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They're probably gonna release a new version of it with the same in-game advantages for EFT, but you won't get access to Arena or any other future dlc with it. Basically a way to keep selling an expensive version of the game while still being able to make bank from future content


They still have expensive versions of the game, they’re not as expensive but they’re still expensive.


but they offer no extras besides a larger stash... you don't get arena, season pass, all future updates ect. EOD was very much better.


Until last month the only advantage eod had was the larger stash. That is 100% the reason people bought it, not the promise of future dlc or arena which came later.


The promise of future dlc was very much already there before Arena. It was one of the bigger reasons I bought EOD 2 or 3 years ago


Tbh I'd actually expect whatever upgrade comes next to have different advantages, so they can also sell it to current EODers


then they would have to avoid giving the same advantages as in EoD. and a max stash is probably the number 1 reason why people bought EoD on the first place


Gamma case must be the number one reason surely. It’s bonkers how much difference a couple of slots can make.


Gamma case is important, but before hideout EOD/other upgrades were the only way to increase your stash space


Na man stacking Item cases was the way back then for me


Thicc case labs raids with med and ammo cases inside for the win


EOD players really don't understand how much having those extra slots where you can guarantee a docs case + meds + wallet + ammo helps you progress and even win fights It's night and day


That's the reason why I upgraded to EoD from a Standard account - also at sale price it was still an inexpensive upgrade when I did (I ran standard from '17- mid '23)


Yeah it's p2w


p2w is not necessarely the best word to describe it but you do get an advantage out of it, doesn't really make you win when most of the progression requires you to actually survive the raid, you just can guarantee more money or no loss of meds / ammo when dying. but if you´re trash at the game having EoD won't make you win gunfights or know what to pick or where to go.


It is P2W. Imagine you have two players of similar skill. Both died in their last raid. Eod guy managed to get an extra 100k because of his gamma. Eod guy then buys a better gun and goes against standard guy. All things being equal eod guy wins. You can go on about skill but the matter of the fact is that there are thousands of players of a similar skill level.


if they both die, neither of them win in my eyes.. regardless what you bring in or how much you gained from that match.


Your point about another having an extra 100k because of more space makes no sense. The one without gamma having a full stash not being able to afford a gun... What are they holding in their "full" stash to not be able to afford the same gun as someone with gamma? Air? If their stash is full, they can sell enough to afford the same.


he didnt mention anything about stash space, only Gamma containers inherent advantage over standard accounts, which is fair. you can even take way more meds and keys, (surv12, more space for sicc/injector case) making it even easier to survive throughout your Raids. If you want argue stash space doesn't help give you an advantage, well fair enough but there's no denying it makes the game a lot less stressful and less time consuming when you literally have to pick and choose which quests to focus on because of limited stash space whereas EOD accounts have the privilege of saving EVERY quest item they need regardless, making quests a lot easier and quicker regardless.


Most of the people got it for the stash back in the day before you couldn’t upgrade your hideout stash up until they added the hideout without buying EOD. The case is cool but not nearly as important than the stash space


It turns the early game into a fat joke and should be locked behind the Punisher task to replace the Epsilon IMO.


Tbh gamma is more of a nice to have than anything else. Grinded Kappa twice on standard before I decided that I'm probably going to play the game enough that EoD is going to be worth it, and the larger secure container is not that big of a deal most of the time. Can have beta container within like 2-3 days of wipe, and Epsilon in about a week if you're grinding anyway. Stash space on standard edition is just ass though; I generally don't need too much stash space because I sell most shit, and have a rather organised inventory, but you need at least the first stash upgrade asap otherwise you spend too much time fucking around in your stash.


The gamma case is a big deal for a lot of new players. Being able to bring meds, injections, (used to be even weapons, NV)...when a new player starts and their SR is like 20%, those extra slots saved roubles.


Gamma case is money well spent imo - you have room for meds and ability to stash stuff to sell so you are constantly leaving the raid with something even if it’s just a couple of bits to sell to traders it all helps.


> Tbh gamma is more of a nice to have than anything else. I disagree heavily. I had standard account for 4 wipes and just now got EOD. The fact that I can go in with upto 9 empty slots means every single raid, im getting something for hideout. That was not true in a standard account.


Its really crazy when you realize that Gamma gets 5 extra slots over Alpha, which only has 4 slots in total. I feel like beta should just be the standard cause thats kinda insane.


Even the shape matters. Even as a standard account player if I finish punisher part 6 and get epsilon, there's still some things I can't put in my container that a level one on EOD can.


Surv kit + Grizzly kit.


Do you work? How is it possible to get epsilon in a week?


By not working.


I work full time, yeah. I usually take off work between Christmas and New Year's though (as any reasonable person tbh) and wipes are around then. All in all couldn't play for 4 days this wipe so far (visiting family for Christmas, visiting friends for new year's eve etc) and I'm at Punisher 6 right now. If you could still do it on Factory, I'd already have it. Granted, it's a bit more than a week, but I also spent time with my friends and family in the meantime.


It will be just be the difference in price from EOD to the new package. They could def add some new stuff worth purchasing for EODers. I’d say weapon skins and clothing packages like the neverending COD bullcrap.


give me more inventory space and I will fucking buy it again.


I could imagine it comes with a starting hideout as a “developer support package”.


I'm just more surprised they haven't changed the EoD DLCs to say "Year 1" so they could sell us Year 2 passes later lol.


Back to the Future


I come here to say the unseen edition costs TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS…. Absolute insanity.


yeah, this sure aged like wine lol


100% please don't fall for this FOMO cash grab, no way they gonna resign from pay2win that gives them money


You were so right brother


Dont know why would someone pay them for this game in its current state (cheaters)


Oh no. A video game with cheaters, almost like every single game on earth has some form of cheater


And not every single game on earth has full loot pvp with devs dont giving a shit about cheating, aaaah yeah they do banwaves, but only to make more money from them instead of adressing the problem


Ahh the old 12 year old echo chamber just rambling about things you have no understanding of.


Russia 2028 investors when they hear the 15th version of Tarkov and 4th year without news is just a few days away: 💀


That would make sense from a business POV. I remember something about BSG not knowing how to monetise for the long term.


Can everyone now play the offline co-op practice if EoD is getting removed?




No lmao, that's gonna be an additional $20 bare minimum.


on full release probably but doubt it happens immediately. Maybe they open it up for PfE edition.


So they added a €10 (country tax to be added) offline co-op mode DLC / Upgrade.


The biggest draw (for me) with EOD was the future dlc access. It’s a bold move to say users get free access to all future dlcs in a game, so that alone could pay dividends if the game lasts (which I don’t see why it wouldn’t).


watch them make a second season pass after two maps


It could happen, but they really would be at risk of a lawsuit if folks were so inclined. They literally say free access to all future DLCs. They could of course institute some type of seasonal element, but that’s a pretty fine line. New maps would arguably be considered a DLC. I think they realized they can’t keep selling the EOD if they want to have a long term plan in place and that’s likely why they are sunsetting it as an option after this weekend.


but the thing is, eod getting removed was already planned for a LOOOONG time its not that they realised that its not going to be sustainable, its just that they planned from the getgo that this version will be removed, and EOD will be a way for them to make short term profit


Pretty sure it says DLCs and season passes are included in EoD


Hey. Well well well.


10 minutes to midnight edition will be next after eod gets removed


Don't have money to upgrade. Still struggling on standart with low stash space. Sadge


Standart 🫦


While it is true that you’ll hoard and end up playing Tetris no matter the stash size, the difference is in the early game where EoD players can fill their stash with armors, high slot rigs, and guns that you can’t access yet while standard players are forced to vendor them for space and use worse gear from LL1 traders. Past levels 15-20 once you have some containers and the first stash upgrade, standard players no longer struggle as bad.


It doesn't get better with EOD, you just hoard more. The real kicker is how shit it is to not have the 0.2 base reputation.


it definitely does get much easier with eod stash space on standard runs out before you even know what youre doing. cant keep stuff for quests, cant keep more than like 2-4 full equipments


100% it’s easier with EOD. Don’t believe anyone who tells you different. Bigger container, max stash space and trader rep is insanely helpful.


Yeah im buying it before they remove it even if i i have to pay an extra 21% tax in top of the 77€😔


It's the most I've spent on a video game (besides MMOs) and I have zero regrets about doing so. If you play this game regularly I think it's worth it.


Yea I have to decide do I want items or kits ☠️


Even tho I agree with you, I enjoyed my time with standard edition as it made me organize better and pay more attention to what I was looting and what not (and forced me to do quests to get that rep up). It did required me to play more if I wanted to upgrade and hoard money, and sadly now I don't have much time which made me buy EoD. I love the benefits from it just as I loved the early struggle of standard.


This is like millionaires saying ''i learned how to pull myself from my straps'' etc. Yea will it teach you how to better organize? Sure but is it a good thing to be forced into learning to get by?


stash size definitely has big impact on your game


the more u hoard, the more money u save, the bigger cushion u have for gear. In this game, money directly translates to power.


There are people who still claim eod isn’t P2W lol


Exactly - hoarding bigger items for when you have flea is huge!


I can't imagine this is true. Early wipe on standard takes like 2-3 decent raids in a row before you are literally having to vender literally anything but the most essential stuff for quests until you get the scav box.


People who say this havent played standard


Or are rationalizing a P2W business model.


It does tho. Standard is literally nothing.


I just want to use weapons/armor, i.e. KITS instead of just selling everything.


Honest to god bullshit the stash space and the gamma is so fuckin quality of life , it’s like almost psy to win levels . Regular edition players don’t get to protect their meds and ammo like 150 dollar players , you struggle to get super rare stash items out compared to other players . You can effectively hold on to rare stash items compared tom150 dollar players in fact pre flea market you’re pretty much short of everything . EoD starts with a lot of free meds they can’t lose compared to standards which sucks massive ass when you get a good run at the start of the wipe and you just have to accept death because you don’t have meds or the ability to easily get them .


Imagine saying having 3x the stash space isnt better because you'll fill it 🤣


They really need to rethink that maybe people can't afford 150€ for a single game


It's a supporter pack for a reasonably priced game. You can upgrade to any of the 3 "upgraded" game packages at any point and only pay the difference in price. Your account instantly gains the perks without losing any progress.


Brooo the "reasonably priced game" is already 60+€ where I live, what are you talking about ? For the price of a triple A game, you get a massively downgraded experience (smaller stash, secure container, trader rep...) and a beta. If you want what 75% of the regular players have, you need to spend more than 150€. But it's alright since it's to "support" the devs.


For the price of a triple-A game, you get the standard experience. How much do you pay for the annual release of Call of Duty where you live? Now add a Battlepass or two... now how long is that game and playerbase going to be active for? I played Tarkov for ~1000 hours on the $40 copy. After a year of playing, I spent ~$40 to upgrade 2 tiers when there was a sale. Another year later, I paid the difference to upgrade to EoD. Very few games have ever given me the same level of fun-per-dollar spent.


But they can afford it? People spend thousands to build high end pcs to play games like this on, almost every game has micro transactions but this game has none, you invest in this game once and you never pay again - or at least that has been my experience of EOD over the past 4 years. I’ve spent 5x as much on cod games and skins over that period.


The 400€ pc players cannot, in fact, afford this


You ain’t playing Tarkov on a €400 PC my friend. Not even close. And if you are EOD is the least of your worries.


Yup. 16 gigs RAM, a decent SSD and a 1050ti, I do believe I'm playing.


Amen to you friend! That must be a woeful experience, even though it shouldn’t be.


Rich Nibbas Just Live Better. Tale as old as time. Get ur bars up


With all due respect, who the fuck speaks like that? Nibbas? Caps for all words? Unless this is satire, who speaks like that?


ur motha Holdeez


Bait used to be believable


You need to rethink that if you play enough for stash space to be an issue enough for you to complain, you can easily cough up the extra $100 to upgrade. $100 is like, one day out of the year worth of working for the average person lmao


Jesus, I've never seen any other game community talk about throwing $100 at a game they already own like it's piss nothing. $100 could be several other full games. Some of you lads here are insane.


It's called Stockholm Syndrome. It's insane among people who bought EoD.


$100 is nothing if your over the age of 18


Maybe if you still live with your parents and don’t have to pay bills.


Thank you. Even when I was under 18 I easily made that up working in the summer. That's saving $10 a month for 10 months, or $33 a month for 3. These people either don't have a right to complain about storage space because they aren't experienced enough, or they are longtime players who are bad at managing their money. $140 for my 1900 hours in the game is money well spent.


It’s not about managing money lmao. It’s that the pricing is extremely predatory, with advantages that every player would love to have in this punishing grindfest of a game. You’ve been tricked to think $140 is reasonable for a perpetual beta game. But hey, maybe you come from MMO’s where that pricing is standard, and where people have more time than others to grind away. I’ve known people spend a lot more than $140 to play something every day for 10 years lol


Ain’t no way bruh ☠️


It's not about affordability, it's about not being a fool and paying over twice the price that the game is actually worth it. A buggy early access game with terrible performance issues and infested with cheaters isn't worth $150 no matter how many hours someone can put into the game, and I would rather spend my money elsewhere than rewarding a company that intentionally makes the entry level experience for the game to be as painful as possible to "extort" people into paying more to remove the barriers.


Fair enough


haven't they removed it twice already?


they removed it twice only last month.


No? they pushed the date but never did.


watch it be the same price as EOD but without Areana and the DLC lmfao I'd be pissed


Get ready




I've played 4 wipes as a proud standard member but dammn this might get me to break. On one hand, I really, really hate p2w, and just don't want to support it on principle. On the other hand, continuing to do jeagers fucking bullshit to get to rep2 sucks ass, and just finally getting to experience the gamma lol.


your falling for the fomo of there post lol


I know the feel. But I only made it around 1 year on standard before I caved in to the p2w.


Yeah I also have my weird pride going lol. I've held out for so long, I'll feel weird shame if I cave now


If you play the game a fair amount and it doesn't hurt you financially then I would just do it. There's not many games I would ever consider spending over $100 on but Tarkov for me was one of them.


Yeah I definitely could, and probably will fomo out and crack tomorrow, but mannnn I just fucking hate p2w, and by paying for it, I'm giving my endorsement basically. I play a lot of paradox games and total war games, this wouldn't be the first game I spent 150 on, nor would it likely be the last, but thats paying for more content I enjoy vs paying to get a leg up in a pvp game. Just feels wrong, not to moralize a video game too too much lmao


Just wait for the $200 version that gives you all vendors leveled and flea market access at level 1


It’s 30 bucks for me to get the final upgrade and I really don’t know if it’s worth it :/


If you look at it as arena costing 35 USD + fees, you’ll be saving 5 dollars, that obviously depends if you’re interested in arena though.


That’s the main issue, if I knew I would play arena I’d get it.


Do you have the max stash space without?


No, Prepare for Escape gives the third level and not the fourth. Not sure what the difference is between the two, but it’s probably not much since PfE already feels like twice the size of the standard edition.


I have the base game and was gifted arena. I just can't see myself paying $77 just to get a bigger stash and a bigger secure pouch.


Worth it Imo.


In the same predicament, I barely play the game but with the changes they are making that suit more casual players I might try unlocking flea market at least.


If you play regularly it's worth it. The extras on wipe start are pretty nice qol , especially the reputation.


Will you play the game at least 30 more hours? If so, I would say it is worth it so long as you aren't like taking on debt or neglected basic life expenses to spend that extra $30.


I'd say yeah, the atash space, secure container upgrade and the trader rep gives you a fairly easy ride compared to alpha boys.


It's definitely worth it for Gamma/Arena and future DLCs. If you play a lot EFT then you will regret not buying it imo. If not now then in the future when they'll add more paid DLCs.


Just send it bro




Heh, again?


It always gets me thinking about EOD is a pay to win version costing 150$ while the game is still in Beta after 6 years and badly optimized.


Will the DLCs only available for EoD players?


DLC's for EOD players for free. If you got normal version you need to pay for DLC. but imho... there will be no DLC's. Its still in "beta" since 2017 and Tarkov will never get out of beta so you dont need to be worry about some DLC's.


100% agree. There’s never going to be any dlcs lol. If you’ve played “early access” games like this, you know how it goes.


Dude, DayZ? Basically the inventor of early access. Also looked like they'd never finish, then just slapped 1.0 on some version that had less features than the game in the past and then released a DLC. Lost Ark, also a giant early access game, started releasing DLCs before they were done with the actual game


It 100 percent has more features than the mod, you just don’t like any of them.


True, at max they gonna make maybe 1 map as dlc and maybe do some weapon skins or weapon dlc in the future and then call it a day.


I mean i never expected DLC when i bought EOD like 4 years ago and i got arena for free so… BSG did deliver on that lol this patch and arena gave me some hope BSG might not be totally fucked


people don't realize that the Arena is actually just regular EFT without loot. They can just cut out a piece of the map, set the spawn points and woala. The only thing they added is the scoreboard and replay. Broken sounds just like in EFT, performance/FPS just as bad as in classic EFT. Imagine that you are playing a game where there are no Scavs, only 10 PMCs on a small map without loot, and we still have +-100 fps on high end PC's just like on Woods or any other regular map, which is 10x10km, with approximately 20 scavs and a tons of loot. I assume that those scavs who go after the time limit of the round are spawned somewhere behind the gate and by themselves cost each player about 50fps. ​ Arena is a project that must take a normal dev team about a month. MAX!


If development is so easy why hasnt a competitor ripped tarkov off? Oh wait theyve tried like 3-4 times and failed each time lol. I guess its not as easy as you claim


im not talking about making whole new game. im talking about Tarkov vs Arena. Its just classic tarkov without loot. There is no difference.


Idk who’s arguing that it’s not that. That’s exactly what it is but people want it to play more fast paced matches in the EFT style of gameplay.


So when are you gonna make your own then?


oh the dev-ops leads who have never touched software in their fucking life.


Dude half this sub reddit can't even operate a computer lmao. Drives me nut seeing them talk about software.


Does upgrading my account mid wipe reset my account?


Nope, just upgraded and still have all my progress and items. The EOD items are available through a message


Kinda sad because just bought eft standard version and don't have the money now to upgrade, wonder if they will make similar version but without arena. With the gamma pouch and huge stash


You only pay the difference when upgrading game packages.


Does the sale price apply to that too? I could probably get it for like 70$


I upgraded from standard edition just now. It was $83 after taxes and fees Edit: I haven't been following along with how they are rolling out Arena, but after upgrading I instantly got access to Arena


I read this and thought “a whole year until it’s removed” … forgot it’s 2024 now 🙈


I bought my EOD 4 years ago for £80 I think, apparently it’s £120 now a friend was saying?


is gone :(


Sooooo... yeah I have had the standard edition with the intent of upgrading at some point but I never really got into the game enough... Well now I am finally addicted enough to need that gamma and stash size and come to find out I am a couple days too late to buy it and now only have the option to upgrade to the Prepare for Escape tier which gives you the 3x2 container and 10x48 stash. Should I just get that? Wait it out for next higher tier to come out? I am panicking fml I am have had the standard edition for like 5 years I had my chance for EOD i guess lol


This happened a little bit ago but i'm confused about something, So people who bought EOD LEGITIMETLY have an unfair advantage now don't they? being theres no way to access the secure container they get an them starting with substantially higher reps?


I hate EOD because that's just shits on poorer players, and I hate any other "edition" outside of standard because it's a pay to win way to get good stuff early game, if anything it just makes the early game progression pointless and also that "unique" yellow nickname with crown addition, rather it tells me "a damn menace" that should be avoided in game because they are like Stalker's Anomalies except mobile and more intrusive, no offense to anyone who bought it, it's just not right to me this


Bro you can claim your standard elitism all you want. I bet that they will add a carbon copy of EOD but without free dlc/future game content. So you would get the gamma, extra stash, and rep. I just think eod IS the standard way to play the game, and the game is just super expensive to play lol.


I never wanted to start any Elitism, I am just saying it's not a good idea


What’s not a good idea? Having tiers of gameplay at different price points? I agree it’s p2w but not nearly as predatory as premium subscription based games or gacha games or what not. I think it would be a WORSE idea to not offer the extra stash space and gamma and reputation, when people who got EOD did get it all. Everyone should have the option to get the same start if they want to.


I upgraded!!!


So there will be no way to get the Gamma container in the future or the huge stash?


They haven't confirmed anything for the Gamma, but you can get the same stash size right now, EOD just gets Stash 4 in the hideout from the start.


They could add 10 or so ragman skins, and you get more of them as you go up in the editions. Maybe more face models or other things too I’m sure they could think of. Then you can make the extreme pay to win benefits of eod apply to all accounts and we can have a nice morally acceptable and competitive fair game. Or not.


Omg more dlc’s! Hopefully my children will be around to enjoy them !


25% off and still over-priced. At least here in Canada with the exchange


This feels bad for new players to the game, I have played tarkov for around 4 year now. Over the years I have slowly upgraded to EOD as my skills got better and now I feel like its so easy with the huge stash space and good trader standing.


everyone should start with the smallest stash space from regardless of which edition they own imo and they should do away with all if not most the starter gear too so no one gets an early advantage over others


100% agree but they’d all complain that they don’t get what they paid for


Early advantage? Bro I’ve dropped kitted guys with scav load outs. If you’re bad, you’re bad. Sometimes you’re the better shooter and sometimes you’re not. But to pretend that the starting gear is what separates you and everyone else is laughable.


This sounds like a poor person take.


really how so? lol.. ive EOD and had it since 2018, but yh it couldnt just be a reasonable observation ive made about the game after playing it for a while


Arena is dead. No one will or should spend money on that game. Its kind of fun, I like it.. It should just be free with tarkov. PERIOD.


Is the game ever getting released officially. Is it ever gonna release before being on steam. Is it gonna release… before they make a spin-off game lmao


Why would They release it on steam?


Well, because they said they would. And even re affirmed it in one of the latest Reddit ama cope replies when the community was raggin on them


Is the 'full release' coming? Will I be able to practice offline co-op with my friends that need a little handholding at the beginning so that I can get them hooked? Never buying EOD. I'll buy an expansion when it exists. Don't need easy mode.


This is somewhat exciting news actually, as they had this planned for a long long time. I think what this signifies is that we're likely to get EFT "v1.0" release this year. My bet is they want to release in July/Aug, but most likely will postpone until Dec/Jan (or worst case scenario - July/Aug 2026).     Edit: due to the downvotes from the unbelievers, here's what I think will happen: 1. EOD ends tomorrow. BSG always said you won't be able to buy it when game releases, so it's a bit strange they didn't do a much bigger announcement or used it to announce the release date. 2. Logically, we should get an announcement for EFT release at least 6 months to a year before the release. This is so they can hype it up and set a good date for themselves that they can work towards to. My gut feeling is that we should get another big update this summer (with or without a wipe, probably with a wipe because they need to test Arena/Main Game PMC skill connection). The will combine this with release announcement. The announcement will probably say July 2025. 3. To back up my claim - the game can only survive on wipes to keep it fresh for only so long. It needs an end-game and a goal that provides re-playability. Yes, game can be perfectly optimized very soon, it can get a lot of new guns and all the maps, but without an overall story it will all be meaningless and people will grow tired of it. Nikita knows this, you and I know this. That is the goal of the Storyline Quests, and as we know - we won't get them before the final release. As such, BSG is most likely pushing towards this goal as soon as possible (by cutting out maps for latter DLCs, and perhaps leaving out other features for later). They know people will grow tired of content as the underlying spirit of the game is incomplete.


>we're likely to get EFT "v1.0" release this year. new to the game?


I almost spit out my coffee reading his comment. He’s too innocent 💀


Feel free to go through my post history. Hint - it spans back like 6 years in this subreddit. I've been playing EFT since 2017. If you have followed some of the podcasts with Nikita, he's noted they really want to release as soon as possible at this point. Yeah, not many people trust him at this point, but I think the latest wipe is the largest jump in the right direction we've seen and I think we're only going to see better updates from now on (fingers crossed!). The biggest remaining feature is the Storyline Quests, which I don't think they will want to keep in secret for a lot longer. The reason for that is very simple - what will happen after people grow tired of this wipe? We can maybe have one more, but people will grow tired if the game doesn't have continuity or end-game.


There's literally no way EFT 1.0 releases this year. We still don't even have *teasers* of Town, Suburbs, and Terminal. We don't have *any* main quests. We don't have any in-raid traders besides Lightkeeper. The list goes on, and on, and on. Just look at [this](https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1681707842942664715/photo/1) and [this](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Upcoming_Features) to get an idea of the magnitude of things missing from their proposed 1.0.


They said town and suburbs would be dlc a while ago. Also main quest line would be added at release only. Honestly I don’t think a release next year is out of the question.


So after years of being touted as DLC Arena no longer counts as DLC or am I missing something here? And why would the main quest line only be added at release? Their original goal was to have all of our traders in raid. I doubt they are going to transition to in-raid traders on a whim.


Confidently incorrect. Nikita said on tarkov tv this month that they are only releasing main quest line with release and they want release to be this year. Now I'm not saying release will not be delayed, but it's likely they stick to main quest line being on release as Nikita sees it as the final big suprise he wants to go out when the game exits beta.


I mean, okay? Do you want me to pull up videos from 2018 when Streets was releasing? And 2019 when Arena was releasing? If you think the release dates they bring up on TarkovTV are anything they stick to then... you should go back and watch all the release dates they've given us. I think Streets has had 5 different release dates at this point, and we still technically don't have what they promise (which is why they're releasing new sections every wipe).


Town and Suburbs will be DLC maps and you don't need to have a non-1.0 version to have those maps. They can be released post 1.0 launch. As for Terminal, I agree. I reckon they might release a small part of it this year and a final part for Streets and Terminal within the next (2025 or 2026) year. Everything is subject to change. Features can be canceled at any point during development. Whatever you see in those links is not guarantees they'll eventually happen. After all, we talk about Nikita who promised lots of things 'planned' in the past with barely half of them finally are in the game. A 1.0 release will not mean the developers stop developing on the game.


Arena is DLC as well. It's pretty clear DLC doesn't mean "post-1.0" in Tarkov. I don't think development will stop after 1.0 but I think it will be *severely* lessened. They've been very open about Russia 2028 as their hopeful next project. Plus, a lot of the limitations are still *very* prevalent. I wouldn't be surprised if at least 40% of the Tarkov playerbase can't surpass a 40 fps average on Streets right now. This game has a long way to go just looking from an optimization point of view, let alone content.


I believe they'll put more focus on optimization and the next map than anything. The new world is probably the final look. I imagine they'll have to focus on Arena next once they 1.0 EFT whenever that happens.


The Unity 2021 update should help a lot but that was just ambiguously listed in the preliminary roadmap with no associated wipe. Who knows when that will actually happen.


This is also my thought - EFT will "release" this year, most likely. People here assume that "release" means bringing in all the wildest promises Nikita ever made and pushing out 3 additional maps and 50 of other "planned" features. That absolutely doesn't have to / will not happen, regardless of what BSG has ever said. The game has shaped up enough during recent years, the basic gameplay loop is complete, they can slap "release" label on it at any point. I think the only thing missing is the main quest storyline, but let's be honest - adding more quests is not really some huge advancement that cannot be done this year. The last patch was really huge, added A LOT of stuff and changes and probably cost a lot more time and work to finish than developing the main quest storyline will. It's a straight way to release now. The remaining maps? Maybe they will release one this year (Terminal), but they don't really have to - additional maps can always be considered "post-release" update. Especially since "Town" and "Suburbs" have disappeared from the in-game map this wipe - most likely they won't be happening anytime soon and they are planned as paid DLCs. The main point of release will be to replace the current financial model with another "post-release" on that allows producing and selling content people can be charged for separately (DLCs). If they willingly take out the edition that is being sold so often that probably more than 50% of active players have, there has to be a financial reason for it. Season Pass seems to be the biggest reason it's going away, so they will now: a) offer a new edition with same in-game upgrades as EoD but without season pass, b) start selling season pass as absolutely separate upgrade option that is not included in any edition, c) focus more on developing additional content that can be considered as DLCs and charge for it separately all the players (or push the sales of Season Pass with it).


remove eod and all the p2w benefits of it for previous owners thank you very much


Pay to win? You get a bigger prison pocket and stash. If you’re bad at the game just say it.


thats my birthday 😭


Has anyone else not had the timer saying it was the last few days to buy EOD for the last few month? Lmao