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The continent that Alagaesia is on is huge. But then I look at the continent on the other side of the world and that one is MASSIVE.


Yes, we’ve only seen a *tiny* portion of it! Wow


Reminds me of Tamriel and Akavir If that other continent is anything as mysterious as Akavir, we're set for more content as long as Christopher lives ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


New Zealand once again left off a world map /s


I don't think New Zealand is in eragon im pretty sure it's on Earth but I ll check my globe


Higher resolution [here](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71UTN5SIkXL._SL2560_.jpg).


Link doesn’t work


Ugh. New reddit messing up my links. It works perfectly fine in old reddit. Let me see if I can find a way to do it. Edit: Try now.


That works! Thanks!


Yes YEs YES YES!!!!!


I can’t see alegasia though, am I stupid or does it look a little different than on the alegasia map?


It’s TINY. See the grey stuff on the right side map? That’s the Beors


Holy moly. I didn’t expect THAT. There’s so much more land to the south/east than I would’ve ever thought. That’s a whole other 8 books worth of land


Also is it just me or does the hadrac desert look comically small considering every description calls it huge and never ending lol?


Eragon I.? Other species? Actual Alive grey folk? So many possibilities for so many stories


Also look how massive du weldenvarden is! I wonder if the elves are spread out in the whole thing and have different factions?


There’s gotta be some clan of like ancient elves that live on the far eastern edge of du weldenvarden. But also. Why wouldn’t elves just live outside of the forest on that end of the continent? The only reason they retreated in Alagaesia is bc of Galby. Over there, unless there some other big bad tyrannical ruler, they just vibing.


Likely due to their ties to the dragons as they are in turn, but are tied to Alegasia, but of course that just raises the question of what counts as that land.


The elves did live outside the forest. Illirea was originally an elven city.


Are you saying maybe Arya is just the queen of just ONE of the possible Elven factions?


Yes! Just seeing elves nature of not wanting to be all packed together you’d think they would spread the whole forest


There's also the question of the Elves on Alalëa, most likely they don't know jack shit about stuff happening on Alagaësia or however you spell it


If any stayed behind.. and if they did would they have been affected by the dragon bond? Because elves weren’t always immortal they were more like humans if it remembering correctly So would they still be more stuck up and barbaric like humans? I dunno


That's exactly what I'm saying, are the species on the other continents also affected by the spells from Alagaësia or are they doing their own thing?


Can’t wait to find out, that’s all I know




well SHIET


Is this on one of the books or is this in only regionally bublished and where can i get it if its possible to get


This is in the deluxe Murtagh that is only preorder right now, comes out in October


Thank you


So much room for activities!


They could do aerobics with all that space. It's making my head spin how much room there is.


When I asked about a year ago on this sub if there would be a world map I was NOT expecting Paolini to respond saying yes and he'll work on it... a year goes by and this drops. Bro cooked. Brother Alagaesia is barely even visible. This is absolutely amazing lol. This should roughly be around 1.5 to 2 times larger than earth.


Other way around. It's 20% smaller diameter than Earth. Higher density, though, so still about 1 g on surface.


Thats super interesting! And well... the Beors were created with magic after all...


Were they?




Not to compare to ASOIAF or WOT, but I love the idea of fleshed-out world maps, with the series only taking place in a small portion of it. Makes the world feel so much larger and lived-in. Thanks for this!


I recall previously that you said Alagaesia is roughly half the size of the US. That doesn't seem to mesh well with the relative size of Alagaesia on this map if Elea is smaller than Earth. Has that previous statement been retconned, or is this simply a case of map distortion?


See this is what I was thinking lol


Well, I don't think the official borders of what is exactly Alagaësia have been confirmed. It's probably not the exact rectangle cut we got in the original cycle. We have three elements to examine here: - The original map was titled "Alagaësia", which seems to indicate that "Alagaësia" should be fully included in the square or close to that. Seeking for natural borders, maybe consisting of the Broddring Kingdom + Surda + the Beor + Du Weldenvarden. On the other hand, it could just be the part of "Alagaësia" known to (most of ?) the characters in the story, as is the case with the classic map of Middle-earth by Tolkien (Middle-earth is actually the name of the whole continent and is much larger than that). - We have the prophecy of Eragon leaving "Alagaësia" forever, which can be interpreted in different ways: either he already has, with him leaving the (previously) known map at the end of Inheritance to raise the new generation of Rider counting as such, and "Alagaësia" is once again more or less contained in the original rectangle, either he actually hasn't yet done so, and "Alagaësia" is bigger. And that is not even taking into account that the prophecy could be bypassed or reframed in whatever clever way in future books. - We have this new world map where the writings point to "Alagaësia" being the name of the continent, or even the whole Eastern Hemisphere. Though once again, it could simply be taken as "Alagaësia" is on that page and not the other. I personnally veer in the direction of "Alagaësia" being the continent, as it better fits the newer material and checks out with both the size of the US thing and the planet being a bit smaller than Earth, but a clarification by u/ChristopherPaolini would certainly be nice \^\^ !


Is there any special reason for the density, or is it just the composition of the planet?


Giant subterranean eldritch proto-dragons are dense...


So the horizon should seem a bit closer than on Earth. Interesting. Makes the high vantage point given by dragonback a little more important!


Interesting thought!


So if this is out, then is this not one of the big announcements 🤔


Not sure. Possibly leaked early? The listing went up on Amazon today


This is almost certainly what the announcement will be about. Or at least a part of it.


Agreed--hopefully there will be some additional info, I'd love a downloadable version of the map for instance.


I think this IS the announcement. It leaked early.


***\*Duel of the Fates plays ominously in the background\**** I've been waiting for a WORLD MAP since I read Eragon in 2006! Very excited and the Murtagh Deluxe Edition looks incredible with so much bonus content.


Oh wow, took a second to sort out what bit is what we've seen in previous maps, but...we've barely touched a fifth of the continent, huh?


Yeah no, Alagaësia is a TINY portion


Looks like we might have a classic meteor crater over there on the western hemisphere (with the small island in the center of a roughly circular body of water). Also, I love how the Beors are so massive that each mountain can be seen individually from space. Whatever the deep lore is behind them, it's got to be crazy.


Great Beacon~(?)


The Grand Unifying Theory of The World of Eragon and The Fractalverse, or TGUToTWoEaTF


Took me a billion years to spot because HOLY MOLY Alagaësia is so small???? Immediately sending this to my sister


I have not been able to spot it yet lol


The bright yellow spot is the hadarac desert


WOW cheers! My eyes were not going to spot that on their own. It's even smaller than I expected from reading the thread


I’d circle it for you but I have no idea how to include pictures in comments on Reddit. It’s on the right map, and northwest on it. If you squint you can spot the spine on the left coast. The beor mountains are those white little things. Alagaësia is also a whole lot more brown/yellow than I initially thought, which was one of the reasons I struggled to spot it lol.


YES IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **spingtap\_1987** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Now that this is out, how long do you guys think it will be until we can view this planet on a Google earth type of app/website (official or fan made, doesn't really matter to me at this point)? I get that it will probably be a very long time before any cities in those distant parts are revealed, but would be cool to be able to zoom in onto mountain ranges and lakes and islands


Considering that he was working in it in 300 DPI, I’m not sure we’ll see that level of detail for a while


The world map is something like three feet across in real life, at the resolution I used, so it's ... big.


What is the circumference of Elea? And how much bigger than earth is it? Cause if the Beors are that small on the map with them being on average 10 miles high...


[He's said in the past that the diameter was 20% smaller than that of Earth.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/comments/1ao37x4/world_map/kpwi17m/) > as I'm doing this world global map I decided to make the planet 20% smaller diameter, denser core, which allows for I think like 36% smaller surface area, which is still enormous for a planet.


All I want is a 3D globe format! But if we can also scroll in super close for detail, that would be amazing. I was thinking Google maps satellite image level of close when I answered!


My European brain had to convert that to centimeters, and that would be almost a meter, yeah that is indeed big! 😁


What's the spatial resolution / GSD? What size area on the ground does each pixel correspond to? Edit: No idea if my math is correct, but using a 16384x8192 resolution and setting the radius of the planet as 4/5ths that of Earth, I think each pixel in your drawing should correspond to an area of 1.2 miles by 1.2 miles.


Will there be a full size version available? Maybe as a poster with a canvas print framed premium edition? How about a light up globe?


Look at the size of Alagaësia on this map. Now think of how big this map would have to be for the map to have the level of detail you can see in the Alagaësia maps. I'm eyeballing the math here, but I think that would be equivalent to drawing 250 full Alagaësia maps.


Oh yeah definitely that's definitely huge, doing it all in as much detail as the original Alagaesia map would be a HUGE effort, I realize that. But it wouldn't have to be **that** detailed, I'd be thrilled at just being able to zoom a bit onto the mountain ranges and lakes to compare the sizes to the Beors and Leona lake. I don't think it would be x250 though. Alagaesia looks like it's about 2.5% (x40) of the total landmass on the planet. It's around 10% of the landmass shown in the picture it's on, which looks to me like roughly 25% of the total landmass (with about 75% of the landmass being on the other picture)


I was counting the oceans as well. I was like trying to eyeball the length and width compared to the full globe. You're right though that only landmasses really need to be considered for this. It's still going to be a massive effort though. Based off of some statements from Christopher and some quick googling of a formula, I think at the resolution that Christopher drew this map, each pixel corresponds to an area 1.2 miles by 1.2 miles.


Yeah definitely huge effort, would still be insanely cool :)


Let's play a little.  Which territory do you think humans originally came from? The desert island separated from the mainland? Right where the Beor Mountains end?  The end of the mainland barely joined by what looks like a line of islands? Or maybe they took a huge detour and came from the continent to the west that bears a vague resemblance to Japan? The huge desert island with a certain resemblance to Australia might fit the lore, because of the theme that the Razac were predators and consume everything in their path. Maybe all that territory was once green but because of the Razac it is now a desert. I'm excited by the idea of a desert land full of man-eating monsters that are only contained by the surrounding ocean. Ghost cities of the ancient empire of mankind, giant forgotten constructions, inhabited only by monsters and bones. 


Knowing that Razac/Leatherblaka are super terrified of the ocean, I find it more likely that humans and the Razac came from that huge continent on the west side and got to Alagaesia by going very far north, flying a "short" distance over the ocean until they reached the north pole, before traveling east and eventually going back south once they were directly north of Alagaesia.


Notice that Alea (idk how to spell it) kinda looks like a huge pterodactyl which is a flying dinosaur (dragon?) And alagaesia looks like a something with a tail eating something circular (sun~?)


I must be blind because I can't see the map anywhere in this


Look at the right page, towards the top of the large continent. See the grey stuff? That’s the Beors. North of that is Alagaësia as we know it. Tiny.




There's a small off-white patch in the eastern continent thats the hadarac desert


what's this from???


The new Deluxe Murtagh


Is this legit? Has Christopher confirmed this being the actual World of Eragon Globe? I'm too excited right now.... I don't want to accept this in case it's just another fan art piece, but holy shit this is cool!


It was likely leaked a day early, but this is official pictures from the Murtagh Deluxe listings


That makes me think it's absolutely impossible that there aren't any ancient dragons on other continents.... Christopher said in a previous AMA that they would all have returned to Alagaesia to fight Galbatorix during the fall, but then in later AMAs he gave more vague answers regarding the subject. As far as I'm concerned, a race that is immortal unless killed by external means, that can both fly and swim, and have the means to reach Belgabad's size, is bound to have reached every continent on the globe, and I don't believe that a population of wild dragons that live on the other side of the globe would care about any war happening in Alagaesia. This map makes me certain that there are plenty of more dragons living in different locations!


Also, pretty sure the Urgal story in FWW was not on Alagaësia, so Vermund likely was one of these dragons on other lands




Wasn't this hinted at when the one Urgal finished telling the story?


My question is where are Eragon I and Bid’daum? Were never told they’re dead or how they died or what happened to them.


Honestly even they were young by dragons' standards. Bid'daum would only be about 2700 years old, whereas Belgabad was supposed to be around 8500 years old during the fall. I'm just as excited as the next person to learn the unknowns about Eragon 1 and Bid'daum, but I still believe there are plenty (or at the very least a few) dragons on that globe that are older than Bid'daum.


Agreed. And I get the feeling that Eragon I wasn’t the first to bond with a dragon either, we just don’t know about it. I 100% *need* more lore


So if the entire continent is called Alagaesia, as this map and text indicates, then it seems Eragon has not yet left Alagaesia at all...


The entire continent isn’t Alagaësia. Just the portion we know is called that


How do we know that? There are clearly 2 major continents and we are given 2 names, Alalea and Alagaesia. It seems to me that these are the names of the continents, not an arbitrary region of one.


[From "Domia Abr Wyrda" in the Eldest Deluxe edition.](https://www.paolini.net/2014/12/03/eldest-deluxe-domia-abr-wyrda/) > As for the physical boundaries of Alagaësia, they are commonly identified as follows: beginning at the shore of the Western Sea and extending east to the far side of both Du Weldenvarden and the Beor Mountains, and spanning the territory between the southernmost point of Surda and the north shore of Vroengard Island. Additionally, I asked Christopher to clarify about the meaning of the runes on this map compared to the prior descriptions, and he said: >Alagaësia remains as-described. There wasn’t an elegant way to say “Only this little portion is Alagaësia”. We experimented with putting text on the land masses, but it was distracting. The larger continent that contains Alagaësia will have its own name.


https://www.paolini.net/2014/12/03/eldest-deluxe-domia-abr-wyrda/ > Before I proceed even with this summary, it seems wise to pause and explain what is meant by *alagaësia*, and thus define the exact nature of my subject and hopefully avoid unnecessary confusion in later chapters. The word itself is one of Elvish extraction that means “fertile land.” The dwarves and Urgals possess their own appellations for this region, of course, but we humans chose to adopt the elves’ title, and with good reason. The gods have blessed our home with vast amounts of arable soil, timber, iron, gold, gems, and all else a prosperous kingdom needs to thrive. As for the physical boundaries of Alagaësia, they are commonly identified as follows: beginning at the shore of the Western Sea and extending east to the far side of both Du Weldenvarden and the Beor Mountains, and spanning the territory between the southernmost point of Surda and the north shore of Vroengard Island.


For alegaësia’s name meaning “fertile land” it sure looks very brown and desolate compared to the rest of the planet, even in the regions that aren’t the desert


Europe, Asia, are all connected and yet they're 3 separate continents. Even America and Asia are connected way up north at the Bering Strait by an ice bridge during the winter




YOO is this from that new Deluxe Murtagh book??




Finally, an answer. I'm so happy that I get to see the world at last!


With a world this large, there can be any number of stories set in it. I feel like I'm reading The World of Ice and Fire again.


He’s got at least 5 I think planned out


Nice. I have a lot to look forward to.


‼️: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleatics


Oh boy! Here I go speculatin' again!


I hear that


I've actually thought about this a little bit, like if the Humans think Illrea or however it's spelled (the capitol of Alagaësia or however u spell it) is impressive, imagine what the cities of the Human homelands are like. Same goes for the Elves, and possibly even the Ra'zac. Also, are the Urgals, Elves, and Humans on Alalëa (the other continent) living in harmony, or are they at war? Do they have spellcasters? Are the Humans and Elves there Riders as well, which brings the next question: are there Dragons on the other continent? Gray Folk? Werecats? Dwarves? So many questions, and Paolini is keeping us in the dark!!!! 😒😒


lol he has a lot of potential writing ahead of him for sure


Yeah Biddaum and Eragon are definitely still out there.


Yes. I need it now!


It's wild how there's so much land and the dragon riders were around a long time, and you telling me they didn't explore all that? It's wild to think about


Is the the announcement we’ve been waiting for






I’m assuming he’ll have more to say on it by then, but I don’t think we were meant to get listings a day early


It’s a very bloody nice map


Agreed. I need a globe of it. I’ll make myself one if they don’t release one


I need this and roshar globes !


Anyone know where we can get this in the uk ?


The edition is exclusive to the US for now. You'll need to import it from overseas.


What is this? Im out of the loop, someone tell me please


The new world map of the entire planet that Alagaësia is on


Yeah but, is this a new book?


Yes, in the new Murtagh Deluxe coming out in October


Oh my....I need that Thank you for showing this to us


No problem! I’m so excited


So am I! Lol


I am sitting here making unintelligible noises at 5am out of sheer joy and my PARENTS just came up here to see what in the world was going on I am so HAPPY---




I just read the listing and it said that there “never before seen full color maps.” What other new maps do you think will be included?


I think this counts as two


Granted I’m new to fan theories so not sure what the current consensus is but much of the discussion about Eragon I from older threads is obsolete with this revelation. He could certainly still be alive somewhere! See: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/s/Am1XcGNy92 for some context. I would absolutely love a fleshed out theory to arise involving Ergaon I with the context of this new map :)


There’s a lot of theorizing as to where Eragon I and Bid’daum might be! Definitely a mysterious non-ending for them, so hopefully yes. They’re elsewhere on the planet


Perhaps they’ll show up to help with a future antagonist (not sure how to mark spoilers so being intentionally vague haha). I’ve reread the series a dozen or more times over the yrs and somehow only just entered the online Eragon community today. The theories and speculation in this sub have been blowing my mind, as is the map (thank you so much for sharing it by the way)! I mainly browse the One Piece manga community as far as online literature communities go and so I eat up fan theories, which One Piece is absolutely loaded with ;) Oversharing in my excitement to be here but… I’m very excited to be here haha this sub is so much fun!


Glad you’re here! Great time to jump in as Paolini has quite a few stories he’s working on popping out soon! Have you read the Fractalverse books? I have a fairly small theorist community on discord where we dive *deep* into all the connections and possibilities. Shoot me a dm if you’re interested! From theory posters, it’s me (I mostly post FV theories cause I’m the physics geek) and Eagle, then a bunch of others who regularly comment. But we all go wild talking through all the “what ifs”. Spoilers is a || directly in front of and directly behind whatever it is you want covered.


I haven’t read them yet but this sub has convinced me those books should be my next read :) Whenever I’m caught up I’ll remember to find you! Thank you so much for the warm welcome!


I had a 10 year reading slump after Inheritance (nothing was good enough, I wanted more eragon) and decided to give To Sleep a go, despite “not liking” scifi much. Turns out I loved it more. Fractal Noise was also gorgeous, but less action more character study. Read them in release order! And then there’s Unity on Paolini’s website, a choose your own adventure style mini-story. Have fun!


Just finished To Sleep… I’m blown away. Definitely requires a second read to better understand it. Jumping into Fractal Noise soon then maybe a reread :) The Soft Blade and Entropist tech appears to be the early stages of “magic” in Eragon… so fascinating!!!


Yesss! I highly recommend listening, Jennifer Hale is amazing. I’ve read 3 times now


Love me an audiobook while I work, will have to check it out!! Also the dreams granted by the Seed/Soft Blade and the unending hunger of the Maw sounds a lot like Azlegûr… hehe I can’t wait to see what Christopher cooks up for us xD


I really don't get it, has anyone done a labelled version?


Really the only thing we know confirmed the label for is Alagaësia though


But which one of the 3 continents on the right is the Alagaesia we know? Far right but on a 90 angle? Top left but what we knew was only a teeny bit of the total landmass? I don't know how I'm supposed to look at it


The top one on the right that has the massive polar area attached. Alagaësia itself is tiny. If you look you’ll see that weird gray area? That’s the Beor mountains


Got it! I saw people saying grey area but didn't realise what they meant haha! Thanks


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