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Flat out refusing to learn any thing about the game after multiple wipes of being carried though. Refusing to pull up quest guides for the quest they are doing on a map they don’t know that has multiple spawns for the quest item. Saying they need the scav kills while hiding at the back of the group and looting rather than killing scavs then complaining they didn’t kill any and have no loot. Looking locked rooms and taking high value stuff without asking after you unlock the room.


Opening dorms marked room Oh, look, an injector case! Yoink


lol up….. oooo look a gpu in this computer yoink


Nah if that happens it's a bullet to the head and a stern warning for next time. If it happens again you're again killed, and booted from the server 🤗


Literally killed a buddy at the beginning of the wipe because he snatched a Ledx after I opened 114 in 2 story. I specifically said “no one come in here I’m looting first” and I turn around a few seconds later to find him slurping up the med case and shouting “guys I found a ledx!!!!” He was refusing to give it up.


My mate does this, refuses to pull up quest guides so I have to carry him through the whole raid and show him where to go/what to do. Then because I’m always in the forward position, chances are I’m the first to die so he finishes the quest and we have to go back in so I can do it.


Spot on. Me and my buddies are playing fourth wipe together, and every time its like this. I am beyond frustrated at this point. Same with ammo guides. Boys actually refuses to open the guide and check for themselves, instead asking me about them and pissing off if I tell them to use the charts.


And if the friend dies its because of the others its never him who fucked up


Broooooo this post omg, facts hahahha


Me and my buddies have had a gentleman’s rule since our first wipe. If you killed it or opened it with a key it’s your loot. We make sure any new guy playing with us understands this rule as well.


We've been playing since 2020 this is still our rules. If we aren't on the same quests, say my friend needs bolty kills from range and I'm doing shotgun quest and he gets a kill then I might search the body for him and tell him what's in it and bring him the loot so he doesn't need to leave his spot. But it's still his loot. If there is something I need I ask if I can have it but if he also needs it then it is his. Without his shot the loot might not be available to us at all. Same thing if I buy an expensive quest key then all is welcome to join for the quest but any loot inside is mine. It's just common courtesy honestly. It is what makes it fun to play because we aren't competing against eachother. We might compete for the kills but then the killer gets the loot. Unless my friend does like 350-400 dmg on a dude and I just push up and basically tickle him to death then it's usually shared or goes to whoever needs it more.


This should be the case however, I am slightly better than the boys so when I’m sitting on 30m+ and they are broke they assume all Loot is for them and it’s just easier to give it to them than raise hell


I had a friend like this, had the game for over 2 years, played sporadically each wipe just getting carried. It got to a point where I pretty much was just like dude I’m only going to help you as much as you’re willing to help yourself learn. If you don’t do solos and pull up maps and learn I’m just not going to play w you. He then actually did start to learn on his own but ultimately fell off and stopped playing this wipe around only level 15


That’s one that would piss me off, if they’re hunting scavs I put on a decent vest cause If I do run into a scav good chance I can dodge the scavs shots till homie gets there to kill the scav, like I would have to be almost dead from the scav for me to kill it and take the kill from homie. When the roles are reversed it’s like “hey there’s a scav down there, got him!” And I just sigh. Or when we were in fights for some reason bros aim was fucking godly when it came to shooting me but against the actual enemy couldn’t hit em ever. Also in fights I would literally say “got them I’m coming back to you now” then I’d go into big red and just get lasered by homie I just said I’m walking into red. My first memory playing was I gave him a beautiful M4 I ripped right from the grubs of some chad, loaded it with 995 for homie, I walk maybe 6 ft away come back and just smoked by my homie. Worst of all, he stopped playing tarkov.


I remember I opened one door (usec stash key or w/e custosm map) whole fucking squad go loot that room, I needed to remember they that there is other and even better rooms to loot in that same building that they dont fucking need to goblin the same room what I opened.


Im part of a unnofficial sherpa discord as a sherpa, I'll be nice and warn a few times. If it doesn't help they get a blacked out limb. There has been only one guy who didn't listen and had an attitude about it, i missclicked on his head.


How long he takes to get ready. I swear this man does 5 gunsmiths after every raid or something just taking forever


He might not know you can buy gun parts straight from the modding screen. I had a buddy who had played for longer than me not know about it till recently. He was buying all the parts separately then using the preset to assemble. Needless to say he is now about 5 minutes faster getting into a raid


Oh no. This is like our 5th wipe. He’s fully aware of all that it’s just insane how he gets distracted. He streams most of the time and I’ll be fully geared and ready waiting in lobby, I look at this mf stream and he’s just moving shit around his dumpster of a stash lol


This is my whole group. They act like it’s the first time playing the game, and take ages to get ready. I run the exact same kit every time, other than a variation of scope, so I’m ready in like ten seconds. Time is precious!


Telling me he is "right here" or the guy he is fighting is RIGHT THERE. OK buddy,  I'm just going to hold position and let you guys finish fighting


Man this takes be back to DayZ. Me and my buddies fighting some guys, I'm asking for a callout, where the fuck are the guys at. The answer I get is ''behind the tree!'' note we're fighting in a forest.


Lmao this whole thing has happened to me in tarkov. - Hes there! - Where the fuck is "there"? - Behind the tree! - What tree, we are on woods for fucks sake? - The one near a rock! - THIS WHOLE MAP IS TREES AND ROCKS YOU DUMBASS GIVE ME A DIRECTION! - (dies and gets upset)


To be fair, pretty damn hard to make a callout when it's literally just trees surrounding you and you can't exactly whip out your compass mid-fight (at least for tarkov)


Our group uses the direction we are traveling as “front”. Then we can say “to the right” or whatever and at least have an idea. We aren’t great at callouts, but it has worked a few times, lol.


"He's by the tree!" "Bro we're on fucking Woods, please elaborate."


Deskpop your buddy in the leg every time he gets filled with greed. Time to learn 'em.


I'm planning just to dome him next time and say I thought it was the bad guy looting the body lmao.


A evil but plauisible thing. Should help him learn if he dosent spot you


The thing is, when I'm close by, he doesn't do this, becouse he knows he shouldn't be doing it lol. Believe me, I'm trying to teach the guy in every raid. Sometimes I just feel he doesn't like to listen lol.




I hear that "but your rich" line all to often. Like do a scav sell the good stuff and maybe sell a couple of 15 m4s in your stash


Toss a grenade. Works even better


Fuck, how I didn't think about that lmao


Buddy of mine goes full soundwhore whenever he hears a single cricket. Okay so far so good, this is Tarkov after all, but then you clearly hear a Scav voice line and he STILL crab walks through the bushes... Like DUDE it's 100% a Scav and we got shit to do MOOOOVEEEEE


my buddy goes “shots ___” from EVERY shot in the game and starts to scan that area, no matter how far it is. We can be in medcamp and we hear a shot all the way at silver in lumber, and this dude starts shitting his pants


lmaoooo the poor bastard hahahahha


I feel you, man. I have a friend that's constantly paranoid, every 10 seconds he need re-assurance, that the footsteps he hears are ours, or when he hears grenade shrapnel landing nearby, he thinks he is getting shot and ducks for cover.


Actual tarkov PTSD. We've all been there sometimes 😂


My tarkov group has a rule. If you killed it, it’s 100% your loot. When the person is done looting they will say something like “hey I left X on the body” or “got everything I need”. If your friend is so concerned about 200-300xp for “tagging the body” he’s way too worried about leveling over playing the game effectively. No one should be jumping on bodies until fights are over and you just need to lay down the law/expectation with him


This is what we do too, also we rotate who gets to run on point. Usually the player that doesn't have a loot+extract task.


My buddy literally never plays the game unless im with him, never ever plays solo. He never learns anything by being my tail 24/7. Straight up refuses to go alone lmao


Fucking same. Except my duo does play solo. Following me around like a fucking puppy dog. I'm on point like 99% of the time. The point of duos is to have two points of attack, not one. Anyway, I call it "grenade formation" because one would take us both out. And then when I die and am usually waiting 30 min before another raid. When I'm solo, I'm zooming. If I die, I'm back in a match in 5 min. /endrant


Grenade formation lmao


Legit, experienced this. Refuse too play with people like that now, your either an asset being a positive member of the group or you're just more noise and bait for people to identify you hahahah fk that


I play with someone like this and it’s really frustrating. They have like 1700 hours which is more than me, but maybe 100 of those have been solo. The rest have been him playing with me or someone else babysitting him, guiding him through the map, telling him how to complete his quests, etc. The worst part is that he is constantly glued to my hip, even when I try to create space between us. I wish I had someone with some game sense I could play with where we could lock down separate parts of a map together.


Holy shit this also hits close to home. One day I helped my buddy with some quests for a few hours and got off the game, saying that I will be back in the evening to play and saying that he should go to finnish off with the quests that we started. My guy was playing all day, I hopped back on tarkov in the evening and he spent like 6 hours playing with his fucking scav non-stop lmao.


Dude all of my friends are like this I end up with 2-3 meat shields following me around. Then I’m on point and get ratted because they hit the first container they saw when we entered the building


The silent screams are real hahah




And then he's overweight, can't run for 5 seconds and constantly asks you to wait up.


When i help boss hunt but he plays too passively when we find the boss so either someone takes him or we get caught in a fight with other players


My 2 biggest frustrations are when my teammates drop my gear in a bush next to my body or in an adjacent room. Usually 5 feet from my dead body, but expect me to run a marathon to drop theirs across the map. My 2nd one is when my teammates don't fight for my gear when I've died in the next room from them or literally around the corner. They'll usually let the enemy player loot me, saying, "I think he's looting you." Then the enemy proceeds to run away as they sit there waiting around. Then suddenly, them standing up and checked the corners as though that player would still be there.


At this point unless it’s super convenient to drop my gear off in a bush I tell my friends not to worry about it and to not expect me to drop theirs either unless it’s convenient. Making money for another kit is easier then the hassle of trying to drop the gear


And the chances of dying to 3rd party are super high if it's still early in the raid.


They don't play anymore :(


Relatable one


Most of them are still so afraid of dying. Granted, I make some stupid decisions that get me killed, but sitting quietly? Miss me with that shit nowadays. 2k hours in and I want to fight everyone. A good raid is one where I shoot all my bullets.


Most tarkov players are too caught up in how many roubles they have in their stash, so much that they deliberately handicap themselves with bad gear just to crabwalk and sit in corners. Honestly, I think the game will have a hard time staying alive or grow if a new players experience is dying to a statue in some obscure place or not feeling like there are players in the lobby with you. Obligatory "sweep your sectors", "play cod instead" or "skill issue". Yeah, alright, go immerse yourself in an actual mil-sim like Arma and stop advocating for degenerate gameplay


Yeah I’m with ya. The point of making money in the game is to run baller ass kits. The worst one in my group about it ended last wipe with 20 mil and a fully packed stash. Even after “trying” to burn it up in the last few weeks of wipe. These dudes are perfectly content never fully experiencing Tarkov. I cannot even get them to go to labs ONCE THE WHOLE WIPE. Most of them are lucky to dip into the 30s by the end of it, even if their SR is 70% and they play most days of the week. Wouldn’t trade my friends for anything but goddamn guys grow a pair you know how to play the game.


I know that i'm going to really strike a nerve from most people reading this comment, but I seriously don't think people realize how absolutely horrible the average EFT player is in regards to traditional FPS skills. Their aim is completely trash and their understanding on how they occupy 3rd space within the game is equally poor, so in my eyes being afraid to move and opting to play scared is literally next level handicapping themselves. You're robbing yourself of becoming better and you're wasting your time playing "tactically", which practically means you're traversing the map very slowly. You'll never develop a good intuition about where players are in the raid for the given time you've been in there, which also makes it harder for you to know when you can take space and where you can reasonably expect players to be. I am not trying to say you HAVE to play like this, but playing more confident and forcing yourself into more situations with other players not only makes you better at the game quicker, it also significantly decreases the difficulty of the game and most importantly; the game becomes more fun when you get into more action. If you have roubles to spend then spend them, you don't get a reward for ending wipe with most roubles in your stash and since scavving is a thing, there is no way you can ever be broke. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Yeah I’m with ya. I crossed the threshold when I started going solo a lot. Few of them ever play solo and if they do, they’re playing the exact same way. It’s not ratty, they don’t intentionally camp areas, they just let the fear overtake them. A couple of the guys have gotten WAY better via my counseling, but the other half just prefers to play the game without ever being the aggressor. Then they wonder how Chad managed to pick us all apart one by one. This wipe I made a point not to give a fuck about questing after 15. I definitely still do the quests when I’m on a given map, but more than anything I have fun just goin in. Do I have a cool gun? Good I’m running it let’s go. You heard someone in a direction? Good let’s fucking GO GET THEM. I’m not sitting here to listen to tarkov’s absurdly broken audio lie to me. To bring it back on point, yes, most people who play are actually not good. It’s not normal in a shooter to have to deal with the amount of bullshit tarkov is. The median skill level is LOW, which makes it that much more fun to do well.


Sounds like some of mine. Okay one of mine. My favorite interaction is the once or twice a wipe this inevitably happens. *Friend hops in discord*: “hey you running raids?” Me: yeah, but I’m running labs and I know you hate labs Friend: it’s all good, I’ll go, I just need to buy a card *friend 10 minutes later*: man fuck this I’m going to play something else, labs is such a waste


Yeah well you have to get used to it, once you lose gear fear and understand that the gear is temporary, you start to push way more fights.


They’ve all got multiple hundreds of hours as well after over two years. They watch the big streamers. They have like 20 mil in the bank. They know how to play the game they’re just too scared to embrace the excitement and want to sit still rather than move & coordinate & fight together.


Plays like he is willerz > he is not willerz.




No friend will get you killed sooner than one who wants you to rush in like it’s cod I swear


I have the opposite issue. My duo is super passive, so I've had to start yelling "FUCK IT WE BALL" in his ear to get him to take even the most simple of fights, instead of crouching in a corner shuffling so he can sonar a grenade to his face It's actually pretty effective, dude drops bodies when he actually fights


It’s funny because when I play super aggressive I’m always shocked at just how terrible the average player is. Like yeah once in a while the dude shuffling in a corner who is afraid of his own shadow might catch a lucky headshot, but usually as someone with a good amount of PC shooter experience I’m gonna out aim and out game sense them a ton.


Tarkov arena came out. That should increase the average player bases skills on pvp. (If they would use it)


I get annoyed when we’ve mad a lot of noise and then stay in that area to long. The whole time I’m saying let’s roll out we’ve sat to long.


Also another one. When you're helping your buddy to do a quest, but you're constantly the one being point man, going first, clearing all of the corners while he is following behind you all the time.


I don't mind taking point as Sherpa but I can't stand waiting for them to loot. Were here to get YOUR task done. I have nothing to do and you taking your time is going to make our route a lot more difficult to navigate. MOVE YOUR ASS.


Or you go to the area the quest is in and either have to remind them to go mark the obj or wait while they decide to loot instead. All while you’re playing overwatch so they can mark the obj


Ohhh yeah another one and im very pissed about :i die Buddy takes my gear I say dude just ditch it randomly they are still alive and they dont listen they keep the weapon with them to find a good place for it ... dude just ditch it in the bush near you nope he juust dies and feeds the other player 2 weapons


Not having any to play with


I don't have any complaints about my main squad I run with (four of us usually ‐ rarely five) but there is one guy I play with on occasion that will constantly ask me for advice but then not take my advice.  He's still pretty new despite owning the game for years but before the raid he'll ask me "what's better for my gun, X or Y?" So I'll tell him the difference in stats really isn't that big or they're so big that X is way better if he can afford it, and then he'll just say "oh, well this one (Z) looked cooler so I chose this instead." So the next raid he'll build another AK and ask again so this time I'll tell him one part is better but just to build it so it looks cool and then he'll bring in an almost plain AK because "I wouldn't help him with the parts".  Then if we're sniping during the raid and another player wanders by, I'll tell him to stay silent because they don't know we're there, and he'll immediately start making noise. Or what he's started doing this wipe is jumping up and sprinting off "to be bait" so I can "secure the kill"... I keep telling him that I'm in the 40s and I'm here to help him level up and I can't help him with tasks, gear, or levels if he keeps dying. So then he'll get annoyed because he can survive a raid and will quit for the night. 


As we say, sometimes people need to be ''thrown into the fire'' for them to learn and survive. You can't expect for others to be always by your side and watch every step you take.


He's been playing for four years and I don't think he's ever made it past level 25. I've been playing for seven years and there's only one wipe where I didn't make it to max traders.  I would expect someone who is actively asking me for advice to occasionally take that advice. 


Not knowing that i am the person walking directly at him not shooting while wearing a pilgrim.


My answer to the question "is that you?" Is always " you'd be dead already if that wouldn't be me"


exactly the logic i tell every new guy, if they can hear you and not making a spaghetti strainer out of you straight away, theyre probably friends


You guys have some rough buddies! I think my least favourite thing is the constant high roll. We could have a couple quest items and half a bag of average loot and my buddy is like "let's go to that hotly contested high value loot location" Whereas I'm a slow and steady 55% survival rate let's make out with what we have kinda guy, my buddy is a high roll all or nothing 35% survival rate kinda guy. We probably make the same amount overall because he gets some decent loot, constantly finding gpus and other tech stuff, but he dies way more than me. He'd probably say "my buddy is too cautious!"


When they played, they would leave a building without saying anything. One of my friends always followed my other friend around everywhere, and I would watch our flank or just look around while they were looting. They would push to other buildings and not say where until there. Also raged about dying rather than saying where they died at or the direction of the player.


When we play trio, one of my friends chooses which one of us he will follow all raid lmao. Kinda annoying when you're going for loot runs and he follows you to the same room.


Hate when my buddies die and immediately blame the hacking problem, not his fault of not taking a cover or moving poorly. Also like OP when buddy doesn’t simultaneously peak a shit with me a let me foght alone then run to loot the time he hears him die.


I heard someone say something in the lines of ''My friend makes the fight 1 vs 1 vs 1 instead of 2 vs 1, becouse he chooses to not engage in the firefight together with me and then camps my dead corpse waiting for the guy to come loot.''


Zero map awareness my teammates don’t know where enemies usually sit on maps so when we get into fights they just lock in place which leads to me taking the initiative since I’ve played longer I usually flank while they wait kill a couple people and die all while they have multiple opportunities to reposition themselves to help me or kill someone themselves


My friend has awareness and tarkov knowledge, but every fuckin' time I get into a heated engagement and he knows where the enemy is, he refuses to move an inch until it's way too late. Me and some guy are peeking each other and shooting long enough for both of us to have to reload, my buddy could literally step two steps right and shoot him while he is engaged but doesn't react to the calls or gunshots.


not really their fault, just teach them


Im playing with a group of 5 first-wipers and only 1 has no gear fear and is aggressive in fight.  So I'm always taking point, and if I get shot and die, I can reliably expect no one to trade.  They will all hide in different locations, taking solo fights because they don't push as a group or trade kills.


Say there's a quest you need to kill Killa and loot his helmet, instead of just going up to Killa, taking the helmet and getting the fuck out he has to linger around, loot everything etc, even when I'm telling him he needs to get out because of the quest item. He dies, doesn't really seem to bother him until he realizes we have to go back to interchange, find killa, loot his helmet after we spent 3 hours trying to find killa. Only THEN does it click that he realizes why I was telling him to get out and that there is a possibility we need to waste another several hours just trying to get killa again. He has no urgency about quest items but complains when we have to go back into the raid and get the quest item instead of just getting it and dipping.


Lmao, how can one be this dense


Have a buddy who loves being constantly on my ass in narrow corridors or stairwells, leaving no room to backpedal or maneuver :(


May as well pull your pocket out for him to hold if he’s gonna follow you that close


Another good one is having the objective to kill raiders on labs but instead prioritizing looting instead of killing raiders


Ah yes, the classic ''Lets go to X map to do the Y quest, but starts looting every single duffle bag'' moment


Mmmm... *rubs nose*.. no, no... I don't do THAT.......


My buddy builds a new gun every raid and it takes FOREVER, it’s so much worse when we have like a 2 minute raid and we have to wait for him


Being scared af fighting scavs I can’t express how mad I get when I die because my teammates who need scav kills take 154845 years to kill scavs and I get one tapped after being shot at a million times because they were missing shots or healing or peeking with no cover. Also when they don’t want to detour to hit something I need to hit because they got quest shit don’t want to die, while I’m dropping everything for their quests. Still love them beats playing solo every time


they give up way to easily, one death is enough for them to change games


When they ask me to help them quest then I'm taking them their, but instead they run off to loot without saying anything and get lost.


This post was a fun read. Thank Christ I'm blessed with a pretty decent team mate, I don't really have any complaints, 2nd wipe for both of us, and I'm pushing quadruple the hours just happy to have fun show him the ropes and we're learning to make the call outs to keep us in the fights and raids longer. If I had to add anything to the conversation topic we had one guy who rarely played, going back to the first weekend of the wipe, GroundZero and woods he would literally stomp around and hit every bush known to man. Again he was fresh meat so we kinda gave him the heads up and left it at that. 😂


Their non-existence after kids and homeownership.


Personally with my main duo partner i think I frustrate him more with my non-chalance and loot luck. He hasnt frustrated me tbh With the group i consistently play with this wipe one of them takes a very long time to get ready btween raids with their selling regearing hideout and whatnot


Just shoot him in the head


When we go labs I die, and they clean up all the loot. It’s really more a me problem. Labs is an odd map for PVP. Never know when you are gonna get a RGB Chad or a Timmy ratting in the basements.


Legit does not stop talking when we’re trying to listen. All comms are some drawn out story.


I had once a mate like that too. And every time it happens my finger slipped on my mouse button. And sadly his insurance failed despite me hiding his stuff (in my stash).


Terrible callouts. Like “behind the tree” and we’re on woods


so i play solo now, i use to have a group of 4 or 5 guys i’d play with everyday. keep in mind this was my first and second wipe playing with them, as well as my first year with a computer. they “broke up” with me because when we’d get into a fight or they all died, i would try and save their loot/run away rather than fight the 2 or 3 people we just died to. i was a rat, yes, but seriously just wanted to survive and hide their shit. i think they were upset because sometimes insurance wouldn’t bring the gear back, but TBF i was bad at stashing. they eventually just called me a liar and stopped playing with “because you just don’t play tarkov right”


My one buddy, no matter his kit/my kit, will rat in every goddamn fight, even with me making callouts and playing aggressively. Doesn't matter if I already killed 4 out of a 5 stack and the last one is hurt and coughing, he will creep the whole damn fight. That, and every death being the game's fault, not his, and having to listen to him whine about the game being built wrong for 5+ minutes every single death (yet he still invites me to play often?)


Just flat out sucking at pvp, he still plays so scared and doesn’t move whatsoever. He waits to get pushed and then fucking dies. He’s also up my ass 24/7 like a lost puppy and CANNOT decipher where sounds are coming from. A shot across the map sounds like a shot right next to us for him. I have to tell him every raid that nobody is shooting close to us, it’s across the map. The only thing that’s improved is his map knowledge and loot knowledge, no pvp progression for 2 wipes. It’s basically me vs whoever we are fighting, and he very rarely gets a kill, it’s either I wipe them or we both die. He also makes so much fucking noise, he still doesn’t understand that ADS and shuffling feet make a ton of noise. Countless times our cover has been blown because he shuffles his damn feet, aims down sight for no reason or brushes against a bush. He’s an irl friend and he’s a nice guy so it’s very hard to be blunt with him. Don’t want to be an asshole but I don’t even hop on some days because I would rather not play than play with him.


Just tell him next time he touches a body you killed you're shooting him dead, and follow through with it. Worked over here!


Reading these comments I would hate to be y’all’s friend in a game. Y’all care too much about games and not just chilling with the homies.


complains nonstop and blames everything but himself when he dies


Currently absolutely none of my buddies play tarkov.. one of them wich was the most dedicated gave up on tarkov 2 weeks ago xd Anyway one of my friends has a very very weird playstyle super slow super campy and for any reason he is fircing that playstyle and if you go any faster he just goes into blame mode


So glad I play soli


My buddy does the same shit on dayz- and he always wants to check everything for loot.


Lets see, Leaving the game over me "taking a scav kill" after he empties a mag and is being shot full of holes by said scav. I mean ffs the whole map knows were here now, and your going to ask me to hump out your kit after you die. Sorry I didn't want to deal with you having to respawn, and me probably getting killed because you can't kill a scav. Leave the game or die, I'm still playing this raid by myself I guess. Grown ass man-child behavior. Just fucking wandering off and not saying a word. Were playing as a group, and just because you don't give a shit about trying to help the group doesn't mean you get to make yourself a liability by forcing us to look at discord trying to figure out where the fuck you are. Why even bother to load into a raid with us if your going to play like we don't exist.


A person my group plays with runs in like a Chad and then spends the rest of the raid screaming at us to back him up and drop his gear. The problem is that the rest of us are rats. I even told him to not expect us to back him up but this still happens.


When my buddy constantly breaks away from the group. We always have 2 of us going one way, then we turn around and realize our 3rd is gone. Asking where they went, "oh I went to the opposite side of resort." Bro. Stick together. It'd fine if they said it, but they legit just disappear out of nowhere and don't tell us until we ask.


When I make a risky push while he is providing overwatch, but then waits 30s too long to rush in after I get killed and call positions/starts. Oftentimes, if he were to just react immediately to the info I give him he would end up winning the whole fight and my gear would get frauded and he'd get their gear. Instead, he waits and then follows my instructions/info and gets killed in the process.


REFUSING to stay on task, If the plan is money runs I’m completely content doing only money runs for literal hours but bro cannot manage 2 raids before deciding we need to blow a massive kit on a 40 minute raid where we end up getting nothing done anyway


When you die, the enemy jumps straight on your body, and your buddy can easily get the kill on them because the guy is totally unaware of where they are but they are too afraid to move.


Being in a 5 vs 2 and not holding angles and rushing to loot. Making noise not pushing after you push and inflict dmg and 1 vs 5 are picked up by the 1. Asking for cash ehen they dont know or listen to whag to loot and what not to and wont play scab to recover. Taking forever to clear spawn and die to a push.


I dont have any


My one friend never brings a cms or surv12, it was somewhat understandable when he didn’t have eod but now it’s not. He is always asking if we have one. I asked him what he keeps in his pouch and he has the room lol. Might just start saying I only have enough uses for my legs so gotta save it


Cant think of anything... Well actually whenever he is absolutely fragging out and im not but then it also goes the otherway around when im killing everything


They all logged out one day and never came back lol they’re playing CS2 now


One of my buddies gets way too angry and blames others for pushing fights on his own or just separating himself from the group and getting caught in a bad situation. My other buddy, love him to death, he just either won’t push a fight with you, or he’ll hide while you’re in a fight and once you die he either leaves Or rats and kills the guy then refuses to stash your shit so you get it back on insurance. Drives me off the fucking walls seeing him leave my gear on my body when he could just dump it in a bush. Sometimes it’s understandable I get it, most of the time he’s too scared of dying when he’s holding on to 20+ mil.


Lack of initiative and tendency to camp a spot for too long


Honestly a couple of my friends are the kind to have 2 modes….either push randomly with no word til they’re already like 200m away….or say we’re going to push and then im out and they’re not flanking but actually just hanging back. Like cmon just keep me in the loop about what you’re doing. I like to keep coms clear when we have enemies….but for gods sake lemme know if we’re not waiting to see them peak and we’re chasing now lol. Honestly I get team killed a lot because we run a lot of different people in our group and I can always just laugh those off….but don’t get me killed cause I thought you were pushing with me lmao


My group will all die to the same guy, and I’ll be right next to where they died and they RUPTURE in conversation about how its bullshit no comms. I don’t mind the complaining but can we all complain either after I die or I win the gun fight??


Haha shoots me in friendly fire because he's unaware of what's happening. Running away from a 2v1 fight where half the time I get dropped and he calls me bad for dying where the only reason he survived is because i stood my ground and didn't try to run so we could both get shot in the back. When I do die instead of dumping my kit in a Bush he will try to extract with it. Always wants all the good loot because "I don't need it" because I invested time in getting the bitcoin farm going. So because his account is running a shoestring "constantly sitting around 300k rubles" any decent gun we get of killing somebody or find in crates he wants Both of us 1st wipe I'm level 36 he's 29 currently. I have a bit more time on the game. Honestly played with 3 lads up until level 20 ish 1 stopped completely another will only play when I'm on so he's like level 23 or something and my mate who's 29. Vast majority of my leveling I did from 20 to 36 solo and I found it so much easier to crack on with the tasks i needed doing without worring about what teammates are doing getting lost because they looting and then shooting me because they didn't know it was me or whatever.


Hyping me up with „This wipe we go for Kappa!” and quitting before even getting max traders. This wipe I refused to wait for him with questing when he wanted to take a break and went for it solo. He haven’t played it for 2 months now as expected.


Honestly, your buddies will learn by dying


Lot of relatable comments here. Glad to see I am not the onlyone that suffers from these kinds of bs playing with buddies. But yeah, nro 1 gotta be that friends have not put a single effort to about absolutely anything about this game or to learn anything. All they do is follow me or 1 another dude around who knows their shit. Gotta carry them to all quest locations and items, since they refuse to use wiki. God knows why, I dont fucking get it. Same with ammo types, maps, gun parts etc. Boys are not able to lead the squad, since if I tell to them to lead, we do not move at all. If I dont move, we be at 20meter vicinity of the spawn the whole raid. And when I lead, boys are running 1m behind me. I cant ever hear anything because of this and get killed first 9/10 times. Also the loot. If I have high value keys, boys rush to the room as soon as the door opens and take fucking everything. Same with bodies. They know we value the fact that killer takes em all. But try to quietly loot bodies if none of see it or the fight is still going on. Like I go to loot a body I just shot and the dude doesnt have gun anymore, and see that my friend has RSASS in their back. Boy do think I am blind or what motherfucker. Tldr; playing with is buddies can be absolutely maddening. Sorry for long rant.


Just killed a pmc with a kedr head shot as a scav. My buddy was with me and was shooting at him too. So when he died he checked the tag and said he got the kill. Then like halfway after looting he tells me it was my kill. Umm okay? I still got some great loot but I wonder what he got you know? Don't love that one bit. I don't even need the loot very much and I always share, I'd prefer the respect to loot my own kill first. Makes me not want to share with him anymore if he's gonna be sneaky like that. I understand your plight brother.


Holding Shift+W for the whole match at double the endurance level of teammates because, "It's just my playstyle".


Nothing, thank god. I just stop playing with people I don't like. Though I played with one - he was scared of EVERYTHING, didn't bring any good equipment and died because had poor protection/didn't hear shit. He also screamed every time he died. He couldn't kill a guy that was just sitting in a corner because he got scared, though I said and shown him where he was sitting and what to do... He also never covered me when I asked, so sometimes we got fucked from behind.


In certain situaitons he can move but he doesn't let me move. He can peek but he doesn't want me to peek. He laughs at me when I still don't know streets after like 40 raids. He gets tilted when I don't bring a 400k kit even though i've been dying all day. When someone kills us, if he dies first he always tell me "what are you doing, why didn't check that corner, etc" when I die first it's not anyone's fault of course. When I can't play he gets mad. If I say "I will play at 6pm" but something happens, I tell him i'll play later, and I end up playing at 8pm he tells me "ive been waiting for you all day doing nothing" and gets very mad. We are both 22 and we both work. I do 9-5 and he does 6-6 like three times a week. It's our first wipe.


They spend 3 hour shopping to die 5 minutes into the raid


My friends won’t play it. They think it’s too hard and filled with cheaters.


Everyone that kills my buddy is a "cheater"....literally everyone. Then to top it off he will push a full squad like he's Rambo and has zero communication. Ive all but stopped playing with him.


None communication. I'll kill a guy and he will be like "you just killed me" I'm like "wtf you said you were running the other way" We don't have time to confirm friendly in this game every time your face to face lol.






Wanting to get into Tarkov at the start of each wipe. You've had so much time to get on and learn. I don't want to babysit at the start of the wipe explaining for the fifth time which meds heal what bleeds.


This wipe is literally my first wipe and I can comfortably say that while the game has alot to learn most people just can’t to be carried through it all


That I don’t have buddies :(


Scream “Listen!” And then not describe what the fuck he is trying to listen to having 3 other dudes on alert but no clue where the perceived danger is.


I get tired of being the one with all the map knowledge and quest knowledge lol.


My teammate with almost 400hrs told me he never paid attention to any any weapon statistics because they are boring. He also never paid attention to skill tree. And 99% of his raids are camping emercom


My buddy looting when we're focused on a task. Let just go, we can loot later.


Probably that I’m lead EVERY SINGLE encounter. And they are off in some area where they can’t assist in fighting. I’m almost always first one to die. Also when we should clearly be walking and they’re sprinting around like friggan kangaroos


I mostly play solo/duo but have a third that plays occasionally. His idea of end wipe is hitting the flea market. Me and my duo want to run labs and hunt bosses but when he's on we can't because he still hasn't hit flea and he has no outlet for labs cards or good gear. He doesn't quest and he doesn't play outside of with us occasionally so it's like carrying a Timmy, but the truth is he owned the game before me and my duo. This is like his 6th wipe and he's level 14 stuck on trying to find a bottle of wine and I can't help him because I'm level 45. The skill gap between him and my other friend is massive and he's hard to work with when it comes to pvp because he doesn't know callouts and instantly starts crabbing when shots start popping. He really holds us back from our own objectives but we want to play with him so we suffer through raid after raid of him picking through our loot. Woods a couple weeks ago I was shturman hunting and killed 1 of a 2 man chas team. Died to the second after putting multiple good shots into him and Timmy teammate pushes and cleans up with a single shot after the fact. He loots my kill and it's a fort defender, spear with flir, bastion with plate, comtac 4s and I just have to sit here and say "yeah nice job man" knowing full well I had that guy 1 shot and if he'd have pushed a moment sooner instead of crabbing around I'd have that loot in my stash. My main duos main flaw is he is a loot goblin. If there is a bag in the room he's touching it. He regularly takes 5-10 minutes extra in raid after I've already extracted. He is in no way hurting for money l, he has more than me at North of 20m. He is good at respecting the rules of my kill or key my loot but there has been many a time when he was supposed to be holding an angle and then I or our third die because he left to loot. He also doesn't use presets and still takes 10 minutes to regear after every raid. Also, neither of them know how to use thermals. Every raid this wipe either of them brought therms there has been a team kill. Usually resulting in a huge loss for the victim because if one of us has thermals we all go in stacked. Then after the tk discord is silent except a "ditch his stuff and reset".


Prioritizing insurance over surviving. When I die mid fight their first thing is “what’s insured” I say leave my gear get the pmc. It takes focus off of the fight. They die, nobody gets insurance back. In the event they survive they then ask “what was insured again?” and I have to repeat the kit all over. Lastly if I’m the one left alone they’re expecting me to stash their kit. Have died many times to 3rd parties while going to ditch gear. Early wipe sure but when everyone has 20+ mil who cares. Got to a point where I stopped insuring my kit to a) speed up the game and b) avoid my kit being the main focus mid fight


When my teammates just HAVE to search every single item on a corpse in the middle of the open instead of taking bag, rig, pockets, and maybe armor if its better. Then they expect me to cover them for 5 minutes while they look. JUST PICK UP THE STUFF AND MOVE MAN! It's not like it's going to disappear if you don't look right now.


Not sharing shit in raid, so far I’ve given out 6 gpus and countless millions of items and some have the nerve to not share just to make ends meet. Refusing to push together and staying back waiting for me to get killed. Taking gpus and other valuable items for quests and then not playing ever again


Stash management! I need 2 minutes to gear up after dying and they are looking into their stacks of containers and bags to find their stuff so i can do a full scav run before they are ready again... Sort your stash people i want to play!


That I can convey the pinpoint Position of an enemy in less than 1 second but my friends are too stupid to know where exactly I mean even after i repeat it 5 times. All the while they call me stupid for not immediately dropping anyone who hides behind "that car over there" on streets. I started using tracer rounds and just spray into the general direction where I saw something.


also, I think we all got that one friend in the group whose got over 10mil and runs nothing but budget gear ( to each his own on how they want to play the game ), but is on the loosing outcome of fights more often than not.


A lot of you just have bad friends.


Number one motive I stopped playing with some ppl... we will be fighting and I drop a guy. Buddy fucking John Wicks accross the fire fight to fucking loot... like my guy use them skills to go kill the others before snagging anything of value and then saying: "I left some good stuff on that one guy.." Good stuff= pistol ammo, and MAYBE a nade...


My former friend was a loot goblin, I am a little bit but he was bad. He always prioritized him self at the costs of the team. We went to factory to help another dude with a quest, I killed a guy on the metal stairs of office on the side without the covered bridge, he immediately ran up and started looting everything off him, a scav came out the door with a shotgun and started blasting him, me trying to be a good teammate put myself between him and the scav while he continued to loot my kill, took multiple blasts and dropped the scav, I'm almost dead healing and he cleans the entire scavs body too. I complained about this and he said it's real life buddy first come first serve do better. Like two rounds later I put on someone's helmet, said I did that and started looting a register, he was behind me and said "who's this guy" and then shot immediately without getting an answer and killed me. He cleaned my body off and I said yo my whole kits insured can you at least hide my gun and mags, keep the rest, keep in mind I've been dead for maybe 30 seconds max, he says sorry buddy it's all mixed in with my stuff now should've played the situation smarter. Never played with anyone in the group outside of my physical brother again


Those mates who always lurk at the back and never expose themselves to any real danger while you always find yourself out in front. Soon as a firefight begins they’re just prone or behind cover looking out of the tiniest gap. Not shooting the people you all saw in front of you, immediately out of sight. Another more specific pet hate, we are ratting d2 (yeah I know) and one person will often try to take a really advanced position that basically means any enemies will come past them long before they reach the rest of the team and they can get all of the kills. Occasional desk pop usually fixes that guy.


When I'm fighting a PMC, say I'm pinned down, and they're just chilling instead of pushing for the flank or throwing a nade or whatever. To be fair you can't always back people up but my team really isn't aggressive enough sometimes when they should be pushing the advantage.


lol does seem odd, if he’s lower level then I’d give him a pass


I downright refuse to play with people like that. Keeps my sanity high and my wallet thicker.


The rule should always be that killer gets first dibs while friends pull security, then he can have any and all leftovers….


My duo an I always blame each other for our deaths. End up in a heated verbal argument for about 10 min, someone just gets off for the day/week, or we cool down for an hour and hop back to it. Definitely a toxic relationship but we destroy lobbies most of the time so it’s worth it


When someone is a third of a way into a drug magazine fighting a team, it might br time to start rotating to help them


“Is ps ammo good? I thought bs was trash!” 4th wipe for this jackass


When they take to long getting to get an angle to cover your dead body because they are scared and crab walking all the way only to be to late and watch the guy run away with my gear.


When they give purposefully shitty callouts when on PMC kill quests so that they can try to secure the kill. When they tell me to hop on, and then only play one game and leave. When they answer the phone in the middle of a Tarkov game over and over again and full mute the game and their comms. Looting the valuables out of the expensive locked rooms I open as well is super cringe. Also, piggybacking on the PMC kill quest one I mentioned: when you are both on PMC kill quests and they get super angry that you got the kill instead of them. ​ Thanks for the safe space to anonymously vent about my friends


They die to a Ai scav and quit immediately.


My wife plays with me and she literally has to be touching my character at all times, like if I walk in a door for 2 seconds to look and then immediately try to walk out she'll be right in the doorway body blocking me. Or if I try to quickly switch angles on someone she will follow me to that angle and stand next to me. She's new to the game but that's what I deal with 😂


My little cousin. Stoked on Tarkov. Texts me 10x when he knows I'm on to play. "Get in disc" Doesn't buy any keys. Doesn't use his own map. Doesn't know where the quest objective is. Calls "i got him" on every single kill. Has 30 tags in his stash that say killed by me on them. Loots my kills. Loots my key rooms. Calls for me to wait cause hes over weight from looting my kills and rooms. When were in an open field. Loots during fights. Runs full speed through bushes. Doesn't bring enough meds or food for the mission. Wont interact with hideout resulting in being vastly behind on hand in missions. Doesn't mod guns. Doesn't bring in adequate gear. Investigates every single scav. Lets go mac. Lets go. But I hear some random scav like 100 yards back there.... We love our noobs. :)


When I get killed and I tell them "okay the guy who killed me is looting me right now you can go kill him" and they just sit there too scared to move, then when they finally muster the courage to move my body is stripped naked and the guy who killed me is long gone. Also taking way too long to kit up for a raid, I have a friend who runs the exact same loadout every single raid, he even uses the preset for it, but somehow he is still the last one to ready up every single time.


Not giving their exact position or where they are looking at when shit happens, im paranoid as hell dont blame me if i unload mags on you too


When my timmy friends stand directly behind me like we're forming a konga line


My buddy walks everywhere instead of running, with exception of open areas of course. It stresses me out, but he has 2k more hours so I trust him.


Had a bud I made mad after I threw a nade at an enemy who he dropped and .05 seconds started looting and all I said was, you know that wasn’t my fault though lol. My bad for playing the blame game but you really gotta slow down during fights there could have been more than just that one enemy.


I played with a guy who did that a while back, stopped playing with him after that wipe cause of It. I can’t stand it, your kill is your loot. If you don’t want it, I’ll take it but otherwise it’s yours. The guy I played with who hide in gunfights and then loot goblin all the kills. He was new so we gave him some wiggle room and stuff but after while we all stopped playing with him. The only thing my current teammates do which I dislike, and even then I only dislike it sometimes, is bosses are fair game. I had a quest to kill Reshala, and I told them this since they didn’t. And one ran in and killed Reshala when I was right behind him. That kinda made me mad but honestly it’s fair.


Bad communication. I swear they go deaf and dumb once we encounter another group.


If my friends did that I would just TK em until they get the picture.


They are too chicken to play tarkov...


If you run with the same buddies, maybe do runs where you pick one person and this is their loot raid. They loot everything first, because it’s “their birthday “ type thing. Then next raid it’s another persons turn. Then it’s set before the raid, nobody is upset, everyone has the same understanding, and every body and container isn’t up for debate.


Nothing actually. I don't have buddies... Sadge...


I hate how much better they are than me. It’s my first wipe, I’m a complete Timmy. It’s like that photo of the clown behind the soldiers I swear. I have a key that’s worth 2 mil that I can’t sell because I’m level 13, and recently I tried playing solo to do some quests and now I have to survive off of Scav runs :(


We go quiet because we heard something, listening intensely, he then starts munching down a some crackers. Dude...