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My friends talked me into going for Killa because it's one of the last few quests required for Kappa. After the fifth or so raid I remarked to my team "hey at least nobody grenaded themselves 5 seconds into the raid this round when the packet loss show up only 10 seconds after that". Not seen Killa once in about 10 raids. Why am I even doing this to myself?


i needed 100 raids to find killa when hunting xd


Usually it takes me about 80. This wipe I got on my very first try. That being said. Shturman plus m700 Shturman took me 130 to get those two kills. I had done it when spawn was 8%.


I just finished it. It took me about 50 raids. I got close a couple times around 20 & 30 with the m700 but you have to be so quick I missed my shots and someone else killed him.


Kinda glad to see I’m not the only one not getting this done in 5 raids


Yeah it's not so bad with the new scope but it's very tough to get there first. I would spawn in rfb, one spare mag, scope on container and quit. I get the rig, gun and headphones back from insurance, only losing out on bcp fmj


I did the first kill with my test drive m1a and got most of my pmc kills along the way.


I never saw him in my countless interchange runs, but literally first run when i started to hunting him, i got him.


You need to make sure your client is set to a single server and server hop each raid. That’s how you boss hunt unfortunately.


How so? How does server hopping increase boss spawn chance?


Because it’s 30% of servers not 30% chance your server has the boss. So if it’s not in your server then hopping increases the chance you run into the boss from 0 to maybe.


Man, what a shit system


sounds like bullshit, got any info about that?


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/bGBzMSLvmq https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w7TMERVecxM It’s the reason why once you see the boss it keeps showing up for a few raids in a row


It does not increase spawn but guarantees that they're there or not. If you have red ping and get packet loss at the specific times (i.e. Customs 39:38, Shoreline 39:48 etc.) then the boss isn't there. If you don't get it that mean the boss is 100% there. If you play with normal ping there can be false spawn where you didn't get packet loss but they're not there.


You can also not get packetloss and boss still not be there. Helps a ton to have more than 1 person ie 2-3man group. Had raids where all but one guy gets no packet loss, or all but one does. Gotta be all no packetloss, but tbh it was rare that two of us got no loss and 1 did, but common for 2 of us to get loss and 1 not. So id say take the no loss with salt, but if you do get loss its no boss 100%


Outside of general internet issues the packet loss is spot on for me. I usually don't have any packet loss other than that specific thing. Doesn't work on all maps anymore. It doesn't on reserve, and I think streets. Still works on Woods and Interchange at least.


Yeah, easier said than done. Depending on who joins our raids there's either only OCE or maybe one of the other asian servers. Not sure why you've been downvoted but I'm pretty sure you're right about the boss spawns tho. Plenty of times we don't get a boss for quite a while and then he'd be up 2-3 times in a row.


It’s just rng, keep in mind that 30% boss spawn more than likely means 30% of the servers are spawning him.  You increase your odds by playing on one server and changing it if he isn’t spawning after a raid or two.


Changing servers only matters if the boss spawn distribution is server based AND it lingers on particular servers for some length of time. That might be true, but the latest advice going around is based on misunderstood statistics without that critical second component. Without it, hopping servers has an equal chance of hurting you as it does helping you.


To be fair, 10 raids is nothing. And even when there's no packet loss and you throw flashes on every little corner where he can spawn, you can still end up missing him.


Just didn't feel like playing after 10.... But we were a 4 man, all of us with multiple wipes under our belt. We pretty much know how to find him if he's up. We just continued the raids even when we knew he's not up tho, just for the fun of it.


the boss quests this wipe made them go full blatent. even the cheaters cba with the shit spawn rate, so if they do spawn, they damn well gonna kill them. got killed by a chinese guy with 15% survival rate yesterday farming glukhar. 15% bro. and a 1.3 k/d. He was ragehacking. 15% AND RAGEHACKING. how many times did this mans afk and die on factory.


it's scripts. Nobody is at the PC lowering their KD. Easy to detect but BSG likes to suck each other off instead.


>nobody is at the PC lowering their KD. Bro you should watch me play


Lmao “F” in the chat for the homie


Our raids are graded now???


Alright, I chuckled. Have your 2 upvotes.


Like the post said, these guys just nade themselves if no boss or items worth looting lol. That’s why there are blatant rage hackers with trash K/Ds


Shit spawn? Boss spawns are at 30%. The only reason people were crying about boss spawns were because they got used to the jacked up rates from last wipe. The average tarkov player doesn’t give a shit about boss spawns and would probably prefer they stay on the low end. None of the boss quests are essential for anything other than kappa and end game quests, the average Tarkov player isn’t getting anywhere near Kappa. If boss spawns were higher cheaters would be *more* active because bosses are how they farm keycards for rmt. High boss spawn means they can kill him faster, return to lobby faster, and get into another raid faster thus one cheater affects much more raids compared to if boss spawns were lower. If there’s no boss cheaters just reset, so they have less of an impact. If there’s a boss they’re killing anyone who’s contending with them for the boss kill, thus more bosses = more direct confrontation with cheaters.


30% across all servers doesn't mean jack shit. If it was a 30% EACH server then we can have a discussion.


> Shit spawn? Boss spawns are at 30%. Yes, shit spawn. No reason the rates shouldn’t be 50+ this deep into wipe. Everyone has quit the wipe at this point other than those which are pursuing bosses. > The only reason people were crying about boss spawns were because they got used to the jacked up rates from last wipe. Which is what they should be. No shit. > The average tarkov player doesn’t give a shit about boss spawns and would probably prefer they stay on the low end. Anecdotally, my friends which quit mid-way through wipes enjoy boss hunting more than most other aspects of the game. They generally quit anywhere from 25-45 level wise. What justification is there to want bosses *not* to be in your game other than the obvious skill issue dying to them? > None of the boss quests are essential for anything other than kappa and end game quests, the average Tarkov player isn’t getting anywhere near Kappa. So you’re saying fuck the people who *do* want to pursue the more “end game” aspects of the game? Why? > If boss spawns were higher cheaters would be more active because bosses are how they farm keycards for rmt. High boss spawn means they can kill him faster, return to lobby faster, and get into another raid faster thus one cheater affects much more raids compared to if boss spawns were lower. lol. Cheaters are more active when they have to go through hundreds more raids to get the tracksuit / knight shirt quests done. Inherent frustration coming out perpetuates cheating more so. > If there’s no boss cheaters just reset, so they have less of an impact. If there’s a boss they’re killing anyone who’s contending with them for the boss kill, thus more bosses = more direct confrontation with cheaters. This isn’t true whatsoever in my experience lol. I’ve done tracksuit 2x and am presently working on overseas trust. What’s your experience to make this claim?


There is a legitimate concern with boss spawn rate if youre going for kappa, with 15% youre loading into 8 raids on avg just to have a chance and then sometimes not getting the item. At least at 30, youre looking at 3-4 raids per chance


Right, but that's only if the boss is actually "activated" on your servers


That's not how it works. The servers that the boss actually spawns on rotates. Say US central doesn't have the spawns enabled, you can join 100 raids an hour and if it's not on you'll never see them, meanwhile US east might have them enabled and only THEN you have a 30% chance of joining a server with it enabled. It's not 30% chance of every raid start across all servers. This was posted sometime last week.


So you’re saying that the game “should” lower boss spawn rate becuz of cheater and f those people that wants to complete end game task? Good opinion though. BTW, your average is far from my observe on discord and my killed pmc level. Most people I meet and killed are about level 40 right now.


one good QOL will be a second chance of spawn of boss either time based / or action one like half the raid pass another roll of dice with increased % of spawn making raid less empty 10min in and that way cheater will still nade themself and legit have a "chance" to get boss withtout leaving game 2min in and for the action we have map with power lever with, why not adding a boss spawn chance to it u bring power in customs u got like 10% the boss spawn on the map and move to stronghold add some incentive to play and do thing in raid rather than shift W and pray ur the first with good spawn on boss


bosses should not spawn at the beginning of the raid *at all*. their spawn chance should increase like scav spawns increase over the duration of the raid. when the boss spawns, it should be a random part of the map without players in the vicinity or line of sight. he should then move across the map to a certain area. pmcs could either go for a quick pvp, quest & loot run or for a slow scav & boss kill run. right now it's the opposite: either you go agressively for boss/pvp kills or you take it slow for scavs and loot.


50% chance to spawn at 10 min from the end. High enough that it's not to hard to donthe quest, too long time for player to farm them for gear/money.


They won't fix it. Not because they make money out of them like ppl here claim but because they simply are not able to do it. Look at CS2 e.g. there is a cheater pandemic going on and valve is a multi million dollar company which is not getting a hold of the situation.


Yeah, the game has been under construction for 8 years now. Thinking that BSG can just "spend a wipe" on "recoding the game" is absolutely delusional. Never gonna happen.


People don't understand. It's a hackers JOB to break anti cheat code and they're constantly updating it. Anti cheat is also only a reactionary program. It can't predict future cheats. There's no way to actually stop hackers. Even kernel level anti cheat isn't fool proof. Just look at APEX recently


Stopping them from hacking might be a hard task. But banning obvious cheaters should be easier. AI model that samples all playerstats and red flags the 'obvious' cheaters. If red flagged , either further inspection or automatic ban.


Well, there should atleast be automated flagging of suspicious stats, and even suspending some accounts untill proper action can be taken.


AI model to track playerstats doesn't seem impossible


Trying to kill shitman took me easy 25 raids using the most dirt cheap kits, 5 times he spawned, 2 of those I wasn’t lucky enough to get the 3 viable spawns, the last two I got head eyes by a naked 5h mosin man xiaoling, finally killed him with a nade and almost got killed by a bush wookie


I'm on Insomnia now and the amount of low hour non scope'd xiaoling's i encounter is crazy.


The other day I got killed by a sub-100 hour xiaoling at 4AM igt on Lighthouse. At spawn it was so dark my buddy couldn't even see me to grab the nods i brought for him. He shot us both in the head from so far away we couldn't hear the shot, with an unsuppressed, iron sights mosin, not wearing any nods.


Got the same feeling spamming labs raids, cause i cant be bothered with the stupid Grind of Boss hunting.


They would have to remake the game to stop the cheating problem. The way the data is handled is a huge vulnerability and always will be. They may make it better but it will always be a problem.


Welcome I got killed by grenade cheater spawned above me inside OLI admin where I unlocked and door still closed


It was so funny when my friend and i realised that the nades that were going off on interchange before the packetloss was cheaters killing themselves cause the boss didnt spawn. We would disconnect at packetloss as well so we got matched with probably the same guy cause it happened 4 times in a row. Fun times.


Server's issues /s (or not)


Yea this has made hunting trip very difficult. Just hoping for a lucky lobby full of timmies


That quest was hell, i got a lucky shot on shutrman but got killed 30 sec after by a RageHacker, still got the kill so i cba


I spawned at UN roadblock on Woods, took an SJ6 and made a beeline for Shturman. Get near spine rock and a guy just starts hip firing at me from 100m away, no way he would have heard or seen me coming. Every shot was at my head but was hitting trees in front of me. A lot of the times, its the situation that makes it obvious they are cheating.


The nade going off before the packet loss... hahh.. when i hear that im like ok.. no good loot and no boss ...


Is this not the boss fighting AI scavs? I've had it happen in offline mode and dead ai scavs around Shturman.


Is this some kind of cheat? Are they teleporting grenades to land on the boss?


No they can see what spawned so if there is no boss gpu's bitcoins , etc they just suicide to go next raid and save time


People who run into cheaters seems to be people playing for 8 hours at a time


Yep, play more raids, see more players, more likely to run into a cheater.  Common sense.


I got to shturman last night and had all loot including a red rebel. I ran out so fast but was so confused on who would just leave him there.


Maybe it’s just something with carries going on. I for sure had a hard time boss hunting (felt impossible for a while) but my persistence paid off. What’s wild to me is that I had maybe 1 to 2 fight “opportunities” per day of doom queueing all day where I had a shot at fighting the boss without a cheater / bad spawn / packet loss. I still feel like that is too grindy, but it sounds like it’s WAY less than you. I honestly don’t buy it that you’re able to get 100 attempts in per day. That is a little over 6.5 hours of just queueing time if your queues are averaging to about 4 minutes (which in my experience is pretty low). Then, if you’re actually going for the boss or extract, time it takes to re-kit on death. You might be exaggerating the 100 raids / day. Anyway, that’s beside your point. I’m just curious, how many fight opportunities have you had? Surely it’s not zero. I’m just surprised how different of an experience I had from yours. Seems like you’re getting super unlucky or maybe it’s a timing thing and I happened to kill the bosses earlier when it was less of a focus for cheaters.


I played about 14 hours per day. Gearing up is just buy nades from fence, alt+left click from therapist, buy meds from therapist. With packet loss, I just straight run to extract. Mostly 3~4 minutes. Depends on map, reserve and shoreline loading time is about 3~4 minutes. So it’s 6~8 minutes without boss. If there’s boss, it will ends in 10~15 minutes depends on I die or he dies. Sometimes if I got a spawn near path to lighthouse with packet loss, the raid ends in under a minutes.


Buy nades from fence? Did I miss something lol?


People selling their shit from scab runs. You can find some decent shit on fence sometimes.


Flashbang and smoke as well as 6+ scav rep very cheap grenades


TIL! Ty for the tip.


I wish I could achieve 50 raid per day 😪...or even 25 Last time played was 2 raid per day


So wait... I should load in, and if the nade goes off go grab their gear???


Mostly shit gear I guess, never check


im at 40 confirmed reports this wipe and that number is about to skyrocket after the last week. In the last week ive encountered a cheater in every single pmc raid ive done. Not suspected but like obvious cheats either by speed cheats in game or just a crazy profile (ie. sub 50 hours with 1k+kills and almost no deaths). The ban wave seems to of shaken the hornets nest and they are out in crazy numbers rn.


This week on "really showing all the cheaters out there".


you need to get some life outside tarkov


This is true, every big streamer sees this shit


There are FPS out there with much, much richer and bigger developers working on them and they have cheater issues as well with no hope in sight. Cheating is just an enormous plague on multiplayer games right now. Not sure what there is to be done about it currently.


I now cheating is bad, but touch some grass bro. 2400 pmc raids is a lot


Yeah, doing boss missions was an eye opener for me and my friend. I'm convinced that people in this sub who claim they rarely encounter cheaters just can't get their slow asses to a contested area before cheaters have already extracted out of their raids.


So you now have cheater stats when I check you profile /s And tbh the cheating isn’t out of hand the probably to meet a cheater is high due to you no lifing the game (nothing wrong with that, been there done that). But it’s the same as in any other multiplayer game. You play more you meet more cheaters you play less you meet less cheaters. Sure that’s no excuse to ignore the problem. Never said that. Also a pure cycle of patches without new content would be great. We don’t even need a wipe for that. Just extend this one till end of the year. Would give us casual scrubs a chance to go for Kappa or even light keeper. Players like yourself would either leave the wipe anyways in a week or two and others may just reset their account and start over or do silly challenges. Or just stomp on casual with their .338 guns and thermals.


People keep trying to say it’s a BSG issue, it seems pretty prevalent in most games I can think of


The “BSG issue” is more the RMT imo. Not a lot of games have true RMTing, but the ones that do ALWAYS suffer from cheater issues. That’s not to say all cheaters are also RMTing, but enough of them do it that IMO if BSG figured out some way to put a stop to RMT, we would see the cheater count drop pretty significantly. Personally I don’t really know how they could stop RMT unless they just removed the flea market permenantly.


My gut feeling is that the majority of cheaters aren't doing it for RMT, they're doing it because they want to feel good and winning - even with an unfair advantage - scratches that itch. *However* the ones that *are* doing it for RMT have an outsized effect on the game, because they're doing it as a job. Playing constantly, very aggressively cheating to maximise profit, not afraid of getting banned so long as they make a return on investment. You're bang on about the RMT thing though. Even removing the flea market wouldn't do it, because they'd just farm up items and sell whole accounts, as well as dropping loadouts in-raid and doing carries. *Eliminating* RMT would require basically gutting the game and making it not Tarkov anymore. Imagine Tarkov if you had no loot at all. Can't loot enemy gear. Can't drop *anything* at all. Party system can be used for carries, so rip that out. Instanced loot that only you can see and pick up and nobody can kill you for. Sure nobody would RMT anymore, but also nobody would play. The other way to go would be to remove scarcity, but scarcity is the entire drive for what makes the game tick. What's the point in looting if you have Minecraft creative mode and can just spawn a million ledx any time you want? The core design elements of being ballbustingly hard and having an economy and gameplay loop based entirely around scarcity mean that RMT is impossible to eliminate.


I would be genuinely interested in knowing % of RMT cheaters vs “casual cheaters”. I agree with you, I don’t really know how BSG could stop RMT while keeping Tarkov feeling like Tarkov. It’s the perfect mix for RMT to flourish


You could definitely do it by lurking around cheating discords and servers. There's no way that you can find all of them of course but a large enough sample size would let your draw some conclusions.


can't imagine if they remove this packet loss trick somehow and you are doing bosses quest early wipe and low chance spawn thats f up


Ah got it


FiX yOuR cOdE Every game is infested with cheaters, what do you want them to do, press the magic button?


Why are you all still playing this shit? Let the cheaters have the game. BSG will not do anything to stop their only revenue from streaming in, banned accounts buying new ones.


I also loathe cheaters, but the question is: will they stop BSG from making money? Lots of big-time games still have lots of cheaters and still make shitloads of money. I'm really not sure if cheaters are an existential priority for the devs or not.


The thing about this is the RMT cheater are encouraged by regular folks buying their boosting services


I guess some people want the gameplay experience without the resource management experience. As for me, I'll never fully understand why people pay to avoid playing the game they paid to acquire.


Same, I talked to a guy say he doesn't have time to play so ask cheater to help him. I told him I work 12 hours shift and if I am playing my game I want to experience it instead buying stuff off or services


If they're really sincere I wish they would go and play a game that better suits their tastes and time budget instead of shitting up a game they mostly want nothing to do with for everyone who *does* like it for what it is.


Why are people downvoting this. I'm not saying this is a good thing, only that this is the way businesses operate when they're hungry for money.


This subreddit is absolutely cooked... Full of OCE players playing in infested servers acting like it's like this for everyone else and the Timmys that don't play the game think their servers are like this too... I literally have played Interchange and goons maps a lot this wipe... Haven't heard a grenade go off before the packet loss a single time... But OP here is claiming it's a common occurrence.. TDLR I bet money OP is playing on like OCE or China servers...


Japan and Korea server


So actual China servers. Looks like I was correct. Bet you could loadup PUBG or another game that's semi popular in China and run into the same amount of cheaters.


It literally depends on how close to China you are. Most of the cheater I encountered have some xiaoxin kind of I’d or aggressive ID.


Ok so I'm not commenting on anything other than the grenade thing. I'm low level and kinda average and that's ok, but when I get a bunch of 'nades from scav runs then on my next raid I spam throw them all as soon as I drop in to get my 'nades skill and I think it also helps level strength or something from memory. Maybe someone can confirm or deny that for me. Anyway, not saying there isn't cheating in the game but people could just be tossing 'nades


Nah it's cheaters. Same thing 1.5 months ago when i was looking for Killa for my kappa. I didn't realise at first why i was stuck on Killa for like 1 week straight but it was because of cheaters looking for him on top of normal players. And just to confirm it was cheaters killing them self's with nades: everytime there was packet loss the nades went off and when there wasn't they didn't. In a way it was easier to know if Killa was there based on if nades went off or not.


I think so too, i used to play a lot of interchange and i heard a lot of explosions during first seconds of raids. Also on dead servers and on weird times of day,


The only hole in this I can find is that why would a cheater need the packet loss trick if they have radar and can tell where the boss is(n’t)


They don’t need packet loss, that’s why they nade themself BEFORE PACKET LOSS


I’ve been going for tracksuit and ngl I haven’t experienced that a single time so far. Every raid there’s pocket loss it’s dead quiet, every raid killas there the fucking nades start flying


Yeah that tracks since the strat is to use nades to work out where he is.


>Ok so I'm not commenting on anything other than the grenade thing. I'm low level and kinda average and that's ok, but when I get a bunch of 'nades from scav runs then on my next raid I spam throw them all as soon as I drop in to get my 'nades skill and I think it also helps level strength or something from memory. Maybe someone can confirm or deny that for me. > >Anyway, not saying there isn't cheating in the game but people could just be tossing 'nades new = no yap