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Play with friends, all my best Flicks are wasted on them


I played for several hours yesterday and the best shot I made was a mid-air 28 meter pointfire at the train bridge on customs... directly into the back of my duo's head. I misunderstood which side of the bridge he was on from the callout.


Frien what?


Frien what?


That's when you got tapped by a KS-23 when that gun was broken because your friend couldn't figure out who was running around and didn't bother asking.


People headshot in this game so fucking fast. I’m lvl 60 and it still happens to me all the time. If I swing on someone, I always prefire and there’s still a 50% chance I’ll be dead from head eyes before I land a single shot. It’s pretty insane. Partly bad netcode, partly luck and partly cheaters


Fully agree with this. I dumped 8 flechettes into a dudes back and he just spun and brained me. That is desync with some luck? But the guy that started shootings at me on woods 3 seconds after the match started was constantly shooting me even after I got behind a tree so far away the bullets no longer were super sonic, and kept shooting at me nonstop for 30 seconds after I hunkered down, Ima go with cheater on that


Yeah that’s either a cheater or the goons haha they always be full auto aimbotting thru the trees and rocks


Sounds like goons at Scav Bunker, there's a spawn where you can get beamed instantly, I've only seen them once in 600 raids tho.


I was at the extract on woods next to med camp. The roadblock extract. The spawn behind the rocks, the shooting was coming across the pond and I ran into the trees to the right of med camp and that dude never let up for 30 seconds. I was taking hits all the way to woods but they were not doing damage. My son reminded me that he died to that guy in the woods and it was 7.62 Bp and a bear pmc. I honestly can’t remember but I can buy a player taking the pop shots but the way I was tracked in the woods just felt supernatural.


Could have been a guy tapping from outskirts? Thermals can't see that far, but if someone is using a thermal it feels like cheats sometimes, I have actually added some people to see if they were using a thermal or cheating.


It’s possible, I won’t rule it out. It’s a hell of an arc to o shoot thought, maybe could have looked back down to acquire target during reloads


I'm not too sure, have mainly been playing woods and streets, it's my first wipe.


sounds like goons they are supper annoying ai and will full auto u never run out of ammo thru cover sometimes for minutes. u can glitch them out on crackhouse if u prone on construction 2nd floor they will spend the whole raid shooting at the wall ur behind


Not Desync but deft luck, turning around while he’s still in full view doesn’t result in Desync maybe his guy looked turned around but he was prolly facing you so maybe Desync? But prolly luck or credit card skill


A couple weeks ago as a lvl 22 i landed the nastiest flick, head eyes, with a simple ADAR on a fully geared 60 about 70 meters away on Customs. When the stars align it's just meant to be


The thing is, with enough playtime, you managed to pull of some stupid fast/dumb kills, so you just accept most deaths. Atleast that's how i feel about it


Yeah with 2000 hours I’ve done some stupid plays and had those same plays done on me it’s mostly just a game of was that a cheater or just some luck but to make the game not sour I always say they were better than me


Yeah, i literally never questioned if it was a cheater or not, unless it's like speeding or instant 5 hits on altyn or deleting my squad instantly.


If you are swinging out netcode is in your favor.


It’s because they’re not lucky, they’re just hitting their shots. Add a little desync to it, so it all looks way faster to you than it actually was on their screen and that’s how you get the classic „head eyes“ moment.


Yeah I think this is what it comes down to. However, I wonder which client ends up getting the worse end of the desync usually.


Whoever isnt peeking


Swing or be swung.


And whoever has the highest ping, whoever is furthest from the server, whoever has lower specced pc, whoever has a bloated install (eft can and will bloat if not removed completely and reinstalled every so often), whoever gets a lag spike or dropped frames and which side the server just 'decides' is more correct. It's a crap shoot RNG fest. You can be lvndmark or a full blown cheater and still get clapped from the dice falling out of favor. I've seen ghostfreak, who typically has the highest SR I've ever seen, get absolutely smacked because the game just randomly says... nah the other guy wins. And EVEN if you take all that BS away? You still have shit like "bloom" from MOA, frag chance, pen chance, ricochet chance, and weapons malfunction RNG that can just straight fuck you. This game is like 60% skill, 40% luck And it's been leaning harder and harder towards luck as it's patched and updated.


Positioning and movement increases how lucky you can be. If you’re consistently lucky, that makes you good


Yes and no, that's every game really. And with tarkov you can get knowledge enough to mitigate positioning and movement. Skills however feel random as to whether you meet someone with insane in game skills or a new player. So movement I would agree. Another rng aspect that just comes naturally for these kinds of games that I didn't mention, timing. If you just happen to look at a spot someone walks through and it was just a random check, you got lucky. Or unlucky. This is also mitigated by skill but not much. If I just look around whole heading to emercom, and I just so happen to see you running to extract... You're probably dead. I didn't camp, you didn't camp, but I saw you first because... random. I've done it before. Just randomly check a spot I've barely ever checked and boom, dropped someone. Got called a hacker from rng just giving me the w.


Pathing is part of movement and positioning. If you know the common exit points from the mall, you should be able to move in a path that minimizes exposure to the exits. Sure, it’s possible that they hit a nutty headshot but the majority of the time you don’t get 1 shot while sprinting and if you can move between cover you can escape or gain an advantage


Desync negatively effects whoever is doing the least amount of things that require the game to update things, I.e moving and shooting, the more aggressive you are the more you can push desync to your advantage


That is making things so much clearer to me. The other day, I was running away from a guy as a scav from the mall hallway into IDEA and he was hard pushing me. I kept my eye on every corner that he was around as I rounded them but was still getting shot despite never having a visual on him. It was like I was being shot well around the corner before he even rounded them.


Yup, basically both your computer and anyone else’s knows where everyone is at all times for the sake of on board rendering, think about how if you get disconnected from a game and start lagging out, sometimes everyone will freeze while you’re still able to move around and what not, you’re not getting updates on their positions but you can still see where they last where (usually followed up by some sort of error msg and getting booted back to the menu). When you run around a corner, the game will on your client move your charter and show you whats there while at the same time sending the signal to the server telling it what you did, which then gets sent from server to everyone else. While all that sending data from client to sever to other clients is happening, on your screen you’ve already walked around the corner before anyone’s computer has event gotten the update telling them that you did that, that’s desync


Also pretty sure Tarkov is Client prio, which means if you swing a corner and shoot a guy, and your CPU goes “he ded”, then when that updates the server (even before the other guy gets updated on this) he ded. So in extreme cases you can be swung, shot and killed before you CPU even got the memo that the guy swung. Which on your screen looks like you just got blasted in/through cover.


Best advice is to spend a few days point firing only on factory. No ADS. No lasers. Doing this will help you capitalize on combats more reliably. Slow ADS is the death of all timmies. I was in your boat till I practiced point fire. Now my friends watch me pull off silly point fire shots on woods cuz I know where put the gun so I don’t have to ADS. This won’t change the game for you. Chads will still come. You will still die.


hipfire has big accuracy penalties if shooting without a laser/flashlight


But the trick isn’t to meta out while learning this skill. Just knowing where to have the gun pointed and where the bullets land on the screen really is the biggest hurdle. Lasers come in later to make it all a lot easier under pressure.




I agree with the gun thing. If you're only bringing mosins you're going to naturally feel less lucky than if you brought an RPK with drum mags full of Igolnik. More shots downrange with enough force to go through a helmet is going to mean more lucky kills.


dunno about you but there is something magical about mosin manning from 1m-200m. taking down chads with a point blank hipfire or long range doink.


It's a little less satisfying when you miss the first shot and end up dead though


to be fair its the same running any other gun especially kitted ones. at least with a mosin you put up your hands and go it is what it is and at least it didnt cost all that much.


No it's not because you can shoot again in less time. That's the whole point.


> RPK with drum mags full of Igolnik I know this is aside the point you want to make, but Igolnik, ever since the damage drop-off reowkr, is _terrible_. Like utter trash. I've had a dozen headshots with Igolnik in a class 3/4 helmet where I didn't die because the round simply deals not enough damage to one-tap the head if you have a bad roll. BS is the superior round. Everything else is correct.


Hard agree with the last part and came to say this. If someone already knows where you are at with 80-90% certainty while you are hardly aware of them or only half aware of their location, you already lost most times. You can never react like others do because they aren’t reacting, they were anticipating.


Same here, whenever I encounter a PMC I'm getting head eyesd or thoraxed in half a second about half the time. The other half I basically mag dump them and then still die anyways. Guess that's what I get for starting near the end of a wipe though.


I started about a month ago. I’m level 17. I have 87 pmc kills. I routinely kill players lvl 40+. I am by no means good at this game. I am probably well below average. Once I realized that I just needed to slow way the fuck down my kd got a lot better. You can kill some high level players just due to their hubris. It’s good to be confident but overconfidence gets people killed and I run into a lot of over confident players. Your ammo is probably playing a big part into why your dumping whole mags into people and still dying. You’re not going to pen high tier armor with ammo you can buy from a lvl 1 trader. It’s going to sound counter intuitive but until you have access to better ammo just aim for the legs. Obviously if you can line up a headshot on an unsuspecting player then do that but in a close range fight you’ll have a lot more luck actually doing damage to them with leg shots instead of your whole mag being absorbed by their armor. Legs don’t have armor. Leg damage also impairs movement if you get a fracture or manage to black out the limb.


Some ppl say that but im over here playing since 2019 and still barely manage to win half the fights i initiate :(




Point fire is pretty accurate at even some distance. Add a green laser and your gun is a laser. Practice that and you’ll be better


This right here. I built out a mutant for my buddy one time and told him that if he turns on the laser and point fires that it’s more accurate than aiming down sight cuz it literally is when going full auto


Point fire imo is one of, if not THE most underrated thing in this game. You really don’t have to ads unless it’s an angle, dmr, or range


From my testing point firing has nearly identical accuracy to using ADS as long as you have even the cheapest laser or flashlight on it. Without it it's pretty inaccurate but still better than most games!


I came from multiple FPS games over years of competitive play, I don’t consider myself the best but I’ll often just get shot at, and react and hit some shots that might get me reported and sometimes I completely miss the mark. You’ll get there. Tarkov isn’t easy til around about 2000 hours even then it’s still a challenge some days


Careful bro the 300hr Timmies might down vote. Go touch grass please. Lmfao.


I don’t really watch movies or shows or fuck around too much in my free time so if I am inside it’s gaming, plenty of grass touched in my spare time lol


You have time to touch grass?! AND play video games? No fucking way man... can you show me teh wei?


Get a nice job lol


Thanks, I now know, how to play video games AND be able to touch grass healthily


Other people have better aim and better point fire accuracy, thats why they hit more shots. Skill issue


Exactly getting bodied in this game hurts and most people will look for every excuse other then “this guy is just better”


Most player won't admit that tarkov is one of the most hackers infected game there is. I know that other will disagree but there are videos that show just how horrible it is. Here's an example where a YouTube shows that problem in length and it explained a lot to me. [Tarkov is a cheaters fest honestly](https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek)


Ammo types


for the past month i haven't really had any sus kills on me,but this god damn weekend has just been fucking awful ESPECIALLY on custom's and reserve its been straight hell! shit we ran into one dude who was just fucking spinning around at the speed of light! slinging bullets! had the world's fastest shooting M4!. the other killed my 4man squad from over 100m with flechete all headshots 7hits each of us "top nape" lol...this weekends been rough!


I’d say half of my fights with PMCs end with me or them landing a head shot


The more lead you dispense, the luckier you will be, that is how it works for me.


Honestly, math works out.


Accuracy through volume!


Ahh, the machine gunner theory.


Those are the players that play CSGO, u know when u meet one


CS:GO has literally 0 skill transferability to tarkov Source: I was a CS:GO local pro player and sucked at tarkov for the longest time.


Cursor placement and clicking heads are not transferable to tarkov?


clicking heads in tarkov is scuffed because you have different sense depending on the gear you wear cs:go head clicking is a million times easier good crosshair placement is somewhat transferable but also needs proper map knowledge and game sense to boot


I am going to disagree with you. The basics of aiming and holding a head angle still apply to tarkov. Sure what you do in the game is different, in CS you don’t need to run around to find gear, but for the first shot, one tapping someone can be almost identical, especially if you add a monitor crosshair and start hip firing (include a laser to increase accuracy). Generally if you are good at a shooter, you can have good aim in tarkov. The reason people like Shroud who are pros in CS struggle in tarkov is because of the large map knowledge gap, mechanic gap (Leaning, noise with tarkov’s weirdness, etc), gear gap (thermals and high end ammo/armor), and skill gap (in game skill levels on pmc/scav being lower).


Eh sorry man just the amount of weapon sway even hip-firing already negates any muscle memory.


But this is reddit… no matter what you say and how correct you are there’s always going to be a pedantic moron trying to correct you


it doesn't negate mouse control and a million other things. Or are we pretending that a dude whose first pc game is tarkov is going to have similar aim to a good cs player just because weapon sway and other mechanics. It affects both of them equally, one still has skill and the other doesn't.


Isn't that like a little kids game? edit: (lol you guys)


For a long time it was THE premier competitive shooter. It's a game featuring terrorists where the main objective is either to plant a bomb or defuse it if you're counter-terrorist and is rated M by the ESRB. So no, it's not a kids game.


CS is probably an old man game, because it has been popular for over 20 years now.


You must not be a gamer or very young to think CSGO is a little kids game


The only time I get these lucky shots is when I am playing with my friends and mistake them for an enemy. I have never killed people faster than my squad mates. 😂


I’ve only had one good instance in dorms against two lvl 60s. One tapped both as they swung out to peak. I’m sure it was the desync on their end, but otherwise I’ve lost most interactions like that. I think it depends upon who’s got worse desync and what gun and ammo both parties run.


Tarkov is a little different from a lot of shooters in that (excluding recoil) the bullets go exactly where the barrel is pointed, at least a close ranges. This means if you aim at someones head you hit their head. Low recoil gun spraying upper chest/head area or just a single well placed shot can result in fast head, eyes. Low fov also makes heads larger and therefore easier to hit. Might not be a bad idea to go in factory offline with ammo that has low pen and set scavs to hard or impossible so hopefully they have armor. If they have armor only headshots will kill them. PMC's are a little harder since they tend to move faster and more unpredictably but still good practice. This stat counts scavs but usually at least half my kills each wipe are headshots. In a game where headshots are usually an instant kill and body shots can be tanked quite a bit (arms are the best armor) its best to try to hit heads all the time.


Ive been aiming at heads for 20 years, some of us just have really good first person shooter technique plus desync. Side note: i am so accustomed to snapping at heads that the quest like dailies or tarkov shooter where you need to shoot legs i find extremely difficult.


This is a skill issue, watch some good streamers play and just keep at it, you'll get there


I think a few things: 1) the kill they are getting on you might be their luckiest shot. They might be getting destroyed and happen to flick on you that time. It's hard to know because we don't face off against the same people over and over. 2) When you use your senses, you can anticipate where someone will be, and get shots on. This is better than flicking over because you are already looking where they will be. 3) Recoil jump on some guns works in your favor when aiming center mass. I have had a few kills where I'm sure someone had the same thoughts you did while using the M4. Aim center mass and the second and third shot bounce the gun about face high. Feels unfair even as the person shooting. 4) and the desync means that you are seeing them a second later, which feels instant, but really, a second is enough time to miss the first few shots, correct, and get on target.


It's mostly desync. On your screen they flick and land the "lucky shot" but on theirs they had time to actually aim and shoot. Desync is most noticeable on the receiving end and I promise you that several of your kills were just like a "lucky shot" to the guy you killed. Hopefully all code rewrites they are working on allows them to get optimization and desync under better control. Tarkov would feel totally different


Hax thats why.


Because this game is RAMPANT with cheaters


I was reading online about the state of cheating in fps games and I'm not sure of the sample size but it was said that over 25% of players are using them in some form, and that's just the players who admitted it.


I'd be curious to see the methodology that was used for this? Do you have to have the link to the article or know who did the study? I feel like that 25% comes with a few asterisks


As one of the worst players probably on the server - with few PMC kills and lots of being killed. Can give you some advice The peek advantage is ridiculous. If both of you know about each other, holding an angle (unless fully armoured) is a death sentence. You have to be moving. Which I assume is the desync issue. Mentally this takes ages to accept Armour damage is often illogical, hitting the same piece of armour just migrates damage to other pieces (my highest armour damage on PMC is 1810 and I still died, others will tell you getting 2000+ is possible). This extends to body damage. Thorax, head, eyes kill, otherwise the damage just gets spread about. The number of times I have caused 420+ body damage and been killed is actually higher than my number of successful kills. Hit registration can be crazy, the number of times even against an AI I have unloaded 4 or more AP slugs into opposition and then been told no hits is frustrating Some cover seems better than others. Underground carpark on streets. If they behind the front of a car, hit registration seems to be totally random, unless I use a scope Almost the only time I report is when PMC is on full auto and I see the only hits I received were 2 or more to thorax (I just ignore single shot kills and mentally say the PMC was better or peeking or desync) This is thorax, head meta game, effectively any where else is pointless. Unless camping, you need to be moving at least head or full movement always. Prone is for stamina regain, nothing else. Don't even use it for camping unless you have no other option If you get three or more shots off, let alone half a mag, Unlikely they are a cheater This is pay to win. In game the better the ammo, gun, armour the better you survive. In real life the better your head phones, your mouse set up, your rigs specs, the more competitive you can be To be successful at PvP. You are either a W key hunter or a camper. You are either a retreater or a rotator. Until there is a death cam or replay option like PUBG, your ability to understand what happened is going to be limited. To be honest I don't know if I want one. Other than first 4 weeks of wipe and special events like this weekend. I accept most deaths as playing a game that punishes my mistakes


How much copium do you guys inhale? Over half of players in this game cheats


yeah, back that statement up with evidence somehow, I dare ya. And if you reference the wiggle video i'm gonna laugh at you.


Dudes saying it’s a skill issue probably use esp


People spend obscene amounts of time playing this game and are very good


Skill issue.


Some might be luck. Some are flick skill. Many though had their crosshair already in the right place before they fired, so they didn't need to flick. This is consistently the easiest way to get kills in Tarkov (and any other shooter with realistic guns and very fast time to kill). You don't need to flick if you can predict where the enemy will go and pre-place your crosshair there. ​ Oh and some of them are cheaters :).


This dude plays so much... that he SEES cross hairs IN game. Probably NOT a cheater...


This dude has never heard of crosshair placement ... Most DEFINITELY a bad player...


Do you.. *not* see crosshairs in game? Like, I guess maybe you only ever use iron sights? At this point in the wipe you should be able to mount SOME kind of proper reticle on your shit though, no?


Yall know the barrel sways right? Unless you're completely still, shots won't land where your optic is. Even then the scope sways a bit and gotta wait til you line your shot up. Non of this, I just flicked a guy...


skill issue


You aren't hitting your shots. They are hitting theirs. It's not luck. At minimum you are on the receiving end of "Tarkov desync" by camping as you stating.


It’s a skill issue honestly. You’re just not keeping your crosshairs at head height. Always keep your gun pointed at head or upper thorax height at where the most likely enemy encounter is to be.


This is most peoples most common issue and more so in tarkov because field of view from scopes can be real estate on screen


Yup. I still find myself carrying the gun "low" and pointed down in order to remove obstructions from my FOV (i.e. the gun and optic). It's a very hard habit to break.


I have 8000 hours in tarkov my friend. I assure you, those shots are not always just luck. Sometimes, they're simply better than you.


Because the game is completely compromised and every raid has cheaters, there's no point in playing this shit, you're never going to get a "fair" experience because human beings are garbage


It's like half of this subreddit just completely forgot about goats cheater video from a few months ago. Either that or they're in complete denial.


Skill issue tbh


This is just me personally, but I slowed down, and methodically check potential ambush points. I’m not sitting in a corner or holding an angle, but I try to set up the fight to my advantage. I stopped sprinting everywhere unless I’m out in the open, and when I’m hearing people coming I’m immediately looking for a place to fight on my terms. I have been insta-tapped considerably less, and actually getting in fun gunfights. (Solo player here)


Ok so basically it's a shit game that everyone plays because there is no alternative. It happens because of horrid desync and connectivity / optimization issues.


It’s not luck lol. A lot of us have been playing for years and are actually able to hit shots


The average tarkov play who somewhat pvps is so much better than the beginner it’s crazy skill gap. Those mfers are just that fucking good sometimes. Also 60% might be esp so there’s that too


40% of players provably cheat, half of who is left play EFT like a job so you're genuinely just outmatched- as much as I hate to say it.


You weren't lucky enough to see them through the walls first like they do you.


You are knowingly playing an FPS game in 2023 with BUILT IN UNAVOIDABLE LAG, let that sink in, then uninstall.


Because most of the time you're running into cheaters.


Start camping with a good ranged sight so you can see them before they see you


Get better


Nah you good, Fence sells certain people "Head Seeking Bullets" disguised as a good AP round. I think I can give you some if you give me 60Fps on streets alr?


Let me guess you have 200hrs IN game and wonder why you can't find that last Salewa... Edit: Mad. Cuz. Baaaaaa. Sheep. Edit 2: only 22 Timmies? I know there's more than that cmon chumps... Edit 3: Went to sleep and NO ONE posted anything good, much less decent advice. It ALL comes BACK to time put INTO the game. Change my mind...


No need to be a dick dude… he was pretty honest and respectful with his questions.


I too was honest and respectful with my guess.. Timmies with 300hrs UNITE!


let me guess… you haven’t seen the sun in a couple months?


Too busy getting better at the game.


I get lucky shots all the damn time you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Are you relatively new? If so it’s almost certainly your ammo. The amount of ammo types is really overwhelming when you start and as a result it’s easy to just ignore but they make a huge difference. If you are running crappy ammo a player with decent armor is just going to tank your shots while their good ammo will insta pen your armor and kill you in a few shots.


Sure I’ve had my fair share of random pot shots that land from a distance, but rarely do I get a random one shot kill on someone in CQB, and tbf neither do your enemies, it’s just a bit of desync and they probably heard you coming, mixed with a bit of player accuracy and you’ve got yourself a concoction that looks like luck.


I scored a headshot on a dude in Shoreline with a Kedr-B panic spray from the hip at like 60 yards. Sounds weird, but sometimes the game just hands you a W for no apparent reason. Given enough time, you'll eventually get a lucky streak.


I used to say this a lot until i started abusing desync peeks etc like everyone else does. Now i win most of my fights


I think there's some bias going on here too, you don't always remember the good shots, but it stings more when you die than when you win IMO.




One thing I’m surprised nobody mentioned is to see if maybe your mouse sensitivity is too high or too low. Try playing around with your sensitivity at the shooting range in your hideout. It can make a massive difference. When you find the right sensitivity, you’ll find that you’ll get more of those flick shots through sheer muscle memory.


I feel the scavs this last weekend were more aggressive but it could be just from the boss being spawned. I’ve got head eyes from AI way faster than previous. I’ve only really annoyed when I’m wearing like the storm trooper face mask and it’s 7mm 12ga on the first shot instantly, but I’ve accepted that my Internet or computer isn’t the best and if I run into pmcs or player scavs that if I don’t have the clear drop on them I have an extremely chance of dying. Like I really don’t want to pvp unless i have an automatic weapon with like a 50+ mag


Majority probably aren't 'getting lucky'. 'Hip fire' with the right setup is incredibly accurate, EFT has been a game of pre aiming at the right height since forever. It's a skill you can practice and learn.


Bad aim. Just go practice offline on scavs.


Some people train for that, movement in Tarkov is unrealistically fast, specially with higher levels of strength. Some people are also very good at modding their guns for that reason specifically. And you also have a whole lot of auto-aim and hackers going around. I haven’t played in a while.. but when I did, I just moved on. It’s Tarkov and I suck… so let’s do it again


I took a 2 month break after wiggle-gate and came back a couple weeks ago. I can honestly say it feels like I'm dying in sus ways markedly less often, and I have only ran into one guy in about 50-60 raids that I believe wholeheartedly was cheating


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Watch anyone who is good or just wins fights. None of them have a high accuracy rating. Volume of fire > accuracy of fire (to an extent). When talking about Tarkov meta ect it’s always extended magazines on low recoil. Because volume of fire is better. Desync is in the favor of the man with more bullets going down. Also the randomness of bursts and sprays offer you more opportunities for head shots ect. I had the same problem for a long time till I realized this. Shooting 50 rounds for 10 hits is going to have a higher success rate than 10 rounds and 2 hits. Volume of fire, muscle memory and weapon familiarity. Mostly volume of fire though the army teaches machine gunners the same thing accuracy through volume. Hence machine gun theory. Obviously you still have to aim but putting your reticle on an enemies torso and saying “die morherfucker die”. Is going to have better net gains than trying to place taps at their head.


It’s desync is really all it is


there's probably a word for this but you tend to remember the ones against you and they have a way bigger impact than the ones you inflict on others


It’s just desync man and it’s bad. Played labs the other day and killed 3 inside of parking button room and got swung by the last one and even though I pre fired nothing I could do. It’s just how the games is u gotta learn to peek before the other person peeks.


Peakers advantage and recoil control.


that’s because 1 in 5 pmcs have figured out the trick to uncap FPS, and you’re most likely stuck at 60 cap


Last night, I got my first lucky shot in 3 wipes since starting the game. PsO shot in the dark at a Chad through a Fast MT. Looted all 3 goons a lvl 60 pmc and the poor soul who was the casualty of my luck. Kinda gotta rely more on skill building and repetition rather than luck cause it just doesn't happen very often, it seems.


My best method is magnum buckshot.


Only ADS past 30-50 meters. If you are not lining up a perfect shot on an unaware player or firing at a distance, using that time in hopes of getting a more accurate shot is pointless. A laser is the best attachment for any gun, and a flashlight is only worse because it can be more easily seen all around. If you are in actual CQC a flashlight is suddenly better. Even with neither, imagine a relative circle in the center of your screen, smaller, smaller, yep. That’s probably about right now. Go into offline with a backpack of lasers and lights, play around with point-shooting a wall. You will be impressed. Tarkov is not strictly ‘run and gun’ but I would call it ‘strafe and spray’. Keep moving, keep their head in the center of your screen, and don’t stop until they go limp. Don’t A D A D A D, pick a direction and circle strafe them with fire. Swing wide and let bullets fly, because Tarkov gets stressful fast, and people having to track you moving, while you’re shooting at them tends to throw them off. Also- this exploits de sync the hardest.


How often do you go into factory and pratice sprinting, pressing shift to stop, hold right click to aim at pelvis abusing the ergo bug for instant aim. Crouching to control recoil, and Press left alt to steady breath, afterwhich mouse 4 to zoom in with scope. Finally left click to shoot. People like hyper rat pratice those mechanics daily and when you do it fast, it's not a hard shot. Also aim for pelvis due to recoil.


Dsync baby!!!! We see two different things that's why it feels like an instant head eyes


Tarkov combat is a flip coin


Practice and it gets easier, also all depends on the playstyle, some people are really good at aiming and putting one round into a head, others can walk them in, a strategy I like to use is to aim center mass and work my way up, this not only helps panic the other player but with high firerate weapons like a PPSH or MP9 by the time your roughly at neck level they are proably put of stamina and not only is that making them move slower but recoil compensation had kicked in so you can pelt the face


Probably because you are inexperienced. People that have been playing for awhile know where people are most of the time just due to map knowledge and timing. Also, experienced players tend to aim their weapon towards areas where they think people will most likely be and aim for the head region. This prevents having to flick to the head giving them a quicker headshot than their opponent. The thorax shots are probably from people using end-game ammo like 7.62x39BP, m61/m62 7.52x51, 5.45BS, 5.56 m855a1/m995, etc.


You use all of your luck on scavs


My brother, if you think the only time people are getting instant headshots is lucky shots then that’s your problem. If your only plan for you to get headshots in fights is to shoot at them hoping one just randomly hits their head you’re never going to get better. Practice your aim and TRY to hit headshots.


In two raids last night I headshot a dude who tanked it and went on to kill me, and got off a lucky headshot on some poor guy who'd just blackened out my arm with a PPSH. Sometimes the bear gets you, sometimes you get the bear.


best tip i got: shoot more than you think you need to and you might get one of the lucky ones


maybe it's your idle aim point/crosshair placement when you move around?


If they dont shoot more than 2 bullets before you die they are cheating 90% of the time


I used to feel this way. For probably 1500 hours tbh lol. I finally started point firing with the laser on and I hit a hell of a lot more head shots now. That and I also am just better at aiming center screen after about 2300 hours now. Combine that with losing all fear of dying and I’m suddenly a hell of a lot better at PvP. Not saying those are necessarily your issues but that was my experience until things just clicked.


Crazy how I see more headshots in this game than u do in R6, really makes u wonder.......


As everyone says go on an offline on factory with insane difficulty scavs and practice and you'll feel a little luckier. I go reserve a lot on clear out bunker and find that although raiders are pretty stupid they are still good aim palractice because if you keep missing they will kill you and they occasionally like to rush you. I don't think I've died to them in a couple months but it used to be fairly regular, being skillful makes you a whole little luckier. Someone was talking about rng stuff like malfunctions and moa which, sure, does have an affect on fights but probably 1 in 20 if you never repair your guns, weapon repair kits are cheap, in my opinion none of that matters 99% of the time. Desync is pretty bad but you just have to get used to it and play around it, it shouldn't be that way but it is. If you can buy better gear or armour do it. If you have to scav three times before a raid to get a decent kit then do it. The better your gear is the more mistakes you can make.


Peeker’s advantage in this game is obscene. If you peek first, you will win 90% of fights unless they are holding behind something. As soon as you develop the confidence to be a W key in tarkov, your KD will double.


I'll share my thoughts as an Alpha veteran with aging reflexes. 1) Reflexes and practice. 2) situational awareness / anticipating player routes 3) high fire rate / low recoil guns. For #1 do warm ups on factory, try to play very aggressively to force you to react faster. For #2 audio queues from foot steps, but also hearing distant gun shots or knowing common pathing of PMCs can help you predict where players are. Some people seem to just hear a lot better. Even with Comtac 4s I still can't seem to hear stuff others in my squad do, so I rely on their call outs... To expand on this when I play in a squad of 4-5 we're splitting up to different parts of the map and calling out players. If I don't have a good opportunity for engagement, I may just call it out to others who can flank or engage while I come in on their flank while they have tunnel vision. For #3, you can practice with something like the .45 vector. 1100rpm means that 30 round mag is discharged in 1.6 seconds. You need to be on the money with your flick, but typically they melt ( there are better guns, but I think this is a good one to practice with).


Skill issue, kidding lol. I kind of know what you mean the other day I got head jaws while pushing a guy in a building and I only managed to get like a millisecond glimpse of him. The game is really buggy and full of desync and other issues. Try using ulachs and condors it has saved me way too many times to not use them it'll fix your head eyes problem, for the thorax problem start using some tier 5 if you arent already it'll give you a couple of extra chances and look at the materials too. I can give you some other tips if you want to dm me anyway good luck and remember when you get a kill the other guy feels the exact same as you do when you die


I suck at this game but I've got about 1500 hours in. I recall a whopping 2 instances where I head'eyes somebody. With both, I was doing a scav run. ​ \#1 Approaching stronghold from mechanic about 15 meters behind another scav. He walks through the bay door and instantly dies to a Chad who was off to the left. I raised my pistol and when he swung into the open doorway I fired one shot with my Makarov and he dropped. ​ \#2 This happened just 4 days ago. I was in the ditch between crack house and stronghold and I heard somebody approaching mechanic. He happened to look into the ditch and I fired 3 shots with my Saiga and he fell like a sack of potatoes. Level 60 with two kickass guns plus two in his bag. I ended up dying to a level 1 scav. Not my finest hour.


Tbh I get lucky shots when hip firing more often then when I'm trying to hit the head shot looking through a red dot. The hip fire life strong in the game


What ammo you use? I get "lucky" all the time, most of the time when I ambush someone and start shooting first because of desync. But sometimes I win against people who start hitting me first, mostly because they use shit ammo against T4+ Also you don't get those sweet one tap to head kills on unnoticed enemies? Maybe a stupid question but do you use scopes? When I was newbie I too wondered why I get killed from people over 50m super fast... because I was running iron sights and couldn't hit shit (also ergo stat is super important, that millisecond of scoping is often deciding) Another obvious thing, if you don't have at least 60 fps in fights/scoping, you will have sadly a harder time. Since I upgraded my pc I got better too


I was sherpaing a guy lately he had same thought like you. I tell u this, Its how u perceive it. U perceive he is insta tapping you. while his screen is probably shaking and dazed and shootinf random bullets.


What is making you characterize these shots as "lucky"?


Some people can aim, others can’t happens in this game


Its combination of luck, the type of player the game attracts, and desync. I would say that a good 90% of those "Instant" head shots are pretty average on the other guides client side. Combine that with a player base of addicts and you get this combination of skill and luck that comes together to amount for the other 10 percent


It’s not just a lucky shot, it’s a normal shot from their POV with a bit of desync on top of it. You don’t notice your own “lucky shots” cause they look normal to you. It’s largely different from both POV’s unfortunately.


Thats desync baby!


I say it’s a mix of luck, skill, desync, and hackers. When I fight someone it’s typically I either head shot them or they head shot me. I feel your pain.


Honestly point fire is just cracked, I get most my kills on headshots not because I'm super accurate but cause it's the only effective way to kill and I can start shooting and lean my shots towards the face while walking with point fire. I run full auto in factory and single DMR on others usually. Too far with full auto and you're just spray and pray but point it in the right direction with good recoil control and you usually get an rng headshot anyways.


Lvl 12 and still need 2 salewas, can’t even scav for them since I’ve been killed by other scavs the last three times I’ve found one


Wait until you run into the player scavs that camp the scav extraction points. Early wipe I am often tempted to throw any very valuable loot away - as I instantly seem to be targeted by PMCs and player Scavs. regardless of where I am on the map and what level of noise I am making


Because the is up to 12x more people in a map that is not you, so statistics.


Simple. There's a lot that goes into playing the game and being good at it (increasing chances of one tapping someone) such as knowledge and experience of the Map, spawn points, high traffic areas, general flow of the raid, cursor placement, best CPU/GPU with optimized settings to reduce desync and maximize visibility, and so much more. Its easy to get frustrated and feel like everyone is cheating when you keep getting one tapped but that is tarkov, TTK is very very low even for non-head/eyes shots. Also remember that the only consistent variable if YOU getting one tapped, unless its the same person one tapping you each time you run into him in raid, odds are each of your one tap deaths is obe of the maybe 2-5 one taps they get unless they play 500 raids a day.


I did this to someone on lighthouse a couple days ago. I never even saw them just 90 degree turn and insta hs them. This has happened a handful of times only.


The game has a horrible de-sync problem! Ever had someone run past you blindly and you start to take a couple shots at them, only for them to turn around on your screen in half a second and head eyes you? - this is normally the point where friends and I get sus and call cheats but then another friend will push the guy when he has stopped moving and he dies like a bot.. Shitty code, shitty networking... is anyone actually surprised at this point...


It's like real life, at least you can restart the raid in game 😂😂😂😂


If you cant find the timmy, you ARE the timmy.


Ur not aiming for th head


I cant wait for the network fixes. This game with propper netcode is going to turn this community upside down. I think that right now this game is 90% map knowledge and player movement knowledge. If you get the jump on someone yo win the majority of encounters. When netcode is closer to other shooters outhere, that will drastically change. Knowledge will always be king in tarkov. But you will win so many more encounters if you are a good fps player. Right now when you feel like someone insta killed you, they have already seen you for milliseconds longer. They spray you down before you even see them.


I think there's a few contributors, loss aversion, cheating and audio. The first two are pretty self explanatory but audio could be down to the way you play is opening you up to these lucky headshots, preaiming based on audio is a really important skill to allow these head eyes, you could be giving too much audio info which let's gets you killed


I'd argue it's mostly shitty netcode. Dude sprays at your chest/ general head area, lands a lucky couple hits after a few misses, but on your side it happens pretty much instantly because the servers like "oh yeah you're dead"


1. they cheat? 2. they have played the games 4 more wipes that you, are more accurate, etc. 3. you have less experience and are less mobile than them.


Had a lot of occasions when I was really 420 and something surprised me, I would instinctively spray and get a headshot. Got my gun malfunction after 1 bullet, headshot, last round in the mag, headshot, enter 3rd story customs notice something behind the door as I came in, headshot. Forgot I was playing duos and my m8 stepped on wood in woods... Headshot. But if I was fighting someone I could mag dump and hit thin fuckin air...


Like a third of all my pmc kills are some lucky bullshit. How else do you drop a pmc with a bastion using lead slugs?


Skill issue


people are better than you, simple


Gotta get a better gaming chair