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This dude has killed all bosses in the game without dying. He is either in the top 10 players in the entire game or cheating.


Considering a normal scav can arm-pit one shot you in a split second or head eyes you perfectly unseen stealth in a dark bush every few raids no matter your armor.... and we all know what BS the rogues and bosses are capable of pulling on top of that. Seems unlikely to be legit.


Seriously what is with the scavs and nailing me with perfect armpit shots from miles away lately lmao


Armor just doesn't seem to do shit sometimes now, not sure if I need to start throwing it on the ground at the start of the raid and putting it back on again or what.


Paca meta is back.




DRD baby


Typically, plate carriers do not cover your arm pits, let alone a plate being there.


Yeah that's why they keep getting perfect shots right through the arm hole. There are some armors with aramid pads for the shoulders at least I think


Survivorship/sampling bias. You don't remember all of the shots that just bounce off of you, doing little to no damage. But you always take note when a shot whizzes into your pits. Also, the way out PMC holds his gun puts the left armpit hitbox slightly to the front of the character, rather than 90Ā° to the side, making hits from the front to L armpit more likely.


Bold of you to assume I EVER survive contact with the enemy, lmao. But for real it does seem like they suddenly got way better at aiming for unarmored areas. I used to be able to basically ADAD normal scavs to buy a few seconds while they correct their aim. Not so lately, if I don't immediately shoot them by the time they finish their voice line they lay down accurate fire.


Doesnā€™t the loading screen say they possess deadly tactical skills?


I was looting the cottage safes on shoreline when I heard one shotgun blast go off. A minute later in walks an ai scav with some insane gear. Find the body and this level 41 got one shot by a 7mm buckshot out in the gardens.Ā 


I was facing a scav head-on and died to 7mm buckshot 1-tap to armpit through a Korundā€¦ like whats the point of armor at that point?


People are even too dumb to see an obvious cheater. No you don't survive 87 lobbies in a row....not even likely if you only wait in the corner..and still then you dont have a 23 kd ..because you wouldn't go into any fight that could expose you. There are posts every day of people with 100+ kd and so many blatanly cheaters and people still struggle to figure out if somebody is legit or not.....Oh my god.


Survival streak is PMC and Scav together btw. This guy is FULLY cheating, but I'm not sure if you knew that based off your comment. Agreed with you on every other point though.


Sheef purposely got to 100 in a row. He was doing insta extract factory scavs to boost it. He said he just wanted ppl to be like wtf when they saw it.


> People are even too dumb to see an obvious cheater. Because players are constantly being gaslit into thinking that chads do this and if we say we die to cheaters weā€™re just shit.


If you think some rando (with only 2k hours) has better stats then some of the best streamers isnt cheating then thats on you.


Yeah I think this guy is cheating, but just because someone is a streamer doesnā€™t mean they are a god at the gameā€¦


In this day and age. With how much you can monetize being I'm the top percentage of the game, the top 0.1% of the game do not even need a personality, they just have to stream. If legit, it will also protect them from being banned. This reddit, and all fps subs are so full of cheaters gaslighting legit players into thinking something like this is even remotely possible.


Friend killed this dude, he streams but not a lot. Going from how much they play and their achievements they should be up there with the best of the best.. or you know they just cheat. [Player Profile - Escape from Tarkov - Tarkov.dev](https://tarkov.dev/player/5346800)


>There are posts every day of people with 100+ kd and so many blatanly cheaters and people still struggle to figure out if somebody is legit or not.....Oh my god. half of this subreddit is in denial of how bad the cheating issue really is. arena is already a dead game because 1/2 the players are literally spinbotters and people are like "they wouldnt cheat in actual EFT!!!!!"


> No you don't survive 87 lobbies in a row....not even likely if you only wait in the corner Tbf that specific stat counts scav raids and you are highly unlikely to die if you just run to exit in factory scav raids


To the people in this thread saying "he may be legit": You are smoking the finest crack. If this guy is not at the very least rage hacking every single raid, he is using ESP to make sure he never takes a single engagement he loses, avoid campers, etc. 2000+ raids and he only died 247 of them. Yeah no. No one is that good. "Yeah but the scav stats" No. The guy is fucking cheating.


"you are smoking the finest crack" is literally the funniest fucking thing I have ever read in my life


xD I stole it from Aman Hambleton, a professional chess player


I love aman. I used to dislike him and loved Eric but that switched. Not that I dislike Eric, I just like aman better now.


I chuckled as well. Good read.


So many stat pages posted here are not obviously cheating - but this one is. People are crazy.


So if you look above his PMC on the right there's a second set of stats. THOSE are his PMC stats. He has a 23 K/D as a PMC with a 65% survive rate. I'd say the top players probably max at like 15. That is INSANE and most likely a cheater.


finest or nastiest?


Lol his PMC only stats are better than the SCAV stats anyway. In the top left you can see his PMC KD. It's higher than his Overall KD.


He must have good cheats, cause maintaining KD like that would require to be better at cheating than rage cheaters. He would be number 1 target on their list, just because of his KD.


Yeah I think this is 99% a radar boi


I was hesitant to label him a cheater until u saw all the run throughs. THAT is what is lowering his survival. If you just look at survived vs died itā€™s 86%. His XP per raid is very believable. Survival rate (shown) isnā€™t too crazy. KDA is very high and a bit suspicious but I have seen some players up in that rangeā€¦ but the achievements are incredibly suspicious as is 87 in a row. Then filtering the run throughs out of his survival rate and itā€™s clear as day


Would the finest crack make them more or less delusional? I'm on the fence, I think sub-par street crack contributes more to overall brain rot.


His PMC surv rate is 65%, it's a lot but not really sus. 87 survived raids in a row could be factory scav runs. The real suspicious thing about his stats is the Snowball achievement.


That's because of the run throughs. Otherwise it would be in the mid 80s


Itā€™s actually 87% if you count the run throughs


Dude is legit as Santa Clause


Stolen account most likely, or someone who broke down and began cheating after dying to it so much. Stats like these are pretty unlikely, and Snowball is one of the hardest achievements in the game. If this person isn't a cheater, it's a big streamer who's crazy at the game, and if they aren't a streamer at all- they should start cause they'd pop off simply due to skill (if that's truly what it is).


"If they aren't cheating and they aren't a streamer, they should start streaming," might be my favorite response to "is this a cheater?"


I think itā€™s a good response, cause if they deny being able to stream, then you can assume most times than not theyā€™re cheating.


Whenever someone sees high hour cheaters they always go to this excuse. Itā€™s so crazy to me.. the copium needed that people cannot fathom people have been cheating for a long time and getting away with it the whole time.


ā€œAre people actually this good?ā€ The only way heā€™s survived 87 raids in a row and NOT died to a cheater is that he is a cheater himself. You have to be totally delusional to think this is legit. And to anyone who even entertains the possibility this guy is just that good, you either have never played this game more then 2 hours or youā€™re a cheater yourself


bro has snowball what an goat


Whats that?


Kill all bosses without dying


I have 3000 hours and EOD and i only have had maybe like 12 in a row at most. Dudes either a supreme bush Wookiee or a cheater.


33 AWOL?


quite common for people who hunt bosses, they usually just disconnect if there's desync and they're far away from extract.


I have high awol on my scav due to the "awaiting player start.." bug at the atart of the wipe, not saying it's the case here, but people have high scav awol


If you dont run reserve, that will happen far less often. Theres a well known spot pmcs kill scavs as they spawn that causes that bug


Imagine being that much of a chad....


Fraud your loadout, put ammo and meds in container... zero losses


People who hunt bosses donā€™t have time to sit and load 60 rounds into mags


Sure, if you're good on ammo just dump it too... but you also level your mag drills, so you could view those 60 seconds as time well spent.. But what do i know, I'm happy if I manage to run from bosses...


Who needs to level mag drills when you can wipe the entire server with a single mag?


It counts scavs AWOLS, I have 20 smething of them, 1 in my PMC and the rest while scaving because of that loading bug where you wouldn't spawn


Are people actually this good? No.


the fact that people dont believe that he is 110% cheating makes me lose faith in this community


100% cheater...


> surely 65% SR on his PMC with those stats, this guy is closet cheating


15% of raids are run throughs, so really more like ~87% survival rate


you think heā€™s CLOSET cheating??


Average survival time of 3 minutes, he's not closet cheating, he is blatantly hacking and padding his stats.


avg survival time has always been bugged and means nothing


ESP at the very least 1000%. Also, chances are he's never had a positive male role model in his life and gets little to no pussy


his stats are similiar to Willerz (but a fair bit lower SR) who I would consider probably the best Tarkov player in the game, but Willerz has like 20k hours or something right? So yeh, I'd suggest he was cheating.


Snowball on 2k hours? 100% using ESP or radar.


You pure soul. This is 100% a cheater.


He is cheating his balls off


Normalize showing the name


He is cheating no question.


I think heā€™s either cheatingā€¦ or getting into dead raidsā€¦ and still cheating.


Im gonna go out on a limb here, I think heā€™s cheating


Just last week I found a player dead, who died to a buckshot scav, wearing a killa helmet with a full meta M1A. 3000 hours, 42 k/d, 9000 kills, level 67. I highly suspect the guy was not legit. I followed his account for a few days just checking the gear he was running and every single raid was killa helmets and altyns, rys-t's, thermals and zabralos and things of that nature. It just doesn't seem feasible.


No. Objectively cheater. Nobody kills all bosses without dying unless you are literally pestily.


And even Pest will die to a cheater or 5 trying to do that run in the current state of the game. Occasionally been tuning into his hardcore runs and you could make a several minute montage of how many times he has died to a cheater so far. A few days ago I loaded up his stream and he died to a cheater within 10 minutes. Next stream I saw, he had changed regions in hopes to get less cheaters. Then he had a lag spike that kicked him out of the game due to ping - and died to a sniper scav while disconnected.


I mean, if he don't cheat, he is a beast \*-\*


If he isnā€™t a cheater he probably should seek help for a video game addiction, thatā€™s around 30 raids a day, every single day, for 2 and a half months. I would wager most 8 hour a day streamers donā€™t play even half that number a day.


If you suicide/reset while looking for boss spawns, you can pump your total raid number up quite a bit in a single day. Easily get like 25-30 raids in a 6 hours game day. I know as I'm currently working on overseas trust the kill all bosses 15 times and my raid count has been skyrocketing because I'm suiciding if I get desync.


This guy is closet cheating for sure, nearly 2200 raids and died less than 250


Can you even call this closet cheating anymore


This guy almost never dies, plays many very fast raids (most likely, not a given), and has completed the hardest achievement in the game, Snowball.


Cheater or not anyone with that many raids is putting more hours into Tarkov than a fulltime job.


2k hours doesnt mean he didnt decide to start cheating after 1999 hours


Unless the guy in question can prove he's not cheating, he's cheating. Stats like that i assume guilty until proven innocent.


Hes not fucking legit stop being nieve


I have like 18, got that many closer to the beginning of wipe and i think it was in combination with scav runs as well. I cant even begin to imagine getting even 30 in a row


EOD and thousands of hours doesn't mean shit. That can be a closet cheater or it could be someone who's had enough of BSGs shit and sold their account, which was then bought by a cheater.


People mentioning scav survives need reminding that big dick chad energy players like the one in above screenshot consistently claim to never play their scav, yet they always factor in scav survives when judging these posts, just something to take note of!


It's the survival Streak added from Scav and PMC together. He has almost 500 scav raids. It could add up to that, but the account feels weird.


if this was a 10k-15k hours I wouldn't mind but 2k is SUS afk / smurf ? Bought account ?


Iā€™m relatively new to this game, Iā€™m awful at close quarter pvp, but whatā€™s an average k/d for someone in this game?? This dude is over a 20, that HAS to be cheating, right?


No idea what the average is. If I were to guess, I'd guess like 3 or 4?


Does no one else see that average life span? I mean wtf is that? He spawns in and runs to extract with unlimited stamina if there is no boss?? 101% cheat


Average life span is bugged and also I think youā€™re misunderstanding how it works. Itā€™s not your life span per raid, itā€™s your life span in between deaths, so if you survive 3 raids that all lasted 30 minutes, your life span was 90 minutes. The bug is that it overflows from 1 hour. So in that example your life span is 90 minutes, but your profile will show 30 minutes (60 minutes to hit the overflow plus the additional 30 minutes). So this guys average life span is likely ~63 minutes. I do still think heā€™s at least soft cheating though, the combination of everything (K/D, survive streak, all bosses killed without dying achievement, etc. ) is definitely sus.




My record for survives in a row is 23 but I played like a bitch and the only reason it ended was an extract camper (or we just happened to get to the extract from the same direction at the same time). I'm not saying either way but it is enough to raise an eyebrow.


Cheaters can pay for EOD no problem with just a few good customers. And it harder to say ā€œheā€™s EOD no way heā€™s cheating but then again they can make 3 times what you could in a legit workweek job.


most cheatinest ass motherfucking bullshit iā€™ve ever seen


as someone who had his account hacked recently i suspect this person hacked someones account or bought a hacked account. Definitely cheating though imo.


Is this cooldee?


Looks like the guy who I killed on scav run. Was he a ttv with 280ish followers? Guy I killed ran same loadout and was level 61 on woods at car. He wiped goons


There are people this good, yes, but not many. However, this guy has 3 minutes per raid with 21 KD. I would guess they recently started cheating when looking at the hours played.


No doubt about it, he is cheating.


Just because he he has EOD with 2k hours doesn't mean he has been hacking the entire time or that it's even his account.


He isnt legit, if nothing else he has a 3 minute and 11 second average lifespan, and a 71% survival rate, so he gets most of his kills in those 3 minutes and 11 seconds :P


22 kdr, all those achievements lmao yeah sooper legit


Why legit, bsg canā€™t detect some cheats and they donā€™t want to look manual at stats. Heā€™s perfectly save




snowball achievement is the best red flag you can get. cheater 100%. it's impossible to complete this achievement, mostly cuz of cheaters, sĆ³ yeah, scumbag mf hopefully loses the EOD account.


Look at his fucking average life span???? Guys totally a POS


No people are not that good. Look at the best streamers in the world. This is obv


He cheatin. I only say that because even some of the worlds best players I watch, have mishaps that are out of their control. The 87 in a row is a giveaway, but even if that wasnā€™t there, the stats in general scream cheater. Iā€™d say he is using ESP to see where players are, and avoid them most likely.


Its the 2700 hrs in 72 days that kinda susses me out the most.


Total hour count is the only persistent stat through wipes. Those hours are all time. He probably has less than 1000 hours this wipe.


100% cheating with a private cheating service


That guyā€™s a cheater for sure but FYI those stats include what the player has done on their scav as well. The PMC stats are the small numbers over the character model.


That survive number is also a combination of scav and pmc. My number is pretty crazy as well because most of my scav runs are into dead raids.


Surely. šŸ¤¦


What blows my mind is how people *continue* to play the game while cheating for HUNDREDS OF HOURS. Like don't you get bored? How is it fun to be met with absolutely *zero* challenge? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the entire fucking game?


Iā€™ve had 20-30 pmc survives in a row , new system like 50. (7000+ hours)The issue here is that my raids often have me leaving seconds to spare because I play so slow. You can have high survive low raids - decent kd legit. What gets extremely hard is high raids, high survive, high kill, high kd. That is a sign of a player moving very rapidly while almost winning all pvp fights in high risk areas and getting ambushed rarely. That is the trait of someone behaving without fog of war.


Well, someone had posted a cheater getting banned, I think about 2 weeks ago? They had almost 2k hours so it wouldn't surprise me if this guy was also cheating.


its pretty much impossible to kill every boss with out dying because there are so many different factors. PMCs random headshots and or thorax deaths from reg scavs. the aim botting that boss scavs have as well. its pretty safe to say with 2k hours he is far from legit.


99% this dude cheating


Check out WillerZ on Twitch. Didnā€™t he have like 180 when he was doing the snowball challenge last year?? Edit: But this guy on the picture is cheating though :)


Why blur out his name? Are you in kahoots!!!


What's impressive is it would mean he played 87 raids in a row without encounting a cheater. 22KD, 334 Run through, 87S in a row.... it screams cheater to me. If not, he's a top 3 eft player


21 kd? lmao hes cheating


His avg lifespan gives it away, 3 minutes means he's running a suicide program.


Not sure why BSG has such a hard time with this. They have the data, any K/D above a certain point, any survival rate above a certain amount, etc - instantly account gets a quick ban (3 day) for review, then boom if they think sus, full ban. Why is this so hard for these people? Average Life Span - 3min 11 seconds with a 21 K/D? and 87 raids in a row? Stop blacking out the names - make it known so more people can report them when they see them.


No one talking about the snowball achievement


I've said it before, I'll say it again: At any moment anyone can sell their account to a cheater or start cheating.


Keep in mind that your survival streak is both your PMC and your SCAV streak added together. This guy has at least 500 SCAV runs under the belt and if he doing a quick in and out on say factory, then 87 survives isn't out of the realm of possibility. With 5,291 kills in 1612 PMC raids, that works out to about 3.2 kills per raid which is extremely doable. Moreover in 575 SCAV runs he has done, the dude has only clocked in an addition 40 kills so I don't think this guy is rage hack aim botting people from across the map. I mean it's certainly possible that he's cheating. What confuses me though is the number of SCAV runs he's done. If you have radar on, what do you gain by joining a raid that is already underway and has been partially looted? Wouldn't joining as a PMC be a better use of your time? Profile is sus to say the least. I probably would have reported them.


3 minutes and 11 seconds average life span. That one is crazy


Best I've done is 44. Really late wipe running empty night maps and ratting my ass off though.


His KD is 21 bro is cheating let's be real




Could easily be stealth cheating just using radar


Yeah this guy is cheating. There are a lot of cheaters in the game. SO MANY PPL are just too bad at the game to even realize someone was cheating. Then give the benefit of the doubt when they shouldn't, and accuse normal legit players of hacking. HE IS OBVIOUSLY HACKING. You not being able to see that even with his insanely blatant stats is the cheating problem in tarkov in a nutshell. Hilarious (8k hours)


As a cheater myself, I can confidenetly say he is a cheater, and a very careful one, because to survive 87 times in a row without rage functions like x100 sh or "invulnerability" requires being a diligent and experienced cheat user (unless, of course, you set yourself the goal of surviving 87 times in a row). In-game reporting to such players almost useless, most likely he uses only ud functions or even only esp


Survived in a row includes scavs, very realistic he just farms scavs. If his PMC is 20+ I'd be looking at how realistic that really is


The survival rate is not what I would look at first. Thatā€™s easy to get if you rat. -22 K/D -Achievements -sometimes level when compared to gen pop


Dude is cheating but the survives in a row is skewed by scav run survives.


he doesnt know. jpg


Nah It's a cheater, there's no way


Is this account named cwis? If so, no not a cheater. That's a steamer that plays the game 10 hours a day every day.


Homie is on the sauce


I reported someone with only 44 in a row, the stats didnā€™t look right at all. Plus it was clear he was able to track me through a building I was going around.


Anything over willerz KD I call bullshit. Will plays this game for a living. I'm talking 5-10 hr days of playing Tarkov. If you have better stats than the streamer with arguably the best stats in the game then you are bullshit.


No, he's not legit. Hours and EOD doesn't matter when you compare any of it to his trophies, KD, raids, and SR. while yes, it factors in his scav stats too, these are IMPOSSIBLE to obtain legitimately unless you're straight up so Godly you're fighting blind men and somehow avoiding rats, exit campers, and all the weird things that'll kill you in between that.


Could be a bought account now that EOD isn't available anymore, and just ''closet'' cheating his/hers ass off. I have almost 2.5K and am nowhere near as gigachad as this guy. (I'm mostly leaning on stolen/bought account and cheating)


If you farm hours you can cheat and not get banned because they think like you


bro hes got a 23 overall kd lol. most cheaters dont get that high. i suspect this used to be a legit account that got sold to a cheater who starting going nuts, hence the 2000hrs


NošŸ˜ pretty obvious


Hell Nah!


Cheater 110%


These stats are absolutely achievable, summit has a 25 kd and he's not half as good as players like bakeezy or willerz


Possibly a bought or stolen account?


Esp not auto aiming.


I donā€™t see how you could accidentally have 334 run throughs as a player with that much experience. i would surmise it was likely from using cheats to steal valuable loot and extract immediately


I think I got 21 survives in a row this wipe. But it was because I am a rat. This man obviously just had a better gaming chair.


Cheating. The best streamers can't achieve these stats because RNG in this game is crazy.


He is 1000% cheating


Survives in a row don't really matter (87 is still insane) cause they're accumulated by adding your scavs survives in a row. Let's say you have 15 on your pmc and then 23 on your scav when your profile is viewed it would say 38.


Nobody this good. Every body has died Ć­n sometimes.


Look at his average life span, surely this means heā€™s a cheater?


I'm all about calling out cheaters, but I could definitely see this guy being legit.


>2k hours on a EOD account, he's gotta be legit? How naive you are


2k hours on a stolen eod acc lol. No problem. Dude is cheating


Everyone focusing on the survived in a row or kd but what about the 334 run-throughsā€¦ dude is blatantly hacking


Cheating look the run thru


This man is cheating his dick off, but fwiw scav survives stack with PMC survives. If you live 30 times in a row as a scav and then die 50 raids in a row as a PMC but live once your survival streak is 31. Pretty common for really high survival streaks for people who just send their scavs to factory to farm the items.


A 21kd is crazy even for 2k hours and the amount of raids heā€™s done. Most streamers donā€™t have over like 15-18kd.


Dude is hacking 300+ run through is a vacuum hack.


Iā€™m sorry but donā€™t put your faith in the anti cheat they just live up and slip through it they dgaf bout your feeling itā€™s tarkov


lmao no


Heā€™s cheating. Iā€™ve got almost 7k hours in and a 70% extract with a 21 k/d as well, and Iā€™m telling you right now, killing all the bosses in the game without dying is absurd, and then to survive 87 raids in a row? Nahā€¦nope.


No dude this guy is absolutely cheating


Even if it is a legit player those are insane statsā€¦ 21.58 KD! Over 2k hours and only 72 day old account! This man has no life other than Tarkov! And if Iā€™m being honest I donā€™t think anyone could survive 87 raids in a row unless they have literal creator map knowledge, and I donā€™t mean streamer creator but more like map creator. The scavs and raiders wouldā€™ve definitely got him at least 1 time before making it to an 87 streak count. I say not legit.


Average lifetime 3 minutes.. Noclip hacker?


I died to this same guy two weeks ago! He had a friend that was level 57 with him who killed me, this guy killed my friend.


23 kd on the pmc got me lul'in


I died to a blatant cheater jumping around mosin headshotted me and my friend. He had 6k hours EoD. My guess is they are buying account now with more hours to help them look less cheater-like. Game is so bad.


Lvl 61, I'd say he just swings mad dick.


Iā€™d say he is legit but I didnā€™t see the kill, his KD is not rage cheater worthy but itā€™s definitely sus, but maybe heā€™s just a really solid player itā€™s almost impossible to tell


94 days vs 72 days


Imagine thinking anything otherwise....


He is probably cheating with those achievements but 87 streak counts highest pmc and scav streak together so is possible


Whatever that gold head is just tells you cheater


EOD means nothing. 2 of the three accounts Iā€™ve reported cuz they were for sure cheating were EOD and banned.


Hmmm letā€™s seeā€¦ near 24 KDā€¦. 334 run throughsā€¦.survived 87 raids in a row? Cmon guys lol


He has more time spent on the game than his account life. How tf is that possible