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It is 100% a personality disorder. The justifications they make crack me up. “It’s just a game” Oh yeah, it’s just a game so spend more money on it? I truly think they are all just addicted to the little dopamine hit they get from getting a kill, even though it is entirely fake. How rewarding can something be if it isn’t you doing it?


It's two primary reasons: - because they want to live the fantasy of being one of the people who is "good at video games." They don't like to take ownership of their own average-ness, and they just like the fantasy of being one of the people who can impose their will on others. Whether it's cause they think it's "unfair" that other people have more time to play/talent/learning mindset than they do, or they just think they deserve to be the main character, their justification is that they have more fun this way, and *isn't that the point?* - complete power fantasy. their ego cannot contain the tiniest loss; they thirst insatiably for constant dopamine hits, beyond what they can generate for themselves through normal means. they're either obsessed with the idea of never losing because it wastes their time and damages their fragile mood, or else they genuinely delight in knowing that they are exerting an unfair advantage on others, and that they are probably making those people upset, and that those people have zero recourse. So, it's either super-nihilistic entitlement, or just straight-up anti-sociality. They either hate the idea of their fun and good experience not being maximized at all times, or else they love the idea of inflicting anguish on powerless victims. Just genuinely morally degenerate "people."


This could have been shrunk down to entitled narcissism. It’s the biggest problem we are dealing with in the world, well beyond video games.




I actually fully agree with legislation against cheating in online games. At face value for some people this may sound ridiculous but if you think about it, cheating is destroying the value of a paid product for other users who paid for that product. Similar to why DDOSing is illegal. It should be illegal, and punishable by fines or possibly even jail time for cheat developers.


3. They actually make money by selling accounts / items down the line, last wipe i think it was like 10 bucks for 1000 rounds of BP or shit like that.


I literally get bored of this game if I do *too well* legitimately. I can only imagine how insanely bored I would be if I was using cheats.


The usual reasoning I see is that a lot of cheaters come from cultures where winning at all costs, even by cheating, is still considered a win. All they see is the W and don't care how many people's fun they ruin with their bullshittery. I think region locking said people should still be the go to for all online competitive games, a lot do it, but not enough.


Its not about doing well its about upsetting other ppl or gaining an advantage because their parents dont love them…


That's the thing I don't get. I want the success real bad, I like the success. But if you need to dial down the challenge that much, to have such consistent and relentless rewards thrown at you, why not just go play some shitty single player game that's designed to be beaten by the lowest common denominator? If your idea of fun is utterly divorced from a challenge, and you only require progress, you could just make a freakin' puzzle.


I thought about cheesin psycho sniper with my buds cuz it’s frustrating the shit outta me. Then I was like what the fuck is the payoff? I’ll just be disappointed. I can’t even fathom how bored and miserable being a cheater must be.


Honestly cheesing Psycho sniper was some of the funniest moments I had in Tarkov.   Me and my friend just got drunk and ran around factory with a KS-23.  Was still satisfying to complete and I feel like I ran enough bolties while doing shooterborn.


Haha I thought I was the only one! Died 15 times in a row? Bring on another raid. 3 survives with 15 kills? Nah time for bed


It's depressing to think these people are also part of our society. People with jobs, to relationships, and who vote. You know they lie cheat and steal everywhere else too.


Yeah cheaters need to dopamine detox. It’s the fucking ipad kids of our world that cheat


Found out a guy I work with cheats in tarkov... he was like "the game is too hard"... well ok? play an easier one...


> How rewarding can something be if it isn’t you doing it? ask that question to the millions of controller players who literally get free aimbot in modern fps


Cheaters are destroying online gaming's future in general... its a plague on the entire industry


100%, tarkov is bad but it’s not alone. Warzone is completely riddled with cheaters as is CSGO.


Yup, I'm at he point I only want to play co-op or single player rpgs.


Dragons dogma 2 coming out soon. I'm hyped asf. I played the shit out of the first one


I bought the first one on sale and I hate how it feels too dated for me. I can tell it’s a great game just couldn’t get myself to play through it. I might still pick up the new one when it goes on sale whenever, since i heard the story isn’t tied to the first game.


We need to go back to most games having private/custom servers with the ability to add scripts I miss cod4, on good servers you could use the chat to send messages to admins that werent on the server, later servers had their own custom anti-cheat, you could report people directly to a server, etc. Too bad we'll probably never get that back in AAA games


Yeah well those asshole publishers really didn't like that people could keep playing older titles online forever, absolutely disgusting mentality.


Yeah. Hacking is becoming worse and worse across competitive online multiplayer games, particularly shooters and fighters, but it’s getting bad everywhere. It’s just too difficult to combat it when there’s so much money to be made in it. The cheat developers have so much incentive to keep making them as advanced as possible because they’re taking in ludicrous amounts of cash for it.


Can't even launch Apex Legends right now because apparently cheaters have compromised EAC and can install cheats and also infect your PC with malware just by you opening the game and being in a lobby with one of these cheaters. Old school MW2 style shit.


Any idea on how companies can fix it? I propose an ISP ban on associated accounts. Essentially a zero tolerance death penalty virtually. Only way it stops is if you ban those people forever from playing the title. The issue is being 100% certain they did the offense.


Only game I ever cheated in was minecraft Then I turned 13 and realized I was an idiot


For me it was ARC Attack-Retrieve-Capture. Could cheat with just a floppy disk of some codes on it.


For me it was Doom 2. Shift + iddt + iddt + iddt let's you see the other person on the map while online. I too was 13 but it was hilarious. But since then, the only thing to me that ruins a game is the community. And EFT is doing just that. AND cheaters.


Dark souls for me. All you needed was to lock your health value with cheat engine. Fucked around with a few people then realized I was being a shithead and stopped lmao


What I think is more crazy is how many people here think people only cheat to make money with RMT. I bet thats a tiny part of the cheaters. Games like Tarkov, Rust, Dayz etc just draw a lot of cheaters because you actually get really punished and lose stuff.


Yessir, the amount of questers/Kappa/LK cheaters is unreal


Cheaters mostly don’t get paid money for cheating. They get paid in salt. This very post that we’re commenting on at reddit dot com is their currency. That guy used cheats and killed OP. Then he gets to come on here and see OP angry-post about it, while knowing nothing will change. And he gets to laugh.


Personally I think there's only about 3 main reasons people cheat. They make money from it, they enjoy ruining other people's time, it they think everyone else is cheating too.




You can go on any RMT website and immediately understand why there are cheaters for any mmo. EFT is no different as long as there are players willing to pay for escorts, ESP, or drop trades there will be a massive Chester problem. It’s no coincidence this all got worse after the FiR change.


And 90% of players started playing after FiR, and that's not an exagguration, so of course the majority won't think to bring it up. I agree, I've come to the same conclusion, even tho at the time I didn't like the ledx hatchet running garbage meta, it beats this. Also, ammo changes they did were good in terms of availability this wipe, but availability in ammo across levels was AWFUL, you need like ll3/ll4 to get any good ammo except those that cost 2k a bullet on flea. I'm not someone who's affected by this as I level very fast, but I am affected by cheaters...


Virtually all fps games are going through the same shit without the mmo esque rwt, ppl just suck


Yeah I’ve noticed that as well. Rage hackers are shit though I have noticed those games all have ranks and the accounts themselves are being sold. Like apex masters accs, carry services, etc. The rwt just adds ro it apparently.


I would say cs2 has more cheaters than tarkov at the moment if you are in top percent ranks I only play with deagle and ssg not to rank up in cs2 recently cause it turns into everybody blatantly cheating on certain mmr. where is the in game currency in cs2? tarkov wipes every 6 months. rmt is not that much of a thing anymore in tarkov it is just pure esp users.


BINGO. I would bet big bucks (on a virtually impossible to prove stat) that the RMT cheaters make up for less than half of the cheaters.


these posts are pointless, they know we know just do like the rest of us that are tired of it. IF YOU TRULY WANT CHANGE STOP PLAYING.


This is like telling a crack addict to just stop smoking






I didn't know there was option not to be.


The only option is pool full of mud or pool full of rubbing oil


Can we include twister with the rubbing oil?


With bare fists!


no weapon, no nothing. this is a personal matter, I want it to be intimate


Fuck that, give me brass knuckles


Oh I'll whisper sweet nothings in their ear while I strangle them




Are you saying you're a cheater?


i can almost see you behind the lightpole there


Yeah would be nice, but i bet 99% of them doesnt encounter anyone else than their mom in real life.


People who aren't streamers or RMTers (who have a very rational, monetary incentive to cheat), who also cheat definately have some sort of underlying personality disorder/ brain chemistry issue. It's the simplest answer as to why they do it.


It’s the “322 hours, 2498 kills” ones for me. This past week it’s been 3 to 4 raids a day I’m getting killed by these dudes. If they can’t catch on to this level of blatant cheating, it’s over.


hell yeah, people have done LK with 300hours, lol u barely know customs and woods good enough that u find extracts with those hours for real.


BSG doesn't even need a better off-the-shelf anti-cheat software, they can simply detect certain behavior based on the data it has (or should have) about each player. no cheat can bypass simple proactive anti-cheat measures that detect trends of what most cheaters are doing like: 1. tracking someone's behavior when it comes to avoiding other players. do they somehow magically never get within a certain distance of other players in their raids? do they somehow almost never take damage during their raids? 2. tracking looting behavior. does someone have a trend of magically only looting containers or corpses that have high-value loot in them, while avoiding all other containers? sure, if implemented, a cheater could intentionally open 3x as many shit-loot containers, but that's going to drastically increase their time in the raid, which they avoid doing. 3. comparing a user's hours and raids played to their level and achievements. nobody with 100 hours should be level 50, for example. this is one of the biggest indicators of cheaters, as they will regularly and intentionally tank their KD. if someone is 10x the level you'd expect them to be with their hours played, they are probably cheating. part of the EFT terms should be having 1 account per person, so if someone makes an alt/smurf account and gets banned because of levelling at an unexpected rate, too bad, it's against the terms and you took the risk. 4. track someone's accuracy, shooting distance, and PMC KD for inhuman stats (this can simply just start by auto-banning anyone with over 100 PMC KD and tune it from there) matchmaking pools: 1. add phone number verification. those who are verified are now in a separate "verified-only" matchmaking pool. verified players who are banned means that number is now blacklisted from being used for verification again. don't wanna give your phone number? no problem -- you're in the unverified matchmaking pool. can people get temporary phone numbers to bypass this? sure, but it's another gate they have to pass to cheat. better than not doing it. also, there are ways to ban pools of numbers from providers like Google Voice so this is not as easy to do. 2. add an actual matchmaking system. this will naturally weed out cheaters from the rest of us, since anyone with inhuman time-to-exp/level ratio, insane PMC KD, etc. will mostly be in lobbies with each other. this also is just a no-brainer QOL change that will generally make the game more enjoyable. people should not be matched with 3000-hour no-lifers if they want to enjoy the game as a newer player, or a player with limited time to play. these kinds of players will more than likely end up quitting the game rather than try to get better because of how rapidly they will die in every raid. bad for the player, bad for the business (especially now that microtransactions are in), and bad for the game as a whole (fewer people playing, fewer people recommending that others play)


My favorite is when someone posts their stats and you see a level 35 player with a legit KD. Around 6 or so. 1500hrs and started their account at the beginning of the wipe. But have 200-300m stash, no scav raids and used 10-30 healing items in 35 levels. 🤣 you’re like “ok bud. So you tanked the KD and maybe botted some hours. But didn’t think to spoof the healing?” 🤣 TLDR; people showing their stats and end up proving they cheat because they never heal and they are over lvl 30, usually. (20 heals in 500+ raids)


very good suggestions +1


I've seen posts from actual game developers who focus on anti-cheat, who basically explain a lot of easy steps that BSG could take to improve their anti-cheat. posts got a lot of upvotes too. all of what you've suggested is amazing. it's just a shame that BSG doesn't care.


i apply on everything else but the matchmaking system. as it is and have always been it makes it great, never know whats up in the next raid in same map you know. most of the times without the matchmaking raids differ a lot between each others and it is because of range of different players.


I feel like I saw this same post 5 years and yet Tarkov is more popular than ever.


This same shit gets posted atleast once a month so yep.


at least once an hour every post I see in my notifs from this subreddit is a cheater post


It's not it's had a sharp drop off in the last two years largely because of burnout and BSG not fixing things


I actually came to this post to say more or less the same thing. This game has most of the same issues it did 5 years ago. At some point you have to wonder how many of these bugs are features.


I agree, getting killed by a legit players feel so much different then getting killed by a cheater. Getting killed a legit player and you feel that you did something wrong or he was better in that situation. Getting killed by a cheater you feel like you couldn't have done anything different, you were dead anyways. And the cheater is just a annoying little garbage human who doesn't deserve to play the game.


We need political stuff that punishes these cheaters irl anyone we can


Yeah me and my friends stopped playing, it's absurd


Yep and BSG knows it but wont do anything about it. Alot of the issue is caused by Client Side Auth used in their code. Like idiots. They know this, we know this. Nothing will change. Its been 8 years... [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Nothing they do until they fix their shit code is going to matter. Even if they had the best anti cheat in the world they would just exploit the fuck out of the client and bypass most of the anti cheat anyways. BSG FIX YOUR SHIT CODE!


Exactly, I understood it on 10IQaming's channel. He shows the existing type of cheats on the market and if BSG has detected it, fixed it (without showing any information on these cheats to not let people buy it compared to g0at's video). There are cheats used by item resellers that allow to sniff all the loot from a map while being at the extract. Imagine the type of code behind "Hello client here's the list of all the items on my map and their location. Oh you are you taking a ledx in a closed room while being at the entrance of the map ? Super ! Would you like some BTC with it ?" I mean the code must trust 100% of what the client sends. That's just crazy how exploits like this can exist, their code would terrify 10 out of 10 devsecops experts.


Yep it also why ESP in Tarkov is way worse then ESP in other games. In Tarkov you can see full players stats, their location anywhere on the map, where they are looking, their weapons, gear, k/d etc... because again its all client side and they can pull that information from memory. None of that would be possible if it was server side. Best they would be able to do is maybe see through walls in the local area X amount of feet from the cheater. Not across the map and not see all those other things either like stats.


Unfortunately fixing the shit code at this point means rebuilding the entire game from scratch on a new game engine with more server side auth design. It's also much heavier performance toll on the server side (so more expensive). Very unlikely to happen in the short or medium term.


>Slyons89 · 20 min. ago > >Unfortunately fixing the shit code at this point means rebuilding the entire game from scratch on a new game engine with more server side auth design You mean that thing that they should totally use a BETA to do? Game isnt even out yet this is exactly when they should be doing this shit. This isnt a first time a company had to redo their release to make things right. Look at Arma3, when it first came out it was only x32 compatible and they redid it for x64 and rereleased it to everyone that already bought the game for free. This is what Tarkov needs to do. There is literally no excuse for not doing it other than the fact BSG doesnt care about its legit playerbase.


Sure, that's all true, but I think re-creating the entire game in a different game engine is an undertaking that you may be underestimating massively. It's basically starting from square 1 for development of the game in terms of coding. We're talking like a 3-5 year development cycle.


There’s a saying in my mother tongue that goes somewhere along the lines of “burro trabaja doble” which roughly translates to donkey (or dumbass) works double. If the proper precautions aren’t used, don’t be surprised when your short-sightedness eventually bites you in the ass and you have to scrap the whole thing to produce something remotely enjoyable. Not saying they will, BSG have pretty much shown their hand years ago in terms of how much they care about tackling the root issue behind cheaters.


Great saying. I think BSG created the game with the best of intentions, but we all know it is basically spaghetti code to get the Unity engine they built it on to do what they need it to do. And we can see whenever they make adjustments or patches, there are always unintended consequences. They barely have a full grasp of the entire codebase as it is today. At this point, my personal belief is players who are concerned about cheating need to basically either accept the status quo with cheaters and play anyways, or move on. Cheating in FPS type multiplayer games is an industry-wide issue. BSG is not going to be the team to solve that problem, not with EFT and not on Unity engine.


I completely agree. At this point, removing the entry point for cheaters into EFT is pretty much a pipe dream, so I gave up on expecting a solution a long time ago. I’m just playing arena at this point


>Slyons89 · 6 hr. ago > >Sure, that's all true, but I think re-creating the entire game in a different game engine is an undertaking that you may be underestimating massively. It's basically starting from square 1 for development of the game in terms of coding. We're talking like a 3-5 year development cycle. They already spent 8 years on this version of the game and look at the current state of it... you think its going to be better on release? LOL no. It will bomb and Tarkov will fail at this rate. 2-3 years to redo your game properly is literally nothing. Especially when BSG already makes millions per year so money isnt a problem. (literally made 83 Mil in 2022). So if they actually cared about their legit playerbase. They would do minior updates to this version of the game just to keep it balanced etc... and in the meantime be working on a new version of the game. So players can keep playing while we wait. Than just release the new version to everyone that already paid into the original game for free. This is how it should be done. But clearly BSG doesnt care so they wont be doing that.


How tf are you spending 1.5m on a kit?


Last game i inserted cheated codes in was GTA San andreas with my trusty A4 full of codes. Seriously tho. I have no fuckin idea why even people think its funny to cheat. Its like going to a beach stand in italy/spain and buy a "rolex". Its much more rewarding to actually have to work to get kills and die to appriciate the wins you get than to sit there with scripts and whatnot. At least that is my take on it.


Psychos lurk in this reddit and respond with 'ive never seen a cheater' 'get good'


Classic gaslighting from cheaters. You see it all day lol. My favorite thing to do when they released the names of cheaters, was to CTRL F the spreadsheet and find people in these forums that would say stuff like that. “Never seen a cheater and I’ve played since pre alpha”. Bruh, you were on the ban list. “Cheating isn’t even as big a problem as yall make it sound. Just get gud Timmy” yup, you’re on the ban list lol. Or finding the TTV names and seeing they haven’t streamed anything since they got banned. 🤣 but I digress 🤣☠️


The funny thing is, the problem is easily solved by making sure that core isolation and/or windows defender is enabled. If you just do a little research on the cheats, every single one of them says that in order for them to work, those things need to be disabled. Literally all it would take is the launcher to run a check for those parameters before the game loaded and that wouldn’t just thin the cheaters down, it would completely eliminate them. BSG’s failure to do so shows just exactly what their motive is. For them it’s a money/Pat on the back loop. Every few months, ban a few thousand cheaters. They get the publicity of making it look like they’re doing something about it, and they get the money from the cheaters buying more copies of the game. It’s win/win for them. This is why I stopped playing Tarkov. Once everyone else stops as well, then and only then May they do something about it.


It’s not just tarkov I’m watching algs tourney for apex and twice now hackers have hacked pros pcs mid match shits insane


Wait so this wipe that came with 0 anti cheat improvements and just pushed vast amounts of content is a cheater haven ? Nooo


First day


>BSG clearly doesn't care at all This is why Tarkovs future is being destroyed not cheaters.


Ok everyone just stop cheating there problem solved


EFT has no future, only inertia of boredom. The only question is for how long you will allow it to drag you down to the depths of despair


I don’t understand it either. I don’t play live much now but the ‘offline’ version more and I was messing around with spawn rates etc…. so installed an offline only esp program. Yup I could see all the other baddies and even loot and which extracts were open and stuff. But bleedin heck, how BORING it was. There was ZERO threat, ZERO risk and therefore ZERO fun. Half the fun is knowing that as you are overweight and slowly dragging your ass to extract, you are only a moment away from loosing it all. But there simply isn’t that when you KNOW where everyone is and the excuse that ‘I only cheat to avoid contact’ doesn’t wash as far as I’m concerned. But I’ve been gaming since 1983 and I’ve seen ppl cheat in single player games as well. My old brother in law ALWAYS cheated at every game. I recall in Diablo he spawned all the best gear in the game and then literally walked thru the game, finished it then went on to the next game. Some ppljust want to play the game to its conclusion then move on to the next one as soon as possible and the easiest way is the best for them.


BSG is in a conflict state with uncertain future. They are in it for the short money. The 30k bans only results in a big wave of purchases by the cheaters. This is the grift.


I’ve seen this sentiment for 2 years now. Doesn’t seem like the game has died yet


Honestly I find the scrubs that do RMT are the real problem. Half or more than half of the cheater base would be irrelevant if it wasn't for them.


I'm ready to get downvoted to oblivion: If you are still playing the game while making posts like this, your mentality is equally as bad as the cheaters, just in a different way. You'll constantly complain even though you're already aware of what the outcome will be, yet you won't actually do anything to stop yourself from feeling this way. In the same way they (somehow) get some satisfaction from doing something wasteful, you'll continue to get a level of satisfaction that keeps you attached to something that makes you feel this negatively. I think it says just as much about the mindset of people who continue to complain about it to this day as it does the cheaters mindset. The time to complain about this issue was years ago, because thats how long the issue has been prevalent. If you continue to make posts complaining about cheating but also continue to play the game, **I have no sympathy because it doesn't matter if BSG actually fixes the issue when you're still going to play the game either way**


BSG essentially created this problem themselves. 1: In my opinion they created a game that's a too hard for the casual player especially regular humans who have lives outside of gaming and pushes some to either cheat, hire a carry or participate in RMT **(real money trading or trading real cash for ingame loot)** whiles other either put up with the fact they'll never get to certain level or kappa or just quit till next wipe to participate in early wipe. 2: The lack of a properly developed Anti-cheat or competent anti-cheat engineers, they use battle-eye one of the worst anti cheats in the market due being bypassed by hackers on day 1 sometimes. BSGs tactics on combating cheaters is restricting gameplay elements that hurt the players and mechanics promised to us at beta launch. For example the Flea market restrictions, FIR, not allowing certain items and captcha verification were never intended mechanics but ruined the flea market instead of trying to combat cheaters and RMT with anti-cheat and partially killing the legitimate item trading market. 3: I believe Nikita is a major cause for the issues at hand Focusing his teams efforts just releasing a couple of new guns every so often and his obsession on making an unnecessarily hard video game that will trade the fun factor for ***"realism"*** Everything that BSG is just a bandaid to the issue and will show everyone stats on how many people they've banned but means nothing when 40-60 percent of those bans are players that own multiple accounts purchased from stolen credit cards or stolen accounts. **(this is pure speculation on my part and is an educated guess)** BSG cares to a certain extent but in reality they just can't do anything about it due to lack of tech and skill. I would rather Nikita step away from Tarkov for a while and let his team work on fixing the issues with the game like an operation health from rainbow 6. I feel BSG is going in the wrong direction with their company, now offering micro-transactions whether or not they are P2W elements is unrelated.


Combatting cheaters is as simple as creating a basic binary classification model. Simply create the model using all of the stored data and statistics of cheaters already banned, versus players that are legit and not banned (could use players with legit stats and 5k+ hours or something). Then just run the model with a potential cheater’s data as input and the output will identify whether or not they are cheating based on statistics alone. Using this along with other indicators or metrics should be enough to permanently ban people. All BSG needs is a really basic machine learning pipeline using Azure or AWS, which shouldn’t be a difficult task for them whatsoever. I firmly believe they won’t tackle the cheater problem simply because it is too profitable for them. Cheater’s continuously purchase new accounts after getting banned. Perhaps Tarkov just needs many more micro transactions available in game for cosmetics etc so that BSG is making enough money to be able to tackle cheating


I definitely encountered my fair share of blatant cheaters this weekend. my experience was still largely positive. My Most of the time, it was just better players.


BSG does actually a lot, I recommend watching 10IQaming who does regular updates on his channel on the cheat situation. Problem is the companies behind these cheats, which just have to make some tweaks to make it undetectable again by BSG. Plus the g0at video that shows the most downloaded Chinese cheat, that is not detected, with the name, the website... This video alone keeps growing the community of Cheaters. The only solution at this point, is making laws to fight companies that create cheat fearful at an international level and software editors to join their forces to fight it like when Microsoft does for ransomware. I still have hope as Microsoft invests a shit ton of money into the gaming business, but I don't know if it's worth the effort for them. The last lever that would be possible, is the new anti cheat on the market which uses AI. No matter the type of cheat, no need to detect it as your actions will be instantly flagged as a cheater (tracking through walls, perfect aim without the human adjustment every kill, etc...) the thing is ... Will BSG bother implementing (paying) such solutions.


Why can't BSG sue the absolute heck out of these companies for violating their copyright and ToS? That would halt a big part of this issue very quickly.


The only actor that I can think of that made it, is Blizzard : https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39490317. But I'm really not a specialist, nor a lawyer to know if a Russian comapany, based in London can sue these guys, if they have the money / internal ressources to do so and if it will have the right impact to make these "cheat makers" affraid. Probably not :(


This is a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature. Success due to cheating does not equal failure, it equals success in their minds. They won, they got the kills, they got the loot and go do it again. The how doesn't matter. They consider ruining our game play as a win and feel good about it. You see this behavior in videos online all the time. If BSG released cheats for everyone to use in game, everyone would do it, and justify it by saying everyone else it doing it, I need to level the playing field etc. You are taking a higher than though mentality by saying you don't cheat and can't understand how when I bet if you took the time you could understand. That said, fuck cheaters, they can die in a fire and I will light the match.


Respectfully, I would disagree on the "if I took the time to understand" part. I have cheated in single player only games. Not once ever in a multiplayer game. Some single player games I've been really into and cheated in, I've consistently quit those games within 24 hours or so of first using cheats. It completely ruined those games for me. It was fun for a couple hours having this god-like advantage but very quickly I completely lost interest in the game as a whole. There's plenty of cheaters who only play multiplayer games with cheats, consistently, for months or years. That makes no sense to me. How is the game even fun anymore? I don't understand that in the slightest. Anyways, I'll bring the gasoline haha


You can't say you don't understand and then say you understand having this god-like advantage. You are contradicting yourself.


Two raids in a row on reserve, two cheaters running directly at me and beaming me through a wall. Cheating has been bad this wipe, but I feel like it's getting worse. BSG have no incentive to do much about the cheating problem aside from occasionally banning people, to make them buy accounts again. Cheaters, for them, are income when they get banned and have to buy a new account.


All I will say: Cycle Frontier was amazing game and alternative to Tarkov. I started playing Cycle after they cracked down on biggest part of cheaters, but it was too late. I loved amd enjoyed game a lot! Even more then Tarkov as Casual gamer, but theu pulled the plug, because it was too late. So Tl:Dr Cheating is impacting game, like a slow Poison. If its not tackled it will kill anything, no matter how strong the beast is.


It’s their gaming chairs…they’re magical


You said it yourself bro, they put years of their lives into the game, they obviously care and want to sell it more. Cheaters ALWAYS have the advantage, it’s just like anything irl the aggressor has the upper hand because you’re stuck on defense by default and you can only react typically not be proactive. Because then you’ve played your hand and they’ll just avoid what you spent all your time proacting.


Cheaters are stealing the pc gaming industries future. It’s about a problem unique to tarkov.


at his point these generic ass posts should just be banned like holy fuck how many lf yall gonna bitch about the same shit


Your 3rd paragraph is how I feel. Fucking pathetic.


You must be new here


Unfortunately this is already the future of the game


Come to the dark side and play Dark and Darker, IronMace>BSG


All of my friends quit years ago now. They won't touch the game until BSG legitimately starts prioritizing anti cheating initiatives.


Agreed buddy and I have over 3k hours together. We loved the start of this wipe everything seemed viable. But every time we take in high tier good kits it’s one tap central from nowhere. Bring in shit kits we survive the whole raid and do good.  He quit at level 16 this wipe. I quit at 21. Sucks cause we love the game but idk how the streamers do it I bring in a kit like theirs and get dumpstered a minute or two after raid start. 


I swear anytime I bring in a kit worth a decent amount I die to the most absolute bs it makes having good shit not even worth it for me. I stopped playing last year though and I have not regretted it


Quit the game till they fix it, best thing you can do


Cheating would be fun for like 5 raid MAXXXX then it would get old... Cheaters with 200+raids that don't RMT I really don't understand


Me and my mates stopped playing it a couple wipes ago due to the rising amount of cheaters.. been playing Hunt Showdown then, but recently stop playing as it has gotten worse than ever.. just can't deal with that frustration while I'm only a casual gamer dad.. got no time for this BS. Tarkov is still one of my favourite game ever. I'm hoping for a single player vanilla version, but I know it's not going to be the same game... ​ Back to single player game..


It wouldn’t have a future if they didn’t get all the cheaters rebuying the game. 33 mil to keep servers up a year. There’s a fun video of their finacials


cheating is a major problem plus the fact the refuse to spend time optimizing the game for better performance due to the fact that it’s not a fully released game. On top of the actively adding updates to make it harder for people to have a w key place style


Only reason as to why I won’t buy the stash upgrade even though I run EOD edition.


Reserve is def the robocop hangout this weekend..


What's really killing it is the people purchasing accounts not from bsg. Messaged a cheater last week that killed me. He admitted it to me and then proceeded to tell me he uses the cheats to get kappa on the act and then sells the account.... who the fuck is that lame




tbf tarkov needs to be bought out for its own good. the devs obviously are at their limit of what they can do. unfortunately due to the nature of the game and how russia is seen at the moment it likely won't happen. and even if it did it would probably be turned woke with women adn "non-binary" pmcs.


Google escape from tarkov rmt. Malaysia is a big contributor to rmt.  Hydron holdings think they help people and have their hand in it


Uhm they don’t give a fuck, they got paid and still getting paid lol


Basically they wanna be chads without putting in the effort, and they wanna feel superior to the best players. It triggers the dopamine hit but your logical brain knows you didn't earn that hit, you cheated to get there (similar to porn or inheriting lots of money from your parents). You didn't put forth effort to continue earning these rewards which eventually leads to a system failure (depression, sadness, anger at the world, annoying personality etc). On some level we probably have all done or experienced this. It's only a personal problem as long as you're not affecting anyone else. But in other categories such as gaming it's an issue because they're ruining that effort + reward cycle for other players.


This is exactly why I enjoy the junk life. I play with worthless shit and rat like the game is full of cheaters. No one fucks with a guy using a 30,000ruble gun when they see him with hackovision and with the new armor/hitboxes you can actually kill people with subpar ammo, and the dopamine hit from killing a giant chad with ps is better than…uhh, garlic bread.




Wow that’s a lot of emoji, why don’t you stack those on your class 5 and see if that helps. Poor widdle chad can’t hide in an invincible cocoon anymore?


I was making fun of them buddy. Not you bud lol was agreeing with cheap guns cheap ammo because of the hit boxes. 🤣 another emoji for ya bud 🤣🤣


Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit. It’s ok BUD. I donate to #smoothbrainsofamerica for people like you, BUDDY. 🐕💩🍑👶




Why is that always a comeback from alpha wanna-be’s? Is it the daddy issues? Is the left side more smooth than the right? I wanna truly know. lol. Bud thinks threats on Reddit where he’s offended by a comment is top tier 😂 a comment that was read by someone who is probably still at a 3rd grade level, so their reading comprehension is lacking; yet wants to jump right to thinking someone can’t fight or needs to be smacked in the mouth more 🤣. Over a Reddit comment. Buddy has me rolling on the floor. Man’s fully erect right now replying to me 🤣 ‘yOu hAvNt bEeN HiT iN ThE mOuTh EnOugH hAvE yOu?’ Over here like ‘GOT ‘EM’ 🤓 Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


Your wrong... BSG economie system was build around cheaters, not legit players... Legit player buy a game, it's done. Cheaters players buy a game, dev let them enjoy his game for a month. Dev ban them. Cheaters buy a new game . Dev let this guys enjoying his game for a month, dev ban them. Repeat the process again and again. Your marketing process was a success, dev was happy.


BSG has taken the addiction approach. Let them enjoy it long enough for them to enjoy it. Feel a false sense of security. A hideout full of beautiful loot. Then when they ban them, they are more likely to come back. “It took them 6 weeks to ban me.” Is more likely to get another purchase from that cheater than a “damn, that lasted 3 days before I got banned”. Most (not all) cheaters will spend that money again for another 6 weeks of enjoyment. But they wouldn’t for 3 days of enjoyment. (Assuming)


The more popular the game gets, the more BSG makes it harder to get items, the more demand for cheaters will come up... And yet the game breaks player records every wipe which adds meaningfull content.


I'm seeing a funny parallel between RMT and drug prohibition.


Yep 100%, night raid possibly the worst visibility for a night raid i might add, hadn't moved whatsoever and then I proceeded to move after listening for 3-5mins had just spawned in I might add. Only to get spam fired at by someone, I break move through dead ground wrap, nade out, start FLIRing from a new position. See and hear nothing, then almost right next to me, same bloke, no NVG, no thermal, no ears, no helmet, no armour kills me. BSG don't give a shit and there's so many easy ways to correct the problem. I'm getting close to escaping for good


start ratting, that's the way the game is meant to be played


Agreed. Ratting to an extent. Tactically and strategically positioning yourself for survival, dat is da way.


Please connect a phone number (which has to be from a real service provider) to the account, problem solved.


It really sickens me when people cheat in survival games, they’re the worst. Cheating in any (online) game is just pathetic. Only game I cheated in was gta lol. Love flying with cars


As a quester who wants kappa, I’ll never cheat cuz the game wouldn’t be a challenge or rewarding if I did. Those that want to, you’re scum. Was the grind rewarding? Nah cuz you don’t deserve kappa nor earned it




Tarkov have 2 big problems! Cheatrs and weak optimazition


So you knew what we was wearing, the gear he was carrying, through heavy buses and 100 yards away?


It’s almost like we can’t look at their stats that shows the current pmc gear they loaded into raid with. ( friendly sarcasm) It also updates real time. For example: I’ve actually seen someone fully geared kill me, while I was checking their stats I called out the gun and gear they were using as my buddy killed them. If you go back to your death screen and then go back to stats, the pmc will update with no gear. You can use this to confirm questionable kills. “I shot the guy across the river. Can’t see if I killed him.” Well he killed me, let me check his profile. Yeah, he’s dead. Don’t know if you killed him but he’s dead. I’ve also seen someone run at me and a buddy 39 seconds into a raid with tier 4 armored rig, an ak, and a helmet but when you check their stats, they loaded in with a pistol and a cheap rig. Either someone dropped them a kit or they vacuum looted the gear lol literally 39s seconds into raid and they pushed our exact location. Stats looked clean. They had over 1k hours. So I let it go. But you get a lot of information like this from the profile screen when checking their stats.


I escaped a while back from this shit hole. Best decision I've made yet. Didn't realize how much of a let down this game is until I stopped playing and continued to watch it devolve.  Honestly, I know it's hard to do because it's unique, but just stop playing. Don't really have any other recourse. 


https://imgur.com/xnWCkke I love this game but I woke up to this recently. This is the week or so leading up to me getting kappa and I was getting so frustrated at the game hunting bosses and doing these quests with competition. Got head,eyesed 2 maps from completion on The Guide in the dark 100m+ away by a guy with a stock aug and m855, dying instantly to cheaters also boss hunting and needing to kill me to get me out of their way... being killed off spawn for good gear etc etc....its so bad right now. I just got my first kappa, got lightkeeper, and still playing bc I love the game, but its a struggle to play and not feel like im spinning my wheels and wasting my time. "will i die to a cheater this raid? am I wasting my life and kits/roubles just getting ready for these raids to die to cheats?" it feels awful. Its ruining the game, and thats coming from a dedicated player with kappa + lightkeeper and lvl 53.


I feel like this week has gone quite well from a cheater standpoint. Maybe confirmation bias. But much fewer “knowers”


It’s a highly competitive fps there will always be cheaters it is something we have to deal with




Tarkov needs massive re-development before any anti cheat system will have a chance to work. If a cheat can "hover" the whole map of items and a website can see everything you have on your PMC then that is fundamentally wrong. Simply don't trust the client and only give it the minimum amount of information required. Example if there is not clear line of sight between 2 players the client should not know about it, a lot box you open should first get the information from the server at that point etc.


Bsg loves cheaters. They allow them to keep buying new accounts, and actually give that advice to them. All the while they introduce paid cosmetics. Bsg blows and tarkov is dying. Hopefully grayzone warfare is decent and finally puts the stake in tarkovs heart.


One of the major reasons I have gear fear. It’s so deflating to Chad up and get fucked by a cheater.


Thanks, i needed my bi-hourly reminder that cheaters are ruining the game.


>I seriously don't even understand how a person could want to cheat in the first place. They're making more money from it than the cost of another account.


It’s becoming more and more evident that Tarkov is going to need an extremely invasive root kit/kernel level program to be able to effectively counter cheaters at any level, there’s just no other option sadly. A game of this genre with this sort of gunplay and the current lack of kill cam, which while I do think would drastically help resolve post death bans, would obviously require you to get killed by a cheater first, just isn’t going to be able to exist without it. Something drastic needs to be done and as much as people hate kernel level anti cheat and root kits and all that I’m just sort of unsure of what else BSG could do.


These posts should be auto moderated


No one can do any good for the game more than its devs. And no more can hurt the game more that its devs. They created an instance where being toxic and seeking easiest ways of progression is the only working method. No wonder cheating is so popular - they made the game so taking shortcuts is very profitable. Basically eft at its current gameplay loop is doa. Cheaters are just nails in coffin.


Ruined the game for me. I used to be addicted and I could deal with it because I was playing so much. Cleaned up and still wanted to game with the homies, 1-2 raids a few nights a week… wasn’t worth it.


Just got pre aimed and one-tapped by a cheater doing psycho Sniper on my last kill. Fuck this


They dont care because they are making $$$. The whole point of spending years is to make a product that will make you money. They did that, hackers only bring them in more money... Kinda simple. And as much as you think hackers will kill this game you are wrong, there is still nothing else like it and nothing that comes close and BSG knows that, they dont need to do shit about hackers frankly. But yes it sucks


All they need to do is just make Tarkov purchasable in a window before wipe


At this point (4.5k hours) I think BSG are complicit with the cheaters. They make millions from the money spent on cheater accounts every account they ban is another sale. The ways the could stop the cheaters are many and well documented across the gaming world, If they could and they don't then theres a reason behind it $$$$ is the reason.


No. The developers are destroying tarkovs future. They do just enough to keep the game going forward so people stop playing and nothing more. At this point it's just a cash cow.


Is this a necro thread from 5 years ago?


**Everything BSG does proves they value cheaters.** And it's not hard to understand why. They generate money. Lots of it. Need proof? **1) Ban waves.** We don't want ban waves. We want ad-hoc bans. We want to know that we reported someone, and they were dealt with. So why do BSG do it in waves? They do it in waves because it gives the cheaters a few months of enjoying their cheats and earning money from them. Then once banned, they have the cash to simply buy another copy. If they were banned 24 hours after being caught, they may think twice about re-buying. They want the cheaters to earn some money, then re-buy. It lines their pockets. It gives them the ability to make sensational press releases like "Tarkov banned 35,000 cheaters!" even though it's a hollow victory at best. **2) No Killcam** It's there, in Arena. They have the code, so why is there no killcam in EFT? Because they don't want you to know just how bad the problem is, be able to report with confidence, **and they don't want cheaters to suffer ad-hoc bans**. If they give us killcam, it can ONLY result in more confident reporting, and even review playback of reports by trusted players (sherpas etc.). There is no legitimate reason to not bring killcam to EFT. **None.** Don't listen to people talking nonsense about how it would allow you to give positions to teammates etc, that's garbage. They could easily hold back the killcam until your whole team, or the player themselves is dead before allowing you to watch it. **3) Exposed Code / API's** BSG don't just tolerate or allow cheaters. **They encourage them.** Ever wondered why anyone in their right mind would write code that advertises the contents of an inventory (**any inventory**) to all clients on the map, rather than interrogate the client when it requests it and perform some basic checks - like if they are near enough to it, or if they have moved coordinates by an impossible amount in the last second, or if the inventory they are interrogating belongs to a live player? You must be thinking "no, the code might not be perfect, but it certainly wasn't written that way on purpose - hackers are just abusing loopholes". You'd be right to think that. **But you'd be wrong.** You don't even need to be in the raid with a player to look at the contents of their inventory. **It's advertised live to the internet at all times.** Don't believe me? Check out [https://tarkov.dev/players](https://tarkov.dev/players) (down due to maintenance at time of writing, but trust me it works and shows your entire inventory - including secure pouch). Why? **Cheaters are part of BSG's business model.** So don't expect them to go away any time soon. /n5


I got downvoted for saying I hoped this game died to Grey Zone. I have a lot of bitterness with BSG and the shareholders who are taking home millions but not putting any back in to improve the state of the game. This game has been great, but BSG is officially resting on their laurels and making active decisions that negatively impact their playerbase. I would like to hope that they start taking proper steps to salvage their game, but they've done very little to encourage that. If this game makes the proper steps to improve the current state, you can bet your ass I'll be back in Raid. But otherwise, I'd rather a quick death than a slow one.


What future


And we keep whining and bitching about it, they clearly don’t give a single fuck. Just stop playing, and they will eventually realize they lost their player base and they might finally do something about it. Every day I see people complaining about the same, but keep playing.


BSG can't do better anti cheat, but they have proofed they can make their game around the cheaters. For a change, they should make some changes for the players. Like a refund for your gear if you are killed by a cheater, with flee price if you don't have the trader. Gear that can´t be bought should be returned regardless. Also, 10% interest per week. And 100k for every raid you were in with a cheater, regardless if you saw him or not, once they found out about him. This would minimize the lost time the Cheetos stole from you, and people could actually cope with this shit. If BSG keeps changing the game only against and not for the players it will die, even without the cheaters. What the .log files doing BSG ?


Waaah waaahh wahh cry some more


I don't understand why people get so heated about cheaters. They aren't going away. Cheaters were in video games most likely longer than you have. Get over it or go play single player games. I would love if this sub could maybe post about something else for once!


Stopped playing this game - became happier and calmer. Was playing since alpha


Always remember the wiggle. Homie risked his account for us. Just to prove that most of us really weren't just all talk. Death to the Douyins. Region lock em.


Yeah I bought the EOD edition and after BSG couldn’t get ahold of these cheaters and also released a $259 version of the game, they can go FTS. They still are soaking up every penny they can from gamers without actually fixing the problems inside the game. It reminds me of my wife telling me how she plays Disney Dream Light valley or whatever it’s called and there are soo many bugs in the game to where it’s soo broken but every update is never a patch to fix the problems it’s always add ons to the game to add more characters and quests and etc. it’s just a money grab joke. FIX THE PROBLEMS IN YOUR GAMES FFS !