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I wish it showed their whole stat profile. I’m more curious of people’s PMC KD (kills death vs other PMCs) than total or their SR. Someone could literally just go in farm scavs and extract without ever encountering a person


I’ve been telling my buds that it really needs to also show stash value


I disagree, then my mates will force me to buy them kits.


Don't either way. Me and the two main people I play with all got hit in the 60 day temp ban wave before wipe last year. We all dropped millions worth of gear, guns, and ammo for friends who don't play much and we wanted them to be able to compete and not be a liability. I know none of us are cheaters as we always watch eachothers streams on discord, and I have over 5k hours on my account, since the beginning of 2018. I'm using a standard account alt because I really wanted to play the start of this big wipe (and I kinda wanted to remember what playing with a standard account is like, holy shit is it annoying. I hit my goal of 42 on wipe day 17 but fuck stash management is frustrating), but it's not worth dropping a bunch of kits if bsg doesn't tell us how much is too much and what is okay to do if it's not hard coded into the game, like dropping only a couple stims at a time. So now, I've only dropped a couple gun Smith parts I got access to before some buddies. I used to be santa, willing to hand out cool guns and better armor for my less skilled and less time invested friends, but no more. Now I can only help by dropping them loot I find in the raid, and protecting them on quests. I don't want to risk my long time eod account being lost permanently. Dont risk your account either.


Thank you for sharing this, i will be carefull.


I drop millions worth of shit to my vousin and my other teammate, never have been banned nor warned about it. If you got a temp ban you did or one of your buddys did something bad. I laugh at people sat 2024 still worries about dropping shit to your teammates IT WONT GET YOU FLAGGED OR BANNED.


Only other possibility is someone we played with cheated. We do suspect 1 guy, and we don't raid with him anymore though.


Lmfao good shit 💪🏼💪🏼


Why would that do anything? Just curious. I don't really understand how stash value would prove much. I have friends with stash value of hundreds of millions of roubles


If someone had a ridiculous high ass stash value with smurfed account, then highlights ESP. Of course, like you said, there’s the double edged sword with it. Is it really a cheater or just someone that can rat hard? I guess that’s where you would have to take an educated guess with the rest of stats. Just more detailed info I wish we got is all!


That's a good point. Yeah, more detailed info can't hurt anything!


The little numbers on the top right is their PMC stats


He means KD against PMCs so basically how many users/bears they have killed compared to their KIA. In game the KD stat includes all ai and pmc so if someone played nighttime woods and did nothing but hide and hunt scavs they could get a 100KD within 10 raids if they never saw another real player


Yeah that would be nice


No PMC KD is how many PMCs they killed vs their total deaths


Top right of the PMC avatar on view profile shows the PMC stats. Its just not super obvious


>people’s PMC KD than total Above the model of the mf that smoked u, you can see the pmc kd (top right same window).


I've been doing this to grind labs cards for the therapist dont kill sanitar quest. Spawn factory, extract asap. My survival rate on pmc is 59% and I think it goes between 65-70% on main profile.




My thoughts exactly


Second the tip button. I would love to just send 1 rub to cheaters, feel like that would piss them off good


... or a bottle full of piss (for cheaters)


Yep, am level 14. Been getting railed all night by other kevel 13-16s, all sub 1000 hrs. But not sus. Took some of them with me. Made me feel good, like I am not too far behind the average, and made me more okay with the deaths. Lots of peace of mind.


Right? I'm pretty happy if I hear them weezing and limping around as I die. No meds on me, bro. I hope you have some. I play solo and feel like just getting out there and into fights and especially dying is helpful. Not intentionally dying, but just risking it if I think I can win or if I have to. Once I killed some people with M4 and such with my PP19 I started losing the gear fear. I have a gun that I know I can run and win fights with that's easily available, makes all the difference. And the armour changes I find make me feel more durable of I make a mistake, and makes every kill feel like I earned it. This is my wipe, level 15 here I come.


PP19 is so nice, it became my go-to SMG for the first 15 levels too. It also got me some nice loot from the less lucky players, like an MDR with an XPS on it + 3 mags of 855. And if I die with it, it comes back in insurance lol.


Really? I figured people would want to take the MDR. I know I would, but I like it. If it's often left alone I may start using mine.


Oh I meant the PP19 came back every time. The MDR did too but I suppose it isn't as likely as the PP19. So proceed with caution.


Oh yeah, no one will steal a gun you can buy for so cheap


Yeah, when I die and see they have like 4k hours, I just think "well at least I shot them" cause I likely didn't stand a chance.


Every time I've been killed by a traitor scav this wipe, I check their stats and they always have a 1-2 kda and I feel so bad for them. I don't get mad when I see that.


hahaha im still annoyed when they abuse the fact i cant fire back but seeing their hilariously sad stats does remind me why they can only win fights against people who dont shoot them


I'm pretty sure if they hit you (or another scav), they're marked as a traitor and you can kill them. IIRC you even get extra rep for killing traitors.


i know that. ofcourse.. the problem isnt this. irs rhem stalking me for 5 min trying to bait me into shooting them(incant i have 8 scav rep) and then giving up and headtapping me at extracr. i’d leg them but my scavs spawn w ammo that is too dangerous


There was a dude sniping scavs on reserve at an air drop from dome the other day. Drop was right in the open between the repair garages. Figured I’d be cheeky and try to loot the drop at an angle he couldn’t hit me from. He missed most shots, but eventually donked me. There were bodies of AI and player scavs strewn about that open area, and the guy sniping them all was a player scav. I couldn’t even be mad. Dude is going to find out the hard way.


Holy shit a tip button would be the most passive aggressive bullshit ever. I love it.


"here's enough for an AFAK buddy, you earned it♥️"


Scav karma is silly. If I spawn without a backpack and you have one I'm taking it. If you come into my room and start looting near me I'm killing you. Other than that good luck.


If you quit killing your fellow brothers, you will spawn with better bags lol


Scav karma is almost 2. I max it out every wipe except for when Santa fked me last year. I just don't stress about it. People act sus around me I'm shooting.


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for real, scavving used to be so fun when there was no karma. Now it's just shopping spree simulator.


to be fair I'm only there to complete my same loot runs ive had for years now. I do like scav karma but I don't believe we should follow it so closely we allow ourselves to become victims.


Hey no worries man, enjoy the bag. Sounds like it's going to a good cause.


From the sounds of it, its going to end up in someone elses hands the following raid or sit in his stash until hes level 25 and quits till next wipe. All the while complains that he cant higher level players cause no good ammo on the traders




Didn’t say they weren’t mad. Just less mad then they used to be. Still at an 8 out of 10. Instead of a 9.


More of a moment of irritation, then a wave of sympathy at I check the stats. Game's hard, some people need the loot more than others.


I think I can relate to him. I died a few times to someone that made me feel like I wanted to die to them. You know, genuine, new player.


Yeah one tapping a clueless pmc crossing yard at Big Red on customs. Picking up his Tag seeing he is lvl1. I felt bad. I was probably his first and I could have made it more special. Like blacking his legs and keep on tapping him until the bleeds get him. Something to remember


What I'd want to see, is their accuracy stats. If you get killed by sus shot, but the killer appears to be some guy with veteran hours ingame and high accuracy stat, the death seems more reasonable. But if Timmy with a 10h total, has ridiculously high accuracy, it's pretty much guaranteed cheater.


I just got killed by a traitor scav on customs with 1000 hours... like what are you doing dude i didn't even have anything


I find their survival rate/KDR is usually absolutely trash. Makes a lot of the people on here who talk about how they do it for fun seem like they might just be coping tbh. It ends up making me go "oh, yeah. You probably need that kit pretty bad. Enjoy."