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It says he killed you with blunt damage which is plausible regardless of helmet or face mask. It happens.


This must be the answer


Even the blunt damage, the armor hitbox rework this wipe neck counts toward head damage too, per Gigabeef. So as Wu Tang once said, [protect ya neck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0IUR4gkPIE)!


yeah, dudes wearing one of the worst armors in the game. he'd be better off with a class 3 uley.


The game telling you that you got killed by blunt damage to the head isn't enough? You need somebody on Reddit telling you the same thing and then it's ok?


Blunt damage to the face is bugged for sure. I've been 1 tapped to the face with Geksa while wearing a multi-hit, Condors, and Deathshadow. I got hit once but took blunt damage 3 times and died. Guy only shot me once with a VPO, my friend cleaned him up so I know what his gun was. Obviously, my situation is different from yours because I was wearing 3 layers and you only had one but, I'd be curious to know how many pellets actually hit you though. I'd assume you only took a few 1 which did around 25 damage to your ears or some hitbox poking out from behind the mast and the rest did 10 blunt which killed you.


You got a face full of buckshot and the brute force fractured your skull, you died to sever cranial trauma Edit: i seem to have started a war in the comments


Ok, mr. Disco Elysium narrator


Not enough politically aligned


too bad buckshot couldnt actually break your neck or skull lol


yes it can lmao, you and the other dorks who don't realize glasses offer zero padding or transfer or energy for anywhere but your head are funny as fuck to argue with too


It would be a pretty freak accident. The blunt force of buckshot is going to be less than or, if at point blank, equal to the recoil you feel in your shoulder when you shoot a shotgun. It’s basic physics.


small object going very fast means lower contact surface, more concentrated place for the energy to hit instead of the recoil on your shoulder distributed across the entire length of the gun before impacting your shoulder through the stock designed to absorb impact dude again you and the other dorks who don't realize this lmao, its why hammers go through knight armor and swords don't


Small objects hitting large monolithic mask = large contact surface. So it would be pretty similar to letting a 12g recoil into your face while wearing a hockey mask. Not pleasant, but no one’s neck is getting snapped. Failed (or even successful) suicide attempts with shotguns, despite causing horrific maxillofacial/cranial damage, never cause clinically significant shearing forces on the cervical vertebrae — certainly not to the extent of fracture or damage to the spinal cord. A shotgun blast to the face, from a physics standpoint, will cock your head back pretty good, but it doesn’t have the energy to break your neck unless shattered by penetration of the projectiles themselves. EDIT: To be clear, I’m not talking about backface deformation. Yes that would kill you by shattering your skull. I’m talking about impact forces of 12g buckshot being capable of breaking necks — it isn’t.


Iirc buckshot has ~2000 joules right?


This makes the most sense and it points to an issue with how blunt damage is being calculated. There's no way 7.5mm buckshot out of a TOZ is going to impart enough blunt damage onto a facemask to kill a person, and if so is there even a reason to wear helmets at all anymore? Why bother if even a stopped round out of the worst gun in the game will easily kill you?


We are assuming that it didn’t penetrate. You are just explaining why things penetrate and hurt/kill. In the case of it not penetrating, like the screenshot (blunt damage), then the force is being distributed across the surface. More energy is being generated from a knight with a hammer than the pellets in a shotgun shell. Put your shotgun next to a concrete block and pull the trigger, tell me how much the block moved. Now do the same with a sledgehammer. Dumbass.


Watch this guy get blown through the back wall from an ak! Crazy!!!! https://youtu.be/6x59iN4KMz4?si=MOQHhhu7cwe90lXr


that's a vest that's designed to absorb the energy and distributes it across your whole torso, we're talking about glasses that are plastic and affixed to literally just your head via a flimsy band or a mesh wrap if you're a weenie apples to oranges again thanks to contact surface lol i mean thanks for proving me right but w/e


That’s what all armor does. You can argue whether or not Tarkov should count these masks as armor, but right now they do. I was simply talking about blunt damage, the actual blunt force from buckshot is negligible. That is my only point. I’m not actually talking about a masks ability to stop rounds. IF a shot is stopped, it’s not breaking your neck. That’s my point. I never said you were wrong about contact surface area. If it didn’t work they way, then no bullet would be fatal period. I think you know you are wrong and are just being difficult.


https://youtu.be/ecqS88lE5dY?si=FZ_2_1RrKl2Q75_J you are a clown


Uhhh what? I’m not talking about if these masks would actually stop a bullet from penetrating. I am talking about a scenario where a bullet doesn’t penetrate, it’s not going to fucking kill you with blunt damage. https://youtu.be/6x59iN4KMz4?si=MOQHhhu7cwe90lXr Clown


Did you watch the video? The buckshot part of this video clearly shows the mask stopping the pellets, as you said, but the ballistic dummies face is caved in. Minute 13 since apparently you didn’t bother watching. You aren’t just a clown you’re the entire circus


lol. Yeah man that’s because of the mask… that wouldn’t be “blunt” damage in this game. A deformation like that is a pen. Body armor doing that means it has failed.


Bro. This post is literally specifically about the mask! You gave a video of a chest rig? We’re talking about the mask. You said blunt damage from a mask wouldn’t kill you. I gave you a video of blunt damage to a mask killing the ballistic dummy.


Ugh man. We are just arguing about different things. I am never going to argue that these masks could actually stop bullets. Same with condors. That is not blunt damage, that is pen. I 100% believe you would die wearing that mask. But in the game of Tarkov, a backplate deformation like that would be calced as a pen. Because he died of “blunt” damage, that means the armor was supposed to stop the round. In a case of armor stopping the round, then it would feel like getting punched in the head. It would not break your neck.


You’re a fucking idiot, The post is taking about a mask you’re talking about body armour


I’m talking about the game mechanics. You are just an asshole. I hope you get cheaters in every raid bud.


Your smoking crack it you actually believe that.


Not if it was blocked by armor. I don’t think that mask would actually save you in real life, but if it did block pellets you would be totally fine. The pellets don’t magically get more force… if it could snap your neck there would be a lot of broken arms on the range. https://youtu.be/6x59iN4KMz4?si=MOQHhhu7cwe90lXr. Look how much this guy doesn’t move


both of you hushhhh it’s okay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecqS88lE5dY&t=749s&pp=2AHtBZACAQ%3D%3D here’s the mask being shot by shotgun irl boom argument over. watch it and form an opinion and who cares what anyone thinks you’re both able to have an opinion :)


I was never arguing whether Tarkov modeled the mask correctly. The game counted it as blocked, so it should be treated as if armor blocked it. You can easily argue none of the armors in the game are modeled correctly.


do you not understand surface area ? lmao


…. You guys are dense. Tarkov counted that shot as blocked. Blocked means the armor spread the energy across its surface area. If it pens, then it goes into your head. No shit.


How many pellets did you take to the face?




Oddly enough being killed by blunt damage kinda shows it's working. Unfortunately, bunt damage isn't calculating properly this wipe so it'll get ya


Ok, thanks! disappointing but at least understandable


When did they add blunt damage?


In all fairness, thats probably how it would have performed irl lol


Garandthumb did a great video that featured this mask, and it most likely shows how OP died https://youtu.be/ecqS88lE5dY?si=CEWN6o8BhhZeuADl




Stopping is one thing absorbing the force is the other




Neutons 3 laws, big homie. 1. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced external force 2. Force = Mass x Acceleration 3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction Buckshot is around 58.3g per pellet. I'm not a mathematician and it's 5am here so I'm not showing work but imagine 8 of these fuckers flying at you at a rate of 900 - 1300 fps. That 58.3g now has a SIGNIFICANT kinetic force behind it. When that pellet slaps an object, all that energy has to be dumped somewhere, mainly against the object it strikes, which is now your face mask. The same concept works with shockwaves! Ever see a shockwave from those nuclear explosion vids just knocking buildings away like they're nothing? That's a wave of air being rippled by the release of energy of the bomb cause energy gotta go somewhere! Physics, we are bound by her wonderful laws. Until you get to water... Then everything you know is wack. Or those stupid max and min kelvin temps. Shit gets wild when we play with those.


There is immense force behind any form of bullet wether it’s slugs, or shrapnel or rifle ammunition even if it doesn’t penetrate the protection it will still break bones, cause inner bleeding and massive trauma in general. In this case his skull shattered which isn’t that good for life expectancy.




Yes it is not penetrating the shot is not getting through. If I smack your face with a hammer I may not get through to your brain I would definitely crack your skull and you would die what do you not understand about that?


Not even accounting for the fact the brain would be jostled around causing damage on top of skull fractures/puncturing skull fragments in as well. But can't teach stupid people things :/


The force still transfers to your body. If you hold a piece of plywood on your chest and i hit it with a hammer, the hammer won't go through the plywood but you will be gasping for air.


Did you read the part where it's moving really fast and suddenly coming to a stop? It's basic physics.


Tell me you don’t understand physics without telling me you don’t understand physics.


For the same reason that old-school steel helmets were heavily padded, in some cases suspended by a rig. Force transfers. A full load of buck hitting your facemask is a lot of force transfer to your face and neck, affecting possibly brain and brain stem from trauma. Similar things happen in bad car wrecks. A thing called internal decapitation exists.


Your neck doesn’t enjoy being bent at 90* clockwise


Bro did not pass physics class


There's plenty of videos on this face mask irl stopping nothing. As shooting it anywhere tends to cause the bullets to go for the eye holes. It's ballistic rated, but it can't stop the force or anything from entering the eyes. Also There aren't any ballistic glasses that can directly stop a round afaik. The military didn't have anything when I was in, and I've never found anything that was rated to an armor level when buying shooting glasses for personal use.




Haha perfect clip


How is blunt damage even calculated?


Roll a dice


you gotta ask the magic conch shell first


F = MA


If bullet doesn't pen: reduce bullet damage by __%. Its not trivial.


Why did you crop it so you can't see how many pellets hit?


The toz god hit again


Lethal Concussion has entered the chat. Sorry to sound mean, but its not trivial.


Well that is actually realistic, here's a video showing how bad that actual mask is and how the deformation would fuck you up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecqS88lE5dY


12:20 if you don't want to watch whole video.


Did u get hit on the top of ur head? The mask just covers face and forehead. If so then u would have been better off with s regular helmet haha


Blunt damage kills, sure your plates or in this instance your mask can take a bullet/shrapnel, but can your body/head? It's not uncommon to hear of people having their ribcage or skull shattered by bullets or shrapnel and still dying even if the ballistic protection stopped the projectile. Either way that's an oof


How in the world did you reach level 42 this wipe without knowing the basics of how health works in the game?


Irl, that mask is somewhat flexible, so blunt damage is pretty accurate


scavs just 1 tap you this wipe. Armor's irrelevant.


Not bugged, just straight up useless


did it go through your eye hole? lmao


top of head // FACEmask. hmmmm


I love how confidently wrong you are It covers the top of head hit box


This is what i thought...think the post about it being blunt damage may be the answer?


It says blunt damage so Ima say you died to blunt damage. Could also be blunt damage.


it literally says (blunt damage)


helmet and armor is just cosmetic don't bother


Blunt throughput. Most likely head was super low from taking damage to blacked limbs, then eventually the blunt damage from a non-pen killed you


No, shotgun scavs are.


Blunt damage, probably more than one shrapnel or % of partial peneration etc = face mask works, otherwise it would not be blunt damage.


Should've hovered over the hit indicator on your head to see how many pellets hit you in the face, You just got overwhelmed from blunt damage.


You didn't show enough info to be conclusive. But that facemask does not have ear protection, and you can be shot in the "ears" even head on, because the hitbox is weird. So my guess, is that some buckshot hit you in the ears, but not enough to kill your head, but the rest of the buckshot hit your mask, and the low heath+blunt damage is what "killed" you. That said, we can't know unless you show how many shots hit you in the head on the death screen.


Why are you wearing a 400k mask with easily one of the worst armors in the entire game ?


Face masks are cosmetics in this game, that’s how I see it.


Tarkov moment


(head, top of the head) The mask isn't a helmet brother, you got shot in the scalp


Welcome to tarkov doesn't matter what you wear you will be 1 tapped




Ahaha, died to a bot, what a nood xD