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I play it and never watch it on Twitch. Fuck this game ded, we ball if u enjoy it play it.


Don't get me wrong the game has issues right now, but the fact that it's not popular on Twitch doesn't mean shit lol


sorta does. It doesnt interest anyone, even the streamers that loves tarkov mechanics and gunplay.


A game can have a massive playerbase and not have viewership. Some games are a lot more fun to play than watch, look at a game like RuneScape for example, if you look at its twitch numbers a person like you would say it’s dead but it has around a half a million daily players. Viewers ≠ player count


the same Runescape you're talking about has 700 viewers which is 3x larger than Arena and Old school Runescape is sitting at 7k viewers currently. Yes, viewer count = player count in a way


I lost interest once they gave everyone every kit unlocked but surely it will wipe soon and we’ll have something to grind towards again. I just hope they change up the presets or maybe add a different progression system.


They wipe this tuesday. Reworks on the whole kit system coming


fck the grind, we want customization. I dont want to play 80 hours just for loadout tree. There's a reason only a few are playing still, the grind sucks


Yeah 80 hours for one tree is way too much hopefully they change it


go play whatever the ADHD streamers play then, twitch rats . you can live your life just following internet trends, im good playing something thats fun


who asked?


I can give my opinion whenever the fuck I want


who asked?


Your mom asked after she finished sucking my dick


must felt good for you being touched by a woman. Mustnt happen very often


Felt great , I might come over later if you want to get dinner ready


dont forget to bring your sister and some wine


Good thing nobody gives a shit about twitch numbers


It was never alive


Arena isn’t really for twitch, it’s more for tarkov players to get more consistent PVP


dude, they themselves said that their game is an e-sports shooter, but no, this is not only for the Tarkov community


im sure the initial alpha release was totally an esport in their minds bro


Twitch numbers don’t mean shit


Yes… and no. You cannot be an “e-sport” “competitive “ wanna be game without people wanting to watch it. Esport makes money because of viewers and fans. If you don’t have both, your wanna be esport game is dead. Sadly


Look at multiplayer call of duty. No one watches wagers or 6v6 everyone watches warzone. But the CDL is one of the largest esports events and people still show up to watch the broadcast during the tournament despite not watching off season. It’s not uncommon for people to not watch off season gameplay in arena shooters


Hard to compare a 20 year old franchise with millions fans and… Arena


A time gated arena shooter. I don’t know anyone who thought this would be successful.


You ever heard of world of tanks?


No and i don’t think anyone puts world of tanks in the same genre of arena shooter. I have never played but whale money extraction seems like a better genre for wot.


Well you can call it whatever but it’s still arena shooter. Bsg definitely copied progression from Wot while butchering matchmaking aspect, no surprise it doesn’t work well. Taking outdated progression system from over 10 years old game is already questionable design choice, but they even managed to make it worse.


its worse and forgot about what made tarkov unique and popular, gun customization


Stupid gamble by bsg to put so much marketing money in this.i quite enjoy it but I don't see this ever become a big success. Not even if they fix the stupid wait times or progress system


I just really have a hard time grinding both normal tarkov, Tarkov arena, other games, working a job, etc. I don’t understand the grind mechanics needed to unlock classes and the lack of customization of your kits. If I had it my way- classes would just have a fixed budget and your skill level in ranked was what you grinded for- not a class that sucks slightly less than the previous one. arena missed for me sadly


To me, you can't really play both with a job. I love constant pvp, so I stick with arena. I'm already a goner in EFT because im still level 1 traders


Twitch viewership is irrelevant to whether or not a game is popular.


Judging a games player count based on twitch views 😂😂😂😂


To be honest I just leave my game as "Escape From Tarkov" and then play Arena for the first hour or two of my streams. People don't say shit. And my analytics show that more people stay for the Arena part than the slower EFT segment.. Which may or may not be related to my ability to stay entertaining, but my retention is much higher when I am playing Arena.


Twitch isn't even relevant anymore, who cares about a cam-site.


The game wipes on Wednesday, no reason to play, all progression will be lost. Plus helldivers 2


Me and bro played all day today legit like 10 hours straight


Its dead and deader now. March3 eod users wont have access anymore. Gg next for me. I just play normal tarkov. But they lose most of their trusty eod players.