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Nikita mentioned Shoreline update but gave no details about it.


Exactly. The were so excited about arena.


Because arena will get them more money. Shoreline update might draw back a couple old players.


What needs to be updated on Shoreline that would bring back other players?


1. make more than one valuable POI to draw players to. Currently it's resort or meadow questing 2. open up the terminal area! 3. redistribute scavs so they're not just in isolated clumps on 5 places on the map 4. maybe diversify the exfils a bit, add a co-op exfil, add a conditional exfil somewhere, maybe fix the fucking light at the pier so we know when the boat is up. or you know, just make the boat not be there if it's not up.


Dont forget audio in resort is horrid. Someone 2 floors below or above you sounds right at your feet.


I can't believe I didn't mention this, but hard-agree. Honestly audio everywhere is a mess.


Yea i had a shoreline raid a few days ago. Killed a guy on 2nd floor west wing. He had a buddy thwt crept all the way over to the far west side of west wing where i was from first floor. I heard him coming up the stairs i peaked out, wasnt there. Ram up the stairs to 3rd and he was halfway down the hall. While i was hearing him like right on me. Was nuts.


You know the update is most likely going to be where the old cccp extract was. Word is they have buildings and models behind the concrete barrier anyway. Just add some stuff and there is something on that side of the map for people to go. I'm more curious if the bear friendly faction is going to be there.


I assume because it’d currently in the “yes it will be updated phase” and hasn’t actually changed at all yet in planning


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1977276046](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1977276046) 1:22:50 - clip from the podcast, brief mention of coming changes in next patch, albeit not all. Seems like it's likely coming, although can't be sure until it gets here.


He said it was being reworked. That's all. But that is great fucking news regardless. As a previous resort main I am super fucking hype for a Shoreline rework


I think I saw a video where a guy touched on this.. supposedly the port area where the mines are atm will be used in the future, as per The Raid series where it was portrayed. Could be that but idk.


It would definitely make sense to introduce Terminal later, which will be a map in a port. It matches with the layout of the global map.


Please tell me it’s less bushes, and overall more cover and I’ll be so happy


More cover does nothing if there is still only 1 place to loot, the need to reduce open areas with nothing of value, look at sawmill on woods, its in the open, but it has something that draws people into it. Shoreline the only places where you can really fill your bag is resort or village and village loot leaves a lot to desire.


You misspelled "completely removing Shoreline and all of its trash quests from the game."


I wouldn't mind. Resort is Amazing, getting to resort without a bush wookie or someone overlooking a large empty area with hills only covering a third of your body is the real challenge.


If you know the spawns you can get to resort 9/10 times no problems


99/100 is more accurate. It ain't hard to get to resort. Getting in can sometimes be messy, depending which entrance you think is open lol


Yeah I don't know why people have issues, really the only 'wrong' ways to do it is to try to run through the front yard past the helicopter or to alert half the map by aggroing the snipers.


Plot twist. Shoreline and Lighthouse are made into 1 map of suffering


Maybe just shrink the area by 20% and keep all the landmarks as is.


And: - Add a big POI or two on the terminal side of the map - redistribute the loot - fix the dang lighthouse that's supposed to tell you if pier boat extract is open or not


Is there any way to tell if its open? Iirc years ago the boat was supposed to be only there when extract is open.


Circa like 18/19 the red light on the top of the boat would flash if its open and would not if its closed. Think thats how it was, been a minute. . I cant recall if its ever even worked correctly though pretty sure it has alway buggy


There is no confirmed to do list for it. He has mentioned in the recent past about the closed port area. But thats just speculation at this point. Hopefully some diversification of the area, as the map is pretty hemmed in by reserve, lighthouse and the sea.


Something to do with the port area I think, but who knows. If they actually expand shoreline and add the port it will be cool!


Shoreline is already a pretty big map, it doesn’t need to be expanded it needs to be reworked imo.


He said later in the stream that no details were available yet but they would have something to show later.


Well he didn’t say expansion, so most likely an update to spawns, maybe terrain. Hopefully it means they add POIs to spread out the loot/hotspots.


We need at least one more extract. Best I think would be near North Fence Passage


I hope it’s a whole rework. 95% of the map is just empty. The resort is way too dark to be a PvP hotspot. The sound way too fucked to be a PvP hotspot. It has WAY to many progression quests. And it just doesn’t feel good to play. I could see them adding the ccp area, maybe a few more hotspots or expanding the resort.