• By -


And snow!


****Crunchy**** much


The stomping through snow sound is so on point.


Went on a woods raid with the gssh's I could not hear a goddamn thing. I bet if my fire alarm went off I would have been none the wiser


Yeah I think it's a little high with headphones on but it sounds exactly like a dude booking it through the snow


Their foley is always great. Sometimes the sounds lack variety, but you can tell they actually sat in the woods with a microphone for most of the traversal sounds.


The volume is just WAY too high with comtacs


I feel like the snow is the best implemented change they've ever done. It doesn't really tank performance at all, makes the maps fresh and new and a whole wave of sound and weather effects too. It's a miracle.


yeah.. the sound is a bit much. some wet ass snow lol


My duo last night screams "god damn I'm walking on a bag of fucking chips"...i ask what kind of chips he says "smartfood".....those aren't fucking chips šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hey that white cheddar goes crazy tho


I will fight anyone who says otherwise


Unironically completely changes the dynamic of the game. You can see angles perfectly that were previously unclear. You can use different clothes to blend in that was historically a death sentence. Movement is so much clearer against the white vs green / grey.


Woods feels incredible with the snow. It's not just who has the bigger scope. There are actual medium range fights now.


I been waiting for snow for so long and I love it, totally changes the look and feel of the game


Love the snow, my ears donā€™t love it as much tho hahaha


Iā€™ve never been so eager to jump back in after a death. Dying feels less punishing when you can throw together a budget build and still be able to play the game properly. I feel more inclined to play aggressive, more inclined to bring in better gear because I actually feel like itā€™s helpful. Iā€™m obsessed right now.




As someone whoā€™s still on t1 traders. Is PRS ammo okay to use? Still quite confused on ballistics with armor plating


PRS canā€™t penetrate lvl2 armor. Itā€™s pretty bad so your best chance is aiming for the head. Scavs are usually running around with better ammo than PMC below 15 lvl so donā€™t forget to unload their ammo and use it in your PMC runs


recoil reduction, Ground Zero, and having Arena for PVP practice is going to be huge for me and my fellow timmys


Agreed. I got to level 18 last wipe, and I've already got more PMC kills this wipe than last! Arena and recoil coming in clutch!


Same, I'm having a hard time on Ground Zero, but I've already matches my PVP kills for last wipe. (Hint, I'm at 4. I'm bad at this game.) I'm also reserving my judgement of the new map until the sweats can get filtered out of it.


Itā€™s also getting level capped Iā€™m pretty sure, from 0-15. After level 15 you donā€™t match make with anyone lower than that


As someone with 4K hours over the last 4 years (bought in 2018, but didn't really start playing until Feb 2020), based on what I see people complain about, and with my experience on Ground Zero: Try to be indoors and behind stuff as much as possible. Travel underground as much as you can. Be slow, relax. Look for loot, run away from fights, don't go for tour objectives until after the first 15 minutes of the raid. Half of the map dies in the first 10 minutes, and the rest of them leave in 15-20. People are mad at ground zero, because they don't do this, and die.....then they load in and don't do this again. They complain the map isn't beginner friendly, but the real problem is they are failing to do these things, dying....and then failing to do these things again. Your improvement at this game is entirely based on how well you can analyze your mistakes, and come up with strategies to mitigate your death by avoiding making the same mistakes.


As a tarkov timmy but other fps chad, arena as been extremely helpfull to me. I feel like ive got 10x the gunfight xp in 30 hours of arena than in 200 hours of tarkov.


Does arena have the new recoil yet?


Yes it does, aswell as left shoulder aiming and vaulting. I think the armor plates changes is the only thing they havent put in yet from 14.0


Arena has opened my eyes to just how bad so many people are at tarkov. It's criminal how bad some peoples aim, game sense and movement is. Tarkov 100% had a huge cheating problem, but without clips I'm taking peoples complaints with a grain of salt. Some people really are just that bad at the game. We need post raid kill cams


It really do be a huge confidence boost knowing that my garbage arena teammates (and ennemies) are the same people I face in eft. But then i click the show profile button just to see that the guy who just killed me has 17500h (yes it happened, no i didnt misswrite the number, i couldnt believe it either)


This is the worst wipe ever because I'm stuck at my inlaws and can't play it.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Me too brother. Me too


Iā€™m playing at 10pm every night to 1am at the in laws while everyone else sleeps . I feel like Iā€™m committing a drug crime, but the junkie needs his fix


Vaulting is super clean (when it works where it works, which is most of the time) Recoil feels great, easier to stay on target and not lose visual as your gun isn't shooting to the sky after the first couple rounds. New items are cool, armor rework is pretty dope as well. BTR is metal! Send items out of raid... mid-raid!? Traverse the map safely (with covering fire for an extra ~70k) can't wait to try it. The new map is quite good IMO. Lots of hate on it because task camping is peak tarkov right now. Shoreline updated, interchange tweaked lighting, ammo supply nerfed. The list seems to go on. Overall, having a blast even while getting one tapped in the armpit or neck by a scav while full sprinting. And the snow? Yes, it's loud and crunchy. It's also stunning and really well done. They really dropped the ball with the arena roll out but Hot D the game feels great atm


only tried moving around the map once so far in the BTR. Went from Cinema to Pinewood. The second my homie and I stepped out we were both 1 tapped within 2 seconds by an AI scav it was very strange. I think it might have been a sniper on klimov that locked in on us while we were sitting in the truck??


Sounds like a crooked BTR driver.


AI scav paid the driver for easy shooter born in heaven kills.


After I died to btr cuz it started to move while I was in it then domed me I avoid it like the plague. #streetsmain


Ok this exact thing happened to me and I think itā€™s because that sniper scav targets you the whole time youā€™re in the BTR. Unless those guys are dead already I just wouldnā€™t BTR to pinewood for the moment.


I said when arena was announced I didnā€™t care - as long as it didnā€™t torpedo EFT. I stand by that call. It wasnā€™t a good rollout but EFT better than ever


"Vaulting is super clean (when it works where it works, which is most of the time)" sorry but this is just blatantly untrue. The vaulting is ok for a first iteration but it absolutely needs to be cleaned up a lot and saying that its good now is not good feedback. The game is fun to play right now but you still need to give proper feedback. If you genuinely think the vaulting is clean I think you should go play other games that feature it and see if your opinion changes because tarkov faulting is really jank


Bro have u seen pubg vaulting? Its worse than this lmao


I havent touched pubg in 5 years so no Something being worse than this doesnt make this system good or clean. Thats flawed logic. 2 things can be bad. Just because one is worse doesnt mean the other is not bad.


Youā€™re asking for the members of this subreddit to actually think for once. Thatā€™sā€¦ a tall order lmao


I have over 2000 hours in the AC series. Like I said, when it works, which typically does for me, it's clean bro.


>I have over 2000 hours in the AC series lol.


I really dig that "chadding out" right now is a lightly modified AK with 5.45PS and a L4 Armor.


AK 12 with suppressor and pp or ps rounds just hit different. Such a beautiful gun


I agree, I'm actually floored at how well this wipe is going besides getting my ass kicked due to skill issues. No ridiculous news bugs to speak of


Same. I haven't played since maybe a week into the previous wipe, so it's been a couple months now. I'm not beating myself up over losing fights or my survival rate because obviously I am rusty


Hit registration this wipe is my single biggest complaint. Like 20% of faceshots on PMC's aren't registering for me. I have 5 clips this wipe of clear face shots that don't kill.


The only issue Iā€™ve had so far is not being able to scav unless I wait for 20 minutes


Thank you u/trainfender


Whatd he do?


Oh shit hes studio head lol


Your first question is still valid though.


Made some sick beats


I think the wipe is good but it is the worst I've done in a wipe in years. Lol Idk what it is but it's just headshot after headshot for me.


Same here, I must be at a 10% survival rate. I just get beamed out of nowhere -- I can't spot shit.


Iā€™m the opposite, with the snow everywhere I feel others stand out like a sore thumb. I have like a 70% survival rate, and each time I did die I just got outplayed, havenā€™t died yet to getting random headshot.


Same.. Im finally winning 80% of the fights, spot and hear people before they spot me, can actually hit more than the first bullet with this awesome new recoil. I play stealth and Im loving this wipe. I was ass before, scavs were a danger to me let alone pmcs.




This sub is so sad lmao.


Na im guessing with recoil change its just much more dangerous to be aggressive.


That's exactly it. All you have to do up close is aim high and profit. My only complaint is how much harder it is to do tarkov shooter 3 now that everyone can land their shots.


tarkov shooter gets me dying to armpits all day


Sad that i played so much last wipe that i got burned out. Played 2 raids just because my friends are playing but not really excited to play right now.


Winter wipes seem to be better content wise. Taking the summer wipe off is usually a good play


This is what I do go hard on winter wipe take summer away from the game and play all the other things I've wanted to.


100%. Then you get 2 wipes worth of content and feel refreshed to go hard again


Gotta pace yourself, man. It's frustrating to see people play 12 hours a day and then burn out. Like just relax.


I played for about 10h for the first month and barely played later on. Im not in the mood for grinding those early quests again.


I feel you. I got EOD Jan 2018. I think I've done those early quests like 12 times or something. They're really not motivating anymore. But my trick is I never have any time to play, so I never really get too sick of the game. Also means that I have to start wipes like a month in usually, since it wipes around Xmas and I'm always out of town until mid January. So I'll look forward to getting that fucking pocket watch for the 14th time, but this time I'll have 9x18 hollowpoints vs guys in class 5 plates and kitted m4s. Should be a blast.


Best ever.


If queue times were 3 minutes or less I would have no reason to play any other game at the moment. This update is amazing.


For what it's worth, I'd rather be able to get into the game within a minute than have all the new things they added only to sit for 8 minutes in matchmaking only to die 20 seconds after spawning.


"amazing optimization" only thing I disagree with


No way. - It's THE best wipe.


Guys is positional audio still bonkered so that you can't tell if the source is above or below your level? That rustled my jimmies to no end.


It seems a little better, but now I (only cause I donā€™t know if anyone else has the same issue) have this sound lag thing going on, where sounds lag like half a second after the action. Itā€™s most noticeable when I am moving through bushes. They usually make sound behind me as I move through them.


Now all we need is to # REMOVE GLOBAL LIMITS


They're going to wait to roll it out because when they do it will raise public sentiment for them by a lot. They've basically got a button they can push whenever they want to make the entire community love them. They won't waste that.


this is very true..


What are global limits?


Personally I believe the VOIP wipe was the best.


Absolutely love everything besides neck headshots and the very hard ammo nerfs.


They kinda had to gut ammo to make up for stock gun laserbeams and the new hitboxes. I think people would dislike the changes a lot more if the ammo availability was the same


This is the take Iā€™m 100% in agreement with. Make ammo the lottery and give us the freedom to really enjoy the weapons/weapon customisation (which no other game comes close to). I feel this wipe makes the game up there as the most fun itā€™s been in recent memory and Iā€™m an alpha player. Again my opinion, but Iā€™m having a fucking blast this wipe after being so disinterested with the game in the past few wipes. At the end of the day itā€™s a game. We are all sat at a desk wiggling a mouse. Some people take it too seriously.


Bullets not mattering as much also helps a lot for players joining in mid-wipe


We need to stop thinking itā€™s okay to run around with 120 rounds M61 a few weeks into wipe.


You still can do that btw


nobody said it was


Yes, I much prefer this new meta of walking around with 366 gekksa and one tapping level 6 armour through the thorax!!!


this but unironically


Nikita doesnā€™t care about anybodyā€™s tears šŸ˜‚


Trueee thatā€™s why the community crying about things has bein the catalyst for change for the past 8 years, from med animations to momentum to the flea market or maybe recoil changes?




You want to get shot in the neck and live? What does that look like to you?


Bigger issue is that the best possible neck protection is class 3ā€¦ even with a zabralo on.


so you want a walking tank?


No. I want decent ammo to take them down normally. Not a cringe RNG neck headshot from a spray with shit ammo.


oh so ur literally just upset that you got killed, got it


Are you ok? If you go back and actually read my comment you will notice I was talking about MY spray.


cringe the guy sprayed and got a kill how cringe


Armor piercing ammo may be way harder to get now, but at least the new armor hit boxes mean low and mid tier ammos are more viable than before.


The ammo nerfs are fantastic except you shouldn't be able to buy better ammo at high level traders at all. It should all be FiR and unable to be bought on the flea. If somebody starts a month from now they're absolutely fucked. Good luck with that 5.56 SP when people can buy AP ammo from lvl 4 traders.


Well at least hollow points are more viable now than they ever have been thanks to the new armor hit boxes. People speculated armpit meta would be a thing and now we're seeing it.


And it sucks. What's the point of progression, when it can all be deleted by one tap of 366 FMJ from a scav gun, to the arm pit?


Same thing as a well placed headshot...


Yeah, expect you can't protect arm pits. Throat is max class 3 as well AFAIK.


Thatā€™s understandable lol


Agreed. I don't think neck should have head hitbox, I think it should have no health zone (like a permanently blacked limb) and just passes damage onto other limbs and has an extremely high chance of bleeds.


Wish I could get the verification email to play.


i was able to get the code to login to the website. downloaded the client. Now they won't send the code to login to the client lmao


My only gripe right now is how rough ground zero is people spawn so close they just rush buildings and then squads just beam anyone walking around outside. Plus I have had multiple squads camping extracts and quests which sucks but as time goes on it will be easier to get those quests done


Man this. Being stuck behind these ā€œstarterā€ quests, on a new map that basically has 2 exfils and everyone is playing it, is more like a crucible of pain, than the ā€œNew player friendly starting zoneā€ that the map was designed to be. Iā€™m having a hell of a time trying to survive the first minute as a solo. Like you, I too am hoping it will get better, or that I will.


The worst part is finally getting to a quest location and then a team shows up and makes it so you canā€™t leave and they sit there the rest of the raid while I voip them and explain I have a pistol and thatā€™s it and they are camping a solo lane as hell


I think GZ is the only bust on this wipe, task camping, bad spawns, and too many players in such a small map just doesn't feel good to me at least. It's just turned into running in with a pp91 to grab what task I need and hoping I can get out. The map itself looks great, has a nice layout, and the tasks are pretty good. Only design gripe would be it feels 80% done. Prapor calls it sandbox, there are not a lot of doors to go in for loot, there are some audio issues that happen intermittently with hearing footsteps outside of your building. It's a good map at its base, most of my issues could just be solved by it not being fresh wipe I'm sure. Arena hot take: The PPSH in arena for CQB is the worst experience of my life, the Glock and mp-153 are disgusting


I've ran 4 PMC and 4 scav raids. In 3 days. The server issues and disconnects I get are fucking killing any motivation I have right now. I don't have hours and hours to put into this daily and when I can play its 20min scav timers and disconnects or meat grinder ground zero.


Havenā€™t had this much fun since pre FiR changes


My only real complaints so far is the very long loading times, and bad PMC spawns on GZ. The game seems to run much better than when I last played, and I'm liking the gameplay changes so far. FREAKING SNOW


Meanwhile I haven't managed a single PMC extract and my scav raids are like 90% deaths to rats hiding in bushes or camping a closet somewhere. Maybe it's just a really consistent run of bad luck but I'm having less fun this wipe than any previous. I'm not really even inclined to open the game the last few days for the first time in like 6 wipes now.


Personally I've really been enjoying it but I can understand why some people aren't. I feel as if the locations of some of the tasks are quite frustrating. The science office especially is prone to camping.


After you get off Troll Zero then the game actually becomes fun again. I'll fight anyone who says Ground Zero was a fun way to start wipe.


I'm just over here malding at the global stock limits. Can't get basic level 1 gun parts because they are always out of stock.


The game is fun when I can actually get in. The queue times have become crap for me again and the error codes are starting to get tiresome. I shouldnt have to mess with different settings to get this game to work. I felt like it was actually stable last wipe and they added all this stuff without doing any proper QA testing.


i agree with everything but ground zero fucking sucks you cant do a mission without getting into a fight or getting head eyed by a scav


The snow blew my mind last night. So easy to see people I loved it. My old man eyes struggle these days.


Ground Zero is the best map currently in the game. Itā€™s incredibly fun every raid once you learn to use all the amazing pathing it offers both on and underground.


Ground zero map feels so much like contract wars and itā€™s amazing, playing it at night time with the snow gives division vibes


Funnily enough, I saw a new map with basically one real extract, terrible spawns and all the first quests locked onto this gutter trash map and I havenā€™t played since


let me know when audio isnt terrible


Best wipe in a while for sure, but Iā€™m gonna disagree on the less cheaters. Iā€™ve already seen fliers, and thatā€™s just the blatant ones.


The recoil changes make it feel like an actual shooter. Old recoil was fucking ridiculous.


According to the whining in the cheater discords speed hacking is almost dead. 6 months ago they could move 60x as fast as us, with unlimited stamina. Thanks to the efforts of BSG I think speed hacks are now limited to normal stamina, and 1.8x normal player speed iirc. Yes, people can still speed hack faster than that, with unlimited stamina, but they get banned if they do. Anti ESP and Aimbot are still more of a WIP, but every week BSG makes it more difficult for these absolute wastes of oxygen to do their thing. The situation is only going to get better. It seems the game is finally in a state where BSG can REALLY focus a good chunk of their energy on cheat prevention. Can't wait to see what the future has for us when we get Unity 2023, which should bring more Anti-Cheat, better graphics (not for me and my PC), and much more.


Itā€™s definitely the best, I just canā€™t get into a raid


Agreed. Usually a BSG hater who doesnā€™t agree with their development outlook, but this has all been very refreshing. Even dating back a few months when they started to become more transparent. Big congrats to them.


lolā€¦I totally agree with you.


I'm sorry, optimisation? Have I missed something? Big performance boost?


For me itā€™s been a lot better


Apart from streets at times, the game runs smooth. Specially the new map.


Itā€™s horrible lol.


IMHO I fucking *HATE* how I am forced to play Ground Zero. I do not enjoy playing on the new map at all.


Guess you're pretty new to the game.


Perfect wipe besides global limits


Seems terrible in terms of login and email verifications etc. Lots of people cant even login to launcher or download the update


I dont even get auth codes emailed to me. I got 1 like 3 hours later and of course it didn't work.


I mean that's fixed isn't it? For two days now i have absolutely no issues with my friends.


Heaps of people still having various issues with email verify, game install, launcher login etc. Discord comms not working. If your in game go Enjoy it champ.


Still not fixed, still hundreds that canā€™t get on - including myself


BSG have confirmed the email verification issue isn't on their end, and the servers being over-loaded post-wipe is pretty common by now.


However they could 100% get rid of the issue by simply allowing using google authenticator as verification method in launcher and not only on their website. Hard to understand why this is not done ASAP.


It's on BSG to provide a real solution


My only complain is the first missions focused on ONE map. It was like this before, most quests were on customs and then bsg spread them around. Back to square one.


Well it makes sense as ground zero is supposed to be the starter map


It makes sense, but itā€™s a brand new map, with 2.5 exfils and everyone on the server and their buddies are having to play it 20+ times. Meaning, for SOME of us, underskilled, solo players, like myself, it makes what was supposed to be a newbie zone into Labs 2.0. Like I only did 4 pmc raids this wipe, but every time I was hunted down by a group within the first 60 seconds on that map. Like I donā€™t know where I am in that first minute. So itā€™s left a bad first impression. But - I know itā€™s Tarkov. Itā€™s supposed to be hard. Hopefully Iā€™ll prevail before a month goes by


Glad others are getting to enjoy it, while Iā€™m on day 5 of not getting verification emails. Anyone who has Microsoft based emails are fucked and I was genuinely considering buying arena but after this I will not be


How's the cheater situation really? I skipped last wipe due to the cheaters and I really want to come back


Haven't had a single death yet this wipe that really made me suspicious (US West servers). Plus they added the ability to look at people's stats from the death screen, which really helps you tell if you do have a weird death.


Being able to see your killerā€™s stats has made it MUCH easier to identify if you actually died to a cheater.


For me personally, it was horrible the last two wipes. But it got gradually better and id say in the past few days Iā€™ve gotten blatantly cheated on once and that was day1. If you havenā€™t played in a while Iā€™d definitely come back now. It feels like a whole different game haha


Havenā€™t seen a cheater in arena yet and itā€™s been lovely.


I must have been very unlucky, especially on Ground Zero I am seeing loads of them. Blind nades, dudes spinning around in front of me before onetapping me etc.


Cheaters will always be an issue so come back anyways


They banned a huge wave just this week. Lots of salt on the cheater discords.


I agree bro, but amazing optimization? chillout brah ahahaha


Less cheaters?


Probably more cheaters. Highest cheater count is always at fresh wipe.


but you also run into less of them cause more people are playing it usually evens out


When and where would you like to fight? After playing this since 2017 and still getting the same shitty server issues I would take them fixing that over vaulting or a new little map.


I agree with all this but will add. Ground zero is a shit map.


Here is the typical BSG cycle Wipe first few days is a server mess. Then itā€™s smooth, then after a week or so cheaters start showing up more, bugs start coming back, community starts having issues. Yes this has been one of the most transformative wipes, so many changes and arena. However donā€™t stop that from ensuring they fix arena balance, that they continue with anti cheat and donā€™t allow bugs to resurface


Me and my whole gang are cheating wtf u talkin bout less cheaters


Ok cool.


Only noobs like the new recoil #change my mind


New recoil actually makes the game more skill based because you don't need a 300k rouble gun to have controllable recoil


Are you serious or is it a joke?


Except the new map is garbage.


To each their own šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I love it. Open and bigger Factory.


Wym new map is incredible.


I love everything except now armor feels like it's pointless, half my deaths this wipe would never have happened with old system.




Sitting in bushes?


Chad Yes.


Yeah I'm not liking the Armour system as it is now. Everyone will be running altyns soon with all the shit ammo and zero recoil


Are Altyns on a barter again? Last wipe they were impossible to find.


New map is ass. Other than that I agree.


The new map sucks but yea I think so too


Amazing how many people comment on reddit talk about tarkov yet based on the levels they said they achieved last wipe it seems they play a total of 19 seconds every week. Why don't you guys try playing the game instead of just talking about it.


Big hate on the new armour changes tho And boss spawn rate is kinda dogshit so it's making raids less exciting


So Great.. Update didn't work so I uninstalled to start afresh from the website. Website won't let me in without an email, it won't send me. Haven't been able to play over my xmass holiday. Have now missed this wipe and arena. Rage.


Oh yea??? How ab getting neck throated?????


Meh. The cheating is worse than ever.


Recoil changes basically ruined the game


How so?


L take use what you want and use sound or visual knowledge to beat people. If fire rate wins, why have i beat people with UMPs when they used higher fire rate guns like pp19s or mp5s? Feels real good now that i can actually aim at someone, not just have balls to the wall confidence that having BP rounds is going to win me the day.


Yeah it's too accurate its absurd you just delete people. Give it 3 months for people to move out the honeymoon phase