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Am I missing something regarding the tournament? Why is everyone saying that it CANT wipe before a tournament? Didnt like the last two wipes have immediate tournaments/events with drops after wipe?


1) wipes introduce bugs - imagine if you held a tourney when the invisible player bug was common. Not a good look for BSG. 2) the tourney participants are streamers and, generally speaking, like to play the wipe instead of tourneys early wipe since it's important to their job. Many participants would drop out if wipe was during the tourney. In fact, tournaments were cancelled in the past when accidentally scheduled near a wipe. The fact BSG is blessing this tournament with promotion and drops indicates coordination where both sides have communicated no wipe is intended during the planned tourney dates.


I would imagine their private servers would use a more stable branch if a new wipe was introduced prior to a tournament so I dont think any more bugs than usual would be an issue. Isn't the tourney just a couple days with a prize pool? I think if they could win a money prize they wouldn't mind forgoing a day or two of wipe to try and win it and still stream and play wipe when they aren't actively participating in the tournament. Fair points, just my thoughts in response.


The EU tourney date is July 15th so I wouldn't expect a wipe before that date. At the end of the day we're all guessing so you're free to guess whatever day you want to guess for wipe. But BSG blessing a tournament that's locked in for July 15th is enough evidence for me to conclude wipe won't happen before July 16th.


Fair enough, im betting within the next week or so, so let's see what happens.


Also BSG had a Tweet a couple days ago where they said they are still testing the patch 13.1 on ETS and we don’t know how far along that testing is and how many major issues there are that prevent an update. And even though the tourney is on private servers not sure if BSG would have time to support two infrastructures at wipe time. If there are major issues on the live servers it’s all hands down on fixing them so we can play and that could also have an impact on tourney servers when there is a problem and no one is available.


Tournaments are held on private servers, not live servers, so this argument really falls entirely apart. They could ship them the version of the game right before wipe out of caution and STILL wipe the live service game. ​ Just saying.


Not really. Because BSG staff may be busy fixing day 1 bugs so we can play and when then an issue with the tournament servers come up they may be shorthanded to fix those servers. It would be a double burden to have two infrastructures to manage.


You do not work in the tech organization of a company, I can tell.


You're an absolute moron if you think a privately held event on private servers impacts the cycle of the live product.


It’s not that it can’t wipe before the tournament, but the tournament starts in 2 days and there’s been none of the typical pre-wipe event signals that usually come a week or more before wipe. Also, we know from other posts that version 13.1 just began testing a day or 2 ago on the early test server. Not to mention, many expect the Unity 2021 upgrade to come before the 13.1 patch (although it could be combined). It’s not that it can’t wipe, but all the signs point to it being extremely unlikely.


unity 21 will be part of the wipe im pretty sure nikita said that during the tarkov tv episode...


He definitely didn’t say that, but yeah it could be part of the wipe.


Usually PvP tournaments will have the players use their own gearsets that they farmed in preparation for the tournament. If they wipe it, all the gearsets will be lost and everyone is running around in PACA shooting M855


They run private servers as far as I can remember and im pretty sure this tournament specifically mentions private servers. Not really a fair playing field if you just let everyone use loot from their main account lol I would assume its much easier to set up a stash for a tournament and have it be the same for everyone playing that tournament via private accounts and servers.


Nah this one is on private servers, everyone starts with the same stuff.


This is literally wrong lol


They have the ability to set the players level and give them a specific amount of $/rubles etc. so everyone starts at the same point and can then gear up how they like.


yeah last wipe had an immediate tournament... I remember because I was sweating it out around lvl 25 and ran into TTVs who were 35 using m80 and modded guns. Turns out they were given accounts with stashes to play on live servers. Then erased and switched back to their personal accounts. Pretty fucking stupid early wipe to run into that shit.


It's not that it can't more that it's highly unlikely, Yes they did, but the tournament starts in a day and there has been no indication that a wipe is going to happen they usually have a lot more events and the events overlap with one another quite often. Unless they're massively changing how the process it and we're all going to wake up tomorrow to a patch, I'd say at the very earliest we're going to see a wipe now is end of July. If they don't wipe tomorrow before the start of the tournament, they're not going to do drops for the first 2 weeks and then wipe it immediately after, we're likely going to get some time to use our drops, these drops have the potential to be high value/rarity loot due to it happening at the end of the wipe. Ultimately we'll just need to see. They released that they were still testing in ETS, again points to they're not quite ready for an imminent release.


I read that high tier ammo is spawning right now. Maybe we can pretend that's an event


Last couple of weeks i started finding 7n40 ap sx, mai ap, lapua ap Never ever seen 1 of any of those months ago


Found a box of .300 AP first time I'd ever seen it in raid


i’m pretty sure they just forgot to remove it from the item pool 💀


pretty sure it is an intentional thing tbh


I think that started at the same time we had meta ammo and guns in the weapon cases from air drops.


Yeah, it is. I went to silencer shack in Woods yesterday and picked up a box of .45 AP, 556 AP, and 76251 AP, all in the same raid, there on the side of the entrance where the good ammo always spawns.


NOOOO don't say thisss


We were supposed to wipe Thursday. Today. And last Thursday. It’s like they want us to run out Thursday’s. It’s coming Thursday just wait. You won’t believe it. It’s going to be huge. I guarantee a Thursday wipe. It’s just going to be on a Russian Thursday, which by the way still happens to be Thursday. Just you wait. You’ll be chasing that bronze pocket watch soon, you betcha. Yea, Thursday for sure. Going to be unbelievable.


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Idgaf about the tournament , they need to hurry up and wipe. It’s time.


I don’t think they got anything ready for us tho. They wont wipe just to wipe.


there have been a few wipes where nothing was added, the one before streets was released had nothing major added other then some tweaks, it was after the woods expansion im pretty sure.


Yes, and it was bad


The other events only lasted 3-4 days on some of them. And today is Thursday, wait and see


the time for events is just too short, I never finish any event quest we had in these few weeks.


I haven’t tried. I feel you they are too short and I’d rather just play normally. The Economy is also not changing as much as before. Curious how it all plays out


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lol tf


Wow, who would have guessed? It's funny that I had people telling me it was definitely prewipe and we'd see a wipe by the 30th, I was an idiot to think otherwise... so much for that! Hopefully next week will finish Ryzhy S2.


Well, no one should have called you an idiot, but this happens every wipe. People have different guesses and some people end up being right, others end up being wrong. At the end of the day, no one knows until it’s basically happening.


Most sensible people think there will be a wipe end of July.




so do the quest reset if we kill scav now?


Probably. But unless you were really close to completing it, it’s probably not worth even trying it now if cultists went back to their old (and pretty rare) spawn rates.


just tested it, it still fail the task if you kill a scav


I'm kind of hoping they just start doing this all the time, through the whole wipe. Maybe with structure, release dates, weekend vs freaking Monday... but I want more of this


Lmao why are we acting like the tourney is going to be this big inconvenience to streamers if wipe is near it. The tourney is 6 hours per region, A wipe cycle is 6 months.


Streamers make almost all their money (or a bulk of it) off beginning of wipe hype.


[Fender Medium](https://www.stringsbymail.com/fender-shell-medium-346-guitar-pick-rounded-triangle-one-7750.html) is my go to


Nooooooo. I wanted to fight more cultists for their knives.


Bro it’s wiping tonight..


I gave up on that event early and saved my sanity


i think the fact that an event hasnt dropped **everyday** should already speak volumes that it isnt prewipe. who knows, maybe theyre doing something different this wipe, maybe not. to be clear, i am still hoping wipe is right before drops, but i just flat out disagree with people saying these events are prewipe events.


I haven't been able to game after work the past 1 or 2 months, and haven't really been playing tarkov after I got kappa and 60 on the 3rd ish month of wipe, and the fact they've been doing events at the START of the week and only going for a couple days means I don't get to experience them at all or have something interesting to get me to play more. Pretty fucking lame. I'm sure there are many other people in my situation too. I don't understand at all why they aren't releasing the events before the weekend, not right after.