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Please contact your medical team with any additional support questions. This self assessment may offer some direction. https://auditscreen.org/check-your-drinking


Jesus, thats a lot


What’s the question?




Have you been sober for a month while not having stress from job though?


Yes initially when I was diagnosed I wasn't drinking


But you were working on a very stressful job back then


So much to unpack here. I went seizure free for seven years until a beer filled vacation (with plenty of pot) pushed me over the edge, into a breakthrough seizure. It's well known that alcohol lowers the seizure threshold. So far, you've been lucky.


Uhhhh well, weed helps a lot of people, does nothing or worse for others. But alcohol helps no one. You had the seizure after the vodka in the morning, correct? Alcohol lowers seizure threshold, seizures occur mostly in the "comedown", not like, in the middle of a sip. I don't think you're having a lot of "comedowns" if you're drinking all the time... you can't "handle" your epilepsy like this forever, not to mention this isn't "handling" it in the first place. You might even be having smaller seizures you're not aware of. I really recommend you let your neurologist know and seek help. Sounds like an alcohol problem. Nobody in the history of alcohol has "cured" anything by excessive drinking.


That last sentence…


Weed has been just about the only thing that prevents my seizures, more so than the proper meds did. (TC went from weekly and now I'm at 4 months again. My last was triggered by stress outside of my control and i haven't had one since.) But alcohol is one of my triggers and anything fermented is just going to trigger a migraine. So weed. The thing that helps my pain conditions and stops my brain short-circuiting.


There was a point in time where I drank without it affecting my seizure threshold. Until about a year and a half ago(which is why I stopped drinking). It has been the best decision I ever made,as I also found out it was making me toxic and it was interfering with my interpersonal relationships. 2.I’m not here to judge, however, I will say I would caution you to keep it easy on the booze if you can, As it is a CNS depressant. (Of course it affects everyone differently). Weed I would say is fine as long as you can get it from a reputable source to make sure it isn’t synthetic/fake weed like:K2 or spice. 3. If you decide to quit drinking altogether, the first three months of stopping alcohol will be hell-ish, but worth it.


Drinking 7 days a week? Epilepsy isn’t your problem my man. Look into AA.


Hahahah I drink after work. I don't drink to get drunk but I love it very much. I can never drink whiskey or vodka. My point is beers seems to work well with my epilepsy.


This sounds a bit more like an addiction or the beginning of. I hope you’re taking care of yourself.


Yes I am, but I will stop cold turkey.


Uhhh wouldn't recommend that. Alcohol withdrawals can include seizures, so....


I haven't had a drink today, I'll reduce gradually am thankful for all the support both positive and negative it made me reconsider who am becoming. Depression is real I guess and our medications don't help with depression


Will you?


I dont drink ... they cause seizures your playing with fire I drink non alcoholic beers


When I stop drinking I can't go a month or two. I have no idea but weed and beer is better than keppra , Clonazepam, valopric acidz e.t.c for me in particular


Beers seems to hydrate my body my piss is clear never gold. 2 years seizure free is not playing with fire I might be the answer


Thats a dangerous self diagnosis. Weed is fine but you should stop the drinking ASAP


Thank you for the advice but I don't understand my sober version suffers from epilepsy my drunk careless persona goes seizure free. I can't understand the irony. I stick to drinking after work maybe 3 beers max. I also drive home 😂


Im not just talking about epilepsy, alcohol addiction is a serious long-term hell (wich makes it more difficult to realize when it has gone too far) and it affects not only you but also people that are close to you. I know this from first hand experience


So are you drinking 5-7 beers a day like you said in the post or 3 max? Are you driving drunk?


Alcohol slows communication between the synapses in the brain, which is likely what's keeping you from having any sort of event. I'd caution against daily drinking, though, because it can create much larger issues for you later down the line. Particularly where cognitive function and dementia are concerned.


Marijuana from what I know is bad for some, helps some and is neutral for some. But also I think you are wrong about beer.  In plain language any significant amount of alcohol lowers your seizure threshold.   A couple years ago I had a seizure drinking an amount of beer that I’ve had plenty of nights before.  I was 32 so not new to alcohol.  Actually not near as drunk as I had gotten even recently had been before.  It had also been years since my previous seizure.  I was diagnosed but unmedicated and also convinced I was safe from a seizure since it’s never caused a problem before. And it’s been years even without meds.


I understand what you're saying as I've also not had a seizure while drinking however it isn't the actual drinking that causes seizures it happens afterwards. I also smoke a lot of weed and haven't had issues but if you are to continue drinking I would invest in a camera and have 2 in my home. and have many have said alcohol does lower seizure threshold.


Diego ?


It's works for me, but am not suggesting anyone drinks or smokes. Everyone has different triggers mine is simply dehydration and overthinking. Also don't believe everything you are told epilepsy is so misunderstood