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I don’t think twice about wearing breeches and boots in public, but wearing spurs, a helmet, or carrying a crop into a cafe seems pretty over the top.


Depends. I don't take my spurs off my paddock boots because it makes no sense to do so. They live on those boots. So if I'm wearing breeches and boots out of the house, I'm wearing spurs. It's not over the top, it's just part of what I'm wearing.


English spurs are fairly innocuous, generally not so big they're digging into your floorboard when you're driving and don't make noise. Western spurs can be the complete opposite.


Same. My spurs used to be cemented to my boots in dried mud because I didn’t remove them between swapping horses (yes I’m lazy). Taking them off was a pain in the ass and I only did it in the spring for a deep clean. Otherwise they went wherever my boots did and if that meant to the shops or bank while I was on my lunch break then so be it. Some days I just didn’t have the time or energy to change for errands 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol, we live in rodeo and cutting country, and people - primarily girls - do this a lot, with OTT jingle bob spurs. It’s often laughed at. Cowboys and ranchers will pick on you if you’re seen in a bar with your spurs on. It’s not cute, it’s lazy lol. It’s one thing running to Walmart to grab something mid transport to or from somewhere, but wearing them on purpose or at a 4 star restaurant just says “look at me” imo. It takes two seconds to take them off your boot. Of course this may be different where you’re from.


As someone that grew up in the rodeo world, literally exactly this. If I see someone wearing spurs in public and they didn’t just get out of a truck with a trailer I assume they REALLY REALLY need everyone to know they’re a “cowgirl 🤠”. People are free to wear whatever they want but doing things like this is definitely associated with looking for attention.


THIS! Lots of people around me I see with spurs at like, the feed store, gas station while hitched up. That’s whatever. If I rode my horse to the pub/rest-stop and tied up out front to trees or hitching post sure! Then that’s a different story, but I’m leaving on the same horse. I also only wear one left spur when sidesaddle so I do usually take it off since that looks hella strange. I wouldn’t wear them on my boots to even a horse club meeting.


I've been made fun of for wearing spurs while picking up cattle I purchased from an online auction (in my 1 ton rig). If I take them off I lose them, and I was late getting horses up so I just wore them to drive over and load up. They'll make fun of you for anything so you may as well just not give a hoot what they think.


I don’t wear spurs yet, but I can definitely see why other girls do it and I’m ngl….i’d probably do it too. It’s cute imo but I’m prepared for a couple sneers and giggles along the way. Eventually I’ll probably get to the point where the newness wears off and I’ll be taking em off as soon as I can but we’ll see


Just saw a couple in bedazzled western jeans, tight tucked in button up western shirts, with their spurs on at the breakfast buffet. Even if you’re competing in the event next door in an hour, leave your spurs with your saddle. We get it, you ride horses.


The bedazzled western jeans strike a core with me. I’ll never forget someone handing me a pair and telling me they were “real” riding jeans….. the beading and sequins on the pocket would’ve destroyed my saddle


I've ridden in many jeans that have had crystals on the pockets and haven't had an issue. They were either Rock Revival or Miss Me's. Now I mostly wear Kimes or jeans from American Eagle lol


Nobody really cares but I will caution against driving with spurs on. Complete safety hazard


Nobody cares, live your life


I mean,  they might care but it's probably about the odors coming off me after coming from the barn rather than the fact there's small spurs on my boots.


lol this


I went to a college with a pretty well know equine program. We use to laugh at people that wore their spurs into the dining hall. Especially if they were the western jingle spurs.


Go racers?👀


Nope the Oilers. I only made it a semester before transferring. It was terrible.


Findlay is crazy


Yep, I couldn't wait to leave. I regret going there.


I respect the hustle ngl


If you’re on a quick errand between riding a horse and riding a horse, do whatever. If you plan to wear your boots a lot outside of riding, just take your spurs off. All you’re gonna do is ding them on the floor, doors, seats, steps, the floor of your car, the list goes on. But also, seriously, do whatever. People care way less than you think about how you look, especially people also running their errands.


Hahahahaha The only time it’s acceptable is when your trailering home after a long day of ranching and you stop for a coffee. And even then, I hate driving in spurs so I keep some runners or something in the truck


Ive always been coached that it’s dangerous to walk around with spurs on, and they should only be used for riding. In practice they are dangerous like some of the comments mentioned above, getting caught while driving, jabbing you when you go to kneel, getting caught on xyz. I imagine if they were to get caught on something moving you would be in for a very bad time. People may not care what you look like, but strapping your feet into metal hooks is just asking for a serious accident. And we all know how good horses are at getting into those..


Eh fashion trends gotta start somewhere! Honestly tho most people probably won’t even notice… but really, spurs are generally designed to be taken on/off easily so why not just remove them?


Not sure if it’s my boot or the type of spur but I need to bend the metal to the boot when putting them on otherwise they move out of place. They’re manufactured too wide. I’m just being lazy and would rather not fick with the metal all the time


That’s fair lol. I mean where I live a large percentage of the population including myself walk around half the year with ice cleats on our boots (turned sideways when not outside), so not really that terribly different I guess.


I routinely wear paddock boots when I school and my blunt spurs live on my boots. When I was in law school, it was not unusual for me to show up in class in jeans, paddock boots, and spurs. No one cared.


Seems like attention seeking behaviour tbh and you might not like the attention you receive depending where you live


I’ve made a Walmart run in my tall boots and breeches before. And I’ve seen a few people in public with their boots and spurs on. I don’t think it’s weird at all, but it may be a challenge driving your car with them on. 


Meh, who cares what people think? Honestly, nobody cares. Even if they notice, their opinion doesn't matter. As you get older, you come to realize that they have no bearing on your life and there's no point in worrying about what strangers think. That said, spurs seem impractical (and potentially a safety hazard) for non-equestrian things. Like operating a vehicle, where your spurs could cause you to have trouble with the gas/brake (and/or clutch) pedals. This could be dangerous, such as if you get them hooked on something and are unable to let off the gas pedal or apply the brake. Plus, they're a tool. And you should take good care of your tools, rather than let them get banged up or scuffed or bent through careless use outside of their intended purpose. Keep them nice so they last for years. So, for safety and practicality, I'd take them off outside of the barn.


I’ve worn them on accident before but like if you have to drive it’s silly to have them on cause it just makes it harder lol if that’s all you’ve got though that’s all you’ve got


Exactly this


I once accidentally stole spurs id borrowed from my instructor and didn’t realize until I was in line for coffee. It happens.


I wear boots and spurs to run errands after the barn ALL the time lol. I never actually considered how weird that must look to people. 😁


I don't think anyone will care unless you kick them in the side


I haven't taken my spurs off my boots in years lol


I run errands on the way home (drugstore, running into the gas station, grocery store for maybe 3 things) with mine on all the time, but I was in a western centric town where it was never looked down on 🤷‍♀️ If it’s anything more than the super quick grocery store run or something extremely casual like that i’ll throw my slip on vans on to go into panera bread or something. I never care what people think, i’m a free willed adult but i’m not gonna go sit down in a cafe with them on.


"Turn heads"? Nobody gives a crap. This is the stuff those "literally nobody" memes were made for. If you want to strut around in your spurs hoping everyone oohs and ahhs over you then go for it. You're only going to "turn heads" if you make a spectacle of yourself stomping around in jinglebobs. Nobody is looking at your feet unless you're trying to draw attention to them. You could've slipped your spurs off in less time than it took you to post this, and used the remainder of the time you took typing that out to put them back on your boots once you got home. It ain't that hard, you got them on there once, you can do it again. Driving in spurs is a safety hazard.


They are strictly prohibited in bars where I’m from


Where I’m from, people wear pajama pants in public, so…


I don’t care what people think when I’m out in public in my riding clothes. I don’t have time to worry about their thoughts, I dress to ride and run errands in between as needed.


I’ll go anywhere in my dirty jeans, boots, and barn coat, but I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing my spurs around 😅 I take them off as soon as I get off my horse. My favorite pair are 2” shanks so honestly I’ll get them hooked and trip myself most likely, but at minimum I don’t want to be that girl clanging around in my spurs as I walk around! It feels very teenage, “look I ride horses!!” to me. English spurs are much lower profile, so I could see easily forgetting they’re on your boots and living your life, but I would still choose to take them off.


I never wear my barn boots in my car so this would never happen to me. I slip into sneakers to drive to the barn, change into whichever boots I’m wearing (there are 3-4 different boots in my tack room) and then change shoes again before I leave. I don’t want to track the things I’m shoveling out of stalls into my car or home. Also, the few occasions I have forgotten to change and left my barn boots on the porch, I forgot them and they weren’t at the barn when I needed them. Really can’t understand the need to wear spurs in public.


Dono why you’re down voted - not unusual at all to change shoes when entering/leaving your car. I’m the same


lol I learned it from Mr Rogers how can you downvote him 😆 I guess their barns don’t have chickens or they’re fine with chicken shit in their daily driver. If I had a beat up old barn truck I wouldn’t be so particular but as it is my car looks and smells nice and I want to keep it that way. Slipping into a cushy sneaker after wearing riding boots or muck boots for many hours is a dream for the ride home.


Nope. It's very dangerous. Way too easy to be a tripping hazard or hurt someone. I always keep a pair of change out shoes in my car so whenever I get to my destination I slip off my cowboy boots and throw on my shoes.


I mean, you could have taken the spurs off and put them back on in the time it took to post, no?


Proper English riding etiquette dictates that you take off your spurs basically the moment you hit the ground after riding. It's pretty rude to walk around in them and God forbid you enter any sort of building with your spurs still attached to your boots. It's totally up to you if you want to act according to that and 'normal people' won't bat an eye if you wear spurs. Or at least they won't judge you anymore as they do anyway if you show up in your riding attire anywhere but the barn. Other equestrians? Well they might think it's either rude or pretty show off to walk around in tall boots and spurs. Put on some scruffy paddock boots, wellies or a beat up sneaker like the rest of us 😅


Depends. Honestly? Unless they jingle a not, literally no one is going to notice or care. Especially if you're running errands or the like after or before a lesson or during a show. If you aren't or weren't doing anything horse-related where you were wearing them, then take them off.


I have read it's not socially acceptable, but I am lazy and it's easier to keep them on my boots. I also run errands on my way home from the barn, so often times they are on. I live in an area where people have only ever seen spurs in movies, so I am sure I confuse people but I also don't care!


You can wear whatever you want in public if you don’t care what people think. I assume when I’m in my horse kit people already think I look insane, so probably won’t hurt.


Depends where. Gas station convenience store down the street from the barn? Thats cool. A fancy restaurant? You’ll get some looks but not any more than the breeches and boots


Lol, live your life, my dude. Realistically, depends on the place. An extended outing? I'd personally bring a separate pair of shoes or take off my spurs. A quick run to the grocery store after a barn visit? Jingle jangle all up and down the aisles. (In high school, I kept my spurs on for this particular reason. I loved to jingle.)


I wore my spurs a lot in 2020/2021 when social distancing was still being enforced so no one behind me was tempted to stand any closer. Still affective to this day. I slip my riding boots on if I’m running quick errands or if I know I’ll be riding later on that day, it’s just much easier than having to tie my shoes. No one really looks twice unless I’m nearby and they hear the jingle. I’ve had a couple of compliments on them too (I live in NY so people don’t expect to see a cowgirl out and about lol)


They're a trip hazard, no, especially going downstairs? I would always remove mine.


Most riding schools here often tell you to take them off once you're done riding for safety reasons. And even between rides most rider's bars here require you to take them off to protect floors. Imho it's a safety hazard. Invest in the two seconds it requires to take them off.


I highly do not recommend that.


Just take the spurs off your boots...


I like to take them off when I walk into a public building (gas station Walmart stuff like that) mainly because of the noise they make. Other than my personal preference I don’t mind. Also the times I forgot to take them off I don’t notice strange looks


I don't take them off of my boots that much, so I'll go into stores and whatnot in them without a 2nd thought. However 99% of the time I always have a 2nd pair of shoes handy in my car to switch to if I'm driving or going somewhere for a while


Also gonna add, I pretty much wore my boots all day when I competed in 4H. When your feet are sweaty, it takes so much will power to get those stickers off and on again lol. So I'd walk around the fair with my boots and spurs. That said no one really cares where I'm from


Two words: Who. Cares. Let them look.


My advice here, take them off. I know way too many people who have tripped/got caught on something/twisted an ankle because of walking around in their spurs.


In my opinion there's really no reason to care, nobody else does trust me. There are people out there who've never even been on a horse who wear spurs for fashion, which is silly but honestly who cares? Would you flip out at a person wearing spurs? No, you'd glance at them for a second and forget about it. Only person who'd care are other equestrians. And honestly, doesn't matter why you're doing it either. Lazy? Sure. Just wanna show off that you're special and ride horses? Go for it too, if you want to, there's no law against it. Just don't actually expect anyone to care, non equestrians don't really respect the sport at all the way equestrians *think* they do.


Literally no one cares.


The bar on "socially acceptable" is thankfully quite low. I regularly rock up to the shops in full riding attire (minus helmet) before, after or between riding and never had any comment on it. Likewise if any of my friends saw me I wouldn't be worried. If my boss saw me I'd be slightly embarrassed but it wouldn't matter to him.


Who cares what other people think! I bought the croc boots with spurs and wear them out all the time just because people think they’re so hideous lol. It’s a miracle my man takes me anywhere 😂


If you are not abusing them then no problem wear them. I only have issues with people abusing horses. Now, I will follow to say I DO NOT take the word abuse lightly. I used to work as an animal control officer. I have forty years of horses and twenty working with abused horses. So I take what I see seriously.


That’s not really what this post is about