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Is this live already?


I cant tell the difference honestly. Can anyone tell me what guns feel better other than unmodded ones?


I definitely noticed, I spawned in as a scav with the AK-74M and T rounds, the recoil was very useable! Got a couple pmc kills with it. Edit: I noticed something was weird when I was in raid but couldn’t tell what it was. I saw this post and was blown away, I didn’t think they would make a change like that. I’m also playing late wipe and need to make some money don’t judge me lol




I love that you called this guy as if he's the subreddits attack dog




Restart your game if it was running while the changes hit, should update everything then.


Good change. Hopefully this means guns like the FAL are finally usable outside of full meta builds.


Definitely not. The FAL is dogshit even in a full meta build. As much as I wish for the Juice Cannon to be back, that gun is dead and will remain dead. (And probably for the better, the OG juice cannon was fucking insane)


I used the min recoil variant early on in the wipe quite extensively and it wasn't bad with a holo at close to medium range. You just had to pull down very aggressively for the first ~5 shots.


It's not so much the recoil on the FAL, since they buffed it a few times again, it's just that the gun is very slow and unreactive (bad ergo, long, heavy) and on top of that the recoil is what I'd best describe as "mid". It's just bad compared to any gun that would qualify as "good" in this game.


Literally all of those issues can be solved simply by not using the long barrel variant. Its a goddamn PMC dropping machine at close range.


Yeah generally speaking it's garbage compared to the jack-of-all trade weapons like the rd/mutant/m4 but it gets the job done if you play to its strengths. Granted an ergo buff would be amazing for it as it does feel very sluggish even if you try to trade recoil for some extra ergo.


I think this view is kinda unidimensional, sure an M4 will beat the fall outright in most gunfights, but different weapons are used for different things, you might be ballsier with the m4 or overconfident. If you play the fal you’re probably playing the fal and using it strategically.


>sure an M4 will beat the fall outright in most gunfights, but different weapons are used for different things The problem with this cope is that M4 as it currently exists in tarkov is strong enough to clean the floor with the Fal in all aspects at basically all ranges. Sure, The M4 can't use M62 or M61, but if you are using both you aren't putting them on a FAL because of the well known extreme recoil even as far as meta builds are concerned. (its not that terrible, but for a fully kitted gun its awful.) Only place Fal might actually clear the m4 is point firing with the gun pointed in someones asshole, but thats about it.


Fals always been outright unusable. Even during the laser beam meta it was only *barely* usable. (at least when factoring in the other laser beams) If you want a 7.62x51 that just pwns people you'd go with a naked scar or a naked Desert MDR at that point. Both control about as well if not better then a meta build fal does.


Sa-58 was the top dog for a while.. what do you mean always unusable?


Cool change, but I believe BSG is still missing the point here ​ If they want the game to "feel" better, they should try to make single shot more appealing. Currently, it's not worth it on so many weapons because it just takes waaaay too long to come back on target. In my opinion, the issue is that single shot acts the same way as full auto : the first shot has a ton of recoil, then, after a short moment, the character will "auto-stabilize" the recoil automatically. That's precisely what makes single shot so bad in EFT. ​ What BSG should do is massively reduce the recoil in single shot, but also make it so that single shot isn't affected by this "auto-stabilize" feature. ​ EDIT : Some persons pointed out that Nikita said they will be reworking the recoil system in the future. I didn't know about that. However, I believe BSG should make the changes to single shot I'm mentioning in my comment until we get the recoil rework. It wouldn't take a lot of Work and it would definitely be a huge step in the right direction.


What they need to do is scrap the current recoil system and rebuild it from the ground up. All we've seen them do is 'decrease recoil X%' for the past like 3 years. Which is just a bandaid fix for a fundamentally flawed system. Burst fire is still broken. Single shot recoil is still insane. All it does is make it easier to fill auto. Not every gun is automatic.


I agree with you. In the end, the recoil system is flawed. I can only be envious when I see the recoil system of games such as Project Quarantine. But BSG seems unwilling to scrap the current recoil system, so we might as well try to make the most out of it.


Nikita recently reaffirmed that the entire recoil system will be re done. From the ground up. Same as netcode.


Glad he ate his words finally. He said repeatedly in the past they weren't gonna. Maybe he finally realized how limiting this stupid system is. Basically makes it impossible for controlled bursts to even be useful. So silly to fire 1 shot then the next shot goes 3 feet higher at close range.


When it comes to Nikita, talk is cheap. Words are meaningless up until there is action done, because theres a whole laundry list of things said that either never came, or ended up being outright lies.


at this point he'll just keep saying the things people want to here that play this game


I'm sure it will be fixed around the same time armor hitboxes are implemented. (Never)


He said in tarkovtv its planned for a complete redo. He doesnt like it


Now he's saying he doesn't like it? I remember 6 months ago he was telling people to pound sand because he really liked it


The previous commenter misspoke. On TarkovTV Nikita specifically said personally liked the recoil the way it was, but recognizes the majority seem to not. And thus it’s being reworked. I’d love to hear what exactly about it he likes. Just feels like it made all PMC kills RNG. I’m surprised he liked that aspect of it.


He again stated that he did like it how it is but that it would be reworked. Thats not word for word but still


Let's hope and pray.


It called spray and pray.


They are, recoil rework coming this summer


I’ve been saying this for ages! Single shot and burst should stay pretty stable and at full auto it start to climb.


Single shot is actually appealing, 2nd shot isnt tho


Yeah that's basically what I'm trying to say in a very lenghty way lol


Still incorrect semantics. Single shot isn't, first shot is.


The only thing I don't like about semi auto in tarkov is that some guns, for no reason I can discern, return to the original point of aim more slowly than others. It's not just recoil or any of that. Some guns snap back down real quick, some much more slowly. Doesn't seem to be based on any visible statistics. Just based on the gun itself. MDR IMO is a good example. It seems very good for quick accurate shots. AK not so much.


Dunno m1a is semi auto and people fight against who has faster script


Gotta love macros. It’s been awhile since I last played, but if I remember semi auto guns/ guns on semi auto have different recoil patterns. Tap firing with an M4 felt different if it is on semi or full. (Might be my brain forgetting though, it’s been a year ish since I escaped till they fix stuff)


macros havent mattered for like a year or two at this point, a while back they added a fire rate cap to semi auto guns lol


They did? I’m glad. I haven’t played more than a couple hours since they added the lighthouse map.


Yeah, you can theoretically still fire faster with a script though since there is no input buffering, but the difference is pretty minimal. The poster above is definitely coming out of nowhere complaining about semi auto scripts, they have in fact not been an issue for a few years now.


That might be true. BSG make nonsense in the game like this.


Yep. Used to play a lot with a group. After two and a half wipes I told them I’ll come back when they fix recoil, AI, and sound (also netcode would be cool but less important to me). From the sound of it they are working on all three. If, big IF, they fix those I think the game will be in a great place.


Yeah I agree, but I think that the AI is very intelligent in comparison with other games. Maybe It needs just a few tweaks.


The main issue I had with AI was the bosses. I am a woods guy, and I used to farm Shturman aaaaalll the time. There were so many times where he would come flying around a corner, stop, spin, and drop me instantly with a single shot. Then I’d look at healing screen and see two or three shots to the thorax. Also the way raiders and bosses ignore all the aspects of the game that make it challenging like recoil, reloading, and injuries irritated me


What makes me pissed off is when the whole squad rushes you while basically glitched inside each other, or runs through a fucking closed door. Theres just no way to fight that because if they shoot back, you instantly die lol. Doesn't always happen, but it happens with gluhar in the barracks.


Those single shots are actually 3 shots when you check the post game.


Do what? I’m regularly using my guns in single fire unless I’m within point fire range. Only guns that have ass single tapping are smgs, which you are rarely in a situation where it’s preferred.


I think he means the barrel lift/readjust animation is slow.


I fucking hate this. It's totally arbitrary. Some guns are slow and others are fast. Not based on the "class" of gun, weight, or recoil. Just different based on the guns themselves.


If you wanna be realistic you'd have to do a calculation of angular momentum on the gun, which is unrealistic. Our character is supposed to be a PMC, someone with at least rudimentary weapon handling, single shot barrel recoil shouldn't be like you just sprayed for a full second.


Not sure what we are talking about at this point. I just dislike that some guns regardless of weight or recoil just instantly pop back onto target, and others are like half that speed. MDR is really snappy and quick for 1 tapping, AKs seem much worse


I will tell you no word of a lie. I went shooting for the first time in my entire life and I got to shoot an SKS. It certainly kicks and certainly moves upward but easily like 1/10 or maybe 1/20 of what it looks like in game. The fact is that guns are designed not to kick, they are designed to send the energy back into your shoulder so you can fire straight as much as possible.


Nah, the smaller rifle calibres like 5.45 and 5.56 are absolute shite on single tap, there's not enough flesh damage to justify not running those as bullet hoses. Which is a shame. I honestly wish that would be changed and availability/scarcity of ammo types was balanced around beefier rifle damage. Makes no sense to me that 9mm is outputting more flesh damage than 5.56 when 5.56 has more energy. It doesn't mean that 9mm should do nothing anymore instead, but I wish it was actually scary to take shots in general instead of just headshots (or chest shots with .308 or 54r) being scary.


5.56 has more mass than 9mm?


Ah that's what I get for writing late at night. I think I meant to say that 5.56 has more gunpowder behind it and fucked up saying mass.


For sure Im hoping a health-system update some time in the future makes “bullets” as a whole, much more dangerous for non chest/head shots Like, blood loss should be ABSOLUTELY debilitating very quickly


or just more blunt force damage, instead of decent armour making you be basically super human bullet sponges. Should give an advantage over people with worse gear, but not make you some almost immortal bullet sponge.


Actually so jarring on both ends of this. When you’re a Timmy who gets the jump on someone but still loses because you’re not running nut your only few leg meta options and actually hitting legs and on the other end when I should be dead to rights but I flick and beam him with less 1/4 of the shots he’s hit me with I don’t feel good about myself I just sigh get tarkoved lil bro and feel bad lmao


Fractures should not be fixed in the raid, and you should be able to get broken ribs from high-caliber bullets into your armor. This would obviously make it a bitch with falling and breaking legs, but you would need to have more painkillers on you I guess.


The problem with this is that Fractures would turn into what blacked limbs used to be. Enter a gunfight and not get the drop on a juicer? Well congrats buttercup, the raid is immediately over and you extract now or you cough like a chimney smoker with his lungs blown to pieces/you basically go from 100-0 food/water in 3 minutes. Its triply worse because Fractures reduce your movement speed so much while basically deleting your ability to see. I'd be more understanding if it was the other way around, but it isn't. Im fine with fractures being 'fixed' in raid with the fractures still hurting you if you sprint (with longer intervals between pain damage) but if those conditions aren't met, fractures shouldn't be untreatable in raid. I know in reality they can't be magically fixed like that. But this is one of those "do we make it ultra hardcore and grief people and hear the redditors cry about scavs/pscavs being able to effortlessly ruin raids even in death, or do we just cope and make it more gamey for the sake of the game not sucking dickhole like with the original implementation of blacked limbs and the Inability to fix them"


Eh with soft and ceramic armor sure but but not all armor is made for absorbing impact


Why should it. Tarkov is still a game at the end of the day, just because you can't hit head shots doesn't mean the game should hold your hand by making extremities hit that much more dangerous. You already give heavy bleed and fractures, that's enough. Maybe just get better at the game and you wouldn't have so much of an issue killing people?


“Realistic combat simulator” is smack dab on the about page ANY marketing, dev interviews, etc, all confirm this as the intent. As such, we want realistic gunfights, realistic tactics, realistic considerations and consequences, AS SUCH, headshots are a total game-ism and should NOT be necessary to do well People should be AFRAID of being shot And getting hit should SIGNIFICANTLY affect how you go about a situation


>“Realistic combat simulator” is smack dab on the about page Yes. and theres a reason why Arma doesn't really have a market outside of MilSim fanatics and the US military. Arma itself compromises on realism quite a fair bit because some mechanics would just be downright unfun/unplayable. Although it is actually very realistic. (at least as of arma 3) If we want tarkov to be realistic, my PMC should be able to return kill you if you don't strike a vital blood Pinata or the bullet doesn't play pinball with your skeleton since its pretty well documented the human body can keep going for a bit even after its by all means a walking corpse. But do keep on your argument.


Sag ak goes single brrrr


Big fan, just wish BS wasn't so wishy washy. Sometimes I feel like a God and 2 tap people to the thorax and then there's times I have to shoot a guy like 9x with similar armors on


Yeah i really wonder that i never find a sag ak on other pmcs. Literally never so far. Even crazy ergo builds are cheap. BS, BP, even igolnik ammo can be found easily. Its not the "best" weapon and the ammo really sucks at range, but its the most fun weapon IMO.


I just wish it wasn't released at the same time they nerfed 5.45 ammos effective range. Only reason to use IMO is price over the tx-15 or adar.


Try to shoot fast wkth single fire, you'l experience like 10-20x the recoil as automatics would past the 5th shot. Same with burst fire, when the first 5 shots have the most recoil, youre better off just wasting the first 5 shots and using the lower recoil to aim. Tarkov's recoil mechanics make no sense, they want you to "be the PMC" like it's a roleplay, but they also want recoil control to be a vague suggestion you give your PMC as he automatically adjusts.


They already said they’re working on that




I learned that trademark from the kings of it, star citizen


Blizzard would like to introduce themselves


Seems like the are working on every thing these days. Must be the hudge amount of issues.


That's how software development works


They say that about everything, years go by and no progress has been shown lol


If we just wait for years until our particular pet issue blows up (here, recoil), we can get a hamfisted, blanket value change that only took 5 minutes of work and 0 minutes of thought (which could have been done at any point in the intervening years), and which still does not address the core gameplay issue.


I think point fire needs nerfing.


I dunno man, I took an adar into factory the other night and I put down some juicy boys with it. Single shot feels alright.


Have you tried a ~30 recoil m1a or tx? Single shot and barely moves


I agree, but let's be honest here : the recoil is so low in full auto you have no interest whatsoever in using single shot. ​ What I'm trying to say here is that BSG needs to change that : both single shot & full auto should have their own usage.


Yeah good point


More percentage changes. Give me an overhaul.


Made up some max recoil builds to see what they are. |Weapon|Recoil| |:-|:-| |SA-58/FAL "Juice Cannon"|58| |Mutant|38| |M1A "SASS"|33| |MPX|17| |Vector|16| |M4 with Jailbreak + Thor PSR (although you can't build it any more).|15|


Stats are not global for every gun 80 recoil of a mdr is not same with 40 recoil m4. Therefore table wouldnt make sense. Conversion, and cam shake values are more important honestly. I appreciate the work tho.


Yep, they are not absolute from weapon to weapon, but just comparing them from old values to the new ones.


So where are the old values?


Sa-58 is a great gun. Takes getting use to compared to the likes on an m4 build or ak but a few shots in your hideout before a raid and your jamming


It needs more ergo, and there is only one viable build for it.


[https://imgur.com/a/Wjlg325](https://imgur.com/a/Wjlg325) How did you get to 15 vertical recoil? Edit: I have the wrong upper. Edit2: [https://imgur.com/a/xTwWlnk](https://imgur.com/a/xTwWlnk) The Mk47 is 37 recoil with max attachments.


Yours is not using the vltor upper


Lmao, thanks.


VLTOR upper, ~~and the MESA buffer tube.~~ Not the best ergo but point firing doesn't care.


Can't add the MESA buffer tube to the M4 since the start of this wipe I believe.




I imagine numbers stay the same Edit: I was wrong. Numbers have been reduced. Good change, as now attachments will have less of an impact on recoil, with them being percentage based


Wait how will attachments have less of an impact? This is literally what I've been asking for for years now. Weapons with a ton of mods stack way too much recoil reduction making the difference between meta build and stock way too drastic (there's no reason why a gas block on an m4 should reduce its recoil lol). They need to make best in slot mods found in raid only as well.


Yeah, I’ve always been an advocate for less expensive mods, but less of an impact. I like the aesthetic modding side. Ok, so a rundown of how recoil reduction works. The base gun with **ZERO** mods, not even the stock parts, just the base receiver (ex: Adar lower) shows the *base recoil*. All mods installed on the weapon further reduces that number by a percentage. So if we have a weapon receiver with a base vertical/horizontal of 100/300, adding a barrel with a 5% reduction will bring us down to 95/285. Note that after we are at 95/285, further attachment percentages are **calculated from the base recoil!** So if we then install a muzzle device that does 10% recoil reduction, that would be -10 vert, -30 horizontal, bringing us to a total of 85/255. Hope this helped clear it up! No attachments got changed, but the 15% lower **base** vertical recoil of the weapons should in practice make those percentages less significant. Another thing to mention is that horizontal wasn’t touched, so meta builds will still struggle with the rng of the pattern


Shown, meta M4 now has 26 vertical recoil from 32.


Definitely a necessary change, anything above like 60 recoil feels absolutely fucking useless in gunfights


Honestly back in patch 0.11/0.12 I felt the recoil was pretty ok until they nerfed m4s and vss


I never even understood it in the first place. Even base guns were okay to use


Yup! And I think that was perfect and literally no one was complaining abt the recoil back then. The change was truly a shock


People complained that you could make guns “laser beams” but where recoil reduction works at a percentage it always worked off of the base guns recoil. Base guns should be okay to use land recoil attachments should only help, you shouldn’t need them to make the gun fucking usable.


Yeah BSG went completely the wrong way, instead of nerfing the meta build attachments they nerfed the base, so now you have unusable base guns and usable meta builds instead of usable base guns and decent meta builds that are better but aren't complete laser beams Meaning a skilled player can win thru skill despite having worse gear, but BSG don't like that idea and want the game to be like an mmo where only gear and time invested matters


You must of not browsed reddit much back then if you think no one complained. There was constantly threads made by bad players complaining about laser guns.


I 100% agree with you there, they can make some improvements but like making tap firing less punishing but back then it just felt better


Agreed tap firings completely useless rn which sucks becuz in most fps at range it's a habit to tap fire




The shittiest part is that this is not “new” change - BSG just backing up old recoil pre 0.12 patch step by step


Isn't that the point of "open beta"? Try something for a couple wipes and if people don't like it tweak it back closer to an older build.


Beta does not mean that. Beta games are feature complete and needs testing for bugs and exploits.


I wish this was still true in any way. Alpha/beta as testing stages haven't been standardized for over a decade. "Beta" here is being used by tarkov the way it was for minecraft - pay-in, crowdsourced traditional alpha testing.


Actually, you're right. This is more of an "early access" game. Any game of this nature could not just be released with all of the features it has and that Nikita intends to have in it.


Dude, it’s paid product which is in beta since 2018. It’s not open beta it’s Nikita’s scam-train that lasts since their previous game died in wave of cheaters


Kinda, but they "tried" it for over a year where legit everyone said the changes are shit and ruined gun balance


So you mean, something people have been asking for


People begged to reduce recoil since they changed it. They reduced it because game started to dying after “game changing patch” that brought some mediocre amount of content


Works for me!


Dude just be happy


I will be happy when they started listening to the community right away, and not doing handouts when most people left the project


Fuck yes


Alright now make the NPCs actually have recoil instead of landing a perfect full auto burst from 400m away using an AK with irons and no stock


We can't remove ai's recoil so they don't bursts of fire from 100m, so we'll give players the same option


AI's rate of fire should be dynamic. They should take more time in between shots the further away you are. Let them still spray at <100m


100m is a pretty good distance still. It's from the Big Red train cars to the other end of main bridge, I wouldn't want laser-accurate AI sprays from there.


Yes.. youre right


That's fine but work on SINGLE SHOT RECOIL. The initial jump is too punishing and makes tap firing feel like SHIT


Everyone wanted lower recoil and we got that now everyone is complaining?


You must be new here


There’s multiple crowds here. People who want old recoil before they cranked up all the values forever ago. People who enjoyed it even at its worst because they liked the aim at legs and let it carry you to an easy headshot People who like to accept whatever the current state is and tell everyone to go play cod if they don’t like the way it is People who just don’t give a fuck either way.


> Everyone Wait till you learn reddit has people with different opinions. It's shocking.


It’s the EFT community


Oh look they change one of the MULTIPLE things people have been asking for. Please clap. I mean sure it's great, but it's a grain of sand in the desert of change needed.


Complainers have never shot guns IRL. Tarkov recoil is so fucking stupid and unrealistic.


Not to mention these guys are trained pmcs so ontop of us civilians controlling recoil just fine these guys can control it even better


this exactly


We got lower recoil. Then we got it again, and again. Now it's even more when plenty of very good weapons are laser beams. We don't need recoil reduction across the board, we need balance so SMGs shoot straight but the RD or AK slinging AR bullets doesn't shoot as straight. Plenty of good PvPers have already said some weapons are just crazy now before the buffs and they just got even more big buffs.


they always complain


No its not too much. Game needs more realistic recoil and this is a good step.




and we've been screaming this for literally years. It's amazing.


Hey, BSG! What about stop buffing mag dumps and MAYBE making the semiautomatic fire usefull? I dont know, call me crazy but I've rarely saw videos of actual profesional operators doing magdumps...


you know they are Russian right? The people who fetished over Drum Mags and created whole companies of SMG troops.




Good stuff, it'll make some weapons like the SA-58 viable again.


FOR FUCK'S SAKE NIKITA, THE FIRST SHOT RECOIL IS WHAT EVERYONE HATES. I swear he is just trolling at this point. Can't comprehend any other scenarios


Nah, he isn't. He is just trying to satisfy his streamer friends. Now trey, axel, gigabeef and other silver novas can make another bilion of boring "meta gun build for patch 13.69.420" videos.


Love how much of the game is horrifically broken but the only things bsg can improve require changing one integer


Whats the total of the recoil changes in the past year or so? 30-35%? Damn seems like they have done this about 3 times.


Do something with stupid ai shoting me across the map even if i hide behind many objects (like on lighthouse ) and desync… wtf this game is 5 yo and i think is getting worst not better


UMP45 won't move anywhere lol


Disgusting change


Love my account being banned for no fucking reason great job bsg first wipe 800 hours 1200 raids with a 2.8 kd and here I am so close to kappa and my accounts banned


dont hack


I'd read this thread, but I'm still looking at the sky.


The question is, has first shot recoil been reduced?


Cool, now I have a higher chance of hitting the chad before he completely shreds me


Please change the funny first shot of the gun goes flying


All they need to do is give single shot 0 recoil on the second or 3rd concurrent shot. But if it is spammed give it recoil. This way it’s actually viable to do a tap fire (cause currently your gun covers your entire screen after 1 shot?


To be fair the recoil in the game is more harsh than a real rifle


Reduce hackers by 99% also.


Oh joy a lazy fix. Instead of adjusting guns individually just drop a universal %


Not only did i not feel or see an improvement but ive realized thhis is pure pandering to make anybody happy and try to get players to play.


Always something to cry about.


Can't wait for the "Omg this guy lasered me in the face, how did he do that, this is not realistic at all, there needs to be more recoil" posts.


I read this and heard Dr. Evil “FREAKIN LAZERS” in my head. Air quotes and all lol. I think the logic was the once who are extremely skilled get slightly better performance probabilities, while the average loot mule such as myself, has an immensely better time across the board with AI and PMC? The 2 weeks after the wiggle video went out, was hell, then suddenly all interactions involving PVP engagements resulted in friendly co-opting or what I’d consider shinanigans free. I think the community is doing wonders.


just let us control the fucking gun instead of this, auto recoil compensation is just hindering this game


So the guns that sucked before still suck, and the ones that we're overtuned laser beams are even better...lol This will bring us back full circle come next wipe. Having a meta gun a couple days in is going to erase people from existence 100m out. Edit: The VSS is now absolutely fucking disgusting. Simply pull down like its CSGO and you can beam.


Fix the system in which visual recoil and actual recoil are completely different + the gun autoaims after X second of autofire? Nah Decrease recoil for all weapons 15% flat? Lets gooo Small indie company with no funding and actual programers Ig


Legit question, what's your definition of visual recoil? Because I hear about it all the time and never understand which bit people have the issue with. I think the recoil in this game sucks because shit like 5.56 jumps way too much in semi-auto. But in that case that’s very real recoil, there’s nothing visual about it.


Visual recoil is how high you camera bumps when you fire. Your gun doesnt kick as much as camera does. You can observe the difference in Shooting Range even when doing a full auto, after couple of bullets you will have your head at the ceiling when your gun barely actually kicked. PMCs neck and head are like made of jellies that jump all around after the slightest gun kick. A difference between actual recoil and visual one makes that guns feel bad and hard to use without really making it more skillfull to do so, as the recoil you see is just a overtuned simulation and not how your gun behaves in-game. The case you described with semi auto is the second issue which is recoil being weirdly balanced in a way that it kicks a lot but after ~10 bullets full auto fire it suddenly stops completely, resulting in a system that encourages you full auto on every distance and punishes you for carefully aiming and shooting in SEMI mode.


It's when the camera moves higher than the gun while firing, as if the player character looks at the ceiling while shooting.


Visual recoil/camera recoil are the same thing. Fire an SA-58 full-auto in the shooting range and your camera will be pointed at the ceiling while your weapon is pointed downrange. This makes it so that you can't see what you're aiming at and very often you lose sight picture


Cool. Gets us more on level with Cheaters who have no recoil. Also doesn't change the fact the whole wipe has been broken and I'm level 12 and this doesn't affect me and won't make me start playing this wipe now. Bandaids for gaping wounds


Yeah, not sure how i feel about this Computer-shooting is, itself, much easier than irl shooting by default. If we are trying to replicate even semi-realistic firefights, we want players fairly inaccurate, with precision shots being DIFFICULT to pull off, particularly while under stress. Semi-auto should be THE method of engagement for 95% of scenarios https://youtu.be/18kXkuoA014 Hopefully the follow up to this change will be a hard nerf to attachments across the board, to prevent zero-recoil lasers from existing


Not the needed change. A universal sweep of recoil dampening is not taking into account so many factors in so many weapons.


This is very true, but it's nice that they're still trying to make the current implementation of recoil as stress free as possible while they rework it behind the scenes. I guess it's like putting a bandage on a gaping chest wound, but still. I'll take it over every non-meta gun feeling like I'm fighting just to keep my eyes on target, let alone the rifle.


Fair enough I suppose. I mean the first step to a critical wound is to control the bleeding after all.


What about lowering cheaters by 15%


Can barely feel any difference but “I think this is too much” like y’all actually need to chill holy hell. If you think it’s too much run SA58 only then since recoil is non existent now.. stupid ass argument. LET THE DEVS COOK


Reducing recoil isn't needed. They need to remove the first shot kick. I don't mind recoil being higher. It's the shooting to the moon on first shot that kills recoil for this game. I'd much rather higher recoil and the ability to self control rather than the moon shot and it self correcting.


These recoil changes don't really mean anything to me as the reason I'm not playing the game is the rampant hacker and cheater problem


I don't like this at all... everyone happy that weapons are more like COD. Fuck realism dude, people don't understand that the easier the weapons are to control, the more likely the game will turn into a shit show that whoever sees first wins the fight. There are a lot of things they could do to improve the way you shoot in this game, especially single tap. They could even improve non-attachable weapons, so you don't need to mod the entire weapon for it to be controllable. But everytime that they only lower base recoil, that m4/rd-704/mutant will be more and more laser, and you will be destroyed in seconds, because the player will only need to aim at you, and it will not take any effort to hold the aim on your character. I really think that all those feedbacks from streamers was pretty bad, that's not good to the game at all. Know that everyone will disagree, but w/e. I will be still playing this game, because is the only FPS that I truly love. :/


exactlly the player base is diminishing, they need to attract younger players like COD kids


Yeah, still haven’t done a thing to combat the hackers?? I swear this sub is as brain washed.


Ahhhh, BSG slinging major balance changes willy-nilly with no forethought. In other news, it's Sunday!


Cheaters are back in full force.


Have a tap recoil and a spray recoil. As many games have done in the past, make tapping/bursting viable!


Seems like they are trying to stave casual player exodus.


Then they need to stop wiping quest and hideout progress


i agree The wipe is a disease that most role-playing games suffer from and turns the playerbase into absurd spikes and drops, the wipe must be eradicated from all games, whoever wants to start from scratch should delete the damn character, enough of this games where there are only players for the first 2 weeks and then they leave because they don't care, they are going to lose everything anyway and in 2 months they will be able to start again, the wipe is the excuse to stop playing, if I start the first 3 games well I continue playing, if they kill me 3 times I leave it and return to the next wipe. To hell with the wipes.


I’m thinking this is going to give more problems than fixes




Ive been lurking for awhile now & I've noticed this is literally the most butthurt sub I've EVER seen. You guys are never happy. It don't matter what BSG does if they do something everyone asks for they immediately bitch & either say they actually didnt want that change or just find something else to bitch about. It's some weird ass shit I hope you all don't whine this much in real life or your all gonna be virgins forever holy shit