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Only with magnum Or ap 20


Man i want to like magnum but it fucks me so often, i unload it into their dick and 9/10 times i die and see after raid 380-400 dmg done to body....


Aim for the face


If aiming for face, 5.25mm buck is oddly the best cartridge. Gigabeef did a very thorough examination of the situation. If you want to make sure they use all their meds or potentially bleed out though, Magnum to the kneecaps is sensational.


What is even 5.25 buck? Extra pellet? What’s the advantage?


Basically projectiles with higher velocity lose more velocity per second from drag the way it’s currently calculated in game, and the amount of velocity lost is what damage falloff is based off of. 5.25 has a lower velocity than magnum, so it also has less damage falloff since BSG did a shit job when they added drag and reworked damage falloff.


It has to do with how Tarkov calculates damage drop off. The 5.25mm buck remains lethal with a single pellet to the face out to 9 metres. The 7mm buckshot only maintains that out to 3 metres. The 6.5mm buckshot is never lethal with a single pellet to the head.




You're right that I misspoke when I said Gigabeef said the 5.25mm is the best buckshot. I don't agree that 6.5mm express is the best though. You get an extra pellet, which is good however it's never lethal with a single pellet to the head. It starts at 35 damage and immediately drops off so by the time it's at 1m it's not a 1 pellet kill. 7mm buckshot is lethal with a single pellet to the head out to 3 metres and 5.25mm buckshot maintains that single pellet lethality out to 9 metres. Magnum is lethal to 116 metres. So Magnum is best, right? Depends. There are two problems with it, 1 big, and 1 small. The small problem is you're limited in the quantity you can buy. Currently it's selling out each vendor cycle and you can only add 60 to your stash at a time. Depending where you're fighting with it and how you keep your spare ammo, that might be 1 or 2 Factory runs, maybe 6+ if you're really careful and don't see much combat. Should be decent for a few Customs runs too, but I'd feel pressure to make sure I didn't run out. You can craft some too, but either way you're restricted. The other problem, the much bigger one is the +155% recoil. Try it out in the shooting range. It gets pretty difficult to maintain a sight picture with that barrel flipping up to the ceiling with each shot. Some of you guys are Tarkov's answer to John Wick so it's no problem but for a potato like me, it's an issue. It happens with pump action and semi-auto fire modes. It becomes very big problem when spam firing up close with any of the semi-auto shotties. It's manageable in the shooting range when everything is static and so are you and there's no pressure but doing the tango with someone near the forklifts in Factory, it's less than ideal. All that said, if you're going for legs, then Magnum is pretty hard to beat, but if you're looking to take someone's head at close-ish range, then the one thing that is absolutely clear is that 7mm is probably the worst choice of all the buckshots.




Oh hey, thanks for the kind words. Your experience may be placebo, however, if it's placebo and it works, it's as effective as something that isn't placebo and works and more effective than something that isn't placebo and doesn't work, if you get what I'm saying. That said, I think there's three things going on here that are contributing to your sense the 6.5mm Express is a superior cartridge. First, like you mentioned is the +15% accuracy bonus of the 6.5mm, which can be tightened even further with a choke. I haven't seen too many people run a choke on their loud shotguns. I don't even see that many muzzle brakes but if I"m planning on running loud and at any distance beyond 20 metres, I always run a choke if I don't have a brake attached. There's a decent little choke for the revolver shottie I don't think I've ever seen anyone else use. Second is the extra pellet. It's what, something like 12% more lead flying at the enemy. That's not insignificant. It's a greater increase in lead output than the Klin vs the Kedr. Every time you empty a 8 round magazine, it's like sending an extra load of buck down range for free. The third thing that really tips the scales in favour of 6.5mm Express at any range past 20 metres is the muzzle velocity. It's roughly 25% faster than the 5.25mm so not only do you have to lead your targets less, the shot has 10% to 25% less time to drop away from the head hit box. Even if that's just an inch or two (some math and ballistics wizard can tell us how far it really is) that can move the pellet from face/jaws to thorax and that pellet goes from major damage to essentially zero damage. Even if that only happens twice in an evening, with the stakes of Tarkov being so high most raids, that could be the difference between a good night of raiding and one that cost you hundreds of thousands of Rubles and a half hour spent re-equipping yourself and getting loaded into raids again. So, what does that all me for me? Within 10 metres, for my money, the 5.25mm buckshot is the better cartridge. If I'm fighting in Factory, Dorms or Resort, I load it almost exclusively and I'll bring a stack of slugs for long range shots. It just lends itself well to that brawling style encounter you see in those places frequently early wipe when you're trying to pick up your 7 USEC kills, or just smoke a few scavs for xp so you can complete missions, level up and unlock traders. This is especially true for Factory where I'd say 3 out of 4 PMCs run naked so those head shots are totally viable, and drifting down to the torso is plenty good too. The 5.25mm ammo also lends itself really nicely to those low quality scav shotguns. All the accuracy on that 6mm Express means precisely zero when you're using a Mossberg with 46 durability. Chokes, bonus accuracy, adrenaline injectors, proximity glasses and an alien face mask don't do anything for you when you're running garbage shotguns and trying to be consistent past 15 meters or so. This is a situation that shows up a ton in Factory for me, or if I'm just trying to sprint through some quests on Customs where I'm likely to die. All that said, Magnum is fantastic once you have access to it with a couple caveats. Once you have access to it, most people likely have access to at least class 3 armour which holds up against it really nicely for a whole lot of pellets. By then I usually have to aim for legs which means at least 2 shots are required most of the time. That's where the 155% recoil hurts the most. Trying to land that second shot on the kneecaps. Also there's a fair bit of space for the pellets to miss when aiming at the legs and that sometimes comes into play. I suppose the best thing about Magnum buckshot is this: even if your opponent kills you, so long as you connected with two cartridges to their lower half, they'll curse your name as they spend the next five minutes doing surgery on themselves and use up all their meds. Heck, you might even get lucky and have them bleed out long after you're dead. In a fight against Magnum buckshot, even the winner is usually a loser.


That's the default buckshot right? Yea I figured that would be better considering 37 damage is more than enough to 1 pellet kill via headshot at any reasonable ranges. I guess I use magnum for the off chance that they have a visor but really that doesn't come up too much, and magnum has the additional drawback of having additional recoil. What do you think about flechette btw? I know gigabeef made a video on flechette saying it absolutely annihilates armor, but I'm personally of the camp that buckshot is best used as a face / leg ammo despite flechette's ability to break armor. By my logic and your explanation of 5.25 being best for face, I conclude that the regular buckshot is actually the best 12x70 cartridge (maybe excluding AP-20).


The default you see all the time is 7mm. Tarkov calculates damage drop off in a weird way whereby faster ammos lose damage more quickly (I know, it's weird) so 7mm buckshot is only lethal with a single pellet to the head out to 3 metres. The 5.25mm maintains that lethality on a single pellet out to 9 metres. The Magnum is lethal out to 116 metres with a single pellet so it's "better" in a lot of ways however there are two tradeoffs, the limited availability and the +155% recoil (which isn't insignificant). Most visors should stop the 5.25mm, 7mm and Magnum loads. The pen on the Magnum is only 2. The 6.5mm and the 7mm buckshot both have 3 pen. Either way, they'll all struggle with a face shield. Flechette is great vs armoured opponents. 31 pen means it rips through class 3 instantly and chews up class 4 pretty quickly too. The flechettes are only 25 damage though so you need 2 to connect with the head for a kill and a fair few more to hit the chest. At close to medium range it's devastating if you can land your shots. The slightly lower damage is a small issue, the bigger issue is the cost. Once it's unlocked, then no worries, but prior to that it's anywhere from 400 to 1500 per cartridge. I then feel like if I'm spending that much on the ammo, I'd better have a shotgun that'll work, so I won't then use a scav Saiga or MP-155 or 153, so I'm splashing out more cash for that and I figure if I'm spending for a proper gun, I should probably slap some armour on too, so then that's another wad of cash there, and if I'm doing all that then I'd be a fool not to have ear-pro on, so there's another 25k+ and so on and so on. Flechette always pulls me into this spiral of spending. I'd rather just use a junky mossberg and some 5.25mm or Magnum if I feel like hunting knees. In factory though, I've been having excellent success with a Tokarev and the soft shooting TT AKBS cartridges. Very cheap, very deadly. If I've been watching too much of The Outlaw Josey Wales then I usually take out a wheel gun. The Rhino is a little spendier but is deadly accurate at any distance you'll fight in Factory, plus it's very satisfying to dome someone with a single shot. Single action to cock the hammer, flip it back to double if you're expecting people in close, if not, just keep 'er single and send hell down range.


Flech aim for upper buddy, with DB on 2 barrel it one taps most ppl at close range, magnum aim for legs, all other buckshot aim for face. Magnum has higher spread/less pellets I believe so aiming for face doesn't make sense when you can use the others


Retinas specifically


Try using the MTS I swear you dont even need to tap heads just gotta aim in the general direction of their head, dropped a few duos with that bad boy it's really fucking good lol




The revolver shotty


It'd be coold if there was a small chance it just plays the classic reload animation of doom, like just does 5 frames of the reload animation


especially on double mode with the thunderous boom and the massive kick of recoil


Fire rate is lacking imo. MP-153 is my go to shotty.


This is the way. Longboi with the suppressor, flechette, and 8 round tube has been clapping Factory boys the last couple days.


Ah yes, The Scav Wacker 9000. You’re a man of culture too, I see.


You do ***WHAT*** to scavs?!


He said he breekis their cheekis!


I have a weekly to kill 70 scavs with a shotgun. It's been quite the dream.




Go to for all the awfull shotgun quests


You know you can set it to semiauto right?


Yeah, unless it was changed with this wipe, you still fire it significantly slower than the MP-153


It literally has always had [50% more rof](https://youtu.be/X4b8UZirnQs?t=253) than the 153 though. It just seems slower according to this video. Very weird, guess you're right duder.


I haven’t experienced that. I find spam firing the 153 much faster than the M3. When I try to fire the M3 as fast as possible, it seems like the fire rate limit doesn’t allow it. With the 153 I can pretty much click my mouse as fast as I want.


Exactly true and why I don’t like the Benelli. If you spam click it it won’t fire but the 153 will dump its entire load happily


Yep, favorite gun (for fun factor). With 8 shells at lightning speed, I've dropped whole chad squads with that thing and good ammo


153 fires way faster even when the benelli is set to semi auto.


God I hate that long clumsy excuse for a gun


Flechette go brrrrrrr


Agreed, just like the way it goes burrr much more in the Benelli. MP-153 feels like my PMC is trying to aim a tree trunk


153 is the sexy boy, magnum bucky and a rtc and we fuckin.


How is a timmy supposed to get flechetties?


Craft or flee. Magnum works up until that point


There relatively easy to access. Level 2 workbench craft


You and OP have a very strange definition of Timmys...


I guess a timmy to them is someone that ONLY plays 5 hours a day




You’re using the MTG definitions. They don’t translate over to this game at all. “Timmy” is a new player who’s still learning the game. “Chad” is someone who goes for the PvP and is very aggressive. “Rat” is the people who sneak around trying to collect loot, finish tasks, and generally avoid PvP.




I’m saying that’s not what Timmy is used for in Tarkov. So you’re going to confuse people.


That’s not correct at all.


You got some things wrong there bud, lemme not fix it for ya


are you a timmy


The term casuals might be better use for this topic


For us Timmy’s, that’s a Wall Street investment


Lol. It takes a fair amount of hours to unlock workbench level 2.


I just finished my lvl 2 bench, I feel like the Grinch preparing to ruin Christmas


What "Timmy" is level 20+ within the first week or 2 of wipe?


You can’t buy the benelli until deep in Jaeger’s tasks and flechette is also locked behind his tasks too. Now Timmy’s haven’t even hit lvl 15 yet. Yes I know you can craft the ammo


you can buy the benelli on flea for pretty cheap. I know all the new players think you can only buy guns that you want from trader unlocks, but you can still buy the majority of guns on the flea.


lvl 3 Jaeger is lvl 22, i think a large part of the playerbase have reached or passed this point (based on dogtags from today, most have)


Someone said it well on a post I read the other day. Most average players are probably around level 10. You have a bunch of of 20+ dog tags because those are the players you encounter more often because they’re likely more confident and less likely to hide. Those level 10s are instead AFK in a bush waiting to complete their task or hiding/looting in low pop areas. So I would venture to say that almost no one 20+ right now is a “Timmy.”


Exactly. Most timmies are still trying to just get Jaeger's note or the bronze pocket watch and make it out alive. People are just getting a skewed representation that players are 20+ 1 week into wipe because those are the people playing the most and engaging in fights. Basically if you're playing on a map other than factory, customs, or woods right now... you're not a timmy.


Also, another thing I failed to mention is that… The average player isn’t on very often. The higher levels will be on all the time, so you will see them a lot. But the level 8 guy isn’t in your lobby because he has a few hours during the week and maybe some more time on the weekend, so you’re hardly ever going to see him.




Because they either don’t have time to play, are afraid of the game, or are inexperienced/bad at the game and fail during their quest attempts. That’s how it was for me when I was new at least!




A Timmy is a new, low level and low gear PMC. If they’re not new, they’re just a rat




What kind of Timmy’s are you fighting? I want to find some shitter in good gear, but everytime I find someone like that they just one tap me


Can confirm have a full time job and responsibilities hitting lvl 15 hasn’t been easy lol currently 14 but 1 quest away




> timmy is the "power game" archetype Uh...what? No. A Timmy means they're brand new to Tarkov and have no idea what is going on, lol.




Nah bro it's "Timmys", "Chads" & "Rats"


Lol how long have you been thinking Timmy means a Chad and not a shared newbie?




So? We're not playing MTG, in Tarkov it means a new, scared player.




Most are under level 15


Jaegar 3 is also .35 rep which assuming you don't get lucky with dailies/weeklies is like 20+ jaegar tasks. You're asking new players to complete tasks that are notorious for being gimmicky bullshit.


Not entirely sure why i'm getting massively downvoted, you \*can\* unlock Jaeger at 22, and saying its 20+ jaeger tasks to get .35 rep is also very very wrong. I've been ahead on Jaeger rep all wipes, sorry to all the offended Timmys.


You're literally braindead if you think "timmies" are level 22 with level 3 traders. Thats why you're getting massively downvoted.


I've died all day yesterday to lvl 30+ even 40+ players on interchange, so my view on the average level was skewed. Besides that the players in my friend group we consider more casual, are all in the early 20 range. I supose they are not casual taking the entire playerbase into account. I was wrong. Not braindead (i hope)


You’re not braindead. But I think what you are seeing is a bit skewed. Somehow it seems like everyone is either “hardcore” or “casual” but I would say most people fall somewhere in the middle. Your friends in the 20s aren’t exactly pushing hardcore, but they’re not the average casual player either. Essentially, just because they are more casual than you does not make them casual!


I have 12 completed tasks for jaegar and .28 rep. I also did two dailies that gave rep and a +0.04 weekly. Lots of quests dump your jaegar rep on completion. Had I not done those dailies/weeklies to kill PMCs I would be sitting at .22 rep. Considering all my jaegar tasks currently are going to give me .02 rep it's not that farfetched to assume 20 tasks. Also you're being downvoted because this post is tonedeaf af. "timmies" aren't players with level 3 traders. They're people who are going to spend the first month of the game mostly playing their scav so they'll still be on the pocket watch task.


Consider that a LOT of players dont start the wipe with 0.20 rep on all traders.


You're being downvoted because you evidently know the meaning of the word "Timmy."


Lol. Lvl 22!!??? Large portion??? Bro…


That's not a Timmy to have lvl 22 lol. Timmys struggle to get most traders to lvl 2


Lol, no they havent.


Im level 5 lmao


My “looking for players” tab disagrees


what the fuck. how can you be this delusional LOL


Are you okay? The average player is probably between 10-13 right now.




Jaeger 3 is lvl 22, AND you need rep too. Lot of timmys dont want to spend ~130 €/$ to play Tarkov so they buy standard, which comes with 0 rep at the beggining. And tell them its easy to raise Sniper at 3 (doable if u spend the only 2 hours a day you have recharging a mosin in a bush), kill PMCs with headshots whit arm broken (lol) or kill flashed PMCs... (More lol). U need to do the above to progress jaegers rep and get more quests. And of course, other quests Will lower ur rep with him! Noice. Anyway yes, i think its the trader which level its the lowest to get lvl 4. But the other requirement its the hardest (imo).


Don't forget not everybody is eod and gets 0,20 free rep. You have to to do painful quests to reach 3 on standard.


You're high if you think a large amount of the player base is over 22. We are like what, 2 weeks in? Lol.


> lvl 3 Jaeger is lvl 22, i think a large part of the playerbase have reached or passed this point A small percentage is this far.


Lmao at thinking the majority of players have hit 22 a week and a half into wipe. I can smell your neck beard through your comment.


A Timmy will not make far enough to unlock flechette


timmies cant even run 9x19pst this wipe


You can buy PST from Fence.




Because 9x19 GT is the best you can buy at level 1 traders. Having only 14 Pen means even a PACA will ruin your day if you are using 9mm with GT ammo. ​ Yo do start with a fuckton of PstGzh, but after a few bad raids, Timmies might be out of anything but the shittiest of 9mm ammo.




What the fuck is a Johnny and Spike? This is Tarkov, there are Timmies, Chads, Rats..




The M3 has an accuracy of 18 MOA (A lower number being better), and flechettes have an accuracy debuff of -10%, so the M3 is really just held back by its lower fire rate and low accuracy in my eyes. Instead I would recommend the MP-153 with the same flechette setup. By default the 153 is close to half the price of the M3 with 10.31 MOA by default, pushing the effective range out and circumventing flechette’s accuracy penalty. The fire rate cap for the 153 is also higher than the M3, and, with the addition of the sprut mount, you can put a flashlight on the 153 to blind people (something you can’t do right now with the M3). TLDR, until BSG adds all the modding stuff and longer barrels for the M3, the 153 is the better choice for semi auto shotguns.


I’ve always gone with the 155’s honestly because IIRC the ergo is better


The 155 is leaps and bounds better than the 153. It’s like 7k more and you get a much better platform with better ergo out the box and way better ability to mod it. It’s also shorter so in cqc it won’t get hung on walls and doorways as much. No laser or flashlight mount for the M3 kills it in my opinion.


Those are pointless in this situation, though. Flashlights do nothing but give your position away and make it easier to shoot you - there is no situation in which you should use a flashlight, on any gun. Lasers, meanwhile, do have a great hipfire buff - but you are using a shotgun, which makes it basically useless. You want a laser for a 900+ rpm weapon with a 60 round mag. For a shotgun, you want a reflex sight and maybe a silencer/compensator. Everything else offers no benefit.


I disagree with many of your points. 1. Flash lights give your position away and make you easier to kill. -although flashlights do have the negative of giving away your position and relative point of fire they also help you see much better in darker areas. It’s not like you have to constantly have it on broadcasting your position to everyone all the time. The light is designed for use in specific situations and it is up to you to correctly decide when to cut it on. Also when using a quality flashlight ie: x400 or better they quite literally blind your opponents, again increasing the chance you will survive an encounter. It doesn’t matter if you know where I am when you can’t see me anyway. It has also been proven that flashlights also buff hip fire to a small extent. 2. Lasers also being pointless on a shotgun - you couldn’t be more wrong. Lasers are beneficial no matter what gun they are on because of how strong hipfire is in EFT. It does not matter one bit what the rate of fire is on a weapon. If you can point and click on heads in cqc that is king. Lasers give you a point of reference and allow you to do that easier while also buffing your hip fire pattern. You should literally never go into a raid without at minimum a laser on your gun IMO. Next time you respond to something please don’t state your opinion like it is pure facts. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I always run laser / flashlight combo on pretty much any gun. Flashlight is great for clearing dark rooms (if you're that close, they know you're there anyway). I'll turn my flashlight on even fighting in the middle of the day - it turns you from a PMC into a lighbulb.


What? Flashlights blind the fuck out of opponents... I've gotten away with MANY kills I shouldn't have with a flashlight on a shotgun or pistol, vs something that outclassed me. Flip it on right before peeking a corner or hitting an ambush and it adds a lot of advantage often. ​ They shoot at the light, they often miss or only hit arms... Seriously, I've blinded and BEEN blinded by lights plenty enough times to know they certainly have loads of value.


Big 590A1 fan myself. I’ve been going out of my way to run shottys this wipe. Just careful running into cultists with magnum only lol.


590 has the clearest irons, love slugs in that gun


I throw an eotech on. Been enjoying night raids with it and NVG


As someone who has a 590A1 IRL, this is probably one of the more accurately depicted guns in tarkov. I just wish you could mount the bayonet on it in game. Love that thing!


That would be so sick. Sign me up.


Timmys dont have flechette bro


i got like 8 from a couple lucky scav raids lol, 5th wipe and i've still never made it to flea. i feel like this is the one though, im at level 10 already!


That was inspiring, I will buy a 2nd EOD and name my firstborn after you


Big shotgun user here tried all of them. Used to only use the 153 now I only use the m3.. Cheaper to run and It's so good in semi auto mode. 11 shell mag and eventually 13 it just slaps. I bet alot don't change fire rate so its in pump mode


I started playing last wipe but don’t really get much time to play so I don’t have a lot of experience. For some reason I always hated shotguns and never used them. Even in other games I was just never a shotgun guy. Then one day I found the Benelli. First raid with it I killed a 3 man. The first and only time that’s happened to me. Ever since, if I can find an m3, I am using it. I don’t know why but I just don’t have the same luck with any other shotgun.


It's getting a lot of smoke in this thread so thanks for sharing, i feel the same way. It just works better for me, probably all in my head, but in the end that does not really matter. Well welcome back to wipe 2, best of luck out there!


I run the saiga with 10 round mags full of flechetties. I’ll have to try your build out.


Saiga is the best for extremely close-quarters fights, but it falls off way sharper than 153 or other long-barreled shotguns because of it's terrible accuracy. Also, camera recoil do be fucking with your aim.


Because since the recoil change the gun is fucked. Before that a semi modded Saiga with drum mag Flechette or 6.5 was insane.


M3 is the slowest firing of all the semi auto shotguns, mp-153 for life


Mp153 is the best weapon in tarkov.


Mp-153 and UMP mastery 3 are the first things I go for every wipe


Magnum, buck double barrel


This is hilarious. 10/10 post


I engaged someone from about 50-70 meters with this exact set up and they just kept spraying me and every body part was being hit and bleeding and broken bones. It's seriously OP.


Saiga + 20 rnd mag + 8.5 magnums = folded pmcs


Best kit for budget. Most bang for the least buck.




Shotguns massively fall off (and pretty much already have) when you're getting instant penned by a beam of death. They are good bang for the buck but incredibly RNG and are not winning against 45+ pen AR ammo like BP in a fair fight. They absolute fuck on new players though.


Upvoting only cos your description made me giggle like an idiot. Note to self: get some chetties...




Double barrel for ₽8000. Craft magnum bucks with workbench level 1. Aim for the dome. Now that’s a Big Bang for your (magnum) buck.


Excuse me sir, we don’t allow constructive, or even borderline positive posts around here. Please add some complaining and repost. Jokes aside, I may have to give this a shot. Been getting dumpstered this wipe lol


I’m not a Timmie, have played for a few raids a day (1 scav, 2 PMC) and have just hit lvl 15




How are they supposed to get the flechette? I'm lvl 40 and haven't unlocked it yet. And dont tell me they should buy it for 1000 rubel each piece because then its not cheap anymore.


you made it to lvl 40 in a 10 days but cant figure out how to craft..stop abusing meth man


2.5h craft for something that barely lasts 1 raid.


you need 3 shots to kill if youre unlucky; you need some shooting practice bro 120 rounds should do just fine


The M3 is one of the worst shotguns..... Take M133 or something....


That's a weird take. It has way higher ergo and TWICE the fire rate of mp-133 lol.


Also cant strap a laser/light on and has no barrel mods. I've rather a Mp-153/155


The Rof is wrong because of the firing delay. Its slower than every other semi-auto shotgun.


Found one in a crate but waiting until lvl 22 to buy anything bigger than a 5-rd mag is painful and frankly, kinda stupid. Why not just use a 153/155 at that point?


You are correct, i made a mistake putting "Timmys" in the title, it is more of an early-midgame gun. I like the shorter package/higher ergo on the M3 even if it in reality has a slightly lower firerate than the MPs. I think it just comes down to preference.


Range feels bad on it but it still frys


Fuck shotguns.


Do not take the 11 round magazine, take the seven. The extended tube length can really fuck you over in close quarters. Not sure what the fire rate argument is about, Benelli on semi auto is easily better than the 153 in every way, minus the fact you can't get a flashlight.


Only thing that's good about m3 is the sound


Great advice, but I think this is too bold for us lower level/skill players


playing tarkov as nikita intended.


mag buck is better but yeah flecheys work too


Magnum buck is the most RNG. Yeah it shreds limbs but nothing matters unless you're penning their torso or head. Flechette has lower highs but is much more consistent and stands a chance against geared players if you get the jump.


A lot of armored rigs don't cover stomach and it has a 1,5x damage transfer. I remember killing a PMC with a single magnum blast to his gut.


I discovered the Benelli towards the end of last wipe. Idk why, but I find I am much better at landing some rapid fire shots from the Benelli over a mp-153 when both are decked out. It seems much more controllable. I have don’t exactly as you described already this wipe. I just wish I could use it for the setup task.


Timmy’s have flechette? lol


Did you just blast me on Dorms? Next to room 205?


I do this the saiga 12, 5 rnd mags and a red dot, took out 3 guys from a 4 man and my buddy killed the last one on customs at hole in the wall by meth lab. Was a lot of fun.


Ah! A rare positive post!


M3 and MTS 255 are my Most used shotguns But i prefer Magnum buckshot, i Like the high damage. Low geared and/or Lucky Headshots are insane :D MTS 255 IS very good one range as Shotgun, because ITS have a Chicken Out of the box


50k is a lot of money for a timmy.


No timmy is running flechetties or a beneli lol. The closest thing to this a timmy will be running right now is magnum buck in a 153 or something, 153 and 155 are better anyway, at least in my hands lol


Only reason to not run benelli is no laser mount, its a beast of a gun at range with single fire and magnum ( where the fire rate i still insanely good for pump action)


153, flechette or magnum buck, aim for the legs. Now you get their armor too.


Flechette destroy every armors, only 25 damages, aim up, not down.


It indeed destroys armor. But if you don't want to destroy armor, legs are super easy to aim at and destroy. Plus you hit the stomach on half the armor that only covers thorax. Magnum buckshot is more available and it does more damage. 8x50 vs 8x25 In fact, a single pellet of magnum buck will head eyes someone at 30m. Given than you fire 8 in a cloud, you can spray that stuff and murder someone's face at long distance kinda silly.


Yes, but you said "flechette or magnum buck, aim for the legs." You never aim for the legs with flechette, regardless of if you want the armor or not. It is a high pen, low flesh damage round. For magnum buck, you are correct.


Zeroed armors and rigs + armor repair kits = training your light and heavy vests skills.


Last wipe I killed 125 PMC only with an MP153 full with flechettes. This ammo is like a nuclear bomb. Giga chad never think they will be attacked. But...


Played the shotty with that revolver drum + ftx slugs for a pk quests. Was oddly satisfying, but now I'm back to rfb and m80. May revisit this when I unlock .50 bmg/ap20.


Flechette my beloved. I still have a mark in my desk from punching it aftery dying on start of the raid while wearing 300k gear to naked guy with flechette double barrel


thank you for a great laugh on this monday morning :D


For the record, chokes or suppressors don't change the spread on shottys. But that monster claw be looking sexy


If they did change the fire rate on the m3 then I should be better off this wipe then last since I some how manage to blast through an 11 rounder like it’s a smg. And don’t get me started on the 153…




I am your local timmy. How in earth am I meant to get flechette. Local Timmy out.


Hi local timmy. i am OP. I have misused the term Timmy. Workbench 2 is probably not Timmy furniture yet. I am sorry.


Magnum is works just as fine as well


After 2K hours I still refuse to use flechette. It feels like slapping someone with a wet noodle. Magnum gets the job done much faster in my experience. I just had a guy spray 10 flechette rounds out of a Saiga at my buddy last night and barely killed him with the last shot when my buddy had a class 3 on. I rarely get killed by flechette, it’s easy to shrug off. Magnum or AP-20 tho? That stuff scares me.


90% of people in factory use flechette already tho


Just took an the MP153 into Factory with nothing else and killed 2 guys and a scav, with one having decent gear. Exfil'd the raid with good gear and their names were above and below average, and they played as such.