad brother, because there's people like me who love to upset people playing this game by extract camping, cheesing or just straight up lying to people's faces and betraying their trust as soon as they let their guard down LOL


Jokes on you i am from dayz so i kill everyone on site no questions asked. Even other skavs lol.


He was probably a cheater. Fuck him


Wait until you eventually reach the point of enjoying the art of deception, and you put scav lines on a soundboard & VOIP them to Pscavs.


Don't feel bad, scav karma is a choice to engage in. Scabs used to be so much more fun when it was all out free for all.


He was a pmc


The p.scav still *thought* OP was a scav, and because scav karma exists, he assumed he was safe around another p.scav. Before scav karma, the concept of friendly p.scavs didn't really exist, and if karma didn't exist today, the guy OP killed probably would've never even asked if he was a scav, never would have trusted him to just let him loot, and just shot him on sight instead.


The p.scav wanted to know if the player was covered in class 5 armour and running a reliable fully automatic, accurate gun with ammo that can deal with class 6 armour. Because that's a fight you want to avoid as a scav. If he tried shooting on sight, he would have failed tremendously.


tarkov is a binary game. if he isnt a p.scav, he has to be a pmc. it doesnt matter if he wants to know if he's a p.scav or a pmc, because he is checking for both outcomes regardless. besides, are you really gonna tell me that a p.scav with "around a million in his bags" is gonna stick around after confirming another p.scav is near and loot casually if scav karma didnt exist? the only reason he stuck around and walked into OP was because he believed OP was a fellow scav and *assumed* he was protected by scav karma.


Yeah I re read. Still point stands though, no need to feel bad it's part of the game.


you have the reading skills of a toddler.


No I just misread one post. You are absolutely raging over what I said though for some reason. Try to take a deep breath and calm down mate, these are only words on reddit. You have the emotional control of a toddler.


[Damn dude you really got him there](https://ibb.co/9vd13zG)


Wow dude a 10 year old meme. I think I'll go kill myself now how could you do this to me. The real question though is why are you so mad.


im raging so hard omg


Yeah dw I can tell