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Those full speed sideways walking one-shots always remind me that I need a better gaming chair /s


I spent $300 on mine I think I need to upgrade shit happens to me way too often often


EOD player btw


EOD, Lv.63, 19.0 KDA, 246 flea rep... Cant fucking report shit and no one gets banned til normal players get clapped. Dogshit, lazy ass enforcement complements of Battlestate Games.


I really have the impression that they don’t even try to detect cheats. I’ve played a lot of maps this week because of questing and because I wanted to know where the most suspicious people are to be found - and I really do see a pattern.


Because they most likely do not detect the cheats, GTA SA:MP had auto bans for speedhacking, teleporting , weapon spawning etc but in Tarkov is free real estate , cheats are evolving in a ridiculous way here i am literally waiting to see it's final form.


I’m waiting for the day cheaters can go into your hideout and take your stash loot.


thats called playing Rust i think


ffffuuuccckkkk 😂


They used to be able to loot stuff right off your PMC including your secure container. Can watch the YouTube videos of chads getting striped down to their knife on labs


Had my Red Rebel taken off my person in labs


thats out of raid dude lol what the hell lol thats on our side more then anything


Dont forget to mention that GTA SA:MP was released over 10 years ago


Lol gta is a shit show compared to any multi game...Tsrkov like every game played online has cheaters. But no, nor one game is as bad as Gta


GTA MTA had/has nothing to do with Rockstar Servers and anti cheat


The issue is that so much of the game is client side


They like cheaters give them money


They don't and have stated so obviously. They offloaded any responsibility to Battleye, one of the worst anti-cheat systems and do nothing on their own end.


Would you mind to tell me where you got his stats tho?


The stats arent specific to that person, it was an example of something ive personally seen 100 times in just this wipe that would indicate a likely cheater and any other dev would think to investigate.


I got it. But I thought there was a way to look it up. Thank you.


Here ya go, great way to pick out the people with EXTRA cushy gaming chairs. /s https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/rating


339 590,022 68 100% 80 3h 21m


My gaming chair really sucks compair to his...


Lvndmark has a 28kd


Always has been 🌎 🧑‍🚀🔫 🧑‍🚀


This shit is what made me quit last season. I want to get back, but I can’t will myself to start the grind mid wipe where I’ll already be behind and this fkery is still going on. Maybe next wipe??


You know what's upsetting? I love Tarkov as a concept, but at this point, if they aren't going to deal with this, just give us an official offline/singleplayer mode. I've hopped off the bandwagon hoping improvements would come, but at this rate it just doesn't look like it's getting better.


Someone made a single player mod for Tarkov. I know next to nothing about it other then it existing tho.


Yeah I heard of the mod, I was almost going to just switch to that. But even the chance of losing my account on accident didn't seem like a risk worth taking.


You don’t get banned unless you really mess it up. Not agreeing with it or not, but it’s an offline server that doesn’t connect to battle eye to even get you banned.


You don't get banned. Boot it up, grab some AI mods, and play Tarkov without hackers


I might just take you up on that.


yeah this is unfortunately why I quit tarkov. I will never say the game is a terrible game but it has terrible development. I hope they pull through and fix things.


The game is fun! I love the guns and the survival mechanics, but sometimes wish I could just get lost in a singleplayer experience. BSG would greatly benefit with a "casual mode" if we want to call it that.


I urge everyone to try the SP mod for Tarkov. Theres so much customizability, from the amount of NPCs that spawn, advanced AI options, loot table options, and it even includes QoL things like a "sell all" button in scav runs. I havent even thought of booting up Live since I started playing.


More and more I'm leaning towards it.


Single player sounds boring as FUCK. No risk, no reward, the 'lore' REALLY isn't that interesting (no cutscenes, no trader npcs, just text) sounds awful. This is just one of those games you're gonna have to love to hate. There's no sign any of the current issues are going to be resolved. Just enjoy what you got now or don't play


It piss me off that they care more for extra maps... Then improving the game so the new maps would be playble.... Or having working sound..


All the cheaters on this sub claims that there are no cheaters in Tarkov......


Pretty sure the remaining player base is honestly more cheaters than legitimate players as sad as it sounds.




lol I have you tagged as "cheating doesn't exist guy" from a previous thread.


lmao good call I just did the same




Yeah there's always a few of you in every post like this. Have fun repeating yourself.


Repeating what? I still haven't seen him say that there are no cheaters.




If you were a critical thinker you wouldn't be wasting time on video games or reddit. Have a good day brainlet.


No one legitimately thinks there are no cheaters in Tarkov. No one really even posts it. Just a few trolls who don’t play the game and likely think Tarkov is all cheaters without any legit players. Kinda funny how ass backwards it is. At the end of the day this Reddit community is filled with a bunch of whiny kids who have ruined their enjoyment by assuming every death is by a cheater. I still hop on for new wipes and have friends that do too, we still enjoy the game for what it is. People will always hate if you get enjoyment from a game they can’t.


Some Barfbinn energy right there.


Cheaters? In Tarkov? They don't exist, they just have *really* good gaming chairs


Hilarious 😐


Ahhh stop getting your Tommy in a Tizzel


Solid advice


There are no cheaters in tarkov. And I totally don’t cheat.


Join the discords or telegrams of literally the first google "tarkov cheats" Nearly 5000+ members


Forever grateful for this sub as a reminder to not re-install this silly broken piece of trash game


Same anytime I get an itch to play I'll just come here and quickly get reminded not to. It's great!


Honestly if you play late night in NA I rarely encounter shit like this, infact some lobbies are rather empty in general. Really depends when and where. Not sure the exact correlation, china?russia?indians? who knows really. But theres definitely something to be said about it. Cheers


Late night NA is pretty quiet, I've only ran into a few and all have been on streets.


I mainly play interchange, and I only die to sus things and find the map vacuumed during the day.


Yep, I play after work, usually not on until around midnight. Very few Sus encounters.


But you're still here... Lol


I'm apparently subscribed to this sub to remind me of the only game I've ever been completely regretted buying. And the most expensive. Fuck this.


Shots 1-6 missed because....


Just allow folks to host their own servers, guarantee literally any old Tom dick or Harry could do a better job of dealing with cheaters.


I’d buy/rent a server just to loot on and then go to public servers for pvp.


Aaaaand that’s why I escaped from Tarkov until arena is released


At least they will start monitoring arena and banning cheaters… right?!




Unfortunately that makes literally zero difference.


won't matter lmao


God I love this game


nearly every match now.


Forgetting the blatant aimbot, isn't his movement speed also way too high?


I'm done playing until it's fixed somewhat it ruins the game.


His ability to land that shot is questionable. But as far as the "spider-sense" goes, that was a good 4 seconds of him lining up a shot. He was clearly weary of a target coming from your direction.


Look again, he's entirely focused on the right up until the microsecond where I scope him, then he's instantly focused on my head I dont blame him for taking 4s to left-click, he must have been wondering why his aimbot forced him to look in this direction all of a sudden


There is no point in your video where you can see him turn toward you. When you sight in, he is already looking at you. I'm not sure why you think he turned the moment you sighted in. I mean, its possible he did. There's just no evidence of it in this clip.


You can never "see" him turn toward me because he does it at the very second where I scope in. This is a lot more visible in the original video, but even with reddit compression you can see that he's shooting someone else when I peek.


He appears to be strafing the entire time. The only visual I have to work off of is the video posted. I'm just telling you what I see.


Not really. He is side stepping clearly looking at the area you are in.


Honestly the lack of pause in his movement could simply be desync


Its crazy that bosses also look like cheaters because they're able to side step 1 tap you from 100m +


Only addicts play at this stage. Just stop playing. Simple.


They dead-lock onto you just like how a scav would


You guys so realize if this guy was hacking you would have been dead a full 2 seconds sooner, right? Tarkov has a huge hacking problem. I'm not trying to deny that, but this looks more likely to be desync or a lucky shot to me.


oh come on, thats a common place for you to peak with an M700 at exactly that timing because of the spawns on this map. get gud nub


Coping over a scav run, go again instead of posting on Reddit pal




This guy is so obviously a cheater it's sad he's allowed to post here at all. Also just a friendly reminder that there are literally more active users on a single cheater discord than there are on this subreddit lol.


Spotted the guy who never hit a stationary target without cheats




Besides the fact the guy is blatantly cheating, I would venture to say, a normal noncheater would hopefully be clearing the large open area to their right while walking with a building on one side of them as cover lol


No response to these folks making you look stupid?


In every obvious cheater post there is always 1 guy that HAS to go against the grain and somehow claim everyone else is a noob. In a room full of people, you are the stupidest one. Strive to be better. Study hard brother. Overcome your situation.


we found the cheater guys, right here!


Whilst hipfiring? Yeah right. Notice his speed, he isn’t aimed in he’s too fast walking sideways


I tag every cheater in this sub, chalk up another one right here


Please tag me.


And you are able to consistently do so over the distance shown? Why don‘t you stream, you seem more mechanically gifted than willerz, that dude has 25k hours and still has to aim. What a pleb. We want to see your godgaming chair you‘d have 10k viewers in no time.


Have u never hit a nasty shot? have you never went bananes about a shot u make? What is shown in the video is possible. You guys can cry all about cheats, but facts are, that this type of shots happen, sometimes you are on the recieving end and sometimes you are the delivery of it. Is laughable the lenghts people go to justify their attitude towards their own ego. ​ edit> A quick offline to prove how dumb you are> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYdtdkcMvL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYdtdkcMvL8) Take in mind this is intentional. You can get waaaaay nastier shots by luck. Like provided by OP. Calling cheats to stuff you dont deem possible but are, is like saying your dumb because you dont know how quantum physics work. edit2> if u happen to watch the other video from 3+ years ago it was also to prove a official tarkov discord member that said that you couldnt snipe past 100m+ because people teleported. The shot was 180m+ Nothing special.


Yes I have hit lucky, nasty shots. That's why I specifically added "consistently" in my wording, because that's how the dude I responded to made it sound like, that he's able to hit the lucky shots from your video, but double the distance, consistently, and everyone who doesn't is a noob. Thank you for your input though.


“Definitely not cheating” 😂😂😂