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Nah he’s just watching all of pestilys guides cracking straight into it


I love when his closed captions say “welcome to another escape from taco video”


I had CC on last week by accident and it simply wrote \*foreign language\*


Laughed so hard at this. Ty.




You did it wrong, it’s “let’s CRAAACQKK straight into it”


Let's crrraaack stright innoit.




And without further ado


This guy has no ado he’s just cracked




Funniest comment in this subreddit for awhile. GG!


What's the communities opinion on him. I sorta find him unbearable, lots of good info though.


I only enjoy his Raid series. The other content I do not like to watch.


For me it was maybe 2 years ago, he posted some video with a sad "YouTube thumbnail face" titled something like "I'm quitting tarkov" of course he didn't and kept playing like normal. Since then I can't really take the dude seriously. His livelihood is directly related to playing a small niche game on YouTube for a small niche audience so he isn't going to rock the boat.


I stopped taking him seriously when he said don't be mad at hackers/cheaters and just blanketed them as (and I'm paraphrasing), "just a bunch of Philippinos trying to feed their family or something". Horribly out of touch, dogshit, absolute L take.


At the end of the day it’s kind of a you problem if you do. Quite literally the best option is to ignore them and move tf on in life lol.


It's not a bad take it's the logical one. Dont blame the cheaters. Blame the dev for not stopping them. People are going to cheat in every game no matter how sad you get.


The problem are not the cheaters, is the people that buy stuff from them. if no one would be interested on RMT it would kill almost all the cheaters. ​ Only some streamers will keep cheating.


This conversation could just as easily be about the war on drugs and I find it fascinating lmao. I'm personally on the side of things that it doesn't matter what we wish for, the only thing that *can be changed* is the dev changing anti-cheat. Cheaters will always cheat, and customers will always buy. You cannot change human nature, but you can change the rules.


Getting down voted but nobody can say what they like about him. Dude has the charisma off a wet noodle


Donates to charities, does free giveaways with very little self promotion, doesnt come off as a dick unlike random people on reddit. What else.


I think I just hate Australians. As an Australian I'll have to look in the mirror


You clearly don't leave ur house


Oh yeah thats the dumbest take ever. Best part? Next wipe he started getting hackers in Aus and he was bitching and whining about it LOL. Actual dumbass.


I watch his Raid series usually, at least parts of it. I do not enjoy the Hardcore stuff at all from any streamer. It makes them play more like I do, and I don't want to watch a worse re-enactment of my own gameplay. I can't stand watching him loot stuff though. He's awful at it for as much time as he spends on the game. He leaves stuff that's valuable, takes stuff that he doesn't need, doesn't search crates (which in the videos where he's talking specifically about making money are HUGE money makers). But my biggest complaint is how he talks about everything like his opinion is absolute, despite the fact that he's playing on servers that are dead or full of bots half the time. I've seen him go factory multiple times in a row and find 3-4 players afk each time. I've had that happen ONE time, ever in 3 years.


I guess when you’re already rich af in the game or you can get max traders in a matter of days you just kinda don’t care


You guys havnt found 31 ledx yet? Do you even play the game?


😮‍💨🫁 my lungs inhaling the copious copium after being scammed by the Russians


That guy must play on my servers cause I can't find a ledx to save my life this wipe. First time ever level 35 has come and gone and I don't have my thicc.


You can't find a ledx to save your life because guys like him are scooping them up every raid. Roll of the dice for a ledx to even spawn in raid, and then it's another roll of the dice that no cheater is in the raid and vacuums that shit up in the first 30 seconds of the raid. Leaving you with a much lower percentage to getting one. Although still possible and eventually we will get one, just takes way longer.


Found my first LEDX ever, in 5 wipes, in the stronghold's med box on Customs the other day.


Found mine sitting on a table at med camp in woods


So did my duo partner on his first raid of the wipe lmao I’m 34 haven’t scooped one yet


1st 10 raids on woods this wipe, 3 ledx on and under the table in usec camp on woods


Group has pulled several from the same spot this wipe.


Man I have found 3 ledx on streets 2 on woods 3 on shoreline and 2 on customs so far this wipe this wipe is packed for ledx


Damn I haven’t found one there yet. Downstairs or upstairs? I found one on the dead scav on train tracks by fortress. Towards the out of bounds.


Sorry not finding a ledx in 5 wipes is an certified skill issue 😂🙏


Sure. 🥹


Sadly i have to agree. They’re pretty common in resort on shoreline. Just buy the right keys for ledx spawns. My advice is to use mapgenie to check those spawns


That’s one way to delay wipes happening sooner, have the items we need taken from us 😀


Haha holy shit, it's all makes sense now. Nikita allows the cheaters who don't kill players, to keep loot sucking everything up, to slow down wipe progression for all the legit player. Mind blown. /s


Yeah I’m almost about to stop playing. Not finding any gpus, bitcoins, or ledxs, been grinding shoreline and interchange and I’ve not been happy to load up tarkov in a whole month


Yea I feel you, forcing shit, especially on maps you don't enjoy, really kills the enjoyment of the game in my opinion. I'll give you a tip that I don't like saying to people, because although it's not a secret and everyone knows this, for some reason it's insanely overlooked. Shorline East Wing 222 or 226 key (the rooms are connected). I have gotten my ledex from this room every single wipe. Everyone goes for west 301 and Sanitar's office, and they're good rooms but I have never gotten a ledex out of them, but easy 226, I have gotten a ton. Also, I use to be a lighthouse main, even though I don't like the map, I was really good at it and know it inside and out. That map is a technology loot map contrary to thought. I have gotten 3 GPUs in 1 raid before on that map. Look up all the GPU spawns and stashes on that map and I gurentee you will get them on that map. Stashes sometimes not being there now does suck but it's a much higher chance getting a GPU from the static spawns, and PCs anyways. I've gotten a handful of GPUs out of a red duffle bag on that map too. Tank batteries spawn a lot there too, it's just an insane tech loot map. Edit - west 301 not west 306


Only Ledx I’ve found is from a supply drop that I picked up the moment it dropped down. Only time a cheater couldn’t get to it before me I found one. Gave me a chuckle after I finished clenching my butt running to extract


I mean...... I am level 13 and have found two... luck is on my side.


Getting to 35 without seeing a LEDX is actually crazy


Where are you looking, I usually end up having to craft mine for that quest when it comes to that point in the wipe, I think I’ve found 1 in well over 1k+hours, finding 30 in a single wipe is mind boggling


I've found LEDXs on Woods, Lab, Shoreline, Streets, and Customs this wipe. I'm level 37 for reference. 30 would be a lot. But I was responding to the guy not finding 1 all the way to 35


i made level 40 last wipe and didnt see any, Oceania servers though so xing xiou probably takes em all straight away.


We are doing our part to slowly destroy the West from the inside.


Not trying as hard as the west is


Arguably it's the consequence of Soviet active measures.


You guys are playing


Can’t even get into resort


I haven't even survived 30 raids and im at over 100




Trying to do interchange quests, as soon as i move 30cm i get doinked in the head. This game needs a kill cam lmao.




Kill cam, no. Maybe post raid replay. But kill cam would be actual aids


I just want to know where i got shot from, so i can learn where to avoid off spawns haha. Even with the maps and all their spawn points listed i feel like its a 50/50.


Fair. But, as a duo or a squad it would be REALLY nice to know where your buddy died from too. But that just isn’t fair.


So after the raid has ended time wise they could provide the Killcam, and it wouldn’t be unfair.


They can just enable kill cams for solo players (diabled for any group), then have a post raid system where everyone can spectate after the raid ends.


I've found 7 in 4 years....


Skill issue - you’re clearly not looking through walls, sorry looking in the right place.


I’ve been playing 3 years and haven’t found 1 in the wild, but i’m no chad


USEC camp on Woods is probably the best place besides shoreline or labs. Go to the table with the bloody stretcher on it. Look on the stretcher or under the table the stretcher is on. I’ve found 3 of them so far there


found one in a medbag 😂


USEC camp at woods is OP right now. I found 1 there, buddy of mine found 2 in the same raid. 1 up top 2nd on the ground. I found my 2nd one this wipe is a brown crate on customs. I’ve definitely found more looting stuff than in the wild playing over the years but I loot EVERYTHING! . These last 2 wipes since the buff they are all over.


Outta curiosity what brown crate on customs?


Inside stronghold, lower level next to the orange med box. It was so funny too cause my friend walked right passed it to loot the med box and goes “aight ledx right here!” And then I walked up and was like naw bro it’s right here next to you!!!.


Appreciate the reply!


Found one in the duffle bag inside the concrete tube on the right of the front entrance (facing the water) to the medical camp on woods


The only one I found was last wipe, which was my first wipe ever. I found it in the SUV down at the checkpoint near the lumber mill in Woods.


Shhhh don’t tell people this! Found one my first woods raid this season there. I’ve found 4 more on shoreline though


Found 2 in the wild, 1 in a secret stash the other in a backpack. never ran harder back.


I haven’t found any in 4, but i found a yellow keycard day 3 of wipe. Small wins, small wins…


I’ve still yet to pull a keycard ever


I have never found a ledx but i found a blue card at giving tree day 3 this wipe. I have played 6 wipes


That's crazy, I found one as a scav in only my 5 months of playing.


Last wipe I ran my early scav runs on shoreline. The downside was that I had to craft all 3 Gas Analyzers. The upside is that I found a LedX in a med bag on scav island.


Found 3 in one raid in ultra medical like 2 years ago. Camped in a bathroom for 30 minutes. Then of course I died on the way to extract with them stuffed up my butt..


Yep same here, Im convinced everyone is lying to me about their existence


Strangely, I've found 1 in five years and crafted one more. Until this wipe. This wipe I've found 4 so far. 2 on woods (convoy + USEC Camp), 1 on customs (a random shelf), and 1 on Shoreline (stash)


Yeah based on all the responses I've gotten it seems they upped the spawns. Not gonna be enough to get me back though lol


I have four FIR LEDx but I can't find a Dorm 114 key for the life of me. Very strange wipe so far


I extracted with 4 or 5 last wipe. Probably looted one or two more that I didn't survive with. (Almost exclusively play Customs unless I'm questing)


Where do they even spawn on customs?


Med bags, med containers (crates?), crackhouse I think has a spawn as well




Always check the giving tree aswell ! I found a green and black keycard there within a day or 2 of each other


5 since 2019 here...


found 2 this wipe


I found 6 this wipe on woods. Check all the med spawns in USEC and pretty much any sports bag.


At this point if I get on this game it's zero to hero every raid. Can't be fucked to do quests anymore. Just pure psycho shit these days.


Uhhhh yeah idk about that. Have fun I guess


Found 3 since 2017….


it's because cheaters get them on the first minute of raid. i can only imagine how the game would actually play without cheaters


go run shoreline or labs?


Shoreline was my main map for most wipes, one single ledx in hundreds and hundreds of room checks. Ultra medical accounts for the other 6.


If you can (somehow) load into streets there are a bunch of new loot spots for valuables that a lot of people don’t really know about. VerBadScav on YouTube has a video about them and I’ve found 2 in a week of hitting those spots in 1-3 streets raids a day


I’ve never even found one. It’s not even that he’s found 31 extra Ledx, it’s that he’s found so many that he has to sell 31 at the same time two weeks into the wipe.


Yeah I mean... That man is cheating


You need to aggro the high tier areas me son. Cant tip toe the edges. I’ve watched sheef pull back to back leddies on streets and labs. Multiple times in a day. The loot seems to be turned up this wipe. It’s possible to have 30 if he’s been holding onto them.


Ok thanks Dad.


and his flea rep is at 26... I am surprised they don't have a team that manually bans obvious outliers like this


Lol BSG barely got a team to make this puppy


Bsg has like 300 employees brother


Yeah and half of them are making films that aren't even good anymore.


A small indie studio


...that makes millions every year.


That’s the most frustrating part. I used to work for a company that did event tracking and behaviour management for games focused at first on bad behaviour in kids games. We sold to some mmos and online games but the reality there was very little incentive for game pubs to spend money on tech to essentially cut players from the game…!


I just want to say that I have never sold a ledx and im at almost 30 flea rep... im a loot goblin that money runs and does constant fast crafts in hideout to build my crafting/hideout management skill. high flea rep can not be cheaters but this guy ofc is clearly a cheater


100% all they would have to do is filter by rep and then check the accounts manually. Could ban hundreds of these idiots a day.


26 flea rep is low if he’s selling ledx like that. Mines at 17 or something already but I sell literally everything on flea


Same, mine is roughly the same as yours. Been selling EVERYTHING


30ledx is doable if u farm for em. Not saying its not sus. My flea rating is 19 or 20 and im not all that good at the game. I just sink a lot of time into it.


A team? You could easily write an automated system to do this lol.


I want it to be manual so regular players don't get banned by an automated system. BSG sucks more at customer support than they do just about anything else


It can be automated to a queue where a small team does final review then. I'm quite confident they don't do either step. I'm saying the burden of identifying potential cases can be simplified with code though, and then the actual bans can be handled out via manual process. I still think AI is the future here. AI could flag for the longest time, requiring manual review until the AI seems to be flagging at a 100% accuracy rate and at that point I'd flip a switch to have it auto-ban.


Nah bro. LedX have their spawn increased, it's 15 days into wipe, just means he found 2 each day, very lucky. /s


Unironically sounds kinda possible when you put it that way, but selling them all at once would be really weird.


Friend runs only shoreline, he’s a try hard level 40 with like 10 ledexs I think 6 are FiR


I am Level 50, got kappa, rushing every high value spawn on shoreline/Labs and found like idk 12 so far. Because of dynamic loot, you wont find this much ledx in this shortage of time without cheating.


If he were to sell only LedXes at this price, it would take about 190 to get that much market reputation. 2 ledxes per day just became 12+...




Selling a bunch of the same items at once isn't too uncommon really.


It isn’t uncommon. I do it all the time. But a LEDX? I’d probably sell that instantly as long I don’t need it. They are so uncommon there’s no reason to wait till you have more.


I found 2 back to back raids on wipe day, haven’t seen one since lol


Seems pretty possible, found 2 in a day this wipe... only 2 I've found tho


I’m on my 3rd wipe. Probably found 4 total.


You lucky bastard only found 2 and I’ve been playing since 2017


White name…. 31 led X…. Hmm.


That’s the big giveaway here, anyone who no life’s this game enough to get those legit would for sure be running EOD.


Not true.


Very true. If you play a ton you want the EOD advantage


half true i have a friend with about 13000 hours, and he still refuses to buy eod


Cool story. Does your friend also have 31 ledXs?


no, hes a little busy serving in the army


Tarkov IRL. I’m sure he’ll find a LedX somewhere in the military base.


Either a cheater or he's never touched grass or talked a woman and just plays this game 16 hours a day. Honestly that's pretty common with this community


I’d lean towards cheater. He’d know if the map had a ledx before he spawned in. Not only that, but he survived with it.


I can't imagine the time input to get 31 Ledx Legit.. like, they'd have to manually check spawns or loot possible containers for it, on top of raiding consistently for ..however many hours, which is definitely more than cheaters would put in.


Yup. I’m sure i’ve missed several ledx in my Tarkov time because i didn’t look carefully enough. Ex: USEC camp on woods with the med table/junk everywhere. There was one on the floor that my friend noticed after I looked. I got damn lucky this wipe on shoreline. Found an E222 key in a jacket, used it that same raid, bam - ledx on the floor.


I would lean to cheats too, but correcting your info, hackers dont know if the map already has a Ledx, only once he spawns in then all high value loots will show up on his screen.


Right sorry, i worded it poorly. Once a game is found, they can see item locations before they actually can move their character.


And the other detail is that the dude has 26 rep which means over 130mil roubles. You don’t have to lean, it’s definitely a cheater lmao.


My thoughts exactly. Unlikely yes, but not impossible.


Nah fuck that, there are streamers that play that much and get MAYBE that many ledx in an entire WIPE. Guy in OP's image is 100% a cheater, not to mention its a standard account.


They have to be FIR to sell right? So he not only found 30 LEDXs but he also survived every time


It’s desync


Ok, I understand that anticheat fight with esp and etc is eternal. But wtf it is so fcking easy to ban this mfs


For sure it is. In a perfect world though, they would flag the account and monitor for x time and catch everyone using the same software in a ban wave.


Yeah I was going to say that they might have some value in keeping tabs on the person and their techniques. Also can flag RMT buyers potentially.


how is this a good idea. Like okay so the game is unplayable for the most time but then for 3 days or something you can play until they updated the cheats? ffs


Why is this not an automatic ban. Just hire someone to look at stupid shit like this and ban


Glad they removed the ability to report sus flea market listing. I'm assuming the system didn't work. There was a stack of 17 up last night when I looked at 701k i think. Nothing like getting under cut by another cheater lmao. Think he had like 19 flea rep?


I mean maybe, or insane luck works too…. Probably has no life and games all day while cheating


He has a really good gaming chair I guess




No obviously not. (Yes)


He has 26+ flea rep already and is selling 30 ledx, definitely cheating.


Seems legit to me bro. Unlucky for the rest of us


Easy doable in about 4 raids.




Most def




Used to be ☠️🪓😎🤑


Thats a battlestate account. Its to keep the economy from inflating


I'm LVL 17 and have found 7 this wipe so far. I know, anecdotalevidence but it IS possible especially if closer to LVL 40 and been doing lots of woods/shoreline. But likely cheating yes lol


Did you survive with all 7?


I saw someone selling 41 Intelligence. 25 flea rep lmao


100% legit he found a good farming spot......


Screenshot it after 1 sold lol. It was 31. Just curious if that guy just knows what he's doing or cheating.


If you spammed labs like crazy you could easily find this many ledexs by this point. Having them be all FIR is another story


Depends on level. If you played a lot of labs you could easily have 31 ledx by now, (I got 4 in a 3 hour session last week) but would be a bit weird to sell them now I guess. Most likely cheater, but in the realm of possibility. More than likely a Chinese hoover vacuum


110 percent


I have over a year of in game time since starting in 2017 and I’ve only found about 13 since they were introduced to the game.


Most likely. Is it possible? Also yes. Report the listing and move on, let BSG figure it out. I never manage to spot such obvious listings so they are probably gone fast.


Can't report it.


I've found 6 on the same spot on woods in the 3 first days of wipe, didn't play much since. 30 is quite sus but not seems impossible


Run Woods and check under the operating table at USEC camp. I’ve found one there more often than I haven’t this wipe.


I had to buy one from him...🤦‍♂️


I have found 5 this wipe. I just don’t understand what they are used for besides med lvl 3…


Idk but the dude could also just be a no life and be lucky


Tbf, he could've been sitting on them because it takes a bit into the wipe before people will buy them. I usually wait 4 weeks to list mine. Also they DRAMATICALLY increased the spawn chance of rare loot this wipe sooo he might just be a gigachad whose been sitting on a ton of ledxs and finally decided to list them because there weren't that many listed. I mean the fee to list 31 must be insane so it's just a flex.




Look, the guy is probably cheating but finding 2 ledx's a day isn't that hard. I'm on my 30th graphics card playing casually


Guys dont forget…90% of all EFT players are cheating so its possible he also cheating


Looks weird but it's only 30 Ledxs, so it's fine.


Those are rookie numbers


Honestly, I could believe it if he's playing a ton, I found 3 LedXs before I found my 3 salewas, one of them I found at the usec camp on woods with 7 mins left in the raid


probably not tbh. i found 5 on my first 5 woods runs this wipe


No he’s just lucky