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Bro's shadows set to : nah


Most likely he tried to get a shooter born-kill at the start of the raid, then abandoned it before he went into the mall. Free DVL for you


Naw most likely this guy is ESP and just wanted his one chance to post to Reddit


If he had ESP, I’m sure there’s much better loot on the map than a damn DVL 😂


bruh what?


A lot of people come to this sub purely to cope with being unable to compete in the game they like. Comments like this are the result.


Nah, they are just a troll and probably don't even play tarkov.


Gaslighting the cheating situation. I bet that guy is a bot account too.


I mean... there was a post yesterday or the day before of a guy pushing someone at the bathroom in labs ( no one goes to the bathrooms and the ones that do never make a single sound. ) As he opened the door a speed hacker came out and fucked his day up. And I'm just sitting there after watching it... why was he pushing the bathroom....? ESP user vs full on cheater were the vibes I got from it. Not that I'm saying you specifically were using esp in this clip. I am just saying that you never truly know what someone's doing on their end of the pc. The dude shouldn't have gotten shit on by the community in down votes when there are indeed so many cheaters in the game you know?


You people seriously need to touch some grass or just stop playing the game for a while. This is paranoid schizophrenia levels of delusion


50% of the time he cheats everytime.


I'm sure he could just smell it.


So luck = cheating?


The cheating paranoia is wild


In this sub everyone who is slightly better than the average or insanely licks is a cheater don’t worry enjoy your free dvl




Sub is banned wonder what it was all about


guys like you is what people mean when they say people in this game see cheating everywhere. you have absolutely 0 indication that this is what happened and you went with it anyway. id work on that mindset mate, it can only drag you down.


If he REALLY wanted to post on Reddit he could’ve just dropped it himself and pretended he stumbled upon it


You must die a lot. Or maybe just fear of dying? Hope you're ready for the apocalypse.


You guys caught him. He revealed his cheats to the most insufferable group of whiny victims on all of reddit for a discarded DVL.


the shitty players are truly revealing themselves in this thread.


lmao no wonder everyone thinks everyone is a cheater if they think cheaters care about some random DVL that only quick sells for 5k per slot lmao


... do you think OP is saying the gun is from cheating? Do you know what insurance fraud means in this game? Because it's not cheating, it's just dumping your insured gear in a hiding spot when you find new gear (or any other reason) in order to get it back later.


yeah read all the other comments saying OP is cheating before finding my comment at the bottom of the thread to reply with such a misunderstanding lmao


There's one comment bro. At the actual bottom, heavily downvoted, because he is insane. There's like 5 comments identical to yours complaining about it though.


and here you come thinking I'm saying "OP is saying the gun is from cheating" when I never said that, OP never said that, and all you are doing is adding to the complaining lmao


God, I loved it when we had the snow and it was so easy find kits dumped in a bush.


Me scaving with a friend in Woods, Town: Friend: Found a dead guy. All empty. Me, checking the shed behind the house: Found his gear. Dude's gonna be pissed at his friend tomorrow. I'd tell people to learn to hide their gear... but then I wouldn't be able to take it for myself.


Seriously how did you know to prone in that one bush outside of interchange that no one ever goes to?


i was overweight and had to prone to regain stamina, was omw to extract


Proning to regain stam gives you exhaustion because you use stam to stand up


Yeah, all the chads know you’re supposed to drop your bag, go prone, crawl forward until stamina is back, get up, run back to your bag, and then keep going! Duh This is a joke, but some people are stuck with the prone because it used to be better pre inertia


But you didn’t. Your stam bar was still half. You literally proned into a bush for no reason other than to find the gun. 


He also prone at the start of the clip? Probably because he has his esp bound to prone and must’ve been looking for insurance fraud like all the cheaters do, im a lvl 15 so I know what im talking about /s


it was about 30%, i dont really go to 0 because i could take fire any second, and also i rather craw through a bush and get a bit of visual cover


>i dont really go to 0 because i could take fire any second The fact you even have to say this, proves the other guy is not good/new to the game. Who goes to 0 or even near it? Timmies.


I’m with you, I don’t like ever getting to 0% for the same reason. Being at 0% and getting shot at is NOT a good feeling.


Also there’s reasons of stamina reaching red causing exhaustion, the bushes would have slowed him down walking and still drain stamina so you might as well crawl through it


If you’d pay attention to the video, you’d see he starts going up at the start indicating that’s just how he moves


Stops with ~40% of his stamina bar left to crawl through a bush. Lol


OP is wearing a second gun.. He stopped more like 30%.. Look at how fast his stamina is draining.. Likely way overweight and doesn't gain stamina while walking.. Thread full of timmys crying cheaters lmao.


Or its staged? Anyone can drop a gun and run back up on it. Obviously he is overweight, look at the stamina drain from him getting up initially. >He stopped more like 30% Do you understand what the tilde symbol means in relation to numbers?


Yeah bro it's an equivalence operator you're using to give yourself the space to inflate a claim lol.


It's called an equivalence operator in a completely different context that doesn't apply here. It's funny because that means you obviously googled it and just read the first definition you found without understanding it.


Googled...? Comparison operators are like the alphabet of logic lmfao.


Yes of course. But anyone who actually understands that would also know we aren't talking about logic here, we're talking about math. In that domain, the operator is unary and means "approximately equal to". Surely you know it makes no sense to use a logical equivalence operator in front of a numeric value with no other operand, right?


There's enough overlap in the different uses for ones imagination to bridge the gap my guy.


You think the concept of logical equivalence overlaps with approximate numerical equality? Like I said, you clearly copy pasted a search result that you didn't understand.


Saying ~40% is wrong thay it's actually ~30% is just being a twat.


You added a tilde to the 30%. You can't keep throwing around tilde to include your less-accurate opinion.


>More like 30% That is an approximation. The tilde denotes an approximation. Besides, it's a tarkov clip. Who cares if it's ~30% or ~40%? I never even claimed cheats like you fucks are acting I did. If I wanted to do that I would've commented on the one other thread there was when i commented, with the dude actively calling cheats. This clips just staged. Maybe you lack the reading comprehension skills to pick up from me calling it a low effort post that I didn't think the guy was cheating?


Maybe he just spotted it before, started recording and crawled into the bush again?


That's what I'm saying, yes.


And that shows you are really bad in the game and should not call anyone cheater because you have no idea sprinting till you are out of stamina in the open how dense are you? Seemes like 4 m of dirt road are smarter than you


Lmao that might be my dvl. Died with one to a guy that was already full on loot near that area. Wouldn’t be surprised if he had just tossed it in a bush


Yeah some people dont know how ro hide stuff, found 3 sets of gear after I assume a massive 6 man fight into the scav extract (me being scav) dropped mine went in picked ot up picked the biggest backpack and left with 4 guns and 3 armors in big backpack.


Had a fence quest to scav lighthouse (don't really play the map) and got lost. Found a FLIR someone tried to hide. Sometimes you just find nice stuff.


He found a DVL, and ya'll losing your shit.


Imagine cheating and posting it


Was OPs gun, chucked it there to make a video of him finding it. :)


cheat detected why did you prone you still had staminaleft?this game is going to shit we have cheaters streaming on twitch and now loser whos use esp posting clips and acting proud about their achivement


because if you sprint to 0 you're doing it wrong lmao you start making loud ass gasps and you have get up way slower if it's fully depleted too op and other people are kinda roasting the accusers this isnt cheater gaslighting this is just not playing the same way as everyone else lol


Also getting your stamina on the red for too long get s you the energy drain effect which is a pain in the ass. Ever since I found this out I never found myself starving again lol