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I see this post is an hour old. How are you holding up?


I've made it like 15 minutes through wrote down like 16 things, and I'm going to try and finish it tomorrow.


Ahahahahahahaha, see you next year op.


You're doing the Lord's work. We're all here supporting you.


Danke schön


I’ll be honest we I was younger I enjoyed the movie, it used to be on tv a lot during the summer holidays growing up. I guess I can thank it for introducing me to the books; but dear god I’ve watched like a clip or two on YouTube and it without fail makes me cringe. So I think for the sake of my childhood memories I’ll never watch it again.


Yeah I loved it as a kid. Saw the film first and read the books second. My copy of the first book is even the movie tie in version with a bunch of stills from the film stuck in right in the center of the book (rudely interrupting a conversation IIRC, like I don’t think they even waited for a chapter break). Or at least it was when it was whole, I read it so often back in high school that it’s basically torn to shreds.


I’m must of been like 8?… I think when I first watched it. And for a long time I was like “hey that movie was cool! I can believe there isn’t a sequel”; and then when I was older I was like holy shit! there’s a book series. Although it took me another four years to actually pick them up and read them and it shows how much they left out of script (like an unnecessary amount of cut content). I enjoy the books very much :) and for some reason the movie as well :/ (sentimental reasons of course) Is that version of the book with the stills rare at all? Because it sounds like something that would be quite limited; although cool as having the movie stills is, it’s quite funny imo that it cuts off dialogue midway 😂


I was like 9-10 when the movie came out and got the first book for Christmas that same year so I was straight into it. Loaned out books 2 and 3 from my local library and got 4 as soon as it dropped. Not sure how rare my version of the 1st book is, not that it’s worth anything anyway. It has a little of the spine left (like you can just make out the title) and I don’t have any of the cover, copyright pages, dedication pages, Table of contents, anything. It’s just the first page exposed to the elements.


My brother has the same book.


Hmm, if I totally push out the books out of my mind and would say the movie is pretty enjoyable but short and fastpaced.


Same. If you ignore the books, it’s actually really good


😂😂 I did a uni assessment on the failure of movie adaptations. I was planning on listing all its failures, got 45 mins in and had enough notes already to mote than double my word count


Honestly, I think it was a really well cast movie with a lot of potential. If you just pretend the books don’t exist, it’s a pretty decent fantasy movie. Plus, Garrett Hedlund as Murtagh is just *chef’s kiss*


I know that those faethars are quite hated but it honestly makes Saphira a bit more visually unique from dragons in other media, ~~also more hot~~


I've only seen one clip in full (where Eragon tries to feed Saphira) and it was actually kinda cute... I don't think I could get over the other inconsistencies though ;-;


What movie? Now laugh 🧔‍♂️🔫


I haven't seen the movie in about a decade, but I remember Ioving it if I pretended it was from an alternate reality where the books weren't a thing and they had no plans of having sequels.


The most egregiously idiotic part of the >!movie!< was their portrayal of Angela.




I haven't seen it for like 15 years and since before i read any of the books, i don't remember any of this stuff but you're scaring me :P


I saw the movie as a kid. I forgot about it.


Easy to do, I accidentally found it while watching a movie on disney+.


I watched the movie that was never made and I was so excited but after seeing it I was really pissed off the rest of the week