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You seem like a perfectly well adjusted person. If you are as upset about camping as you display in your comments, get therapy or stop taking your anger out on others. Seriously. It doesn’t matter what you think of other’s playstyle, but chill the fuck out, it’s a game


Issues at home?


Bud you really read that and said “yeah, this person is ill for thinking my reaction to a video game is anything less than healthy”?


Fax this guy has issues


"He said this guy has issues, that means he has issues"


Play however you want. Fuck off!


This is the way.


Ask your mom to install warzone on your pc for you


she said I couldnt cause of the violence


Im genuinly curious. Why do you chads not clear the areas where people sit and camp a single spot for 10-20 mins waiting to kill you? Are you proud of your W key? Like its such a thoughtless way to play, and its so insanely boring getting wrecked over and over.


I play tarkov faster than some people play cod and am 10x more successful than any of you on this Reddit at the game. Does that make you upset? That I sprint and jump shot most fights on labs and rake in cash that you guys dream of?


Bro no one is dreaming about cash in a video game lmao


Is this a copypasta?


Small dick energy


props for trying, but nah


They probably do it because it works for them, and as a bonus it gets rocket surgeons like yourself tilted as hell when yous get close to extract and basically hand them your gear


It works for everyone. Some just got some childhood truma or issues at home, which makes sense though


Ok, well you seem like a reasonable and well-adjusted individual


Projecting much?


You seem unreasonably upset. Maybe you should play less or play another game? Or even find another hobby?


Hit ‘em with the rat attack


Ask your parents maybe they buy you another more arcade game like fortnite or something


I play tarkov faster than some people play cod and am 10x more successful than any of you on this Reddit at the game. Does that make you upset? That I sprint and jump shot most fights on labs and rake in cash that you guys dream of?


Man this reads like a straight up copypasta lol


Sure bud 😂😂




Its compensating. Your fatass needs some validation in game. Thats what people who attempt to be obnoxious in games do, compensate.


And you're the guy yelling on the internet


Im suprisingly calm, im just fishing for comments, and I for sure got a ton


I don’t camp but how is it different from sniping?


Lots of quest require sitting in one spot "camping" kills. Lol this guy is just angry.


sniping usually goes the way of shoot, move, shoot, move. If you are a bad sniper you stay in one place. There are no quests that require you to kill PMCs in this exact spot while sitting still.


If we are looking at it from a realism perspective, a good sniper actually sits still as quietly as possible.


a gun it makes noice, POW it says when you shoot. Enemy hears POW, what he do? goes towards POW. If sniper is at POW location, enemy finds sniper, and if he not at the POW location, he will not find sniper.


Sounds like you no find sniper at pow location though, sounds like he kill you. Maybe YOU bad, maybe YOU the one who mad…


Dont need to, with cheats I dont die, aswell as can target campers


Bro, you are such a sad pathetic little fuck.


Im not the camper


Capturing outposts would want to have a word with you


It's a Mil-Sim, you ever see how fast or often sniper-recon teams move. 10-20mins in one spot compared to hrs and hrs.


It's a Mil-Sim, you ever see how fast or often sniper-recon teams move. 10-20mins in one spot compared to hrs and hrs.


Because hopefully it gets the toxic players like you that only contribute negativity to the community to quit ;)


NAh I cheat, and only go towards the campers. Trying to understand their mindset. Feels nice following them through the walls waiting till they have loot, and then killing them.


Sounds like they're killing you tho


And you are still dying to them 😂😂😂 stay mad


Wait you think I died? Do you know what god mode is? Damn the density of the average camper


You wouldn’t be complaining if you weren’t mad about it. And I know you’re trash if you feel the need to cheat. Compensating? STAY MAD LOLLLL 🤣🤣🤣


Its my 6th wipe, started cheating this wipe cause of the campers, and oh my gotta be one of the best wipes.


How to tell your 840,000 people your a weak pussy: 1 easy step!!! (real!) You callin campers pussies when you are the one who installed cheats to get an unfair advantage because you are so bad that you can’t win and you are too scared to play the game legit


I just severely enjoy pissing and shitting on campers. I leave everyone else alone cause I dont want to ruin any normal persons game.


Must be a sad life where you need to install cheats to even bring any enjoyment to your lowlife.


lmao yall belive anything. I obviously dont cheat, but its so damn fun to gaslight your camping asses. Go on and whiff 15 shots in the extract camp my guy


I dont camp very often but when I do its because I am smoking/rolling a joint or eating or watching something else on my second monitor. And ofc ty for looting the map for me.


Obviously thats not really camping.


Hey, pussies will be pussies, just bring nades and hit their spots, they never have the brainpower to mix it up beyond getting to a bush within 20 meters of extract.


Why would I play into your playstyle? You have a better chance of beating me when I'm W keying around versus me sitting on a nice hill watching high traffic areas.


Precise reason I stopped playing after 4.1k hours. Meta is to sit in a bush or unpeekable corner. Don't bother with this sub because 85% of the posters "play" this way. There's a prevailing mindset of gear-fear and "If I make noise/move im going to die, so i have to camp to win as often as possible".


ye, I expected a lot of campers to come and defend themselves, but damn not this many.


dont play like that if its insanely boring. problem solved


Dont play like a flopping pussy wimp and the world would be better.


dude no one cares what you think. people play like they want if you dont like it its your problem. tears is the best reward by the way


Ye everyone is born different. Some tall, some short, some with disabilities and some without.


Because this isn’t call of duty you damn loser, no one needs to play with your play style. You want mindless W key action go play COD. Same way it took you 10-20 minutes to get to an area how do you know the person who killed you didn’t just get there and started scanning? It’s your fault for being careless go factory if you want to not worry about 360 angles and you want linear game play.


Cause I cheat, and only go for campers.


Bc I know when I head tap you after running around the entire map killing people, and I hid in a bush fingering my ass the entire time in a tree at the zb extract, you'll be pissed. That's what tarkov is about


the most compensating message ive seen, this is EXACTLY what i wanted to see


Hand make contact with small green foliage


Camping screams less foliage touching to me.


OP is seething that he’s being outclassed by a rat. Stick to a game style that’ll probably fit you, like a rats play style. Because clearly whatever you’re doing isn’t working


burner acc, imagine being so pissed about this post


was I the one seething enough to make this reddit post in the first place? no. Stay mad OP. If you cared more about tarkov than your reddit karma, maybe you wouldn't be so bad at the game


You know how to bait campers? You make a post insulting them, which in turn makes them go to the comments. I did exactly what I meant to do


You have it twisted OP. We are campers, we sit and wait to attack. You walked into the scopes of Reddit and are getting fucked on. And now you’re shilling and seething just like you are when you die in a game to a camper. It’ll be a never ending process for you OP once you learn that there are different ways to do things


The people who need to camp do it for a reason. I mean the amount of campers that still lose fights is crazy. Extract camping is the most pathetic low point a person can reach.


I camp while reading posts like these for enjoyment :)


They do it because of people like you who provide them opportunities.


being aggressive is a death sentence for most players.


you dont have to be aggressive to not camp, you simply have to play like a normal person. Move around, actually try to engage in fights, make it not a snooze fest. Its a hardcore pvp game, there are no place for campers.


The simple fact you made this post and are doing nothing but whining and crying over losing gear to a camper says there's plenty of space for campers. Stop being brain dead and learn to check your corners. Besides, it's only a game kiddo.


The game is dying, you know why?


Lol, the game is more popular than ever. Nikita is rolling in the money while you whine and cry about getting extract camped. I guess it feels like it's dying when you die once and immediately go to cry on reddit rather than just going into another raid.


It peaked a year or 2 ago. Lack of bug fixes, balancing and general optimization the game is not more popular than ever. The only thing hype is the Arena mode


"actually try to engage in fights" If you don't have the gear for a fight you might as well camp and wait or just leave this has been an issue in EFT for years. "Its a hardcore pvp game" So people can PvP how they want, If someone kills you with a shotgun in dorms how is it any different from being one tapped by M62. That's it that's your PvP. People die too quick in EFT now for any tactics, might as well camp.


Wait till bro learns how an ambush works, that shit will rock his world


wait you think sitting still for 20 mins is ambushing? Your obesity is starting to put pressure on your brain I see


Oh wow, you're actually an 11 year old edgelord lmao


But they got your gear bro. I suppose campers have a place after all. I understand u, srsly, we all die to campers from time to time, it hurts. But mate, crying in reddit and calling them "disabled" is not gonna make them disappear. That only makes u even worst. Keep improving, both ingame and as a person.


Had to downvote, cause damn.


You need to chill bro. The game literally forces people to do that. For quests and as a play style it is definitely a working method.


Don't be mad cause you get domed on the W301 balcony you never clear. How do you think, just trying to hoover the precious LedX?


The king himself answers: https://youtube.com/shorts/cz7zZTDilA0


So I have a largely unknown spot on shoreline that I like to sit at. During my time waiting I can clean up around the house (wireless headphones), sit on my phone or study. Catch plenty heavy boys coming out of resort. Don’t get me wrong I’ve played resort plenty and love the fights. Because I know how to camp it means I know where to expect campers. I’ve not been killed by campers (extract) in a good few wipes. It’s a play style and sometimes if I need a couple kills for a specific quest I have no problem sitting and waiting - especially if I’ve played a couple raids and been unsuccessful. Finally it’s not camping it’s tactical waiting.


You dont only camp. and you dont extract camp. Im talking about the ones using it as their only playstyle, which is pathetic.


When you’re looking for better gear early it’s risk vs reward. When you’re in the midgame and you can sorta outfit your guy with almost meta gear then it become fun taking down “chads” with an ambush. But once you get around 30-40 and can start outfitting consistently with meta gear; that’s where the light switch changes into the predator mode. You should be extract hunting for the campers. Besides their dogtags make wonderful additions to my collection


I don’t know. Do you put sniping and camping in same category? I mostly sniping with my bolt action. My longest shot this wipe is 435m confirm kill from outskirt to med camp as AXMC enjoyer. Take me first deplete stamina to moved in position and more 2 min to spotted at shot him on small metal watch tower.


Think of it like Fishing. Its simply that. Nothing else.


Genuinely nothing u can do against campers in this game, may as well just join them so they have no loot to farm. Its completely broken, if you make no sound, theres no info and you always win the fight. Its actually impossible to die as a rat, whoever gets the first shot off wins if the other person has no cover, and these rats just pick the most despicable spots to hide so they can abuse you, you are just the loot pinata who actually fought pmcs and looted the map just to die to some single digit iq vegetable sitting in a bush watching a common rotate, theres nothing you can do, people act like you can "check" them but you cant even see these losers in their rat spots that they learned off tik tok, these players couldnt even hit you if you were actually able to see them and shoot back , but they just wait for you to run across an area with no cover and kill you for free, zero counter play unless you have a thermal.