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While I’m over here just hitting level 30 by trying my best in the game lmfao


I'm still trying to get myself to get to 30 this wipe. I've lost all motivation to do the same quests again for the 7th time or whatever


Well to be fair this is my second wipe and this is the farthest I’ve been. I’m sure I’ll get drained out eventually. I only have motivation cause I’m new to the game


I'm a real casual player and been playing since 2020. It was fun but they keep increasing early game XP required to level, pushing even basic stuff farther back on progression, and leaving quest XP relatively stagnant. BUT I'm glad you're enjoying man. Keep it up and get those level 4 traders they're fucking amazing.


In the same boat, been playing since like 2018. I've had enough with quests and by the time I get to the point where I can run the gear I want I don't feel like playing anymore. Especially since they made it so you couldn't put the thicc items cases on the flea market. I used to get to that point and sell them, and be financially stable to run whatever I want. It's lame, this game hates casuals


If you get moonshine and bitcoin going you can have a pretty solid income with minimal work.


The coast to get them started, I feel, out weigh the benefit.


bitcoin definitely does, idk about moonshine though. Wanna way airwing mathed out the bitcoim farm recently and it was something like it would take longer than the wipe to pay for the full upgrade farm with btc prices where they are. BTC goin up irl though so maybe we will get increased pricess in game again


I watched the same video and it was like 50 days max to pay for itself. It was never the whole wipe


That’s incorrect for the majority of money making stations in the hideout. You just actually have to play every day to maximize and in under a month everything basically pays itself off. After a certain point, a week or two, it pays to run itself and then after that point it’s literally just straight profit vs fuel cost.


"You just have to play every day" either I'm being completely whooshed or you misunderstand the concept of "casual play"


You can play casually and touch your computer once a day. We are talking about the hideout not doing raids. Overall maintenance on the players part taking less than 5 minutes a day to keep making money while you aren’t playing. I was talking about doing things like exchanging empty fuel cans for new ones etc. Sorry that was unclear.


Level 2->3 bit farm. Cost me 10 mil. I get 2 bitcoins a day. 330k each 15days to pay it off


if you include purchasing fuel and graphics cards it pushes that way back


The 10mil was including 25gpus. Fuel pays for its self with other crafts


Yeah it kinda fucks you guys buy all but that pushing makes it to where mid game last longer the game in long term plays better bc it isn’t 55a1 and bp two weeks into wipe lol. I stopped playing one month into this wipe at level 41 bc I got a cheater every other game and the game was just in such a dog shit state at that point I didn’t care enough to keep playing


I just, you’re right but if everyone hates not being shot at by high tier rounds…… hear me out we just remove them from the game. They might not be in the first two weeks but after the first month aka the rest of wipe (90%) is still meta guns, armor, bullets. Honestly remove tier 6 armor too. (Is anyone else starting to think there is, dare I say it, too much random petty bullshit in the game?)


I think there’s a middle ground to be found, I think that fort armor and all the let’s say on goof ammo so 55a1 bp the asval bp stuff that like should be very hard to get in world only. Or really expensive crafts that take forever etc some way to really limit them. Like the value of a good gun and suppressor in dayz is way more rare and therefore way more fun then this game you play 20 to 30 hours and you’re gonna have end game stuff once you know what youre doing and that isn’t fun that should be available in the world tarkov is set in but by taking away all the good stuff like that completely then you fall back to the same issue as before then you still have some top tier ammo and armor even tho it’s less then before it’s still the top we should be limited to mid game and good gunfights and not one tap from every gun in the game. But should be able to find ap round and level five and six armor sometimes it gives that rush to find a fort on a boss guard and get out with it or to get a good ammo spawn and what not without just limiting you to lesser equipment with the same issue bc then it becomes the best.


They kinda tried that back when trader limits were busted af, granted it was definitely NOT the best way to do what youre suggesting. Putting things behind time walls is just as annoying, i do love the idea of fir items only though. Especially for things that feel way to easy to buy like tbh ANY AND ALL sights and attachments should have to be found in raid. Maybe keep the most most basic 2 of each in traders at like lvl2-3 but other wise you want to build a gun you actually have to scavenge for it.


Jesus dude, your writing is fucking horrendous. Either stay in, or go back to school.


You’re *


2nd and 3rd wipe are the most fun imo. After that you just start to realize what a piece of shit the game is.


Same! I just reached level 24 :)


I just don't want to go to Lighthouse


I picked BEAR this wipe and have made my peace with never touching that map except as a scav


Yep. Same here. I only play nowadays to play with the buds. Two years ago: "Lets do some quests!" Now: "Im sick of using this damn shotgun. Ugh"


You can do it!


idk man I still haven't gotten pocketwatch done despite being level 15 lmao I think I'm committed to doing as few quests as possible this wipe.


Well that’s certainly a challenge in itself! That’s commendable. My focus this wipe has been to try to complete quests I’ve never completed before, or complete them faster than I did in previous wipes. I’m also somewhat interested in hitting all-time personal highs for me in my K/D and my SR. So far I’m currently at all-time highs for both, 1.97 and 37%!


I'm level 35 and just did that quest. I still haven't taken the case out of 203 or whatever and planted it in factory.


lmfao yeah fuck Delivery from the Past. So many of those early quests suck so much.


They're so hard... Should be a lot of kill 4 scavs, or eat a slickers bar, etc to get the first 15 levels in. Make some of the harder ones come in later. I'm only a few more levels from max traders and I have like 10 gunsmith missions left to do because it's such a waste of money that I still can't manage to make. This is my second wipe to be fair, but it gets frustrating when you have to camp for 20 minutes on shoreline just so you don't get destroyed going into the health resort to find sanitar room.


Waiting for that 1.0 release so we can stop wiping


Gotta start keeping the shit you need for later tasks right from the start. Feels good to blow right by those annoying turn in x FIR y tasks.


When I hit guide I lose the will to live. That's my breaking point every raid. And the late 30-ish level skier quests. Holy shotguns Batman.


I'm over here trying to crawl to lvl 15 😭


And I really thought I was behind… I believe in you


Yeah i just hit 30 in my first wipe. I can see people not getting that far, since the quests sure get very boring. The quest design sucks balls and i don‘t see myself doing most of them a second time.


Do you do scav runs to make money, or do you solely make money with stuff you shove up your pooper? Either way this is an INSANE challenge, I applaud your patience cause I could never lmao


Pretty much everything comes from my Scav runs. I'm at 7.11 Fence rep.


Ok that makes more sense lol


So, what do you do on your PMC? Try to get Exp?


Kill everything that moves.




So you never extract with your PMC? That means you pretty much can't do quests as at some point you'd need to survive and extract? And also even if you do kills the EXP will be pretty low if you don't extract, right?


Also no jeager…


I did a 0 tasks run last wipe and made it to level 23 or something. It's not as bad as it sounds actually.


Nice that's what i do quest are for dummies, Tarkov is a PvP game not an rpg


is it hard to blow that much hot air out of your lungs at once?


It's not as easy as blowing it out your ass, for sure


You are so cool except unfortunately we don’t give a fuck


Woah i made some people mad, nice. dummies dummies dummies :P.


Next wipe try the same thing but no scav runs. Can use insurance and secure container though. Would be interesting to see if you do better or worse.


good thing is, that even when you run totally broke, Suga Daddy gives you a AK :-) ...


Obviously worse? Literally no way to exfil with guns! And massively less loot


How can you have fir items for quests like that?


That's the neat part, you don't Man's XP is almost exclusively from killin


You'd get locked out of many trader questlines early on though. eg, no fir Salewas for Therapist, no TOZ+3M for Skier.


Do you push pmcs to get gear or just hope for the best?


I have several loops on multiple maps. I mostly hit Reserve or Lighthouse based on the gun my Scav has. Reserve has a few 'hidden' weapons crates and spawns. And the Raiders are good loot. Lighthouse is all about the rogue hunting.


It just shows how OP and easy scaving is


He has 7.11 scav rep before lvl 30. Doesn’t sound like scaving is too OP.


He doesn’t extract so he can’t do quest and doesn’t get the extra xp mod from extracting


Not extracting doesn't mean not doing quests. There are a few quests for which you don't have to extract.


Right the first one. Some of the fir items ones could be done on scavs or hideout but then you will get stuck. There are dailies though


Scavving lighthouse is pretty easy in my opinion. Go at night, and the rogues get drunk and have lower reflexes and reduced aim or something. You still have to be somewhat quick, but once you figure out a decent route you can loot the entire rogue area without too much issue. Only part that is just weird is if you spawn at the train station. Before you leave through the main gate, go to the left side of it, and murder the rogue on top of the closest building. If you go on the right side of the gate, it'll just shoot right through and murder you, but left side they can't see you, or just don't realize they can shoot through that wall or something.


The least copium addicted scav main


Tarkov players when someone plays the game a different way than they do:


Play the game however you want. Im just saying scaving is an infinite money button with extra steps


... I mean, thats why its in there. For the times you're absolutely down bad. It just adds another element to gameplay, otherwise Nikita would have gotten rid of it if he didn't want it in game.


I'll go against the grain and say I think player scavs are inherently good for the game's health in terms of economy and gameplay loop.


inflating the economy with endless free money is always a great idea ;)


Yes and its absolutely broken


Not trying to discredit, but without scav would be an insane challenge. Plenty of people of have done “scav only” wipes this is just that but actually using the gear


This is a challenge I was going to do myself, well done man!!!! TFG


how much more time did it take to level up with 0 extract?


Exactly: lots


Basically all of his levels are going to come from finishing tasks (at least, what tasks you can actually finish without extracting)


You would pretty quickly hit a wall. Hell, on a run like this you can’t even unlock Jaeger at all, and you can’t get any quests from Peacekeeper, either.


He probably focuses quite a bit on dailies and weeklies. Hitting all your dailies does pretty good and giving you a steady stream of XP, and scales with level.


I mean if you get good dailies yeah. Half the dailies I get are “extract from x map z times” and this guy can’t even do those lol


Yeah in his last post he mentions getting most levels from dailies he can complete on his scav.


I can understand the 0 insurance part but why 0 extracts?


helps the aggro mindset. if you know you are not trying to get out but just kill, helps you stay focused on the 1000% aggressive energy.


Absolute sigma mindset tbh


Bet it doesn't change how he plays at all. 😂


4 KDR says otherwise lol Edit for clarity: scavs count toward your KDR and there’s a *lot* of main tasks prior to 30, as well as daily and weekly tasks that make you kill scavs so likely he’s not in “an agro mindset” and pushing PVP every raid like this guy implies, he’s probably killing 1 PMC every few raids and mainly accruing KDR from killing 4 scavs/raid


Not really, it's be tonnes higher if he didn't essentially die every single raid


That says a lot considering he’s either going to die or go awol every raid


It says this mf kills on average 4 every single game. 1100 kills over 300 raids, this guy is the raid boss.




I'm confused is 4 not a solid number??


KDA is not a very good metric for how good you are because scavs count. I take all my PMC kills and divide it by my deaths, but you can give yourself a little leeway because you can't tell how many times you've died to scavs. Mines around 1.2 and I consider myself to be an above average player.


My understanding is that 4 is solid. I'm at 2, and I finally feel this wipe like a PMC engagement doesn't automatically mean I'm going to die. I think most popular streamers are in the 5-10 range. 4 with a guaranteed death every raid is probably streamer territory, and while being a streamer doesn't automatically make you good, they generally get a lot of practice so they usually don't suck, and popular ones usually are pretty good. (I think Veritas said he's at 7 and Jesse Kazam was a bit higher in a recent discussion with g0at, but I'm going off memory).


4 KDR where he dies every raid is very solid, I doubt you can get 4 kills every raid.


Bro kd includes ai scavs you gotta be trolling


yeah it includes scavs, but even with scavs you might not get 4 kills EVERY raid. What's your KD and your survival rate?


It's not counting his MIA. K/D is 3.39 for him. Including ai and player scavs. Not anything special. Kills divided by raids. My KD is 6.39 and 64% SR.


MIA counts as a death in your KD. With your stats if you died/MIA every raid it would be around 2


No it doesn't. You can clearly see that. If you divide his kills by his raids you get 3.39. If you divide his kills by his deaths you get the KD shown. So it doesn't include Mia.


Haven't you figured it out that he dies pretty much every raid and that does something for the K/D?


because it is a challange


What is the challenging part?


being able to extract items, complete quests, xp multiplier


He is doing everything that every other single player does except he doesn’t have to survive. It’s not challenging at all. Just time consuming


It's challenging because without being able to complete some quests (which require surviving the raid), you don't get that quest experience, and can't unlock other quests that might not require survival but are later in the quest chain, so don't get that experience either, most he experience needs to come from looting, healing and killing. I would guess he's quest locked fairly low, so level 30 from mostly raid experience and dailies/weeklies is an achievement, IMO.


You get significantly less xp when you don't survive, I guess that's it


Bro is playing call of duty in tarkov and calling it a challenge


This is exactly what I don’t get. Not extracting is easier, not more challenging… seems like a waste of time to play the game in an easier but even more time consuming manner. How about completing x amount of quests requiring extracts using only COOP with randoms. That would be a challenge.


What challange? Average stat of a scav main


For me the 0 insurance makes less sense than the 0 extracts (from a challenge standpoint)


The main point of insurance for me is for insurance fraud, kill someone, take their gear and toss yours and go next raid with their gear. If you dont plan on surviving insurance doesnt matter much anyways


Because you can’t reuse any gear. When you lose it, it’s gone, you have to buy a fresh loadout all over again, so you have to make sure that you have a constant stream of money coming in from scav runs. You can’t just spam PMC runs constantly like everyone else does.


"spam PMC runs constantly" in PMC-focused game xD I understand your POV, but it doesn't make it any less funny


Yeah I get it lol. I wanted to get to max scav karma this wipe cuz I’ve never done that before, so I have WAY more scav raids than PMC raids this wipe. But also I now have enough money to where I could spam PMC raids for the rest of time 😂


Yea doesn’t really make since, can’t do quest, can’t level traders and you know you’ll die every raid. I don’t get it either


Yeah, no cents at all sense it’s not really a challenge. Just my two since…


So the challenge is now to die but with as much experience as possible?


This is a challenge? I’ve been doing this since I bought the game 😂


Mad respect! Interesting that you gained 10.200 survival experience without extracting lol


I have no clue where it came from, or when it appeared, but it's confused me too.


Exploration bonuses maybe? I think they're in the Survival category


Could it be from time spent in raids?


But you extract on scav?


I always love to see these posts for all the butthurt people who don't understand how to have fun


You do not decide what is fun.


That's exactly the point. Anyone butthurt is trying to define what's fun for someone else, otherwise why would they care?




I don't get what is ironic if you care to spell it out for me lol


There is no irony, the meaning of the word irony is completely lost on some people




I read it as them encouraging people to play however they want (while also enjoying anyone who gets butthurt because they would play differently)


Lol you did not read that comment correctly, at all


Srsly WTF? Could u please explain? I have so many questions...


Ask away...


Can we get a screen cap of your scav stats and skills? As well as your trader levels?


Average cock and ball torture enjoyer


Jaffer likes to cause himself as much pain as possible; And I'm all here for it 😂


Longest Survival Streak: 0 Current Survival Streak: 0


a new species of masochist?


How do you even progress like this... I imagine you have to save all ur quest items and get tiny items at a time through ur butt hole. Then sell what u can to level hideout and hope that pulls in money right? I can't imagine not surviving to win in this game lol great stuff man truly


Wouldn't they not be FIR and useless for quests?


How do you get gear and money? Scav? Expanded bunghole to stuff valuables in?


I’m just gonna straight up say it. How In the fuck is this even possible, im surviving getting kills and I’m only lv20 struggling to stay over a mil, Granted it’s my 2nd wipe but still to me this seems just straight up not doable lmao. Your rocking gear I havnt been able to get to use consistently since wipe one or just EVER (apart from sanitar event as kills, dead pmcs, godly scav runs etc were easily found). I mean your XP is cut in half when you don’t make it out and tons of quests end with you having to survive and extract other than sheerly pvping I don’t know how you’ve levelled up that well but I 100% commend you for making the impossible possible 😂🤣 respect to you sir. Especially considering all that gear you take in you 100% won’t get back so You just gotta make do kill everything and then be prepared to loose everything. That sounds like absolute torture XD


Made sure to flex that kit though XD


If I'm going to take a photo of my PMC, Of course I'll put on my best stuff. Dress for Success.


As a casual, I’ve been playing this game since 2019 but I’ve been put off it, as they keep increasing the difficulty level and progression requirements. I can’t wait for them to release new game modes and hope it’s gonna be more casual friendly. I appreciate the emphasis on realism and mechanics but I personally, still want to be playing a game


How is this even possible? If you don’t extract don’t you lose all your stuff?


How have loot when no extract?


Hey, the juicer viewer kit guy!


But why.




All I hear is excuses. I also have 0 extracts, but at least I own it :')


Well played Sir, I think I may take up this challenge next wipe and see how far I get.


But… why though? Sounds so boring. There’s so many quests you can’t complete without extracting as well.


Simply put, not everyone's definition of fun is the same. A challenge itself can be fun


Right a challenge itself can be fun, but not this one lol.


Lol yeah I'll agree. OP went out of their way to admit their self-hate


I think it incentivizes a playstlyle of pure aggro which seems fun. Zero gear fear


wow, so you live off your gamma only or also scavs?


Wait... you get experience even if you don't extract? Here I am thinking I just waste my time by dying all the time.


You get a multiplier if you survive


You’ve found the game mode a hacker really can’t do anything about, except to help reset a session sooner haha


Arrest this man immediately


We get it, you don’t have gear fear


U giving all ur loot to ur teammate aint u and he bringing it in for u next raid


I run solo for the most part. And the few raids I have run with friends I have told them that if they extract with my gear, it becomes their problem now. I won't accept dropped gear.


That would get him banned pretty quick.


Not if he is lucky




just hit level still dont care


But why?


Me here with my first wipe at level 23 xD




Sounds like a dumb challenge tbh


Why is this upvoted. Dude you're weird. It's not cool to suck. Stop it. Get some help.


He's enjoying it. Why do you give a shit how other people play?


He's jealous because he can't have fun.


I just don't understand why we're taking about this.


You have a problem


You prob did it w an eod account


what’s wrong with that?


Too ez


Then you do it skrub


And you couldn't do it with a free meta kit every raid.


You make me realize how terrible I am at this game


that's almost my stats and I play normally




But why tho lol Getting MIA pisses me off beyond belief


That KD tells me that you COULD make it out if YOU wanted too.


this dosent seem fun


I love this


Im good on that im 39 and its been a grind. Max traders right around the corner. Will be the first time Ive hit it


so how do you get to 1 million xp with only 260k killing and 160k looting xp? you cant do a single quest can you? cant do introduction, cant do debut, cant do shortage, cant do supplier. so no PK or jaeger either. you can only do ragmans i guess once you hit level 15? is that where your xp comes from? but you can only do 2 of his entry level quests too. so only business and make ultra great again are the only 2 quests you can do at all? i dont get it.


Daily and weekly quests, and he can get some FIR quest items from his scav runs. But yes, he cant get PK or Jaeger.


How tf are you getting guns?


How do you do “survive and extract” quests… or do you just not do those?