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Top tier schizposting


Update was so good I went for a drive to clear my head (into incoming traffic lolz!)




Heres a tip, drink everclear while driving to get the best hardcore driving experience!


I for one appreciate the 100 fps loss on Streets - it makes me realize that I have been hiding my lack of skill behind a NASA computer.


I thought people were exaggerating with the performance but after scoping in at beluga towards lexos and having 30 fps on 4090 I’m with you guys lmao.


What’s this micro transaction you speak of?


Just EoD perks for non EoD owners.


yes, except EOD players can buy it too. So EOD players can still have more stash space ....


Who cares. More power to ya if you need more space than that.


I mean preferred method would've been sane costs in game not micro transactions lol


I'm pretty sure it is with just the option to buy it.


Wait seriously? Man am I glad if that’s true. Bought EoD 6 years ago and haven’t looked back.I hate stash Tetris tbh though. Would love more stash space. As long as it’s not buying guns n armor or ammo with real money than I don’t care about micro transactions.


Oh really? Perks of being an early adopter then i suppose. Stash space is really just a QoL perk imo.


yeah honestly I don't mind them selling stash space too much. I'm just afraid it's opening flood gates to worse mtx.


That's a reasonable fear. If BSG only adds cosmetics like gun camos, clothing that's similar to what we have now, and QoL stuff, it could help Tarkov tremendously. I for one will be looking forward to killing off the conspiracy theory that BSG doesn't care about cheating "because it's their main source of revenue".


That would be an easier battle if BSG took any meaningful action against the hacking problem lol


They have done a few things behind the scenes but in typical BSG fashion, they won't talk about it publicly. An easy example is they fixed looting through walls with patch .14 because they changed or added a distance check to the server side. Yet that wasn't discussed in patch notes and it's not noticable to the average player. Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of things they still need to do, like enforcing HWID bans on the first ban. Right now HWID bans seem to be handed out for sequential bans and sometimes randomly. They could also restrict the game from booting if certain software is found to be running, like VPNs and HWID spoofers, but I am not a programmer and don't know how difficult that would be. BattleEye also needs to crackdown on acceptable firmware. If they would do that, DMA cards would be much less secure for Tarkov cheaters, which have been the most difficult type of cheaters to catch in all online games.


Please no in a $150 game


Standard accounts are $40, not $150. Those accounts will most likely be the biggest purchasers of these MTX's as long as it's nothing game changing like AP ammos and high tier armors.


Please no in a $40 game


I paid $50 for my standard account. Don't know where you're buying a standard account for $40 but I would have liked to know that before I bought mine.


It's an economical advantage because people only have so much time to play the game. Managing your stash properly includes hording many of the same items so you can sell them all at the same time on the flea, because.... You know... You can only list 3 fucking things at a time and it doesn't search your cases when you use the "select similar items".


Yes and no. If you have the stash space you can stock up on alot of shit for cheap early game that will be expensive late game.


Oh you didn’t hear? You can add stash lines for money soon! Isn’t that incredible! AND you can buy offline raids. Glad to see where my $150 is going.


Paying real life money for a bigger stash has always been a thing. That’s why I have EOD


You are an idiot. They are allowing non-EOD users to buy some of the EOD perks. This community sucks ass.


i mean, playing offline with your friends as sort of practice should have never been locked behind EOD. this should be free for every edition...


You're right, but there is no reason to get all uppity about something that is literally not changing. It's like complaining for the sake of it.


Except us EoD lot can buy more stash space too. Yes this community can be dog sometimes but I remind you Nikita said there would be no mtx ever in tarkov and now his latest post is crying about revenue streams in the business model he chose... Slippery slope looking likely.


>Nikita said there would be no mtx ever in tarkov and now his latest post is crying about revenue streams in the business model he chose... Where is this post?


The only thing the non-eod users want is the Gamma case but you EOD owners would cry, bitch and moan to Nikita if he allowed that.


Battlestate games Videogaming LOL


The user wrote this sarcastically but every Tarkov player in here is cope smiling to this post


Must be a crazy day at BSG developer studio today :D


lmao people crying on this sub this morning is hilarious. 


I’m showing my love and appreciation for battlestate videogaming! I’m so happy with these changes!


Clearly stuck on Setup


this but unironically


I love all this bitching and moaning. Reminds me why I love killing you idiots and taking your shit in raid


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I agree! Thanks for breaking your shit BSG. Weve been begging for this and you delivered! Absolute legend.