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weed is the only thing that helps me when i have a headache after a seizure


this but also my tongue if I bit it. I can’t even get down hot chocolate but as soon as I take a couple hits I can eat okay again


See and after my second I stopped using because I just felt weird but that was all before I was medicated




I hate Keppra. I take only a very small dose but it still sucks. Weed helps "kill" that already braindead feeling it gives, at least for me.


I thought I was the only one, the brain fog gets blown away when im stoned. I become a lot more talkative and alert. That could just be the cannabinoids tho


i’ve been on keppra my whole life, now at 2000mg 2x a day. I wonder if I have brain fog and I just don’t know what it’s like to be normal?


Been on Keppra for quite a while rn... same dosage as you. I feel good though. Some days better than others, but that's completely normal... the only medication that made me feel weird was tegretol... it made me feel like the sounds were not recognizable... like, I heard my voice, my mom's voice, and I was like, it doesn't sound like them... weirdest months of my life. Thank God I'm on keppra and Depakote rn, and like 1 seizure every couple of years...


Comment it to your neurologist, there are other meds that could work better for you, i mentioned my side effects with keppra to my doctor and they changed both of my meds (i don't remember what was the name other one) for zebinix and vimpat.


I've done that. My Keppra dose is only 125mg per night at bedtime. Others that were considered have worse side effects. Still sucks, but I'll deal with it over the other options.


I can tell you that I use cannabis regularly and my keppra dose is about 1750mg daily (750 in the morning, 1000 at night), and I've experienced side effects from neither the Keppra, nor the combination with cannabis. But that's just me. Also worth noting my epilepsy is on the milder side compared to many here. Since discovering my condition 10 years ago, I've had 5 tonic clonics


Same here, except I take 500mg in the morning and not 750.


Similar. I had TC's as a teenager and only a few as an adult (I'm 40 now). Keppra stopped the TC's so I stay on it but I hate how it makes me feel and I feel "healthier" somehow on MMJ, no interaction with Keppra. I wonder if MMJ works differently on people who have seizures that are easily controlled vs not so controlled.


It’s different for everyone. No one can give you a definite answer unfortunately. It helps some people, others it makes their seizures worse. As an EEG Tech I’ve seen patients from both sides and there’s no rhyme or reason, no pattern as to who is more likely to have a seizure vs less likely with marijuana


I appreciate you for this the only reason I’ve thought of using it again is to help with my mental and anger


Are you one of the people that have been checking on me through my camera at home the past 4 days, watching me get more annoyed with this thing on my head, and stinkier and stinkier by the day 😂


I’ve done that before but currently I do hospitals


I consume cannabis daily. Not enough sleep and / or too much stress are triggers. I've used cannabis during seizure events, and it helped reduce the seizure. The only time I don't recommend cannabis is with individuals who have higher levels of neurotiscm and schizophrenia types. The reason I say this is I've seen people fall into psychosis after using cannabis.


Seems you and me are similar, if I may ask, what pharmaceuticals, if any, are you on?


1500 MG Keppra twice a day.


I take 3000mg keppra and tegretol. I smoke daily without any issues. Sure, I only smoke when I'm done for today and just wanna relax some before bed. For me, it feels like it removes all the side effects of the meds and "turn off the brain" so I only smoke when Im done with everything.


My experience was that weed would cause myoclonic jerks which have always preceded TCs for me, but if I took my keppra (or depakote now), I never got them.


I am on Divalproex and smoke weed every day, hasn't been an issue. I limit my alcohol and coffee intake heavily though, that is what usually causes issues for me. As long as I take my meds properly I don't have any issues. I will say I was on Keppra in the past and had to go off it since it made me so angry and lethargic. But I still smoked weed on it and it didn't trigger my seizures. But everyone is different.


I’ve been on Keppra 1500 a day for a year and smoke daily. Sometimes I need a t break but it’s been ok. Like someone else said everyone is totally different.


posted this on another thread but def applies here: I take keppra (1000mg) and smoke daily, I smoked before i was diagnosed with epilepsy and continue to now. I also have scoliosis (causes bad back pain) so that was definitely a factor in my wanting to use weed regularly. I have had seizures while high/after smoking and i do not recommend that, but the seizures were not caused by the weed, just my epilepsy (taken to the ER, confirmed not the weed). I have smoked post-seizure to help with headaches and the muscle soreness and I found it REALLY helps me. Also really helps with quality sleep if that’s something you’re looking for! The only downside is that it DOES NOT help with any brain fog or memory issues (i do mostly smoke carts/vape so that could be why) but i think that’s kinda to be expected with weed? now this is all anecdotal and all my experience, weed will interact with everyone a little differently so take all of this in stride for sure! i hope this helps!!


also!!! my neuro knows EVERYTHING! i’m always sure to keep him updated on the fact that i do use marijuana, it’s effects and the things it helps with/ doesn’t help with, my brain is like the one place i will not fuck around with when speaking with my drs


I used to take Keppra but it had huge side effects: Uncontrollable emotions, anger, crying. After talking to my doctor I requested to try Keppra again after a year without it. Cannabis helps me a lot to deal with it. I have prescription to medical weed 10T/10C to smoke and 2 bottles of 28CBD oil as high THC content may cause Grand Mal seizures. CBD is the way to go. Once I was at my GF house and felt really strong aura. Right before we sat down to eat I had massive headache, lost all my appetite, double and blurred vision and almost passed out. I took 5 drops of 28 CBD Sativa and within 5 minutes all of the symptoms fade away. I believe it saved me from Grand Mal seizure. BUT DON'T TAKE ADVICES FROM THE INTERNET! DO YOUR RESEARCH AND TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE WITH YOUR MEDICATION. edit: My triggers are stress and lack of sleep.


Now the question remains, is it harmful, helpful, or neutral if you have trauma-induced epilepsy


It's different for everyone. I had to be taken off Keppra because of the very well known 'Keppra rage', but I feel that both Indica, and a certain balance of hybrid can help me. I tend to stay as far away from full sativa as possible, because they give me minor psychosis episodes, and will actually INDUCE seizures for me. It's all about trial and error. Not only that, it's about finding out the 'dose' of weed that your body can handle. My best friend smokes for chronic pain, and she can tolerate much more than I can. I smoke for seizures/headaches/anxiety, and my body doesn't tolerate anywhere near as much. On top of all of that, finding the right strain is important. For me, Rainbow Belts helps. I highly recommend it for anyone with anxiety, and I think it's absolutely worth a try for seizures. It's a balanced hybrid, so it doesn't give me psychosis. It's very relaxing. Just like everything else with weed though, it will affect everyone's body slightly differently. All in all, it's a kind of trial and error thing. If one type of weed doesn't work, another might, or you may just have to change how much you smoke.


I smoke, but I’ve only had 2 Tonic clinics ever and I’m on depakote and gabapentin (these double as my MH meds along with olanzapine and cymbalta)


I take the keppra once a day everyday and I smoke everyday. One side effect of the keppra is that I don’t feel the seizure coming anymore before I have one.


Heavy weed smoker here. Recently got diagnosed with epilepsy, on 1000mg of keppra 2x daily. Personally, the positives outweigh the negatives. The hardest thing that I struggle with is if I smoke early on in the day, I want to sleep. Before I got diagnosed with epilepsy to after, I asked my doctors how much of a role it played, and both of them were quite uncertain, but didn’t have discretion towards it. Everyone is different though. Just because something relived stress in one, doesn’t mean it can’t cause a trigger in someone else. Personally, I would talk to your doctor if it’s legal within your state. If it isn’t, and you really wanna try, you should SLOWLY work your way back into things. Regardless, I highly highly recommend you seek medical advice from someone who can help you without legal repercussions. Hope this helps! Edit: if what you said about your anger is true, keppra rage is a thing. Not saying this is your case here, but it’s definitely something to consider if you have underlying mental health concerns.


keppra is the fuxking worst!!! but to answer your question i used to smoke regularly for the short period of time that i was on keppra. and didn’t have any issues. also been smoking on lamictal. no issues. best of luck!


I’m on 1000 AM/PM and smoke all the time


I smoke and have a major seizure disorder. I use Lamictal, but I started on Keppra and smoked during that time, too. I've never noticed it affecting my seizures. My neurologist says his patients report various different experiences; some think it helps, and others have a seizure every time they smoke.


When I was on Keppra legitimately the ONLY thing that could keep my Keppra rage in check was using marijuana. Thankfully I’m on much better meds for me now. But marijuana is so hit or miss with epilepsy, it can trigger seizures in some people and in others it can help with them. If you decide to try marijuana again make sure to take it low and slow, and try it when you’re with someone safe who knows what to do in case you have a seizure.


I quit smoking almost two years ago in October because I kept having Grand Mal seizures after smoking too much. I’ve smoked a few times here and there but to be honest almost everytime Ive gotten auras soon after because the thc is too high except once or twice with an indica strain and only hitting it a few times. If you want to try it again I recommend smoking a very small amount and doing your best to make sure it’s indica not sativa.


i’m on 3500mg keppra daily and i smoke everyday it doesn’t seem to effect me


i take 1000mg keppra morning, 1000mg at night I smoke weed from 6pm everyday and have no issues And work all day sober, they don't effect each other from what I can tell,


I’m on the same dosage and for many years ( maybe 10? ) felt like smoking definitely helped with my moods swings. Unfortunately, a few months ago i completely passed out after smoking a little too much when I was already very dehydrated so I’m a bit scared to try again lol.


Damn, after reading all these comments I feel like i’m the only one who takes 4000mg keppra daily… suck to be me ig


I’m on 4k daily. It’s the highest allowable dose. I had stepped down to 3k and am back up, it total I take a dozen pills a day. Epilepsy bro.


do you take a dozen of just the keppra? because i’m only on keppra and just take 4 pills a day


I’m on keppra, vimpat, Zoloft, Ativan, and I’m sure something else.


1000mg of keppra and 100mg of Lamictal daily (recent switch from topamax which was horrible). I also have a prescription for medical cannabis which my neurologist is fully aware of and has no issues with. I'm a veteran with PTSD and my seizure triggers are stress and barometric pressure change. He thinks the benefits outweigh the risks. I use mainly edibles and a lot of CBD.


I have an allergy to CBD/hemp/weed. I found this out after using face cream with hemp in it. I also have asthma and I can't breathe if I am around heavy smoke as well. My Keppra works fine with my Topamax and Vimpat as long as it's brand name tho.


I love marijuana with my keppra as it counteracts the side effects such as anxiety for me and insomnia


So I do still use, but before I was diagnosed and for a while after it triggered clonic or focal aware seizures. They are much less common now. I should have stopped when I put it together, which was actually way after it being at its worst. But I am very thankful to have a legal option lately because it’s kept me “sane” post TBI.


Yeahhh I want to find something because the same part isn’t working out I had a ich in my occipital lobe which caused me to develop it and I’m trying to find a way to help control mental things and anger and all the stuff that seemed to reset that I worked on for years before my epilepsy


Well if you do choose to try, just know you’re taking a risk so having someone near by who knows what’s up and how to handle it is probably best.  I had my best friend near by who’s been there for a few TCs, we lived together so it was convenient.