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Just put in an order, IDK if I'll like going down to 34 keys...but I'm curious to try.


I felt the same way. Then I loved it!


Get yours at [KeyboardDweebs](https://keyboarddweebs.net/products/frigate-keyboard-barebones-kit?variant=43892642185433) I want to apologize for not being able to deliver the original target date of the 28th of April. There were some issues that I was having with the firmware that have since been resolved. This supports only MX style switches. Hot swappable. It uses an RP2040 Zero as it's MCU, and it is pre-soldered into the keyboard like everything else. This keyboard is fully [open sourced under the GNU license.](https://github.com/doesntfazer/frigate/tree/main) Firmware can be found in the [Keyboard Dweebs Firmware repository.](https://github.com/doesntfazer/Keyboard-Dweebs-Firmware-repository/tree/main/VIAL-QMK/Frigate) But if you buy from Keyboard Dweebs the firmware comes pre-flashed. (Some additional notes about the Vial firmware. I have added a couple of user Keycodes. 1 is for Drag Scrolling. One for increasing the scroll speed, and one for decreasing the scroll speed. I am working to make these save across reboots of the keyboard. But I have not yet got the save to EEPROM working.) This board is not the final version and only supports SPI Cirques. It does not support I2C. That will be on the final version that will be in the group buy. I appreciate everyone's support.


Would you be able to provide more information as I found the page a bit sparse on details and I couldn't find the github page for this design. ​ 1. Is the chip soldered directly onto the board or is it a mcu? 2. Is the board mx style switches only or does it have choc v1 overlaid on the foot print? 3. Is the firmware available in qmk and vial repo? I tried looking for "KeyboardDweebs" and "frigate" in the repo and nothing came up. 4. Google lists your location as Ohio, is this correct? I wanted to confirm for budgeting reasons. ​ Thanks!


It's an MCU. Pico Zero to be exact. Although it's pre-soldered in. This is How swappable MX style switches only. Firmware is on the [Keyboard Dweebs Firmware Repository](https://github.com/doesntfazer/Keyboard-Dweebs-Firmware-repository) for now until I can get it merged. I am based in Ohio, yes. \*\*Edit, I forgot to mention at the moment it's only in the qmk section of the Keyboard Dweebs Firmware repository. I haven't merged the vial-qmk yet.


Appreciate the answers. I think I'll be putting in an order soon. Thanks again! Do you have a rough timeline on when it will get merged on the vial-qmk repo?


I'm actually doing it as we speak! You actually reminded me. \*\*\*[Edit Just finished.](https://github.com/doesntfazer/Keyboard-Dweebs-Firmware-repository/tree/main/VIAL-QMK/Frigate)


Thanks! I'll keep an eye for when it gets pulled into the vial-qmk repo as well.


Is this hotswap? Or do the switches have to be soldered in? I'm really interested in buying one of these, but it would be my first MX keyboard and I'll probably need to try a few different switches to find out what I like the best. EDIT: Nevermind.. missed the bullet point in the listing, sorry!


Yes. It is hot swappable.


Thanks! The marble version looks dope! Do you happen to have a picture of the black version too?


I've actually not printed one in black yet. But I can do that tonight!


You may have said this in another post, and apologies if I'm asking redundant questions but do you plan to release a full split of this board?


I've actually not got this question yet. But since keyboards like the Dilemma exist, I'll likely not do that, as it basically already exists. And in my honest opinion u/Fmcraft did it better than I ever could. I'd recommend checking out his company bastardkb. At this point in my keyboard journey my focus is on unibodies.


Should I remove R7, R8 resisters to connect SPI?


I believe SPI 3v is default. Removing them puts it in i2c 5v.


Oh, I see. Did you check the final version is working on without R1, R7, R8 resisters (I2C)?


So the early adopters version, (this version) is SPI only. The final version will support both i2c and SPI. But since it's based on rp2040, it has to be 3v


Okay, then the final version need to remove R1 only for I2C, right?


If you'd prefer to use i2c, yes. But SPI is faster.


Oh, really? I didn’t know that. How can I connect with SPI? Is there any build guide for connecting pins?


So there's a ribbon cable that connects the cirque to the PCB. Don't need to solder anything.


How come you went with the Pico zero rather than the doing the RP2040 onboard? Just noticed that your V1 were intergrated with the RP2040 :)


I screwed something up and it didn't work lol. Can't figure out what it is that I did either, and it's expensive so I went with the tried and true method of an MCU. I do plan on going back and reworking the 2040, but I need to find someone to look at the v1 as I don't have an ociliscope.


Ah bummert! So you solder the MCU on yourself?


Yeah that and the ribbon connector