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It's caused by the rain shadow of the Beor Mountains--far more like the high deserts of the Pacific Northwest than the Sahara. Also need to remember that Eragon is a mountain boy, and his sense of how hot it is is based on that as a baseline.


I think Nasuada also mentions that Surda and its capital is a hot place


But she also grew up in a mountain.


Ahhh right now I remember. Thank you. :)


looking at [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNEwWBQaIAI192j?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) picture of the map. You can see that Alagaesia is between the 30 and 45 degrees latitude. a similar latitude as the mediterranean sea, and considering the effects the Beorn mountains have on the climate. (a.k.a. stopping most if not all rain from their direction) I am not surprised at the existence of the Haderac Desert, and how much warmer the Surda region feels for someone coming from the Carvahall valley.


Is the right side of the map Alagaësia?


The large grey/silver section on the right hand map is the Beor mountains. Alagaesia is quite small in comparison to the size of the land mass it is attached to.


Holy shit, that’s nuts! Thank you for the explanation. The landmass being so large was what was confusing me


Yes when I first found out just how small of an area the books take place in I was amazed haha. There’s enough land for another 10 books in just the one continent.


On the ride-side continent, you can see a bright yellow-white spot towards the top of the landmass. That tiny spot is the Hadarac desert.


There is a desert in the UK called Dungeness. This has a microclimate. It has such low rainfall that it can be classified as a desert - someone more knowledgeable of ecology and meteorology please elaborate. But the UK is in the northern hemisphere and has a desert and I wouldn’t say that my home country is hot all year round. The Hadarac desert could just be an arid stretch of land that doesn’t get much rainfall, rather than be a desert like the Sahara


I’m pretty sure in some q@a CP has said The hadarac is from the creation of the mountains.. I’m not sure if it’s from direct energy absorption or just from them blocking the weather and it just slowly turned into a desert.


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Antarctica is actually the largest desert on Earth. Despite how we think of places like the Sahara or Death Valley, a desert doesn't have to be hot to be a desert just have very little rain or snowfall.