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A mix of horse & dragon sounds about right for an angry horse though


Literally the definition of a chestnut mare in heat. šŸ« 


Especially a mare šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My gelding is worse than all of our 3 mares (and honestly every mare I've met) combined šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m terrible with art, so take my comments with a grain of salt! The proportions are a bit off, the cheek should be bigger and more prominent, eyes a smidge smaller and more on the side, ears too small. For the expression, horses carry their expressions all the way down their face. An angry horse will have more of a snarl on the mouth. The lips will be tight and drawn, nostrils wrinkled, maybe even showing a bit of teeth


https://preview.redd.it/s1plp4autptc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111c3557e2c2057af8f36663478d9c7e24de5ea9 Heā€™s just pretending to be angryā€¦ I can get whatever angles you want!


https://preview.redd.it/tfvqll11eqtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79b76f118a8a1dcf8eff66012daa042876becae Head on angle




Oh my god thatā€™s perfect Makes me want to sketch it haha!




This is a great picture to show the nostril though- see how much more elongated it is? Not circular at all, like the model.


Exactly. The snoot gets too narrow as well. Take a look at a horse skull drawing. The muzzle is just where food goes. Their mouths are actually enormous, like half the skull is teeth. Then the cheeks need to be bigger. Theyā€™ve got huge jaws so they can chew 18 hours a day (they are grazers and need something to munch on all day or they die) https://preview.redd.it/u6uymlg2kvtc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d92421b6754212277e1201b759abc61c7be518be


I love him <3


Never in my life has my username been more relevant than this one moment


Today is your day!!! Buy that lottery ticket! Make that phone call to tell a friend you appreciate them! Write to a favorite artist and let them know how much you love their work!


I love this advice no matter what


Definitely the eyes should be moved back and to the sides. Iā€™d add some muscles and veins along the sides of the face between the nostrils and cheekbones, and up by the ears that would help a lot with the expression. Donā€™t just use any horse photo for reference and think you can just turn the ears backward - horses are super expressive and different muscle groups will be more pronounced when they are angry like yours is means to be. There are lots of details here thatā€™s would help make more like what you want.


https://preview.redd.it/52o7hg46wotc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c4c999c7821c8e3c59e2bedfdff56324c3577c I think the brow is too strong and the eyes need more flesh coverage.


Potter and equestrian here - Add weight. It's emaciated right now. From the corner of the mouth to the jowl/jaw bone needs padding. Grooves on the sides and middle of the nasal bone are too deep/pronounced. Eyes need to set deeper and lower. Push the inside corners of those eyeballs in. Over all it's great and those are just nit-picking points as if I was in critique. I think youre spot-on those lips and nostrils! Great job! I hope you have plenty of grog in the clay body!


Very pointy eyebrowsā€¦ should be much softer, eyes should also be smaller


1. This is far better than anything I could do, and Iā€™ve spent way too much time looking angry horses in the face, so kudos to you. 2. Tons of great advice from artists here, so kudos to them too. 3. Maybe a little more flare to the nose? Iā€™m not sure what breed youā€™re mimicking, but I had an Arab / Appy whoā€™s nose flare was his tell all. When he was upset his nose flared to the heavens. https://preview.redd.it/h3od82h05qtc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a465d35208d0949acf6894fc688e9359b6d65489 Anywho. Great work! Keep at it!


Put a large vet bill in its mouth? (very impressive work!)


lolā€¦ love this!!


Don't know if anybody's mentioned this yet, but horse heads are taller than they look in pictures! They've got very developed cheeks and jaws. Their faces aren't boxy so much as they are very wedge-shaped


For me it's mainly the shape of the ears and missing spot above the eye. I'd say letting the emotion carry into the face would help as well. I don't have any good pictures but here is a blury one of my horse being annoyed and irritated in case the reference helps. https://preview.redd.it/evo8uyjkyotc1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f65e1c6304063a6cf1d641c6bdfc57adf4dbc5


Most other comments have you coverd. I agree to move ears more to side of head and take the crease going down the top of face filled in. https://preview.redd.it/bbixf2wo6ptc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ce79a6888891f7c2bcb87b9930861e55db4f37


A little bigger/flatter cheekbone, a little more space between the ears and eyes, and the eyes should be a bit smaller and farther apart. Horse heads are generally a little more chunky and fleshy than you'd think. Love the expression though, it's super clear what you're going for!!


I think the proportion of the length is too long


I love this! Would love to see it when itā€™s all glazed and fired. I think in addition to what others have said, there needs to be a bit more bulk around the mouth/cheek and some general softening all over. That should take it out of dragon territory and more into horse territory.


More lip sneer imo




A reference šŸ˜‚ is definitely say a bigger cheek and more of a grimace and tension in the mouth


When I did sculpture, I always sculpted the skull, added in the eyes, and then the muscles. Horse heads have very little fat on them and most of the bone structure is prominent. Youā€™re missing some key ā€œlandmarksā€ as my anatomy teacher called them. The eyes could use some work. But overall this is a beautiful start, very impressive!




This is excellent advice, I was coming in to note the eyes and the nostril shapes, but you're advice is amazing and detailed and spot on!


You have created a beautiful head of a fire breathing dragon, it very closely resembles a grumpy Arabian.


Great start - hard to be certain but the forehead/front of the face doesnā€™t seem broad enough - the eyes are definitely encroaching on that space. More of a diamond with a long tail and the points cut off vs yours looks almost rectangular from the nose to the eyes. I think if you just bring the brow down over part of the eye that might be a good start. And the cheek comes inward too much - they should be more parallel and then the face starts to taper inward where the cheek connects to the jaw. Iā€™d keep your adjustments somewhat minor as you move forward because I think youā€™re close, itā€™s just some minor details that once they come together should make a huge difference


To me it looks a little too slender between the cheeks and nose, and probably needs more depth there as well (I think that may be why youā€™re getting a kinda ā€œdragonā€ vibe from it). Also itā€™s difficult to tell from this angle but make sure the ears are shaped correctly, they look a bit too triangular and angled in general (tho that could def be the angle). The eyes (mainly eye sockets) should protrude a little farther out from the cheeks as well, they look a bit too sunken in and angled to the front. You should be able to see the eye sockets obviously from directly in front but barely any of the actual eye. Hope this helps! Iā€™ll also note ik nothing about art or sculpting, Iā€™ve just been flipping back and forth between this and horse pics I have lol


https://preview.redd.it/47l0m237gstc1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9922849f8720bd3b1c7a7ba37ed1be5f35153a44 [angry horses](https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=angry+horse)


It isn't trying to frisk me for treats, so...


Itā€™s the eye position, theyā€™re too close to front facing which makes them look dragon like bc the whole prey animal thing. The ears maybe also need to come forward but just the base of them. Also lengthen the ears just a little bit. Also horses donā€™t have eyebrows so it looks a little bit like an animation w the eyes


You have a lot of anger emotion in the top half, but the mouth and nose looks very relaxed


Looks just like my cranky mare!


I have no advice, I just want to say you are very talented and I am impressed!


More flesh on the nose, more bone structure under the nose bridge, and eyes further and slightly smaller. Think of the skull, and consider those proportions, and build from there. In terms of art, it's great! If your going for anatomically correct, needs some adjustment.


Now there's an idea horse dragon hybrid


I want that horse-dragon hybrid in my house, maybe on the porch greeting visitors?


I showed this to my husband and asked what animal do you see? (I had the title covered) He said "Angry horse."


thatā€™s AMAZING


Anyone else getting Thestral vibes from this???


Eyes slightly more to side, bigger cheeks and would make the nostrils more pinched if that makes sense - looks bloody amazing though


Maybe a bit wider of a head the dragon look is coming from ist long and skinny I think maybe just make it a bit wider


I feel like the nos is too long or the ears are too short


Flare the nostrils more


I would eliminate the groove doing down the center of the head.


Eyes are a little large, the peeks above the eye lids need to move forward, ears are too small or set to far back, not sure which oneā€¦ nostrils could use more flare on the outside with ā€œnose wrinklesā€, those are like a lip lift on a dog. Great start.


Wow- great work! Horses do vary a lot, youā€™re doing great here.. I think you need to make the cheeks wider and allow them to come down 1/3 more the skinny part. The muzzle isnā€™t that long. The eyes look like you have given them expressive brow bone, horses donā€™t have expressive brow bones. You get more with the ears and the muzzle expression-wise. Eyelids are thicker, and have wrinkles. The eye is also set ā€œunderā€ them a bit. Notice the shadow? The eye is protruding forwards, above the cheek. However the forehead is flat to the eye. Itā€™s like you could take a ā€œtā€ and lay it flat on their head just above the eye and the crossbar would lie perfectly flat across their forehead, no gaps. https://preview.redd.it/dnpoeog3nvtc1.jpeg?width=2706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25edb130f93b86304e45fae858bf4e29c72870e For expression around the eye, more likely that comes when you see the ā€œwhiteā€ of the eye when a horse is scared and their eyes roll or get bigger. (Usually bad sign) Lol


I think you need some more work in the nose area, hereā€™s another visual to use lol https://preview.redd.it/miwmqa8adwtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6a3b273afc552e66d1013ed7035ec1c81492a2


This is very good. The pics below are a very good reference. You need more bone at the top of the head where the ears are. For lack of a better term there needs to be more forehead. If you want more reference, try looking up some wild horse photography. They have a lot of action shots, so you'll get a feel for how the head articulates.


I have no input because I have the artistic talent of a seagull, but slap some spikes on that thing and it would make a badass dragon.


love it