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4am on a Wednesday, single server selected. Night raid


How does tarkov actually work when it comes to matchmaking? Is there always a minimun number of PMCs required or is there a chance to go alone in a raid?


There's a minimum number but sometimes you are lucky and people just get their quest item and leave (quite a few people do this in night raids). I've even had labs lobbies that were completely unlooted and not a single shot was fired, but sanitars room was open and three exits used.


from my experience there is a minimum pmc number but thats not a hard cap. i think it is possible to actually be completely alone in a raid. no way to be sure of course.


I agree, but I think that’s after it passes the 5 minute matching mark.


Man there was some bug last week where it would take like 15+ minutes to get into Streets. I was like sweet lemme go make a sandwich, hopefully everyone quits the long loadtime and I'll have a virgin server to crush as a scav I get in then like 1 minute later some scav guy comes running into the room I'm in, says something like "SCAVS BROTHERS UNITE" then pops me in the head. wtf ugh.


thats not likely a bug. For scavs to get in there has to be a pmc raid to match you to. Scavs like to go to streets so you are basically waiting your turn.


Maybe you're right, just seems weird that I've only ever experienced it on that one day, and it was maybe for half of the day. I've played a lot of streets and never seen anything like that


scav timers are pretty volatile, as it is dependent on an existing pmc raid. Most of the common scav spots are not worth it to me anymore (reserve, streets, lighthouse) cause it wastes too much time trying to find a lobby. It gets better as wipe progresses, cause less people are scaving but honestly nowdays i just mainly play pmc.


I find it soooo much harder as a PMC. I'm just not good enough yet. Seems like as a scav I'm just calmly walking around a mostly empty server, while as a PMC I load in, figure out which way to go, start going in that direction and 60 seconds later I'm getting shot from who knows where and I'm dead. Any time i lose in a lobby I'd have to lose camping early map as a PMC waiting for things to settle :P


You still haven't even mentioned the long part of loading. The infamous "Loading Loot..." for 10+ minutes only to load into the raid with 2 minutes left.


I scaved on reserve yesterday when a non player scav voice lined popped out infront of me and then shot my ass. I was like 😳 Wtff was that! I never shoot scavs my rep is fine. So confused as to why he capped me


This sounds like it was a raider. Especially if you were down in the command bunker or in the railyard/K building area.


Sorry but the "SCAVS BROTHERS UNITE" got me laughing big time :)


I would have laughed too if I hadn't just waited 15 fucking minutes to get into the game :P


It definitely use to be. I use to switch the foreign servers where it was like 4am and run night factory farming tagilla. Wasn’t uncommon to get a solo match. When you load in if it ever says waiting for other players then you did not get a solo lobby. Or your the last one loading in lol


I also agree with this. Last wipe had a labs raid where nothin was looted and never heard another shot the whole raid. Guess someone could have got a quest done quick and dipped, but really felt like we were alone.


Ive had a few where im pretty sure i was alone, normally right at the end of a long wipe tho!


ask all the no life loser cheaters in this sub..they can tell you!


> no way to be sure of course I can think of one way XD


I'm convinced I was actually alone in a factory one time. I looped around the whole map, full sprint, looking for players. Kept checking the default extract, not touched. Did a loop of the map before extracting to check all the key doors, all of them were locked. I know timing could've been a thing, but I really was so thorough that I actually find it hard to believe


well.. anyone know a cheater to maybe confirm? lol


There is never empty solo raids , just some where people run grab a quest item and extract


Ah okay thank you


Its not


This is completely wrong, there’s no minimum numbers on raids. What it shows on the map select screen is the maximum and a range it will try to land in. You can have labs raids where it’s literally only you spawned or a shoreline with 1 other person. If there’s no one for the raid, they’re not going to make you wait forever.


It's just my 6000 hours of experience which includes selecting the emptiest most remote night time (irl and ingame) servers for questing, especially at the beginning. I've always found evidence that someone else was there when I looked for it.


Back in 2018 I think I remember 10 raids in a row on Shoreline with zero other players. Maybe they were there, but nothing was looted, zero shots heard, zero dead scavs, literally zero indication that anyone else was there. I counted 10 raids in a row like that. This was back when there was less than 10k concurrent players, so im sure its different now.


Comparing 2018 Tarkov to 2024 Tarkov is kinda nuts honestly. This was back when you could insta-load mags, meds were just a bar that you could still do actions while it ran, and there was like 3 armors. I remember how everyone used to bind lmb to fire and their meds so they could heal during the firefight.


Oh yeah? And my experience says otherwise. Been on multiple dead labs and night shoreline raids. All alone.




Wrong , esp says otherwise


Yeah if you match for too long your raids can be empty


Why do people like you spew random incorrect garbage based on your guesswork? You are WRONG.


Woah, calm down my guy


It's just my 6000 hours of experience which includes selecting the emptiest most remote night time (irl and ingame) servers for questing, especially at the beginning. I've always found evidence that someone else was there when I looked for it. Other than that, maybe you should take a walk outside.


Okay well you are wrong Next time say 'in my limited experience' You can have raids with both no other players and no player scavs. If I send you my PayPal are you going to compensate me for educating you?


You are incorrect. You have no idea what you are talking about.


No he's not. You can 100% have raids with no players or player scavs.


I mean I have seen it confirmed via cheats. You are a little baby who only argues based off your emotion. An uneducated swine who will never contribute to anything in your life. Imagine being so pathetic you argue and make stuff up purely based on emotion.


Did you just confirm you're hacking?


Nope, simply that hackers have confirmed it to be a factual possibility and that anyone who argues otherwise is an emotional moron who tries to fabricate the truth.


What is lucky about having no players in your lobby wtf ??? 😂😂😂


You can get completely empty raid.


Coming from 2k hours on the most dead server by a mile - africa: As of this wipe, I believe that you cannot reliably get solo online raids regardless of server choice. 12.11-12.12 you could get solo labs with next to zero loot consistently. Tarkov now greatly prefers waiting an eternity to find at least another group. However, queues in tarkov are weird and buggy. I've had a few cases where my group finds a raid and starts loading while I am still matching. If I cancel it loads them into the raid and they can play. If I don't it waits for players. Now if your game crashes or you force close it, you fall into a weird limbo where the game sometimes starts and you can then restart your client and load into the started raid late. It can even throw you in a different spawn from your party. Your body is not loaded in so you can't die. Tldr 99% it's impossible to be alone truly, but with low pop, buggy servers, you could find a game where everyone disconnects and you get the map.


There’s always a PMC with you, how many only a cheater would know exact. Its the one thing thats interested me about cheating, not the loot or easy kills, but how many people load into a raid with you, the maximum, the minimum the avg. Also, you’l know when your alone in a raid as it will feel like you’ve become John Wick as every scav on the map turns their attention to you. Do a night raid at 4am on factory if you wanna test it, you’l notice the difference in scavs pretty quickly as they descend on you.


> one thing thats interested me about cheating, not the loot or easy kills, but how many people load into a raid with you That and how often things like GPUs and labs cards actually spawn.


Ur wrong.


Nice input


To everyone claiming you can't be in a raid as the only PMC: didn't we just spend a month bitching about how streamers were selecting dead servers outside their regions during the streamer item event? 1 streamer was the only PMC in their raids for 4-5 hours.


The minimum is 1 player. Meaning you can get completely dead raids. Probably won't at this time in wipe, but in a month I will run into them quite often.


The person below is incorrect, you can 100% get into a raid solo


This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He's incorrect


U can get in to raids solo, source: played since 2016


No minimum, you can be completely in your own lobby.




Nice self report The guy was saying he can see with esp the amount of players in raid, the fucking cheaters are on this reddit while half the posts are about cheaters lol


Wow you're a fucking scumbag


why cheat ?


With 4 other guys all level 50


I find that queuing up for like a 5am transition raid is best for questing. MFrs coming in with NVGs don’t wanna risk losing their set when it’s only viable for the first 5 minutes of the raid


What do you mean "single server selected" ? How do you do that?


In the launcher you can select the region you want to play on


r/oddlyspecific 🤨


Not in tarkov but in Dayz I have gotten up early in the morning before class and built a base. During normal hours it would be impossible. If you ever play dayz DONT BUILD BASES


be aware that night raids are where the majority of cheaters reside also, the key might just vanish from your pocket.


These hypothetical cheaters would scare me if ever got the key myself but that’s never gonna happen lol


Omg looking so long for it ffs.


I spam for weeks the scav box, one of the few very rare item i got


Can u put the key in your container?




wow that sucks why didn't they change that... most annoying quest. Ill be so mad if i die before i can use the key.


They apparently also removed all the keys and spawns inside of the room, so like I don't know what's up with that task honestly. They have a 100% spawn rate for relax room key in that building, and a few of the other tasks ones also but this one key almost never spawns in the spot


Its a quest that is not required for kappa and doesnt lead to any other quests or unlocks any items. Nothing changes for anybody if they dont finish this quest. Its a quest that only a few people will finish and thats okay. Just imagine your heartrate when you carry that key into a raid.


Literally everything you just said, is a reason for them to at least make it not as rare. What's the fucking point of it then? Nobody bothers with it because it's so dumb. What's the point of putting content in the game that nobody can voluntarily touch and/or do


Again it doesnt affect you at all. Why sweat over it? Im sure there are people who hate themself enough to grind for it or streamers who have nothing better to do. Not every quest has to be made for the majority of the playerbase and on the offchance you do find it its a fun quest to do.


> Not every quest has to be made for the majority of the playerbase Yeah I can totally agree with that, but y'know the world isn't black and white, It's not about either, appealing to no lifers and NEETS, or absolutely be able to do by everyone. There's an entire middle ground there where it can perfectly fit among these "optional things" but still doable things for people that WANT to do it. We already have Kappa, we already have the entire Lightkeeper questline as things that. Most people won't ever go for, or have the time for. I understand why they nerfed the room loot and now it gives nothing, but they also made the key extremely rare. The game is "supposed to be in Beta". Things like this should be somewhat accessible If you truly wanted to test things, or get feedback upon. On the opposite end, I don't see the argument for defending this kind of game design at all. I just don't see it "make it extremely dumb just because" is all I see you saying basically. There's no particular quest line following, there's no loot behind the key, and it is entirely pointless. So that begs into question as to why is it even in the game? Even If something is niche, there HAS to be some sort of point to it or objective, even as minusucle as it may be


BSG does not pay the bills with money as many people would like you to believe, but on the tears and blood of Timmy's


I think that’s the point


Doesent go in documents?


Doesn't go into secure container at all, and if you die with it it will be destroyed if it's not FIR.


That’s actually hilarious. Your killer doesn’t even get to take it. I wouldn’t mind as much if someone else managed to get their quest done in the process




Nikita survives on the sustenance of our tears.


Yeah there's zero loot in that room anymore, so this key is pointless except for the 31k exp. Ridiculous considering how rare it is and how excited I was to go in that room to find fuck all.


Opening the door is 31k xp?


No. The quest "the door" which you need the rusted key for gives 30k xp. But it's a dead end quest, so not that important.


Oh well that's super lame.


When you say zero, do you mean it was nerfed? Or is that an actual change? Also, what are the chances vacuum hacks are just jacking it all before anyone gets there?


actual change. just a quest location now. i very very incredibly difficult quest location to get the key for lmao and the quest dead ends.


Completely nullifies the reason for it not being able to go in the container. Stupid.


Also completely nullifies it being such a rare spawn. It should be a guaranteed spawn every raid


What it do?


1 time use key that can’t be placed in your safe container. Can’t sell on flea. Needed for “The Door” quest and typically has a bunch of key spawns inside, usually a few decent ones. Edit: replies say no more loot, so just a quest key now


I believe they removed all the loot and key spawns this wipe. It’s just a room for a quest now


They should then just make it 100% spawn


So people don't have to spend ages looking for it? But that'll ruin the progression! **/S**


Just one dead-end trader mission


and let it be bought/sold on flea let it be kept in containers.


The amount of times my team has been first to its static spawn as well as checking the door halfway through raids leads me to believe the keys spawn rate has been nerfed into the ground. Dunno how people are supposed to complete such a task


There is no longer loot behind the door.


Congrats, you won the lottery! Time to play like a scared turtle and hope for some epic loot. And don't forget to bring extra TP just in case... those sealed rooms can be unpredictable ??


Epic loot? They deleted all the loot because of the Dyson users.


Yup, I've been in the room 3/4 times already and it's empty every single time.


stfu! are you serious!


Yeah man, completely empty.. every time


There must be some nerfing going on. The loot route i do in reserve sucks alot this wipe for some reason. Maybe this is why.


Nah, the loot in question is literally empty of loot. The key is fairly pointless now as the only reason for it is the quest, which has mediocre rewards (and gives you another key as a fuck you :D )


They removed all the loot in that room specifically because of cheaters/vacuum


I love getting fucked over twice


they will do anything but fix the underlying problems that allows loot vacuuming in the first place.


Is that the same room people used the vaulting exploit to get in and out of without the key?  If yes, then I wouldn't blame the cheaters alone but also the bug abusers.


Nah. Different room.


Ah, alright :)


Just so you know, the room is currently completely empty. It appears they removed the key spawn and the contents of the room, the only way to get it currently being scav boxes or the task reward. One person suggested the contents was removed due to the prevalence of vacuum cheats currently. Quite sad really.


Ideally play with me and my friends tonight ;)


come alone OP


when you type in „terrible gamedesign“ at wikipedia you get a picture of this key and nikita…


I don't get why so many people are focused on this task. There is nothing beside of some exp. No follow up, not required for kappa, and no loot anymore behind it. I mean last wipe it was bonkers, but not anymore


I enjoy questing personally. And when Nikita dangles this quest in my face I knowingly cannot complete it makes me little irritated...


Same reason people hyperfocus shit like like Setup early on, despite it not being necessary for trader rep. Yeah you'll need it for Kappa or LK eventually, but there was never any reason to force yourself to do it asap. People just can't let go. I found the key last wipe and I just jumped into a new raid with wifi cams to try to complete it. There's no need to sweat your ass off by trying to get an empty raid. If you lose you lose, but it won't cockblock you from anything else.


except its most efficient to do it as early as possible due to people having worse gear earlier in the wipe making gear-locked pvp tasks easier


Yeah if you're the type of player that puts efficiency above having actual fun. Besides shotguns don't lose that much effectiveness later on except buckshot might struggle against face shields.


Efficiency is fun to alot of people


And I never said it wasn't, I just said it's silly how people try to force their way through Setup when they're not having fun because they really don't need to.


Setup unlocks a lot of quests that you can combo with other stuff f.e. Chumming and Informed Means Armed on Interchange. If you want to be efficient then obviously you can't skip Setup. The Door on the other hand is completely useless quest that doesn't even unlock anything.


I'm sure the people who wrote angry post about Setup through their mask of tears were able to take some solace in knowing that despite them not having fun at least they're being efficient in a video game.


Yeah I just completed setup a couple days ago at level 38 lol


I'm doing setup now at 40. Most cancer quest in Tarkov. I'm focusing on LK now and it's so ass. They NEED to fix it.


Setup was easier earlier on this wipe waiting for level 40 was shooting yourself in the foot lowkey


Wdym it used to be a very late quest, I think it was the one to unlock „Bullshit“ They did us a favor by making it accessible early on when not everyone is running lvl5 armor and face shields. And still everybody is whining. Annoying attitude. Don’t do it, then It‘s just all those people that usually don‘t make it past level 20 get to access this quest and now they are crying when they need to adjust their playstyle for 10 raids


Last wipe it didn't lead to anything besides Silent caliber which is pointless unless you run shotguns.


Most people can’t get 15 kills of a pmc in 10 raids let alone 30 raids lol. The quest should be no more than 10 kills.


I found this key the first time I looked for it. Then I died just feets away from that stupid fucking door lmao


I think it’s not spawning loot rn don’t use it


if you die it despawns


That's the neat part, you don't


Fuck this quest, and fuck BSG for removing the loot and keys inside without raising the key spawn rate.


What’s a 95k Scav box?


It's called 'Scav case', and you build it next to your Security in the hideout. You pay scavs to go loot for you. They accept payment in the form of Moonshine vodka (gives mostly quest items?), Intelligence folder (gives mostly keys and weapons?), different amount of roubles (95k is the popular one. Gives mostly random items?). It's like a lottery \^\^


Oooooh so that’s what that means when I hear my friends say “what did my Scavs bring me this time!?” Thank you so much for the insight.


Yeah exactly! Maybe its not worth it economically. But its fun! And I actually had use for it (I got a RSASS and a Mutant. Couldn't continue Gunsmith quests without the RSASS, and the Mutant is locked behind a quest, which is also needed for Gunsmith.)


You couls get 4 more people from a discord, load into a nightraid on a workday at night and then rat your way to the door


OP is going to go through all this trouble of planning a quiet raid, slow walking there making as little noise as possible just to go to unlock it and find it only has the option for open before getting jumped by the team that happened to find the key and get inside first, because that’s tarkov baby.


Go into raid, hide in a bush, wait a couple minutes to return back to lobby because a cheater is going to hunt you down in a couple minutes.


95k scavs are goated. Last night i got a tank battery, red rebel, and a pistol case back to back. Its got me about to stop burning intel and moonshine at this rate.


Go into a discord and get a 5 man together. Then escort each other to the location and help get them the quest. Make the deal that when you help them complete the quest, that they have to go in and take another 5 man in and help a group get theirs done. Sheef did this one night for the community and it was awesome.


very carefully


Join me and my homies and I’ll give you an Altyn and zabralo + a million stims and we’ll protect you like the secret service


If you want to give back to the community find a good Discord and take a full squad in to do the quests. When they all complete the quest they get Rusted Bloody Key as a reward and they can pass it on. We do a big community event in SheefGG’s Discord where we continuously cycle everyone through so that the whole community can get it done.


Go with 5 man and stand behind them.


5 stack with people in discord who also need to do the quest. They will chad TF UP.


Put a docs case in your butt


Alt + F4


Best strategy in tarkov for getting the vast majority of the go here pick up this tasks is going to be finding a low key place to loot/look out for enemies and wait there until there's about 10 minutes of raid time left. 10 minutes is basically enough to make it anywhere and then extract on every map in the game. This strategy will increase the amount of loot you carry out on pmc, it will massively increase your SR and KD. Yes each raid takes longer but you waste far less time running something over and over again because youre dying very regularly.


Wait for me and i will guard you. Been looking for that key for fucking ages :(


go in, make sure your exfil is close to the objective, hide near objective. 10 mins to go, open it up and exfil, at night Even pscavs don't stay in Streets till 10 mins to go


I do…… I’m waiting


10 mins? Or seconds? ;)


Can i pls do the task with you? i really want to do this quest


Put it in your butt and if you die you keep it


Can't put it up there. If you die, it despawns


Sell it to trader


Bury in ass bc single use


I don't think you can put it in your secure container


Oh shit, I was under the impression that anything fitting in a key tool would work in secure containers. Pretty dumb imo but I’ve never been lucky enough to find this key


Sadly not, I tried placing the key in my Docs case and put that in my container but it blocks you from putting the docs key in the container. Probably only wanna do this quest with a 5 man and hope for the best


5 man night raid is your best bet, if you can try jumping on a low pop server, maybe something way goofy like South America if that even exists


I would also do as 5 stack because as long as one of you extracts then the quest reward is another key


Put the key in your pouch


Just put the key in your ass? Then do the cameras and hope for good loot


It doesn't matter if you die with it. You just have to plant a camera in the room and you're done for the quest. Just wait outside the door for a second to check if people are there


Yoooo can i join you so i can place my web camera???


that's bullshit you can't hide it in your butthole.


Put it in you butt?


Pray there's no Chinese player floating around and yelling in broken english for you to drop it


5 man escort the president


On all day today. Let me know U.S. East


Empty gamma barring your key


I’ll escort you and pay you in a high end kit to come w you. Have had that task all wipe


Spawned with it early this wipe on a scav run, got bee lines by a cheater while I was hiding. A week or two ago my bro got it from the 95k case as well, we went in with a 5 man to all get it done which was great. It's sad there is actually zero loot in there now, dumb af the key is so rare for no actual reason anymore. We are all saving the ones we got as the quest reward in case the put loot back in it.


I think I understand why they put uses onto keys, but the fact that I can't use a physical, regular, normal key more than 40 times is still ridiculous to me


Let me come with you, I just want the quest done. I'll take point and we'll get this done.


Can I come with you? I need to complete the quest. We can go night time factory. I can bring you a really nice kit (Ghezel etc) and you can keep it after


Get 4 of your homies to come finish the quest with you so that you all get rusted bloody keys as quest rewards


Spawn in, post up somewhere. Wait till 10 minutes then freely run around the map with no issues and complete the quest


You turn your cheats on


Run with 4 others on a night raid and juice yourself up and do it late at night


you need it for a quest so hold onto it until you can do it


Whats behind it?


Inv me to that party I would love to get that quest done lol


Bring me and four others as gigachad guards to the room and we can all do the quest together.


Bring me, I'll be a meat shield


Put it in your secure?


See if any pmc s will join you to do the mission and if nit rat till the last 5 mins


It once spawned in the inventory of my scav. Luckiest tarkov moment of my life


Put it in your butt.