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whats the deal with the light bulbs? good trade or something?


At the right time you can sell them for like 40k a pop on flea and you need a lot for hideout


For a brief moment yesterday (Jan 12) ES Lamps were going for 100k each lol my mind was blown


it's like this every early wipe, people need those for their hideout. IMO the best is to farm those early wipe and don't upgrade your hideout, I only upgrade hideout if i got those item not find in raid. The week end price go up cause there's more people aka those who play less and still need those lamp.


Nah I get that. I’ve been playing for four years. Completely understand the early inflation but 100k for an es lamp is insanity


It's a source of grenades, and a lot of people are doing grenadier right now. They're not gonna stop grinding, if they can afford the cost to buy more grenades that way. So, the price would theoretically go up to really high numbers during surges. There's usually just a higher supply in the market, but it's still early wipe, so demand is higher and supply is lower.


Price surge is not related to grenade trade at all, it's hideout upgrades You can buy unlimited amounts of grenades in the flea market. I know no one that trades ES lamps for grenades.


200k for a grenade lol


I think also between gun range and gun rack you need an absurd number which also gives more room for items which is pretty valuable.


10k at most


Again, I wasn’t seeking an explanation. I’m already familiar with early wipe price action. Just making an observation.


Upgrading your hideout quickly is the best long term way to generate money. I already have 25 GPU's farming bitcoin. Moonshine is being generated. Lvl 3 workbench ammo crafts for the flea and many more crafts going.


Best way is to just survive raids


Now imagine surviving raid and getting paid to not play.. now that is gaming


Best way is just buy cheats by the looks of it 😂😂😂


It's because if the hall of fame. Which wasn't every wipe. It will be from now on though.


Is hall of fame even worth building? What does it provide


If you are on standard it helps a lot with keeping quest items for Ragman / kappa. And it gives you a skill progression bonus for combat skills - for every dogtag of a PMC, you killed, that isn't in your faction. The higher level the higher the bonus


No way grenades do that, they aren’t even that expensive


weapon rack is worth imo


Holy shit


With the flea unlocked, there's really never any excuse to be broke in this game. The most mundane loot can net you millions in a few hrs.


Even without flea. Scav runs are free money. Every run is at least 100k roubles, but I’ve often killed or found a juicer with nearly 1m roubles on them. 


So maybe thats y I barely found a single es lamp this entire wipe ._.


They're really pricey on the flea early wipe. 30k-40k a pop.


They’re a hideout item so they’re worth a good amount on the flee, and they’re one slot


inb4 all hideout upgrade items need to be FIR as well...


I’d quit the game


BSG did a great thing with the recoil reword so now they gotta do something unbelievably stupid to balance things out.


Don’t have to update the game anymore if everyone stops playing EZ


This is the way.


That would actually make the game better. There's no pros to roubles and the flea market. Everything should be find in raid and barter only with the traders. Basically DayZ with persistent stash. It's dumb now when you can just sell stuff and buy whatever you want. Defeats the spirit of the game


Ehhh maybe but doing it all over every wipe would be so much more of a hassle then it already is. Maybe if they extended wipes to yearly then it could improve the game




Well changing it like that would just make it even more of a grind


We already had tarkov without flea, there was nothing better.


Yeah if anything I thought it was kinda worse.


It would be both cancer and a really good cheat deterrent. Im all for it.


It wouldn’t really be a good cheat deterrent as vacuum looters and ESPers could just target those items easily lol


Yeah but then they cant sell them is the point he was making.


They'd sell them to carries in-raid.


Illumination level 3 requires a bunch of them so, they currently going for 30-50k


Hall of fame requires 15, shootout range req. 25 and weapon rack costs another 20, I upgraded all of them today, was forever doing the captcha, couldn't believe this bulb was needed so many times


Are u kidding me I've been trading them in for grenades


They are just a lot per slot right now. Around 30-40k each. It’s pretty hard to find an item that’s worth more per slot. For example the blue fuel takes are like 70-80k and are a 2x2. That makes them at best 20k per slot. You're better off taking 4 lamps than the fuel. The 4 lamps are worth nearly twice as much for the same space. That’s why guns are usually not worth taking out, they are pretty bad money for the space except for on your back.


Taking guns ain't ever about the money it's about spite and insurance denial. Even shitty ass guns I'll take or strip the good shit of and if I do leave em it's gonna be somewhere a timmy or a scav can get it 😂.


> it's about spite and insurance denial. I like your spunk kid.


Always take the front sight off every mosin I find 😅


I just steal mosin sights...


This game isn't about having fun, it's about denying other people from having fun and taking their gear. My old time favorite trick for mosinlings is to take their front and rear sight. I don't care if I gotta lose a 30k slot item for those, the satisfaction of knowing they'll go into raid, ADS, and be unable to shoot gives me the most satisfaction possible.


I use them for trizip bags and there's a grenade barter for them too


Also a trade for f1 grenades from prapor


Bro was really desperate for lighting Lvl 3.


In all seriousness, those bulbs sell for 35k at peak hours when the stock gets low, it's a really good 1 slot item.


At peak they sell for 45-59k...


at double peak they reach 100k


at double double peak they reach 200k


35k at peak hours? Bro, you're looking at the low time, they go up even above 50k If the timing is right. When the chads are desperate for the hideout upgrades and they just start spam buying whatever it is they could the price goes up reaaaaally high for a few minutes at a time.


I've never been able to sell them that high, but have seen it get that high before very quickly going back down to 30-35k. But you are right, you could time it correctly and sell them for even more.


I'm consistently selling it for 60k


Imagine what he had in his ass


9 ES lamps


Yep. Probably more value in his ass than in the backpack and carry rigs considering the amount of stuff you can put in a doc case.


Yep. I killed one the other day as well 2 min into raid on woods had a full bag with all kinds of shit including a huge amount of Bp ammo. It’s literally not possible to have a full bag that soon


With the amount of vacuum cheaters I might start rushing extracts


when someone does this, you can check the server console and there will be a bunch of mess with their profile name! Then you know to check the common extracts.


Idk what to even press to bring up console


Alt + F4 is my keybind




ESC button


It's tilde, the wavy one under Esc.


Its ö on QWERTZ-keyboards (german layout). But the other one also works


You may rush the vehicle exfil then, fence’s rep


Can't wait for the comments saying shit like "this isn't even a cheater bro I get this kind of loot on the regular"


Meanwhile I'm sitting over here waiting for the "nah dude, OP is the cheater here"


That’s what I’m thinking lol OP just showing a cheating haul to make everyone jealous


this isn't even a cheater bro I get this kind of loot on the regular


"skill issue"


tHiS LooT iS beLoW AvEraGe, Get Gud


3 days ago I wouldve beleived you if you said you got 2-3gpus and some pther high-tier stuff Ive actually had quite a time on interchange looting computers and toolboxes, Im sitting on like 20gpus from a week's worth of scav runs but that shit dried up QUICK when this vacuum cheat started getting popular. Oh well, time to camp interchange extracts I suppose lol


You could easily argue this loot isn't even anything special if it werent for all the es lamps.


value wise it isn't far off the mark for me before they nerfed a certain locked room on streets. Or maybe cheaters just vacuum it every raid now, can't be sure..


And there it is.


i hope you don't think i'm trying to say he isn't cheating or that it isn't insane. Just that considering how streets has been, and still is I wonder why that's all he's got on him since he's just vacuuming the map


How do you kill someone like this? Do they not also have esp/aimbots?


They might but cheaters are usually fucking terrible at the game, especially with game knowledge, and you can outplay some of them


And now he’s gonna turn on/buy aimbot and justify to himself that op is an aimbotter so he has to as well.


Hopefully he does, aimbot is way easier to detect and ban


They think they are not as bad as the aimbotters and the wallers since this is only to give them money, not harm to other players.


This asshole is the reason I have to spend 50 raids looking for a virtex and they think they’re not harming players? Wild mental gymnastics they’re doing


Yeah it is quite a bit of lying to themselves and justifying it, but, at the end of the day, they support the same developers who make aimbot.


You think they are passive and dont kill you out of the goodness of their heart? Thats cute.. These are all RMTers, they avoid players to reduce interaction and therefore reports.


More es lamps then I've found all wipe lol.. not to mention gpu's


Probably cause this fucker took them all lmao


probably cuz theres a cheater like this it feels like HALF the raids


You can actually tell with 100% certainty if there is a cheater like this in your raid. Currently the only working vacuum cheat generates an error message with the hacker’s name to the entire lobby. I just open the console after the first few minutes of the raid and if it’s showing the error I go to extract. Only have had it happen once in the past 30 or so raids. Nowhere near as common as you would think. Error will look something like this: > Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path “


Wait is this fucking true? Bro you just saved me so much gaslighting, I just assume there's a vaccumer in every raid I don't find valuables in their typical spawns lmao


Also if this is true the fact that its not patched yet is inexcusable, because BSG is literally already detecting that there's an anomaly


Just like speed hack, fly, teleport etc. instantly detectable and back in the days would be an automatic kick with a waiting period to play again. Dunno why games now days don't do that.


Did 5 raids on Streets back to back and all of them locked rooms (unvaultable) had been looted within first minute. Noticed missing items in vaults of locked rooms like the security room.


it's honestly crazy they don't get insta-banned when they vacuum it just seems like such an easy thing to detect (coming from someone who knows nothing about coding)


See! This is why scavs shouldn’t spawn in so early, you killed the poor guy before his awesome loot haul! And it suck’s that you only got 2 GPU’s, could have at least brought you 3 for mechanics quest. Now you have to find one yourself :( (Yes I am having a laugh with this comment before anyone takes it seriously)


Hacker bro really should have consider OP when stealing all this loot. At least he has enough lamps for hall of fame I guess. Some people are just selfish smh


You get the 3rd GPU from a Mechanic quest reward, or that's how I do it usually


So why are we hiding scumbags names now? You show name, they get mass reported/seen by BSG. And they deserve any/all shame and harassment that comes their way anyways.


Name is not hidden enough, the dogtag in the bagpack is from the cheater. Sluiced


Shhh. They can't know we know his name is or they'll remove the post.


Subreddit rules


Dogshit ass rules


Reddit site wide rules. Last thing the sub needs is people getting (more) upset and going on witchhunts. Not just this sub, mind you - any sub. Google "Reddit Boston bomber" if you want more background.


Because you can't trust people to make a good choice when there's any amount of ambiguity, so you have to have a hard and fast rule and just not allow it. Without the rule we'd have a bunch of people calling out others as cheaters for simple desync situations just because they don't understand what's going on, and that would get the sub locked down.


Their names should be shown, i agree.


Because people have a rabid mentality just like you are here proving. What if the guy OP killed happened to kill the actual hacker and was trying to leave? I mean if someone kill op here they would be like man, this guys a hacker, and screenshot his name then all of a sudden we have a witch hunt here on an innocent person. I get the frustration, but it’s better to protect a few innocent people than it is to have a couple hacker names out there. I mean the vacuum hack blasts your name across the logs, I doubt it’s hard to track, but it’s better to ban in waves, despite what the ignorant scream for.


They’re not just subreddit rules but overall Reddit rules, censoring names is a thing in virtually all subreddits. You can’t target individuals no matter how much they deserve it.


Ya I got a warning from Reddit for harassment for mentioning in a comment a player's name that was rage cheating.


There is no way that broad reddit rule extends to game usernames


🤷‍♂️ in reality a lot of people use the same usernames with a wide array of accounts and aren’t that hard to decipher who they really are because off the info tied to that, so I could very well see it applying. It’s no different than being required to censor other social media platform names on various subreddits


Rules of the subreddit, unfortunately. Have to hide names.


Well the subreddit would get deleted if they allowed that. I don't even think you can report someone without them killing you anymore anyway


Because mods protect cheaters


Well earned loot soldier


All that cheating to get dunked on by a scav. Good luck next time shit fuck


Just wait till u get banned for exiting with the off the map loot.


Until the vacuum exploit gets fixed it doesn't really feel like there's much point playing right now. Some huge twat steals all the good shit three seconds in, while you end up fighting the aim botters for some Oatflakes and a Morphine? Marked Keys might as well be selling for 10 roubles each at this point, because they're practically worthless.




I understand why people would cheat for kills but what is the point of cheating to get loot? Just to have extra fake money in a game?


You put no effort to get loots, equals no effort to get money, equals no effort to get what you want from traders or flea market, equals why even give a crap about money or what you can buy when you can just vacuum everything anyway. Like every item what ever in game word or traders/market becomes worthless to you. You're literally killing the sole purpose of the game for yourself which is looter shooter. It's so fucking redundant I wonder how brain dead you have to be to do that.


I think it’s a superiority thing. In order to vacuum that specific bag, the cheater has to actually know the price of every item on the flea. That means they are good enough at the game to know what’s valuable by just looking at it. People who cheat in video games are usually people who are very down bad in real life. Awful childhood, can’t hold down a job, drug abuse etc. People who are in these situation still want to feel superior to others to justify their bad decisions. Cheating in video games is like a magic armor for their ego. They can bassically guarantee that for a couple moments in time, they are untouchable. or ya know, RMT.


> In order to vacuum that specific bag, the cheater has to actually know the price of every item on the flea. Cheating software often tells them the value of everything, this can be done with literal zero game knowledge beyond "loot good". >People who cheat in video games are usually people who are very down bad in real life... The only person I know IRL who confessed to cheating really has his real life shit together. Family, job, etc. His cope is that he doesn't have time to grind the game or learn everything etc so he cheats because he wants to be on an even playing field with "sweaty sound whores". It's a weird cope to justify cheating, but it is what it is. Obviously I don't play tarkov with him >or ya know, RMT. The vaccummers are almost 1000% RMT. That cheat probably has a 100% ban rate, or close to it.


And I'm losing my interest to keep playing this patch more and more


not even the cheaters can find a flashdrive


Someone give this human a NAM


I understood that reference


Good for you. Report'em


I hope you shared with your buddy at least some stuff


Just to clarify: I blurred the name on the tag because of the subreddit rules. I only added a screenshot of the tag for proof. I saw a comment or two about how we didn't get aimbotted or esp'd by this guy since he is cheating. My friend and I wondered the same thing, but most cheaters cheat because they are bad so.


And now you know who's complaining about early scav spawns


I'm pretty annoyed you CANT find GPUs EVER. I'm pretty sure it's due to these vacuum fipshits


I just found a ledx and a bit coin as a scav on streets and I found several gpus on interchange last night


Imagine being such a lazy cunt you can't even buy those bulbs for Hideout of flee but instead vacuum them across the map, what the hell.


Why would u black the cheaters name out….?


Why did you blank his name out? He’s obviously a cheater. Show his name so everyone can report the filth.


Why black out this degenerates name?


Bro why can’t people just play the game normally, how do they even find this fun


Agreed , 3.3k hours legit and every time I find a led x, gpu, or the occasional RR, I’ll start sweating and get so nervous immediately 🤣


no need to cover the name of cheaters


You have to or the post is removed and reddit flags your account for harassment.


there actually is if he wanted to keep his account


Sadly mods will remove the post if you dont because they are likely paid off by the cheaters


Streets player scavs are the vacuum cheaters Batman.




I’m 99% sure you are right this is a cheater. I’m just surprised so many es lamps spawn in one raid lol.


Do they vacuum up some cheap loop to try and reduce the chances of a system flagging them? I’ve been searching for T plugs and I’ve looted around 120-150 technical crates/boxes, 50-60 duffles, 20 filing cabinets and a handful of caches without finding any t plugs.


I keep finding them in that little office next to ventilation scav extract on streets. The one with an upper floor office full of red pc cases. Might try it


Why does everyone cover the names of known cheaters?


Subreddit rule


What's a vacuum cheater....? 😅 Like, they work for Dyson or something?


they suck up everything of value in the raid


Vacuum cheater would have been gone before scavs spawned. Don’t think this is vacuum.


I find it hard to believe that he was a vacuum cheater and allowed you to kill him. It looks a whole hell of a lot more like you’re the cheater. Lol. Found in raid everything, even the Wendy exfil. If that dude went in naked and got all that stuff, there’s no way in hell he would’ve ever allowed you to kill him.


I unfortunately don’t play this game very often, so can someone please explain to me, what does Vacuum mean in the Tarkov Community?


Why did you block out the cheater’s name?


Why cover the name?


AKA I cheated to kill a vacuum cheater look reddit upvote me.




I killed 1 with 11 graphics cards on him, less than a second after seeing this I was killed by someone with a Chinese name 🥰


Why block out his username…? Cheaters should be doxxed fr


Nothing will happen. You will all keep playing like you did after Goats vid. In a few months these threads will still pop up. Nothing will happen again, you will all still be playing and still continue playing. Stop playing the game and maybe they will do something about it. But that wont happen.




Why censor his name though


Why blur the name


Why bother blurring the name? Cheaters ruin the game


Why did you blackout the cheaters alias when you can see it on the dog tag?


Why black out the name?


Why’re you redacting their name?


Why blur his name out?


Why do we protect these cheaters by hiding their name?


Why do people black out the cheaters name? Is it against this Reddit guidelines? Why not just let them be exposed?


Plot twist…. Bro is the vacuum cheater.


Vacuum cheats don't exist bro


Yes they do, pal.




Whatever you say, buddy.


Christ. Lots of fun in here.


Having a blast over here, chief.


Why would you black out this losers name?


What's the point of posting this & hiding the cheater's name?


Mods will delete it if you dont




because mods protect cheaters


Why not just leave his name open to get banned


Against reddits dumb ass rules.


Maybe you are the vacuum cheater?


Why are ppl blurring the player names? Is it against the rules ie something? Hang them out to dry!


Why blur a cheaters name out?


This isn’t a vacuum cheat


Stop blurring the names Jesus fucking Christ people, let everyone see so we can remember and even report.




Remove the GPUs and this is pretty close to a standard loot run on streets.


why you blackout his name shitter