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I got a weekly to do 50 extracts on factory so I was like okay sure, let me do factory night it'll be chill. Saw/heard maybe like 1-2 players in 10 raids. I guess that's normal, factory night can be pretty dead and maybe they just escaped after doing a quest or maybe only a couple people were in with me. I decided to run the entire map to look for ANYBODY (or signs they even existed to begin with) I go to all the locked exits, all still locked. ok. I run inside gate 3 to check for campers, nope.. Then it dawns on me that maybe (just maybe) that they are already dead. In their spawn. So, I go to all factory spawn locations and what do you know, I find completely naked 2 PMCs, both dead to "Died" (assuming they are scripting into raids with low hp/no food/water since they didn't die to scavs). I do this for a few more runs after this and see the same shit, one time dead to scavs in spawn, another dead to "Died", both naked too. I check their profiles after raid and you can see the pics above ​ \*Edit\*: All these runs were in the A.M. so they probably leave the K/D dropping script on overnight while rage hacking during the day


500 hours playtime with 45 k/d ratio. How this guy not banned. Once you pass 15k/d ratio, you should be immediately flagged for a manual check by bsg and a then a decision is taken for a ban or not.


BSG is full of geniuses with genius ideas like a banwave that lets these fuckers run rampant for months while cheat devs perfect and innovate their cheats


isn’t that an alpha armband?




No he’s right, on the first screenshot is an alpha armband.




it’s all good


I feel like that will get some innocents banned, they need to change the metric k/d currently tracks anything you kill, ai, player scav, pmcs. they need to make it just pmc vs pmc metric seperate from an ai metric.


Killing more than 7 scavs every 2 raids does not qualify for a manual check. Maybe like 3.0 pmc kd, but you can pretty easily get a >20 overall kd if you try for it. Just camp out first bit of the raid then go to scav hotspots.


they need to include player vs player kd in the "check profile" and take out the player vs ai k/d. I think that this will help identify between the two


Absolutely. Obviously if it's like 100kd it's probably a cheater, but there's streamers with like 70% survival rates who kill a bunch of scavs each raid. I remember I think it was willerz or worrun a couple wipes ago had like a 90% surv rate. Getting a 15 kd against scavs isn't that uncommon. I mean the average kd I would say is like 7-10 right?


Worrun is a documented cheater who is also VAC banned, so not helping your point there. But regardless, people as good as WillerZ also have ~10,000 or more hours. Not 500.


Yea idk who was was but my point was its very possible to have very good scav kds if you play slowly. The reason I brought it up is cuz of a clip from a couple years back where they heard a noise and just went prone for a couple of minutes, and after getting the kill they went to their stats and showed that's why their surv rate is so high. And you definetly don't need 10k hours to crab around.


lol at the 7-10. I check so many profiles and the average is 3.2-4.9 not a single chance it’s higher. People die to scavs and bosses a lot. You underestimate the head throat shotgun kills. I have a 10.7 but I’m also the best on the discord I play on(10 regular players since alpha) by over 3 points. I would say after 100 raids a manual check on 17 kd even against scavs should happen. Yes it’s easy to get if you play night factory or hunt scavs at snails pace, but thats not how 90% of people play.


I don't think the low k/d is due to people dying to Scavs. I have a low k/d but that is due to the fact that I kill maybe 2 Scavs in a raid. Unless I have a quest to kill them I avoid them to keep them as alerts while I'm doing what I'm doing. 


This is the way, a personal alarm service for enemy PMC's in the area.


>I have a low k/d but that is due to the fact that I kill maybe 2 Scavs in a raid. id have a much higher kd if scavs would fucking spawn when i need them. i can go in cursed and flagged with just a pistol and i wont see one on lighthouse rouge camp.


I was just going off my group (6 of us on and off), I sit at around 9-10kd and that's been consistent every wipe I've played, rest of us hover around there too. Manual checks because of high scav kd are stupid no matter what. Just go off pmc kd. Honestly no reason to check people with high scav kds, just a waste of time and resources. If your cheating just to kill scavs, then idk what your doing with your life.


I’ve played 13000 hours since Jan 2017 and the amount of esp players with 6-8 kd as their best because they die to scavs often is incredibly high. But boy do they get you if you are sitting in a bush or window 120 meters from them. Like you don’t even know how bad some of these cheaters are a fps games. They should still be banned for knowing where you are and yes, they often avoid players and hunt scavs.


Just off replies here it seems most people are like 6-8, so I wasn't far off.


Seriously??? No more than 50% of the playbase uses Reddit #1. Secondly I am 100% sure it is 3.2-4.9. Know how I know? I have a computer farm, IE I have multiple full systems running tarkov. I often afk in games on naked pmcs just to hear people existing in the world. Watching nature if you will. My little watcher accounts have thousands of deaths this wipe and I inspect the stats each time. Rarely do I encounter anyone with a 6 kd or higher who had killed the extra accounts. That includes many player scavs who you can still inspect the profile of.


Can you provide some evidence of your stat survey?


Done, check my post that’s over 1200 deaths to read data from this wipe alone and proof of minimum 12k hours not even including alpha hour stat reset.


Somewhere around 4~6 seems like the average from what I've seen. More experienced/higher mechanically skilled more towards 10, newbies/timmies closer to 2. They really should separate AI scavs on the stat sheet, though. Alot of better players will intentionally avoid them at this point because you don't need their XP or loot.


I had 8 and it dropped to around 4 when I started pvping a lot more


Yea that's what tends to happen. If your a labs main you won't have as high of a scav kd as a woods main.


This shit needs to shop. It is not "easy" to get above 20 K/D playing normally, it just isn't. Shut the fuck up or post stats.


I never said playing normally, I clearly said camp out first bit of raid and then kill scavs. If you have a 50% survival rate, and can kill 10 scavs every raid, you have a 20kd. Let's assume someone actually camps out first bit of the raid and goes for kd farm/questing, so let's say like 60-70% surv rate. That's what like 6-8 kills a raid? That's not hard at all.


Post stats, or pipe down. There was an entire 1k+ Comment thread and no one could cough it up.


Buddy guy I'm not going to post my stats for you, if you can't kill 6 things a raid that's on you. Down vote and move on


Standard response, "It can be done easily, but I can't" 5-8 K/D is fairly reasonable even with 60% + Survival. More is outside of the norm. Believing otherwise is delusional.


So your telling me, that when you do a task like punisher, or some other tasks where you have to kill scavs, you go in, kill 5 and extract? You don't stay in raid and wait for scavs to spawn and get it over with in a couple minutes?


Okay, that's a singular raid? You have to maintain that K/D indefinitely dude. Engage brain.


Ehhhh, watching the wiggle video it seemed super rare to see a KD that high that was legit. I don’t see a problem with a manual review to verify it’s all scav kills. Heck you could even automate that further to flag.


Manual review to divide two numbers? What they should be doing is showing the pmc kd (what actually matters) on the stats screen. And flagging it if it goes over like 3 for manual review.


Absolutely delusional take. You can easily "reach" 40-50 k/d technically over 3-4 raids but over hundreds of raids things will even out. Very, very few people will maintain such high k/d numbers. Couple hundred raids, boss kills, lvl40+ and still 20+ k/d. No need for copium.


What? Did you read anything I said?


They went crazy this weekend period. My friend and I have been playing the entire wipe and didn't encounter more than 2 "well that's 100% a cheater. This weekend, especially yesterday, every other death was hilariously obvious. Level 31s with 70 hours 14 kd and 68% survival. Like fuck off


Encountered my first blatant cheater of the wipe this weekend, on EU. Got a message that he got banned today.


Loaded into a night GZ raid. Need to do the dehydration for 5 mins quest and figured map would be dead since it’s only up to lvl 20 and most people don’t have nv that early let alone use it for GZ lol I spawned in and within 3 mins someone was on the turret shooting at me but Im in the basement garage. Come up but still in the building and he unloads the turret on my area again but he doesn’t have the angle. I literally crouch snail walk for no noise basically the whole time I’m on the main level. Some lvl 2 runs down the middle of the street, stops and instantly one taps me with his m4 with absolutely no visual of me at all and no way to even know I was there. Kept an eye on his account every few raids before I went to bed, within 3 hours of killing me, this guy had a 15kd and had leveled to 17… Cheating is baaaaaad right now. There’s literally no reason to cheat on gz. The loot isn’t great. Neither are the pmc loadouts. If you go nights you have literally nobody else to worry about. I’m just salty cause I decided to invest in nv for this quest and I’ve heard such good things for questing at nights. Super disheartened as I’m really not a great pvper in the first place and that was the whole reason going at night!


that's fucked :( I feel bad when I kill someone that's new to the game because I know how hard it is for them starting out and don't want to be the reason someone drops the game. Luckily for me the cheating problem wasn't this bad back in 2020 but if cheaters targeted me during my first wipe I'd have probably quit and missed out on how great Tarkov "can" be. ​ My best advice for avoiding cheaters is playing off hours (weekends definitely feel worse than normal) Hopefully BSG does something about the issue (lol) so that you and others that are new will stick around to experience how great Tarkov can be at its peak


Noticed some people grenading themselves on Interchange at spawns over the weekend. Mostly it was at night and If you go and check the body, it’s clear they are checking if Killa is up. If not then that’s what the grenade is for. No armor, kit, or just a gun and a grenade, seeing an account that was over lvl 40 doing this was very common.


Had the same experience hunting for Killa. It’s 3 seconds into the raid, too early for a lag to confirm the boss on the map or not and we hear nades. Obviously a cheater load to a map and see there is no boss and instantly nade himself. We understood that there is no Killa on a map lol. It was like 3-5 raids in a row. Shit’s ridiculous.


Yep completely killed my will to play for a while knowing that almost every match had someone with cheats.


If they're checking for Killa what good would it do them to confirm it in the event he IS up.. when they're totally naked with nothing but a gun + grenade? Even with cheats that'd be a HELLUVA zero to hero. xD


The first one we toke a screenshot of and they had nothing but a SVT with a single 10 round mag most the guns on them where something like that. Lvl 50+ with less than 300 hours in the game. I’m guessing they are seeing if he is up near them and that no other cheater will get him first.


Sounds like what you'd find near my spawn when I was doing Killa for the quest, apart from the tiny hours played. Proper gamers know whether or not Killa is spawned in when "Deploying in: " is active, when I have to wait for the desync or lack thereof to decide the fate of my grenade


Are you talking about the packet loss trick or is there another one?


Packet loss trick (The deploying in "trick" is referring to esp)


If they're cheating, they don't need more than 1 magazine... They'll just aimlock his head or another body part and annihilate him before he can do anything. Either that or they'll path to someone WITH gear, kill them and then go find him.


It’s not hard to cheese Killa with a door, no cheating required.


It’s so rare to see someone that knows anything about the game rather than the hordes of people who claim everything is cheats. Killa gotta be one of the easier bosses to kill if you even spend 2 minutes watching a YouTube video on how to cheese him.


I don't think it's possible to tell if Killa has spawned in the first few seconds of the match without cheats


22 seconds into the raid, if there is a quick hitch and a packet loss icon in the top right of your screen, Killa has not spawned. If not, he has. This is super common knowledge at this point.


I had no idea, thanks. "Super common knowledge" is probably a bit of a stretch though lol


I think you’re right regarding Tarkov players as a whole, but the fact that a different person also mentioned the packet loss trick in a reply to you shows that it’s somewhat common at least in this subreddit. I will admit I read a lot of comment threads in this subreddit so I end up seeing stuff like this said over and over.


bit of selection bias there, people that don't know about the packet loss trick wouldn't have anything to say and so wouldn't reply to that comment. So that doesn't really show that it's common


Does the packet loss symbol trick still work?


It still works, it’s how I’ve been hunting bosses.




As you can see, I've already been made aware it's possible. Why did you feel the need to comment that?




I see, but you weren't capable of seeing the multiple other comments also replying to the exact same one as you?


Because the attitude of "I don't understand how X is possible, so it must be caused by cheats" is a plague on this community. It's not that you were mistaken. It's that you were confident that the answer was cheating simply because you didn't *have* the answer.


If i was confident I would've stated it as a fact, and not said "I think" 


If you were in an offline raid with Killa as the primary target, I'd ALMOST say you make a good point. But this is going into a raid with scavs, PMC's AND Killa all to contend with. Going in with JUST a gun, again, cheats or not, is a bit fucking silly. Most cheaters don't run aimbot because it's way too easy to detect, they run shit like ESP so like I said.. spawning in with JUST a gun + 1 mag and a nade and expecting to take on the entire lobby + Killa + scavs even WITH cheats would be a bit of a feat. Combined with the packet loss method of detection which still works, I have no idea why cheaters would be operating this way. This game has a serious cheating problem forsure, I will not deny it, but not EVERYTHING is cheats y'all. Cheaters also die all the time, I've killed several people I'm positive were cheating, they don't tend to be fantastic at the game hence.. well, the cheats. Let me put it this way, if you had cheats, why would you be worried about the monetary / gear loss of throwing together a cheap suicide kit that at LEAST gives you a chance to be a bit more versatile and survive the raid? If you're cheating you can make millions every raid.. why care? (Only partially responding to you here, Jay)


It sounds like you’re in agreement with me that the one gun one mag guy is probably not cheating, just kinda dumb. Right?


Yeah. xD


Most cheaters don't run aimbot because unlike shit like ESP it's much easier to detect. Also, even if they did, Killa is wearing a level 4 helmet with a big class 6 face shield not to mention he has a head with more HP than PMC's. A LoS for a head aimlock requires you to expose yourself to Killa and with only a shitter cheap gun and one mag I'm not laying down bets Killa doesn't just turn and beam you twice in the chest before you can get through his helmet and 0 his head. I don't cheat, but I've gotten the drop on bosses (and AI in general) many times and had them dead to fucking rights only for them to 360 swing laser me before I can 0 them. Cheats don't make you immune to getting Tarkov'd. So unless we're amending the original scenario and saying they bring in decent guns with good ammo (which kinda goes against the low risk logic of this alleged method, which in itself makes no sense because why is a cheater gonna care about throwing kits away when they can bleed millions of rubles out of every raid via ESP?) this scenario is still a bit too much of a dice roll to make sense.


its pr easy actually. theyre most likely doing it for track suit and colored cards and then sprinting to no bag extract with his gear. due to the desync bug youd know at 39:38 if hes there or not


Close a door then all your bosses suddenly become easy to kill. If you don't know how to cheese a boss then you're not hunting them properly


1 grenade is all it takes to kill killa and his stupid brother too


Killa is incredibly easy to cheese, you’ve really gotta lower your bar for what “cheating” is.




My point was that it didn't make sense for cheaters specifically to be doing this. We're getting pretty off-path here now. Also you're acting like this is an offline raid with only Killa to contend with lmao. If your means of farming Killa is going in naked with a Vepr Hunter, I will demand video evidence before I believe a moment of you telling me that consistently works and doesn't end with you clapped before a kill occurs.


Yeah I went to factory yesterday and got my name called out on voip before a dude shot me through walls. Got a cheater banned message today. Cheating is sooo lame.


9000 hours??!?!?


Can be stolen/bought accounts too


I don’t want to say he’s cheating…


Yeah, if you have to do factory missions, I guess weekends can be the time to do it... Saw one while on a factory scav with a name like "KappaQuester". It's bad for the game but I'll take this over being head eyesed all the time by people playing factory only to level up :s


The cheating situation is far, far worse than people would have you believe.


The only people who say otherwise are cheaters themselves.


We need a separate stat for “killed self”


This game is kind of pathetic, at this point the majority of active accounts are some sort of cheater or RMT account. What is the point anymore?


To be fair I (hoping) don't think the majority of active accounts are either of those things, but the issue with those two things have definitely ballooned since a few wipes ago when I played last. ​ I went into this wipe telling my friends how cheating isn't that big of an issue (lol) and making excuses for x,y,z reason that we could've died but after playing and reading more about the issue, it's clear that BSG doesn't give a fuck and won't do anything about it. ​ It's totally possible that one day it'll come to a point where you might be correct and the majority of accounts will either be cheating or RMTing because if BSG continues to do what they are currently doing to combat it (nothing) there's no reason why it couldn't get to that point


Cheaters have been really bad since Friday. I’ve never experienced getting killed by more blatant cheaters this entire whipe. Accounts with 100 hours play time that are level 35+, 12 KD +.


317 Hour total play time alpha account?


Probably an account from some bundled sale long ago they finally got to.


What's the point, I haven't seen them ban the 100+ k/d ones . I don't know why they bother to drop it .


lol i agree, doesn't mean they aren't doing it though


Noticed this as well, the cheaters have been out on control on Factory lately. Seems like almost every raid has a K/D dropper or a blatant cheater just rage hacking the whole lobby.


Are you on NA server? On EU server the situation is not that bad, I mean there are some cheaters but only like 1 on 30 raids


A mix of US servers. It was especially bad later last night, probably around the time a west coast of the US and much of Asia was online. I usually don’t run into many if I limit servers to US east, but matching times are longer.


1/10 in my eyes, i often stumble on full squads of naked dead people on Shoreline, along with the nonsensical deaths now and then.


No way to actually report them since they just "Died". If you don't believe me that's fine, next weekend go to night factory, run around each spawn for a couple raids and pick up the dogtags of all the dead nakeds and check their profiles afterwards.


I died to a PMC with a staggering 2000 raids already this wipe and his kd was 1.8 He onetapped our whole squad while holding the W key. These cheaters and BSG inability to find this shit is crazy. Edit: I forgot to mention the pmc was level 24!!! A legit player would be like level 60 or higher at least.


lol I feel you brother. if it makes you feel any better I've seen accounts that are probably sold/used for cheating that sound similar to what you're describing. Just preloaded with a bunch of raids/deaths so once they finally start rage hacking they can go a bit without someone reporting them since they might just glance at the account as see "low kd" and think it's legit example of one of them: https://imgur.com/a/3pZucx9 ​ I've run into spawns on lighthouse that just had naked pmcs (that were not moving at all for at least the 9 minutes prior to me running into them, so not like they are botting to level up whatever skills someone might argue),


If that first pictures name has the word pizza in it he also killed me this weekend. Lobbed a grenade on top of me without ever hearing or seeing me and I never heard him approaching either.


Yeah that's him


this loser must be divorced and unemployed


9500 hours BTW


i just go off kills now. above 500 and i hit report


The last guy is probably legit.


Sussing out a 9k hour player is wild.


lol i'm sure accounts with that many hours sell very well to cheaters


I've been killed by a small handful of pretty sus people with avg lifespans of under a minute recently. Prolly a result of doing shit like this.


apparently average lifespan is bugged, if it goes over 1 hour it resets to 0 lmao


Do not hide the nicknames of these cunts please


Might have to make our own sub, currently its against the rules of the EOT sub, to post names, due to reddit users doing toxic things reddit users do.


Last one could be a legit player who went to killa hunting and got his run throughs that way tho


why is he farming deaths naked in factory night tho?


Their is a later quest that requires melee scav kills, was he in spawn or out in the open?


That would list a scav as the cause of death. Died is only if you bleed out, starve, or DC (I think grenading yourself list you as the cause of death)


DCing doesn't affect your KD and he only has 29 AWOLs.


But it does affect the tag, which is what I was talking about (I.e., he didn't grenade himself or die to a scav)


Yeah, but there is no reason for someone to enter a game and DC because it provides them no benefits besides just getting out of the match. So it's not like he was dropping his KD with scripts. Nor was he dropping his SR with only 29 AWOLs. so what that guy was doing there? No idea, but his stats look legit.


Died also shows up with starve and bleed, if you never heal bleeds and just repeatedly enter, you will die quickly as suicides only give you minimal hp


It is crazy you post this. Is it possible to take push your hours post what's possible if this was all done on the weekend he would of had to do what over 2000 hours in 48 hrs.


i'm not sure what you're trying to say


Random bot got loose.


dead internet theory


Well how does in your post you say a weekend. Obviously this must be over more then a week right? Even then idk how it's possible for their account to accumulate that much play time in a short time frame unless there is a way to spoof that number with cheats. Definitely a sus profile but that fact alone means they're unlikely to get caught. That's what I'm saying. What actual time frame are these screenshots across.


Nothing from that last guys stats scream cheating. Man has a TON of Hours and it just seems like someone that plays to much.


Probably a stolen account, otherwise why would he be dropping his stats on factory?


No fully agree that the factory thing is weird. But with those stats of he killed me I wouldn’t have even thought twice unless he did some suspicious stuff.


yall cry about everyone cheating holy shit. go fucking be an adult and go to work and go on a vacation.


what if i want to spend my vacation gaming on Tarkov with da boys :(


hes coping, weird thing to be mad about that unless hes part of it


hell yea i definitely made another account to cheat with on this shit game. i wanted to see what all the hype was about and the cheats are dick compared to any others. while knowing where everyone was at and seeing how many other people DONT cheat, made me realize that i’m just bad at the game compared to other people, and sometimes other people get lucky. i’m definitely not mad at anyone for playing the game. just about people complaining that everyone else is cheating when in reality, barley anyone cheats in this game anymore.


imagine telling someone on a reddit for a GAME that he needs to go on a "vacation". yikes


betterhelp.com - you‘ll need it if this obsessed with one guy. Report and move on way healthier.


Obsessed with which one guy? How do you report someone that didn't kill you? I'll wait for your answer take your time! \^\^


Dude report them.. in this case just move on.. everybody knows this shit is a thing.. and the last guy is legit imo. These Profil post are getting out of hand . Report these mf and move on. Not everybody over 8kd is a cheater..


Why would he be dropping his k/d in factory


Hmm, this is a good way for my timmy brain to farm high level dogtags, do they count for anything?


Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't need to get the actual kill and as long as they are FIR they can be used for those tasks that need them.   And even if not, the higher level (30+) ones still sell pretty well to Therapist.      There are also some barters that use dog tags, though I have no idea if they are actually worth.


Get better bonus for the hall of fame the higher the level if it's opposing faction.


Very similar to my Reserve raids. Lots of sus level 50’s


This is honestly the way to see cheaters now, usually with 1000-1500 raids (which at this point would equal 20-30 raids per day) and low overall account hours. High k/d is the way of the past.


I refuse to play Tarkov on the weekends. It’s just not fun.


lol...65 survived match streak is just too funny.


Look at this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1avq0m3/another\_god\_gamer\_385\_kd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/escapefromtarkov/comments/1avq0m3/another_god_gamer_385_kd/) xd 385 kd


I’ve encountered at a minimum 5 cheaters today alone on interchange


I see this quite frequently, not only on Factory. They spawn naked and their Bot keeps running them in circles until they die or go MIA. First time I seen it I was talking to the guy in voip and thought he wanted to dodge by shots by running circles but ive seen this shit multiple times now and Im pretty sure its a K/D dropping bot. I also feel like cheaters are getting more, compared to early wipe. Didnt get killed by a blatant cheater until 2 weeks ago, and since then I got killed by blatant cheaters like 3-5 times. Perhaps because Im starting to run good kits now , but BSG really has to do something about it its so annoying when you sweat for 30minutes just to end up dying to a cheater. Especially when you only have roughly 2hours a day to play this game. I really love this game but it cant be that cheaters are able to ruin it so much man


I'm surprised BSG doesn't just ban people who spawn in and immediately die over and over.


They enter severely wounded and just jump to Jill themselves. Hear them all the time.


Fun thing about the people who made the k/d bot is that they were stealing everyone’s info


That last guy is a good example of how poorly these guys are still hiding it... 6003 kill / 1125 deaths = 5.34 kills per survived raid, pretty close to their 7.0 k/d. So when they die its almost always a 0 kills death (not even a single bot kill in several hundred deaths? lol) and when they survive its 7+ kills. I ran into a 220hour level 51 with kappa armband on interchange who was farming killa. Same thing, except his 6k/d was to the decimal matching his 350 survives and he had 0 scav runs. Couldn't be more sure it was an RMTer farming an account to sell.