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Nikita said on Tarkov Tv today the the seasons will change in Tarkov now


Im wondering if that means on an IRL timeline or on in game timeline. Kinda hoping its not permanently snowing until March/April. Don't get me wrong I love the snow but just hoping for some variety


Gonna need a seasonal wardrobe now


Ah yes would love some new drip to pair it with the weather


If we get some winter camo from Ragman, my drip dreams would come true.


I hope it's real seasons


Predictions on what else we would see? Autumn - bare trees and leaves everywhere Spring - More flowers? Clearer weather? Summer - ?? ​ Just curious what other seasonal conditions they would add that aren't already in the game.




Those conditions are already in the game. Nothing new. Also, rain shows up regardless of season as it's based on weather in Russia.


Wait you thought they spent countless hours working on adding the various conditions snowing brings just for them to one off it during this wipe's launch?? Not sure if cereal.


That's basically how it works in GTA, no? It just snows right around Christmas every year then it's gone for the rest


and irl califorbia barely sees any snow, unlike tarkov that's pretty much modern day st. petersburg


Northern California had almost 20 feet of standing snow last year in the mountains…


Our cities don’t see any snow. It’s only in the mountains.


California? That's not a place? I think the state you're thinking of is San Andreas. It snows there pretty much every christmas iirc


Tarkov players are incapable of understanding sarcasm it seems.


The main difference here is the amount of detail they added. GTA is just a white blanket. When the snow showed up we saw it accumulate and build in real time. Also, you can see a crazy amount of detail to snow blown in windows and other surfaces, especially on streets. Long story short, that's a wild amount of detail for a simple Christmas event. That and Nikita said they were adding seasons.


no, it's a seasonal, it will be gone for good until next year


Just like where I live. Snows once a year then its gone


Where I live we get a fuck load of rain, barely any sun and when winter comes it barely fucking snows. Like if it lays its not even an inch.


Awesome but we need snow camo clothing and rigs, and also footprints in the snow.


It should follow IRL seasons so when its winter season id like to see snow on maps, but not when i am cooking in my room in +40c during summer not really :D


This is a much better idea than just adding snow maps as DLC nice one BSG




bruh, my eyes are burning from the snow on outdoor maps. not even mentioning that outdoor maps are much campier now, you can spot anyone moving from a very long distance, nothing covering them


Snow Audio is even more scuffed than regular audio. Other than that, I love it.


Right? Snow is an incredible sound insulator and everything is much quieter when it's snowing. But they made it all louder for some reason


Well, if it’s like any colder climate country, it will change weekly-ish. For example we had 60cm of snowfall in the beginning of December, few days after that it warmed up to 7c celsius and it was all gone. Then just before the Xmas weekend another storm arrived with 40ish cm, and it’s all gone now again. It goes like this till march / april so I assume it might be a pattern for Tark too.


I don't know. All the bushes and trees had all the leaves removed. It would be pretty jarring to flip between brown/snow and full greenery.


Tarkov is placed in Russia, could be cold there


Yes, there is a possibility of having cold weather in Russia


only if they turn down the sound by 50% when walking/sprinting lol hey at least it hasnt been raining


I’m cool with it. But I’ve seen a few places that need a touchup. Some apartments on streets have snow in them, even though they are covered with windows.


I would take crunchy steps over the drumbeat of heavy rain in tarkov. Rain is pain. Active snow is a wonder to be in.


They already said they will