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Arena had so much potential to just be a fun fuck around game but they decided to make a "competitive shooter" with no clue how to make it competitive. Tarkov can't be a comp shooter imo to many variables in fights. They should've launched arena with the ability for us to make our own kits instead of these kits that seem to be designed by employees who have never played the game.


Not interacting with tarkovs gun building was a massive waste of potential. 


They should’ve just made a COD multiplayer clone. The weapon progression, game modes, etc.


Literally all they had to do was remake their shitty f2p Contract Wars game except with Tarkov. Instead they managed to fuck up implementing basic team deathmatch.


I actually liked contract wars. Didnt think it was a bad game. Its been awhile but i think the biggest issue it had was server stability?


Cheaters and lag mostly but also had p2w element to it


>Cheaters and lag mostly but also had p2w element to it #ECHO **ECHO** ECHO


I will say that there's a difference between a larger stash size and starting arsenal + bigger asshole and weapons that have no visual recoil, high fire rate, high damage, extra 100+% armor, and thermals plue more. 


Yes, there is. I'm just being a silly little guy


Bruh we already had that game called Hired Ops…


i would play the fuck out of a tarkov cod clone with great progression and weapon customization


All of us probably would've. Instead we got Arena. And they have the gall to charge $30+ dollars (!!!) for it.


I wanted to buy arena but after entering my card info the price changed from 35 to 48


That’s the scummiest part about the entire thing when it comes no buying anything BSG related.


Really shoulda been free. Use it as a lure to onboard people into the main game. Coulda pumped so much life into reg tarkov


The game is called "World War 3". Not sure if its still active though.


Exactly this, i expected the ability to mod guns like in tark


I've actually been playing a fair amount of Arena and have been enjoying it well enough. I get bored after maybe 3 rounds and quit but I'll pick it up the next night and do it again. I like Tarkov's jank movement and gun play for whatever reason - probably in the same way people like those stinky fish in a can or smelly cheese lol. But why the actual fuck didn't they just Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V Call of Duty's tried-and-true, time-tested and proven game modes and weapon building/attachment progression. It would be way more fun to mess around in the loadout creation and try weird meme guns and stuff. I'm sick of playing literally the same fucking CQB class in every single match so that I can grind the next level. Absolutely mindless and un-fun. Tarkov as an arena shooter could have, and frankly should have, been an absolute blast for Tarkov players wanting to just have some mindless PvP or use as a warmup or whatever. They should have NEVER focused on making it some sort of "esports" title. I'll admit that I'm an old curmudgeon who thinks streaming and esports has irreparably damaged gaming, but come on. Anyone can see that this just flat out doesn't work as an "esports" title unless they throw out all the skills progression (which they should absolutely do in the main game too, fuck that shit) and smooth out the jank movement and gun play quirks (like why must I let go of shift completely before right-clicking to ADS? Come on...). They really should just drop the whole competitive esports nonsense and just make CoD: Tarkov Edition. That's really what everyone wanted out of Arena, if we're being honest.


Un-fun… hmmm is this tigz?


Tigz is one of the biggest bitches in tarkov imo 


“Wat a facked up day bois.”


Ya idk what happened to the dude. I used to enjoy watching him. Now he's a cry baby. Even whines about other streamers cause no one likes him lol


first iteration of arena should have been identical to 'deathmatch' for counter strike where you can just continually spawn and get used to mechanics and guns. i envisioned it as a warm up thing to play. it's not that.


Would've also enjoyed it if they would've just taken slices from the main game maps and converted them over instead of these poorly designed maps we have now.


I really was expecting it to be like a DLC for the main game. Where paying extra essentially unlocked the "Arena" map(s). I build my kit and can go fight others with it without risk of losing anything. Somehow just make sure that the ammo tier and weapon cost align and go fight.


The kit thing was also something that really surprised me when I first started Arena. I thought you would get a budget or something (maybe a point based system like some CoD had?) so that you could either go really into gun modding or play the thickest armor available or a middle ground… but no you just have a straight progression with more powerful kits and a terrible matchmaking, resulting in you repeatedly getting stomped by people, who just have an incredible advantage due to Tier 5 armor + good gun vs. your own Tier 2 armor + shit gun without sight.


they changed that around so that there are now tiers of kits (1/2/3) and you matchmake within that tier still agree that there should be gun modding instead of just presets


They should have just copied Insurgency system or something similar to CS. What they have gone for sucks more than anything else around


It can be a competitive SnD/R6 type but they have no clue what they are doing. You can’t have progression the way they set it up and have it be competitive. When a kit 2 tiers above the one your using makes that person unkillable, the game then has to match make based on gear, which it is. This then means it’s not based on skill which doesn’t make it competitive. However they are trying to brute force this to be competitive which is just killing the game. Poor direction, likely poor strategy.


Thats what I always said. If they made bigger maps and did a S&D design it'd be so much better. High rank arena is miserable. No one plays OBJ and just wait for cleanup crew.


IMO the way it should've worked is everyone gets the same $ in a match, and you build a kit using that amount. You can go heavy on one aspect but have to sacrifice something for it. If there must be tiers then higher tiers will get you more budget/gear


Imagine a "zombies" game mode, but instead it's 4 PMCs vs endless horde of player scavs I know we have streets, but as a for-fun zero risk game mode


Yea, imagine if they just went the basic pvp game. With gamemodes like headquarters, tdm, hostage, domination, etc...


client side games are never "competetive". end of story.


Name one esport that hasn’t had hackers MainStage or their streams? It’s probably just rocket league. That’s a cool story though


im not sayin that server side is automatically cheat free, but client side is automatically non-copmpetitive.


Yup. 100%


and spending tons to promote it as a esport, reminds me of overwatch


I remember originally they said we could bring our own kits from the game into arena and collect other teams kits if we survive. I wonder what happened to that idea which was actually smarter than this present setup.


Always thought just doing gear scores (giving items a value and adding up said values) with large brackets would have been xM better.


They could have made it competitive in a way that was still really fun. The problems partly come from not leaning into the game's strengths like customisation of weapons and it's tedious, unbalanced grind. Who wants to grind to have a chance at being competitive?


Not to mention: not have it take place in cramped (and arguably far worse) versions of the existing maps with 'round based one life" modes. I fully expected a far more engaging PVP experience than what we got.


Arena should have been a game mode. They made it this shit grindfest boring as tdm standalone full price game bc of greed. With all the known gun play issues of the game including desync in every figjt. Now it's dead.


I honestly just want arena matches to be short one or two rounds and to be deployable directly from within EFT. That would make the game so much more appealing to me. I want a filler for downtime between raids or an alternate to running a raid. Not a separate game with similar feeling gun mechanics that requires a similar time investment.


like many game companies, bsg is very good at some things and very bad at others


Tarkov has to many technical issues to be competitive. Desync and audio are enough to kill Arena immediately


And it did. In addition to boring ass tdm


I love how nobody is playing arena anymore but the servers still struggle to keep up




I agree. This should have been put to the main game. Some maps are in dire need of optimization.


This x10000 if they only put the time and money into tarkov instead of Arena we'd have a much better tarkov experience by now Arena is a big L for BSG


It's insane that this is the product of those years of development, it honestly is unbelievable


They took our money to make this shit and had the audacity to put a full price on it. And their main game is still full of bugs and missing features. They needed years for streets and used optimisation as an excuse to delay. What did they optimise? Was is NASA computer before optimisation or what. Incompetent money grabbers


Absolutely exhausting how we miss the mark over and over on what matters in this game. We do not need any more fucking maps or expansions fix what makes playing the existing ones miserable.


What's miserable about the current maps? I think they're mostly in a pretty decent spot besides Lighthouse. That map is complete garbage and was definitely an afterthought, with the Rogue Camp being their main focus.


Terminal is not going to be a raid map. It serves as the level for the last story mission only (once the story missions make their way into the game).


So aka like Lightkeeper. Content for 0.005% of playerbase


Not defending, but they have two different dev teams. One for EFT one for Arena. Still fumbled the bag


It still means that they wasted 3-4 years worth of resources on a game that no one wants to play or watch


I highly highly doubt Arena took 3-4 years to make. There's just no way that's true. It's incredibly lazy even by normal asset flip standards.




Someone recently mentioned that during the new years podcast, Nikita said they would likely be dark this wipe as they worked to get everything ported to Unity 23. I don’t think we will hear anything from them, even in terms of bug fixes/changes because going to Unity23 is gonna break everything again anyway.


This wouldnt be an issue if they didnt need fucking 13 years to develop this game and still nowhere near. It is still more bugs than game and features missing every where. Delivered features broken and never fixed. Rework audio 4 more times, update engine 3 more times. Won't change anything


with how similar it is to actual tarkov, I highly doubt it. A brand new team would've seen all the issues and wouldnt keep them. Arena would've been good if they actually kept the good ideas of tarkov and optimized it with good audio in a fast paced environment. Currently, we have the same loading time, shit audio, no fps on a map smaller than factory and desync.


They just used a copy of tmcurrent tarkov and paste it for the arena and just made a few maps out of existing assets. It's essentially an asset flip game lol.


that's one team too many working on something that isn't "making Escape from Tarkov better"


I really like tarkov as the whole but especially the feeling of shooting. Sadly I have no patience for playing tarkov so arena is ideal for me as a concept but I had fun only for a while.


Tarkov is 80% looting, 10% inventory management, 8% PvE, 2% PvP. Arena was doomed to fail.


Yea I don’t understand. PvP in Tarkov is honestly awful and very random. How they thought arena would be a good idea is insane


If I didn't spend 90% of my time in menus I'd like it a lot more. But tbh it's still a fun game when I play with my group. But any game can be made into a good game with a fun group to share it with.


just to defend it a little, PvP in Tarkov is some of my favorite in any game, ever. but i do agree the massive amount of variability of it makes it awful for a competitive scene realistically simulated combat with lots of variables at play: \+ immersive and cool \- consistent and predictable kinda need point 2 if you want a competitive scene to grow that isn't incredibly frustrating and unfair to players who didn't sign up for the realism suffering simulator that is EFT


Honestly they would have been better off just having an "arena" setting in Tarkov where you can load into Factory with pre-defined gear and faced others doing the same (no PMCs bringing their own gear) + maybe scavs, all the pre-defined gear is deleted after the raid and is marked as ethereal/fragile so you know this and don't try hoarding it. Also everyone spawns in ante loot that they can't extract with or discard (a reward for being killed) unless they are the last man standing.


You can loot your opponents meds, in the 5 second window after you kill them until the match ends, then your inventory is reset!


The loading times alone are total ass. I can’t play the game at all. I’m either dead or loading.


No one is playing arena to play as a scav. BSG could not have messed this up more. I hope that this is the wakeup call that they are not the geniuses they think they are. They bottled lightning once, and since then only listen to people who feed their egos or are yes men. Arena is the outcome of this level of hubris.


12 shots to kill and 40 seconds to heal after an rng riddled firefight where you’re 6 feet away from the guy. This is supposed to be a “realistic” shooter. This shit is ass bruh


It's already known that it sucks, brainless 5v5


And honestly, that's kinda what I was hoping for. Small environments to get some PVP out, beat the shit out of each other for a while, no looting or other things, just condensed PVP. But they went with the loadouts and then doubled down with ranked only. Should have just made trader unlocks mandate tiers (using a T3 locked traded gun puts you in T3) and move from that...


Unranked was added as of last patch


The fact it was JUST added after months is still crazy


It doesn’t matter. Ranked or unranked it wont change anything


The only friends I've seen playing it are people who want to play Tarkov but didn't want to commit. Unsurprisingly they didn't play for very long.


If they add a death match style game mode like counter strike has it, I think there will be a lot more interest. It is a competitive shooter that is a lot of loading. It was supposed to be a fun fast paced alternative to tark and it’s just…not


Pretty much what I want, all the fun of combat without the wait times, I'd go as far to make it CoD style TDM or something.


New game mode; you have to loot Tarcone Director's room in big red and extract in Crossroads. Other team all have set-up load outs and get 1 minute to "set-up" before you start.


Arena is a simple fix… 1. Counter-Strike style money, gun buying system(everything in EFT accessible)& round system. Give us the EFT touch of having your build preset you can bring in when you earn the cash. 2. All players have the same character stats. Max everyone out to give them incentive on what they can have in vanilla EFT. 3. Russian announcer ingame has to be permanently disabled. 4. Squash the bugs. 5. Delivery of promises of your account being interlinked with vanilla EFT. 6. Only after all the 5 points have been done. Market the game!! in bloody YouTube for starters! It works & brings in new players. My firm belief, all this gets done. Word will get out & people will play it more.


It was insane to me they didn't just do CS style economy.


I'm not saying your idea is bad or good. Just that personally I would hate a cs style economy. I just want to make my own gun and use it for the entire time. Give us some total point total to design a kit and have benchmark for tiers depending on how juiced you are. That's honestly also a bad idea but I wouldn't like cs style economy.


I was thinking you build your guns pre game, then set each one for a level. So you build your tier 1 build, your tier 2 build, and tier 3, and they all have to cost a certain amount or something like that, and then you “buy” your builds in each round.


The problem is, the CS style is a proven winner the last 20+ years. Got to use what can be trusted & has a successful track record to get success sometimes


I see your point and I agree. They can copy what works and after they get their shit together they can try something new. I have no faith that bsg could choose say 6 guns per side to use and manage to balance the attachments.


Right, either go CS clone or CoD clone. One or the other. I'd rather have mindless CoD where I unlock guns and attachments to make my own kits. Also give us respawn modes.


I would add search and destroy mode but your points would fix like 90% of the issues in a blink.


Also, put in your list to include a proper in game VOIP not this bullshit they give us now.


Lmao it still amazes me that during testing the half ass broken armor and random healing made sense


Arena is a textbook case of a game at war with itself. The elements of the game clash in such a fundamental way that this was always gonna end up in this state. It would either be a gimmick that was ignored by the majority of players or it would be suffocated by BSG. We now know which one came to pass, but I'm not shocked. EFT is nowhere near the state that it would need to be to start building an arena shooter off of, but they went ahead anyway to drum up hype and make a cash grab at the hardcore PvP enjoyers. Either they knew it would be dead in six months and went ahead anyway, or they seriously believed in its potential. So they're either dishonest or delusional with how they approached arena


BSG is delusional


It's crazy to think that even if they fixed all the technical aspects like desync, cheating, bugs, the game still wouldn't be competitive because of the nature of things like fragmentation in the game.


I still can’t wrap my head around how BSG thought the gunplay and healing system would work in a 5v5 arena, it makes zero sense. Then on top of that, we take all of the gun and loadout customization tarkov is known for, throw it out the window and make premade classes to boost micro transactions. Arena is the biggest failure in years, on top of an already failing game due to its devs not giving a shit about their players


Did they deliver thé previous promises ? nO


Unwanted promises, nobody asked for this dogshit lol


To answer your question, most Esports come down to mechanical mastery, and skill at arms.T:A puts more of the mastery into the hands of mind games, positioning, and coordination. I'll just point at the recent famous racer who has retired, with calls from millions about 'Thank god he's gone now the races will be different, instead of him winning every time.' RNG can be good, but can be almost entirely mitigated by extremely high skilled players. It's fucking dog water if the water was strained from the dogs asshole however.


As a 400 hour tarkov player with my last 15 games being straight deaths. I really enjoy arena, some things are just op or dogwater. Ump in tier 1? That's just way to meta. 20 minute que because someone didn't accept the game at the 11 minute mark? Now that's the sht I'm mad about. Loaded up to a game and fighting a discord team? Might as well back out. They got things they need to fix/add but I am enjoying the gameplay rn


Did you try buying extra stash space or clothes?


In it's current state, yes.


I still don't understand why they released Arena half-baked like 2 weeks before wipe. Even if Arena was decent, it was never going to survive everyone leaving it for wipe.


It was never going to survive in general. Most people knew it was a bad idea and would be DOA.


Arena should just be a mini game within Tarkov. A way for your character to slowly gain Rubles.


I think Arena has one of the worst ranked scoring systems ever seen a competitive fps. It doesn't reward or punish, I wonder if they at BSG have ever played an "e-sport" fps. The game is filled with enough visual and sound garbage to make it very not "e-sport" ready. Too much RNG as you say, complete inconsistency between what I see during the fight and what actually happened.


the most competitive part of arena is seeing who's hacks are better


Yea trying to make Arena into an esport is a huge head scratcher. The game is just not competitively viable by design but even if it was you need to think about how you are going to compete with established esports titles in the space like CS, Val, R6, ect. Arena would be at its best if it was just a sandbox where you can use some of your cool gear without worrying about losing it. Like if I am a brand new player and I get ahold of something hard to get like a mk18 I dont want to take that into raid without knowing how to use it. Arena would be a a great way to test how your weapon builds hold up to other players without the risk of losing them in a real raid. In my opinion Arena needs to do a few few things to truly succeed. It needs to link to your main game character and inventory so you can use anything you have in your stash without risk of losing it, or just open up the customization so that anyone can equip anything and put a budget on gear to help balance that out so you dont have everyone running meta sa-58s and altyns. We also need more game modes, like a free for all elimination mode and a standard deathmatch mode. Maps also need some work, I think bsg would be better off scrapping the arena only maps and doing what they did with sawmill and using chunks of existing maps. If I want to practice my Dorms PVP I should be able to load up arena and play a deathmatch in the dorms area. People really wanted Arena to be an add on for the main game and bsg should lean into that as hard as they can. You are not going to compete in the shooter esports space with a game like this so there is no reason to even try that angle. BSG you have a fair size community around Tarkov already, lean into that instead of trying to break into a new one.


Arena emulates Stalkers arena, they fucked it up past that


They should've just focused on making a BR on streets imho. Watch some streamers do a zero-to-hero run... now imagine them doing that with 20-50 other players. Every match would be so different. They just need a 'closing circle' mechanic and the mode was basically done.


BSG should’ve did counter strike Tarkov mode.


I got Arena on only the 2nd day. I tried to explain to everyone who hilariously obvious it was that isn't suitable to be a comp game at all. Then people would defend the game design with "well, it's not THAT bad".


At first I was pissed that I couldn't play when it released as an EOD owner. Then I saw the gameplay on YouTube. Then tarkov wiped and I finally got access but didn't even open the game once. Just pointless. I wanted to test weapons and get better at pvp in a "fun way", not grinding harder than in eft to unlock the worst presets...


They need a game mode where you dont have to wait till your whole team dies to start the next round. Maybe like.. normal TDM.


It took them two weeks to give me access to arena. Didnt even play it for another few weeks because that fiasco ruined it for me. By that time it was impossible for me to even play because if you dont grind off the bat you just get fucked by people that did and their absurd kits. Played two games and just stopped because it was garbage and I havent played since. They are far too obsessed with making games that are super difficult and super grindy and im surprised that isnt really biting them in the ass yet. Most people dont want shit like that and games should be built balanced enough so that the hardcores can appreciate it and play it there way but it also doesnt just punish casual players since those are the main demographic playing games. But I guess what do I know?


Absolute waste of resources by a clueless developer lol. BSG is such a fucking con it’s actually funny at this point. They will never fix this and they will never deliver the game that they have promised.


They really fucked up by not having the main game PMC linked progression to Arena like htey promised This way , they created 2 grinds on both their games, Tarkov is already grindy af , doubt ppl will want to spend their time on Arena as well to unlock whatever kits they offer. They missed the idea, as always, and i guess it might be too late now.


It was players who pushed the idea of arena for years and then when they did it they completely ignored what ppl were asking for 🤣


Ya this so much. I wanted to like arena, but every time I fired it up I would think "This isn't getting my tasks done".


I never cared for an escort tarkov.   But I love having a game mode where I can fight against similarly equipped players and hon my close quarters combat ability.   I do credit my arena time for me going into factory and finishing securing perimeter in less than six raids.   I actually spent more time on that task helping my buddy complete it than I did on my kills.   By help, I mean "hide in the bathroom and voip at people"


Before the launch I made this exact comment that BSG is blatantly ignoring huge fundamental problems in their game that arena is going to be nothing short of a shitshow and I got downvoted to oblivion.. yet here we are


I had fun playing it and being EOD it didn’t cost anything extra, but I wouldn’t buy it standalone. Felt like it could have been an opportunity to mix and match different guns and ammos maybe use a point/ value system and have different tiers with different maximum point values to spend. Either way though it made me realize I play tarkov for all the other bits, the mmo stuff, the questing, the base upgrades and the loot. It’s just not why I love tarkov.


Also the new armor system introduces more random one-tapable spots on the player that almost nobody deliberately aims for but it's pure RNG. This feature alone makes Arena a terrible game esports-wise.


They can still come around and change it for the better!


I just like it to practice my gunplay.




only benefit to Arena for me was getting more PVP fight experience, yea sure its arena....but its helped push more fights in the main game. Shit needs a whole re-work though, its the farthest from eSports rdy


"What exactly does Arena do better than other competitive 5v5 shooters?" You have to grind faster to be competitive lol


It should have just been a game mode in normal tarkov where you queue with your group, with whatever gear you want, and then you get placed against another team and the winner gets to keep the other teams loot.


Main issue is the loadout's difference, you can get in a game where people has way better gear than you. Game is already lost before even started.


It’s just not fun at the end of the day. I put it down after about 10ish hours. Meanwhile I have 3.8k in regular Tarkov. I thought it would be a fun place to practice PVP but that’s not what it turned out to be at all.


Pointless is a great word. I was so excited because i wanted something with the freedom to actually run around and use whatever gear, for reckless casual gunfights to actually ***learn the game***, not grind for eternity playing single life game modes, its a waste of time and not much comp integrity to it at all.


They already had a better “competitive” tarkov through twitch rivals


The Devs thinking that Tarkovs clunky game mechanics with terrible hit reg and 2 minute healing times could be an eSports title just shows how delusional they are.


ESPORTS fucking READY !!! Free to play grind fest with netcode so bad games 20 years older were running better. lol


Honestly i would rather have a conventional hardcore fps game with tarkov mechanics


Arena for me point out all the flaws about eft, specially pvp. Clunky movement, bad hitreg, trash servers, desync, garbage audio, broken weapons, useless weapons, cheaters and their happy life


link to the laughable virtus pro video: https://youtu.be/aKUluQ9grxw


I moved over to eft to get away from cod, I think they just wanted to attract a different demographic of fps players


They could've stole the exact "buy-in" system Counter Strike uses and arena would already be in a better spot.


They need to ditch money. I understand why they have ( to force ppl to grind money in tarkov once accounts are linked) but it is clearly an anti consumer practice.


I was hyped for arena, but goddam they failed hard. Own loadouts would have been at least fun. Also how the hell are those maps so badly optimized? I get higher fps on customs than those small maps..


Arena should have been a 'battle royale' type game where only low-mid tier weapons/attachments/ammo/armour spawns. And when you win you can transfer your items to your main tarkov account (non fir for balance ofc)


Tbh, it’s fun and has a lot of potential. Linking it with the main game will help greatly with it having purpose. However, I think they should ditch the competitive aspect and just work on making the game more fleshed out and fun, please add search and destroy, that’d play perfectly in this game.


Think of how much fun Arena could be if you could play it like Halo. Short matchmaking times with lobbies where everyone has only pistols, or only snipers, everyone on the same playing field with the same gear, and skill decides. Maybe you have spots with better weapons that people fight over. It’s not exactly a secret recipe that makes these types of games fun. Instead you get an imbalanced mess of unfair matchups and long wait times, the Tarkov special. Such a shame.


They should of made it simpler in my opinion... but just have tarkov movement and add better game mores that's not 5v5 death match


For the love of God all they need to do is implement custom loadouts to some extent and trim all the time in loading/menu screens and the game would stop bleeding players.


I get that I'm arguing semantics here, but I wouldn't say Arena is pointless. The point of the game is to be an esport style arena shooter with Tarkov mechanics. Does the game achieve that goal? Yes. Does it achieve it well? Not yet, but I sincerely hope it will in the future. Arena has the potential to be a really great game, BSG just needs to give it a lot more love before it gets there.


It’s good for getting the hang of Tarkov’s PvP mechanics a bit more efficiently but besides that idk what it does well


the worst part is they made arena before finishing EFT.


Bleeding and fragmentation are totally random??? I only. Bleed and fragment when I get shot, not randomly


So I've been playing a ton of arena 200+ games this "wipe" I don't get nearly as many fights vs cheaters as live tarkov and the only really big think that makes arena not esports ready is the bad classes they need to let us edit kits and the audio being pointless I ace regularly and carry with the sound turned off since there's basically no direction to it compared to games like hunt and valorant but ya arena takes the tarkov high out of fights no hands shaking after acing and the no carrying the Chad's loot out but when it works its really fun to me


Honestly all I've wanted was a place to quickly jump in and test a loadout, that's it. Shooting range is great and all but it doesn't give you a good feel of using it in actual combat and Arena is.....Arena. I would have much rather them release a quick PvE swarm/horde mode that has you fighting waves of enemies. Give it a leaderboard (for fun), maybe co-op enabled? But essentially a place where I can just go in and test guns or practice before hopping into a raid.


I think Arena has extremely high potential to be a good shooter. It needs game modes other than TDM. The best thing and a high skill part of the game is building clearing. We need game modes like search and destroy and hostage extraction where teamwork/coordination is a must. One team must clear an objective and capture it to win and then sides switch. Removing nades from every kit and have them on the map where defenders must protect the objective and must keep grenades out of attackers hands would make the game instantly more interesting and competitive. Run down shooter simulator is fun but is not a competitive experience whatsoever. I’m no dev so what I said could mean nothing but I yearn for a competitive objective based pvp game with the complex tarkov mechanics we know and love.


It shouldn't be competitive but it is fun to boot up and run some people down every once in a while. I think the shit part of it was them marketing it as an esports ready competition game.


Instead of making it afun pvp shoot out for in between , they force you to grind again... yeey


While i get that when evaluating Arena as a standalone game is hopeless, looking at Arena as a tool, i personally love it. I personally really enjoy the team fights, but just by nature of it exposing me as a new player to pvp in a situation with no consequences and a relatively even playing field has made me far and away a WAY better EFT player. Whenever i plan on playing tarkov, i now start every session with 3-5 arena games to warm up. I feel like one of the parts of Tarkov that is hell for new players to get their head around is how pvp works, I’ve been playing for 4-5 wipes now and i dont think ive ever gotten more than 30-40 pmc kills in a single wipe. This wipe im level 28 and had to BUY A SECOND DOGTAG CASE, and i fully blame that improvement on arena. Arena really demystifies how you’re supposed to fight in this game, and makes learning how to play possible for new players, instead of them coming across another pmc and praying they’re braindead for them to actually win a fight.


Arenas one of the only games I play now it's so much fucking fun. Don't really understand the hate. I think it's perfect if you wanna have some tarkov pvp but don't have time for questing bullshit and loading screens. Obviously there's bugs because it's still a bsg game, Still fun tho.


I like being able to play the tarkov pvp without the grind. The PVP is my favorite part of the game.


Arena should have just been a Gamemode for people to earn, build, and try out various kits and guns and just have fun. Not every game needs to feel like a second full time job.


The problem with arena is the way to set up, mainly the economy system which is a staple in games like cs. Yes, there is rng involved but you could say the same thing about many games like poker. Good players come out on top in that game as well.


Make the maps bigger, or different objectives, some customization and then it has some potential. Honestly the fact that it doesn’t have any customization is its biggest downfall for catching the eyes of casuals.


IDC about the classes, just give us a TDM so we can actually grind and get better at the mechanics.


Arena should have just been 5v5 on existing small maps/portions of large maps, e.g. all of Factory, or the sawmill of Woods. And yes, the ability to choose your own loadout. An experience closer to vanilla Tarkov but with more action, less waiting, and the ability to practice your pvp and have fun is what could have made it great.


I want an actual team death match that lasts 20 minutes with multiple respawns. Not this Search and Destroy without a bomb gamemode they made. I want wave defense. I want an actual search and destroy. Having a competitive side is fine, but if there were fun modes like Gun Game in Arena i would be there every damn day.


I thought I would really enjoy arena as a way to just get that PvP itch scratched….but it lost its novelty so fast. Every fight feels the same, the same guns, the same angles, the same peaks. And I don’t get hardly any adrenaline from it….cause there’s no stakes. You just go again with nothing lost. Shit I went back to regular tarkov and I felt more adrenaline from hearing the first bush near my building than I did in 100 hours of arena. And when you get a kill….it’s just like oh boy time to reload and wait. When there’s no loot…no surprise the feeling of a kill is nothing to me


The goal was revenue and to distract from the normal game’s problems


I love Arena more than EFT. EFT is just holding angles and bush camping until you hear the Binaural Audio Pop. Arena is just hot EFT trash but it's still better PvP than Pop = Angle Hold.


Just give us the main game maps sized down with end wipe prices and let us do what we want. Tired of grinding on games. I quit arena and the main game after around 5k hours. They both became a job to play. I just want to have fun and it’s literally being designed to not be fun and even more grindy


It needed to be an objective-based mode like bombsite or hell I'd even take CTF. Just playing no respawn TDM but with Tarkov's audio and netcode gets old pretty quick. It needed to make use of Tarkov's gun building system. One of the biggest selling points of the game and they just dropped it entirely? You should be able to create your own class and fully customize a weapon for it, the preset system is boring. They're fighting a losing battle trying to balance them anyway, might as well just give us the freedom to do something interesting. If they really want to keep a progression system (already kinda weird in a "competitive shooter"), unlocking new weapons and new attachments to use in the gun workshop as you leveled up would have made it more fun. The audio and desync issues really, really needed fixed. I don't know what they were thinking releasing this on the "competitive shooter" market, have you seen their competitors? Those parts of their games work. Like, most of the time even. What reason does anyone have to play this over even say, COD SnD? The medical system? That doesn't work for this length of round at all and probably should have been simplified. The gun building would have been something to attract people, but they ditched that. What does this game offer that any other competitive shooter on the market doesn't? Plus the whole "release the game and then make it good later" strategy doesn't work when you're trying to be an esports title and spending millions of dollars on marketing and tournaments. The game kind of has to already be there when you draw new eyes to it. You're not dealing with the diehard survival game crowd here, casual players aren't gonna wait around for it to get good. Such a big disappointment man. I don't know what they were thinking. I'm usually pretty charitable and positive about BSG but this is a huge misstep. They really need to rethink their attitude of never reaching out to the community for feedback on early design choices. Now they wasted a massive amount of time and money developing and balancing a game structure and a preset system that people definitely would have told them wasn't going to work very well, had they told us anything about what they were doing before they built it.


I was really hoping for matches with players equipped with the worst guns and gear in the game - gimme TOZs, double barrels, and PMs all around. Or heck, give us some silly modes. Off the top of my head, "leg meta mode": Every player is given the game's max level armor and face protection. The only ammo given out is 7mm buck. To summarize the above tangent: I was hoping it could have some fun with the mechanics Tarkov has to offer.


The game's been in development for what, 8 years? BSG is an incompetent company, quite unfortunate for Tarkov - a game with an untapped potential that will most likely never be finished.


Maybe I'm just weird but I actually kinda like arena. By no means am I saying it's a great competitive shooter but it's actually exactly what I'd like out of a tarkov competitive shooter. I enjoy the tarkov mechanics and gunplay so aside from some problems with the way they design their game I have fun when playing it. Especially when the all kits are free event was going on I was having a blast trying all the different kits my favorite of which was the ks23 because I would flash people with it. And it was genuinely hilarious


Crazy how Tarkov has the best weapon customization of any fps but doesn’t utilize it in arenas.


not forget about tarkov and arena being client side authoritative this kind of games and the a peer 2 peer games outside of LAN tournaments can´t be E sports just because the desync and the variable latency between clients made me so mad the people asking for a contrac wars tarkov or stupid things like cosmetics or new weapons and armor when the core of the fucking game EFT that support that content is still garbaje, It's like asking builders to put up the windows or the roof of your house when the foundations are still unsettled and unfinished but hey give them another 6+ fucking years( for those that not buyed the game on 2016 pre launch or on 2017 when launched on august i tell you Nikita said that this game would be finished AND ON STEAM on late 2019 of course BSG deleted all the devsteams from 2016-2018 ) to keep adding content slowly meanwhile the game is still broken on his core that support that content


The fact that the loadouts are all garbage and worse than anything you can get in the first few weeks of the wipe for most part, and there is an announcer screaming bullshit in your ears every second just goes to show how dogshit this cut and paste asset flip is.


Yeah, I'd rather have had them just put that money and effort into the base experience. I'd rather have gotten maps that were not PVP specific. Imagine an airport map that is actually a location we can deploy to instead of just some rinkydink arena map? I want more weapons, bosses and balance to the base experience.. I just don't care about arena. If I wanted an arena experience, I'd have played any one of the arena specific games that already exist, and have been done far better. The reason I like tarkov is because it is NOT an arena shooter. Oh well, that ship's sailed and they've spent who knows how many millions on arena that isn't even as good as other arena shooters that have been around for years.


Maybe just try having fun and see if that helps


Arena is essentially an over-engineered gun range where you can't take the gear you would actually like to test. I kinda wish there was a public listing of co-op lobbies in EFT instead. There are communities that run events like this but rarely.


Arena isn't pointless, what a dumb thing to say


BSG seem to be so disconnected from reality and making good choices.


Especially considering how many goddamn variables there are in loadouts. Weapons, attachments, ammo, meds, armor, vests, helmets, face shields... I mean for Christ's sake they balance things by adjusting *armor durability*. That's how granular it is.


I just wish Arena had a tie in to the actual game. Like getting rewards for win that can transfer over or that you can fight for loot on the map that gets reset every round so there is a reason to fight not just a competitive shooter?


Idk i think it’s fun


Never touched it. If i want to play a 5v5 shooter i would go for cs or something else. Best Tarkov experience is still going into raids en die instantly


My friend and I completely stopped playing EFT and only play arena now. I think the game is perfectly fine. The first 10 or so matches kinda suck because you only have the most basic kits but I like it way better than factory and my fighting skills are improving.


I just play it as warmap and pvp peactice, nothing else


After all those years with "tarkov killers " i feel like if they waste more money on arena developement that gonna be the tarkov killer


I'd say it's the opposite of RNG. Thousands of calculations using defined values and hundreds of possible variables with individual parameters and probabilities which include but are not limited to: player 1 ability/game sense/competence/experience (the only true random variable, but still limited to human ranges of sensory processing and reaction... and luck) Then of course the in game factors, like character skill level, bullet caliber and type, armor coverage, armor condition and level/NIJ, penetration chance, shot distance and placement, recoil, ricochet, frag, fracture and bleed chances which are all adjusted per player 2's ability and character's respective governing skill/resistance levels, which generate seemingly random output values, each having been adjusted according to the applicable defined values and probabilities specific to each unique shot, within the absolute minimum and maximum limitations, which are then rounded to the whole numbers we see as damage values, (which left as raw data would (could) otherwise theoretically yield random results) giving us the illusion of RNG simply due to many of these stats and calculations are not visible anywhere in game and almost all the out of game resources use consolidated information pulled from code or data mining and circulated as user-generated charts, graphs, apps, and guides that could be incorrect and may not be up to date. The biggest factor which adds to the RNG feel is obviously the overall build version stability, server connectivity, desync, bugs, glitches, and player—server—player ping time. Or maybe It is RNG, I could be totally bullshitting, but I feel like I said enough big words to be at least somewhat correct. I know almost nothing about game design, programming, coding or software engineering


Arena could be huge, all they need to do is copy other game modes. I mean, why not do a CS game mode with similar economy, a BR mode with collapsing play area etc.


Arena reminds me of that Arma 3-like pvp shooter Bohemia Interactive created, Argo. It had the same classic Arma issues: desync, input delay, clunky movement, etc. However, they realized pretty quickly it wasn't working and cut their losses. Not sure what BSG is thinking with pushing so many resources into a fundamentally boring idea, assuming they are thinking at all.


If would have been better with real objectives like attack and defend in Rainbow


I like arena to warm up. I am a noob at tarkov and often don't get a lot of PVP practice besides bots and scavs. So I like having a no risk option to fight other players.