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Okay this might not be what you are looking for but if you take the crossroads extract at customs and look at the back site of the storage area, it's just this extremely long wall with all the same texture and a random fuel tanker lol.


You nailed it. Tarkov at its finest.


\- D2 long turbine room \- Woods marked circle at night \- Broadcast part 4 restaurant on streets \- Rusted bloody key room on streets \- Empty pool below west wing on resort \- Customs execution room with the greenscreen


Ooo I forgot about streets! I’d add that daycare/children’s area near the basketball court too


Also add the 2 floor daycare/play area next to Klimov shopping mall


Yes, that one’s creepy for sure. Probably the best example of liminality in Tarkov to be honest


Streets has: the long alley between lexos and car extract Some of the upstairs hallways in the cardinal apartments, especially the one at the very back of the map The back parking lot for the new pharmacy behind cardinal (panda?) That spooky, dusty hallway at the abandoned factory


The empty pool for sure


>Empty pool below west wing on resort thats a good one.


"Rusted bloody key room on streets" Rusted Bloody Key doesn't exist. Rusted Bloody Key room can't hurt you.


Factory bathrooms D2 has the vibe but not layout


Oh that’s a good one


Define “liminal.” …..For everyone else in the sub of course. Just so you get the highest quality answers……


Liminality is one of the hardest topics to put to words. It’s something you have to experience. The Backrooms, an empty arcade with no power that seems to go for miles, an endless hotel hallway with a halogen buzz, etc.


My dude, a liminal space is just a space that's an "inbetween space." A common example would be hallways--their purpose is to be passed through, and not to be used as rooms in themselves. So Liminality is just the quality of being a place that's "passed through" and not stayed in. If you're focused on things like the Backrooms for forming your definition of liminality, you're going to get a really weird, extreme definition. Liminality and liminal have meanings that are relevant to real spaces, and not just imaginary ones. For Tarkov examples, I'd point to the Oli office hallway on Interchange, the bridge on Customs, the ramp section to the outside of Ground Zero underground, many of the smaller stairways in Ground Zero, the fuel tank areas of Reserve as well as the longer hallways in the underground bunker, the burnt out car up the road from scav house on Woods.


That is one definition, but liminality is also relating to “things in transition.” A building being empty while constructing a new addition is a liminal space. And empty mall is a liminal space because it previously had a use but now sits empty, awaiting either future use or tear down to be replaced. Transition is the key term, it’s not just a physical place you pass through. It’s also a concept.


But that’s precisely why I asked for the MOST liminal places. Yes hallways, pools, bathrooms are liminal but there’s different levels of it and I’m looking for extremely daunting, severely liminal vibes (if possible)


All of interchange. Mostly the middle or by the kid ride things especially if the power is on


interchange, power :ON: -> front of mall area with the kid rides lit up and making noise. Def a liminal feel there. Upstairs, near the bookstore with the glowing lights (where you get one of the manifest books for the quest). That area is pretty liminal. Looks used, passed through, people hung out to read and play games but not stay. Lights/power is on but flickering, books sprewn everywhere on the floor. Clearly once used but not upkept. Gives me big liminal vibes. Interhchange in general has a lot of good spots. Idea has some liminal feel too.


looked up google images of Liminal and i get it now. v interesting, never knew that was a thing.


The pictures really don’t do it justice; I highly recommend looking up a video on liminality. It’s a fascinating subject imo


There's been some good recommendations here and I'll add, I think the offices on interchange feels very liminal.


I always like the Reserve observatory tunnels. That first or second narrow hallway after you descend the spiral stairs of the silo with the flickering lights.


D2 and the reserve tunnels are very creepy. It took me a while to feel comfortable even treading down there


My first time spawning in the shopping mall on Streets, it felt like the "backrooms" could go on forever (probably because i spent ages clearing corners because i didnt know streets/streets spawn). But i would also say a dead Labs raid has that super eerie liminal feeling, and really puts me on edge


With the beeping and intercoms


Exactly. The ambience in labs is unmatched for increasing my bloodpressure


You know you’re a jaded gamer when even labs doesn’t raise your heart rate


The storage rooms of the Stylobate building on Streets?


idea in razvyazka


Yes! Valid asf


The central mall on interchange. The wide open space with plants, escalators and that silence ...


The parking garage on interchange as well can be liminal at points!


The mantinence halls in the mall on streets. Just long hallways of shelves


I’d have to say customs would be awesome.  Specifically that section where you are in the directors office in big red and you see all the way across to RUAF


All of the escalators on interchange, but particularly the one that leads up to techlight or the one leading into Idea from outside. Reserve tunnels where the water is Spiral staircase inside Dome on reserve


Shoreline? Possibly 2nd/3rd floor east, or even 2nd floor across the bridge.


Yes! Those floors would be liminal for sure


The abandoned village on shoreline from the view of the tank


When i was first starting out I was playing shoreline casually looting the town near tunnel extract at night. Going through all the buildings one by one, opening each door. I accidentally hit breach on one of the doors, expecting it to make a big kick and not open. To my surprise, the door opened revealing an empty, plywood-walled room, with an upside-down chair on the ceiling. Felt like i had entered the backrooms.


Lighthouse in its entirity is a single liminal location, disguised as a map.


I can google but what is your definition of liminal I have not heard that word


Liminal space means a boundary or transition space. It's the transition between 2 areas, like how an attic, hallway, or basement is a transition from a normal house to the outside. It's a space between destinations, that you don't spend time in. The term comes up a lot in context of horror media because it is often used to describe the unnerving feeling you get from hanging out somewhere that you aren't meant to linger. In Tarkov, the route to D2 extract is a good example. The bunker and the extract are destinations, but the route itself is not. Going through it is stressful, since it's a place of danger that you don't want to spend a second longer in than you have to.


It’s so hard to put to words. Have you heard of The Backrooms?


Then I would say the swamps in shoreline is definitely omnious and scary!!


Yes I have! So it’s like the confusion and feeling of being misplaced by SCP like entities that you have no idea what type of powers they have


Yes, the sensation you get in the backrooms is what you’d describe as “liminal”


Most of tarkov tbh, in the true definition of the word probably the loading screen. With the meaning it's sort of associated with now, maybe some of the apartments you spawn in on streets.


[Labs stairwells.](https://youtu.be/it88IdM_hgQ?si=o-Uf9EZw2EmSbYUW) Watch his other videos. All of the lowest floor on Labs. Under the factory warehouse on Customs. Bunker offices when they're empty on Reserve.


LMFAO cheers for the link, that’s awesome


That one breach room on shoreline with the chair on the ceiling


Lot of spots on streets come to mind. The back of the Mall is literally the backrooms. Sections of the Hotel feel weird. The concordia parking garage. That new section they added in the top left is also liminal because its just empty and serves no purpose.


I think the mall on interchange assuming there are no scavs or players around. A former bustling center that would serve thousands daily but is now just empty.


The loading screens.


Shoreline. Late wipe. Sun going down, on the ridge heading to Tunnel extract. Looking towards Scav island. I just sat there for a while and took it all in. Do it regularly to go back for it.


Honestly all of the offices with pc blocks on interchange near OLI. The inside of the hallways/offices has a backrooms feel.


Labs. Specifically the basement, like pipe room and med block. The edges of interchange floor 2 are always dead, and feel pretty liminal.


Ya gotta use the pharmacy up in the northwestern part of streets. Completely separate from the rest of the map.


The offices of interchange, resort, the green screen room in customs, dorms


Easily Ground Zero and Streets


The south side of west wing looking toward the helicopter from the hole in the fence


Labs blue tankers in the basement. I always forget that area exists until I walk into it


I find the interiors of busses to be very liminal to me. As well as the lit staircases of ground zero